Last Revised: August 16, 2022
Locked Rate and Variable Rate Tuition FAQs
What is my tuition rate code?
Tuition and fees for undergraduate students are assessed based on assigned tuition rate codes.
Prospective Undergraduate Students will not have a tuition rate code. They should visit the Cost of Attendance
estimates on the Scholarships and Financial Aid website for estimated tuition and fees costs.
Incoming Undergraduate Students (Freshman, Transfers or Readmits) must select a tuition rate code before
being allowed to register for classes for the first time.
Continuing Undergraduate Students can view their tuition rate code in Howdy (, Howdy
Dashboard, then Overview, My Record, Academics, and Registration Readiness. Under Action Items, students
can select Tuition Rate Code Selection to view what tuition cohort they selected during the admission process,
though they can no longer change it.
How do I select my tuition rate code?
All incoming resident undergraduate students will have to select a tuition rate code in Howdy ( (My
Finances Tab in the Billing Tuition and Fees Channel) before being allowed to register for classes for the first time.
Locked Rate Tuition is not an option for non-resident students, so they will automatically be assigned the variable rate
code (TVR_VARI).
What do the tuition rate codes mean?
TLR stands for Tuition Locked Rate, and TVR stands for Tuition Variable Rate. The first three characters indicate which
tuition rate code the student selected. The last four characters of the Locked Rate tuition codes show the year the
student first entered college after high school. After the expiration of four years, students will pay the current year's
variable rates each term until completion.
First Entered College
Tuition Rate
Code In Howdy
Tuition Calculator
Rate Selection
Potentially Expires
Locked 2017-2018
Summer 2021
Locked 2018-2019
Summer 2022
Locked 2019-2020
Summer 2023
Locked 2020-2021
Summer 2024
2020-2021 academic year only
What is the difference between Locked Rate and Variable Rate tuition?
Locked Rate Tuition (TLR-Tuition Locked Rate): A tuition plan that would lock in the amount of tuition and required fees
for 12 consecutive semesters. This plan starts from the point of initial enrollment at any public or private institution
after high school and is only available to resident students.
The Locked (Fixed) Rate allows families to plan for a fixed cost of tuition and required fees for the remainder of the
student’s initial enrollment after high school.
Locked Rate Tuition is not available for non-resident students.
Variable Rate Tuition (TVR-Tuition Variable Rate): A tuition plan where the amount of tuition and required fees
increases annually based on factors such as inflationary cost increases, new strategic initiatives, and the overall needs of
the university.
The Variable Rate for the current academic year is lower than the Locked Rate; however, the rate increases annually.
These increases to the Variable Rate could result in overall tuition and fee charges that are higher than the overall
tuition and fee charges for the Locked Rate. The choice is comparable to choosing between a fixed interest rate
mortgage and a variable interest rate mortgage.
Last Revised: August 16, 2022
Should I choose Locked or Variable Rate tuition?
While we cannot tell you which choice is best for your situation, we can provide you with information to help you make
an informed decision. We recommend that you discuss the option with your parent or guardian.
In addition to the Locked and Variable Rate definitions provided above, here are some questions to consider when
making your choice:
How many semesters do I plan to attend Texas A&M University?
How many semesters do I have remaining before I finish my undergraduate degree?
How confident am I in my ability to complete my undergraduate degree within that time frame?
Could inflation impact the Variable Rate while I'm attending Texas A&M?
Would my family or I benefit from having a fixed cost of tuition and required fees?
Where can I view the cost difference between Locked and Variable Rate tuition?
You can use our Tuition Calculator ( to view the cost difference between the Locked Rate for the year
you first entered college (Example: Locked 2020-2021 on Tuition Calculator = TLR_2021 rate code in Howdy) and the
Variable Rate for the current year.
Tuition and required fees also vary depending on what college the student attends, so the Tuition Calculator will allow
you to view costs specific to your college.
Example costs per semester of 2018-2019 tuition and fees for a student in the College of Liberal Arts paying in-state
tuition and registered for 12 or more hours:
First Entered
Tuition Rate Code
In Howdy
Tuition Calculator
Rate Selection
Potentially Expires
In-state Tuition
Locked 2017-2018
Summer 2021
Locked 2018-2019
Summer 2022
Locked 2019-2020
Summer 2023
Locked 2020-2021
Summer 2024
2020-2021 only
How can I change my tuition rate code?
Incoming Undergraduate Students - Incoming first-year students and transfer/re-admit students may change
their selection up until the 5th class day of their first term of enrollment. Do so by logging in to your secure
Howdy portal with your NetID and password, then click on the Howdy Dashboard icon. Once in the Howdy
Dashboard, go to Overview, and select the drop-down under My Record. Under Academics, click on
Registration Readiness. Under Action Items, you’ll see Tuition Rate Code Selection; that is how incoming
students can view or change their tuition cohort.
Continuing Undergraduate StudentsContinuing students cannot change their tuition rate code after the 5
class day of their first term of enrollment.
What tuition rate code must I choose if my tuition and fees are covered by the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (TGTP)
or the Texas Tomorrow Promise Fund (TTPF)?
TGTP and TTPF should not be a factor in deciding which rate code to select. TGTP and TTPF will cover the guaranteed
amounts based on your plan eligibility regardless of which tuition rate code you choose.
Which tuition rate code should I choose if ROTC is paying my tuition?
ROTC will cover the guaranteed amounts regardless of which tuition rate code you select.
How does the tuition rate code affect me if I am on the Blinn team?
There is no difference for Blinn Team students. They must still select a tuition rate code.
Please visit and click on the Aggie Answersicon for additional information.