2d Session
S. P
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66922 CC
2d Session
S. P
Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations
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JESSE HELMS, North Carolina, Chairman
ROD GRAMS, Minnesota
BILL FRIST, Tennessee
JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware
JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts
, Staff Director
K. H
, Minority Staff Director
J. D
, Chief Counsel
, Minority Counsel
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Washington, DC, January 2, 2001.
Hon. J
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations,
U.S. Senate, Washington, DC.
. C
: In accordance with your request, we have
revised and updated the study ‘‘Treaties and Other International
Agreements: The Role of the United States Senate,’’ last published
in 1993. This new edition covers the subject matter through the
106th Congress.
This study summarizes the history of the treatymaking provi-
sions of the Constitution and international and domestic law on
treaties and other international agreements. It traces the process
of making treaties from their negotiation to their entry into force,
implementation, and termination. It examines differences between
treaties and executive agreements as well as procedures for con-
gressional oversight. The report was edited by Richard F.
Grimmett, Specialist in National Defense. Individual chapters were
prepared by policy specialists and attorneys of the Congressional
Research Service identified at the beginning of each chapter.
The Congressional Research Service would like to thank Richard
Douglas, Chief Counsel of the Committee, Edwin K. Hall, Minority
Staff Director of the Committee, Brian P. McKeon, Minority Coun-
sel of the Committee, and Robert Dove, Parliamentarian of the
Senate, for their comments on Senate procedures for consideration
of treaties. We would also like to thank Robert E. Dalton, Assistant
Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Department of State, and other
staff members of the Treaty Office for their assistance with various
factual questions regarding treaties and executive agreements.
P. M
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Letter of submittal ................................................................................................... iii
Introductory note ..................................................................................................... xi
I. Overview of the treaty process ............................................................................ 1
A. Background .................................................................................................. 2
The evolution of the Senate role .............................................................. 2
Treaties under international law ............................................................. 3
Treaties under U.S. law ............................................................................ 4
Executive agreements under U.S. law ..................................................... 4
(1) Congressional-executive agreements .......................................... 5
(2) Agreements pursuant to treaties ................................................. 5
(3) Presidential or sole executive agreements .................................. 5
Steps in the U.S. process of making treaties and executive agree-
ments ...................................................................................................... 6
Negotiation and conclusion ............................................................... 6
Consideration by the Senate ............................................................. 7
Presidential action after Senate action ............................................ 12
Implementation .................................................................................. 12
Modification, extension, suspension, or termination ....................... 13
Congressional oversight ..................................................................... 14
Trends in Senate action on treaties ......................................................... 14
B. Issues in treaties submitted for advice and consent ................................. 15
Request for consent without opportunity for advice ............................... 15
Multilateral treaties .................................................................................. 16
Diminishing use of treaties for major political commitments ............... 17
Unilateral executive branch action to reinterpret, modify, and termi-
nate treaties ........................................................................................... 18
Difficulty in overseeing treaties ............................................................... 19
Minority power .......................................................................................... 19
The House role in treaties ........................................................................ 19
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties ............................................. 20
C. Issues in agreements not submitted to the Senate ................................... 21
Increasing use of executive agreements .................................................. 22
Oversight of executive agreementsthe Case-Zablocki Act .................. 22
Learning of executive agreements ........................................................... 22
Determining authority for executive agreements ................................... 23
Non-binding international agreements .................................................... 23
D. Deciding between treaties and executive agreements .............................. 24
Scope of the treaty power; proper subject matter for treaties ............... 24
Scope of executive agreements; proper subject matter for executive
agreements ............................................................................................. 25
Criteria for treaty form ............................................................................. 26
II. Historical background and growth of international agreements .................... 27
A. Historical background of constitutional provisions ................................... 27
The Constitutional Convention ................................................................ 28
Debate on adoption .................................................................................... 29
B. Evolution into current practice ................................................................... 31
Washingtons administrations .................................................................. 32
Presidencies from Adams to Polk ............................................................. 35
Indian treaties ........................................................................................... 36
Conflicts and cooperation .......................................................................... 37
Executive agreements and multilateral agreements .............................. 38
Increasing proportion of executive and statutory agreements .............. 40
Growth in multilateral agreements ......................................................... 42
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III. International agreements and international law ........................................... 43
A. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties ....................................... 43
International law status ........................................................................... 43
Senate action on the convention .............................................................. 45
B. Treaty definition .......................................................................................... 49
C. Criteria for a binding international agreement ........................................ 50
Intention of the parties to be bound under international law ............... 50
Significance ................................................................................................ 51
Specificity ................................................................................................... 52
Form of the agreement ............................................................................. 52
D. Limitations on binding international agreements and grounds for in-
validation ....................................................................................................... 53
Invalidation by fraud, corruption, coercion or error ............................... 53
Invalidation by conflict with a peremptory norm of general inter-
national law (jus cogens) ....................................................................... 54
Invalidation by violation of domestic law governing treaties ................ 56
E. Non-binding agreements and functional equivalents ............................... 58
Unilateral commitments and declarations of intent ............................... 59
Joint communiques and joint statements ............................................... 60
Informal agreements ................................................................................. 61
Status of non-binding agreements ........................................................... 62
IV. International agreements and U.S. law .......................................................... 65
A. Treaties ......................................................................................................... 65
Scope of the treaty power ......................................................................... 65
Treaties as law of the land ....................................................................... 72
B. Executive agreements .................................................................................. 76
Congressional-executive agreements ....................................................... 78
Agreements pursuant to treaties ............................................................. 86
Presidential or sole executive agreements .............................................. 87
V. Negotiation and conclusion of international agreements ................................ 97
A. Negotiation ................................................................................................... 97
Logan Act ................................................................................................... 98
B. Initiative for an agreement; setting objectives .......................................... 100
C. Advice and consent on appointments ......................................................... 103
Unconfirmed presidential agents ............................................................. 105
D. Consultations during the negotiations ....................................................... 106
Inclusion of Members of Congress on delegations .................................. 109
E. Conclusion or signing .................................................................................. 111
F. Renegotiation of a treaty following Senate action ..................................... 112
G. Interim between signing and entry into force; provisional application .. 113
VI. Senate consideration of treaties ....................................................................... 117
A. Senate receipt and referral ......................................................................... 118
Senate Rule XXX ....................................................................................... 118
Executive sessionproceedings on treaties ............................................ 119
Action on receipt of treaty from the president ........................................ 119
B. Foreign Relations Committee consideration .............................................. 122
C. Conditional approval ................................................................................... 124
Types of conditions .................................................................................... 124
Condition regarding treaty interpretation .............................................. 128
Condition regarding supremacy of the Constitution .............................. 131
D. Resolution of ratification ............................................................................. 136
E. Senate floor procedure ................................................................................. 136
Executive session ....................................................................................... 136
Non-controversial treaties ........................................................................ 137
Controversial treaties ............................................................................... 138
Consideration of treaties under cloture ................................................... 141
Final vote ................................................................................................... 142
Failure to receive two-thirds majority ..................................................... 143
F. Return or withdrawal .................................................................................. 145
VII. Presidential options on treaties after Senate action ..................................... 147
A. Ratification ................................................................................................... 147
Ratification of the treaty .......................................................................... 147
Exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification (entry into force) ... 149
B. Resubmission of the treaty or submission of protocol .............................. 150
C. Inaction or refusal to ratify ......................................................................... 152
Procedure when other nations attach new conditions ............................ 153
VIII. Dispute settlement, rules of interpretation, and obligation to implement 157
A. Dispute settlement ...................................................................................... 157
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VIII. Dispute settlement, rules of interpretation, and obligation to imple-
A. Dispute settlementContinued
Conciliation ................................................................................................ 158
Arbitration ................................................................................................. 159
Judicial settlement .................................................................................... 161
B. Rules of interpretation ................................................................................ 163
C. Obligation to implement .............................................................................. 166
IX. Amendment or modification, extension, suspension, and termination of
treaties and other international agreements ..................................................... 171
A. Introduction .................................................................................................. 171
B. Amendment and modification ..................................................................... 176
Treaties ...................................................................................................... 176
Executive agreements ............................................................................... 183
C. Extension ...................................................................................................... 184
Treaties ...................................................................................................... 184
Executive agreements ............................................................................... 187
D. Suspension ................................................................................................... 187
Treaties ...................................................................................................... 187
Executive agreements ............................................................................... 192
E. Termination or withdrawal ......................................................................... 192
Treaties ...................................................................................................... 192
Terms of treaty; unanimous consent ................................................ 192
Breach ................................................................................................. 193
Impossibility of performance ............................................................. 194
Rebus sic stantibus ............................................................................. 194
Jus cogens ........................................................................................... 195
Severance of diplomatic relations ..................................................... 195
Hostilities ............................................................................................ 196
State succession .................................................................................. 196
F. U.S. law and practice in terminating international agreements ............. 198
General ....................................................................................................... 198
Treaties ...................................................................................................... 201
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction by
the Congress ................................................................................... 202
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction by
the Senate ....................................................................................... 204
Executive action without prior specific authorization or direction,
but with subsequent approval by the Congress ........................... 205
Executive action without specific prior authorization or direction,
but with subsequent approval by the Senate ............................... 205
Executive action without specific prior authorization or direction,
and without subsequent approval by either the Congress or
the Senate ....................................................................................... 206
Executive agreements ............................................................................... 208
X. Congressional oversight of international agreements ...................................... 209
A. The Case Act ................................................................................................ 209
Origins ........................................................................................................ 210
Provisions for publication .................................................................. 210
The Bricker amendment and its legacy ........................................... 212
National commitments concerns ....................................................... 213
Military base agreements (Spain, Portugal, Bahrain) .................... 215
Separation of Powers Subcommittee approach ................................ 216
Intent and content of the Case Act .......................................................... 217
Implementation, 19721976 ..................................................................... 218
Amendments of the Case Act, 19771978 ............................................... 222
Committee procedures under the Case Act ............................................. 224
Senate Foreign Relations Committee procedures ............................ 224
House International Relations Committee procedures ................... 225
Impact and assessment of the Case Act .................................................. 225
Number of agreements transmitted ................................................. 226
Late transmittal of Case Act agreements ........................................ 228
Insufficient transmittal of agreements to Congress ........................ 230
Pre-Case Act executive agreements .................................................. 232
B. Consultations on form of agreement .......................................................... 233
C. Congressional review or approval of agreements ...................................... 235
D. Required reports to Congress ..................................................................... 238
E. Other tools of congressional oversight ....................................................... 239
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X. Congressional oversight of international agreementsContinued
E. Other tools of congressional oversightContinued
Implementation legislation ....................................................................... 240
Recommendations in legislation ............................................................... 240
Consultation requirements ....................................................................... 242
Oversight hearings .................................................................................... 243
XI. Trends in major categories of treaties ............................................................. 245
A. Political and security agreements .............................................................. 246
National security and defense commitments .......................................... 247
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany ............. 250
Maritime Boundary Agreement with the Soviet Union .................. 251
Arms control treaties ................................................................................ 251
INF Treaty .......................................................................................... 254
Threshold Test Ban Treaty and Protocol ......................................... 256
CFE Treaty ......................................................................................... 257
CFE Flank Agreement ....................................................................... 257
START I Treaty .................................................................................. 258
START II ............................................................................................. 260
Open Skies Treaty .............................................................................. 261
Chemical Weapons Convention ......................................................... 261
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ...................................................... 262
B. Economic treaties ......................................................................................... 265
Friendship, commerce, and navigation treaties ...................................... 265
Investment treaties ................................................................................... 266
Consular conventions ................................................................................ 269
Tax conventions ......................................................................................... 270
Treaty shopping .................................................................................. 271
Exchange of information .................................................................... 272
Allocation of income of multinational business enterprises ........... 272
Taxation of equipment rentals .......................................................... 272
Arbitration of competent authority issues ....................................... 272
Insurance excise tax ........................................................................... 273
C. Environmental treaties ............................................................................... 273
No-reservations clauses ............................................................................ 274
Fishery conventions .................................................................................. 276
D. Legal cooperation ......................................................................................... 278
Extradition treaties ................................................................................... 278
Mutual legal assistance treaties .............................................................. 282
E. Human rights conventions .......................................................................... 285
Genocide Convention ................................................................................. 287
Labor conventions ..................................................................................... 288
Convention Against Torture ..................................................................... 290
Civil and Political Rights Covenant ......................................................... 291
Racial Discrimination Convention ........................................................... 292
Other human rights treaties .................................................................... 293
1. Treaties and other international agreements: an annotated bibliography ..... 295
A. Introduction .................................................................................................. 295
B. International agreements and international law ...................................... 295
1. Overview ................................................................................................ 295
a. General ........................................................................................... 295
b. Treaties and agreements involving international organiza-
tions ................................................................................................. 298
2. Negotiation and conclusion of treaties and international agree-
ments ...................................................................................................... 299
a. Negotiation and the treatymaking process .................................. 299
(1) General ................................................................................... 299
(2) Multilateral treaties .............................................................. 299
b. Amendments, interpretive declarations, and reservations ......... 300
c. Acceptance, depositary, registration and publication .................. 301
(1) Acceptance .............................................................................. 301
(2) Depositary .............................................................................. 301
(3) Registration and publication ................................................ 302
3. Entry into force ..................................................................................... 302
4. Interpretation ........................................................................................ 303
5. Modification, suspension, and termination of treaties ....................... 307
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1. Treaties and other international agreementsContinued
B. International agreements and international law Continued
5. Modification, suspension, and termination of treaties Continued
a. Overview .........................................................................................
b. Questions of treaty validity ...........................................................
6. Dispute settlement ................................................................................
7. Succession of states ...............................................................................
C. International agreements and U.S. law .....................................................
1. General ...................................................................................................
2. Congressional and Presidential roles in the making of treaties
and international agreements ...............................................................
3. Communication of international agreements to Congress .................
4. U.S. termination of treaties ..................................................................
D. Guides ...........................................................................................................
1. Guides to resources on treaties ............................................................
2. Compilations of treaties, and indexes international in scope ............
3. U.S. treaties and the treatymaking process .......................................
a. Sources for treaty information throughout the treatymaking
process .............................................................................................
CIS/index .....................................................................................
Congressional Index ....................................................................
Congressional Record ..................................................................
Executive Journal of the Senate ................................................
Senate executive reports ............................................................
Senate Foreign Relations Committee calendar ........................
Senate treaty documents ............................................................
Department of State Dispatch ...................................................
Department of State Bulletin ....................................................
Foreign Policy Bulletin ...............................................................
Department of State Press Releases .........................................
Federal Register ..........................................................................
Monthly Catalog ..........................................................................
Shepards United States CitationsStatutes Edition .............
Statutes at Large ........................................................................
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents ......................
b. Official treaty series ......................................................................
TIAS .............................................................................................
UST ..............................................................................................
c. Indexes and retrospective compilations ........................................
Current ........................................................................................
1950+ ............................................................................................
17761949 ....................................................................................
17761949 (Bevans) ....................................................................
17761931 (Malloy) .....................................................................
17761863 (Miller) ......................................................................
d. Status of treaties ............................................................................
Treaties in force ..........................................................................
Unperfected treaties ...................................................................
Additional information ...............................................................
4. Topical collections .................................................................................
a. Diplomatic and national security issues ......................................
b. Economic and commercial issues ..................................................
c. International environmental issues and management of com-
mon areas ........................................................................................
2. Case-Zablocki Act on Transmittal of International Agreements and Related
Reporting Requirements ......................................................................................
3. Coordination and reporting of international agreements, State Department
regulations ............................................................................................................
4. Department of State Circular 175 Procedures on Treaties ..............................
710 Purpose and disclaimer .............................................................................
711 Purpose (state only) ...................................................................................
712 Disclaimer (state only) ..............................................................................
720 Negotiation and signature ........................................................................
721 Exercise of the international agreement power ......................................
722 Action required in negotiation and/or signature of treaties and agree-
ments .............................................................................................................
723 Responsibility of office or officer conducting negotiations .....................
724 Transmission of international agreements other than treaties to Con-
gress: compliance with the Case-Zablocki Act ............................................
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4. Department of State Circular 175 Procedures on TreatiesContinued
725 Publication of treaties and other international agreements of the
United States ................................................................................................ 364
730 Guidelines for concluding international agreements .............................. 364
731 Conformity of texts .................................................................................... 366
732 Exchange or exhibition of full powers ..................................................... 366
733 Signature and sealing ............................................................................... 366
734 Exchange of ratifications .......................................................................... 367
740 Multilateral treaties and agreements ...................................................... 367
741 Official and working languages ................................................................ 368
742 Engrossing ................................................................................................. 369
743 Full powers ................................................................................................ 370
744 Signature and sealing ............................................................................... 370
745 Disposition of final documents of conference .......................................... 370
746 Procedure following signature .................................................................. 371
750 Responsibilities of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs ....... 371
5. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Senate Ex. L, 92d Congress
1st Session, with list of signatures, ratifications and accessions deposited
as of December 11, 2000 ...................................................................................... 375
Letter of transmittal ........................................................................................ 377
Letter of submittal ........................................................................................... 378
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties .................................................... 384
List of signatures, ratifications deposited and accessions deposited as
of December 11, 2000 .................................................................................... 407
6. Glossary of treaty terminology ........................................................................... 411
7. Simultaneous consideration of treaties and amending protocols .................... 415
1. Treaty with Mexico Relating to Utilization of the Waters of Certain
Rivers (Ex. A, 782, and Ex. H, 782) ........................................................ 415
2. Convention Between France and the United States as to Double Tax-
ation and Fiscal Assistance and Supplementary Protocol (S. Ex. A,
801 and S. Ex. G, 802) .............................................................................. 415
3. Tax Convention with Canada and Two Protocols (Ex. T, 962; Treaty
Doc. 987; and Treaty Doc. 9822) .............................................................. 416
4. Treaties with the U.S.S.R. on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear
Weapon Tests and on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful
Purposes and Protocols (Ex. N, 942; and Treaty Doc. 10119) ............... 416
8. Treaties approved by the Senate ........................................................................ 417
2000 ................................................................................................................... 417
1999 ................................................................................................................... 420
1998 ................................................................................................................... 422
1997 ................................................................................................................... 425
1996 ................................................................................................................... 426
1995 ................................................................................................................... 429
1994 ................................................................................................................... 430
1993 ................................................................................................................... 430
9. Treaties rejected by the Senate .......................................................................... 433
1999 ................................................................................................................... 433
10. Letter of response from Acting Director Thomas Graham, Jr. to Senator
Pell accepting the narrow interpretation of the ABM Treaty ..........................
II1. Treaties and executive agreements concluded by the United States,
17891989 ............................................................................................................. 39
II2. Treaties and executive agreements concluded by the United States,
19301999 ............................................................................................................. 39
X1. Transmittal of executive agreements to Congress, 19781999 ................... 226
X2. Agencies submitting agreements late, 19791999 ....................................... 229
X3. Statutory requirements for transmittal of agreements to Congress ........... 236
X4. Required reports related to international agreements ................................ 239
X5. Legislation implementing treaties ................................................................. 241
XI1. Human rights treaties pending on the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee calendar ..................................................................................................... 286
A11. Publications providing information on U.S. treaties throughout the
treatymaking process ..........................................................................................
1. Steps in the making of a treaty .......................................................................... 8
2. Steps in the making of an executive agreement ............................................... 10
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This study revises a report bearing the same title published in
1993. It is intended to provide a reference volume for use by the
U.S. Senate in its work of advising and consenting to treaties. It
summarizes international and U.S. law on treaties and other inter-
national agreements. It traces the process of making treaties
through the various stages from their initiation and negotiation to
ratification, entry into force, implementation and oversight, modi-
fication or terminationdescribing the respective senatorial and
Presidential roles at each stage. The study also provides back-
ground information on issues concerning the Senate role in treaties
and other international agreements through specialized discussions
in individual chapters. The appendix contains, among other things,
a glossary of frequently used terms, important documents related
to treaties: the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (unrati-
fied by the United States); State Department Circular 175 describ-
ing treaty procedures in the executive branch; the State Depart-
ment regulation, ‘‘Coordination and Reporting of International
Agreements,’’ and material related to the Case-Zablocki Act on the
reporting of international agreements to Congress. Also included
are a list of treaties approved by the Senate from January 1993
through October 2000, examples of treaty documents, and an anno-
tated bibliography.
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Prepared by Richard F. Grimmett, Specialist in National Defense.
Treaties are a serious legal undertaking both in international
and domestic law. Internationally, once in force, treaties are bind-
ing on the parties and become part of international law. Domesti-
cally, treaties to which the United States is a party are equivalent
in status to Federal legislation, forming part of what the Constitu-
tion calls ‘‘the supreme Law of the Land.’’
However, the word treaty does not have the same meaning in the
United States and in international law. Under international law, a
‘‘treaty’’ is any legally binding agreement between nations. In the
United States, the word treaty is reserved for an agreement that
is made ‘‘by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate’’ (Arti-
cle II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution). International agree-
ments not submitted to the Senate are known as ‘‘executive agree-
ments’’ in the United States, but they are considered treaties and
therefore binding under international law.
For various reasons, Presidents have increasingly concluded ex-
ecutive agreements. Many agreements are previously authorized or
specifically approved by legislation, and such ‘‘congressional-
executive’’ or statutory agreements have been treated almost inter-
changeably with treaties in several important court cases. Others,
often referred to as ‘‘sole executive agreements,’’ are made pursu-
ant to inherent powers claimed by the President under Article II
of the Constitution. Neither the Senate nor the Congress as a
whole is involved in concluding sole executive agreements, and
their status in domestic law is not fully resolved.
Questions on the use of treaties, congressional-executive agree-
ments, and sole executive agreements underlie many issues. There-
fore, any study of the Senate role in treaties must also deal with
executive agreements. Moreover, the President, the Senate, and the
House of Representatives have different institutional interests at
stake, a fact which periodically creates controversy. Nonetheless,
the President, Senate, and House share a common interest in mak-
ing international agreements that are in the national interest in
the most effective and efficient manner possible.
The requirement for the Senates advice and consent gives the
Senate a check over all international agreements submitted to it as
treaties. The Senate may refuse to give its approval to a treaty or
do so only with specified conditions, reservations, or understand-
ings. In addition, the knowledge that a treaty must be approved by
a two-thirds majority in the Senate may influence the content of
the document before it is submitted. Even so, the Senate has found
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See Chapters II and VI for references and additional discussion.
it must be vigilant if it wishes to maintain a meaningful role in
treaties that are submitted.
The main threat of erosion of the Senate treaty power comes not
from the international agreements that are submitted as treaties,
however, but from the many international agreements that are not
submitted for its consent. In addition to concluding hundreds of ex-
ecutive agreements, Presidents have made important commitments
that they considered politically binding but not legally binding.
Maintaining the Senate role in treaties requires overseeing all
international agreements to assure that agreements that should be
treaties are submitted to the Senate.
A. B
The Constitution states that the President ‘‘shall have Power, by
and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties,
provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.’’ The Conven-
tion that drafted the Constitution did not spell out more precisely
what role it intended for the Senate in the treatymaking process.
Most evidence suggests that it intended the sharing of the treaty
power to begin early, with the Senate helping to formulate instruc-
tions to negotiators and acting as a council of advisers to the Presi-
dent during the negotiations, as well as approving each treaty en-
tered into by the United States. The function of the Senate was
both to protect the rights of the states and to serve as a check
against the Presidents taking excessive or undesirable actions
through treaties. The Presidential function in turn was to provide
unity and efficiency in treatymaking and to represent the national
interest as a whole.
The treaty clause of the Constitution does not contain the word
ratification, which refers to the formal act by which a nation af-
firms its willingness to be bound by a specific treaty. From the be-
ginning, the formal act of ratification has been performed by the
President acting ‘‘by and with the advice and consent of the Sen-
ate.’’ The President ratifies the treaty, but, only after receiving the
advice and consent of the Senate.
When the Constitution was drafted, the ratification of a treaty
was generally considered obligatory by the nations entering into it
if the negotiators stayed within their instructions. Therefore Sen-
ate participation during the negotiations stage seemed essential if
the Senate was to play a meaningful constitutional role. At the
time, such direct participation by the Senate also seemed feasible,
since the number of treaties was not expected to be large and the
original Senate contained only 26 Members.
Within several years, however, problems were encountered in
treatymaking and Presidents abandoned the practice of regularly
getting the Senates advice and consent on detailed questions prior
to negotiations. Instead, Presidents began to submit the completed
treaty after its conclusion. Since the Senate had to be able to ad-
vise changes or deny consent altogether if its role was to be mean-
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These include treaties on income taxation with Thailand, signed March 1965, and Brazil,
signed March 13, 1967.
Treaty on General Relations with Turkey, January 18, 1927; St. Lawrence Waterway Treaty
with Canada, July 18, 1932 (the St. Lawrence Seaway was subsequently approved by legisla-
tion); and adherence to the Permanent Court of International Justice, January 29, 1935.
See Chapter III for references and additional discussion.
ingful, the doctrine of obligatory ratification was for all practical
purposes abandoned.
Although Senators sometimes play a part in the initiation or de-
velopment of a treaty, the Senate role now is primarily to pass
judgment on whether completed treaties should be ratified by the
United States. The Senates advice and consent is asked on the
question of Presidential ratification. When the Senate considers a
treaty it may approve it as written, approve it with conditions, re-
ject and return it, or prevent its entry into force by withholding ap-
proval. In practice the Senate historically has given its advice and
consent unconditionally to the vast majority of treaties submitted
to it.
In numerous cases, the Senate has approved treaties subject to
conditions. The President has usually accepted the Senate condi-
tions and completed the ratification process. In some cases, treaties
have been approved with reservations that were unacceptable ei-
ther to the President or the other party, and the treaties never en-
tered into force.
Only on rare occasions has the Senate formally rejected a treaty.
The most famous example is the Versailles Treaty, which was de-
feated on March 19, 1920, although 49 Senators voted in favor and
35 against. This was a majority but not the required two-thirds
majority so the treaty failed. Since then, the Senate has defini-
tively rejected only three treaties.
In addition, the Senate some-
times formally rejects treaties but keeps them technically alive by
adopting or entering a motion to reconsider. This has happened, for
instance, with the Optional Protocol Concerning the Compulsory
Settlement of Disputes in 1960, the Montreal Aviation Protocols
Nos. 3 and 4 in 1983, and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in
More often the Senate has simply not voted on treaties that did
not have enough support for approval, and the treaties remained
pending in the Foreign Relations Committee for long periods. Even-
tually, unapproved treaties have been replaced by other treaties,
amended by protocols and then approved, or withdrawn by or re-
turned to the President. Thus the Senate has used its veto spar-
ingly, but still demonstrated the necessity of its advice and consent
and its power to block a treaty from entering into force.
Under international law an international agreement is generally
considered to be a treaty and binding on the parties if it meets four
(1) The parties intend the agreement to be legally binding and
the agreement is subject to international law;
(2) The agreement deals with significant matters;
(3) The agreement clearly and specifically describes the legal ob-
ligations of the parties; and
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The Case-Zablocki Act (Public Law 92403, as amended), is also examined in Chapter X. See
Appendix 2 for text of the law.
See Chapter IV for references and additional discussion. See also Chapter X.
See Chapter IV for references and additional discussion. See also Chapter X.
(4) The form indicates an intention to conclude a treaty, although
the substance of the agreement rather than the form is the govern-
ing factor.
International law makes no distinction between treaties and ex-
ecutive agreements. Executive agreements, especially if significant
enough to be reported to Congress under the Case-Zablocki Act, are
to all intents and purposes binding treaties under international
On the other hand, many international undertakings and foreign
policy statements, such as unilateral statements of intent, joint
communiques, and final acts of conferences, are not intended to be
legally binding and are not considered treaties.
Under the Constitution, a treaty, like a Federal statute, is part
of the ‘‘supreme Law of the Land.’’ Self-executing treaties, those
that do not require implementing legislation, automatically become
effective as domestic law immediately upon entry into force. Other
treaties do not become effective as domestic law until implementing
legislation is enacted, and then technically it is the legislation, not
the treaty unless incorporated into the legislation, that is the law
of the land.
Sometimes it is not clear on the face of a treaty whether it is
self-executing or requires implementing legislation. Some treaties
expressly call for implementing legislation or deal with subjects
clearly requiring congressional action, such as the appropriation of
funds or enactment of domestic penal provisions. The question of
whether or not a treaty requires implementing legislation or is self-
executing is a matter of interpretation largely by the executive
branch or, less frequently, by the courts. On occasion, the Senate
includes an understanding in the resolution of ratification that cer-
tain provisions are not self-executing or that the President is to ex-
change or deposit the instrument of ratification only after imple-
mentation legislation has been enacted.
When a treaty is deemed self-executing, it overrides any conflict-
ing provision of the law of an individual signatory state. If a treaty
is in irreconcilable conflict with a Federal law, the one executed
later in time prevails, although courts generally try to harmonize
domestic and international obligations whenever possible.
The status in domestic law of executive agreements, that is,
international agreements made by the executive branch but not
submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent, is less clear.
Three types of executive agreements and their domestic legal sta-
tus are discussed below.
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(1) Congressional-executive agreements
Most executive agreements are either explicitly or implicitly au-
thorized in advance by Congress or submitted to Congress for ap-
proval. Some areas in which Congress has authorized the conclu-
sion of international agreements are postal conventions, foreign
trade, foreign military assistance, foreign economic assistance,
atomic energy cooperation, and international fishery rights. Some-
times Congress has authorized conclusion of agreements but re-
quired the executive branch to submit the agreements to Congress
for approval by legislation or for a specified waiting period before
taking effect. Congress has also sometimes approved by joint reso-
lution international agreements involving matters that are fre-
quently handled by treaty, including such subjects as participation
in international organizations, arms control measures, and acquisi-
tion of territory. The constitutionality of this type of agreement
seems well established and Congress has authorized or approved
them frequently,
(2) Agreements pursuant to treaties
Some executive agreements are expressly authorized by treaty or
an authorization for them may be reasonably inferred from the pro-
visions of a prior treaty. Examples include arrangements and un-
derstandings under the North Atlantic Treaty and other security
treaties. The Presidents authority to conclude agreements pursu-
ant to treaties seems well established, although controversy occa-
sionally arises over whether particular agreements are within the
purview of an existing treaty.
(3) Presidential or sole executive agreements
Some executive agreements are concluded solely on the basis of
the Presidents independent constitutional authority and do not
have an underlying explicit or implied authorization by treaty or
statute. Authorities from the Constitution that Presidents claim as
a basis for such agreements include:
The Presidents general executive authority in Article II, Sec-
tion 1, of the Constitution;
His power as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy in
Article II, Section 2, Clause 1;
The treaty clause itself for agreements, which might be part of
the process of negotiating a treaty in Article II, Section 2,
Clause 2;
His authority to receive Ambassadors and other public Min-
isters in Article II, Section 3; and
His duty to ‘‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’’ in
Article II, Section 3.
Courts have indicated that executive agreements based solely on
the Presidents independent constitutional authority can supersede
conflicting provisions of state law, but opinions differ regarding the
extent to which they can supersede a prior act of Congress. What
judicial authority exists seems to indicate that they cannot.
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See Chapter V for references and additional discussion.
Phases in the life of a treaty include negotiation and conclusion,
consideration by the Senate, Presidential ratification, implementa-
tion, modification, and termination. Following is a discussion of the
major steps and the roles of the President and the Senate in each
Executive agreements are negotiated and concluded in the same
way as treaties, but they do not go through the procedure for ad-
vice and consent of the Senate. Some executive agreements are
submitted to the Congress for approval and most are to be trans-
mitted to Congress after their conclusion. (See charts 1 and 2.)
Negotiation and conclusion
The first phase of treatymaking, negotiation and conclusion, is
widely considered an exclusive prerogative of the President except
for making appointments which require the advice and consent of
the Senate. The President chooses and instructs the negotiators
and decides whether to sign an agreement after its terms have
been negotiated. Nevertheless, the Senate or Congress sometimes
proposes negotiations and influences them through advice and con-
sultation. In addition, the executive branch is supposed to advise
appropriate congressional leaders and committees of the intention
to negotiate significant new agreements and consult them as to the
form of the agreement.
Steps in the negotiating phase follow.
(1) Initiation.—The executive branch formally initiates the nego-
tiations. The original concept or proposal for a treaty on a particu-
lar subject, however, may come from Congress.
(2) Appointment of negotiators.—The President selects the nego-
tiators of international agreements, but appointments may be sub-
ject to the advice and consent of the Senate. Negotiations are often
conducted by ambassadors or foreign service officers in a relevant
post who have already been confirmed by the Senate.
(3) Issuance of full powers and instructions.—The President
issues full power documents to the negotiators, authorizing them
officially to represent the United States. Similarly, he issues in-
structions as to the objectives to be sought and positions to be
taken. On occasion the Senate participates in setting the objectives
during the confirmation process, or Congress contributes to defin-
ing the objectives through hearings or resolutions.
(4) Negotiation.—Negotiation is the process by which representa-
tives of the President and other governments concerned agree on
the substance, terms, wording, and form of an international agree-
ment. Members of Congress sometimes provide advice through con-
sultations arranged either by Congress or the executive branch,
and through their statements and writings. Members of Congress
or their staff have served as members or advisers of delegations
and as observers at international negotiations.
(5) Conclusion.—The conclusion or signing marks the end of the
negotiating process and indicates that the negotiators have reached
agreement. In the case of a treaty the term ‘‘conclusion’’ is a mis-
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See Chapter VI for references and additional discussion. Chapter VI also contains the text
of Senate Rule XXX.
nomer in that the agreement does not enter into force until the ex-
change or deposit of ratifications. In the case of executive agree-
ments, however, the signing and entry into force are frequently si-
Consideration by the Senate
A second phase begins when the President transmits a concluded
treaty to the Senate and the responsibility moves to the Senate.
Following are the main steps during the Senate phase.
(1) Presidential submission.The Secretary of State formally
submits treaties to the President for transmittal to the Senate. A
considerable time may elapse between signature and submission to
the Senate, and on rare occasions a treaty signed on behalf of the
United States may never be submitted to the Senate at all and
thus never enter into force for the United States. When transmit-
ted to the Senate, treaties are accompanied by a Presidential mes-
sage consisting of the text of the treaty, a letter of transmittal re-
questing the advice and consent of the Senate, and the earlier let-
ter of submittal of the Secretary of State which usually contains a
detailed description and analysis of the treaty.
(2) Senate receipt and referral.The Parliamentarian transmits
the treaty to the Executive Clerk, who assigns it a document num-
ber. The Majority Leader then, as in executive session, asks the
unanimous consent of the Senate that the injunction of secrecy be
removed, that the treaty be considered as having been read the
first time, and that it be referred to the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee and ordered to be printed. The Presiding Officer then refers the
treaty, regardless of its subject matter, to the Foreign Relations
Committee in accordance with Rule XXV of the Senate Rules. (Rule
XXV makes an exception only for reciprocal trade agreements.) At
this point the treaty text is printed and made available to the pub-
(3) Senate Foreign Relations Committee action.The treaty is
placed on the committee calendar and remains there until the com-
mittee reports it to the full Senate. While it is committee practice
to allow a treaty to remain pending long enough to receive study
and comments from the public, the committee usually considers a
treaty within a year or two, holding a hearing and preparing a
written report.
The committee recommends Senate advice and consent by report-
ing a treaty with a proposed resolution of ratification. While most
treaties have historically been reported without conditions, the
committee may recommend that the Senate approve a treaty sub-
ject to conditions incorporated in the resolution of ratification.
(4) Conditional approval.The conditions traditionally have been
grouped into categories described in the following way.
Amendments to a treaty change the text of the treaty and re-
quire the consent of the other party or parties. (Note that in
Senate debate the term may refer to an amendment of the res-
olution of ratification, not the treaty itself, and therefore be
comprised of some other type of condition.)
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Reservations change U.S. obligations without necessarily
changing the text, and they require the acceptance of the other
Understandings are interpretive statements that clarify or
elaborate provisions but do not alter them.
Declarations are statements expressing the Senates position or
opinion on matters relating to issues raised by the treaty rath-
er than to specific provisions.
Provisos relate to issues of U.S. law or procedure and are not
intended to be included in the instruments of ratification to be
deposited or exchanged with other countries.
Whatever name a condition is given by the Senate, if a condition
alters an international obligation under the treaty, the President is
expected to transmit it to the other party. In recent years, the Sen-
ate on occasion has explicitly designated that some conditions were
to be transmitted to the other party or parties and, in some cases,
formally agreed to by them. It has also designated that some condi-
tions need not be formally communicated to the other party, that
some conditions were binding on the President, and that some con-
ditions expressed the intent of the Senate.
(5) Action by the full Senate.After a treaty is reported by the
Foreign Relations Committee, it is placed on the Senates Executive
Calendar and the Majority Leader arranges for the Senate to con-
sider it. In 1986 the Senate amended Rule XXX of the Senate
Rules, which governs its consideration of treaties, to simplify the
procedure in this step. Still, under the full procedures of the re-
vised Rule XXX, in the first stage of consideration the treaty would
be read a second time and any proposed amendments to the treaty
itself would be considered and voted upon by a simple majority.
Usually the Majority Leader obtains unanimous consent to abbre-
viate the procedures, and the Senate proceeds directly to the con-
sideration of the resolution of ratification as recommended by the
Foreign Relations Committee.
The Senate then considers amendments to the resolution of rati-
fication, which would incorporate any amendments to the treaty
itself that the Senate had agreed to in the first stage, as well as
conditions recommended by the Foreign Relations Committee. Sen-
ators may then offer reservations, understandings, and other condi-
tions to be placed in the resolution of ratification. Votes on these
conditions, as well as other motions, are determined by a simple
majority. Finally, the Senate votes on the resolution of ratification,
as it has been amended. The final vote on the resolution of ratifica-
tion requires, for approval, a two-thirds majority of the Senators
present. Although the number of Senators who must be present is
not specified, the Senates practice with respect to major treaties is
to conduct the final treaty vote at a time when most Senators are
available. After approval of a controversial treaty, a Senator may
offer a motion to reconsider which is usually laid on the table (de-
feated). In the case of a treaty that has failed to receive a two-
thirds majority, if the motion to reconsider is not taken up, the
treaty is returned to the Foreign Relations Committee. Prior to the
final vote on the resolution of ratification, a Senator may offer a
substitute amendment, proposing that the Senate withhold its ad-
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See Chapter VII for references and additional discussion.
See Chapter VIII for references and additional discussion.
In addition to Chapter VIII, see Chapter X.
vice and consent, or offer a motion to recommit the resolution to
the Foreign Relations Committee.
(6) Return to committee.Treaties reported by the committee but
neither approved nor formally returned to the President by the
Senate are automatically returned to the committee calendar at the
end of a Congress; the committee must report them out again in
order for the Senate to consider them.
(7) Return to President or withdrawal.The President may re-
quest the return of a treaty, or the Foreign Relations Committee
may report and the Senate adopt a simple resolution directing the
Secretary of the Senate to return a treaty to the President. Other-
wise, treaties that do not receive the advice and consent of the Sen-
ate remain pending on the committee calendar indefinitely.
Presidential action after Senate action
After the Senate gives its advice and consent to a treaty, the
Senate sends it to the President. He resumes control and decides
whether to take further action to complete the treaty.
(1) Ratification.The President ratifies a treaty by signing an in-
strument of ratification, thus declaring the consent of the United
States to be bound. If the Senate has consented with reservations
or conditions that the President deems unacceptable, he may at a
later date resubmit the original treaty to the Senate for further
consideration, or he may renegotiate it with the other parties prior
to resubmission. Or the President may decide not to ratify the trea-
ty because of the conditions or for any other reason.
(2) Exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification and entry
into force.If he ratifies the treaty, the President then directs the
Secretary of State to take any action necessary for the treaty to
enter into force. A bilateral treaty usually enters into force when
the parties exchange instruments of ratification. A multilateral
treaty enters into force when the number of parties specified in the
treaty deposit the instruments of ratification at a specified location.
Once a treaty enters into force, it is binding in international law
on the parties who have ratified it.
(3) Proclamation.When the instruments of ratification have
been exchanged or the necessary number deposited, the President
issues a proclamation that the treaty has entered into force. Procla-
mation serves as legal notice for domestic purposes and publicizes
the text.
The executive branch has the primary responsibility for carrying
out treaties and ascertaining that other parties fulfill their obliga-
tions after treaties and other international agreements enter into
force, but the Senate or the entire Congress share in the following
(1) Implementing legislation.
When implementing legislation
or appropriations are needed to carry out the terms of a treaty, it
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In addition to Chapter VIII, see Chapter VI, and discussion of INF Treaty in Chapter XI.
See Chapter IX for references and additional discussion.
must go through the full legislative process including passage by
both Houses and presentment to the President.
(2) Interpretation.
The executive branch interprets the re-
quirements of an agreement as it carries out its provisions. U.S.
courts may also interpret a treatys effect as domestic law in appro-
priate cases. The Senate has made clear that the United States is
to interpret the treaty in accordance with the common understand-
ing of the treaty shared by the President and the Senate at the
time the Senate gave its advice and consent. This common under-
standing is based on the text of the treaty, the provisions of the
resolution of ratification, and the authoritative representations pro-
vided by the executive branch to the Senate during its consider-
ation. The Senate has further specified that the United States is
not to agree to or adopt an interpretation different from the com-
mon understanding except pursuant to Senate advice and consent
or enactment of a statute.
(3) Settlement of international disputes.When disputes arise be-
tween parties on the interpretation of a treaty or on the facts relat-
ing to compliance with the obligations of a treaty, the executive
branch usually conducts negotiations aimed at resolving differences
in interpretation. Treaties sometimes provide for formal procedures
or mechanisms for dispute settlement. Members of Congress have
sometimes played an important role by overseeing implementation
of a treaty, bringing about public discussion of compliance issues,
and urging procedures to resolve international disputes.
Modification, extension, suspension, or termination
Modifying and extending an international agreement amount to
the making of a new agreement that should be done by the same
method as the original agreement. For treaties, this means with
the advice and consent of the Senate. Practice on termination, how-
ever, has not been consistent.
(1) Modification.At the international level, treaties are amend-
ed by agreement of the parties or in accordance with their terms.
In the United States, amendments to treaties are ordinarily sub-
mitted to the Senate for its advice and consent, unless the treaty
provides for modification in some other way. Less formal modifica-
tions have been made by executive agreements or decisions.
(2) Extension.An agreement to extend an existing international
agreement is considered a new agreement, and ordinarily would be
accomplished in the same fashion as the original, with an extension
of a treaty submitted to the Senate.
(3) Suspension.The President conveys notice of suspension of a
treaty and makes the determination that would justify suspension,
such as a fundamental change in circumstances or material breach
of a treaty by another party.
(4) Termination.At the international level, treaties often con-
tain provisions regarding duration and the method of termination,
or nations may terminate treaties by mutual consent. Grounds for
termination include violation of the agreement, but violation does
not automatically terminate a treaty.
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See Chapter X for references and additional discussion.
See Chapter VI and Chapter XI for references and additional discussion.
Domestically, the Constitution does not prescribe the process for
the United States to terminate a treaty, and the process continues
to be controversial. Treaties have been terminated in a variety of
ways, including by the President following a joint resolution of
Congress, by the President following action by the Senate, by the
President and with subsequent congressional or Senate approval,
and by the President alone.
Congressional oversight
Congress has responsibility for overseeing the negotiation and
conclusion of international agreements by the executive branch and
the manner in which the executive branch interprets and carries
out the agreements. It shares with the executive branch the re-
sponsibility for assessing the general effectiveness of international
agreements at the international level and determining the course
of action when agreements are not effective.
(1) Hearings and reports.Congress reviews actions under trea-
ties and other international agreements as part of its responsibil-
ities for overseeing executive branch activities. Senate and House
rules direct committees to review the application of those laws
within their jurisdiction, so the oversight function is distributed
widely among the various committees of Congress. Methods for
oversight include hearings, investigations, consultations, and re-
quiring and reviewing reports.
(2) Review of executive agreements.Under the Case-Zablocki
Act, all executive agreements are to be transmitted to Congress
within 60 days of their entry into force, including those that are
classified for security reasons. The receipt is noted in the Congres-
sional Record, and unclassified agreements are listed in committee
publications. Members of Congress may read the agreements in the
Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committee of-
In recent years the Senate has endeavored both to improve its
efficiency in handling treaties and to assure a meaningful role.
Among steps to streamline procedures, in 1986 it amended Senate
Rule XXX to eliminate the requirement for consideration by the
Senate as in Committee of the Whole. It has frequently approved
groups of treaties with a single roll call vote, or approved treaties
by a division vote. The Senate Legis computer system has made it
easier for Senators to obtain current information on action on trea-
ties before the Senate.
Among steps to assure a meaningful role, the Senate has ap-
pointed observer groups to negotiations on important treaties, espe-
cially in the arms control and environmental areas. In 1987 and
1988 the Senate reviewed the constitutional principles of treaty in-
terpretation and affirmed that the United States should not agree
to or adopt an interpretation different from the common under-
standing shared by the President and the Senate at the time the
Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification, except pursuant
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to Senate advice and consent or enactment of a statute. The Senate
also provided a system to review the negotiating record of the In-
termediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. However, the For-
eign Relations Committee said that Senate review of negotiating
records should not become an institutionalized procedure, but that
reference to the record on a case-by-case basis might sometimes be
Treaties and Senate action on them have begun to reflect new
policy concerns since the end of the Cold War. Increased recogni-
tion has been given to the importance of economic treaties, includ-
ing consular, investment, and tax agreements. The use of friend-
ship, commerce, and navigation (FCN) treaties decreased after
1948 when the United States entered the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Since investment matters were outside
the scope of GATT at that time, in 1981 the United States began
to negotiate a series of bilateral investment treaties (BITs). Subse-
quently, the Senate has given its advice and consent to BITs with
several countries.
Treaties providing for cooperation in bringing suspected crimi-
nals to trial have become increasingly important with the growth
of transnational criminal activity, including narcotics trafficking,
terrorism, money laundering, and export control violations. The
two chief types are extradition treaties and a new series called mu-
tual legal assistance treaties (MLATs). The Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee has supported recent supplementary extradition
treaties and new MLATs, although sometimes with conditions.
Treaties for conservation of certain species of wildlife and regula-
tion of fisheries have been supplemented with broad treaties for en-
vironmental cooperation. Although supportive of environmental co-
operation treaties, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has ex-
pressed concern about articles prohibiting reservations and has
cautioned that consent to three multilateral environmental treaties
containing such articles should not be construed as a precedent.
B. I
Although it can prevent a treaty from being ratified or attach
conditions for ratification, the Senate frequently finds it difficult to
advise on treaties effectively. Several obstacles to a meaningful
Senate role have developed.
A major problem derives from the executive branch practice of
not submitting a treaty to the Senate until it is completed. Seeing
the terms of the treaty only after it has been signed, the Senate
frequently has little choice in practice except to consent to a treaty
exactly as it has been negotiated, or to block it entirely. The Presi-
dent may present a treaty as vital to good relations with a nation,
relations that would be set back immeasurably if the treaty were
defeated. Or he may present it as a package that has been so deli-
cately negotiated that the slightest change in understanding by the
Senate would unbalance the package and kill the treaty. Or he may
present it so late in the congressional session, or so near some type
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See section on Environmental Treaties in Chapter XI.
of international deadline, that Senate consideration in depth is pic-
tured as impeding the beginning of a new beneficial regime.
Administrations almost always discourage significant changes
that might require renegotiation of a treaty, and the Senate usu-
ally defeats attempted reservations that would actually alter treaty
obligations. Rather than adding reservations or attempting to
amend the treaty itself, the Senate often addresses its concerns
through understandings that do not alter the obligations under the
treaty and therefore do not require renegotiation.
The Senate has the choice of rejecting a treaty by a public vote,
or by quietly not bringing the treaty to a vote. In recent years it
has almost always chosen not to conduct a vote that might embar-
rass the U.S. negotiators, make the United States appear divided,
and impair relations with other countries. In either event, Senate
defeat of a treaty entails a loss of the time, energy, and in some
cases U.S. international prestige invested in the negotiations.
An option for avoiding defeats is legislative-executive consulta-
tion prior to or during negotiations. The President can initiate con-
sultation through meetings or by inviting congressional observers
to negotiations. The Senate can initiate consultation through hear-
ings and other meetings or through resolutions or legislative direc-
tives. In the past, some Senators have been concerned that partici-
pating in the formulation of a treaty could pose a conflict of inter-
est since Senators are subsequently asked to pass judgment on the
completed treaty. With the increase in multilateral treaties and
other developments, this concern appears to have diminished.
The Senates problem of not receiving a treaty until it is com-
pleted is particularly acute in multilateral treaties. These treaties
are often negotiated by many nations in large international con-
ferences, sometimes over a period of years. States make concessions
in one area to obtain concessions from other states in other areas.
The result is often an interwoven package that the Senate is called
upon to take or leave in its entirety, without amendments or res-
ervations, because renegotiation may not be feasible.
Some multilateral treaties have contained an article prohibiting
reservations. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has taken
the position that the executive branch negotiators should not agree
to this prohibition. The Senate has given its advice and consent to
a few treaties containing the prohibition, but the committee has
stated that approval of these treaties should not be construed as
a precedent for such clauses in future treaties. It has further stated
that the Presidents agreement to such a clause could not constrain
the Senates right and obligation to attach reservations to its ad-
vice and consent.
A related problem arises from reservations made by other na-
tions to a multilateral treaty. Although the reservations may mod-
ify international obligations, the Department of State has not been
sending the reservations to the Senate for its advice and consent.
It has been assumed that the Senate, aware of this practice, tacitly
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See section on Amendment in Chapter IX.
See Chapter XI for references and additional discussion.
consents to the U.S. acceptance of the reservations.
Without in-
formation on the reservations, however, the Senate cannot estimate
the size or significance of the problem.
The trend toward more multilateral agreements seems inevi-
table. The United States entered virtually no multilateral agree-
ments until the late 1800s, but after 1900 multilateral treaties
steadily increased and their subject coverage expanded. From 1980
through 1991 the United States entered 259 multilateral agree-
ments of which 79 were treaties. For the future, with the number
of sovereign nations still growing, multilateral agreements on a
subject offer an efficient alternative to bilateral agreements with
100 or 200 countries.
The great increase in multilateral diplomacy and multilateral
agreements is introducing another new phenomenon. The United
States now has bilateral international agreements with approxi-
mately 50 international organizations. It might appear that the
Senate would encounter the same difficulty in proposing modifica-
tions it does in the case of multilateral agreements. Renegotiation
of bilateral treaties with multilateral organizations should be more
feasible, however, because the United States is one of only two ne-
gotiating partners. Moreover, the United States is in most in-
stances also a major player in the international organization, the
other negotiating partner.
At the end of World War II, treaties played an important part
in shaping post-war U.S. foreign policy. Formal peace treaties were
concluded with all belligerents except Germany. The Charters of
the United Nations and the Organization of American States estab-
lished a framework for international cooperation. The North Atlan-
tic Treaty and other regional security treaties built a network of
mutual security that endured throughout the Cold War.
After 1955 the building of commitments through treaties ap-
peared to halt, and many in Congress expressed concern with com-
mitments made through executive action. In 1969 the Senate
adopted the National Commitments Resolution expressing the
sense that a national commitment ‘‘results only from affirmative
action taken by the executive and legislative branches of the U.S.
Government by means of a treaty, statute, or concurrent resolution
of both Houses of Congress specifically providing for such commit-
ment.’’ Yet for the rest of the Cold War, military and security com-
mitments were not made as treaties but as executive agreements,
non-binding political agreements, or unilateral executive branch
statements and actions.
Arms control treaties became the only type of agreement in the
political-military field that have been concluded primarily in treaty
form. In this area legislation specified that agreements be con-
cluded as treaties or authorized by legislation, and the Senate in-
sisted that most agreements be submitted as treaties. As a result,
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See Chapter IX for references and additional discussion.
See Chapters VI, VIII, and IX for references and additional discussion.
arms control treaties have been the main vehicle in recent years
for special Senate influence on foreign policy.
The end of the Cold War offers a new era in foreign policy com-
parable to that which existed at the end of World War II. As the
agreements to provide the framework for the new era are con-
cluded, the significance of the Senates treaty power is again being
tested. Some agreements to shape the new foreign policy already
have been undertaken by executive agreement, non-binding politi-
cal agreement, or unilateral executive branch statements or ac-
tions. In other cases, the Senate has insisted that agreements be
concluded as treaties. Such insistence appears to have become nec-
essary to ensure that significant political agreements are submitted
as treaties.
The Constitution is silent on procedures for modifying or termi-
nating treaties, and agreement has not been reached between the
branches on a single proper mode.
The general rule is that inter-
national agreements are to be amended in the same way that they
were made, thus for treaties requiring the advice and consent of
the Senate. With the increase in numbers and complexity of trea-
ties, more frequent changes and adjustments have become nec-
essary. The Senate has again been challenged to be vigilant for
unilateral executive branch action that might change a basic obli-
gation agreed to in its advice and consent to a treaty.
What portion of treaty modifications have been submitted to the
Senate is unknown. Although certain changes have been routinely
submitted to the Senate, such as amendments to tax treaties, oth-
ers have been made solely by executive agreement or action. The
most controversial unilateral action of the executive branch in re-
cent years involved reinterpretation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile
(ABM) Treaty of 1972. In 1985, the Reagan Administration sought
to reinterpret the ABM Treaty to permit development of mobile
space-based anti-ballistic systems for the Strategic Defense Initia-
tive. The Senate became concerned about both the future of the
ABM Treaty and the failure to obtain its advice and consent for a
major change in treaty obligations. It attached a condition to the
INF Treaty restating the principle that the President may not
adopt a treaty interpretation different from the common under-
standing shared by the Senate at the time it gave its advice and
consent, without the advice and consent of the Senate or the enact-
ment of a statute. In action on subsequent arms control treaties,
the Senate affirmed the applicability of these principles to all trea-
ties. In 1993 the Clinton Administration made clear it had re-
turned to the ‘‘narrow’’ or ‘‘traditional’’ interpretation of the ABM
Twice in recent years the method of terminating a treaty has
raised serious controversy within the United States. In 1978, Presi-
dent Carter terminated the defense treaty with the Republic of
China without the concurrence of either the Senate or Congress
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See Chapter X for references and additional discussion.
when he established diplomatic relations with the Peoples Repub-
lic of China. In 1977, the new Panama Canal Treaty terminated
the 1903, 1936, and 1955 treaties with Panama. Although a new
treaty was approved by the Senate, some contended that the termi-
nation of the earlier treaties required an act of Congress, thus in-
cluding approval by the House of Representatives as well as the
Once it has given its advice and consent to a treaty, the Senate
often lacks the information necessary to oversee further action
under the treaty. It does not receive a copy of the resolution of rati-
fication signed by the President, or the proclamation, to enable
comparison with the resolution of ratification adopted by the Sen-
ate. It does not receive copies of reservations or conditions estab-
lished by other parties, to enable a determination of whether the
advice and consent of the Senate should have been required. It is
not always informed when a treaty has entered into force or been
modified in some way. Completion by the Department of State of
a computerized information system on treaties, with Senate access,
might enable the Senate to oversee some aspects of the implemen-
tation of treaties more effectively.
Compliance with treaties has also become an issue on some occa-
sions, especially in the arms control field. Oversight of compliance
has been done with traditional congressional tools such as hear-
ings, investigations, and required reports.
Questions are sometimes raised because of the power of a minor-
ity to block a treaty. Since a two-thirds majority of the Senators
present is required to advise and consent to a treaty, a minority
of one-third plus one of the Senate may reject a treaty. In some
cases Senators in the minority seem to have more influence on a
treaty or the substance of future policy than other Senators be-
cause those in the minority can win concessions. The President
may be certain of the support of a simple majority; he must make
special concessions to win the extra votes necessary for a two-
thirds majority. Nevertheless, a two-thirds majority was clearly the
intention of the Framers of the Constitution, and any formal
change would require a constitutional amendment.
Because treaties become part of the law of the land, concern is
sometimes expressed that the House of Representatives does not
share in the treaty power. The Framers confined the treatymaking
power to the President and the Senate in the belief that the latters
smaller size would enable it to be a confidential partner in the ne-
gotiations. The need for maintaining secrecy during negotiations
and acting with speed were also cited as justifications for not in-
cluding the House. In addition, by making the treaty power a na-
tional power and requiring the advice and consent of the Senate,
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462 U.S. 919 (1983).
H.J. Res. 60, Congressional Record (1945), pp. 43264368.
See section on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in Chapter III. The text of
the Vienna Convention is contained in Appendix 5.
the Framers gave expression to their desire to form a strong cen-
tral government while affording the states ample safeguards.
The Supreme Court, in INS v. Chadha, cited the Senates power
to advise and consent to treaties negotiated by the President ‘‘as
one of only four provisions in the Constitution, explicit and unam-
biguous, by which one House may act alone with the unreviewable
force of law, not subject to the Presidents veto.’’
In 1945 the
House adopted a resolution to amend the Constitution to require
the advice and consent of both Houses for treaties, but the Senate
did not act on the measure.
The House from the beginning has played a role in treaties that
require implementing legislation. On occasion, as in 1796 with the
Jay Treaty, problems have arisen when Presidents have completed
ratification of treaties and then called upon Congress to pass im-
plementing legislation to prevent the United States from defaulting
on its international obligations. Treaties approved by the Senate
have sometimes remained unfulfilled for long periods because im-
plementing legislation was not passed.
The increasing use of congressional-executive agreements has
also equalized to some extent the role of the House vis-a-vis the
Senate in the making of international agreements. Executive agree-
ments authorized or approved by legislation give a majority in the
House and Senate the power analogous to the Senates advice and
consent by a two-thirds majority.
A pending issue for the Senate is what action to take on the Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a codification of the inter-
national law of treaties which is increasingly cited as a source of
international law, even though the United States has not yet rati-
fied it. The United States played a leading role in negotiating the
Vienna Convention at a conference of more than 100 nations and
signed it with almost 50 other countries on May 23, 1969. As in
the case of many treaties, however, the executive branch conducted
the negotiations without congressional observers or consultations,
although the subject matter was of clear concern to the Senate.
The convention was signed by the United States on May 23,
1969, and submitted to the Senate on November 7, 1971. The Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee ordered reported a resolution of
advice and consent to ratification, subject to an understanding and
an interpretation, on September 7, 1972, but the Department of
State and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee could not agree
on acceptable conditions and the convention remains pending on
the Foreign Relations Committee calendar.
The main dilemma is that simple ratification would leave unre-
solved important constitutional issues relating to executive agree-
ments. The Vienna Convention codifies an international law defini-
tion of treaties that makes no distinction between different forms
of international agreements. Article 46 permits a state to invali-
date a treaty if a violation of domestic law in concluding the treaty
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was ‘‘manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fun-
damental importance.’’ In 1972, however, the Department of State
objected to the interpretation proposed by the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee that it was ‘‘a rule of internal law of the United
States of fundamental importance’’ that no treaty as defined by the
convention would be valid unless it had received the advice and
consent of the Senate or its terms had been approved by law.
The second problem is that, although the United States has tra-
ditionally supported the progressive codification of international
law, in a few instances the Vienna Convention formally codifies
rules of international law that may not have been fully accepted as
customary law by the United States. In particular, the Vienna Con-
vention provides that an international agreement is void if it con-
flicts with a fundamental norm of general international law ‘‘ac-
cepted and recognized by the international community of States as
a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted ***.’’
The United States in principle does not object to this concept
known as jus cogens, but the convention does not state by whom
or how such norms are established.
Furthermore, the Vienna Convention provides that if a treaty
dispute relating to jus cogens is not resolved within 12 months, any
party may invoke the jurisdiction of the International Court of Jus-
tice unless the parties agree to submit it to arbitration. While the
United States has entered a number of treaties providing for sub-
mission of disputes to the International Court of Justice, unquali-
fied Senate approval of the Vienna Convention would appear to
broaden significantly U.S. acceptance of the courts jurisdiction, a
matter which has long been controversial. The United States with-
drew its declaration accepting the courts compulsory jurisdiction
on October 7, 1985. Moreover, in approving some treaties with pro-
visions for submission of disputes to the International Court of Jus-
tice, the Senate has added conditions. In giving its advice and con-
sent to the Genocide Convention, the Senate added a reservation
that before any dispute to which the United States was a party
could be submitted to the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice, the specific consent of the United States was required in
each case.
C. I
Any problems the Senate has in influencing treaties pale in com-
parison with problems in influencing many other international
agreements entered into by the United States. For sole executive
agreements, many executive agreements entered into under the au-
thority of a treaty, and non-legally binding or political agreements,
the Senate (and Congress as a whole) often have little timely
knowledge and no opportunity to change them or prevent them
from taking effect. An exception is the category of congressional-
executive agreements that are authorized by Congress in legisla-
tion with procedures for congressional review and approval. The
problem is one of both quantity and quality. The number of agree-
ments not submitted to the Senate as treaties has risen sharply
while the number of treaties has remained steady. At the same
time, the subject matter coverage of executive agreements has ex-
panded and their significance increased.
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See Chapter II for references and additional discussion.
See Chapter X for references and additional discussion. The text of the Case-Zablocki Act
is contained in Appendix 2.
As the United States became more involved in world affairs,
international agreements multiplied. Most of the growth was in ex-
ecutive agreements. The executive branch found it was much easier
to conclude an executive agreement than a treaty because it was
not submitted to the Senate. (Compare charts 1 and 2 above.) The
Senate, too, accepted executive agreements as an alternate method
of making many international agreements, since submitting all
agreements to the Senate as treaties would either overwhelm the
Senate with work or force approval to become perfunctory.
Of most concern to the Senate were executive agreements con-
cluded solely on the Presidents own authority, without any influ-
ence from Congress. In other executive agreements, the Senate
played a role anyway. In the case of executive agreements con-
cluded under the authority of a treaty, the Senate consented to the
original treaty. In the case of congressional-executive agreements,
both Houses passed the legislation that authorized, required scru-
tiny of, or approved the agreements.
To help in oversight of executive agreements, in 1972 the Case-
Zablocki Act was enacted. This Act (1 U.S.C. 112b), usually re-
ferred to as the Case Act, requires the Secretary of State to trans-
mit to Congress all executive agreements, including oral agree-
ments which are to be reduced to written form, within 60 days
after their entry into force. If the President deems that the imme-
diate disclosure of an agreement would be prejudicial to national
security, the agreement is to be transmitted to the Senate Foreign
Relations and House International Relations Committees with a se-
curity classification.
The Case Act has proved helpful in informing Congress of execu-
tive agreements and has provided machinery for additional over-
sight. If fully complied with by the executive branch and utilized
by Members of Congress, a system exists for Congress to learn of
executive agreements and to determine the adequacy of their au-
The first problem dealt with by the Case Act was determining
when executive agreements have been concluded. In the past,
Presidents have entered into agreements secretly, as evidenced by
the Yalta Agreement of 1945 and the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.
The Case Act requires the State Department to send Congress cop-
ies of executive agreements. In most cases the agreements are sub-
mitted within the required 60 days after their entry into force, but
some are submitted late. While the fact that the agreements have
already entered into force means that Congress cannot prevent
them from taking effect, timely knowledge does permit Congress an
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See Chapters III and X for references and additional discussion.
opportunity to consider the policy represented by the agreement
and to use legislative means to modify the policy if it wishes.
The Case Act has also helped the Department of State, as well
as Congress, learn of and have some supervision over agreements
made by agencies of the Government other than the State Depart-
ment. The Case Act requires any department or agency that enters
an international agreement to transmit the agreement to the De-
partment of State within 20 days. In addition, it prohibits any
international agreement from being signed or otherwise concluded
on behalf of the United States without prior consultation with the
Secretary of State. Such consultation may cover a class of agree-
ments rather than each individual agreement.
U.S. agencies frequently make contracts and arrangements with
agencies in other countries. The Secretary of State determines for
the executive branch whether an arrangement constitutes an inter-
national agreement required to be transmitted to Congress under
the Case Act. Members and committees of Congress do not want
to be deluged with trivia, yet they want to be sure to receive impor-
tant agreements. One decision taken to this end by the Secretary
of State with congressional concurrence was to exclude agreements
made by the Agency for International Development to provide
funds of less than $25 million for a foreign project, unless the
agreement was otherwise significant.
A basic concern of the Senate has been whether an executive
agreement is properly within the authority of a treaty or statute.
In 1973, in implementing the Case Act, the Department of State
agreed to send with each executive agreement transmitted to Con-
gress a background statement on the agreement that would include
a precise citation of legal authority. Checking these citations could
help the Senate distinguish between those agreements that are
within the authority of a treaty or statute and those it would con-
sider sole executive agreements. In recent years, however, a major-
ity of agreements have been transmitted without such background
Some international agreements are not intended to be legally
binding, and these non-binding agreements may escape regular
congressional oversight procedures. Sometimes called political
agreements, these agreements are not considered treaties under
international law. They are not enforceable in courts, and rules
concerning compliance, modification, and withdrawal from treaties
do not apply. Nevertheless, these agreements may be considered
morally binding by the parties, and the President may be making
a type of national commitment when he enters one. Moreover such
agreements are occasionally later converted into legally binding
Non-binding agreements are not new. Presidents have often
made mutual declarations and agreed on final acts and communi-
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See Chapters III and IV for references and additional discussion.
ques after international meetings. Recently some non-binding
agreements appear to have become quite formal, however, assum-
ing all the characteristics of a treaty except for a statement that
they are politically, not legally, binding. Agreements under the
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) are an
Since non-binding agreements are not submitted to the Senate as
treaties and are not transmitted to Congress as executive agree-
ments under the Case-Zablocki Act, Congress may need to learn of
the agreements and oversee them through other methods. In the
case of the CSCE agreements, Congress has carried out vigorous
oversight through the Commission on Security and Cooperation in
D. D
The crux of the problem is determining when international
agreements should be concluded as treaties and when they should
be executive agreements. For what subjects is it essential to use
the treaty process? For what subjects are executive agreements ap-
The treaty power is recognized by the courts as extending to any
matter properly the subject of international negotiations. In prac-
tice the subject matter dealt with by international negotiations has
steadily expanded, particularly in the last half century, with new
forms of international cooperation in political, military, economic,
and social fields.
From time to time concern has been expressed that treaties could
have adverse implications for, or the effect of changing, domestic
law. For example, the negotiation of human rights treaties under
the auspices of the United Nations raised concern in the 1950s that
some clauses, if ratified by the United States, might be in conflict
with constitutional provisions safeguarding human rights, or that
matters clearly in the domestic jurisdiction of the United States
could be changed into matters of international concern. Other con-
cerns were that some national powers might be transferred to an
international organization, or that powers traditionally reserved to
the states could be invaded by transferring them to the Federal
Government or international bodies.
Despite its breadth, the treaty power has certain limitations in
addition to the procedural safeguard of the requirement for the
Senates advice and consent. Chief among these is that treaties,
like laws, are subject to the requirements of the Constitution. Con-
troversial constitutional issues involving treaties include:
(1) Rights reserved to the states.While it seems settled that the
unspecified reserved powers of the 10th amendment are not a bar
to exercise of the treaty power, specific powers conferred on states
arguably might provide restrictions.
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See Chapter IV for references and additional discussion.
(2) Subjects in which the Constitution gave participation to the
House of Representatives.Powers delegated to Congress are not a
limitation on subject matter which can be embraced by a treaty,
but for many treaties, domestic effectiveness may depend on imple-
menting legislation.
(3) Authorizations of U.S. participation in proceedings before cer-
tain types of international judicial tribunals.The Constitutions
vesting of the judicial power in one Supreme Court and such infe-
rior courts as Congress might establish provides a safeguard
against infringement by treaty on the domestic judicial power.
(4) Matters of domestic jurisdiction, not of international con-
cern.While there is no clear test of what matters are of inter-
national concern, the existence of such limitations appears to be
generally accepted.
(5) Separation of powers and rights under the Bill of Rights.As
a general matter, an agreement cannot alter the constitutional dis-
tribution of powers or impair constitutionally protected rights.
The extent to which executive agreements can be utilized instead
of treaties is perhaps the fundamental question in studying the
Senate role in treaties, and is by no means wholly resolved.
Congressional-executive or statutory agreements, authorized or
approved by legislation, would appear to have the broadest con-
stitutional basis. They have been used for such important subjects
as joining international organizations, and the Senate in legislation
has endorsed their possible use for arms control agreements and
the making of national commitments.
Many legal scholars consider statutory agreements interchange-
able with treaties as a method of making international agreements.
Some might even argue that because they require approval of both
Houses of Congress, statutory agreements might be more appro-
priate for those questions which affect domestic law than treaties,
which are considered only by the Senate. When implementing legis-
lation is required, they are an efficient device because the approval
of the agreement and the necessary legislation may be accom-
plished in a single step.
Others might argue that to use congressional-executive agree-
ments instead of treaties, while preserving the congressional role,
could lead to erosion of the treaty power. Not only would it cir-
cumvent the method set out in the Constitution that deliberately
made entering treaties more difficult than passing legislation, but
it would indirectly reduce the influence of states whose interests
were seen to be protected by requiring a two-thirds majority of the
Senators voting. Some may object to the use of statutory agree-
ments instead of treaties, when initiated by the executive branch,
on the grounds that it allows the executive branch to pick and
choose between the two methods of making international agree-
ments according to the better prospects for approval; they may not
object if Congress specifically authorizes such an agreement.
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See Chapter X.
The other two types of international agreements have narrower
limits but pose other problems. Executive agreements pursuant to
treaties are supposed to be within the purview of the treaty, that
is, carry out the purposes of the treaty. Sole executive agreements
are supposed to be within the Presidents independent executive
powers under Article II of the Constitution. However, the extent of
the ‘‘purview of the treaty’’ and the Presidents independent powers
raise judgmental matters subject to varying interpretations.
A perennial concern of Senators has been to insure that the most
important international commitments are made as treaties rather
than executive agreements. There have been recurrent complaints
that some agreements of major significance, such as agreements to
establish military bases, were not submitted to the Senate as trea-
Procedures for consultation between the executive branch and
Congress on the form of prospective international agreements, pri-
marily whether they should be treaties submitted to the Senate,
were developed in 1978 after the Senate passed the International
Agreements Consultation Resolution suggesting that such consulta-
tion should occur. These procedures include State Department con-
sultation with appropriate congressional committees in advance of
negotiations. In addition, the Department is periodically to send
the Senate Foreign Relations and House International Relations
Committees a list of significant international agreements that it
has authorized for negotiation. Congress can use the information
provided as the basis for discussions with the Department of State,
or possibly take more action, on the form an agreement should ulti-
mately take.
The State Department has developed the following criteria for
determining whether an agreement should be a treaty:
(1) The degree of commitment or risk for the entire Nation;
(2) Whether the agreement is intended to affect state laws;
(3) Whether the agreement requires enabling legislation;
(4) Past U.S. practice;
(5) The preference of Congress;
(6) The degree of formality desired;
(7) The proposed duration and the need for prompt conclusion;
(8) General international practice on similar agreements.
When there is a question as to whether an agreement should be
concluded as a treaty or executive agreement, State Department
procedures call for consultation with congressional leaders and
committees as may be appropriate. Fuller use of these and other
consultation procedures appear to offer the most opportunity for as-
suring appropriate decisions, from the Senates perspective, on
whether particular international agreements should be concluded
as executive agreements, congressional-executive agreements, or
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Prepared by Louis Fisher, Senior Specialist in Separation of Powers.
The Framers of the Constitution expected the Senate to serve as
a council of advice to the President on treaty matters, participating
during the negotiation stage through the end of the treatymaking
process. The experience of President George Washington in 1789,
in meeting with Senators to discuss the terms of a treaty to be ne-
gotiated with the Southern Indians, proved discouraging to both
branches. Although no President again met with Senators in the
Senate Chamber to discuss a proposed treaty, other methods were
used to include Senators in the treaty-drafting process. The Sen-
ates role evolved into a more formal pattern of passing judgment
on completed treaties, approving or not approving them, or approv-
ing them with conditions that the President must accept if he rati-
fies them.
Senate action on treaties has changed dramatically, particularly
since World War II. While the number of treaties concluded each
year has remained fairly constant, the number of international
agreements other than treaties has skyrocketed. Moreover, a grow-
ing proportion of treaties are now multilateral rather than bilat-
eral, and the subject matter of treaties and other international
agreements continues to diversify. All of these changes challenged
the Senate in maintaining its constitutional role.
A. H
Four provisions of the Constitution expressly relate to treaties
and form the basis of U.S. law on treaties. By making treaties the
supreme law of the land and dividing the treatymaking power be-
tween the President and the Senate, the Constitution makes trea-
ties uniquely important and difficult for the United States.
Article I, Section 10, expressly prohibits states from entering into
‘‘any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation,’’ nor may any state, with-
out the consent of Congress, enter into any agreement or compact
or agreement with another state or with a foreign nation.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, states that the President ‘‘shall
have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to
make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.’’
Article III, Section 2, Clause 1, provides: ‘‘The judicial Power
shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this
Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or
which shall be made, under their Authority; ***’’
Article VI, Section 2, includes treaties among the supreme law
of the land: ‘‘This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
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The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, at 143, 14445, 155, 392 (Max Farrand ed.
1937) (hereafter cited as Farrand).
Ibid., p. 297.
Ibid., p. 393
Ibid., pp. 495, 498499.
which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made,
or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States,
shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every
State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or
Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.’’
The background and records of the Constitutional Convention of
1787 and early writings and practice help reveal the intentions,
concerns, and assumptions of the Drafters of the Constitution.
The Articles of Confederation, completed in 1777 but not ratified
until 1781, formed the basis of the relationship among the 13 colo-
nies until superseded by the Constitution in 1789. The Continental
Congress was the only central organ of the Confederation. The Ar-
ticles vested in ‘‘the united states in congress assembled’’ the power
to enter into treaties and alliances, ‘‘provided that no treaty of com-
merce shall be made whereby the legislative power of the respec-
tive states shall be restrained from imposing such imposts and du-
ties on foreigners, as their own people are subjected to, or from pro-
hibiting the exportation or importation of any species of goods or
commodities whatsoever ***.’’ Congress, a single body composed of
delegates from each state, required the assent of nine states for a
treaty.The main problem concerning treaties under the Articles
was in securing agreement to make treaty provisions binding on all
the states.
At the Philadelphia Convention in 1787, a number of proposals
were put forth to replace the Articles of Confederation. It was gen-
erally agreed that the single branch of the Continental Congress
would be replaced by three branches: legislative, executive, and ju-
dicial. Well into August, the delegates agreed to give the Senate
the exclusive power to make treaties and appoint ambassadors.
Opposition developed, however. On August 15, John Mercer of
Maryland objected to lodging the treatymaking power in the Sen-
ate, contending that it belonged to the executive department, add-
ing that treaties ‘‘would not be final so as to alter the laws of the
land, till ratified by legislative authority.’’
On August 23, James
Madison pointed out that the Senate represented the states alone
and that for ‘‘this as well as other obvious reasons it was proper
that the President should be an agent in Treaties.’’
By September 4 delegates had agreed that the President ‘‘by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall have power to
make treaties,’’ and that no treaty shall be made without the con-
sent of two-thirds of the Senators present.
This portion of the re-
port was brought up for discussion on September 7. James Wilson
of Pennsylvania moved to add the words ‘‘and House of Representa-
tives’’ after the word Senate because, he said, since treaties ‘‘are to
have the operation of laws, they ought to have the sanction of laws
also.’’ As to the objection that secrecy was needed for treatymaking,
he said that factor was outweighed by the necessity for the sanc-
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Ibid., p. 538.
Ibid., p. 540.
Ibid., pp. 540541, 547550.
tion of both chambers. Roger Sherman of Connecticut argued that
the requirement of secrecy for treaties ‘‘forbade a reference of them
to the whole Legislature.’’ Wilsons motion was defeated.
Considerable attention was given to the size of the Senate major-
ity that should be required. Wilson objected to requiring a two-
thirds majority on the grounds that it ‘‘puts it in the power of a
minority to control the will of a majority.’’ He was supported by
Rufus King of Massachusetts, who pointed out that there was al-
ready a check by joining the President in the treatymaking proc-
Several amendments were defeated: (1) to allow two-thirds of
the Senate to make treaties of peace without the Presidents con-
currence; (2) to strike out altogether the clause requiring approval
by two-thirds of the Senate; (3) to require the consent of two-thirds
of all the members of the Senate; (4) to require a majority of the
whole number of the Senate; (5) to establish that a quorum of the
Senate consist of two-thirds of all the members; and (6) to provide
that ‘‘no Treaty shd. be made with[ou]t previous notice to the mem-
bers, & a reasonable time for their attending.’’
A committee was then appointed to revise the style and arrange-
ment of the articles that had been adopted, and the text reported
back was finally approved by the convention as Section 2 of Article
II in its current form. Thus, the power to make treaties, at first
given to the Senate by the Committee of Detail, was transferred to
the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
Further indications of the intended meaning of the constitutional
provisions are found in ‘‘The Federalist,’’ a group of papers written
by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison to explain
and win support for the Constitution, and in debates in the State
Constitutional Conventions called to decide on its adoption. These
sources sustain the conclusion that the original intention was that
the Senate and the President share the treatymaking power, with
the sharing to begin early and continue throughout the
treatymaking process.
Federalist No. 75 by Hamilton ascribes a ‘‘peculiar propriety’’ to
the union of the President and the Senate in the treatymaking
Though several writers on the subject of government place
that power in the class of executive authorities, yet this is evi-
dently an arbitrary disposition; for if we attend carefully to its
operation, it will be found to partake more of the legislative
than of the executive character, though it does not seem strict-
ly to fall within the definition of either of them. The essence
of the legislative authority is to enact laws, or, in other words,
to prescribe rules for the regulation of the society; while the
execution of the laws, and the employment of the common
strength, either for this purpose or for the common defense,
seem to comprise all the functions of the executive magistrate.
The power of making treaties is, plainly neither the one nor
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The Federalist (Benjamin Fletcher Wright ed.), Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press
(1961), pp. 476477.
the other. *** Its objects are CONTRACTS with foreign na-
tions, which have the force of law, but derive it from the obli-
gations of good faith. They are not rules prescribed by the sov-
ereign to the subject, but agreements between sovereign and
sovereign. The power in question seems therefore to form a dis-
tinct department, and to belong, properly, neither to the legis-
lative nor to the executive. The qualities elsewhere detailed as
indispensable in the management of foreign negotiations, point
out the Executive as the most fit agent in those transactions;
while the vast importance of the trust, and the operation of
treaties as laws, plead strongly for the participation of the
whole or a portion of the legislative body in the office of mak-
ing them.
Federalist No. 64 by Jay foresees that on some occasions the
President would undertake preparatory work on treaties alone but
nevertheless would call upon the Senate in important matters:
It seldom happens in the negotiation of treaties, of whatever
nature, but that perfect secrecy and immediate despatch are
sometimes requisite. There are cases where the most useful in-
telligence may be obtained, if the persons possessing it can be
relieved from apprehensions of discovery. Those apprehensions
will operate on those persons whether they are actuated by
mercenary or friendly motives; and there doubtless are many
of both descriptions, who would rely on the secrecy of the
President, but who would not confide in that of the Senate, and
still less in that of a large popular Assembly. The convention
have done well, therefore, in so disposing of the power of mak-
ing treaties, that although the President must, in forming
them, act by the advice and consent of the Senate, yet he will
be able to manage the business of intelligence in such a man-
ner as prudence may suggest.
*** Those matters which in negotiations usually require the
most secrecy and the most despatch, are those preparatory and
auxiliary measures which are not otherwise important in a na-
tional view, than as they tend to facilitate the attainment of
the objects of the negotiation. For these, the President will find
no difficulty to provide; and should any circumstance occur
which requires the advice and consent of the Senate, he may
at any time convene them. ***
Some are displeased with it, not on account of any errors or
defects in it, but because, as the treaties, when made, are to
have the force of laws, they should be made only by men vest-
ed with legislative authority. ***
Others, though content that treaties should be made in the
mode proposed, are averse to their being the supreme law of
the land. They insist, and profess to believe, that treaties like
acts of assembly, should be repealable at pleasure. This idea
seems to be new and peculiar to this country, but new errors,
as well as new truths, often appear. These gentlemen would do
well to reflect that a treaty is only another name for a bargain,
and that it would be impossible to find a Nation who would
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Ibid., pp. 422424.
The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Convention
(Jonathan Elliot ed.), v. 4, p. 263.
Ibid., p. 265.
make any bargain with us, which should be binding on them
absolutely, but on us only so long and so far as we may think
proper to be bound by it.
Pierce Butler, one of the delegates of the Federal Convention and
a member of the committee that drafted the treaty clause, ex-
plained to the members of the South Carolina ratifying convention
the reasons that lay behind the constitutional language:
It was at first proposed to vest the sole power of making
peace or war in the Senate; but this was objected to as inimical
to the genius of a republic, by destroying the necessary balance
they were anxious to preserve. Some gentlemen were inclined
to give this power to the President, but it was objected to, as
throwing into his hands the influence of a monarch, having an
opportunity of involving his country in a war whenever he
wished to promote her destruction. The House of Representa-
tives was then named; but an insurmountable objection was
made to this propositionwhich was, that negotiations always
required the greatest secrecy, which could not be expected in
a large body.
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, who had originally proposed in the
convention that the treatymaking power be given to the Senate
alone, explained to the South Carolina Legislature that the Senate
would approve or disapprove the terms of treaties proposed by the
At last it was agreed to give the President a power of propos-
ing treaties, as he was the ostensible head of the Union, and
to vest the Senate (where each state had an equal voice) with
the power of agreeing or disagreeing to the terms proposed.
*** On the whole, a large majority of the Convention thought
this power would be more safely lodged where they had finally
vested it, than any where else. It was a power that must nec-
essarily be lodged somewhere: political caution and republican
jealousy rendered it improper for us to vest in the President
alone; the nature of negotiation, and the frequent recess of the
House of Representatives, rendered that body an improper de-
pository of this prerogative. The President and Senate joined
were, therefore, after much deliberation, deemed the most eli-
gible corps in whom we could with safety vest the diplomatic
authority of the Union.
B. E
Early practice in treatymaking lends further insight into the in-
tentions of the Framers of the Constitution, as well as into factors
bringing about current practice. The first President of the United
States had also presided at the Constitutional Convention, and
most of the Members of the Senate during his administrations ei-
ther had been members of the Continental or Confederation Con-
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‘‘Of the sixty-six men who served in the Senate during Washingtons administrations, thirty-
one had been members of the Constitutional Congress or of the Congress of the Confederation,
twelve had helped draft the Constitution in the convention at Philadelphia, and ten had been
members of state conventions which had ratified the Federal instrument.’’ Hayden, Ralston. The
Senate and Treaties, 17891817. New York, Macmillan, 1920, p. 3.
The Writings of George Washington (John C. Fitzpatrick ed.), v. 30, p. 373.
Ibid., p. 378.
gresses or attended the Constitutional Convention or the state con-
ventions called to adopt the Constitution.
On August 6, 1789, the Senate appointed a committee to confer
with the President on the manner in which communications be-
tween them concerning treaties and nominations should be han-
dled. In a message to the committee on August 8, 1789, President
Washington stated that in all matters respecting treaties ‘‘oral
communications seem indispensably necessary; because in these a
variety of matters are contained, all of which not only require con-
sideration, but some of them may undergo much discussion; to do
which by written communications would be tedious without being
In a second message on August 10, he distin-
guished between appointmentsin which ‘‘the agency of the Senate
is purely executive’’—and treaties, where ‘‘the agency is perhaps as
much of a legislative nature and the business may possibly be re-
ferred to their deliberations in their legislative chamber.’’ In this
same message, he explained that the Senate was to be consulted
in advance of making a treaty. Treaties would be presented to the
Senate in an interim form (‘‘propositions’’), not as a completed prod-
On some occasions it may be most convenient that the Presi-
dent should attend the deliberations and decisions on his prop-
ositions; on others that he should not; or that he should not at-
tend the whole of the time. In other cases, again, as in Treaties
of a complicated nature, it may happen, that he will send his
propositions in writing and consult the Senate in person after
time shall have been allowed for consideration.
President Washington recommended that the Senate should ac-
commodate its rules to the uncertainty of the particular mode and
place, provide for either oral or written propositions, and for giving
consent and advice in either the presence or absence of the Presi-
dent, leaving the President free to establish the mode and place.
Accordingly, on August 21, 1789, the Senate adopted a rule on
the procedure to be followed when the President met with the Sen-
ate. The rule covered both appointments and treaties:
Resolved, That when nominations shall be made in writing
by the President of the United States to the Senate, a future
day shall be assigned, unless the Senate unanimously direct
otherwise, for taking them into consideration; that when the
President of the United States shall meet the Senate in the
Senate Chamber, the President of the Senate shall have a
chair on the floor, be considered as at the head of the Senate,
and his chair shall be assigned to the President of the United
States; that when the Senate shall be convened by the Presi-
dent of the United States to any other place, the President of
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1 Annals of Cong. 65 (August 21, 1789) (emphasis in original).
Ibid., p. 69.
Ibid., pp. 6971.
Maclay, William. Sketches of Debate in the First Senate of the United States (George W.
Harris ed.), Harrisburg, Lane S. Hart (1880), p. 124.
the Senate and Senators shall attend at the place appointed.
The Secretary of the Senate shall also attend to take the min-
utes of the Senate.
That all questions shall be put by the President of the Sen-
ate, either in the presence or absence of the President of the
United States; and the Senators shall signify their assent or
dissent by answering viva voce, aye or no.
The same day President Washington gave notice of his intention
to meet with the Senate to consider the terms of a treaty to be ne-
gotiated with the Southern Indians. The next day, Saturday, Presi-
dent Washington came into the Senate Chamber, accompanied by
Secretary of War Henry Knox, and presented a paper giving an ex-
planation of the proposed treaty. He then asked the Senate for its
advice and consent on seven questions to guide the commissioners
who were negotiating the treaty. At his request, the Senate post-
poned voting on the first question. On the second question, regard-
ing instructions to the commissioners to pursue other measures re-
specting the Chickasaws and Choctaws, the Senate voted in the
On Monday, August 24, the President again returned to
the Senate Chamber and votes were taken on the rest of the ques-
These meetings between the Senate and the President are fa-
mous as the first and last times that a President personally ap-
peared before the Senate to seek its advice and consent. The meet-
ings apparently were not satisfactory to either side. While the Ex-
ecutive Journal of the Senate does not record the debate, William
Maclay, a Senator from Pennsylvania, recorded in his journal the
difficulty of hearing the discussion and the seeming haste for deci-
sions. Because of the noise created by carriages driving past,
Maclay ‘‘could tell it was something about Indians, but was not
master of one sentence of it.’’ When it was proposed that the ques-
tions be referred to a committee, Washington ‘‘started up in a vio-
lent fret’’ and stated that ‘‘This defeats every purpose of my coming
here.’’ Maclay also wrote:
I had, at an early stage of the business, whispered to Mr.
Morris that, I thought, the best way to conduct the business
was to have all the papers committed. My reasons were that
I saw no chance of a fair investigation of subjects while the
President of the United States sat there, with his Secretary of
War to support his opinions, and overawe the timid and neu-
tral part of the Senate.
The dissatisfaction on the Presidents side is often illustrated
with the following quotation from the memoirs of John Quincy
Mr. Crawford told twice over the story of President Washing-
tons having at an early period of his Administration gone to
the Senate with a project of a treaty to be negotiated, and been
present at their deliberations upon it. They debated it and pro-
posed alterations, so that when Washington left the Senate-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Memoirs of John Quincy Adams (Charles Francis Adams ed.), Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott
(1875), v. VI, p. 427 (emphasis in original).
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents (James D. Richardson ed.),
New York, Bureau of National Literature (18971925), v. 1, p. 64 (hereafter cited as Richard-
Ibid., p. 115.
Hayden, Ralston. The Senate and Treaties, 17891817. New York, Macmillan Co., 1920, pp.
chamber he said he would be damned if he ever went there
again. And ever since that time treaties have been negotiated
by the Executive before submitting them to the consideration
of the Senate.
It is error to conclude from this unhappy incident that Washing-
ton and future Presidents thereafter excluded the Senate from the
treaty negotiation process. Washington continued to seek the ad-
vice of Senators, but he did so through written communications
rather than personal appearances. For example, on February 9,
1790, he wrote to the Senate about a boundary line between U.S.
and British territories. He thought ‘‘it advisable to postpone any
negotiations on the subject until I shall be informed of the result
of your deliberations and receive your advice as to the propositions
most proper to be offered on the part of the United States.’’
May 8, 1792, he asked the Senate these questions:
If the President of the United States should conclude a con-
vention or treaty with the Government of Algiers for the ran-
som of the thirteen Americans in captivity there for a sum not
exceeding $40,000, all expenses included, will the Senate ap-
prove the same? Or is there any, and what, greater or lesser
sum which they would fix on as the limit beyond which they
would not approve the ransom?
If the President of the United States should conclude a trea-
ty with the Government of Algiers for the establishment of
peace with them, at an expense not exceeding $25,000, paid at
the signature, and a like sum to be paid annually afterwards
during the continuance of the treaty, would the Senate approve
the same? Or are there any greater or lesser sums which they
would fix on as the limits beyond which they would not ap-
prove of such treaty?
On some occasions, however, President Washington did not con-
sult the Senate in advance of negotiations. Four treaties with In-
dian tribes negotiated during Washingtons administrations with-
out prior consultation with the Senate were approved. In regard to
one of these, the Treaty of Greenville with the Indians northwest
of the Ohio, Washington consulted his Cabinet on whether con-
sultations with the Senate should be undertaken prior to negotia-
tion and the Cabinet unanimously expressed the opinion it would
be better not to. Thomas Jefferson wrote that all thought that if
the Senate were consulted and told of plans, it would become
known to the British minister and ‘‘we would lose all chance of sav-
ing anything more than our ultimatum.’’
In the case of the Jay Treaty with Great Britain of November 19,
1794, a few Senators helped initiate the treaty and were prominent
in its negotiation, but the President did not obtain the advice and
consent of the entire Senate on the instructions to the negotiation.
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Hayden, op. cit., p. 101.
Hayden, op. cit., pp. 105106.
Just before approving the appointment of John Jay as special
envoy to Britain, the Senate rejected a motion asking the President
to supply it with complete information on the business to be
charged to Jay. However, it was recognized that the treaty would
have to be negotiated subject to obtaining the consent of the Senate
to ratification. When the final treaty was put before the Senate, the
Senate made its consent conditional upon alteration of the treaty.
After the revisions requested by the Senate were made and accept-
ed by Britain, the President ratified the revised treaty without fur-
ther submission to the Senate.
The Senate on one occasion was called upon to assist in the in-
terpretation of a treaty. In 1791, France contended that certain
acts of Congress imposing requirements on ships without excepting
those of France were in contravention of the Treaty of 1778. After
considering various alternatives presented by the Secretary of
State, the Senate expressed the opinion that the American inter-
pretation of the treaty was correct and advised that this answer be
given to France in the most friendly manner. This course was
The conclusions of one student of the subject on the evolution of
the treatymaking procedures during Washingtons administrations
have been stated as follows:
One very important decision reached by the logic of events
during these eight years, however, was that the Senate could
not really be a ‘‘council of advice’’ to the President in treaty-
making. Yet evidently both Washington and the Senate origi-
nally expected that it would be such a council. The personal
element in their relations was emphasized by the presence of
the Secretary of State or the Secretary of War, or, in the one
instance, of the President himself, at their deliberations.
As the Senate ceased to be consulted as a real ‘‘council of ad-
vice,’’ its activities in that part of treaty-making known as the
negotiation became less important. At first in making treaties
both with the Indian tribes and with foreign nations the Presi-
dent usually secured the advice and consent of the Senate to
the details of the proposed treaty before opening the negotia-
tion. In the end it became his custom merely to inform the
Senate of the proposed negotiation upon securing its consent to
the nomination of the agent, and to submit the latters instruc-
tions only with the completed treaty. *** The effect of the
change in procedure was to leave the President free to nego-
tiate the sort of treaty which the necessities of the situation
demanded and allowed, while the Senate retained a like free-
dom to accept, to amend, or to reject the result of his efforts.
During subsequent administrations, the respective roles of the
Senate and the President were further refined. Through its action
on the Treaty of 1797 with Tunis, the Senate established its right
to make its approval of a treaty conditional upon changes in the
text or terms that might require renegotiation. In the European
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Ibid., pp. 108111.
Ibid., p. 150.
Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate, vol. 4, p. 98.
Ibid., p. 99.
Richardson, vol. 5, p. 2299.
monarchies prior to that time, it had been considered obligatory for
the monarchies to ratify a treaty if his emissary had stayed within
his instructions, and no practice existed of reservations to parts of
treaties. After considering the treaty with Tunis, the Senate adopt-
ed a resolution advising and consenting to its ratification on condi-
tion that a certain article be suspended and recommending renego-
tiation of the article. Renegotiation was undertaken and the Senate
subsequently gave its advice and consent to the ratification of the
article in question and two other articles that were renegotiated.
The King-Hawksbury Convention of May 12, 1803, became the first
treaty not to enter into force because the other party, Great Brit-
ain, would not accept an amendment advised by the Senate. Lord
Harrowby, the head of the British Foreign Office at that time, criti-
cized the practice of ratifying treaties with exceptions to parts of
them, a practice which he called ‘‘new, unauthorized and not to be
Gradually, however, other countries became used to
the American procedure.
President Andrew Jackson appreciated the value of seeking the
advice of Senators on how best to pursue treaty negotiations. On
May 6, 1830, he submitted to the Senate ‘‘propositions’’ for a treaty
with the Chocktaw Indians. He indicated the amendments he
thought necessary, but elicited the Senates views: ‘‘Not being tena-
cious though, on the subject, I will most cheerfully adopt any modi-
fications which, on a frank interchange of opinions my Constitu-
tional advisors may suggest and which I shall be satisfied are rec-
oncilable with my official duties.’’
He explained that the Indians
recommended that their propositions be submitted to the Senate,
and that the Senates opinion ‘‘will have a salutary effect in a fu-
ture negotiation, if one should be deemed proper.’’
Instead of act-
ing unilaterally, Jackson thought it would be more satisfactory to
the American people and to the Indians to have ‘‘the united counsel
of the treatymaking power.’’
President James K. Polk also invited the Senates advice on nego-
tiating a treaty. He regarded the Senate as ‘‘a branch of the
treatymaking power, and by consulting them in advance of his own
action upon important measures of foreign policy which may ulti-
mately come before them for their consideration the President se-
cures harmony of action between that body and himself.’’
Conclusion of treaties with Indian tribes ended in 1871. For al-
most a century, Indian tribes were treated as independent nations
and subjected to the treatymaking power of the President and the
Senate. However, the Constitution also empowers Congress to ‘‘reg-
ulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several
States, and with the Indian Tribes.’’ Partly because of corruption
and mismanagement in the Office of Indian Affairs, the House of
Representatives began to object to its exclusion from Indian affairs.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Cohen, Felix. Felix Cohens Handbook on Federal Indian Law (1971), p. 66.
Act of March 3, 1871, ch. 120, sec. 1, 16 Stat. 566. For further involvement of the House
and the Senate in the treaty process, see Louis Fisher, ‘‘Congressional Participation in the Trea-
ty Process,’’ University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 137, pp. 15111522 (1989).
For academic refutations of Wilsons thesis, see Forrest R. Black, ‘‘The United States Senate
and the Treaty Power,’’ Rocky Mountain Law Review, vol. 4, pp. 119 (1931); Richard E. Webb,
‘‘Treaty-Making and the Presidents Obligation to Seek the Advice and Consent of the Senate
with Special Reference to the Vietnam Peace Negotiations,’’ Ohio State Law Journal, vol. 31,
pp. 490519 (1970).
‘‘Executive Privilege: The Withholding of Information by the Executive,’’ hearings before the
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 92d Cong., 1st Sess. (1971), pp. 262264.
I.M. Destler, ‘‘Treaty Troubles: Versailles in Reverse,’’ Foreign Policy, vol. 35, p. 50 (1978
I.M. Destler, ‘‘Executive-Congressional Conflict in Foreign Policy: Explaining It, Coping
With It, in Congress Reconsidered (Lawrence C. Dodd & Bruce I. Oppenheimer eds., 1981), p.
In 1869, the Senate added funds to an appropriations bill to fulfill
Indian treaties it had approved, but the House refused to grant the
In 1871, the House completed its reassertion by enacting
this language: ‘‘Provided, That hereafter no Indian Nation or tribe
within the territory of the United States shall be acknowledged or
recognized as an independent nation, tribe, or power with whom
the United States may contract by treaty.’’
That language was
later incorporated into permanent law as 25 U.S.C. §71 (1994).
Presidents have varied in their attitude toward Senate participa-
tion in the treaty process. Some have included Senators; others
have kept the negotiation of treaties an executive monopoly. Presi-
dent Woodrow Wilson believed that the President should not con-
sult with the Senate and treat it as an equal partner. He applied
this theory to the Versailles Treaty, which the Senate twice re-
On the other hand, Presidents such as William McKinley,
Warren Harding, and Herbert Hoover included Senators and Rep-
resentatives as members of U.S. delegations that negotiated trea-
ties. The details of the U.N. Charter were hammered out at a con-
ference in San Francisco in 1945. Half of the eight members of the
U.S. delegation came from Congress: Senators Tom Connally (D-
Tex.) and Arthur H. Vandenberg (R-Mich.) and Representatives Sol
Bloom (D-N.Y.) and Charles A. Eaton (R-N.J.).
During negotiations of the North Atlantic Treaty, Senators
Thomas Connally and Arthur Vandenberg were with Secretary of
State Dean Acheson ‘‘all the time,’’ and Senator Walter George ac-
tually wrote one of the treaty provisions.
The Carter Administra-
tion consulted with at least 70 Senators during the final phase of
the negotiations of the Panama Canal Treaty.
During 1977 and
1978, 26 Senators served in Geneva as official advisers to the
SALT II negotiating team.
The notion that the President is the exclusive negotiator of trea-
ties and international agreements has been undercut by recent
trade legislation, which gives Congress a direct role in the negotia-
tion process. It has become the practice of Congress to offer the
President a ‘‘fast-track’’ legislative procedure for implementing
trade agreements with other nations. Fast-track means that the
Presidents implementing bill is automatically introduced in Con-
gress, committees must act within a specified number of days, Con-
gress must complete floor action within a limited time, and amend-
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‘‘Extension of Fast Track Legislative Procedures,’’ hearings before the Senate Committee on
Finance, 102d Cong., 1st Sess. (1991), p. 9.
Public Papers of the Presidents, 1991, I, p. 450.
For discussion of domestic legal aspects of executive agreements, see Chapter IV.
1 Stat. 239 (1792).
Altman & Co. v. United States, 224 U.S. 583, 60001 (1912). In United States v. Pink, 315
U.S. 203, 230 (1942), Justice Douglas regarded executive agreements as having a ‘‘similar dig-
nity’’ with treaties.
ments to the bill are prohibited either in committee or on the floor.
Through this procedure, leaders of foreign governments (often with
parliamentary systems that vest strong powers in the Executive)
are assured that the trade pact will be given expedited consider-
ation by Congress.
In obtaining these procedural benefits, the President recognizes
that Members of Congress must be closely involved in the negotia-
tions that produce the implementing bill. In 1991, after President
George Bush asked Congress to extend the fast track for a trade
pact with Mexico, U.S. Trade Representative Carla A. Hills told the
Senate Finance Committee that the fast track ‘‘is a genuine part-
nership between the two branches.’’ Because Congress retained the
power to defeat the implementing bill, Hills emphasized that Con-
gress ‘‘has a full role throughout the entire process in formulating
the negotiating objectives in close consultation as the negotiations
President Bush gave Congress his ‘‘personal commit-
ment to close bipartisan cooperation in the negotiations and be-
Early practice ushered in the use of ‘‘executive agreements’’:
international agreements that are not submitted to the Senate as
Legislation in 1792 authorized the Postmaster General
to make arrangements with foreign postmasters for the receipt and
delivery of letters and packets.
Executive officials also entered
into reciprocal trade agreements on the basis of statutory author-
ity. Although such agreements lacked what the Supreme Court in
1912 called the ‘‘dignity’’ of a treaty, since they do not require Sen-
ate approval, they are nonetheless valid international compacts.
After the Second World War, the United States entered into a
dramatically increasing number of international agreements, and
most of these were concluded as executive agreements. Table II1
depicts the tremendous growth in the number of U.S. treaties and
other international agreements in 50-year periods from 1789
through 1989 and Table II2 depicts the annual growth since 1930.
These statistics on treaties and agreements ‘‘concluded’’ means
agreements that completed the negotiation stage and have been
signed but may not yet have entered into force. In this data ‘‘con-
cluded’’ does not mean agreements and treaties that have all en-
tered into force.
As apparent from the charts, after 1945 the number of inter-
national agreements concluded annually escalated rapidly. One fac-
tor was the continuing increase in the number of newly independ-
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Table II–1.—Treaties and Executive Agreements Concluded by the United States,
Period Treaties
1789–1839 .............................................................................. 60 27
1839–1889 .............................................................................. 215 238
1889–1939 .............................................................................. 524 917
1939–1989 .............................................................................. 702 11,698
Total ...................................................................... 1,501 12,880
Data on the period since 1945 has been furnished by the Department of State, Office of the Assist-
ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs. Data prior to 1945 is from the Congressional Record, May 2, 1945,
p. 4118. In Borchard, Edwin M. Treaties and Executive Agreements. American Political Science Review, v.
40, no. 4, August 1947, p. 735.
Table II–2.—Treaties and Executive Agreements Concluded by the United States,
Year Treaties
Year Treaties
Year Treaties
1930 25 11 1950 11 157 1970 20 183
1931 13 14 1951 21 213 1971 17 214
1932 1 16 1952 22 291 1972 20 287
1933 9 11 1953 14 163 1973 17 241
1934 14 16 1954 17 206 1974 13 229
1935 25 10 1955 7 297 1975 13 264
1936 8 16 1956 15 233 1976 13 402
1937 15 10 1957 9 222 1977 17 424
1938 12 24 1958 10 197 1978 15 417
1939 10 26 1959 12 250 1979 28 378
1940 12 20 1960 5 266 1980 26 321
1941 15 39 1961 9 260 1981 12 322
1942 6 52 1962 10 319 1982 17 343
1943 4 71 1963 17 234 1983 23 282
1944 1 74 1964 3 222 1984 15 336
1945 6 54 1965 14 204 1985 8 336
1946 19 139 1966 14 237 1986 17 400
1947 15 144 1967 18 223 1987 12 434
1948 16 178 1968 18 197 1988 21 387
1949 22 148 1969 6 162 1989 15 363
1990 20 398
1991 11 286
1992 21 303
1993 17 257
1994 24 338
1995 17 300
1996 48 260
1997 40 257
1998 25 259
1999 26 199
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U.S. Department of State. Treaties in Force. A list of treaties and other international agree-
ments of the United States in force on January 1, 1999, pp. iiiv.
Treaties in Force, 1999, pp. 301312.
Information from the U.S. Department of State, Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for
Treaty Affairs, September 29, 2000. Comprehensive and detailed data for the years after 1989
is no longer being tabulated by the State Department.
Some of the increase since 1973 may be attributed to the counting of agency level agree-
ments that may not have been counted prior to the passage of the Case-Zablocki Act in 1973,
just as the decrease in 1991 may be accounted for partly by the cessation of the reporting under
the Case-Zablocki Act of agricultural commodity agreements. See Chapter X.
ent nations with which the United States interacts. Treaties in the
early days of the Nation were limited to Indian tribes and a com-
paratively few foreign powers, including France, Great Britain, Al-
giers, Spain, and Russia. By January 1, 1999, the United States
had bilateral treaties or other international agreements with more
than 200 countries.
Another factor was the growing international cooperation of the
United States, and the continuing emergence of new fields of inter-
national cooperation, such as atomic energy, space research, and
satellites. Agreements with a single country often cover a whole
range of subjects ranging from aviation, commerce, and defense to
environmental cooperation, patents, and taxation. The United
States had more than 200 international agreements with the
United Kingdom in force in 1999, for example, listed under almost
60 different subjects.
Cumulatively, in 1989 the United States was a party to 890 trea-
ties and 5,117 executive agreements.
The total number of treaties
and other international agreements in force increases with time be-
cause, once entered into, agreements remain in force until they ex-
pire by their own terms or are denounced, replaced, or superceded.
While some international agreements are by their terms temporary
or limited to a specific time period, others are intended to be more
or less permanent. To illustrate, still listed among treaties in force
with the United Kingdom are the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, the
Jay Treaty of 1794, and the Treaty of Peace and Amity signed at
Ghent in 1814.
Accompanying the increase in international agreements was the
increase of international agreements other than treaties, that is,
agreements not submitted to the Senate. As the preceding table
shows, in the first 50 years of U.S. history, twice as many treaties
were concluded as executive agreements. In the 50-year period
from 1839 to 1889 a few more executive agreements than treaties
were concluded. In the 50-year period from 1889 to 1939 almost
twice as many executive agreements as treaties were concluded. In
the period since 1939 executive agreements have comprised more
than 90 percent of the international agreements concluded.
The growth in executive agreements may be accounted for by a
number of factors.
A primary factor is the sheer increase in vol-
ume of the amount of business and contacts between the United
States and other countries. Many observers believe it would be im-
practical to submit every international agreement the United
States enters to the Senate as a treaty. An executive agreement is
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
See also Chapter IV, section on Executive Agreements.
U.S. Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. International Agreements: An Anal-
ysis of Executive Regulations and Practices. Prepared by the Congressional Research Service,
Library of Congress, 19741975, by R. Roger Majak. Committee Print, 1977, p. 22. See further
discussion in Chapters IV and X.
McClure, Wallace Mitchell. International Executive Agreements. New York, Columbia Uni-
versity Press, 1941, p. 4.
See Chapter X.
usually much simpler to conclude or amend than a treaty. The Sen-
ate, with an already heavy workload, would quickly find itself over-
burdened if all international agreements, no matter how minor in
importance, were submitted to it for advice and consent.
Most executive agreements are concluded under the authority of
a statute or prior treaty.
In a wide variety of laws Congress has
authorized the executive branch to conclude international agree-
ments in fields including foreign aid, agriculture, and mutual secu-
rity. Similarly, the Senate has approved numerous treaties that im-
plicitly or explicitly authorized further agreement among the par-
ties. As an example, the executive branch has concluded numerous
defense and base agreements on the basis of the North Atlantic
Treaty and other security treaties. One study found that 88.3 per-
cent of international agreements reached between 1946 and 1972
were based at least partly on statutory authority; 6.2 percent on
treaties, and 5.5 percent solely on executive authority.
An increasing number of international agreements require the
specific approval of Congress before entry into force rather than
being submitted as treaties to the Senate. On occasion, this has
been done at the initiative of the executive branch with the knowl-
edge that an international agreement was unlikely to receive the
approval of two-thirds of the Senate, or to assure that funds for im-
plementation would be approved by the House of Representatives.
One historian knowledgeable about executive agreements wrote,
‘‘On certain occasions, when the treatymaking method has failed or
seemed likely to fail, he [the President] has accomplished his pur-
pose by substituting the more facile type of instrument.’’
More often, legislation has required that executive agreements in
some categories be submitted to Congress for specific approval or
for tacit approval (through no negative action in a specified time
period) before they enter into force. In trade legislation, Congress
has authorized the President to negotiate certain agreements but
has required that Congress approve the agreements, as well as re-
quiring the executive branch to notify and consult with Congress
during the negotiations. Nuclear, fisheries, and social security
agreements are among those required by law to lie before Congress
for specified time periods before they can enter into force. During
this period, Congress can pass legislation disapproving the agree-
ments, often with expedited procedures.
The increasing use of international agreements other than trea-
ties challenged the Senate to oversee that the executive agreement
process was not used when agreements should properly be submit-
ted to the Senate as treaties. Similarly, the increasing rise of
agreements requiring approval by Congress, while assuring a con-
gressional role, challenged the Senate to distinguish which types of
agreements required submission to the Senate under the tradi-
tional treaty procedure.
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Information from Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, September 29,
The 189th member was Tuvalu.
See Treaties in Force, 1999, pp. vvii, 331478.
Compiled from Treaties in Force, 1999, pp. iiiv.
Information from Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, September 29,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. S. Exec. Rept. 10255 to accom-
pany Treaty Doc. 10238. October 1, 1992, p. 15. See also Protocol on Environmental Protection
to the Antarctic Treaty. S. Exec. Rept. 10254 to accompany Treaty Doc. 10222. September 22,
1992, p. 7.
The third main change in the field of international agreements
is the growth of multilateral agreements, agreements among three
or more parties as opposed to bilateral treaties between two par-
ties. Multilateral agreements for the United States were rare prior
to the 20th century. After the end of the Second World War, their
numbers grew as nations found a multilateral treaty could render
unnecessary dozens of bilateral treaties and establish an agreed
international standard. From 1980 through 1999, the United States
concluded or acceded to 450 multilateral agreements.
Multilateral agreements vary widely in number of parties, sub-
ject matter, and significance. Some have only three parties, but
others have more than 150. As of October 2000, for example, the
United Nations had 189 members.
Multilateral agreements cover
more than 200 different subject areas ranging from Africa to World
War II and agriculture to womens political rights.
Many multi-
lateral agreements establish international organizations, which in
turn conclude bilateral agreements with the United States. The
United States has concluded bilateral agreements with approxi-
mately 50 international organizations.
Some of these concern rou-
tine matters such as reimbursement of taxes of employees of these
organizations, but others concern subjects of broader significance,
such as the application of international atomic energy safeguards
in the United States.
Although multilateral executive agreements being concluded out-
number multilateral treaties, multilateral agreements form a far
larger proportion of treaties than of executive agreements. Of 415
treaties that the United States concluded from 1980 through 1999,
155 (37 percent) were multilateral; of 6,381 executive agreements,
294 (4.6 percent) were multilateral.
Like executive agreements, the growing number of multilateral
agreements brought new challenges to the role of the Senate in the
treatymaking process. A major challenge was the pressure to ap-
prove a multilateral treaty without reservation because of the large
number of nations that had been involved and the difficulty of re-
negotiation. Some multilateral treaties have contained an article
prohibiting conditions. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
has said that its approval of these treaties should not be construed
as a precedent for such clauses in future treaties. In the commit-
tees view, ‘‘The Presidents agreement to such a prohibition can
not constrain the Senates constitutional right and obligation to
give its advice and consent to a treaty subject to any reservation
it might determine is required by the national interest.’’
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Prepared by Margaret Mikyung Lee, Legislative Attorney.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, concluded at Vienna on May 23, 1969, en-
tered into force for the countries that had ratified it on January 27, 1980, upon its ratification
or accession by 35 foreign countries. As of January 19, 2001, it had 46 signatories and 91 par-
ties. For the text of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and a list of parties thereto,
see Appendix 5.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, May 23, 1969, 1155 U.N.T.S. 331, S. Exec. Doc.
L, 921 (1971) (hereafter cited as Vienna Convention).
Treaties are governed by international law and are a primary
source of international law. They play a central role in the orderly
conduct of relations among states. In order for treaties to perform
this role, internationally recognized rules governing treaties have
developed. Traditionally, treaty rules were established by custom
and practice, and as a result they were not precisely defined.
Under international law, the term ‘‘treaty’’ is applied to all bind-
ing international agreements between states or between states and
international organizations. The term ‘‘international agreement,’’
however, includes both binding and non-binding agreements. The
term ‘‘executive agreement’’ is a creature of U.S. domestic law, not
international law; ‘‘executive agreements’’ that are binding inter-
national agreements are considered to be ‘‘treaties’’ in international
law terminology.
This chapter examines the definition of a treaty under inter-
national law and utilizes the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties and the Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations
Law of the United States, as primary sources for such law. Because
the United States has not ratified the convention, its international
law status for non-parties is discussed. The chapter also reviews
the criteria, under international law, which make an agreement
binding; the principles which can render a binding agreement in-
valid; and the status of ‘‘non-binding’’ agreements and statements
under international law.
A. T
The Vienna Convention is in force internationally and has been
ratified by or acceded to by 91 countries.
The United States has
signed but has not ratified the Vienna Convention and thus is not
legally bound by its provisions.
Nevertheless, the convention re-
tains its status as a primary source of international law concerning
treaties, even for non-parties. The convention is partly a codifica-
tion of customary international law, but also partly a development
of international law and a reconciliation of different theories and
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I.A. Shearer, Starkes International Law 397 (11th ed. 1994); M.N. Shaw, International Law
561 (3d ed. 1991).
Statement regarding the Vienna Convention (unpublished) of Carl F. Salans, Acting Legal
Adviser, Department of State, before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, August 3,
S. Exec. Doc. L, at 1.
S. Exec. Doc. L, Letter of Transmittal. Despite the authoritative status of the convention
under international law, in a few instances it appears to differ from customary international
law and U.S. practice. For example, the convention definition of a treaty does not include oral
agreements (Article 2) although according to the convention, its definition shall not affect the
legal force of such agreements (Article 3(a)). Also, the convention permits a treaty to prohibit
reservations (Article 19), which is contrary to the strong position taken by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee against the inclusion of provisions in agreements that would inhibit the
power of the Senate to attach reservations. However, it has recommended advice and consent
to some treaties containing such provisions, while affirming opposition to such provisions and
declaring that approval of a treaty containing such a provision is not to be considered a prece-
dent for acceptance of such provisions. See S. Exec. Rept. 10525, at 1819 (1998) (the World
Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and Performances and Phonograms Trea-
ty); S. Exec. Rept. 10255, at 15 (1992) (the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Changes); S. Exec. Rept. 10254 (1992) (the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Ant-
arctic Treaty); S. Exec. Rept. 853, at 17 (1957) (Statute of International Atomic Energy Agen-
cy). Regarding differences between customary and conventional treaty law, see American Law
Institute, Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States (1987) (here-
after cited as Rest. 3d). The Restatement accepts the Vienna Convention as, in general, con-
stituting a codification of the customary international law governing international agreements,
and therefore as foreign relations law of the United States even though the United States has
not adhered to the convention. In a few instances, the convention moves beyond or deviates from
accepted customary international law, and the Restatement therefore departs from the conven-
tion pending U.S. adherence to it. In a few other instances, the difference between the conven-
tion and customary law is a matter of emphasis and degree and can be accommodated within
the text of the convention. Since the United States may become a party to the convention, the
Restatement uses the text of the convention as a guide, with deviations indicated as appropriate
in Comment and Reporters notes. Rest. 3d, Vol. I, Part III, Introductory Note, at 145.
practices; provisions in the latter category are binding only on the
Furthermore, the convention was not intended to be a
complete codification of treaty law, and issues not covered by the
convention continue to be covered by principles of customary inter-
national law.
The Department of State describes the convention as
a widely regarded ‘‘major achievement in the development and
codification of international law.’’
In his letter transmitting the Vienna Convention to the Presi-
dent, Secretary of State William P. Rogers referred to it as ‘‘***
a generally agreed body of rules to govern all aspects of treaty
making and treaty observance.’’ He called the convention ‘‘*** an
expertly designed formulation of contemporary treaty law ***
[that] *** should contribute importantly to the stability of treaty
relationships. *** Although not in force, [for the United States] the
Convention is already recognized as the authoritative guide to cur-
rent treaty law and practice.’’ (emphasis added.)
President Richard Nixon attributed similar status to the conven-
tion when, upon sending it to the Senate, he stated that:
The growing importance of treaties in the orderly conduct of
international relations has made increasingly evident the need
for clear, well-defined, and readily ascertainable rules of inter-
national law applicable to treaties. I believe that the codifica-
tion of treaty law formulated by representatives of the inter-
national community and embodied in the Vienna Convention
meets this need.
The State Departments position on the status of the Vienna Con-
vention largely accords with the positions of most members of the
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The convention is the final product of a U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties. The Inter-
national Law Commission, which initially drafted the convention, was established to implement
Article 13 of the U.N. Charter, which called for the General Assembly to initiate studies and
make recommendations for purposes that include the ‘‘progressive development of international
law and its codification.’’ Article 1 of the International Law Commissions statute charged it
with this task. See G.A. Res. 174 (II), U.N. GAOR, 2d Sess., November 21, 1947. Members of
the U.S. Senate were apparently not participants in, and not consulted on, the Commissions
drafting or adoption of its final draft text of the Vienna Convention. However, as the Commis-
sions membership consists of individual members and not government delegations, no require-
ment for either formal or informal Senate involvement existed at this stage of the conventions
Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, June 26, 1945. Other sources
of international law cited by this Article include international custom and general principles of
law recognized by civilized nations. Domestic judicial decisions and the teachings of judicial
scholars are named as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of international law.
See North Sea Continental Shelf cases (F.R.G. v. Den., F.R.G. v. Neth.), 1969 ICJ 3, 28
29, 3746, 53 (Feb. 20).
See, for example, Weinberger v. Rossi, 456 U.S. 25, 29 note 5 (1982) (citing the draft Rest.
3d, Introductory Note 3, p. 74 (Tent. Draft No. 1, Apr. 1, 1980)). For additional discussion, see
Maria Frankowska, The Vienna Convention on the Law of treaties before United States Courts,
28 Va. J. Intl L. 281391 (1988).
international community.
This status stems in part from the con-
cept that international treaties constitute one of the most signifi-
cant sources of international law. For example, the Statute of the
International Court of Justice directs the Court, when deciding dis-
putes, to apply international law gleaned from a variety of sources
beginning with international conventions.
Multilateral agreements, of which the Vienna Convention is a
prime example, are not only an evidentiary source of recognized
customary international law. They may also contribute to the pro-
gressive development of international law by expressing rules
which may not yet be fully recognized by the international commu-
nity. The International Court of Justice has on occasion noted that
provisions contained in such agreements may be binding on a state
as customary law even if a state is not a party to the agreement.
A determination of whether a given provision of such an agreement
expresses customary law may entail a consideration of (1) whether
the provision was intended to codify settled law at the time of
drafting, (2) whether an evolving rule of settled law expressed by
the provision had become settled customary law by the time the
agreement was concluded or entered into force, and finally, (3)
whether a rule, which was experimental or evolving when the
agreement expressing it in a provision was concluded or entered
into force, has become customary international law with the pas-
sage of time since the agreements conclusion or entry into force.
So the Vienna Convention contains rules governing treaty relation-
ships that are recognized as general principles of international law
by the executive and judicial branches of the United States, as well
as by the international community, even though the United States
has not ratified it.
Senate advice and consent to future treaties
will, as a result, be influenced by the Vienna Convention, even if
the United States does not become a party to it.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties was sent to the
Senate on November 22, 1971, and remains in committee. The Sen-
ate Committee on Foreign Relations ordered reported a Resolution
of Advice and Consent to the Ratification of the Convention on Sep-
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See U.S. Department of State, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1974,
195198 (1975) (hereafter cited as Digest, 1974).
Ibid., at 195 (comments and emphasis added).
The convention does not definitively resolve this issue. See later discussion in this chapter
entitled: ‘‘Invalidation by Violation of Domestic Law Governing Treaties.’’
This is the part of the U.S. Constitution which requires Senate advice and consent to trea-
tember 7, 1972, subject to an understanding and interpretation.
The Department of State opposed the wording of the understand-
ing, and the convention was reconsidered in executive session by
the committee, but not reported out.
The wording proposed by the committee read:
subject to the interpretation and understanding, *** that, in
accordance with Article 46 of the Convention [relating to a
states right to invalidate a treaty if its consent was obtained
by a manifest violation of an internal law of fundamental im-
portance], since Article 2, Section 2, of the United States Con-
stitution states that the President ‘‘shall have power, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties,
provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur,’’ it is a rule
of internal law of the United States of fundamental importance
that no treaty (as defined by paragraph 1(a) of Article 2 of the
Convention) is valid with respect to the United States, and the
consent of the United States may not be given regarding any
such treaty, unless the Senate of the United States has given
its advice and consent to such treaty, or the terms of such treaty
have been approved by law, as the case may be.
Acceptance of this wording would have achieved two objectives
desired by the Senate committee. First, it would have made clear
that the Vienna Convention does not establish an international law
rule which could hold the United States bound to a treaty which
a President had signed, but which the Senate had not accepted.
Furthermore, it would have made clear that an international in-
strument is voidable if concluded by a President in the form of an
executive agreement that should have been treated either as a
treaty under Article II, Section 2, to which the Senate should have
consented, or presumably a congressional-executive agreement to
which both Houses of Congress should have agreed. The wording
of the proposed Senate interpretation would seem to make agree-
ments concluded by a President, on his own independent constitu-
tional authority, subject to Senate advice and consent. The word-
ing, therefore, could be seen as severely limiting a Presidents inde-
pendent authority to make binding and firm international commit-
The wording of the Senates interpretation was not acceptable to
the executive branch because the term ‘‘treaty’’ under the Vienna
Convention includes agreements which are not ‘‘treaties’’ under Ar-
ticle II, Section 2, of the Constitution.
In response to the Senates
proposed interpretation and understanding, the Department of
State suggested that the Senates intent could be expressed along
the following lines: ‘‘with the understanding and interpretation
that ratification of the Convention by the United States does not
give any international agreement of the United States any internal
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See Digest, 1974, supra note 14, at 197.
Letter dated January 31, 1974, Digest, 1974, supra note 14, at 196. The text of the alter-
native interpretation and understanding, proposed on November 8, 1973, by Carl Marcy, the
Chief of Staff of the Foreign Relations Committee at the time, would make any resolution of
ratification ‘‘subject to the interpretation and understanding, which understanding and interpre-
tation are made a part and condition of the resolution of ratification, that within the meaning
of Article 46 of the Convention, Article 2, Section 2, of the United States Constitution, stating
that the President shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make
treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur, is a rule of the internal law of the
United States of fundamental importance’’ [emphasis added].
Robert E. Dalton, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: Consequences for the
United States, in Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its 78th Annual
Meeting 277 (1984).
standing under the Constitution of the United States that it would
not have in the absence of the Convention.’’
The Department of State, in comments on a subsequently pro-
posed Senate interpretation suggested by the Chief of Staff of the
Foreign Relations Committee, highlighted the issue as follows:
*** there is a very considerable difference between the use of
the term ‘‘treaty’’ in the Vienna Convention and the generally
accepted use of that term in the internal law of the United
*** the term ‘‘treaty’’ under the internal law of the United
States is restricted to the term as used in Article II, Section
2, of the Constitution.
*** the term treaty as used in our internal law does not in-
clude international agreements made pursuant to a treaty,
international agreements authorized by Congress, or inter-
national agreements made pursuant to the Presidents con-
stitutional authority [emphasis added].
In 1984, Robert Dalton, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Af-
fairs, explained the departments objection to the interpretation
and understanding proposed by the committee in 1973 in the fol-
lowing way:
*** The Department was concerned that other countries might
conclude that, by making the interpretation and understand-
ing, the United States was intending to abandon the practice
of making executive agreements ***, or was attempting to
avoid application of the principle of pacta sunt servanda to
those agreements by reserving the possibility of invoking arti-
cle 46 of the Vienna Convention if it found the provisions of
any such agreement to be unduly onerous.
He stressed that the Vienna Convention had already influenced
U.S. treaty practice in a number of ways, and that not being a
party sometimes made it difficult to invoke the conventions rules
in treaty relations with states that were parties.
In the same forum, two former chief counsels of the Foreign Re-
lations Committee supported becoming party to the convention, al-
though both appeared to favor some kind of understanding to deal
with the executive agreement issue. Frederick Tipson stressed the
importance for the United States to follow through on negotiations
after they had been concluded and treaties signed. But he also
cited the need to clarify a number of important domestic constitu-
tional procedures. In his view ‘‘the United States could not afford
to leave in limbo a series of important issues which remained out-
standing between the Congress and the executive branch in the
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Ibid., at 283284.
Ibid., at 292.
Private Law Treaties: Hearing on S. Exec. Doc. L, 921, S. Treaty Docs. 9712, 989, 98
27, 9829, 9911,, and S. 1828 Before the Senate Comm. on Foreign Relations, 99th Cong.
(1986) (stenographic transcript of Hearing, June 11, 1986) (hereafter cited as Vienna Conven-
tion, 1986 hearings).
Vienna Convention, 1986 hearings. For discussion of the Case-Zablocki Act, see Chapter X.
Vienna Convention, 1986 hearings. Answers to questions submitted by J. Edward Fox, As-
sistant Secretary, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, July 24, 1986.
area of international agreements. Some effort should be made to
remedy the situation by attempting to arrive at a consensus on sev-
eral of these issues.’’
Michael Glennon said the benefits of ratifi-
cation outweighed the costs, and favored a ‘‘stand-still provision’’
that nothing in the convention should be construed as conferring
any authority upon the President under U.S. law that he would not
have had in its absence, along the lines of the earlier State Depart-
ment proposal.
In 1986 the Foreign Relations Committee again held a hearing
on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties as well as several
other treaties. Mary V. Mochary, Deputy Legal Adviser of the De-
partment of State, spoke of the advantages of becoming a party to
the treaty. She stressed the wide support for the convention in the
academic and legal community, and the advantages of having a
precise statement of customary law. She added, ‘‘Moreover, the
Convention includes procedural mechanisms for settlement of dis-
putes that do not reflect customary law and cannot be invoked by
the United States until it becomes a party to the convention.’’
On the issue of executive agreements, Arthur Rovine, a former
Assistant Legal Adviser on Treaty Affairs for the Department of
State and representing the American Bar Association, expressed
the view that the Vienna Convention had fallen ‘‘victim in the post-
Vietnam and post-Watergate period to an attempt to limit the
Presidents constitutional and statutory power to enter into inter-
national executive agreements.’’ But in his view these were old
issues having no bearing on the convention, and had been resolved
by the Case-Zablocki Act of 1972 on the reporting of all inter-
national executive agreements to Congress and related procedures
on consultation on the form of an agreement.
At the hearing, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs Robert
Dalton specified that the administration favored Senate advice and
consent to the convention without reservation or understanding. In
answer to supplementary written questions from the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, the State Department reiterated its objections to
the interpretation and understanding that had been proposed in
1972 by Senator Case. It argued that the proposed understanding
would hamper the ability of the President to resolve international
differences or undertake international cooperation by concluding
agreements quickly, and that it would put the United States at a
disadvantage in international negotiations by depriving it of the
ability to make agreements with immediate binding effect to obtain
and formalize concessions from other governments.
The committee also submitted the question of whether the ad-
ministration believed the U.S. constitutional requirement for advice
and consent to be ‘‘a rule of internal law of fundamental impor-
tance.’’ The department replied the administration believed it was
‘‘a rule of internal law of fundamental importance,’’ enshrined in
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Vienna Convention, Art. 2, §2.
Vienna Convention, Art. 2, §1(a). Note also that the U.N. Charter employs the term ‘‘treaty’’
but does not define it. The charter, in Article 102, provides ‘‘Every treaty and every inter-
national agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations ** * shall ** * be reg-
istered with the Secretariat and published by it.’’ Note further that the U.N. Secretariat ‘‘follows
the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of the Member States submitting an
instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instrument is a treaty or
an international agreement within the meaning of Art. 2. Registration of an instrument submit-
ted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply a judgment by the Secretariat on the nature
of the instrument, the status of a party, or any similar question.’’ See Leland Goodrich, Edvard
Hambro, and Anne Patricia Simons, Charter of the United Nations 612 (3d ed. 1969).
Vienna Convention, Art. 3.
the Constitution. But, the department said, other relevant rules en-
shrined in the Constitution were also rules of fundamental impor-
tance, including the Presidents power as Commander-in-Chief, the
executive power clause, and clauses relating to the reception of am-
bassadors and taking care that laws be faithfully executed. The de-
partment continued:
If the resolution of advice and consent is to refer to one rule
of internal law of fundamental importance relating to the con-
clusion of treaties as that term is used in the Vienna Conven-
tion on the Law of Treaties, it should also refer to the other
relevant rules of internal law. To draft such an understanding
and interpretation would require the preparation of a gloss on
the Constitution on which history shows it would be exceed-
ingly difficult for the executive branch and the Congress as a
whole promptly to agree. To fail to include all the relevant
rules would confuse foreign countries and make it more dif-
ficult for the President to exercise the full range of powers re-
lating to foreign affairs accorded to him under the Constitu-
Thus the Vienna Convention has become caught up in a long-
term controversy on the roles of the legislative and executive
branches in the making of international agreements.
B. T
The Vienna Convention establishes a comprehensive definition of
a treaty in international law without prejudice to differing uses of
the term ‘‘treaty’’ in the domestic laws of various states.
Under the definition of a treaty provided by the Vienna Conven-
treaty means an international agreement concluded between
states in written form and governed by international law,
whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more re-
lated instruments and whatever its particular designation.
The Vienna Convention applies the term ‘‘treaty’’ to formal agree-
ments designated as treaties and also to other agreements in sim-
plified form, such as exchanges of notes. While the convention does
not encompass unwritten agreements or agreements concluded
with or by international organizations, it does not affect the valid-
ity of such agreements under international law.
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The Department of State has compiled guidelines for internal purposes for determining the
elements of a legally binding international agreement. The gist of these guidelines is: (1) The
parties to an agreement must intend to be bound under international law. (2) The agreement
must be of international significance and not deal with trivial matters. (3) The obligations un-
dertaken must be clearly specified and be objectively enforceable. (4) The agreement must have
two or more parties. (5) The agreement will preferably use a customary form. If not, content
and context must reveal a legally binding intent. See Memorandum of March 12, 1976, from
Monroe Leigh, Legal Adviser, Department of State, to all key Department personnel, reprinted
in U.S. Department of State, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1976, 263
267 (1977) (hereafter cited as Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976). The memo stated
that for ‘‘purposes of implementing legal requirements with respect to publication of inter-
national agreements and transmittal of international agreements to Congress, the Legal Adviser
applies the ** * [above] criteria in deciding what constitutes an international agreement.’’ These
guidelines were subsequently incorporated in regulations designed to assist agencies in deter-
mining if agreements constitute international agreements within the meaning of the Case-
Zablocki Act. See 22 CFR part 181. The text of the regulations are contained in Appendix 3
of this volume.
Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30.
Conference on Cooperation and Security in Europe: Final Act, Helsinki, August 1, 1975, 14
I.L.M. 1292 (1975); 73 Dept St. Bull. 323 (1975) (hereafter cited as Helsinki Accords).
Vienna Document 1992 of the Negotiations on Confidence and Security-Building Measures
Convened in Accordance with the Relevant Provisions of the Concluding Document of the Vi-
enna Meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 3 Dept St. Dispatch
Supp. (July 1992).
C. C
A paramount principle of international law is pacta sunt
servandathat treaties must be kept. Treaties, therefore, are bind-
ing under international law. However, in the conduct of inter-
national relations, nations conclude business contracts or enter into
understandings that fall short of being binding agreements with
the status of international treaties.
It is, therefore, vital to under-
stand the elements that are necessary for an agreement to be con-
sidered a treaty under international law. Important criteria in de-
termining this include: (1) the intention of the parties to be bound
under international law, (2) the significance of the agreement, (3)
the specificity of the agreement, and (4) the form of the agreement.
So far as the U.S. State Department is concerned, treaties cannot
be concluded unless the parties involved intend their acts to be le-
gally binding.
Documents that are intended to invoke purely po-
litical or moral obligations are not, therefore, treaties under inter-
national law. The Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-
operation in Europe (CSCE) or ‘‘Helsinki Accords’’ adopted August
2, 1975, and most of the subsequent agreements concluded by the
CSCE fall into this category.
For example, the Vienna Document
of March 4, 1992, states in paragraph 156: ‘‘The measures adopted
in this document are politically binding and will come into force on
1 May 1992.’’
Furthermore, a binding international agreement must be subject
to international law and not the law of another legal system. For
example, if an agreement specifies that it is to be governed by the
law of a particular nation, the mention of governing domestic law
would probably be construed as negating an intent to be bound by
international law. To illustrate this point, the State Department
notes that a (hypothetical) foreign military sales contract, specify-
ing that it is governed by the law of the District of Columbia, is
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Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30 at 265.
See, for example, Dames & Moore v. Regan, 453 U.S. 654, 680 (1981). Rest. 3d, §301(1)
(1987). The Restatement (Third) was adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute
(a private organization) on May 14, 1986. The ‘‘Restatement represents the opinion of the Amer-
ican Law Institute as to the rules that an impartial tribunal would apply if charged with decid-
ing a controversy in accordance with international law.’’ Ibid., at 3.
Rest. 3d, §301(1).
Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30.
See Arthur Rovine, Separation of Powers and International Agreements, 52 Ind. L. J. 402
403 (1950). Note also that the Department of State provides some guidance in a letter of Sep-
tember 6, 1973, from Acting Secretary of State Kenneth Rush to Secretary of Defense James
R. Schlesinger. This letter requires transmittal to the State Department [for possible transmittal
to the Congress] of ‘‘** * any agreements of political significance, any that involve a substantial
grant of funds, any involving loans by the United States or credits payable to the United States,
any that constitute a commitment of funds that extends beyond a fiscal year or would be a basis
for requesting new appropriations, and any that involve continuing or substantial cooperation
in the conduct of a particular program or activity, such as scientific, technical, or other coopera-
tion, including the exchange or receipt of information and its treatment.’’ For the full text of
the letter, see Congressional Oversight of Executive Agreements: Hearing Before the Sub-
committee on Separation of Powers, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 94th Cong. 101 (1975).
As noted above, the meaning of the term ‘‘treaty’’ under the U.S. Constitution and domestic laws
is narrower than its meaning under international law. A number of ‘‘executive agreements’’
under domestic laws would qualify as treaties under international law, but not all agreements
concluded by the executive branch have the significance sufficient to be considered treaties
under international law. The guidelines in the Department of State letter are meant to enable
executive branch agencies to determine which executive agreements qualify as treaties under
international law and therefore must be reported to Congress.
not a binding international agreement.
Although many inter-
national agreements are silent as to which law governs them, the
intent of the makers normally is that international law apply.
This elementthat the parties must intend an agreement to be
legally binding under international lawis incorporated into the
definition of an international agreement in the Restatement (Third)
of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States. The Restate-
ment, while lacking the force of formally enacted law, has been
cited as evidence of the law in the decisions of U.S. courts.
Restatement defines an international agreement in the following
‘‘International agreement’’ means an agreement between two
or more states or international organizations that is intended
to be legally binding and is governed by international law;
To have the status of a treaty under international law, an agree-
ment should concern itself with significant matters. It cannot deal
with trivial matters alone, even if they are couched in legal lan-
guage and form.
The significance of an agreement is frequently
characterized as a matter of degree. For example, ‘‘a promise to sell
one map to a foreign nation is not an international agreement; a
promise to sell one million maps probably is ***.’’
The exact
point, however, between 1 and 1 million maps at which the trans-
action becomes an international agreement is difficult to deter-
mine. Since there are no detailed guidelines to assist in deciding
the level of significance needed, the answer is largely a matter of
judgment within the context of a particular transaction.
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Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30, at 266.
Ibid. Also, the International Court of Justice has consistently stated that form ‘‘** * is not
a domain in which international law imposes any special or strict requirements.’’ Nuclear Tests
case (Austl. v. Fr.), 1974 I.C.J. 253, 267268 (Dec. 20).
Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30 at 266.
Nuclear Tests cases at 267. Although the Vienna Convention applies only to instruments
in written form (Art. 2(1)(a)), it does not affect the validity of unwritten agreements (Art 3).
Under customary international law, oral agreements are just as binding as written ones. See
Legal Status of Eastern Greenland, 1933 P.C.I.J. (ser. A/B) No. 53, at 71. Furthermore, the text
of the Case-Zablocki Act, Pub. L. No. 92403, 86 Stat. 619 (1972), reprinted as amended at 1
U.S.C. 112b(a), specifically requires transmittal to Congress, of ‘‘the text of any oral inter-
national agreement.’’
A treaty should clearly and specifically describe the obligations
legally assumed by the parties.
This requires that the terms set-
ting out the obligations assumed by parties be worded specifically,
so that an observer can determine fairly objectively whether a
party is legally bound. Thus, international diplomatic undertakings
which do not specifically describe precise legal obligations, are not
legally binding. An example would be a promise ‘‘to help develop
a more viable economic system.’’ In contrast, a promise to deliver
1,000 tractors of a specified type, for a specified amount of money,
to be delivered at a specified place, on a specific date, sets forth the
definable obligations necessary to make such a promise legally
This does not mean, however, that every provision of a treaty
must meet this criterion of specificity in order for the treaty to be
legally binding. In fact, treaties often contain individual clauses
which describe in non-specific terms obligations assumed by the
Form is not central to the validity of a binding international
agreement, but it may reflect the intention of the parties to con-
clude an agreement, or something less than an agreement.
in all probability a formal document entitled ‘‘agreement’’—one
with final clauses, signature blocks, entry into force dates, and dis-
pute settlement provisionswould reflect a general intent to con-
clude an international agreement.
It is emphasized that the substance, and not the form, of the
agreement determines whether it is a treaty. Occasionally, how-
ever, the failure to follow a customary form to conclude an agree-
ment may constitute evidence of an intent not to be legally bound.
In such cases, it is important to determine whether the general
content of the agreement and the context of its making reveal an
intent to be legally bound; if so, the lack of a customary or proper
form will not be decisive. Moreover, if an agreement is the product
of formal international negotiations by diplomats, this may be con-
strued as supporting evidence of an intent to be legally bound.
Inasmuch as the substance, not the form, governs the validity of
an international agreement, it is possible to have binding agree-
ments that are not in writing, although in practice this rarely oc-
curs. Hence, ‘‘whether a statement is made orally or in writing
makes no essential difference ***.
The Vienna Convention does
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Rest. 3d, §301, Comment b; and Vienna Convention, Art. 2(1)(a) and Art. 3.
Rest. 3d, §301, Comment a.
U.N. Charter, Art. 2, §4, and Art. 51. See Georg Schwarzenberger and E.D. Brown, A Man-
ual of International Law 24 (6th ed. 1976).
Vienna Convention, Art. 13, and Rest. 3d, §12(1).
Vienna Convention, Art. 1118, and Rest. 3d, §312(1).
Vienna Convention, Art. 48, and Rest. 3d, §331(1)(a).
not apply to binding oral agreements, but as a matter of practice,
international agreements are usually in written form.
A wide variety of descriptive terms may be used to describe
international agreements, but these terms do not in themselves de-
termine whether an agreement has the status of a treaty. They
may, nevertheless, be considered a factor among others in deter-
mining whether the parties intend to create an internationally le-
gally binding agreement. Relevant terms include treaty, conven-
tion, protocol, declaration, agreement, act, covenant, statute, con-
cordat, exchange of notes, memorandum of agreement, memoran-
dum of understanding, modus vivendi or charter.
Often there is
no apparent reason for the use of one title as opposed to another,
and the choice is frequently the result of non-legal considerations.
D. L
International law does not limit the subject matter of inter-
national agreements. However, many theorists of international law
argue that certain principles of international law cannot be vio-
lated by a treaty without rendering a treaty void. Thus, it would
be widely agreed that a pact of aggression between two states
against a third state could not have the force of international law
as it would violate norms in the U.N. Charter prohibiting the use
of force except in self defense.
Other circumstances enable a sig-
natory to invalidate a treaty if it chooses to do so. For example, an
error made by a state concluding a treaty, which formed an essen-
tial basis of its consent to be bound, would permit that state to in-
voke the error to invalidate the treaty.
If principles are violated which make a treaty void, the treaty
cannot be in effector ever have been in effectand there can be
no question of seeking redress for violating it. However, some
grounds for invalidity are voidable, that is, the aggrieved state has
the option of maintaining the treaty in force or declaring it invalid.
Consent is necessary for a state to be bound by a treaty
it may be expressed in many ways.
Since consent implies a vol-
untary decision, it can be negated by coercion, fraud, and corrup-
tion of agents who are giving authorized consent for their state.
Consent of a state to be bound by a treaty may also be negated by
Current international rules relating to coercion, fraud and cor-
ruption as a basis for invalidating consent to a treaty have been
summarized in the Restatement (Third) as follows:
(1) A state may invoke only the following grounds to invalidate
its consent to be bound by an agreement:
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Rest. 3d, §331. The wording of this section essentially follows that of the Vienna Convention
which lists ‘‘error’’ as a ground that may be invoked to invalidate consent to be bound (Art. 48).
Such error must relate ‘‘to a fact or situation which was assumed by that State to exist at the
time when the treaty was concluded and formed an essential basis of its consent to be bound.’’
However, under the Vienna Convention, a state may not invoke error if it contributed to the
error by its own conduct or if circumstances were such as to put the state on notice of a possible
error (Art. 48(2)). Also, error in the wording of an agreement, such as a typographical error,
is not a ground for invalidating it; special procedures are established for the correction of such
errors. Vienna Convention, Articles 48(3) and 79. See Rest. 3d, §331, Comment b.
Rest. 3d, §331. This section combines and follows the rule stated in the Vienna Convention
in Arts. 4953.
See Georg Schwarzenberger and E.D. Brown, A Manual of International Law 24 (6th ed.
Compelling law which is binding on parties regardless of their will and will not yield to
other laws.
Vienna Convention, Art. 53, Rest. 3d, Sec. 331(2)(b) and Comment e.
However, the emergence of a new rule of jus cogens will not have retroactive effect on the
validity of a treaty. Accordingly, the invalidity will only attach from the time the new rule is
established. See Vienna Convention, Art. 64; International Law Commission Report, 61 Am. J.
Intl L. 412 (1967).
(a) an error as to a fact or situation which was assumed
by that state to exist at the time of the agreement and
which formed the basis of its consent to be bound.
(b) the fraudulent conduct of another negotiating state
that induced its consent; or
(c) the corruption of the states representative by another
negotiating state.
(2) An international agreement is void
(a) if a states consent to the agreement was procured by
the coercion of the states representative, or by the threat
or use of force against the state in violation of the prin-
ciples of international law embodied in the Charter of the
United Nations; ***.
Traditionally, many theorists of general international law have
argued that there exists a jus cogens or superior law which holds
a special status internationally and which cannot be violated by a
Although legal theorists differ as to which international
rules currently have the status of jus cogens, they tend to agree
that attainment of this status is largely the result of an evolution-
ary process. Notwithstanding uncertainty as to what rules are, and
what rules may become, jus cogens, the Vienna Convention accords
recognition to the concept of such rules.
The principle of jus cogens
holds that an international agree-
ment is void if at its inception it conflicts with a peremptory norm
of general international law.
The Vienna Convention in Article 53
defines a ‘‘peremptory norm of general international law’’ as:
*** a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which
can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general inter-
national law having the same character.
These norms are rules commonly accepted as holding a superior
status and which therefore cannot be affected by a treaty. Thus, a
norm cannot be jus cogens unless the international community ac-
cepts both the norm and its peremptory character. Under the con-
vention, the emergence of a new peremptory norm voids any treaty
provision violating the new norm.
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Rest. 3d, §331, Reporters Note 5. Art. 103 of the U.N. Charter provides that if there is
a conflict between member obligations under the Charter and their obligations under another
international agreement, the Charter shall prevail.
See Rest. 3d, §102, Comment k and Reporters Note 6.
See Rest. 3d, §702(a)(f), Comment n and Reporters Note 6.
Vienna Convention, Art. 71, Comment a.
See Sir Humphrey Waldock, Special Rapporteur, Fifth Report on the Law of Treaties, U.N.
Doc. A/CN.4/183 and Add.14, reprinted in [1966] 2 Y.B. Intl L. Commn 1, 21, U.N. Doc. A/
Vienna Convention, Art. 66. See also comments of Secretary of State William P. Rogers, S.
Exec. Doc. L, supra note 3, at 7.
For further discussion of dispute settlement procedures, see Chapter VIII below. The acces-
sion of the Tunisian Government to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties requires the
consent of all parties in jus cogens disputes prior to Tunisian submission of such disputes to
the International Court of Justice for a decision. See Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the
U.N. Secretary General. Status of 31 December 1981, U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/SER.E/a, at 622. This
It is accepted that certain obligations of member states under the
U.N. Charter constitute jus cogens.
Thus, the example provided
earlier, of an aggression pact between two states against a third
which provides that their two armies will jointly invade the third
state, subjugate it, and jointly rule it, is generally accepted as vio-
lating a jus cogens rule against the use of aggressive force.
is, however, substantial uncertainty as to what other norms are pe-
remptory and therefore constitute jus cogens. Some interpretations
of peremptory norms might include ‘‘rules prohibiting genocide,
slave trade and slavery, apartheid and other gross violations of
human rights, and perhaps attacks on diplomats.’’
When a treaty at its inception is void because it conflicts with
a peremptory norm (Article 53), the parties are expected to comply
with the norm (Article 71). If a treaty becomes void because a new
overriding norm has emerged (Article 62), the parties are released
from any further obligation to perform.
Because uncertainty may exist as to whether a particular norm
constitutes a rule of jus cogens, the issue of who decides such
claims when nations invoke Article 53 in an attempt to invalidate
agreements becomes of paramount importance. Thus, the U.S. Gov-
ernment, in its comments on an earlier Draft Article 37 of the
International Law Commission, similar to Article 53, relating to
the emergence of new norms, noted that such an article ‘‘could not
be accepted unless agreement is reached as to who is to define a
new peremptory norm and to determine how it is to be estab-
The text of the article was amended by the conference
in such a way as to give the United States, in the view of State
Department officials, a veto over creation of a new peremptory
norm. The final text defined such a norm as one ‘‘accepted and rec-
ognized by the international community of States as a whole.’’
In addition, under another article, any party to a dispute arising
under the jus cogens article may invoke the jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice unless the parties agree to submit to
This International Court dispute settlement provi-
sion, it is argued, protects the United States against arbitrary jus
cogens claims which other states might attempt to use as a basis
for invalidating treaties with the United States. The Senate on oc-
casion has expressed concern about treaty provisions requiring sub-
mission of disputes to arbitration or the International Court, but
on numerous occasions has given unqualified approval to such trea-
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type of declaration is made with considerable frequency in connection with other multilateral
conventions containing International Court of Justice dispute settlement clauses.
For example, the British system has been described in the following way: ‘‘It is a truism
that in the United Kingdom it is the Crown alone, that is to say the executive and without ref-
erence to Parliament, which has the exclusive responsibility for the negotiation, conclusion, and
termination of treaties. In other words, treaty making forms part of what we call the royal pre-
rogative. If the implementation of a treaty requires a change in domestic law or the conferment
of new powers upon the executive, the government of the day will of course have to secure the
passage through Parliament of the necessary enabling legislation. This will normally be done
during the period between signature and ratification of the treaty, since otherwise there would
be the risk that the United Kingdoms domestic law would not permit full effect to be given to
the treaty as and when it entered into force.’’ Sir Ian Sinclair (Legal Adviser, Foreign and Com-
monwealth Office, United Kingdom, 19761984), Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: The
Consequences of Participation and Nonparticipation, Proceedings of the American Society of
International Law at its 78th Annual Meeting 272 (1984). For a comparison of practices of var-
ious nations, see Interparliamentary Union, Parliaments and the Treatymaking Power, Const.
& Parl. Info., 1st Series, no. 145, 1st quarter (1986).
See discussion under section, Senate Action on the Convention, earlier in this chapter,
which includes the texts of Senate interpretations and understandings to the Vienna Convention
proposed in 1972 and 1973.
Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution, note 174 at 499 (2d ed.
In the world community, constitutional limitations affecting the
exercise of the treatymaking power differ from nation to nation.
International law generally provides that a state may not invali-
date a treaty because of claims that its consent to be bound has
been expressed in violation of domestic law governing its com-
petence to conclude a treaty. Article 46(1) of the Vienna Conven-
tion, permits a state to invalidate a treaty if a violation of domestic
law was ‘‘manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fun-
damental importance’’ [emphasis added]. Article 46(2) further pro-
vides that a violation is manifest ‘‘if it would be objectively evident
to any State conducting itself in the matter in accordance with nor-
mal practice and in good faith.’’
These provisions have been of interest to the U.S. Senate pri-
marily because of the question whether they could prevent the
United States from being internationally bound by an instrument
which the President signed as an executive agreement, but which
arguably should have been sent for Senate advice and consent.
the words of one constitutional authority:
A(n) *** issue is whether under international law the United
States could ever claim it was not bound by an agreement be-
cause it was made without Senate consent. Whether a state
can escape obligation on the ground that those who incurred
it in her behalf acted ultra vires under the national constitu-
tion is not wholly agreed. *** Art. 46(1) of the Vienna Conven-
tion on the Law of Treaties *** provides that a state cannot
invoke failure to comply with its internal law as a defense ‘‘un-
less that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its in-
ternal law of fundamental importance.’’ Senate consent has
been cited as an example of a fundamental requirement. ***
But the power of the President to make many agreements
without the Senate casts some doubt on the ‘‘fundamental im-
portance’’ of Senate consent; in any event, failure to obtain
such consent cannot be a ‘‘manifest’’ violation of the Constitu-
tion since no one can say with certainty when it is required.
[Citations omitted]
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S. Exec. Doc. L at 5.
Rest. 3d, §311, Comment c.
Such failure, however, may limit that states power to enforce a treaty and may also render
the agent liable to legal consequences under domestic law. For supporting citations, see Travaux
Preparatoires, pp. 336338 (1978). See also United Nations, Reports of the International Law
Commission on the Second Part of its Seventeenth Session, January 328, 1966, and on Its
Eighteenth Session, May 4July 19, 1966, 61 American Journal of International Law 394400
The potential ramifications of this problem were not addressed
by Secretary of State William P. Rogers, when in his letter submit-
ting the Vienna Convention to the President [for transmittal to the
Senate], he referred to Article 46 and the effect of a limitation of
domestic law upon a states competence to conclude treaties. The
Secretary noted generally that the U.S. delegation supported Arti-
cle 46 on the basis that:
*** it deals solely with the conditions under which a state
may invoke internal law on the international plane to invali-
date its consent to be bound and that in no way impinges on
internal law regarding competence to conclude treaties insofar
as domestic consequences are concerned.
This issue was, however, addressed by the Restatement (Third)
which commented that:
Presumably, a manifest violation might involve either proce-
dural irregularities or a contravention of substantive prohibi-
tions or requirements of domestic law. As to the United States,
all states may be presumed to know that the President of the
United States cannot make a treaty without the consent of the
Senate. *** The President has authority, however, to make
many international agreements pursuant to treaty or congres-
sional authorization ***, or on his own authority ***, and
since the circumstances in which Senate consent is essential
are uncertain, improper use of an executive agreement in lieu
of a treaty would ordinarily not be a ‘‘manifest’’ violation. ***
Some agreements, such as the United Nations Charter or the
North Atlantic Treaty, are of sufficient formality, dignity, and
importance that, in the unlikely event that the President at-
tempted to make such agreement on his own authority, his
lack of authority might be regarded as ‘‘manifest.’’
A somewhat similar position on what constitutes a ‘‘manifest’’
violation of a nations domestic law governing competence to con-
clude treaties was taken by the International Law Commission (a
body of 25 legal scholars elected by the U.N. General Assembly) in
its Commentary on its Final Draft of the Vienna Convention. The
commission noted that differing viewpoints exist on the issue of
whether or not an agent who is competent under international law
to commit a statebut perhaps not authorized to do so under do-
mestic lawand who expresses state consent to a treaty by an es-
tablished international procedure in fact binds the state to the
treaty under international law. In response to this issue, the com-
mission noted that decisions of international tribunals, together
with state practice, appear to support a position holding that fail-
ure of an agent to comply with domestic requirements does not af-
fect the validity of the treaty under international law.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Memorandum of September 24, 1975, from Michael J. Glennon, Assistant Counsel, Office
of the Legislative Counsel, U.S. Senate, regarding a memorandum of agreement between the
United States and Israel, dated September 1, 1975. The agreements and assurances in question
were made by the United States in connection with the Egypt-Israel disengagement agreement
of September 4, 1975. See Early Warning System in Sinai: Hearings before the Senate Commit-
tee on Foreign Relations, 94th Cong. 79 (1975). Excerpts from the Senate Legislative Counsels
memo are reproduced in U.S. Department of State, Digest of United States Practice in Inter-
national Law, 1975, 320 (1976) (hereafter cited as Digest, 1975). See also section, ‘‘Senate Action
on the Convention,’’ earlier in this chapter for views on the Vienna Convention expressed by
Mr. Glennon in 1984.
Note that whereas Art. 46 of the Vienna Convention describes a ‘‘manifest’’ violation in
terms of ‘‘being objectively evident to any state,’’ the memorandum above employs the standard
when states ‘‘should reasonably have known’’ of a constitutional defect [emphasis added]. Never-
theless, it is the President who voids an executive agreement, and not the Senate.
See Section A above, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. However, because the
internal laws of states vary in their requirements for invalidation of a treaty, it would be dif-
ficult for the Vienna Convention to provide more specificity in this area. Furthermore, the inter-
nal laws of a country may not even been clear on this issue. In the United States, for example,
‘‘[t]he Supreme Court has not held any executive agreement to be ultra vires the President and
** * has upheld several agreements of particular character, but it has not laid down principles
or given general guidance to define the Presidents power to act alone.’’ See Louis Henkin, For-
eign Affairs and the United States Constitution, supra note 66, note at 222.
See previous discussion in Sec. C, Criteria for a Binding International Agreement.
A different position was taken in 1975 by the Office of the Legis-
lative Counsel of the Senate. The office suggested that if a state
should reasonably have known of a constitutional defect in an
agreement with the United States, that is, that certain agreements
are ‘‘beyond the power of the President to enter into without the
advice and consent of the Senate,’’ then such an agreement would
be without force and effect under international law. Its memoran-
dum noted that under international law, as evidenced in many
sources including the Vienna Convention:
(1) a State may be bound, under international law, by an
agreement made in violation of its constitutional process;
(2) a State is not bound if (A) such violation is fundamental;
and (B) the other party to such agreement should reasonably
have known of the constitutional defect;
(3) such State is bound, however, if its subsequent conduct in-
dicates acquiescence in the validity of the agreement.
This memorandum asserts a Senate viewpoint that other nations
should ‘‘reasonably know’’ of constitutional defects such as the lack
of Senate advice and consent to certain agreements, and that in
some instances the Senate might maintain the agreement is invalid
under international law.
The issues discussed above resulted from the Vienna Conven-
tions lack of clarification of the circumstances which permit a state
to invalidate a treaty (under the rare and exceptional cir-
cumstances when a manifest violation of a states internal law re-
garding competence to conclude treaties might occur).
Thus Arti-
cle 46 has been an issue in the consideration of the convention by
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, discussed above.
E. N
A non-binding international agreement is one that does not meet
the previously stated criteria for a binding international agree-
Non-binding agreements do not convey an intention of the
parties to create legally committing relationships under inter-
national law. Often such documents convey merely a present inten-
tion to perform an act or a commitment of a purely personal, politi-
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Rest. 3d, §301, Comment e and Reporters Note 2.
73 Dept St. Bull. 323 (1975).
See Digest, 1975, supra note 70 at 325327. See also U.S. Department of State, 11 Foreign
Affairs Manual, ch. 700 [Circular 175], §740.25, reproduced in Appendix 4 of this volume.
Treaty with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms (START), Treaty Doc. 10220, transmitted to the Senate November 25,
Department of State Memo of March 12, 1976, supra note 30, at 266.
Rest. 3d, §301, Reporters Note 3, which supports the premise that ‘‘reciprocal’’ unilateral
declarations that accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice under
Article 26 of the Courts Statute have been held by that court to constitute an international
agreement among the declaring states. See Anglo-Iranian Oil cases (U.K. v. Iran), 1952 I.C.J.
93 (July 22).
cal, or moral nature.
The Helsinki Agreement mentioned above,
for example,
avoids words of legal commitment and states that it
is not eligible for registration as a treaty in force under Article 102
of the U.N. Charter.
Non-binding agreements may take many forms, including unilat-
eral commitments and declarations of intent, joint communiques
and joint statements (including final acts of conferences), and infor-
mal agreements. Even when agreements are legally non-binding,
the parties affected may to some degree expect adherence.
The Department of State described the difference between a le-
gally binding obligation and a political obligation in describing cer-
tain declarations, intended to be politically rather than legally
binding, exchanged in connection with the START Treaty:
An undertaking or commitment that is understood to be legally
binding carries with it both the obligation of each Party to
comply with the undertaking and the right of each Party to en-
force the obligation under international law. A ‘‘political’’ un-
dertaking is not governed by international law and there are
no applicable rules pertaining to compliance, modification, or
withdrawal. Until and unless a Party extricates itself from its
‘‘political’’ undertaking, which it may do without legal penalty,
it has given a promise to honor that commitment, and the
other Party has every reason to be concerned about compliance
with such undertakings. If a Party contravenes a political com-
mitment, it will be subject to an appropriate political re-
Unilateral commitments and related instruments such as unilat-
eral declarations of intent cannot constitute international agree-
ments in the strict sense because an agreement, by definition, re-
quires at least two parties.
For example, a unilateral commit-
ment or declaration in the form of a promise to send money to a
country to help earthquake victims, but without reciprocal commit-
ments on the part of the other country, would be a promise of a
gift and not an international agreement.
Situations do exist, however, under which unilateral commit-
ments or declarations of intent may become binding international
agreements. Such instances involve parallel unilateral undertak-
ings by two or more states that are unilateral in form but which
in content constitute bilateral or multilateral agreements. Such re-
ciprocal unilateral declarations occur regularly in international re-
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Nuclear Tests case (Austl. v. Fr.), 1974 I.C.J. 253, 267268 (Dec. 20), and Nuclear Tests case
(N.Z. v. Fr., 1974 I.C.J. 457 (Dec. 20).
Ibid., ¶¶43 and 46 (Aust. v. Fr.), ¶¶46 and 49 (N.Z. v. Fr.). See also S. Rubin, The Inter-
national Legal Effects of Unilateral Declarations, 71 Am. J. Intl. L. 130 (1977).
Art. 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.
S. Rubin, The International Legal Effects of Unilateral Declarations, supra note 81, at 28
The way an instrument is dealt with after its conclusion may be an indication of whether
it is intended to have legal effect. For example, it may be published in a national treaty collec-
It should be noted that in one important set of cases a unilateral
commitment was held legally binding upon the party making it,
even though it was not made in a multilateral context. Such a find-
ing was reached by the International Court of Justice in the Nu-
clear Tests cases.
In these cases, the International Courts ruled
that a series of unilateral declarations by France concerning its in-
tention to refrain from future atmospheric nuclear testing in the
South Pacific was legally binding upon France. The sense of the
Courts holding was that publicity and an intent to be bound are
sufficient in such an instance to give rise to a legal obligation. In
the words of the Court:
It is well recognized that declarations made by way of unilat-
eral acts *** may have the effect of creating legal obligations.
Declarations of this kind may be, and very often are, very spe-
cific. When it is the intention of the State making the declara-
tion that it should become bound *** that intention confers on
the declaration the character of a legal undertaking ***. An
undertaking of this kind, if given publicly, and with an intent
to be bound, even though not made within the context of inter-
national negotiations, is binding ***. Just as the very rule of
pacta sunt servanda in the law of treaties is based on good
faith, so also is the binding character of an international obli-
gation assumed by unilateral declaration. Thus, States may
take cognizance of unilateral declarations and place confidence
in them, and are entitled to require that the obligations thus
created be respected.
The International Courts decision in this matter, although bind-
ing only on the parties in these particular cases,
is problematic
to legal analysts because it runs contrary to the legal principles
that have traditionally governed such unilateral pronouncements
or statements of intent.
Moreover, the analysts argue, among
other things, that governments are unlikely to accept the view that
their policy pronouncements are binding. If such pronouncements
are subject to interpretation as legal commitments by the Inter-
national Court, some observers point out that few states would sub-
mit to its jurisdiction.
Joint statements of intent are not binding agreements unless
they meet the requirements of legally binding agreements, that is,
that the parties intend to be legally bound. As in the case with all
agreements, the substance and not the title is dispositive. Thus,
whether or not a joint statement is titled a ‘‘joint statement’’ or
‘‘joint communique’’ or ‘‘declaration’’ has no effect on whatever legal
standing it may hold independent of its title.
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tion, or it may be registered under Art. 102 of the U.N. Charter, or it may be described as a
treaty during submission to a national parliament.
See U.S. Department of State, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1977,
429 (1978) (hereafter cited as Digest, 1977).
The nations were Canada, France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and
the United States. See Digest, 1977, supra note 86, at 799800.
Ibid., at 799.
Rest. 3d, §301, Comment e.
See Oscar Schachter, The Twilight Existence of Nonbinding International Agreements, 71
Am. J. Intl. L., 296, 299 (1977).
An important non-binding agreement was the communique and
joint statement issued by the United States and the U.S.S.R. re-
affirming their intention not to take action inconsistent with the
interim strategic arms limitation agreement that expired in 1977.
The Department of State and the counsel to the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee both found that this communique and statement
did not constitute an international agreement. In the words of
then-committee counsel, Michael J. Glennon: ‘‘It [the statement] is
nonbinding, it is not governed by international law, no exchange of
promises has been bargained, other such actions have not been so
construed, and the parties do not intend for an agreement to
existindeed, there are no parties as such.’’
Another example is
the Bonn Declaration of July 17, 1978. This declaration was issued
after an economic summit which was held at Bonn, West Germany,
July 16 and 17, 1978, and was subscribed to by the leaders of seven
nations including the United States.
The declaration, which sum-
marized the problems discussed in the summit meeting and stated
the commitments agreed to be necessary for their resolution,
prompted a request from the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee to the Department of State regarding its legal sig-
nificance. The reply from the State Department read in part:
While the Declaration issued in Bonn is an important political
commitment, it is not an international agreement within the
meaning of United States law or international law since the
parties did not evidence an intent to depart from the estab-
lished international practice of concluding non-binding commu-
niques at the conclusion of a summit meeting. Accordingly,
while we expect that the Bonn summit participants will comply
with the accord, it is not a legally binding commitment.
In contrast to the calculated ambiguity of many non-binding dec-
larations and agreements, governments may enter into precise and
definite understandings that are clearly intended to affect their re-
lations with each other, but with a clear understanding that agree-
ments are not legally binding. Such informal agreements were for-
merly called ‘‘gentlemens agreements.’’
Informal agreements may be made by heads of state or govern-
ment, by foreign ministers, or by other authorized officials. In these
cases, the parties generally assume a commitment to perform or re-
frain from certain acts. Although the commitments are regarded as
non-legal, there is nevertheless an expectation of performance by
the parties.
An example is a 1908 agreement between the U.S. and Japanese
foreign ministers whereby the Japanese Government agreed to
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Ibid., citing 2 Foreign Relations of the United States, 339393 (1924).
Rest. 3d, §301, Reporters note 2.
take administrative measures to limit the emigration of Japanese
laborers to the United States. This was done with the understand-
ing that the United States, in return, would not adopt discrimina-
tory exclusionary legislation against Japanese citizens. The agree-
ment terminated when the Congress enacted the 1924 immigration
law that discriminated against Japanese.
More recent examples
would include voluntary restraints agreed to by governments in the
trade field.
Even though states do not accept legal responsibility for non-
binding commitments such as informal agreements, a state may
choose to regard a non-binding undertaking as a controlling one. It
may do so even though the affected parties generally have no legal
remedy or sanctions for breaches of such commitments. The failure
to abide by an informal agreement may have political con-
sequences, however, possibly including countermeasures.
Although legally not enforceable, non-binding agreements and
unilateral commitments are useful to states in meeting certain
needs. The need for flexibilityfor keeping options openis com-
mon to most governments and help to make non-binding agree-
ments attractive to them. Non-binding agreements provide a recog-
nized procedural means for a state to exercise this flexibility.
Often, non-binding agreements or commitments are used by
states to signal broad policy guidelines which may be subject to
change. Or, they may amount to nothing more than a propaganda
ploy enabling a state to declare support for a policy it has no inten-
tion of following.
Another reason for a state entering into non-binding agreements
may be a desire to avoid legal remedies in the event of non-
compliance, even though it intends to comply. Non-binding agree-
ments are well suited to such a role because that may relate to a
very specific matter and may involve clear promises of intent and
goodwill with expectations of reliance on them by all involved par-
ties. And, if for some reason it is not possible to honor such an
agreement, the aggrieved party may well have to pursue political
rather than legal remedies.
Non-binding agreements also permit a head of state or his agent
to make commitments with the intention of honoring them, but
without the need of going through what may be perceived as a
cumbersome constitutional approval or reporting process reserved
for binding agreements.
Government officials may go on the
record as expressing their intent to honor non-binding commit-
ments. For example, Secretary of State Kissinger, while testifying
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding U.S. un-
dertakings in connection with the Sinai Disengagement Agree-
ments of 1975, noted that some of the undertakings were ‘‘not bind-
ing commitments of the United States *** [but that] does not
mean, of course, that the United States is morally or politically free
to act as if they did not exist. On the contrary, they are important
statements of diplomatic policy and engage the good faith of the
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See 73 Dept St. Bull. 613 (1975).
United States as long as the circumstances that gave rise to them
Supplemental statements of this type, however, do not
affect the non-binding character of the commitment to which they
As nations use non-binding agreements for different reasons, it
is important to examine the motive for making a particular agree-
ment non-binding, the context within which it is made, the wording
and intent of the commitment as expressed by the language used,
and the reputation and history of the state or representative for
honoring such statements. Only by evaluating such criteria can a
government arrive at realistic expectations as to whether or not the
parties will comply with such commitments.
In conclusion, international agreements having the status of
treaties clearly show an intent by the parties to be bound under
international law. They describe specific legal obligations which the
parties assume and deal generally with matters of consequence.
Treaties are governed internationally by international law. The Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which the United States
has signed but not ratified, is the most widely recognized inter-
national law source on current treaty law practice.
Non-binding international understandings do not show an intent
to create legal relationships. Frequently, such understandings con-
vey only an intent to perform an act or a commitment of a purely
personal, political, or moral nature. They may be important, how-
ever, as they are often used and often evoke expectations of compli-
ance from affected states.
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Prepared by Jeanne J. Grimmett, Legislative Attorney.
Research in International Law of the Harvard Law School-Law of Treaties: Draft Convention
with Comment. American Journal of International Law, v. 29, 1935, p. 697. See also Art. 2(1)(a)
of the 1970 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties which defines ‘‘treaty’’ as ‘‘an inter-
national agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international
law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more related instruments and what-
ever its particular designation’’ (emphasis supplied). S. Ex. L., 92d Cong., 1st Sess. 1971. The
Vienna Convention is also reprinted in Appendix 5 of this volume.
The purpose of this chapter is to identify the sources of constitu-
tional authority underlying the conclusion of international agree-
ments and the status of such agreements in the domestic law of the
United States. To facilitate an understanding of the constitutional
principles that are relevant to this area of the law, the succeeding
discussion treats separately international agreements that are con-
cluded in the form of ‘‘treaties’’ and those that are made in non-
treaty form by ‘‘executive agreements.’’ The distinction between
these two modes of agreement-making is, of course, ‘‘purely a con-
stitutional one and has no international significance.’’
Even for
purposes of domestic law, differentiation between treaties and exec-
utive agreements, at least on the basis of the nature or importance
of the subject matter encompassed by these instruments, seems
problematic in view of the actual practice of the nation under the
Constitution. On the other hand, these two modes may be distin-
guished procedurally in that treaties, unlike executive agreements,
are concluded exclusively pursuant to the joint action of the Presi-
dent and two-thirds of the Senate. Moreover, the domestic legal ef-
fect of treaties and executive agreements as law of the land may
be identical in all circumstances.
A. T
In providing that the President ‘‘shall have Power, by and with
the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided
two-thirds of the Senators present concur,’’ the treaty clause of the
Constitution (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2) furnishes little textual
guidance concerning the proper extent of the power so granted.
Perhaps the most familiar judicial statement regarding the scope
of this clause is that opined by the Supreme Court in Geofroy v.
*** The treaty power, as expressed in the Constitution, is
in terms unlimited except by those restraints which are found
in that instrument against the action of the government or of
its departments, and those arising from the nature of the gov-
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133 U.S. 258, 267 (1890). For a discussion of the routinely used Senate treaty condition re-
garding constitutional supremacy, see ‘‘Condition Regarding Supremacy of the Constitution’’ in
Chapter V, Section C, infra.
354 U.S. 1, 16 (1957). See also Doe v. Braden, 16 How. (57 U.S.) 635, 656 (1853); The Chero-
kee Tobacco, 11 Wall. (78 U.S.) 616, 620621 (1871); Geofroy v. Riggs, 133 U.S. at 267; and
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 700 (1898).
With the exception of Justice Holmes dictum in Missouri v. Holland, 252 U.S. 416 (1920),
there appears to have been little legal basis for questioning the validity of the general principle
that treaties are subordinate to the Constitution. In Missouri v. Holland, Justice Holmes stated
that ** * Acts of Congress are the supreme law of the land only when made in pursuance
of the Constitution, while treaties are declared to be so when made under the authority of the
United States [Art. VI, cl. 2]. It is open to question whether the authority of the United States
means more than the formal acts prescribed to make the convention. 252 U.S. at 433.
Any intimations from Justice Holmes language that treaties might not be subject to constitu-
tional requirements were, however, subsequently laid to rest in Reid v. Covert, 354 at 1618,
where Justice Black, in expressly refusing to read Missouri v. Holland as support for such a
proposition, indicated that ‘‘[n]o agreement with a foreign national can confer power on the Con-
gress, or on any other branch of Government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitu-
Jeffersons Manual of Parliamentary Practice, sec. LII, reprinted in H. Doc. 105358, 105th
Cong., 2d Sess. 1999, p. 301 (hereafter cited as Jeffersons Manual).
252 U.S. 416 (1920).
ernment itself and of the States. It would not be contended
that it extends so far as to authorize what the Constitution for-
bids, or a change in the character of the government or in that
of one of the States, or a cession of any portion of the territory
of the latter, without its consent *** But with these excep-
tions, it is not perceived that there is any limit to the questions
which can be adjusted touching any matter which is properly
the subject of negotiation with a foreign country.
It seems clear from the Courts pronouncement in Geofroy v.
Riggs that the treaty power is indeed a broad one, extending to
‘‘any matter which is properly the subject of negotiation with a for-
eign country.’’ However, it is equally apparent that treaties, like
Federal statutes, are subject to the overriding requirements of the
Constitution. Although the Supreme Court has apparently never
expressly held a treaty to be unconstitutional, the validity of the
general principle has been repeated often and most unequivocally
by the court in Reid v. Covert where Justice Black declared that
‘‘[n]o agreement with a foreign nation can confer power on the Con-
gress, or on any other branch of Government, which is free from
the restraints of the Constitution.’’
While there is little difficulty in light of the case law in establish-
ing the theoretical supremacy of the Constitution over treaties,
the identification of specific constitutional limitations that may af-
fect the treaty power is attended by some complexity. Various limi-
tations have been suggested over the years and are reviewed in the
following discussion.
It was asserted early by Jefferson in his Manual of Parliamen-
tary Practice that the treaty power does not extend to ‘‘the rights
reserved to the States; for surely the President and Senate can not
do by treaty what the whole Government interdicted from doing in
any way.’’
Notwithstanding Jeffersons view, it seems well-settled
since Missouri v. Holland
that the powers reserved to the States
under the 10th amendment constitute no bar to the exercise of the
treaty power. In Missouri v. Holland the Supreme Court sustained
a treaty and implementing legislation concerning the protection of
migratory birds, a subject that previously had been held within the
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Ibid. at 433434 and 435.
American Law Institute, Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United
States §302, Reporters Note 3 (1987) (hereafter cited as Rest. 3d). See also Henkin, Louis. For-
eign Affairs and the United States Constitution. 2d ed. 1996, pp. 193194 (hereafter cited as
Henkin 1996). Recent Supreme Court decisions setting limits on congressional enactments vis
a vis the states on the ground that the enactments fell outside the scope of Congress Commerce
Power or were subject to 10th amendment limitations (New York v. United States, 504 U.S. 144
(1992), Lopez v. United States, 514 U.S. 549 (1995), Printz v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997),
Morrison v. United States, 529 U.S. 598 (2000); note also Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook
County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 991178 (U.S. Jan. 9, 2001) have raised questions
as to whether the treaty power may be similarly vulnerable to limitations grounded in federal-
ism. Agreements that have been suggested as possibly raising such concerns are ‘‘a disarmament
agreement with inspection provisions that permits intrusion upon the statehouse, or a treaty
that commands state legislatures to adopt laws or that coopts state officials.’’ Henkin 1996, p.
194. For discussion of these issues, see, for example, Bradley, Curtis A. The Treaty Power and
American Federalism. Michigan Law Review, v. 97, 1998, p. 390; Healy, Thomas, Note, Is Mis-
souri v. Holland Still Good Law? Federalism and the Treaty Power. Columbia Law Review, v.
98, p. 1726 (1998); Vazquez, Carlos Manuel. Breard, Printz, and the Treaty Power. University
of Colorado Law Review, v. 70, 1999, p. 1317; Golove, David M. Treaty-Making and the Nation:
The Historical Foundations of the Nationalist Conception of the Treaty Powers. Michigan Law
Review, v. 98, 2000, p. 1075.
See Henkin 1996, p. 193 and pp. 465466, n. 72.
Jeffersons Manual, p. 301.
reserved powers of the States and beyond the legislative com-
petence of Congress. According to Justice Holmes:
The treaty in question does not contravene any prohibitory
words to be found in the Constitution. The only question is
whether it is forbidden by some invisible radiation from the
general terms of the Tenth Amendment.
Here a national interest of very nearly the first magnitude is
involved. It can be protected only by national action in concert
with that of another power. The subject matter is only
transitorily within the State and has no permanent habitat
therein. But for the treaty and the statute there soon might be
no birds for any powers to deal with. We see nothing in the
Constitution that compels the Government to sit by while a
food supply is cut off and the protectors of our forests and our
crops are destroyed.
Although the unspecified reserved powers of the States under the
10th amendment seem inoperative as a limitation upon the treaty
power, there may be rights conferred upon the States by other pro-
visions of the Constitution that, at least in theory, could restrict
treatymaking. It has been suggested that a treaty could not under-
mine the guaranty of the States to a ‘‘Republican Form of Govern-
ment’’ (Article IV, Section 4), or infringe the authority of a State
concerning its militia (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16, and Amend-
ment 2) as in a treaty mandating abolition of State militias pursu-
ant to a scheme of general disarmament.
While the Court in
Geofroy v. Riggs further indicated that a treaty may not cede a por-
tion of the territory of a State without the latters consent, such a
restriction upon the treaty power is not specifically mentioned in
the Constitution and the validity of this alleged limitation seems
A second major limitation upon treatymaking urged by Jefferson
pertains to ‘‘those subjects of legislation in which [the Constitution]
gave a participation to the House [of Representatives].’’
ing this limitation, Jefferson added that ‘‘[t]his *** exception is de-
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See, for example, Geofroy v. Riggs, 133 U.S. at 267, and Holden v. Joy, 17 Wall. (84 U.S.)
211, 243 (1872), noting general limitations upon the treaty power arising from ‘‘the nature of
the government.’’
See Wright, Quincy. Treaties and the Constitutional Separation of Powers in the United
States. American Journal of International Law, v. 12, 1918, pp. 6585 (hereafter cited as
Wright, Treaties and Separation of Powers).
Edwards v. Carter, 580 F. 2d 1055 (D.C. Cir. 1978), cert. denied, 436 U.S. 907 (1978).
See Wright, Treaties and Separation of Powers, pp. 6585; Henkin 1996, pp. 194195; Rest.
3d, §303, Comment c and Reporters Note 2.
The Constitution of the United States of AmericaAnalysis and Interpretation, S. Doc. 6,
103d Cong., 1st Sess. 1996, pp. 485486 (hereafter cited as ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpre-
nied by some on the ground that it would leave very little matter
for the treaty power to work on. The less the better, say others.’’
Although there is judicial dicta that perhaps indirectly suggest
such a restriction,
Jeffersons assertion seems to have been re-
futed by the actual practice under the Constitution. Thus, in-
stances are readily found of treaties containing subject matter that
lies within Congress delegated powers, as in treaties pertaining to
foreign commerce, the payment of money, war, the organization of
judicial tribunals, and rules of maritime blockage and capture.
Moreover, it recently has been held that Congress power to dispose
of property belonging to the United States (Article IV, Section 3,
Clause 2) presents no constitutional bar to disposition by treaty of
American property interests in the Panama Canal.
While there appears to be general agreement that subject matter
falling within the scope of Congress delegated powers may be dealt
with by treaty,
a separate question, which is considered infra,
concerns the extent to which a treaty touching such subjects can
become effective as domestic law without the aid of an implement-
ing statute. The distinction between these two issues is noted in
the following commentary which, with reference to the argument
that the treaty power is limited by Congress delegated authority,
states that:
[I]t is not clear what the limitation means. If it is meant that
no international agreement could be constitutionally entered
into by the United States within the sphere of such powers the
practice from the beginning has been to the contrary; if it is
meant that treaty provisions dealing with matters delegated to
Congress must, in order to become the law of the land, receive
the assent of Congress through implementing legislation, it
states not a limitation on the power of making treaties as
international conventions but rather a necessary procedure be-
fore certain conventions are cognizable by the courts in the en-
forcement of rights under them.
A third limitation upon the treaty power has been raised in con-
nection with treaties authorizing participation by the United States
in proceedings before certain types of international judicial tribu-
nals. The basic constitutional issue concerning such participation
seems whether the authorizing treaty improperly delegates the
‘‘Judicial Power of the United States’’ which the Constitution other-
wise vests in ‘‘one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as
the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish’’ (Article
III, Section 1). It has been argued that where an international judi-
cial tribunal adjudicates claims between nation-states, the type of
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Henkin 1996, p. 267.
International Prize Court Convention, October 18, 1907, reprinted in Treaties, Conventions,
International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Between the United States of America and Other
Powers, S. Doc. 1063, 62d Cong., 3d Sess. 1913, p. 248 (G. Charles comp.) (hereafter cited as
Charles, Treaties).
Additional Protocol to the Convention Relative to the Establishment of an International
Court of Prize, Sept. 19, 1910, reprinted in Charles, Treaties, p. 262.
See Butte, The ‘‘Protocol Additional’’ to the International Prize Court Convention. American
Journal of International Law, v. 6, 1912, p. 799; Scott, The International Court of Prize. Amer-
ican Journal of International Law, v. 5, 1911, p. 302; and Henkin, Louis, Foreign Affairs and
the Constitution. 1972, p. 197 (hereafter cited as Henkin 1972), and Henkin 1996, pp. 518519.
Notwithstanding Senate consent, the United States did not ratify the convention.
In Holden v. Joy, 17 Wall. (84 U.S.) at 243, the Court stated that the treaty power ‘‘should
extend to all those objects which in the intercourse of nations had usually been regarded as the
proper subjects of negotiation and treaty.’’ See also Geofroy v. Riggs, 133 U.S. at 267, quoted
in the text accompanying note 3 supra, and Akasura v. Seattle, 265 U.S. 332, 341 (treaty power
‘‘extend[s] to all proper subjects of negotiation between out government and other nations’’).
Jeffersons Manual, p. 301.
American Society of International Law Proceedings, v. 23, 1929, p. 194.
Henkin 1972, p. 152.
Rest. 3d, §302, Comment c and Reporters Note 2. See also Henkin 1996, pp. 197198.
judicial power being exercised is international, and, hence, there is
no improper usurpation by treaty of the domestic ‘‘Judicial Power
of the United States’’ for constitutional purposes.
The Inter-
national Court of Justice would be an example of this type of inter-
national tribunal.
On the other hand, a more serious constitutional objection might
be raised against a treaty authorizing an international tribunal to
exercise appellate jurisdiction over cases from U.S. courts. An ar-
rangement of this nature was envisioned in The Hague Prize Court
Convention of 1907
which established an international court with
appellate jurisdiction from national courts in prize cases. Con-
cerned that this procedure would be inconsistent with the final ap-
pellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, American negotiators
proposed a supplementary protocol
authorizing de novo actions
against the United States before the International Prize Court in
lieu of appeals from domestic courts.
A fourth limitation which has been alleged to circumscribe the
treaty power is that treaties must relate to ‘‘proper subjects of ne-
gotiation’’ with a foreign nation. Such a limitation is suggested by
judicial dicta
and may also be present in Jeffersons statement
that ‘‘[b]y the general power to make treaties, the Constitution
must have intended to comprehend only those subjects which are
usually regulated by treaty ***.’’
This restriction is also associ-
ated with remarks made by Charles Evans Hughes before the an-
nual meeting of the American Society of International Law in 1929
where he asserted that ‘‘[t]he power [of treaty-making], is to deal
with foreign nations with regard to matters of international con-
cern. It is not a power intended to be exercised, it may be assumed,
with respect to matters that have no relation to international con-
While the ‘‘international concern’’ limitation upon
treatymaking had been generally accepted,
the American Law In-
stitute rejected this view in 1987 in its Restatement (Third) of the
Foreign Relations Law of the United States.
There has been no
clear test for determining the circumstances in which the doctrine
should apply and it has been observed, moreover, that ‘‘[m]atters
of international concern are not confined to matters exclusively
concerned with foreign relations. Usually, matters of international
concern have both international and domestic effects, and the exist-
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American Law Institute, Restatement 2d of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States
(1965), §117, Comment b. In this regard, the current Foreign Relations Restatement observes
There is no principle either in international law or in U.S. constitutional law that some subjects
are intrinsically ‘‘domestic’’ and hence impermissible subjects for an international agreement. As
to international law, it has been authoritatively stated that even a subject that is strictly of do-
mestic concern ‘‘ceases to be one solely within the domestic jurisdiction of the State [and] enters
the domain governed by international law,’’ if states conclude an international agreement about
it. Nationality Decrees in Tunis and Morocco (Great Britain v. France), P.C.I.J. ser. B, No. 4,
p. 26 (1923). Under U.S. laws, the Supreme Court has upheld agreements on matters that, apart
from the agreement, were strictly domestic and indeed assumed to be within state rather than
Federal authority. For example, De Geofroy v. Riggs [133 U.S. 258] * * * (rights of inheritance
in land); Missouri v. Holland [252 U.S. 416] * * * (protection of migratory birds). Early argu-
ments that the United States may not adhere to international human rights agreements because
they deal with matters of strictly domestic concern were later abandoned. ** *’’ Rest. 3d, §302,
Reporters Note 2.
247 F. 2d 538 (D.C. Cir. 1957), jud. vac. and rem. for mootness sub. nom. American Public
Power Assn. v. Power Authority of New York, 355 U.S. 64 (1957).
The reservation at issue, which had been attached by the Senate to the Treaty Concerning
Uses of the Waters of the Niagara River, Feb. 27, 1950, United States-Canada, 1 U.S.T. 694,
specified that the United States reserved the right to develop its share of the Niagara River
by an act of Congress and that redevelopment projects in such waters were prohibited until au-
thorized by congressional enactment. The decision has been criticized for its failure to recognize
the existence of genuine international concern regarding the Senates reservation. See Henkin,
Louis, The Treaty Makers and the Law Makers: The Niagara Reservation. Columbia Law Re-
view, v. 56, 1956, p. 1151. See also text at notes 3638 infra. In United States v. Lue, 134 F.
3d 79 (2d Cir. 1998), the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals rejected appellants argument that
the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages was beyond the power of the Exec-
utive to sign under Article II because it regulated matters of domestic concern not involving re-
lations with other nations. The court took note of the breadth of the treaty power, though admit-
ting a possible constitutional ‘‘outer limit.’’ It concluded that the convention did not in any event
‘‘transgress’’ any such limit, as it addressed two issues of central international concern: the
treatment of foreign nationals while they are on local soil and hostage taking as a vehicle for
terrorism. 134 F. 3d at 83.
Rest. 3d §302(2), Comment b, and Reporters Note 1; ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpre-
tation, p. 486; Henkin 1996, pp. 185 and 283 et seq.
354 U.S. 1, 16, 17 (1957).
64 Stat. 109 (1950).
ence of the latter does not remove a matter from international con-
The limitation appears to have rarely been an issue in re-
ported decisions. In Power Authority of New York v. Federal Power
a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, in order to avoid
declaring an entire treaty void for want of international concern,
invoked the restriction against a ‘‘reservation’’ which the Senate
had attached to the treaty but which the court viewed as merely
an expression of the ‘‘Senates desires’’ and of ‘‘domestic policy.’’
A fifth and widely recognized limitation upon the treaty power
is that provided by the Bill of Rights.
This restriction upon
treatymaking seems implicit from the context of Justice Blacks re-
minder in Reid v. Covert that ‘‘[n]o agreement with a foreign na-
tional can confer power on the Congress, or on any other branch
of Government, which is free from the restraints of the Constitu-
tion,’’ and that ‘‘[t]he prohibitions of the Constitution were designed
to apply to all branches of the National government, and they can-
not be nullified by the Executive or by the Executive and the Sen-
ate combined.’’
The necessity for Justice Blacks statement origi-
nated in the contention, which the court rejected, that Article 2(11)
of the Uniform Code of Military Justice,
which effectively denied
trial by jury and other Bill of Rights protections to civilian depend-
ents accompanying American armed forces abroad, could neverthe-
less be sustained as legislation necessary and proper to implement
U.S. jurisdictional rights under specified bilateral agreements with
foreign host governments.
Whatever specific constitutional limitations may be deemed ap-
plicable to the treaty power in a given case, the courts, in lieu of
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10 Pet. (35 U.S.) 662 (1836). For commentary concerning this case, see Cowles, Willard.
Treaties and Constitutional Law. 1975 reprint ed., p. 112.
223 U.S. 317 (1912).
344 F. 2d 673 (5th Cir. 1965).
908 F. Supp. 738, 752 (C.D. Cal. 1995).
Ibid. at 755. The court granted the plaintiffs summary adjudication on both constitutional
Questions regarding fourth and fifth amendment protections for U.S. firms arose during Sen-
ate consideration of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stock-
piling and Use of Chemical Weapons. Done at Paris, January 13, 1993, entered into force April
29, 1997, International Legal Materials, v. 32, 1993, p. 800. The convention was approved by
the Senate April 24, 1997. Congressional Record, April 24, 1997, p. S3651 (daily ed.). Fourth
amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure were implicated by treaty obli-
gations regarding routine and challenge inspections of chemical facilities in party countries.
Fifth amendment protections against governmental takings were implicated by the inspections
themselves, since they could possibly result in property loss, particularly that of confidential
business information. See U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Constitutional
Implications of the Chemical Weapons Convention. S. Hrg. 104859, Sept. 10, 1996; U.S. Con-
gress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Chemical Weapons Convention. S. Hrg. 105
183, April 817, 1997.
The Senates advice and consent was made subject to numerous conditions, including (1) a
direction to the President to withhold a portion of the U.S. contribution to the Organization of
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons created under the convention in the event certain disclo-
sures of U.S. business information occurred or there were certain breaches of confidentiality,
and (2) a requirement that the President, before depositing the U.S. instruments of ratification,
certify to the Congress that in the event a firm withholds its consent to a search, the United
express declarations of unconstitutionality, evidence a proclivity
merely to refuse full effectuation of specific treaty provisions that
might offend constitutional requirements. Thus, in City of New Or-
leans v. United States,
a treaty provision conferring ‘‘full sov-
ereignty’’ upon the United States over ceded public lands was held
ineffective by the Supreme Court to prohibit the sale of the land
by city authorities where recognition of Federal title under the
treaty would have deprived just compensation to vested private
property interests in derogation of the fifth amendment. An addi-
tional example is afforded by Rocca v. Thompson,
where the
Court, after noting ‘‘there is, of course no Federal law of probate
or the administration of estates,’’ refused to preempt the local ad-
ministration of an alien decedents estate notwithstanding a treaty
provision which permitted resident foreign consuls to ‘‘intervene’’ in
estate liquidation proceedings of foreign nationals dying intestate
in the United States. In a similar vein is United States ex rel. Mar-
tinez Angusto v. Mason,
where a Federal Circuit Court of Ap-
peals, in the absence of an authorizing statute or Presidential di-
rective, refused to deem Navy and Immigration and Naturalization
Service agents as ‘‘competent national or local authorities’’ under
an applicable treaty for purposes of sanctioning the warrantless ar-
rest and subsequent imprisonment of a deserting Spanish seaman.
In Colello v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, however,
a case challenging a freeze of plaintiffs assets in Switzerland, a
Federal District Court held that the failure of the U.S.-Switzerland
Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters to require U.S.
officials to notify U.S. citizens of a governmental request for assist-
ance from Switzerland and to provide a prompt post-deprivation
hearing violated their fifth amendment right to due process and to
this extent the treaty was unconstitutional.
It further held that
the treatys ‘‘reasonable suspicion’’ standard for freezing U.S. citi-
zens assets in Switzerland violated the fourth amendment, stating
that ‘‘[t]he executive cannot eliminate plaintiffs fourth amendment
right to be free of unreasonable searches by treaty.’’
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States will first obtain a criminal search warrant supported by probable cause for challenge in-
spections and administrative warrant from a U.S. magistrate judge for routine inspections. Con-
gressional Record, April 27, 1997, pp. S3655, S3657. Implementing legislation set forth further
domestic legal requirements involving convention activities by, among other things, providing
for civil actions against the United States for claims for taking of property and setting forth
warrant requirements for routine and challenge inspections. Chemical Weapons Convention Im-
plementation Act of 1998, Public Law 105277, Division I, 112 Stat. 2681858. See U.S. Con-
gress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Chemical Weapons Implementing Legislation S. Hrg.
105552, May 13, 1997; Congressional Record, October 21, 1998, pp. S12744S12748 (daily ed.);
and Kellman, Barry. The Advent of International Chemical Regulation: The Chemical Weapons
Convention Implementation Act. Journal of Legislation, v. 25, 1999, p. 117.
247 F. 2d 538 (D.C. Cir. 1957), jud. vac. and rem. for mootness sub. nom. American Public
Power Assn. v. Power Authority of New York, 355 U.S. 64 (1957). A pair of more recent cases
involving international agreements the resolution of which are based on constitutional consider-
ations are McMullen v. United States, 989 F. 2d 603 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 510 U.S. 913 (1993)
(Supplemental Extradition Treaty with United Kingdom eliminating political offense exception
held not to constitute bill of attainder as applied retroactively and not to violate separation of
powers doctrine by allegedly altering jurisdiction of the courts), and Swearingen v. United
States, 565 F. Supp. 1019 (D. Colo. 1983) (agreement which created an exemption from taxation
of income of U.S. citizens, contrary to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, was in con-
travention of the exclusive constitutional authority of the House of Representatives to originate
all bills for raising revenue).
See text accompanying notes 2829 supra. The Power Authority case notwithstanding, Sen-
ate reservations are generally deemed part of the treaty to which they are made and held effec-
tive as domestic law in the United States. Rest. 3d, §314(1), Comment b. Moreover, a dissenting
opinion in the case indicated that the Senate, by its reservation ‘‘has not sought to limit the
participation of the Congress at large and the President in decisions regarding domestic policy.
It is a case in which the Senate has sought to enlarge their participation. 247 F. 2d at 547 (dis-
senting opinion of Judge Bastian).
Judicial concern for constitutional requirements is also evident in
Power Authority of New York v. Federal Power Commission, supra,
where, as previously noted, the court declined to view a Senate
‘‘reservation’’ as part of the treaty to which it was attached, prefer-
ring instead to view the reservation as merely an expression of ‘‘the
Senates desires’’ and of ‘‘domestic policy.’’
The Senates reserva-
tion, which was appended to a bilateral treaty with Canada allocat-
ing the waters of the Niagara River for power development, speci-
fied that the United States reserved the right to redevelop its share
of the river waters by an act of Congress and that redevelopment
projects in such waters were prohibited until authorized by con-
gressional enactment. In characterizing the reservation as purely
domestic and hence not part of the treaty, the Circuit Court avoid-
ed possible holdings that the entire treaty was void for want of
‘‘international concern’’ and that the Senate was unconstitutionally
‘‘legislating’’ through ‘‘reservation’’ without the concurrence of the
House of Representatives inasmuch as the reservation would have
temporarily suspended the operation of existing law.
By virtue of the supremacy clause of the Constitution (Article VI,
Clause 2), a treaty which is concluded compatibly with applicable
constitutional requirements of the type previously discussed may
have status as the ‘‘Supreme Law of the Land’’ along with Federal
statutes and the Constitution itself. However, a treatys effective-
ness as domestic law of the United States does not result automati-
cally upon its entry into force on the international level, but occurs
only where the instrument is ‘‘self-executing,’’ that is, where it op-
erates without any necessity for implementing legislation. The clas-
sic exposition of this principle is provided by Chief Justice Marshall
in Foster v. Neilson:
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2 Pet. (27 U.S.) 253, 314 (1829). See generally Vazquez, Carlos Manuel. The Four Doctrines
of Self-Executing Treaties. American Journal of International Law, v. 89, 1995, p. 695.
Rest. 3d, §111, Comment i, and Henkin 1996, p. 203. The House of Representatives early
asserted its prerogatives by reserving a right of independent judgment regarding monies re-
quired to be paid under the Jay Treaty of 1796. Jeffersons Manual, p. 297; ConstitutionAnaly-
sis and Interpretation, p. 480. In Turner v. American Baptist Missionary Union, 24 F. Cas. 344
(No. 14,251) 347 (C.C. Mich. 1852), the Circuit court stated: A treaty under the Federal Con-
stitution is declared to be the supreme law of the land. This, unquestionably, applies to all trea-
ties, where the treatymaking power, without the aid of Congress, can carry it into effect. It is
not, however, and cannot be the supreme law of the land, where the concurrence of Congress
is necessary to give it effect. Until this power is exercised, as where the appropriation of money
is required, the treaty is not perfect. It is not operative, in the sense of the Constitution, as
money cannot be appropriated by the treatymaking power. This results from the limitations of
our government. The action of no department of the government, can be regarded as law, until
it shall have all the sanctions required by the Constitution to make it such. As well might be
contended, that an ordinary act of Congress, without the signature of the President, was a law,
as that a treaty which engages to pay a sum of money is in itself law. And in such a case, the
representatives of the people and the States, exercise their own judgments in granting or with-
holding the money. They act upon their own responsibility, and not upon the responsibility of
the treatymaking power.
Rest. 3d, §111, Comment i; Henkin 1996, p. 203. In The Over the Top, 5 F. 2d 838, 845
(D. Conn. 1925), a district court stated that ** * It is not the function of treaties to enact the
fiscal or criminal law of a nation. For this purpose no treaty is self-executing. Congress may
be under a duty to enact that which has been agreed upon treaty, but duty and its performance
are two separate and distinct things. Nor is there any doubt that the treatymaking power has
its limitations. What these are has never been defined, perhaps never need be defined. Certain
it is that no part of the criminal law of this country has ever been enacted by treaty.
Rest. 3d, §111, Reporters Note 6, citing U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, ‘‘giving Con-
gress power to define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and
Offences against the Law of Nations.’’
Rest. 3d, §111, Comment i; Henkin 1996, p. 203.
*** Our constitution declares a treaty to be the law of the
land. It is, consequently, to be regarded in courts of justice as
equivalent to an act of the legislature, whenever it operates of
itself, without the aid of any legislative provision. But when
the terms of the stipulation import a contract, when either of
the parties engages to perform a particular act, the treaty ad-
dresses itself to the political, not the judicial department; and
the legislature must execute the contract, before it can become
a rule for the Court.
Application of this general rule seems relatively simple where
the text of a treaty expressly recognizes the necessity for imple-
menting legislation or where the subject matter of the treaty falls
within an area traditionally regarded as requiring congressional ef-
fectuation by statute. Concerning the latter situation there appears
to be general agreement that in view of Congress exclusive power
of appropriations (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7) a treaty provision
authorizing the payment of money is not self-executing.
larly, an implementing statute also seems required in connection
with treaties which specify international crimes or criminal sanc-
tions for particular activities.
In this connection, it has been
noted that ‘‘[c]riminal law to implement the foreign relations of the
United States is wholly statutory.’’
Moreover, in light of Con-
gress power under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11, ‘‘to declare War,’’
it seems to be generally assumed that a treaty would not be suffi-
cient of itself to place the United States in a state of war.
cerning the general rule that treaties which pertain to the afore-
mentioned matters require congressional implementation, it has
been observed that:
*** There is no definitive authority for the rule *** that
agreements on some subjects cannot be self-executing. That a
subject is within the legislative power of Congress does not
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Rest. 3d, §111, Reporters Note 6.
Ibid. § 111, Comment h. See also Whiteman, Marjorie, Digest of International Law, v. 14,
1970, pp. 312313. Henkin notes that sometimes ‘‘federal legislation adopted prior to the treaty
(ane even for other purposes) may be available to implement a treaty obligation; sometimes the
President may have authority to carry out those obligations without Congressional authoriza-
tion. State law may also serve to implement non-self-executing obligations.’’ Henkin 1996, p.
The Senate included an express declaration in the resolutions of ratification for various
human rights treaties stating that the treaty is not self-executing; the declaration was later in-
cluded in the U.S. instrument of ratification for the treaty. See Congressional Record, v. 136,
Oct. 1, 1990, p. 36198 and Nash (Leich), Marian, Contemporary Practice of the United States
Relating to International Law. American Journal of International Law, v. 89, 1995, pp. 109
111 (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)); Congressional Record, v.
138, April 2, 1992, p. 8071, and Leich, Marian Nash, Contemporary Practice of the United
States Relating to International Law. American Journal of International Law, v. 85, 1991, pp.
335337 (Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (Torture Convention)); and Congressional Record, v. 140, June 7, 1994, p. 8071 and
Nash (Leich), Marian. Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International
Law. American Journal of International Law, v. 88, 1994, pp. 721728 (International Conven-
tion on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Race Convention)). For the text
of the U.S. instruments of ratification, see United Nations. Multilateral Treaties Deposited with
the Secretary-General; Status as at 31 December 1996. U.N. Doc. ST/LEG/SER.E/15, 1997, p.
101 (Race Convention), p. 130 (ICCPR), and p. 191 (Torture Convention). Courts have subse-
quently denied private claims under these treaties. See, for example, Iguarta de la Rosa v.
United States, 32 F. 3d 8 (1st Cir. 1994) (ICCPR) and Barapind v. Reno, 72 F. Supp. 2d 1132
(E.D. Cal. 1994) (Torture Convention).
Diggs v. Richardson, 555 F. 2d 848, 851 (D.C. Cir. 1976).
preclude a treaty on the same subject. *** No particular
clause of the Constitution conferring power on Congress states
or clearly implies that the power can be exercised only by Con-
gress, not by the treaty-makers. (Contrast the provision that
Congress shall have the power to exercise exclusive legislation
in all Cases whatsoever over the District of Columbia and
other places acquired for needful buildings. U.S. Constitution,
Article 1, Section 8, clause 17.) *** The power of Congress to
declare war is not characterized or designated in any way that
would distinguish it from, say, the power to regulate commerce
with foreign nations, yet regulation of such commerce is surely
a proper subject for a treaty. The provision that ‘‘No money
shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Ap-
propriations made by Law’’ lends itself better to the suggestion
that an international agreement cannot itself ‘‘appropriate
money.’’ Even here, it might have been possible to conclude
that since treaties are declared to be ‘‘law’’ (Art. VI) and are
treated as equal to an act of Congress for other purposes, an
appropriation of funds through an international agreement is
an appropriation ‘‘made by law.’’
*** The principle declared *** is nevertheless generally as-
sumed for the cases given.
Apart from instances where the terms of a treaty expressly con-
template implementing legislation or where such legislation is tra-
ditionally required owing to the nature of a particular treaty provi-
sion, whether a treaty is self-executing or not is a matter of inter-
pretation, initially for the Executive and ultimately for the courts
in the event of litigation.
Decisional criteria for resolving this
issue have been variously and broadly phrased. Thus, it has been
stated that ‘‘[i]n determining whether a treaty is self-executing
courts look to the intent of the signatory parties as manifested by
the language of the instrument, and, if the instrument is uncertain,
recourse must be had to the circumstances surrounding its execu-
Elsewhere it is maintained that where the self-executing
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Rest. 3d, §111, Comment h.
People of Saipan v. United States Department of Interior, 502 F. 2d 90 (9th Cir. 1974), cert.
denied, 420 U.S. 1003 (1975). In Frolova v. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 761 F. 2d 370,
373 (7th Cir. 1985), the court listed the following as factors that courts consider in discerning
the intent of the treaty parties as to whether a treaty is self-executing: ‘‘(1) the language and
purposes of the agreement as a whole; (2) the circumstances surrounding its execution; (3) the
nature of the obligations imposed by the agreement; (4) the availability and feasibility of alter-
native enforcement mechanisms; (5) the implications of permitting a private right of action; and
(6) the capability of the judiciary to resolve the dispute.’’
3 Dall. (3 U.S.) 199 (1796).
Ibid. at 236237. The principle has been reaffirmed by the Court in numerous cases. For
additional case authority, see ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, pp. 472474.
nature of an international agreement is unclear, ‘‘account must be
taken of any statement by the President in concluding the agree-
ment or in submitting it to the Senate for consent *** and of any
expression by the Senate *** in dealing with the agreement.’’
ternatively, it is urged that reference should be made to ‘‘the pur-
poses of the treaty and the objectives of its creators, the existence
of domestic procedures and institutions appropriate for direct im-
plementation, the availability and feasibility of alternate enforce-
ment methods, and the immediate and long-range social con-
sequences of self- or non-self-execution.’’
Where a treaty is deemed to be self-executing, any conflicting
provisions of State law must yield. This principle, which is ex-
pressly enshrined in the supremacy clause of the Constitution, was
early affirmed by the Supreme Court in Ware v. Hylton.
ing to Justice Chase:
A treaty cannot be the supreme law of the land, that is, of
all the United States, if any act of a State Legislature can
stand in its way. If the Constitution of a State *** must give
way to a treaty, and fall before it; can it be questioned, wheth-
er the less power, an act of the State Legislature, must not be
prostrate? It is the declared will of the people of the United
States, that every treaty made by the authority of the United
States, shall be superior to the Constitution and laws of any
individual State; and their will alone is to decide. If a law of
a State, contrary to a treaty, is not void, but voidable only, by
a repeal, or nullification by a State Legislature, this certain
consequence follows, that the will of a small part of the United
States may control or defeat the will of the whole.
In the event of a conflict between a self-executing treaty and a
Federal statute, it is well-settled that legal primacy will be ac-
corded the measure which is later in time, albeit the courts will en-
deavor to harmonize the respective international and domestic obli-
gations if possible. As indicated by the Supreme Court in Whitney
v. Robertson:
By the Constitution a treaty is placed on the same footing,
and made of like obligation, with an act of legislation. Both are
declared by that instrument to be the supreme law of the land,
and no superior efficacy is given to either over the other. When
the two relate to the same subject, the courts will always en-
deavor to construe them so as to give effect to both, if that can
be done without violating the language of either; but if the two
are inconsistent, the one last in date will control the other, pro-
vided always the stipulation of the treaty on the subject is self-
executing. If the country with which the treaty is made is dis-
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124 U.S. 581, 594 (1888). The Court has repeated the rule in many cases. See discussion
in ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, pp. 478479, and Breard v. Greene, 523 U.S. 371,
37677 (1998).
252 U.S. 416. See also Neely v. Henkel, 180 U.S. 109, 121 (1901), indicating that the nec-
essary and proper clause of the Constitution is sufficient authority for Congress ‘‘to enact such
legislation as is appropriate to give efficacy to any stipulations which it is competent for the
President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to insert in a treaty with a foreign
power.’’ See generally ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, pp. 480482; Rest. 3d, §111,
Comment j.
ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, pp. 481482.
Hopson v. Kreps, 622 F. 2d 1375 (9th Cir. 1980); H.J. Justin & Sons Inc. v. Brown, 519
F. Supp. 1383, 1390 (E.D. Cal. 1981).
Henkin 1996, p. 200. Note, however, Rest. 3d, §111, Comment h: ‘‘* ** strictly, it is the im-
plementing legislation, rather than the agreement itself, that is given effect as law in the United
States. That is true even when a non-self-executing agreement is enacted by, or incorporated
in, implementing legislation.’’
Executive agreements are also discussed in Chapters II, III, IX, and X.
satisfied with the action of the legislative department, it may
present its complaint to the executive head of the government
and take such other measures as it may deem essential for the
protection of its interests. The courts can afford no redress.
Whether the complaining nation has just cause or our country
was justified in its legislation, are not matters for judicial cog-
If a particular treaty is not self-executing, and, accordingly, re-
quires legislative implementation to become law of the land, Con-
gress may enact such legislation notwithstanding that the subject
matter of the treaty would normally be beyond congressional com-
petence. This result arises by virtue of the necessary and proper
clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18) which
authorizes Congress to make all laws necessary and proper to effec-
tuate not only its expressly delegated powers, but also ‘‘all other
Powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United
States or in any Department or Officer thereof.’’ Application of this
principle seems most evident in Missouri v. Holland
where Jus-
tice Holmes sustained both a treaty and an implementing act even
though comparable legislation, when unaided by a treaty, had pre-
viously been declared invalid by the courts. Concerning this
bootstrapping effect on the treaty power it has been observed that:
*** [T]he treaty power cannot purport to amend the Con-
stitution by adding to the list of Congress enumerated powers,
but having acted, the consequence will often be that it has pro-
vided Congress with an opportunity to enact measures which
independently of a treaty Congress could not pass; the only
question that can be raised as to such measures will be wheth-
er they are necessary and proper measures for carrying of the
treaty in question into operation.
To the foregoing, it may be added that where a treaty requires
implementing legislation for its effectuation, strictly speaking it is
the statute and not the treaty which is the law of the land for the
A caveat to this proposition exists, however, when the
treaty itself is incorporated as part of the statute.
B. E
Reference to the text of the Constitution suggests the preeminent
legal status of the treaty mode of agreement-making. Treaties, for
example, are made only by the President and two-thirds of the Sen-
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The editors of the ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, pp. 494495, observe that-
Once a stepchild in the family in which treaties were the preferred offspring, the executive
agreement has surpassed in number and perhaps in international influence the treaty formally
signed, submitted for ratification to the Senate, and proclaimed upon ratification.
During the first half-century of its independence, the United States was party to 60 treaties
but to only 27 published executive agreements. By the beginning of World War II, there had
been concluded approximately 800 treaties and 1,200 executive agreements ** *. In the period
since 1939, executive agreements have comprised more than 90 percent of the international
agreements concluded.
The literature is extensive, but useful reference may be made to: Weinfeld, Abraham. What
did the Framers of the Federal Constitution Mean by ‘‘Agreements or Compacts?’’ University
of Chicago Law Review, v. 3, 1936, p. 453; McClure, Wallace. International Executive Agree-
ments. 1941 (hereafter cited as McClure); McDougal, Myres and Lans, Asher. Treaties and Con-
gressional-Executive or Presidential Agreements: Interchangeable Instruments of National Pol-
icy. Yale Law Journal, v. 54, 1945, pp. 181 and 534 (hereafter cited as McDougal and Lans);
Borchard, Edwin. Shall the Executive Agreement Replace the Treaty? Yale Law Journal, v. 53,
1944, p. 664 (hereafter cited as Borchard 1944); Borchard, E. Treaties and Executive Agree-
mentsA Reply. Yale Law Journal, v. 54, 1945, p. 616; Wright, Q. The United States and Inter-
national Agreements. American Journal of International Law, v. 38, 1944, p. 341; Mathews,
Craig. The Constitutional Power of the President to Conclude International Agreements. Yale
Law Journal, v. 64, 1955, p. 345; Berger, Raoul. The Presidential Monopoly of Foreign Relations.
Michigan Law Review, v. 71, 1972, p. 1; Henkin 1996, Chapter VII; and Slonim, Solomon. Con-
gressional-Executive Agreements. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, v. 14, 1975, p. 434
(hereafter cited as Slonim).
ate (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2), form part of the ‘‘Supreme Law
of the Land’’ (Article VI, Clause 2), and create a basis for invoking
the jurisdiction of the Federal courts (Article III, Section 2, Clause
1). Moreover, the States are absolutely prohibited from entering
into any treaty (Article I, Section 10, Clause 1). While the Constitu-
tion thus expressly references the treaty mode four times, only once
does the text of the Nations fundamental law appear to recognize
the existence of other types of international instruments, as in the
prohibition against the States from concluding any ‘‘Agreement or
Compact’’ with a foreign power in the absence of congressional ap-
probation (Article I Section 10, Clause 3).
On the other hand, the actual practice of the Nation under the
Constitution confirms a numerical primacy of agreements which
have not been concluded in the form of treaties.
Such agreements
are typically denominated as ‘‘executive agreements’’ and may be
further categorized as follows: (1) congressional-executive agree-
ments sanctioned by the joint authority of the President and both
Houses of Congress; (2) agreements concluded pursuant to existing
treaties; and (3) Presidential or ‘‘sole’’ executive agreements made
by the President on his independent constitutional authority.
In view of the numerical superiority of executive agreements in
actual practice as contrasted with the textual primacy accorded the
treaty mode by the Constitution, and owing as well to the con-
troversial nature of particular executive agreements, it is perhaps
not surprising that questions have been raised concerning the ex-
clusive scope vel non of the treaty clause and the possible existence
of a substantive distinction between treaties and executive agree-
ments. Notwithstanding substantial scholarship devoted to ascer-
tain the Framers intentions concerning these matters, the under-
standing of the Drafters remains largely obscure.
By virtue of ac-
tual practice and judicial edification, however, it is now well-settled
that the treaty mode is not an exclusive means of agreement-
making for the United States and that executive agreements may
validly co-exist with treaties under the Constitution. Somewhat
less clear, it seems, is whether any subject that is dealt with by
treaty may also be effected by an executive agreement, particularly
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See, for example, the statement of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in its Report
on the National Commitments Resolution, S. Res. 85, 91st Cong., 1st Sess. 1969, wherein it is
maintained that ‘‘[t]he traditional distinction between the treaty as the appropriate means of
making significant political commitments and the executive agreement as the appropriate in-
strument for routine, nonpolitical arrangements has substantially broken down.’’ S. Rept. 129,
91st Cong., 1st Sess. 1969, p. 26.
Act of Aug. 4, 1790, ch. 43, §2, 1 Stat. 139.
Act of Feb. 20, 1792, ch. 7, §26, 1 Stat. 239.
See Crandall, Samuel. TreatiesTheir Making and Enforcement. 1916 (2d ed.), pp. 131132
(hereafter cited as Crandall), and McDougal and Lans, pp. 239240. Miller states the ‘‘[p]ostal
conventions are not, and with a very few exceptions, never have been submitted the the Senate
as treaties.’’ Miller, Hunter. Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of Amer-
ica, v. 1, 1931, p. 7 (hereafter cited as Miller, Treaties). Current legislative authority for postal
agreements is contained in 39 U.S.C. §407. See also 19 Op. Atty. Gen. 513 (1890) in support
of the constitutionality of this practice.
See Crandall, pp. 127131. A recent example is the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agree-
ment on the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, approved by Congress in sec.
101 of Public Law 103465, 108 Stat. 4809, 4814.
See the Joint Resolution of March 1, 1845, 5 Stat. 797, consenting to the admission of Texas
into the Union upon specified conditions, and the Joint Resolution of Dec. 29, 1845, 9 Stat. 108,
admitting Texas into the Union). See also the Joint Resolution of July 7, 1898, 30 Stat. 750,
annexing the Hawaiian Islands as part of the territory of the United States.
See, for example, the Bretton Woods Agreement Act, 59 Stat. 512 (1945) (International
Bank for Resolution and Development and the International Monetary Fund), and various Joint
Resolutions authorizing U.S. membership and participation in such organizations as the Inter-
national Labor Organization, 48 Stat. 529 (1945); United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Agency, 58 Stat. 122 (1944); International Refugee Organization, 61 Stat. 214 (1947); Food and
Agricultural Organization, 59 Stat. 529 (1945); United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cul-
tural Organization, 60 Stat. 712 (1946); the World Health Organization, 62 Stat. 441 (1948).
See the Tariff Act of 1890, §3, 26 Stat. 612, and of 1897, § 3, 30 Stat. 203; the Reciprocal
Trade Agreements Act of 1934, §350(a), 48 Stat. 943; the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 19
U.S.C. § 1821; the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. §§2111, 2115, 2131(b), 2435; and the Omnibus
Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, 19 U.S.C. §2902.
See the Lend-Lease Act of 1941, §3, 55 Stat. 31, and the Arms Export Control Act of 1976,
22 U.S.C. §2751.
by an agreement concluded by the President on his sole constitu-
tional authority.
The succeeding discussion further develops these
points by presenting a review of the practice and case law associ-
ated with each of the three types of executive agreements.
Congressional authorization for the conclusion of international
agreements dates from the earliest days of the Nations constitu-
tional history. Thus, in 1790 Congress empowered the President to
pay off the Revolutionary War debt by borrowing money from for-
eign countries ‘‘upon terms advantageous to the United States’’ and
to conclude ‘‘such other contracts respecting the said debt as shall
be found for the interest of the said States.’’
Two years later the
Postmaster General was authorized to ‘‘make arrangements with
the postmasters in any foreign country for the reciprocal receipt
and delivery of letters and packets, through the post-offices.’’
authority for the conclusion of postal agreements was continued in
later enactments and formed the basis of numerous postal ‘‘conven-
tions’’ which were never submitted to the Senate.
Over the years,
Congress has authorized or sanctioned additional agreements con-
cerning a wide variety of subjects including, inter alia, the protec-
tion of intellectual property rights,
acquisition of territory,
tional participation in various international organizations,
foreign military assistance,
foreign economic assist-
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See the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, 22 U.S.C. §2151 et seq., authorizing
the President to furnish assistance to foreign nations ‘‘on such terms and conditions as he may
determine’’ in such areas as agriculture, rural development, and nutrition, 22 U.S.C. §2151a;
population planning and health, 22 U.S.C. §2151b; education and human resources develop-
ment, 22 U.S.C. §2151c; and disaster assistance, 22 U.S.C. § 2153.
See Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §2153.
See Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, 16 U.S.C. §§1821, 1822.
See, for example, sec. 202(a) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act
of 1976, 16 U.S.C. §1822(a); secs. 101 and 405 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 19 U.S.C.
§§2111 and 2435; and sec. 405(c) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, 22 U.S.C.
See the Tariff Act of 1890, §3, 26 Stat. 612, providing that ‘‘with a view to secure reciprocal
trade with countries producing [specified articles,] ** * whenever, and so often as the President
shall be satisfied that the Government of any country producing and exporting [specified arti-
cles] imposes duties or other exactions upon the agricultural or other products of the United
States, which in view of the free introduction of such [specified articles], into the United States
he may deem to be reciprocally unequal and unreasonable, he shall have the power and it shall
be his duty to suspend, by proclamation ** * the provisions of the act relating to the free intro-
duction of such [specified articles], the production of such country for such time as he shall deem
just.’’ Pursuant to this authority, 10 agreements were concluded by the President. See Crandall,
p. 122. Note also sec. 111(b) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, 108 Stat. 4819 (1994), au-
thorizing the President to proclaim duty modifications and reductions pursuant to specified
trade agreements negotiated under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
See, for example, the Bretton Woods Agreement Act of 1945, 59 Stat. 512; sec. 2 of H.J.
Res. 1227, Sept. 30, 1972, Public Law 92448, 86 Stat. 746, approving and authorizing the
President to accept the Interim Agreement on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation
of Strategic Offensive Arms, United States-Soviet Union, May 26, 1972, 23 U.S.T. 3462; and sec.
101 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, 19 U.S.C. §3511, approving agreements resulting
from the GATT Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
See 25 Stat. 155; Act of Mar. 2, 1889, 25 Stat. 957; Act of Apr. 7, 1934, 48 Stat. 534, making
appropriations for American participation in the Pan-American Union Act of May 24, 1888, and
secs. 531 and 532 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act,
107 Stat. 21632164 (1993), authorizing U.S. participation in the Commission on Labor Coopera-
tion and the Commission on Environmental Cooperation established under supplemental agree-
ments to the North American Free Trade Agreement, as well as funds for the U.S. contribution
to the each organizations annual budget. Congress did not, however, expressly approve the sup-
plemental agreements. See also McDougal and Lans, p. 271, Henkin 1996, at pp. 215216.
See sec. 123 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §2153(a); sec. 107
of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 19 U.S.C. §2117; and sec. 201(c) of the Magnuson Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of 1976, as amended, 16 U.S.C. §1821(c).
See sec. 102(e) of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. §2112(e), and sec. 1103 of the Omnibus
Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, 19 U.S.C. §2903.
atomic energy cooperation,
and international fishery
The subject matter diversity of congressional-executive agree-
ments is matched by the varying means by which Congress has au-
thorized the conclusion of such agreements. Thus, Congress has en-
acted statutes providing authority in advance for the President to
negotiate with other nations on a particular matter. This authority
may be explicit,
or, in the case of agreements concluded in con-
formity with a generally enunciated congressional policy, implied
from the terms of the enactment.
Legislative authorization for
congressional-executive agreements may also be effected by pas-
sage of a statute following the negotiation of a concluded agree-
ment. Again, congressional approval may be explicit,
or, implied,
as in the case of legislation appropriating funds to carry out par-
ticipation by the United States in an international organization.
In regulating the use of congressional-executive agreements,
Congress has specified in advance the general terms of negotia-
and conditioned the effectiveness of particular agreements
alternatively upon the enactment of implementing legislation,
upon the legislative adoption of an approving concurrent resolution
within a specified time following transmittal of the agreement to
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See Sec. 405(c) of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. §2435(c) (1988). The constitutionality
of this procedure was undermined by a pair of 1983 Supreme Court actions which overturned
on separation of powers grounds one and two house resolutions disapproving of executive branch
exercises of statutorily delegated authority. INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983) and United
States Senate and United States House of Representatives v. Federal Trade Commission, 463
U.S. 1216 (1983). Accordingly, Congress in 1990 amended section 405(c) to substitute the enact-
ment of a joint resolution for approval by concurrent resolution; the former complies with con-
stitutionally specified requirements for enacting law, namely bicameral action and Presidential
presentation. 19 U.S.C. §2434(c).
See sec. 123(d) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §2153(d), and sec.
36 of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, 22 U.S.C. §2776, subjecting any Presidential ‘‘letter
of offer’’ to sell defense articles or services for $50 million or more, or any major defense equip-
ment for $14 million or more, to this procedure unless the President certifies that a national
emergency exists which requires the sale in the national security interests of the United States.
For reasons set forth in note 78, supra, Congress has revised these provisions of law to require
lawmaking in conformity with constitutionally prescribed procedures.
See sec. 203 of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, 16 U.S.C.
Congressional approval of the United Nations Headquarters Agreement was accompanied
by the condition that ‘‘any supplemental agreement entered into pursuant to section 5 of the
Agreement ** * shall be submitted to Congress for approval.’’ 61 Stat. 756, 758 (1947). In accept-
ing U.S. adherence to the International Refugee Organization, Congress specified that its ap-
proval ‘‘is given upon condition and with reservation that no agreement shall be concluded on
behalf of the United States and no action shall be taken by any officer, agency or any other
person ** * (1) whereby any person shall be admitted to or settled or resettled in the United
States or any of its Territories or possessions without prior approval thereof by the Congress
** * or (2) which will have the effect of abrogating, suspending, modifying, adding to, or
superceding any of the immigration laws or any other laws of the United States.’’ 61 Stat. 214
See sec. 161 of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. §2211.
Sec. 1102 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, 19 U.S.C. §2902.
143 U.S. 649 (1892). Although the issue was not squarely presented, the Supreme Court,
in Texas v. White, 7 Wall. (74 U.S.) 700 (1868), and in Hawaii v. Mankichi, 190 U.S. 197 (1903),
seemed implicitly to approve the bypassing of the treaty mode in the acquisition of Texas and
Hawaii by the United States.
26 Stat. 612
Crandall lists ten commercial agreements which were concluded under section 3 of the Tar-
iff Act of 1890. See Crandall, p. 122. The decision in Field v. Clark, 143 U.S. 649 (1892), was
rendered after six agreements had already become effective by proclamation.
or upon the failure of Congress to adopt a disapproving
or joint
resolution within designated time periods.
Furthermore, congressional approval of some agreements has been
accompanied by conditions.
The President is presently required
by at least one statute to select Members of Congress from speci-
fied committees to serve as accredited advisers to American delega-
tions attending international conferences, meeting, and negotiating
sessions relating to trade agreements.
Other legislation has re-
quired the President to consult with specified committees before
entering into trade agreements.
The constitutionality of congressional-executive agreements ap-
pears to have been first raised before the Supreme Court in Field
v. Clark.
In Field it was alleged that section 3 of the Tariff Act
of 1890,
which authorized the President to suspend exemptions
from import duties on specified articles unless reciprocity could be
obtained with other nations, unconstitutionally delegated both the
legislative and treatymaking power. Although no specific agree-
ment was in issue, a number of reciprocal trade agreements had
already been concluded pursuant to section 3.
In meeting the ob-
jection that the Act unlawfully delegated Congress legislative pow-
ers, the Court cited numerous statutory precedents dating from the
early days of the Nations constitutional history. The existence of
these precedents permitted the Court summarily to dispose of the
additional argumentthat the treaty power had been unlawfully
delegatedwith the reply that ‘‘[w]hat has been said [regarding the
delegation of legislative authority] is equally applicable to the ob-
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143 U.S. at 694.
224 U.S. 583 (1912).
Commercial Agreement of May 30, 1898, United States-France, 30 Stat. 1774.
30 Stat. 203.
26 Stat. 827828.
224 U.S. at 601.
107 F. 2d 819 (C.C.P.A. 1939)
jection that the third section of the Act invests the President with
treaty-making power *** [T]he Court is of opinion that the third
section of the Act of October 1, 1890, is not liable to the objection
that it transfers legislative and treaty-making power to the Presi-
Twenty years later, in B. Altman & Co. v. United States,
Court held that a reciprocal trade agreement between the United
States and France,
concluded pursuant to section 3 of the Tariff
Act of 1897,
was a ‘‘treaty’’ for purposes of section 5 of the Circuit
Court of Appeals Act of 1891
permitting direct appeals to the Su-
preme Court in any case involving the validity or construction of
a ‘‘treaty.’’ Although the Court acknowledged that the trade agree-
ment was not a treaty in the technical sense of Article II, Section
2, of the Constitution, it did not inquire into the constitutionality
of the authorizing legislation, preferring simply to characterize the
issue as one of ascertaining Congress intent under the Circuit
Court of Appeals Act. According to the Court:
[The Circuit Court of Appeals Act] was intended to cut down
and limit the jurisdiction of this court and many cases were
made final in the Circuit Court of Appeals which theretofore
came to this court, but it was thought best to preserve the
right to a review by direct appeal or writ of error from a Cir-
cuit Court in certain matters of importance, and, among oth-
ers, those involving the construction of treaties. We think that
the purpose of Congress was manifestly to permit rights and
obligations of that character to be passed upon in the Federal
Court of final resort, and that matters of such vital impor-
tance, arising out of opposing constructions of international
compacts, sometimes involving the peace of nations, should be
subject to direct and prompt review by the highest court of the
Nation. While it may be true that this commercial agreement,
made under authority of the Tariff Act of 1897, §3, was not a
treaty possessing the dignity of one requiring ratification by
the Senate of the United States, it was an international com-
pact, negotiated between the representatives of two sovereign
nations made in the name and on behalf of the contracting
countries, and dealing with important commercial relations be-
tween the two countries, and was proclaimed by the President.
If not technically a treaty requiring ratification, nevertheless it
was a compact authorized by the Congress of the United
States, negotiated and proclaimed under the authority of its
President. We think such a compact is a treaty under the Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals Act, and, where its construction is di-
rectly involved, as it is here, there is a right of review by direct
appeal to this court.
Evidencing a similar lack of interpretative rigidity is Louis Wolf
& Co. v. United States
wherein the U.S. Court of Customs and
Patent Appeals held that a United States-Cuba Trade Agreement
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Agreement Respecting Reciprocal Trade, United States-Cuba, Aug. 24, 1934, 49 Stat. 3559.
Sec. 350(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, 46 Stat. 708, as added by the Reciprocal Trade Agree-
ments Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 943.
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights, United States-Norway, June 5, 1928,
47 Stat. 2135.
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Consular Rights, United States-Austria, June 19,
1928, 47 Stat. 1876.
107 F. 2d at 826.
169 F. Supp. 268 (Cust. Ct. 1958), affd, 257 F. 2d 472 (C.C.P.A. 1959).
Agreement Respecting Reciprocal Trade, United States-Iceland, Aug. 27, 1943, 57 Stat.
Sec. 350(a) of the Tariff Act of 1930, 46 Stat. 708, as added by the Reciprocal Trade Agree-
ments Act of 1934, 48 Stat. 943.
169 F. Supp. at 278280.
of 1934,
which had been effected under section 350(a) of the Tar-
iff Act of 1930,
was a ‘‘commercial convention’’ within the mean-
ing of treaties concluded by the United States with Norway
The latter two treaties exempted from unconditional
most-favored-nation treatment goods accorded preferential treat-
ment by the United States under a United States-Cuban Commer-
cial Convention of 1902 or any other ‘‘commercial convention’’
which might subsequently be concluded between the United States
and Cuba. In holding that the 1934 United States-Cuba Trade
Agreement was a ‘‘commercial convention’’ within the meaning of
the Austrian and Norwegian treaties, the court declared that:
*** We think that by the use of the term ‘‘commercial con-
vention’’ such a trade agreement as the Cuban Trade Agree-
ment of 1934 was intended to be included, and it is our opinion
that that agreement is a commercial convention although it
was not ratified by the Senate. It is true that the treaties with
Norway and Austria refer to the Cuban treaty of 1902 as a
‘‘Commercial Convention’’ and that it was ratified by the Sen-
ate. The treaty of 1902 refers to itself as a ‘‘convention.’’ We
think it well settled that the term ‘‘commercial convention’’ is
broad enough to include commercial conventions which are
ratified by the Senate when negotiated by the executive de-
partment of the Government, but that it also includes certain
commercial agreements which may be authorized by Congress,
if such conventions are within the powers so delegated.
On this phase of the case we think it proper to say that the
President, pursuant to acts of Congress, frequently has entered
into agreements with foreign States.
While the issue concerning the constitutionality of congressional-
executive agreements was either summarily resolved or substan-
tially avoided in Field v. Clark, Altman, and Louis Wolf, a more de-
tailed resolution of this question was evidenced by the U.S. Cus-
toms Court in Star-Kist Foods, Inc. v. United States.
In Star-Kist,
the court held that a trade agreement between the United States
and Iceland,
which was authorized by section 350(a) of the Tariff
Act of 1930,
was not an unconstitutional delegation of the treaty
power. In determining that the Icelandic agreement was ‘‘not a
treaty requiring concurrence by the United States Senate within
the meaning of the term, as used in the Constitution,’’ the court re-
lied heavily upon Field v. Clark, Altman, and Louis Wolf.
cifically noteworthy, however, is the concurring opinion of Judge
Mollison which not only assessed the precedential significance of
Field v. Clark, but also articulated a theoretical basis for
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Ibid. at 287288
275 F. 2d at 483. The court also relied on United States v. Curtis-Wright Export Corp., 299
U.S. 304 (1936); United States v. Belmont, 301 U.S. 324 (1937), and United States v. Pink, 315
U.S. 203 (1942). For a discussion of these cases, see text accompanying notes 135144 and 151
152, infra.
congressional-executive agreements in the area of foreign trade. Ac-
cording to Judge Mollison:
The decision in Field v. Clark *** is supporting authority
for the view of Congress, when it enacted the Reciprocal Trade
Agreements Act of 1934 [adding section 350(a) to the Tariff Act
of 1930], that it had the authority to authorize and empower
the President, under prescribed standards and upon specified
limitations upon his discretion, to negotiate and conclude recip-
rocal trade agreements and to make them effective by procla-
mation. The effect of the decision in Field v. Clark, coming
after six of the ten reciprocal trade agreements had been con-
cluded and made effective by proclamation, was an approval of
such trade agreements and the exercise of such Executive au-
thority and practice.
*** It can hardly be doubted that the Congress has the au-
thority, in regulating foreign trade and commerce, to authorize
the President, under prescribed standards and limitations, to
negotiate, conclude, and make effective by proclamation recip-
rocal trade agreements lowering customs duties in return for
concessions granted the United States.
On appeal the U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals af-
firmed the holding of the U.S. Customs Court and further amplified
the constitutional doctrine supporting congressional-executive
agreements in the area of foreign trade:
*** From reading the act, it is apparent that Congress con-
cluded that the promotion of foreign trade required that the
tariff barriers in this and other countries be modified on a ne-
gotiated basis. Since the President has the responsibility of
conducting the foreign affairs of this country generally, it gave
to him the added responsibility of negotiating the agreements
in pursuance of the spirit of the act. Such a procedure is not
without precedent nor judicial approval [citing, inter alia, the
Altman and Louis Wolf cases, supra]
The question whether trade agreements can constitutionally be
entered into as congressional-executive agreements rather than
treaties has arisen in a judicial challenge to the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in which it was alleged that the
failure to use the treaty process rendered the agreement and its
implementing legislation unconstitutional. In Made in the USA
Foundation v. United States, a Federal District Court held in July
1999 that ‘‘the President had the authority to negotiate and con-
clude NAFTA pursuant to his executive authority and pursuant to
the authority granted to him by Congress in accordance with the
terms of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 ***
and section 151 of the Trade Act of 1974 *** and as further ap-
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Made in the USA Foundation et al. v. United States, 56 F. Supp. 2d 1226 (N.D. Ala 1999).
The decision has been appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
The issue had earlier emerged during Congress consideration in 1994 of implementing legisla-
tion for trade agreements concluded during the GATT Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Ne-
gotiations. The question originally was posed because of the perceived effect of the agreements
on states. The agreements were negotiated and submitted to Congress for expedited approval
and implementation pursuant to the statutes cited in the Made in the USA Foundation case,
that is, the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100418, as amended,
and section 151 of the Trade Act of 1974, which together required an ‘‘implementing bill’’ con-
taining a provision expressly approving the agreements as well as any statutory provisions ‘‘nec-
essary or appropriate’’ to implement them. The agreements were ultimately approved by both
Houses of Congress in the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, Public Law 103465. Legal argu-
ments and discussion may be found in ‘‘Memorandum to Ambassador Michael Kantor, U.S.
Trade Representative, from Walter Dellinger, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Coun-
sel, re: Treaty Ratification of the GATT Uruguay Round: Additional Memorandum’’ (November
22, 1994) See also U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee
on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. S. 2467, GATT Implementing Legislation. S. Hrg.
103823, OctoberNovember 1994; Henkin 1996, pp. 218219; and Vagts, Detlev F. Inter-
national Agreements, the Senate and the Constitution. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law,
v. 36, 1997, p. 143.
Ibid. at 131922 (citations omitted). Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824) recognized the ple-
nary nature of Congress power under the commerce clause. The court also stated that it had
been persuaded by language in Edwards v. Carter, 580 F. 2d 1055, 105758 (D.C. Cir.), cert.
denied, 436 U.S. 907 (1978), addressing concurrent power under the property clause (U.S. Con-
stitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). Edwards considered whether the clause, which author-
izes Congress ‘‘to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory
or other Property belonging to the United States,’’ prevented the President and the Senate from
transferring ownership of the Panama Canal pursuant to a treaty. The Edwards court stated
in part that ‘‘on its face, the Property Cause is intended not to restrict the scope of the Treaty
Clause, but, rather is intended to permit Congress to accomplish through legislation what may
concurrently be accomplished through other means provided in the Constitution.’’ 580 F. 2d at
1058, as quoted in 56 F. Supp. 2d 1309.
proved by the [NAFTA] Implementation Act.’’
The court con-
cluded that the foreign commerce clause, combined with the nec-
essary and proper clause and the Presidents Article II foreign rela-
tions power, was a constitutionally sufficient basis for the NAFTA:
*** [W]hile the reason(s) for the existence and adoption of
the Treaty Clause and its scope are debatable, the plenary
scope of the Commerce Clause is clear. There exists no reason
to apply a limiting construction upon the Foreign Commerce
Clause or to assume that the Clause was not meant to give
Congress the power to approve those agreements that are nec-
essary and proper in regulating foreign commerce. It is impos-
sible to definitively conclude that the Framers intended the
regulation of foreign commerce to be subject to the rigors of the
Treaty clause procedure when commercial agreements with for-
eign nations are involved. Given the [Supreme] Courts lan-
guage in Gibbons v. Ogden, the power of Congress to regulate
foreign commerce with foreign nations is so extensive that it
is reasonably arguable *** that no treaty affecting commerce
with foreign nations is valid unless adopted by Congress as a
whole. In the absence of specific limiting language in or relat-
ing to the Treaty Clause, I am led to conclude that the foreign
commerce power of Congress is at least concurrent with the
Treaty Clause power when an agreement, as is the case here,
is dominated by provisions specifically related to foreign com-
merce and has other provisions which are reasonably nec-
essary and proper for carrying all others into execution. ***
Further, I note that the President, in negotiating the Agree-
ment in connection with the fast track legislation, is acting
pursuant to his constitutional responsibility for conducting the
Nations foreign affairs and pursuant to a grant of authority
from Congress.
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456 U.S. 25 (1982).
At issue in the case was the scope of section 106 of Public Law 92129, 85 Stat. 355, 5
U.S.C. §7201 note, prohibiting employment discrimination of the type described. Earlier, in
1944, Congress had authorized the President, ‘‘by such means as he finds appropriate,’’ to ac-
quire by negotiations with the President of the Philippines, military bases ‘‘he may deem nec-
essary for the protection of the Philippine Islands and of the United States.’’ 22 U.S.C. §1392.
Pursuant to this authority, the President concluded the Military Bases Agreement of March 14,
1947, 62 Stat. 4019, as well as the Base Labor Agreement of May 27, 1968, 19 U.S.T. 5892,
the latter providing for the preferential hiring of Filipino citizens at American military facilities
in the Philippines.
456 U.S. at 26, 31, and 32. The Court stated that ‘‘[a]t the time §106 [of Public Law 92
129] was enacted, there were in force 12 agreements in addition to the [Philippine base labor
agreement] providing for preferential hiring of local national on United States military [bases]
over seas. Since the time of the enactment of §106, four more such agreements have been con-
cluded, and none of these were submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent ** * We think
that some affirmative expression of congressional intent to abrogate the United States inter-
national obligations is required in order to construe the word treaty in §106 as meaning only
Article II treaties.’’ Ibid. at 32.
Agreement on Surrender of Persons Between the Government of the United States and the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Seri-
ous Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committee in the Terri-
tory of Neighboring States, signed January 24, 1995, entered into force February 14, 1996, TIAS
184 F. 3d 419 (5th Cir. 1999).
299 U.S. 5 (1936).
The Supreme Court earlier addressed the question of congres-
sional-executive agreements in Weinberger v. Rossi,
where it
held that the term ‘‘treaty,’’ as used in a statute prohibiting em-
ployment discrimination against U.S. citizens on American military
bases abroad unless permitted by ‘‘treaty,’’ embraced a base labor
agreement between the United States and the Philippines authoriz-
ing the preferential hiring of Filipino nationals.
The Court
deemed the issue as ‘‘solely one of statutory interpretation’’ and
noted, inter alia, the imprecision of Congress use of the term ‘‘trea-
ty’’ in various legislative enactments and the rule of construction
favoring the harmonization of statutory requirements with the Na-
tions international obligations.
The use of congressional-executive agreements in the extradition
area was recently affirmed in Ntakirutimana v. Reno, which chal-
lenged the constitutionality of the 1995 extradition agreement be-
tween the United States and the International Criminal Tribunal
for Rwanda.
The agreement had been entered into as an execu-
tive agreement and implemented pursuant to Section 1342 of Pub-
lic Law 104106.
Petitioner argued that a treaty was constitu-
tionally required for an extradition, but the Federal Circuit Court
of Appeals disagreed, finding that neither the text of the Constitu-
tion, constitutional history, nor historical practice supported such
a requirement. Addressing the Supreme Courts ruling in Valentine
v. United States
that executive power to extradite must be based
in a statute or a treaty, the court concluded that the required au-
thorization could be found in Public Law 104106, which, along
with the agreement, created the constitutionally valid ‘‘congres-
sional-executive agreement’’ used in this situation.
From the foregoing review of the practice and case law associated
with congressional-executive agreements, it would seem that the
constitutionality of this mode of agreement-making is well estab-
lished. Notwithstanding that the text of the Constitution confers no
explicit authority for the making of congressional-executive agree-
ments, such agreements have been authorized frequently by Con-
gress over the years on a wide variety of subjects. Similarly, courts
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For a cogent argument that the combined foreign affairs powers of the Congress and the
President would prove sufficient to sustain congressional-executive agreements, see McDougal
and Lans, pp. 217 et seq.
For expressions of the majority view, see Henkin 1996, p. 217; Slonim, p. 449; and Murphy,
John, Treaties and International Agreements Other Than Treaties: Constitutional Allocation of
Power and Responsibility Among the President, the House of Representatives, and the Senate.
University of Kansas Law Review, v. 23, 1975, p. 237. Arguably, the case favoring interchange-
ability is enhanced by the Altman, Louis Wolf, Rossi, Made in U.S.A. Foundation, and
Ntakirutimana cases discussed in the text accompanying notes 8898 and 105112, supra. Com-
pare, however, Borchard 1944, p. 671, and the several contentious memoranda issued by the
Legal Adviser, Department of State, and the Office of Legislative Counsel, United States, con-
cerning the Presidents characterizations of the four Sinai Agreements of 1975, involving the
United States, Egypt, and Israel, as ‘‘executive agreements.’’ Congressional Record, v. 121, 1975,
pp. 3671836731 and v. 122, 1976, pp. 33743379. Note also the debate described in note 105,
See Crandall, pp. 117119.
In 1953 Secretary of State Dulles estimated that some 10,000 agreements had been con-
cluded under the NATO Treaty. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Senate Judicial Commit-
tee on S.J. Res. 1 and S.J. Res. 43, 83d Cong., 1st Sess. 1953, p. 877.
Taft, William H. Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers. 1925, pp. 111112 (modus vivendi
of 1904 under the Hay-Varilla Treaty with Panama ‘‘attacked vigorously in the Senate as a
usurpation of the treaty-making power’’); ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, p. 498
(Senate approval in 1905 of bilateral arbitral treaty with Great Britain, when made contingent
upon Presidents subsequent submittal of arbitral compromis for Senate approval, deemed a re-
jection of the treaties by President Roosevelt); and Executive Agreements with Portugal and
Bahrain: Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on S. 214, 92d Cong., 2d
Sess. 11 (1972) (Executive reliance upon Article III of NATO Treaty deemed ‘‘farfetched’’ as sup-
have been little troubled by theoretical considerations and have
sustained such agreements largely on the basis of the actual prac-
tice of the political branches of the government and the cumulative
weight of prior judicial decisions. Where the constitutionality of a
congressional-executive agreement was directly challenged, the
commerce clause coupled with the necessary and proper clause and
the Presidents foreign affairs power was held to provide an ade-
quate constitutional basis for a trade agreement that took this
Moreover, it appears to be the majority view of legal schol-
ars that congressional-executive agreements and treaties are whol-
ly interchangeable modes of agreement-making for the United
States, although this proposition has been periodically questioned
where the ‘‘interchange’’ is initiated by the President in his discre-
tion rather than by prior congressional authorization.
Agreements in this category comprise those which are expressly
authorized by the text of an existing treaty or whose making may
be reasonably inferred from the provisions of a prior treaty. Nu-
merous agreements pursuant to treaties have been concluded by
the Executive, particularly of an administrative nature, to imple-
ment in detail generally worded treaty obligations. Early agree-
ments of this type consist of instruments accepting the results of
boundary surveys mandated by a pre-existing treaty, accepting the
accession of additional parties to a previously concluded treaty, or
implementing transit rights across foreign territory as envisioned
by a treaty of earlier date.
Modern examples of agreements pur-
suant to treaties may be found in the many arrangements and un-
derstandings implementing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Treaty.
Agreements concluded pursuant to existing treaties have occa-
sionally provoked controversy when it has been alleged that par-
ticular agreements either required Senate approval in treaty form
or were otherwise not within the purview of an existing treaty.
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porting authority for 1971 agreement with Portugal under which the United States agreed to
provide some $435 million in credits and assistance to Portugal in exchange for the right to sta-
tion American forces at Lajes Airbase in the Azores).
Henkin, pp. 219220.
354 U.S. 524 (1957).
Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan, Sept. 8, 1951, 3 U.S.T. 3329, TIAS
Administrative Agreement under the United States-Japan Security Treaty, Feb. 28, 1952,
3 U.S.T. 3341, TIAS 2492.
Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their
Forces, June 19, 1951, 4 U.S.T. 1792, TIAS 2846.
Protocol Amending the Administrative Agreement under the United States-Japan Security
Treaty, Sept. 29, 1953, 4 U.S.T. 1846, TIAS 2848.
354 U.S. at 52829.
While the Presidents authority to conclude such agreements seems
well-established, the constitutional doctrine underlying his power is
seldom detailed by legal commentators or by the courts. It has been
suggested that sufficient authority may be found in the Presidents
duty under Article II, Section 3, of the Constitution to ‘‘take care
that the laws [i.e., treaty law] be faithfully executed.’’
If the
making of such agreements is indeed sustainable on this ground,
then the instruments technically would seem more properly charac-
terized as Presidential or sole executive agreements in view of the
reliance upon one of the Executives independent powers under Ar-
ticle II of the Constitution.
On the other hand, an alternate legal basis is suggested by Wil-
son v. Girard,
where the Supreme Court seemed to find suffi-
cient authorization in the Senates consent to the underlying trea-
ty. The Courts decision was predicated on the following factual
chronology. Pursuant to a 1951 bilateral security treaty,
and the United States signed an administrative agreement
which became effective on the same date as the security treaty and
which was considered by the Senate before consenting to the trea-
ty. The administrative agreement provided that once a NATO Sta-
tus of Forces Agreement concerning criminal jurisdiction came into
effect, the United States and Japan would conclude an agreement
with provisions corresponding to those of the NATO Arrangements.
Accordingly, subsequent to the entry into force of the NATO Agree-
the United States and Japan effected a protocol agree-
containing provisions at issue in the case at bar. In sus-
taining both the administrative agreement and the protocol agree-
ment, the Court stated that:
In the light of the Senates ratification of the Security Treaty
after consideration of the Administrative Agreement, which
had already been signed, and its subsequent ratification of the
NATO Agreement, with knowledge of the commitment to
Japan under Administrative Agreement, we are satisfied that
the approval of Article III of the Security Treaty authorized
the making of the Administrative Agreement and the subse-
quent Protocol embodying the NATO Agreement provisions
governing jurisdiction to try criminal offenses.
Agreements concluded exclusively pursuant to the Presidents
independent authority under Article II of the Constitution may be
denominated Presidential or sole executive agreements. Unlike
congressional-executive agreements or agreements pursuant to
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The open door policy in China as initiated during the administration of President McKinley
in the form of notes from Secretary of State John Hay to the Governments of France, Germany,
Great Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia. The text of the Hay notes may be found in Malloy, Wil-
liam. Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Between the United
States of America and Other Powers, v. 1, 1910, pp. 244260 (hereafter cited as Malloy). Con-
cerning the significance of these agreements, see McClure, p. 98, and Bemis, Samuel Flagg. A
Diplomatic History of the United States. 1965, pp. 486 and 504 (hereafter cited as Bemis).
The Taft-Katsura Agreement of 1905 may be found in Dennett, Tyler. Roosevelt and the
Russo-Japanese War. 1925, pp. 112114. The Lansing-Ishii Agreement of 1917 may be found
in Malloy, v. 3, pp. 27202722. Concerning the latter agreement, see Bemis, pp. 690693.
The correspondence establishing the agreement may be found in U.S. Department of State,
Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Eastern Eu-
ropean Series No. 1 (1933) [No. 528]. Concerning President Roosevelts failure to give the Senate
formal notification of the agreement, see the remarks of Senator Vandenberg in Congressional
Record, January 11, 1934, pp. 460461.
See the Agreement Respecting Naval and Air Bases (Hull-Lothian Agreement), United
States-Great Britain, Sept. 2, 1940, 54 Stat. 2405, and the Opinion of Attorney General Robert
Jackson supporting the constitutionality of the arrangement, 39 Op. Atty. Gen. 484 (1940). See
also Wright, Q. The Transfer of Destroyers to Great Britain. American Journal of International
Law, v. 34, 1940, p. 680; Borchard, E. The Attorney Generals Opinion on the Exchange of De-
stroyers for Naval Bases. Id., p. 690; and Bemis, p. 858.
For the text of the Yalta Agreement, see 59 Stat. 1823. Seven years after the Yalta Con-
ference, the agreement was still being denounced in the Senate as ‘‘shameful,’’ ‘‘infamous,’’ and
a usurpation of power by the President. Congressional Record, February 7, 1952, p. 900 (re-
marks of Senator Ives). See also Bemis, p. 904. Although there were statements made by Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Secretary of State James Byrnes which seemed to imply that Senate consent
to the agreement would be necessary, the treaty mode was not utilized. In this connection, see
Pan, Legal Aspects of the Yalta Agreement. American Journal of International Law, v. 46, 1952,
p. 40, and Briggs, The Leaders Agreement at Yalta. American Journal of International Law,
v. 40, 1946, p. 380.
See the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam, January 27, 1973,
24 U.S.T. 1, TIAS 7542, and the supporting case offered by the State Department in Rovine,
Arthur. Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1973. 1974, p. 188.
See the Declarations of the Government of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Concerning Commitments and Settlement of Claims by the United States and Iran with Respect
to Resolution of the Crisis Arising Out of the Detention of 52 United States Nationals in Iran,
with Undertakings and Escrow Agreement, Jan. 19, 1981, TIAS ll, Department of State Bul-
letin, v. 81, February 1981, p. 1.
treaties, Presidential agreements lack an underlying legal basis in
the form of a statute or treaty.
Numerous Presidential agreements have been concluded over the
years on the basis of the Presidents independent constitutional au-
thority. Agreements of this type deal with a variety of subjects and
reflect varying degrees of formality. Many Presidential agreements,
of course, pertain to relatively minor matters and are the subject
of little concern. Other agreements, however, have provoked sub-
stantial interbranch controversy, notably between the Executive
and the Senate.
Some idea of both the modern scope and contentious nature of
Presidential agreements may be gained by noting that such agree-
ments were responsible for the open door policy toward China at
the beginning of the 20th century,
the effective acknowledgment
of Japans political hegemony in the Far East pursuant to the Taft-
Katsura Agreement of 1905 and the Lansing-Ishii Agreement of
American recognition of the Soviet Union in the Litvinov
Agreement of 1933,
the Destroyers-for-Bases Exchange with
Great Britain prior to American entry into World War II,
Yalta Agreement of 1945, a secret portion of which made far-reach-
ing concessions to the Soviet Union to gain Russias entry into the
war against Japan,
the 1973 Vietnam Peace Agreement,
more recently, the Iranian Hostage Agreement of 1981.
As previously indicated, legal authority supporting the conclusion
of Presidential agreements may be found in the various foreign af-
fairs powers of the President under Article II of the Constitution.
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1 Wash. Terr. 288 (1870).
Joint Occupation of San Juan Island, Exchanges of Notes of Oct. 25 and 29 and Nov. 2,
3, 5, 7, and 9, 1859, and Mar. 20 and 23, 1860, reprinted in Bevans, Charles. Treaties and Other
International Agreements of the United States of America 17761949, v. 12, 1974, p. 123 (here-
after cited as Bevans, Treaties).
1 Wash. Terr. at 294. As the American correspondence establishing the agreement for the
joint occupation of the island was conducted by military officials, the agreement may owe much
for its authority to the Commander in Chief Power of the Executive (Article II Section 2 Clause
1). The Watts case is further discussed in the text accompanying note 160 infra.
299 U.S. 304 (1936).
Ibid. at 320.
301 U.S. 324 (1937).
Ibid. at 330.
315 U.S. 203 (1942).
Ibid. at 229, citing Curtiss-Wright, 299 U.S. at 320.
453 U.S. 654 (1981).
In a given instance, a specific agreement may be supportable on
the basis of one or more of these independent executive powers.
One possible basis for sole executive agreements seem to lie in
the Presidents general ‘‘executive power’’ under Article II, Section
1, of the Constitution. Early judicial recognition of this power in
the context of Presidential agreements, and perhaps the earliest ju-
dicial enforcement of this mode of agreement-making as well, was
accorded by the Supreme Court of the Territory of Washington in
Watts v. United States.
The agreement at issue was concluded
between the United States and Great Britain in 1859 and provided
for the joint occupation of San Juan Island pending a final adjust-
ment of the international boundary by the parties.
The court
stated that ‘‘[t]he power to make and enforce such a temporary con-
vention respecting its own territory is a necessary incident to every
national government, and adheres where the executive power is
The Presidents executive power was later acknowledged in broad
terms in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation
where the U.S. Supreme Court referred to the ‘‘very delicate, ple-
nary, and exclusive power of the President as the sole organ of the
federal government in the field of international relations.’’
though no agreement was at issue in Curtiss-Wright, the quoted
language was subsequently applied by the Court in United States
v. Belmont
to validate the Litvinov Agreement of 1993, supra,
wherein the parties settled mutually outstanding claims incident to
formal American recognition of the Soviet Union. Concerning this
agreement, the Court declared that:
*** [I]n respect of what was done here, the Executive had
authority to speak as the sole organ of the government. The as-
signment and the agreements in connection therewith did not
as in the case of treaties, as that term is used in the treaty-
making clause of the Constitution (Art. II, §2), require the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate.
Similarly, in United States v. Pink,
the Court again approved
the Litvinov Agreement on the ground that ‘‘[p]ower to remove
such obstacles to full recognition as settlement of claims *** cer-
tainly is a modest implied power of the President who is the sole
organ of the federal government in the field of international rela-
More recently, in Dames & Moore v. Regan,
the Court
relied upon, inter alia, the Pink case to sustain President Carters
suspension of claims pending in American courts against Iran as
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Executive Order No. 12294, 46 Fed. Reg. 14111 (1981).
453 U.S. at 682.
The Court found that related statutes, though not authorizing the Presidents action, might
be viewed as inviting independent Presidential measures in a situation such as the one at issue
‘‘at least ** * where there is no contrary indication of legislative intent and when, as here, there
is a history of congressional acquiescence of the sort engaged in by the President,’’ namely,
claims settlement by executive agreement. Ibid. at 677682. In Barquero v. United States, 18
F. 3d 1311 (5th Cir. 1994), Dames & Moore criteria were used by a Federal Circuit Court of
Appeals to find an alternative constitutional basis for the Presidents entry into tax information
exchange agreements with countries that were not ‘‘beneficiary countries’’ under the Caribbean
Basin Economic Recovery Act. The court primarily held, however, that the agreements were au-
thorized under the 1986 Tax Reform Act.
183 U.S. 424 (1902).
Ibid. at 435. Four dissenters felt that such exceptions from a nations territorial jurisdiction
must rest on either a treaty or a statute, but noted that it was not necessary, in this case, to
consider the full extent of the Presidents powers in this regard. Ibid. at 456 and 459. Wright
states, however, that ‘‘in spite of this dissent the power has been exercised by the President
on many occasions. ** *’’ Wright, Q. The Control of American Foreign Relations. 1922, p. 242
(hereafter cited as Wright, Control of Foreign Relations). See also Moore, John Bassett, A Digest
of International Law, v. II, 1906, p. 389.
The Supreme Court indicated in the Curtiss-Wright case that the ‘‘[President] alone nego-
tiates. Into the field of negotiations the Senate cannot intrude; and Congress itself is powerless
to invade it.’’: 299 U.S. at 319.
ConstitutionAnalysis and Interpretation, p. 500.
required by the Hostage Release Agreement of 1981, supra, and,
more directly, by Executive order.
In light of Pink, the Court in-
dicated that ‘‘prior cases *** have recognized that the President
does have some measure of power to enter into executive agree-
ments without obtaining the advice and consent of the Senate.’’
Moreover, the Courts decision was heavily influenced by a finding
the general tenor of existing statutes reflected Congress acceptance
of a broad scope for independent executive action in the area of
international claims settlement agreements.
A second Article II power potentially available to the President
for purposes for concluding sole executive agreements appears to lie
in Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, of the Constitution which pro-
vides that the President shall be ‘‘Commander-in-Chief of the Army
and Navy.’’ Cautious acceptance of the Presidents power to con-
clude agreements pursuant to this power is reflected in dictum of
the Supreme Court in Tucker v. Alexandroff
where the Court,
after noting previous instances in which the Executive unilaterally
had granted permission for foreign troops to enter the United
States, declared that ‘‘[w]hile no act of Congress authorized the Ex-
ecutive Department to permit the introduction of foreign troops,
the power to give such permission without legislative assent was
probably assumed to exist from the authority of the President as
commander in chief of the military and naval forces of the United
The treaty clause of the Constitution (Article II, Section 2,
Clause 2), in empowering the President to make treaties with the
consent of the Senate, may itself be viewed as supporting authority
for some types of sole executive agreements. The Presidents power
under this clause, together with his constitutional role as sole
international negotiator for the United States
suggest the exist-
ence of ancillary authority to make agreements necessary for the
conclusion of treaties. Intermediate stages of negotiations or tem-
porary measures pending conclusion of a treaty may, for example,
be reflected in protocols or modus vivendi.
Although there ap-
pear to be no cases explicitly recognizing the treaty clause as au-
thority for sole executive agreements, the Courts opinion in Bel-
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301 U.S. at 330331.
See Goldwater v. Carter, 617 F. 2d 697, 707708 (D.C. Cir. 1979), jud. vac. and rem. with
directions to dismiss complaint, 444 U.S. 996 (1979). Professor Henkin observes that
‘‘[r]ecognition is indisputably the Presidents sole responsibility, and for many it is an enumer-
ated power implied in the Presidents express authority to appoint and receive ambassadors.’’
Henkin 1996, p. 220. See also Wright, Control of Foreign Relations, p. 133; Mathews, pp. 365
366; and McDougal and Lans, pp. 247248.
301 U.S. at 330.
mont seems suggestive in acknowledging that there are many
international compacts not always requiring Senate consent ‘‘of
which a protocol [and] a modus vivendi are illustrations.’’
A fourth power of the President under Article II which is rel-
evant to the conclusion of sole executive agreements lies in his au-
thority to ‘‘receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers’’ (Arti-
cle II, Section 3). To the extent that the receive clause is viewed
as supporting the Presidents authority to ‘‘recognize’’ foreign gov-
it is arguable that sole executive agreements may be
concluded incident to such recognition. Although the Belmont and
Pink cases appear to sustain the Litvinov Agreement principally on
the basis of the Presidents general foreign affairs powers as Chief
Executive or ‘‘sole organ’’ of the government in the field of inter-
national relations, the Court also seemed to emphasize that the
agreement accorded American ‘‘recognition’’ to the Soviet Union.
Thus, in Belmont the Court stated that:
We take judicial notice of the fact that coincident with the
assignment [of Soviet claims against American nationals to the
United States government], the President recognized the So-
viet Government, and normal diplomatic relations were estab-
lished between that government and the government of the
United States, followed by an exchange of ambassadors ***
The recognition, establishment of diplomatic relations, the as-
signment, and agreements with respect thereto, were all parts
of one transaction, resulting in an international compact be-
tween the two governments. That the negotiations, acceptance
of the assignment and agreements and understandings in re-
spect thereof were within the competence of the President may
not be doubted *** [I]n respect of what was done here, the Ex-
ecutive had authority to speak as the sole organ of [the] gov-
Similarly, in Pink the Court declared that:
‘‘What government is to be regarded here as representative
of a foreign sovereign state is a political rather than a judicial
question, and is to be determined by the political department
of the government’’ *** That authority is not limited to a de-
termination of the government to be recognized. It includes the
power to determine the policy which is to govern the question
of recognition *** Recognition is not always absolute; it is
sometimes conditional *** Power to remove such obstacles to
full recognition as settlement of claims of our nationals ***
Unless such a power exists, the power of recognition might be
thwarted or seriously impaired. No such obstacles can be
placed in the way of rehabilitation of relations between this
country and another nation, unless the historic conception of
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315 U.S. at 229230. See also Dole v. Carter, 444 F. Supp. 1065 (D. Kan. 1977), motion
for injunction pending appeal denied, 569 F. 2d 1108 (10th Cir. 1977), where the district court
relied on the Presidents recognition power and his general ‘‘sole organ’’ executive authority to
validate a Presidential agreement transferring Hungarian coronation regalia to the Republic of
Hungary. On appeal, however, the Court of Appeals ‘‘decline[d] to enter into any controversy
relating to distinctions which may be drawn between executive agreements and treaties’’ and
adjudged the issue a nonjusticiable political question.
See McDougal and Lans, p. 248, and Mathews, p. 367. See also Henkin 1996, pp. 219220.
1 Op. Atty. Gen. 566, 570 (1822).
135 U.S. 1 (1890).
Ibid. at 64.
McDougal and Lans, p. 248. McDougal and Lans state that the ‘‘take care’’ clause provides
an alternatie source of authority for the Boxer Indemnity Protocol of 1901 following cessation
of the Boxer Rebellion in China. Ibid., p. 248, n. 150. The text of the protocol may be found
in Malloy, Treaties, v. 2, p. 2006. Concerning the use of the ‘‘take care’’ clause as authority for
executive implementation of international law, Professor Henkin notes that ** * Writers have
not distinguished between (a) authority to carry out the obligations of the United States under
treaty or customary law (which can plausibly be found in the take care clause); (b) authority
to exercise rights reserved to the United States by international law or given it by treaty; and
(c) authority to compel other states to carry out their international obligations to the United
States. Henkin 1996, p. 347, n. 54.
301 U.S. at 331. See also Pink, 315 U.S. at 230234.
the powers and responsibilities of the president in the conduct
of foreign affairs *** is to be drastically revised.
A fifth source of Presidential power under Article II possibly sup-
porting the conclusion of sole executive agreements is the Presi-
dents duty to ‘‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’’ (Arti-
cle II, Section 3). Although there appear to be no cases holding that
the take care clause is specific authority for such agreements, legal
commentators have asserted that the clause sanctions the conclu-
sion of agreements in implementation of treaties.
Moreover, it
was early opined by Attorney General Wirt in 1822 that the Presi-
dents duty under this constitutional provision extends not only to
the Constitution, statutes, and treaties of the United States but
also to ‘‘those general laws of nations which govern the intercourse
between the United States and foreign nations.’’
This view ap-
pears to have been accepted subsequently by the Supreme Court in
In re Neagle,
where it was suggested in dictum that the Presi-
dents responsibility under the clause includes the enforcement of
‘‘rights, duties, and obligations growing out of *** our inter-
national relations ***’’
Accordingly, it has been argued that the
clause ‘‘sanctions agreements which are necessary to fulfill [non-
treaty] international obligations of the United States.’’
Sole executive agreements validly concluded pursuant to one or
more of the Presidents independent powers under Article II of the
Constitution may be accorded status as Supreme Law of the Land
for purposes of superseding any conflicting provisions of state law.
As explained by the Supreme Court in Belmont:
Plainly, the external powers of the United States are to be
exercised without regard to the state laws or policies. The su-
premacy of a treaty in this respect has been recognized from
the beginning *** And while this rule in respect of treaties is
established by the express language of cl. 2, Art. VI, of the
Constitution, the same rule would result in the case of all
international compacts and agreements from the very fact that
complete power over international affairs is in the national
government and is not and cannot be subject to any curtail-
ment or interference on the part of the several states.
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Whitney v. Robertson, 124 U.S. 190 (1888).
1 Wash. Terr. at 294. Elsewhere the court ‘‘presumed’’ that Congress had been ‘‘fully ap-
prised’’ of the situation by the President and noted tacit congressional acquiescence for a long
term of years. Ibid., p. 293.
204 F. 2d 655 (4th Cir. 1953), affd on other grounds, 348 U.S. 296 (1955).
Agricultural Act of 1948, §3, 62 Stat. 1247, 12481250.
204 F. 2d at 659660.
However, notwithstanding that treaties and Federal statutes are
treated equally by the Constitution with legal primacy accorded the
measure which is later in time,
the courts have been reluctant
to enforce Presidential agreements in the face of prior congres-
sional enactments. Judicial uncertainty was early evidenced in
Watts v. United States, supra, where the Supreme Court of the Ter-
ritory of Washington, after affirming on the basis of the Presidents
‘‘executive power’’ the validity of an agreement with Great Britain
providing for the joint occupation of San Juan Island, tentatively
enforced the agreement against a prior Federal law defining the
government of the territory. According to the court:
Such conventions are not treaties within the meaning of the
Constitution, and, as treaties supreme law of the land, conclu-
sive on the court, but they are provisional arrangements, ren-
dered necessary by national differences involving the faith of
the nation and entitled to the respect of the courts. They are
not a casting of the national will into the firm and permanent
condition of law, and yet in some sort they are for the occasion
an expression of the will of the people through their political
organ, touching the matters affected; and to avoid unhappy col-
lision between the political and judicial branches of the govern-
ment, both which are in theory inseparably all one, such an ex-
pression to a reasonable limit should be followed by the courts
and not opposed, though extending to the temporary restraint
or modification of the operation of existing statutes. Just as
here, we think, this particular convention respecting San Juan
should be allowed to modify for the time being the operation
of the organic act of this Territory (Washington) so far forth as
to exclude to the extent demanded by the political branch of
the government of the United States, in the interest of peace,
all territorial interference for the government of that island.
Decisions by lower Federal courts of more recent date, however,
have voided sole executive agreements which were incompatible
with pre-existing Federal laws. Thus, in United States v. Guy W.
Capps, Inc.,
a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to enforce
a Presidential agreement concerning the importation of Canadian
potatoes into the United States inasmuch as the agreement con-
travened the requirements of the Agricultural Act of 1948.
cording to the court, ‘‘*** whatever the power of the executive with
respect to making executive trade agreements regulating foreign
commerce in the absence of action by Congress, it is clear that the
executive may not through entering into such an agreement avoid
complying with a regulation prescribed by Congress.’’
courts rationale for this conclusion was grounded upon Congress
expressly delegated authority under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3,
of the Constitution to regulate foreign commerce (as reflected in
the statute in the present case) and upon the following statement
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343 U.S. 579 (1952).
Ibid. at 659, quoting Justice Jacksons concurring opinion in Youngstown, 343 U.S. at 637
127 F. Supp. 601 (Ct. Cl. 1955).
Agreement Respecting the Settlement of Certain War Accounts and Claims, United States-
Austria, June 21, 1947, 61 Stat. 4168.
28 U.S.C. §1491.
127 F. Supp. at 607.
565 F. Supp. 1019 (D. Colo. 1983).
Agreement in Implementation of Article III of the Panama Canal Treaty, with Annexes,
Agreed Minute and Related Notes, signed Sept. 7, 1977, 33 U.S.T. 141, TIAS 10031.
26 U.S.C. §61(a). Compare Corliss v. United States, 567 F. Supp. 162 (1983), holding, on
the basis of the legislative history of the agreement in the U.S. Senate, that the agreement was
not intended to exempt American employees from Federal income tax liability.
11 For. Aff. Man. §721.2b(3).
Rest. 3d, §115, Reporters Note 5.
from Justice Jacksons frequently quoted concurring opinion in
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer:
When the President takes measures incompatible with the
expressed or implied will of Congress, his power is at its ebb,
for then he can rely only upon his own constitutional powers
minus any constitutional powers of Congress over the matter.
Courts can sustain exclusive Presidential control in such a case
only by disabling the Congress from acting upon the subject.
Presidential claim to a power at once so conclusive and pre-
clusive must be scrutinized with caution, for what is at stake
is the equilibrium established by our constitutional system.
Similar holdings have occurred in subsequent cases on the au-
thority of Guy Capps. In Seery v. United States,
for example, the
U.S. Court of Claims denied enforcement of a Presidential agree-
ment settling post-World War II claims with Austria
in the face
of prior Federal law authorizing suit against the United States on
constitutional claims.
The court declared that:
*** It would indeed be incongruous if the Executive Depart-
ment alone, without even the limited participation by Congress
which is present when a treaty is ratified, could not only nul-
lify the Act of Congress consenting to suit on Constitutional
claims, but, by nullifying that Act of Congress, destroy the con-
stitutional right of a citizen. In United States v. Guy W. Capps
*** the court held that an executive agreement which con-
flicted with an Act of Congress was invalid.
Reference may also be made to Swearingen v. United States
where a Federal District Court treated the Agreement in Imple-
mentation of Article III of the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977
a sole executive agreement, and, as such, void for purposes of con-
ferring an income tax exemption on American employees of the
Panama Canal Commission in derogation of Section 61(a) of the In-
ternal Revenue Code.
The rule of the Guy Capps case is also re-
flected in the Department of States Circular 175 procedure govern-
ing the making of international agreements,
as well as in the
American Law Institutes current Restatement (Third) of the For-
eign Relations Law of the United States.
Notwithstanding that the rule of the Guy Capps case appears to
enjoy general acceptance, contrary arguments have been advanced
by other authorities, including the just cited Restatement
The latter thus states that:
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South Puerto Rico Sugar Co. Trading Corp. v. United States, 334 F. 2d 622, 634, n. 16
(Ct. Cl. 1964).
American Bitumils & Asphalt Co. v. United States, 146 F. Supp. 703, 708 (Ct. Cl. 1956),
citing both Guy Caps and Seery.
*** it has been argued that a sole executive agreement
within the Presidents constitutional authority is federal law,
and United States jurisprudence has not known federal law of
different constitutional status. ‘‘All Constitutional acts of
power, whether in the executive or in the judicial department,
have as much legal validity and obligation as if they proceeded
from the legislature.’’ The Federalist No. 64 (Jay), cited in
United States v. Pink, supra, 315 U.S. at 230 * * * See Henkin,
Foreign Affairs and the Constitution 186, 43233 (1972). Of
course, even if a sole executive agreement were held to super-
sede a statute, Congress could reenact the statute and thereby
supersede the intervening executive agreement as domestic
The precedential effect of the Guy Capps rule may also be some-
what eroded by judicial dicta suggesting that the circuit courts
opinion in the case was ‘‘neutralized’’ by the Supreme Courts af-
firmance on other grounds
and that the question as to the effect
of a Presidential agreement upon a prior conflicting act of Congress
has ‘‘apparently not yet been completely settled.’’
Moreover, in
the two cases which have specifically adhered to the Guy Capps
ruleSeery and Swearingenthe courts, respectively, were either
strongly influenced by Bill of Rights considerations or failed to con-
sider the possibility that the agreement in issue may have effec-
tively received the sanction of the Senate as an agreement pursu-
ant to an existing treaty. It appears, therefore, that the law on this
point may yet be in the course of further development.
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Prepared by Marjorie Ann Browne, Specialist in International Relations.
U.S. Department of State. Digest of International Law. Prepared by and under the direction
of Marjorie M. Whiteman, Assistant Legal Adviser, Department of State. Vol. 14, p. 19. (here-
after cited as 14 Whiteman).
Vienna Convention, Art. 7.
Circular 175 Procedure, sec. 730.3. Reprinted in Appendix 4 of this volume.
U.S. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service. The Constitution of the United
States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. Annotation of Cases Decided by the Supreme
Court of the United States to June 29, 1992. Washington, GPO, 1996, p. 470. (hereafter cited
as Annotated Constitution).
Webb, Richard E. Treaty-Making and the Presidents Obligation to Seek the Advice and Con-
sent of the Senate with Special Reference to the Vietnam Peace Negotiations. Ohio State Law
Journal, v. 31, summer 1970, pp. 450515.
Treatymaking begins with the negotiation and conclusion or sign-
ing of an agreement and ends with its ratification or acceptance as
binding by the parties and its entry into force. This chapter exam-
ines the first stage, negotiation and conclusion.
A. N
The negotiation of a treaty is the process by which the represent-
atives of governments agree on the substance, terms, and wording
of an international agreement. The word ‘‘negotiation’’ has been de-
fined as ‘‘the exchange and discussion of proposals by the rep-
resentatives of the parties concerned with a view to reaching a mu-
tually acceptable agreement.’’
Nations negotiate and conclude treaties through individuals who
have been issued ‘‘full powers’’ to represent their states for that
purpose or are otherwise clearly intended to represent their states.
Under international law, heads of state, heads of government, or
foreign ministers are accepted as representing their states without
a ‘‘full powers’’ document. Similarly, chiefs of diplomatic missions
are considered representatives for purposes of negotiating a treaty
with the state to which they are assigned, as are accredited rep-
resentatives to international organizations and conferences for pur-
poses of adopting a treaty text within those groups.
U.S. practice
is that a ‘‘full power’’ is not usually issued for conclusion of an
international agreement other than a treaty.
In the United States, the actual negotiation of treaties and other
international agreements is widely recognized as being within the
power of the President. One authority calls negotiation ‘‘a Presi-
dential monopoly.’’
Others argue that the Senates advice and con-
sent function applies before and during the negotiations as well as
prior to ratification.
Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution provides that the Presi-
dent ‘‘shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the
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Annotated Constitution, p. 541.
Circular 175 Procedures, Sections 720.2, 721.4, and 723.1e. The text of Circular 175 proce-
dures is contained in Appendix 4 of this volume. See also discussion in Chapter X.
Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators
present concur.’’ The Presidents control of negotiations also springs
from three other provisions of the Constitution which result in his
being the official channel of communications with other nations.
Article II, Section 2 states that the President ‘‘shall nominate, and
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls ***.’’ Section 3 of
Article II provides that the President ‘‘shall receive ambassadors
and other public ministers.’’ This power has made the President
‘‘the sole mouthpiece of the nation in its dealings with other na-
Finally, Article II, Section 1, provides: ‘‘The executive
power shall be vested in a President ***.’’
The President or his representative begins the process of negotia-
tions by inviting representatives of another nation, or responding
to another countrys invitation, to discuss proposals for an agree-
ment. The President nominates and, with Senate advice and con-
sent, appoints a person, usually an ambassador, minister, or for-
eign service officer, or delegation to represent the United States.
He issues the negotiator ‘‘full powers’’ (a document certifying that
the individual represents the United States) and provides instruc-
tions on the objectives and scope of the negotiations. He determines
whether and when the text is signed by the United States.
Nonetheless, during the negotiation phase Congress frequently
plays a part. The Department of State procedures for negotiating
treaties include timely and appropriate consultation with congres-
sional leaders and committees as an objective. The procedures pro-
vide for consultations on the intention to negotiate significant new
agreements, the form of the agreement, legislation that might be
necessary, and other developments concerning treaties.
If the terms ‘‘negotiation and conclusion’’ of a treaty are used in
a broader sense to include all the aspects of ‘‘making’’ a treaty prior
to the decision on ratification, clearly there are other aspects of this
process in which the Senate or the entire Congress may partici-
pate. These include proposing a subject for a treaty to the Presi-
dent, advising and consenting on the appointment of an ambas-
sador or minister to conduct the negotiations, and participating in
the negotiations as observers or advisers to U.S. delegations. Some
contend Senate attachment of conditions to its advice and consent
constitutes an additional stage in the negotiating process.
One statute passed by Congress in 1799, the Logan Act, appears
to have strengthened executive branch control over negotiations by
prohibiting unauthorized citizens from initiating or carrying out
correspondence or intercourse with foreign governments on dis-
putes with the United States. The Logan Act was enacted into posi-
tive law in the U.S. Code on June 25, 1948, and states:
Private correspondence with foreign governments
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who,
without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly
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18 U.S.C. 953. June 25, 1948, c.645, 62 Stat. 744. Originally enacted on January 30, 1799
as 1 Stat. 613.
Seitzenger, Michael. The Logan Act. Congressional Research Service Report No. 78212 A.
Simpson, Curtis C., III. The Logan Act of 1799: May It Rest In Peace. California Western
International Law Journal, v. 10, spring 1980, pp. 365385. Remarks of Representative Newt
Gingrich. Role of Executive and Legislative Branches in Foreign Policy. Congressional Record,
November 17, 1987, pp. H10109H10115 (daily ed.).
Debate on S. 2377, Congressional Record, June 18, 1980, p. S7371 (daily ed.).
commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse
with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof,
with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign
government or of an officer or agent thereof, in relation to any
disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat
the measures of the United States, shall be fined not more
than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than three years or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply,
himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents
thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained
from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
The law was enacted after a private citizen, Dr. George Logan,
traveled to France and attempted to end the plundering of Amer-
ican merchant ships authorized by the French director of the revo-
lutionary government. Although there have been no known pros-
ecutions under the Act and only one indictment, there have been
several judicial and congressional references to it, indicating, in the
words of one analyst, that the Act ‘‘has not been forgotten and that
it is at least a political weapon against any one who without au-
thority interferes in the foreign relations of the United States.’’
Questions concerning the Logan Act were raised concerning ac-
tivities of a number of individuals including Henry Ford, Senator
Warren Harding, President William Howard Taft, after he was out
of office, Harold Stassen, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Cyrus Eaton,
Jane Fonda, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Speaker of the
House Jim Wright.
After the journey of former Attorney General Ramsey Clark to
Iran in connection with the Americans held hostage there, the Sen-
ate passed an amendment supporting ‘‘the enforcement of any ap-
plicable statutes not excluding the Logan Act or any other Act that
may be violated in the course of private negotiating initiatives.’’
However, action was not completed on the Department of Justice
authorization bill to which the amendment was attached.
One issue is whether Members of Congress fit in the category of
private citizens, and whether their communication with foreign
governments would be ‘‘unauthorized by the United States.’’ These
were addressed by the Department of State in 1975. Assistant Sec-
retary of State for Congressional Relations Robert J. McCloskey
wrote that certain contacts of Senators John Sparkman and George
McGovern with Cuban officials were not inconsistent with the
Logan Act. The opinion stated:
The clear intent of [the Logan Act] is to prohibit unauthor-
ized persons from intervening in disputes between the United
States and foreign governments. Nothing in Section 953, how-
ever, would appear to restrict members of the Congress from
engaging in discussions with foreign officials in pursuance of
their legislative duties under the Constitution. In the case of
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Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1975, p. 750.
Vagts, Alfred. Paper Tiger or Sleeping Giant. American Journal of International Law, v. 60,
1966, p. 268. Kearney, Kevin M. Private Citizens in Foreign Affairs: A Constitutional Analysis.
Emory Law Journal, v. 36, winter 1987, pp. 285355.
Congressional Record, January 30, 1978, p. 767 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, v. 126, part 8, May 6, 1980, pp. 1011210113.
Vienna Convention. Article 8.
Senators McGovern and Sparkman the executive branch, al-
though it did not in any way encourage the Senators to go to
Cuba, was fully informed of the nature and purpose of their
visit, and had validated their passports for travel to that coun-
Senator McGoverns report of his discussions with Cuban of-
ficials stated: ‘‘I made it clear that I had no authority to nego-
tiate on behalf of the United Statesthat I had come to listen
and learn ***’’ Senator Sparkmans contacts with Cuban offi-
cials were conducted on a similar basis. The specific issues
raised by the Senators (e.g., the Southern Airways case; Luis
Tiants desire to have his parents visit the United States)
would, in any event, appear to fall within the second para-
graph of Section 953.
Accordingly, the Department does not consider the activities
of Senators Sparkman and McGovern to be inconsistent with
the stipulations of Section 953.
The Logan Act raises constitutional issues as well, especially re-
garding freedom of speech and the right to travel.
Some Members of Congress have made efforts to repeal the
Logan Act. Senator Edward Kennedy attempted to delete the meas-
ure from the 1978 bill to amend the U.S. criminal code (S. 1437,
95th Cong.) but agreed to leave it in to prevent prolonged debate.
Representative Anthony Beilenson introduced H.R. 7269 to repeal
the Act on May 6, 1980, stating that there were fundamental con-
stitutional problems with the Act and that its main use had been
to ‘‘allow periodic calls for prosecution motivated by opposition to
the cause being expressed instead of actual concern about trea-
In regard to the negotiation of treaties, under international law
any treaties concluded by persons who have not been issued full
powers from their governments, outside of specific officials such as
the head of state, are considered without legal effect unless after-
ward confirmed by the state.
B. I
; S
Within the United States, the proposal that the United States
enter negotiations for an international agreement usually springs
from the executive branch in the course of its diplomatic activities
with other nations or in its administration of U.S. foreign policy.
On occasion, however, Congress or its committees, subcommittees,
or individual Members have formally or informally proposed that
the President undertake negotiations or diplomatic actions aimed
at achieving international agreement on a certain course of action.
Proposals have been embodied both in sense of the Congress reso-
lutions and in binding legislation.
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S. Res. 239, 80th Cong., 2d Sess.
S. Exec. Rept. 8, 81st Cong., 1st Sess.
S. Res. 264, 85th Cong., 2d Sess.
Public Law 86565.
S. Res. 172 and S. Res. 186, 90th Cong.
One of the best known examples of a congressional proposal is
the Vandenberg Resolution that ultimately led to negotiations cul-
minating in the North Atlantic Treaty. Adopted by the Senate on
June 11, 1948, it expressed the sense of the Senate ‘‘that this Gov-
ernment, by Constitutional processes, should particularly pursue’’
certain objectives including:
*** Progressive development of regional and other collective
arrangements for individual and collective self-defense in ac-
cordance with the purposes, principles, and provisions of the
*** Association of the United States, by constitutional proc-
ess, with such regional and other collective arrangements as
are based on continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid,
and as affect its national security.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee which had, in close co-
operation with the Department of State, worked out the resolution,
later reported: ‘‘Pursuant to this advice the President in July au-
thorized the Secretary of State to enter into exploratory conversa-
tions on the security of the North Atlantic area. ***’’
The North
Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949, and received the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate.
The Monroney Resolution suggesting the International Develop-
ment Association is also often cited as a congressional initiative.
On July 23, 1958, the Senate adopted a resolution introduced by
Senator A.S. Mike Monroney suggesting that the administration
study the possibility of proposing to other governments the estab-
lishment of an international development association as a soft-loan
affiliate of the World Bank.
The articles of agreement for this
international financial institution were negotiated and submitted to
Congress with a request for legislation to authorize U.S. participa-
tion. Congress authorized the participation on June 30, 1960.
The Seabed Arms Control Treaty, prohibiting the emplacement of
nuclear weapons on the seabed and ocean floor, was in part a con-
gressional initiative. Senator Claiborne Pell introduced resolutions
in 1967 expressing the Senates concern for reasonable rules gov-
erning the extraterritorial marine environment, and the need to ne-
gotiate a treaty to prohibit stationing nuclear weapons on the sea-
The treaty was signed in 1971, and the Senate approved it,
by a vote of 830 on February 15, 1972.
Similarly, Congress helped initiate the Environmental Modifica-
tion Convention. In July 1972, the U.S. Government renounced the
use of climate modification techniques for hostile purposes, and be-
ginning in 1972 both the House and Senate held hearings on a res-
olution to prohibit the use of any environmental or geophysical
modification activity as a weapon of war. Senate Resolution 71, in-
troduced by Senator Pell and passed July 11, 1973, stated the
sense of the Senate that the U.S. Government ‘‘should seek’’ the
agreement of other governments to a treaty along the following
lines’’ and suggested wording of a treaty. A Convention on the Pro-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00114 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Sec. 510, Public Law 95105.
S. Rept. 9439.
Secs. 102, 103, 104, and 106 of the Trade Act of 1974, Public Law 93618, approved Janu-
ary 3, 1975.
Public Law 93189.
Sec. 381(a) of Public Law 9735, approved August 13, 1981.
hibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modi-
fication Techniques was concluded on May 18, 1977, and entered
into force for the United States January 17, 1980.
Other congressional resolutions have also proposed negotiations.
For example, on August 3, 1977, Congress stated the sense of the
Congress ‘‘that the President should initiate a major diplomatic ini-
tiative toward the creation of an international system of nationally
held grain reserves which provides for supply assurance to consum-
ers and income security to producers.’’
On May 25, 1983, S. Res.
95 expressed the sense of the Senate that the President should ini-
tiate negotiations on a new long-term agreement on agricultural
trade with the Soviet Union.
On occasion the resolutions proposing negotiations have con-
tained a reporting request or requirement. S. Res. 95 mentioned
above stated the sense of the Senate that the President should re-
port to Congress as soon as practicable on the potential impact of
the agreement on the U.S. economy. S. Res. 133, adopted April 18,
1975, called for the President to report within 30 days on efforts
to promote a settlement in Vietnam.
Congress also utilized binding legislation to authorize, call for, or
suggest negotiations for international agreements. In the Trade
Agreements Act of 1974, Congress urged the President to utilize
the authority granted in order to negotiate trade agreements with
other countries that would reduce and eliminate nontariff barriers.
The Act specified negotiating objectives for the United States.
Section 36 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1973 called for the
President or his delegate to seek, as soon as possible, a revision of
the Social Progress Trust Fund Agreement, between the United
States and the Inter-American Development Bank, specifying revi-
sions to be made. Section 36(e) stated, ‘‘Not later than January 1,
the President shall report to Congress on his action taken pursuant
to this section.
Section 39 of the same Act stated the sense of
Congress that the United States should participate in efforts to al-
leviate world food shortages and that ‘‘To this end, the President
shall—’’ among other things request member nations of the Gen-
eral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to explore certain questions,
consult and cooperate with appropriate international agencies in
certain purposes, and report his findings and recommendations on
the implementation of the section by December 31, 1974.
Legislation passed in l981 required the Secretary of the Treasury
to submit a report to both Houses of Congress by December 15,
1981, on the status of negotiations within the Organization for Eco-
nomic Cooperation and Development on arrangements involving of-
ficial export financing including an assessment of the progress and
the prospects for a successful conclusion.
The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, passed over the
veto of President Reagan, called for negotiations to reach inter-
national cooperative agreements with the other industrialized de-
mocracies on measures to bring about the complete dismantling of
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Sec. 401(b)(1) of Public Law 99440 (22 U.S.C. 5081), approved October 2, 1986, as amended
by Public Law 99631, approved November 7, 1986.
Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991, Public Law 101246, ap-
proved February 16, 1990; Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993,
Public Law 102138, approved October 28, 1991.
Statement on Signing the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991,
February 16, 1990. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, February 19, 1990, vol. 26.
This section is based in part on The Senate Role in Foreign Affairs Appointments. U.S. Con-
gress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Committee Print. 97th Cong., 2d Sess. Revised
July 1982. 119 pp.
Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2.
apartheid, and a report from the President within 180 days de-
scribing efforts to negotiate multilateral measures.
The measure
also provided that agreements submitted to Congress under the
provision should enter into force only if the President notified Con-
gress 30 days in advance and Congress enacted a joint resolution
of approval within 30 days under expedited procedures.
President Bush objected to some directives concerning negotia-
tion of agreements in signing both Foreign Relations Authorization
Acts enacted during his administration.
As an example, section
102 of Public Law 101246 prohibited the use of funds for any U.S.
delegation to any meeting within the framework of the Conference
on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), unless the U.S.
delegation included individuals representing the Commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe. The commission was a
legislative-executive body which had been established earlier by
Congress. President Bush said the section ‘‘impermissibly intrudes
upon my constitutional authority to conduct our foreign relations
and to appoint our Nations envoys.’’
Although President Bush
stated that he would construe the measure as expressing the sense
of the Congress but not imposing a binding legal obligation, rep-
resentatives of the commission have been regularly included in del-
egations to meetings of what is now the Organization on Security
and Cooperation in Europe.
C. A
Most treaties and international agreements are negotiated by
ambassadors or foreign service officers already assigned to particu-
lar countries or functions.
Nevertheless, the Senate sometimes has an exclusive opportunity
to advise on treaty negotiations at the outset, through the constitu-
tional requirement that it advise and consent to appointments of
‘‘ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls.’’
The requirement for Senate confirmation appears to have been a
basic part of the plan to divide the foreign relations powers be-
tween Congress and the President, with a special role for the Sen-
ate in the making of treaties. The Constitution divides the power
relating to making treaties and appointing ambassadors in essen-
tially the same manner, although it requires a two-thirds majority
only for treaties.
At the time of the writing of the Constitution, there was reason
to distribute the power to appoint ambassadors and ministers in
the same fashion as the power to make treaties. Treaties were
made by ambassadors with full powers from the sovereign, usually
a king, who issued instructions relating to the treaty. If the ambas-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00116 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Jones, J. Mervyn. Full Powers and Ratification, A Study in the Development of Treaty-
Making Procedure. Cambridge University Press, 1946, pp. 120.
Madisons notes, p. 13.
Farrand, Max. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787. New Haven, Yale University
Press, vol. II, p. 395.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Executive Journal, vol. I, 1792, p. 115.
sador stayed within his instructions, it was considered obligatory
for the sovereign to ratify the treaty his emissary concluded.
Under the doctrine of obligatory ratification, the only way the
Senate could have a meaningful role in treatymaking was to par-
ticipate during the negotiating stage or during the proposing stage
when the instructions to the plenipotentiaries were being drawn
up. Gradually, the Senate practice of approving treaties with res-
ervations, the French Revolution, and moves toward democratic
control in other countries, brought about a change in concept and
ratification of a treaty came to be recognized as discretionary rath-
er than obligatory.
The Framers of the Constitution took into account the link be-
tween appointments and treaties. In discussing a proposal that ‘‘no
treaty shall be binding on the United States which is not ratified
by a law’’ and thus would have required the consent of the entire
Congress, one delegate to the Constitutional Convention, according
to Madisons notes, ‘‘thought there was something of solecism in
saying that the acts of a Minister with plenipotentiary powers from
one body should depend for ratification on another body.’’
other delegate, according to McHenrys notes for August 23, 1787,
objected to requiring ratification by a law because ‘‘a minister could
not then be instructed by the Senate who were to appoint him, or
if instructed there could be no certainty that the House of Rep-
resentatives would agree to confirm what he might agree to under
these instructions.
Early practice under the Constitution also indicates that the
Framers expected that the Senates confirmation of appointments
of ambassadors and ministers would give the Senate a significant
role in making treaties. Often nominations were submitted along
with a description of the treaty the nominee was to seek. To illus-
trate, on January 11, 1792, President Washington nominated Wil-
liam Carmichael, the charge
daffaires at Madrid, and William
Short, then charge
daffaires at Paris, to be commissioners pleni-
potentiary for negotiating a treaty with Spain concerning the navi-
gation of the Mississippi, and they were confirmed by the Senate
on January 24, 1792. In March, the President sent a memo to the
Senate proposing to extend the negotiations to the subject of com-
merce, setting forth the instructions that would be given to the
commissioners, and asking if the Senate would ‘‘advise and consent
to the extension of the powers of the commissioners, as proposed,
and to the ratification of a treaty which shall conform to those in-
structions, should they enter into such a one.’’ On March 16, 1792,
the Senate passed a resolution giving its advice and consent to the
extension of powers and stating that ‘‘they will advise and consent
to the ratification of such treaty as the said commissioners shall
enter into with the Court of Spain in conformity to those instruc-
The practice of submitting the instructions for negotiations along
with the nominations did not continue long. In the case of the nom-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00117 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
U.S. Congress. Senate. Executive Journal, vol. II, 1809, p. 113.
Hayden, Joseph Ralston. The Senate and Treaties, 17891817. New York, Macmillan, 1920,
p. 70.
U.S. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearing on Nomination of Paul H. Nitze,
March 24, 1982, 16 pp.
U.S. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Nomination of Sol. M. Linowitz. Exec. Rept.
9626, 38 pp.
Holt, W. Stull. Treaties Defeated by the Senate. Gloucester, Mass., Peter Smith, 1964, p.
ination of John Jay to conclude a treaty with Great Britain in
1794, the Senate rejected a motion that the President be requested
to inform the Senate of ‘‘the whole business with which the pro-
vided envoy is to be charged.’’
Nevertheless, the debate on the
nomination indicated that the Senate ‘‘passed not only upon the
choice of the envoy but also upon the expediency of the mission
In recent years the Senate or the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee has on occasion used nominations as a vehicle for discussion
of treaty negotiations. When Paul H. Nitze was nominated as am-
bassador while serving as the head of the U.S. Delegation to the
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Negotiations, the committee
held both a closed and open session with him. Ambassador Nitze
had been in the post for 6 months with the personal rank of ambas-
Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Charles Percy noted that the open hearing provided an opportunity
to review the issues that involve arms control. In the nomination
of Sol M. Linowitz for the rank of ambassador as personal rep-
resentative of the President to the West Bank and Gaza Strip Au-
tonomy Negotiations, the committee hearing covered problems re-
lating to the Middle East and Mr. Linowitzs status as a ‘‘special
Government employee’’ receiving no compensation.
A continuing problem has been the appointment or use of per-
sons not confirmed by the Senate to negotiate international agree-
ments. In such cases, the Senate does not have an opportunity to
vote on the appointment or to advise on the mission for which he
is appointed. The negotiator remains a personal agent of the Presi-
dent. Similarly, the Assistant to the President for National Secu-
rity Affairs, also called the National Security Adviser, is not con-
firmed by the Senate, but on occasion conducts negotiations.
The subject has been controversial through most of American his-
tory. For example, in 1888, a fisheries treaty with Great Britain
was criticized in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report
and in Senate debate on the grounds that the negotiators had not
been appointed by and with the consent of the Senate. Proponents
of the treaty countered with a list showing that of the persons con-
ducting negotiations for the United States since 1789, 438 had been
appointed without Senate confirmation and only 35 had been con-
One authority has attributed the initiation of the practice of ap-
pointing special, unconfirmed agents for negotiation of specific trea-
ties to the Presidents embarrassment over the Senate refusal in
1813 to approve the nomination of Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the
Treasury, as a member of the mission to negotiate the Treaty of
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Wright, Quincy. The Control of Foreign Relations. New York, Macmillan, 1922. pp. 328331.
In 1981, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported unfavorably the nomination of
Ernest W. Lefever as Assistant Secretary for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs; the
President, at the nominees request, then withdrew the nomination. In 1983, the committee re-
ported unfavorably the nomination of Kenneth L. Adelman as Director of the Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, but the nomination was approved by the full Senate.
Wriston, Henry Merritt. Executive Agents in American Foreign Relations. Gloucester,
Mass., Peter Smith, 1967, p. 197.
U.S. Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. The Ambassador in U.S. Foreign
Policy; Changing Patterns in Rules, Selection, and Designation. Committee Print, July 1981, pp.
Public Law 92352.
Public Law 96465, as amended; Sec. 302(a)(2)(B).
See Chapter II.
Cheever, Daniel S. and H. Field Haviland. American Foreign Policy and the Separation of
Powers. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1952. p. 49.
Ghent until he had resigned his position as Secretary of the Treas-
Recent Presidents have also decided not to submit some appoint-
ments of negotiators to the Senate, although in the 20th century
such nominations were rarely rejected by the Senate, and none
have been since World War II. Nevertheless the possibility remains
that a nomination might not be approved. Several nominations
have raised a controversy or not been acted upon, and two were un-
favorably reported by the Foreign Relations Committee.
Presidents have sometimes conferred the ‘‘personal rank’’ of am-
bassador on persons appointed without Senate approval in order
for the person to have equal diplomatic standing with representa-
tives of other nations. The first person to receive the personal rank
of ambassador was Whitelaw Reid, sent by President McKinley in
1897 for the ceremonial occasion of the 60th anniversary of Queen
Victorias accession to the throne. Later the practice was extended
to negotiating occasions. After the First World War, for example,
the Secretary of the American commission to negotiate peace was
given the rank of minister plenipotentiary.
Congress has taken action to curb the practice of according per-
sons the title of ambassador without the advice and consent of the
In 1972, Congress incorporated into law a limitation that
the President could confer the personal rank of ambassador or min-
ister on an individual only in connection with a special mission for
the President of a temporary nature and for a period not exceeding
6 months.
The Foreign Service Act of 1980 also requires the
President, except in urgent circumstances, 30 days prior to the con-
ferral of the personal rank to submit a written report to the For-
eign Relations Committee justifying the appointment.
D. C
The earliest practice under the Constitution indicates that origi-
nally the Framers planned for the Senate to give advice to the
President during the treatymaking process as well as to give or
withhold consent to the final treaty,
but this procedure soon
ended. By the time President Polk referred the proposal to divide
the Oregon Territory at the 49th parallel to the Senate for its ad-
vice prior to the signing of the Oregon Treaty of 1846, as well as
for its consent afterward, it was a rare practice.
As the process has evolved, the Senate as a whole does not give,
and the President does not seek, its advice on a treaty until the
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Cheever and Haviland, p. 48.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. S. Exec. Rept. 8, 81st Cong., 1st
Sess. Report on North Atlantic Treaty, p. 6.
Sec. 603, Public Law 95424, approved October 6, 1978.
end of the process when it is asked to give its advice and consent
to ratification.
Nevertheless, Presidents or their Secretaries of State have often
consulted with individual Senators or committees prior to or during
the negotiating process in order to enhance the prospects of the
final treaty. Secretary of State Webster consulted frequently with
important Senators about the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842
settling the Canadian-Maine boundary.
With President Taylor a
Whig and the Senate in control of the Democrats, Secretary of
State Clayton consulted Senators of both parties over the Clayton-
Bulwer Treaty of 1850 concerning a canal in Central America. The
practice has been continued intermittently throughout the 20th
The consultations can take many forms and can be initiated ei-
ther by the Senate or the executive branch. The Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee or other committees may hold consultative meet-
ings with executive branch officials on objectives and problems in
treaties. Executive branch officials frequently discuss prospective
treaties with individual Senators or committees, particularly the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee because of its jurisdiction over
treaties. Other methods of consultation include public oversight
hearings, telephone discussions, letters, and contacts through staff
members to exchange information and views on progress and prob-
lems in the negotiations.
Sometimes the consultation is effective in the sense that congres-
sional views help shape the final product. One of the best examples
is the drafting of the U.N. Charter. On May 27, 1942, the chairman
of the Foreign Relations Committee Senator Tom Connally, and
Senator Warren R. Austin, the minority member of the committee
designated after consultation with Republican leaders, and later
other Members of both houses of Congress, were invited to partici-
pate in an Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy that did
much of the initial planning for the United Nations. By 1944 a bi-
partisan committee of eight Members was meeting weekly for this
purpose. In the case of the North Atlantic Treaty the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee was consulted frequently during the ne-
gotiations and suggested specific language in the text.
On occasion Congress has passed legislation requesting or requir-
ing provision of information about negotiations. The International
Development and Food Assistance Act of 1978 required the Sec-
retary of State to keep the Senate Foreign Relations and House
Foreign Affairs and the Appropriations Committees ‘‘fully and cur-
rently informed of any negotiations with any foreign government
with respect to any cancellation, renegotiations, rescheduling, com-
promise, or other form of debt relief *** with regard to any debt
owed to the United States by any such foreign government,’’ and
to submit the texts of any agreement that would result in debt re-
lief no less than 30 days prior to its entry into force.
At other times legislation has required consultations on the nego-
tiations. Since 1981, the International Financial Institutions Act
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Sec. 1201 of International Financial Institutions Act, Public Law 95118, approved October
3, 1977.
Sec. 102(c) of the Trade Act of 1974, Public Law 93618, approved January 3, 1975.
Sec. 102(d) of the Trade Act of 1974.
Public Law 100418, approved August 23, 1988.
See U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Congress and Foreign Policy
1980. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981 (Committee Print). Chapter on Con-
gress and Deep Seabed Mining Legislation, especially pp. 124126. See also, last section in this
chapter, infra.
has required the administration to consult with 16 specified Mem-
bers of Congress (the chairmen and ranking minority members of
the authorizing and appropriations committees and subcommittees
having appropriate jurisdiction) prior to, during, and at the close
of any international negotiations that might involve new U.S. con-
tributions to the multilateral development banks.
The Trade Act of 1974 provided that before the President enters
into any trade agreement relating to nontariff barriers, he ‘‘shall
consult’’ with the Committee on Ways and Means of the House, the
Finance Committee of the Senate, and each committee or joint com-
mittee of Congress having jurisdiction over legislation involving
subject matters affected by the agreement.
The legislation made
consultation mandatory by providing that any agreement could
enter into force only if the President gave Congress 90 days prior
notification and presented an implementing bill which was enacted
into law.
The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
revised ‘‘fast-track’’ or expedited procedures for implementing trade
legislation and required increased consultation with Congress.
Another category of Senate or congressional action might be con-
sidered ‘‘consultation’’: action critical of executive branch positions
taken during or just after negotiations, with clear notice or the im-
plication that the Senate will not favorably consider any treaty
adopted with the offending provisions or effect remaining in the
adopted treaty text. At least four recent examples can be identified.
First, during the protracted negotiations that led to adoption of the
1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Congress
considered legislation setting up a U.S. domestic regime for deep
seabed hard mineral resource development. During Senate floor de-
bate on these legislative proposals on December 14, 1979, several
Senators identified the problems they found with the treaty provi-
sions being negotiated and specifically characterized their state-
ments as ‘‘instructions’’ to the executive branch, to be considered as
‘‘advice’’ under the Constitutions ‘‘advice and consent’’ clause relat-
ing to treaties. Thereafter, Congress passed the Deep Seabed Hard
Mineral Resources Act, which was signed by President Carter in
June 1980 (Public Law 96283). President Reagan, in 1982, after
reviewing the treaty texts, decided not to support its adoption.
Later, in 1994, an agreement was adopted changing many of the
objectionable convention provisions, and President Clinton trans-
mitted the convention and agreement to the Senate (Treaty Doc.
10339) where they remain, pending since 1994.
The Senate thus
expressed its views, and some in Congress, even many years after-
ward and with treaty amendments adopted, viewed the treaty as
Senate and congressional actions after negotiation and adoption,
in 1988, of the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral
Resource Activities show the way congressional expressions of dis-
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislative Activities Report ** *,
101st Congress, January 3, 1989October 28, 1990. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, 1991. pp. 9697 (102d Cong., 1st Sess. S. Rept. 10230)
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislative Activities Report ** *,
102d Congress, January 3, 1991October 8, 1992. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office,
1993. pp. 7274. (103d Cong., 1st Sess. Senate. Report 10335)
approval of a just adopted and signed treaty led to the negotiation
and adoption of a completely new treaty. Congress, by joint resolu-
tion, stated that the signed convention did not ‘‘guarantee the pro-
tection’’ of the Antarctic marine environment and ‘‘could actually
stimulate *** commercial exploitation.’’ Congress urged the execu-
tive branch to negotiate protocols or agreements that would provide
‘‘comprehensive environmental protection of Antarctica’’ and close
the region to ‘‘commercial minerals development *** for an indefi-
nite period.’’ The resolution also stated that the President should
not send the convention to the Senate before the environmental
agreements were in force.
On October 7, 1992, the Senate ap-
proved the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic
Treaty which had been signed a year earlier and sent to the Sen-
Another example of the Senates expression of its views on the
content of a treaty, both during negotiations and after its adoption
and U.S. signature, is the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change. Detailed information
on this protocol, adopted in December 1997 and signed by the
United States on November 12, 1998, is found in Chapter X, infra.
In July 1997, before the protocol was adopted, the Senate had ex-
pressed its views on the treaty text in S. Res. 98. The protocol text
did not meet the requirements set by the Senate resolution.
A fourth example is the Statute of the International Criminal
Court (ICC), adopted in Rome in July 1998 and signed on behalf
of the United States on December 31, 2000. While some Senators
expressed support for an ICC, others expressed concerns over the
content of the statute while it was under negotiation and after-
ward. They worried that ICC actions could infringe on or diminish
the rights of American citizens under the first and fourth amend-
ments of the U.S. Constitution. During the 106th Congress, the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in response to these concerns,
added understandings to resolutions of advice and consent to ratifi-
cation of U.S. treaties on mutual legal assistance in criminal mat-
ters and to extradition treaties. See Chapter X, infra, for further
On occasion Senators or Representatives have served as mem-
bers of or advisers to the U.S. delegation negotiating a treaty. The
practice has occurred throughout American history. In September
1898, President William McKinley appointed three Senators to a
commission to negotiate a treaty with Spain. President Warren G.
Harding appointed Senators Henry Cabot Lodge and Oscar Under-
wood as delegates to the Conference on the Limitation of Arma-
ments in 1921 and 1922 which resulted in four treaties, and Presi-
dent Hoover appointed two Senators to the London Naval Arms
Limitation Conference in 1930.
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Henkin, Louis. Foreign Affairs and the Constitution. Mineola, N.Y. Foundation Press, 1972,
p. 132.
The names of congressional advisers to international conferences before December 15, 1995
may be found in an annual list of U.S. accredited delegations that includes private sector rep-
resentatives, published in the Federal Register in accordance with Article III(c)(5) of the guide-
lines (March 23, 1987). The last list was published in Federal Register, December 2, 1996, vol.
61, no. 232, pp. 6389263916. Publication of this list was discontinued after the preparing Office
of International Conferences, Department of State, ceased receiving funding that enabled the
Office to compile and file the report with the Federal Register.
The practice has increased since the end of the Second World
War, in part because President Wilsons lack of inclusion of any
Senators in the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference
was considered one of the reasons for the failure of the Versailles
Treaty. Four of the eight members of the official U.S. delegation to
the San Francisco Conference establishing the United Nations were
Members of Congress: Senators Tom Connally and Arthur Vanden-
berg and Representatives Sol Bloom and Charles A. Eaton.
There has been some controversy over active Members of Con-
gress serving on such delegations. When President James Madison
appointed Senator James A. Bayard and Speaker of the House
Henry Clay to the commission that negotiated the Treaty of Ghent
in 1814, both resigned from Congress to undertake the task. More
recently, as in the annual appointment of Senators or Members of
Congress to be among the U.S. representatives to the United Na-
tions General Assembly, Members have participated in delegations
without resigning, and many observers consider it ‘‘now common
practice and no longer challenged.’’
One issue has been whether service by a Member of Congress on
a delegation violated Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution. This
section prohibits Senators or Representatives during their terms
from being appointed to a civil office if it has been created or its
emoluments increased during their terms, and prohibits a person
holding office to be a Member of the Senate or House. Some con-
tend that membership on a negotiating delegation constitutes hold-
ing an office while others contend that because of its temporary na-
ture it is not.
Another issue concerns the separation of powers. One view is
that as a member of a negotiating delegation a Senator would be
subject to the instructions of the President and would face a con-
flict of interest when later required to vote on the treaty in the
Senate. Others contend that congressional members of delegations
may insist on their independence of action and that in any event
upon resuming their legislative duties have a right and duty to act
independently of the executive branch on matters concerning the
A compromise solution has been to appoint Members of Congress
as advisers or observers, rather than as members of the delegation.
The administration has on numerous occasions invited one or more
Senators and Members of Congress or congressional staff to serve
as advisers to negotiations of multilateral treaties.
In 1991 and
1992, for example, Members of Congress and congressional staff
were included as advisers and observers in the U.S. delegations to
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
and its preparatory meetings. In 1992, congressional staff advisers
were included in the delegations to the World Administrative Radio
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Congressional Yellow Book, Winter 2000, pp. 1011. (Published by Leadership Directories,
Inc., New York and Washington, D.C.)
Conference (WARC) of the International Radio Consultative Com-
mittee (CCIR) of the International Telecommunications Union.
In the early 1990s, Congress took initiatives to assure congres-
sional observers. The Senate and House each designated an ob-
server group for strategic arms reductions talks with the Soviet
Union that began in 1985 and culminated with the Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty (START) approved by the Senate on October 1,
1992. In 1991, the Senate established a Senate World Climate Con-
vention Observer Group. As of late 2000, at least two ongoing
groups of Senate observers existed:
1. Senate National Security Working Group.This is a bipar-
tisan group of Senators who ‘‘act as official observers to nego-
tiations *** on the reduction or limitation of nuclear weapons,
conventional weapons or weapons of mass destruction; the re-
duction, limitation, or control of missile defenses; or related ex-
port controls.’’
2. Senate Observer Group on U.N. Climate Change Negotia-
tions.This is a ‘‘bipartisan group of Senators, appointed by
the Majority and Minority Leaders’’ to monitor ‘‘the status of
negotiations on global climate change and report[ing] periodi-
cally to the Senate ***.’’
E. C
The conclusion of an international agreement, usually indicated
by signing or initialing a document or by an exchange of notes, is
the end of the negotiations process and indicates that the nego-
tiators have agreed on the terms of the agreement. Like the nego-
tiation, the conclusion or signing is done by the President or his
representatives and is considered a function of the executive
On occasion, Members of Congress have been among the signato-
ries of treaties. Among those signing the U.N. Charter for the
United States were Senators Tom Connally and Arthur H. Vanden-
berg and Representatives Sol Bloom and Charles A. Eaton. Sen-
ators Alexander Wiley and John Sparkman signed the Peace Trea-
ty with Japan on September 8, 1951, and Senators Arthur Vanden-
berg and Tom Connally and Representative Sol Bloom signed the
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance on September 2,
Signing an international agreement may indicate a nations con-
sent to be bound if this is its intention. Under U.S. practice this
would be the case only with executive agreements; treaties are re-
quired to go through the ratification process to be binding. Occa-
sionally, one government may intend signing of an international
agreement to indicate consent to be bound while another signs sub-
ject to ratification. This was the case with the Agreement on
Friendship, Defense, and Cooperation between the United States
and the Kingdom of Spain, signed July 2, 1982. The Spanish rep-
resentative signed the agreement subject to ratification by the
Cortes Generale, the Spanish Parliament, while the U.S. represent-
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Lodge, Henry Cabot. The Treaty-Making Powers of the Senate. In A Fighting Frigate and
Other Essays and Addresses. New York, Scribners 1902, pp. 222224.
See also discussion in Chapter VII, Resubmission of the Treaty or Submission of Protocol.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislative Activities Report, 95th
Cong., S. Rept. 9647, p. 21.
Ibid., pp. 46.
ative signed the document as an executive agreement that did not
require ratification.
F. R
One view is that the Senate, in effect, participates in the negotia-
tion of a treaty when the Senates consideration of a treaty leads
to a renegotiation of articles in the treaty. At the turn of the cen-
tury, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge took the position that the Sen-
ates consideration of a treaty should be viewed as a stage in the
negotiation, and that a Senate amendment to a treaty is a propo-
sition ‘‘offered at a later stage of the negotiation by the other part
of the American treaty-making power in the only manner in which
they could then be offered. ***’’ He continued:
The treaty, so called, is therefore still inchoate, a mere
project for a treaty, until the consent of the Senate has been
given to it *** the Senate can only present its views to a for-
eign government by formulating them in the shape of amend-
ments, which the foreign government may reject, or accept, or
meet, with counter propositions, but of which it has no more
right to complain, than it has to complain of the offer of any
germane proposition at any other stage of the negotiation.
Renegotiation of a treaty after Senate consideration is not fre-
quent, and in the case of multilateral treaties is usually considered
infeasible because of the number of countries involved and the
problems in arriving at the original agreement. Nevertheless, on
occasion treaties, particularly bilateral treaties, are renegotiated or
negotiated further and amended by protocol as a result of Senate
To illustrate, after hearings by various congressional committees
on the Panama Canal treaties signed by President Carter and Gen-
eral Torrijos on September 7, 1977, President Carter and General
Torrijos met on October 14, 1977, and issued a statement of under-
standing clarifying U.S. rights under the Neutrality Treaty. A
number of congressional delegations, including separate ones head-
ed by Senators Robert Byrd, the Majority Leader of the Senate,
Howard Baker, the Minority Leader, and John Sparkman, chair-
man of the Foreign Relations Committee, visited Panama and dis-
cussed possible modifications with United States and Panamanian
officials. The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification of
the Neutrality Treaty subject to two amendments that incorporated
the Carter-Torrijos statement of understanding into Articles IV and
As a second illustration, in 1978 the Senate added a reservation
before approving a tax convention with the United Kingdom. An-
other reservation had been withdrawn after the Treasury Depart-
ment assured the sponsor that a protocol would be negotiated to
take care of the issue.
In 1979 a protocol to the tax convention
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislative Activities Report, 96th
Cong., S. Rept. 9729, pp. 710.
dealing with the concerns in both reservations was submitted to
and approved by the Senate.
G. I
Although it has been signed, a bilateral treaty does not enter
into force until the parties ratify it and exchange ratifications. A
multilateral treaty does not enter into force until a specified num-
ber of parties deposit their ratifications. Between the signing and
entry into force, there is an interim period in which governments
are not yet legally bound, but they have tentatively agreed to a fu-
ture course of action. In the United States, this includes those peri-
ods (1) from signing to submission to the Senate, (2) during Senate
consideration, (3) from Senate approval to Presidential signing of
the ratification, and (4) from the ratification to the exchange or de-
posit of ratifications and entry into force.
During this interim period the treaty is not yet in effect, but
under international law nations have an obligation not to do any-
thing that would defeat the purpose of the treaty. The Vienna Con-
vention states in Article 18:
A state is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the
object and purpose of an international agreement when: (a) it
has signed the agreement or has exchanged instruments con-
stituting the agreement subject to ratification, acceptance or
approval, until it shall have made its intention clear not to be-
come a party to the agreement; or (b) it has expressed its con-
sent to be bound by the agreement, pending the entry into
force of the agreement and provided that such entry into force
is not unduly delayed.
Beyond this there is the question of taking measures during the
interim period to begin to carry out the treaty, such as establishing
a preparatory commission. Sometimes treaties themselves provide
for their provisional application. The Vienna Convention states in
Article 25:
1. A treaty or a part of a treaty is applied provisionally pend-
ing its entry into force if:
(a) the treaty itself so provides; or
(b) the negotiating States have in some other manner so
2. Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the negotiating
States have otherwise agreed, the provisional application of a
treaty or a part of a treaty with respect to a State shall be ter-
minated if that State notifies the other States between which
the treaty is being applied provisionally of its intention not to
become a party to the treaty.
In the United States, provisional application of a treaty may be
subject to question especially if it gives temporary effect to a treaty
prior to its receiving the advice and consent of the Senate. An
agreement to apply a treaty provisionally is in essence an executive
agreement to undertake temporarily what the treaty may call for
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Rest. 3d, §312.
Administrations Responses to Additional Questions Submitted for the Record by Senator
Javits. In U.S. Congress. Senate. S. Exec. Rept. 9649. Report to Accompany Execs. F, G, and
H, 961. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980. pp. 2627. [Hearing on treaties
is included in this document.]
Agreement effective January 1, 1998, for 2 years through January 1, 2000. The text was
transmitted to Congress under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 112b (the Case-Zablocki Act), and can
be found online in TIARA, a subscription database of Oceana Publications, ‘‘http://’’ As of December 15, 2000, information on a further extension was not
transmitted to Congress.
S. Exec. Rept. 9649, pp. 2627.
14 Whiteman, p. 92.
permanently. It ‘‘must normally rest on the Presidents own con-
stitutional authority.’’
According to the Department of State, the
President may also make a unilateral policy decision, without
reaching agreement with the other parties to apply the treaty pro-
visionally, ‘‘so long as the obligations undertaken are all within the
competence of the President under U.S. law.’’
The primary factor
for determining the appropriateness of provisional application, in
the State Department view, ‘‘relates to the immediate need to set-
tle quickly matters in the interest of the United States which are
within the Presidents domestic law competence.’’
An example of a treaty pending in the Senate that has been pro-
visionally applied by executive agreement is the maritime bound-
ary agreement between the United States and Cuba, signed Decem-
ber 16, 1977. Originally, an executive agreement, by exchange of
notes on April 27, 1977, had established a modus vivendi on a pro-
visional maritime boundary to serve during that year while nego-
tiations were underway. The treaty signed on December 16, 1977,
contained a provision that the parties agree to apply the terms of
the agreement ‘‘provisionally’’ for a period of 2 years from January
1, 1978. According to the Department of State, ‘‘this agreement
constituted an executive agreement contained within the text of the
The treaty was transmitted to the Senate on January 23,
1979, and debated in the Senate, but final action was not taken.
The treaty is still pending in the committee. The provisional appli-
cation was subsequently extended for additional periods, most re-
cently by an exchange of notes of December 30, 1997 and March
30, 1998.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee raised questions con-
cerning the provisional application in its hearings on the treaty.
The Department of State said that in its judgment the President
had authority to enter into provisional maritime boundary agree-
ments, and cited as precedents a provisional boundary line between
Alaska and Canada on October 20, 1899, and on the Stacking River
on February 20, 1878.
If a treaty has been approved by the Senate but not yet ratified
by the President, or if there has been consultation with the Senate,
the provisional application of a treaty may not raise objections. In
one instance the United States submitted a declaration of provi-
sional application of the 1962 International Coffee Agreement after
the Senate gave its advice and consent but before the implementing
legislation had been passed by Congress. The declaration indicated
that the United States would not assume any obligations for which
such legislation was necessary.
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Joint Resolution with Respect to Nu-
clear Arms Reductions. Report on S.J. Res. 212. Committee Print. September 1982, 97th Cong.,
2d Sess., p. 9.
In another case the executive branch submitted a declaration of
provisional application of the 1971 International Wheat Agreement
after consultation and consent by the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, and for the 1975 and 1976 protocols before the Foreign
Relations Committee completed action.
The observance in practice of two agreements between the
United States and the Soviet Union on strategic arms limitation
that had either not been ratified or had expired has also raised the
question of application of a treaty that was not in force. The SALT
I Interim Agreement on Certain Measures with Respect to the Lim-
itation of Strategic Offensive Arms, was authorized by Congress
and entered into force on October 3, 1973, for 5 years.
The SALT II Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive
Arms was signed by the United States on June 18, 1979, but Sen-
ate action on it was indefinitely postponed after the Soviet invasion
of Afghanistan. The administration adopted the policy, as ex-
pressed by President Reagan on May 31, 1982, that ‘‘As for existing
strategic arms agreements, we will refrain from actions which un-
dercut them so long as the Soviet Union shows equal restraint.’’
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported a resolution
(S.J. Res. 212) on July 12, 1982, which resolved that to provide a
basis for progress during new negotiations, ‘‘the United States shall
continue to refrain from actions which would undercut the SALT
I and SALT II agreements, provided the Soviet Union shows equal
restraint.’’ The committee reported that its purpose was to give the
Presidents statement the full force and effect of law. The Sub-
committee on Separation of Powers of the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee held hearings on the resolution and urged its rejection on
grounds, among others, that,
In attempting to bind the United States to treaty obligations
without securing the approval of two-thirds of the Senate, the
resolution improperly limits the Presidents negotiating powers
in the area or foreign affairs; it improperly attempts to trans-
form a treaty into some other form of international obligation;
and it improperly ignores the exclusive advice and consent
function of the Senate by making the obligation dependent
upon approval by the House of Representatives.
On October 12, 2000, the Senate, in passing S. Res. 267, returned
the SALT II Treaty (Treaty Doc. 9625) to the President, as part
of a package of 17 treaties. This action had been recommended by
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Another recent example of the use of provisional application is in
the 1994 Agreement Relating to Implementation of Part XI of the
1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The agree-
ment was adopted between the time the 1982 convention was
adopted and the time it entered into force (November 16, 1994).
The agreement was applied provisionally between November 16,
1994, and July 28, 1996, when it entered into force. Thereafter,
States that had not ratified the convention/agreement package by
July 28, 1996, could continue membership in the International Sea-
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bed Authority, the international organization set up by the conven-
tion/agreement package until November 16, 1998. Negotiators, in
1994, considered this 4-year interval to be a time period sufficient
to allow non-states parties to adhere to the package. On November
16, 1998, however, the United States and seven other countries
that enjoyed provisional membership in the International Seabed
Authority but had not yet ratified or adhered to the convention/
agreement package lost that membership, becoming observer
If the provisional application of a treaty became contentious, it
would be up to the President or the Senate, depending on where
the treaty resided at the time, to make clear either the intention
to proceed with the ratification process and become a party, or the
intention not to become a party.
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Prepared by Stanley Bach, Senior Specialist in the Legislative Process and David M. Acker-
man, Legislative Attorney. For additional information see: Riddick, Floyd M. and Alan S.
Frumin, Riddicks Senate Procedure, Sen. Doc. 10128, 1992, especially pp. 832843 (‘‘Executive
Business and Executive Sessions’’) and 12941310 (‘‘Treaties’’).
Public Law 92403, as amended. 1 U.S.C. 112b. See Appendix 2.
See S. Res. 536 and S. Rept. 951171, 95th Cong.
See discussion in Chapter X.
The Constitution, in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, provides that
the President ‘‘shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Con-
sent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the
Senators present concur.’’ It is the President who negotiates and ul-
timately ratifies treaties for the United States, but only if the Sen-
ate in the intervening period gives its advice and consent. This
chapter concerns the practices and procedures that the Senate fol-
lows after the President formally submits a treaty for the Senates
advice and consent.
Whatever the authors of the Constitution may have meant by the
phrase ‘‘advice and consent’’ with regard to treaties, it is generally
used today to describe the process of Senate approval following
Presidential transmission to the Senate of a fully negotiated and
signed document. The ‘‘Founding Fathers’’ undoubtedly envisioned
in their original conception of ‘‘treaty-making’’ that the Senate
would fulfill the role of collective advisor to the President in the
initiation and conduct of negotiations. For reasons outlined earlier
in this study, however, that type of advice now is rarely sought
from the Senate. Consultations are not uncommon with respect to
treaties on matters of major national importance, such as nuclear
arms control, and Members of the Senate (and the House as well)
frequently are appointed as advisors or observers to U.S. delega-
tions. In addition, pursuant to the Case-Zablocki Act
and the con-
sultation procedures to which the State Department agreed in
the Senate and the executive branch have taken steps to-
ward increased notification to and consultation with the Senate
with respect to executive branch negotiation and execution of inter-
national agreements and treaties.
What Presidents generally seek
from Senators, however, is not advice in advance but consent after
the factafter negotiations have been completed. Most treaties en-
gage the Senate only after their formal transmission by the Presi-
dent for approval. Nevertheless, the Senate often provides a meas-
ure of after-the-fact ‘‘advice’’ along with its ‘‘consent.’’
Contrary to past characterizations of the Senate as the ‘‘grave-
yard of treaties,’’ the overwhelming majority of treaties receive fa-
vorable Senate action within a reasonable period of time. Few trea-
ties languish indefinitely or are returned to the President without
approval, and even fewer are defeated outright by vote of the Sen-
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See Appendix 7, Simultaneous Consideration of Treaties and Amending Protocols: Selected
The Senates standing rules were revised and renumbered in 1980, which can lead to difficul-
ties when references are made to earlier publications. In addition, S. Res. 28, adopted on Feb-
ruary 27, 1986, made a significant change in Rule XXX. Previously, the rule provided for a first
stage of floor consideration, during which the Senate would meet ‘‘as in Committee of the
Whole’’ and act on any proposed amendments to each article of the treaty in sequence. Although
ate. Likewise, most treaties survive the process of advice and con-
sent without material change, although the Senate in recent years
has expanded its use of conditions that are attached to its resolu-
tions of ratification. In most cases, the process of Senate consider-
ation is expedited, without using the full procedures available
under Senate rules, and Senate approval frequently is unanimous.
However, the most controversial and important treaties can receive
extended consideration, in committee and on the Senate floor, dur-
ing which numerous amendments and conditions may be proposed.
A. S
All treaties are transmitted to the Senate in the Presidents
name, a procedure that typically first involves formal submission
of the agreement to the President by the Secretary of State and
may include a separate review of the agreement by the White
House staff. Therefore, the time period between signature of a trea-
ty and its actual transmission to the Senate for advice and consent
may be considerable, as much for bureaucratic as for substantive
or political reasons. But the President controls the timing of a trea-
tys submission. Occasionally an administration may decide not to
submit a treaty that it or a previous administration had signed.
The Senate receives a Presidential message consisting of the offi-
cial title and text of the treaty (the original in the case of a bilat-
eral treaty, a certified copy in the case of a multilateral one) and
a letter of transmittal, signed by the President, requesting Senate
advice and consent and incorporating the earlier Letter of Submit-
tal from the Secretary of State to the President. The Secretarys
letter usually contains a detailed description and analysis of the
treaty. The Presidential message also may contain protocols, an-
nexes, or other documents that the President submits to the Senate
to be considered as integral parts of the proposed treaty (as distin-
guished from documents submitted for information purposes only).
They are referred to collectively as the treaty and its official pa-
pers. These documents, which have been submitted to the Senate
for advice and consent to ratification as integral parts of a treaty,
are subject to a single vote of advice and consent. For the same
reason, only a treaty and its official papers, when formally before
the Senate, are subject to amendment.
If the executive branch concludes a protocol amending a treaty
that is pending in the Senate, the protocol is submitted to the Sen-
ate as a new treaty. The Senate may decide, however, to consider
the treaty and protocol together and approve them by means of a
single resolution of ratification.
Senate Rule XXX governs the process of treaty consideration in
the Senate. As revised on February 27, 1986, Rule XXX states
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the full procedures of Rule XXX rarely were invoked, they were followed during Senate consider-
ation of the Versailles Peace Treaty following World War I, the Panama Canal Treaties in 1978,
and the Genocide Convention in 1986. Citations to Senate rules are to the publication Standing
Rules of the Senate, 106th Cong., 2d Sess., November 19, 1999, Document 10615.
Paragraph 3 of Rule XXIX provides that ‘‘All confidential communications made by the Presi-
dent of the United States to the Senate shall be by the Senators and the officers of the Senate
kept secret; and all treaties which may be laid before the Senate, and all remarks, votes, and
proceedings thereon shall also be kept secret, until the Senate shall, by their resolution, take
off the injunction of secrecy.’’
1. (a) When a treaty shall be laid before the Senate for ratifi-
cation, it shall be read a first time; and no motion in respect
to it shall be in order, except to refer it to a committee, to print
it in confidence for the use of the Senate, or to remove the in-
junction of secrecy.
(b) When a treaty is reported from a committee with or with-
out amendment, it shall, unless the Senate unanimously other-
wise directs, lie over one day for consideration; after which it
may be read a second time, after which amendments may be
proposed. At any stage of such proceedings the Senate may re-
move the injunction of secrecy from the treaty.
(c) The decisions thus made shall be reduced to the form of
a resolution of ratification, with or without amendments, as
the case may be, which shall be proposed on a subsequent day,
unless, by unanimous consent, the Senate determines other-
wise, at which stage no amendment to the treaty shall be re-
ceived unless by unanimous consent; but the resolution of rati-
fication when pending shall be open to amendment in the form
of reservations, declarations, statements, or understandings.
(d) On the final question to advise and consent to the ratifi-
cation in the form agreed to, the concurrence of two-thirds of
the Senators present shall be necessary to determine it in the
affirmative; but all other motions and questions upon a treaty
shall be decided by a majority vote, except a motion to post-
pone indefinitely, which shall be decided by a vote of two-
2. Treaties transmitted by the President to the Senate for
ratification shall be resumed at the second or any subsequent
session of the same Congress at the stage in which they were
left at the final adjournment of the session at which they were
transmitted; but all proceedings on treaties shall terminate
with the Congress, and they shall be resumed at the com-
mencement of the next Congress as if no proceedings had pre-
viously been had thereon.
When a treaty message is received from the President, it is
transmitted by the Senate Parliamentarian to the Executive Clerk,
who is responsible for treaties and nominations. The Executive
Clerk assigns it a message number and prepares a procedural re-
quest for unanimous consent to remove the injunction of secrecy re-
ferred to in Senate Rules XXIX and XXX.
(This injunction origi-
nated during the days when Senate executive sessions were con-
ducted in secret. Treaties today are normally made public when
signed or even earlier.) Ordinarily, the Senate routinely agrees to
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On July 21, 1980, Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska objected to a unanimous consent request
to remove the injunction of secrecy from a revised income tax convention with Israel.
The Senate meets in legislative session to transact its legislative business. The consideration
of treaties and nominations, on the other hand, constitutes the Senates executive business and
takes place in executive session. By unanimous consent, the Senate sometimes transacts some
executive business without first resolving into executive session. On January 3, 2001, the first
day of the 107th Congress, for example, the Senate agreed to a unanimous consent request that,
‘‘for the duration of the 107th Congress, it shall be in order to refer [to committee] treaties and
nominations on the day when they are received from the President, even when the Senate has
no executive session that day.’’ Congressional Record, January 3, 2001, p. S8 (daily ed.).
Riddick, Floyd M. and Alan S. Frumin, Riddicks Senate Procedure. Sen. Doc. 10128, 1992,
p. 1300.
Information may be found online at
the Majority Leaders request to remove the injunction of secrecy.
If any Senator should object to the request, the full Senate can
agree to a resolution removing the injunction of secrecy, as pro-
vided in Senate Rule XXIX. On at least one recent occasion, such
an objection was used to throw a temporary procedural roadblock
in the way of Senate consideration of a tax treaty.
Since Senate consideration of treaties is a matter of executive
business, the Senate must be in executive session
in order to re-
move the injunction of secrecy or take any other floor action with
respect to a treaty. The motion to go into executive session is non-
amendable and non-debatable but is subject to a request for a roll
call vote. Normally, however, the Senate moves between executive
and legislative session by unanimous consent.
The request of the Majority Leader is typically in the following
I ask unanimous consent that the injunction of secrecy be re-
moved from the Third Protocol to the 1975 Tax Convention
with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire-
land, as amended, signed at London on March 15, 1979 (Execu-
tive Q, 96th Cong., 1st Sess.), transmitted to the Senate by the
President of the United States on April 12, 1979.
I ask that the treaty be considered as having been read the
first time, that it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Re-
lations and ordered to be printed, and that the Presidents
message be printed in the R
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so or-
Following the first reading and removal of the injunction of se-
crecy at the initiative of the Majority Leader, the Presiding Officer
refers the treaty to the Committee on Foreign Relations, in accord-
ance with Senate Rule XXV on the jurisdiction of standing commit-
tees. At this stage, the text of the Presidents message, the treaty,
all documents submitted as integral parts of the treaty, and any
other documents submitted for the information of the Senate, are
printed by the U.S. Government Printing Office and made available
online to the public.
Treaties are referred to committee after being read once, whereas
bills and joint resolutions must, in principle, go through a second
reading (a subsequent procedural step) before they are eligible for
Thereafter, each treaty is referred to by its Treaty Document
Number, which consists of the number of the Congress in which it
was transmitted, followed by a number representing the order in
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Senate Rule XXV(l)(j)(1)17 states the Committee on Foreign Relations has jurisdiction over
‘‘Treaties and executive agreements, except reciprocal trade agreements.’’ Rule XXV(l)(i)7 states
the Committee on Finance has jurisdiction over ‘‘Reciprocal trade agreements.’’
Ex. Y, 961, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (June 25, 1979), ordered returned to the President with-
out the Senates approval by S. Res. 267, 106th Cong., 2d Sess. (2000).
Military Implications of the Treaty of the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms and Proto-
col Thereto (SALT II Treaty). Hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate.
96th Cong., 1st Sess., Four Parts, JulyOctober 1979.
U.S. Congress. Senate Committee on Armed Services. Report No. 961054, Military Implica-
tions of the Proposed SALT II Treaty relating to the National Defense. Report of the Hearings
on the Military Aspects of the Proposed SALT II Treaty (Ex. Y, 961), based on hearings held
before the committee in accordance with its responsibilities under Rule XXV(c) of the Standing
Rules of the Senate, together with Additional Views. December 4, 1980.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. INF Treaty. Exec. Rept. 10015,
pp. 7479. CFE Treaty. Exec. Rept. 10222, pp. 124137. START Treaty. Exec. Rept. 10253,
pp. 7375. Treaty on Open Skies. Exec. Rept. 1035, pp. 910, 115, 140.
which treaties were submitted in that Congress, for example, Trea-
ty Doc. 971 or 10613. Before the 97th Congress in 1981, a letter
designation was used rather than consecutive numbering (for ex-
ample, Executive Q in the example quoted above). Treaties that
were transmitted before that time and that, for one reason or an-
other, have not been acted upon by the Senate retain their original
designation. The International Labor Organization Convention No.
87 Concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right
to Organize, for example, which was originally transmitted by
President Truman in 1949, is designated Ex. S, 811, for Eighty-
first Congress, First Session.
Since its creation in 1816, the Foreign Relations Committee has
had exclusive jurisdiction over treaties, as presently recognized in
Rule XXV.
From time to time other Senate committees have
sought referral of particular treaties, but without success. There
have been various occasions, however, on which other committees
have conducted hearings on the issues raised by particular treaties
even though those committees did not have authority to make for-
mal recommendations to the Senate regarding the treaties.
In the case of the Treaty Between the United States of America
and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of
Strategic Offensive Arms and the Protocol Thereto,
known as SALT II, for example, the Committee on Armed Services
held extensive hearings on the military implications of the treaty,
similar to the parallel hearings it held in 1963 on the Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty, in 1969 on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and
in 1978 on the Panama Canal Treaties. The Armed Services Com-
mittee even took a vote on the SALT II Treaty and prepared an ex-
tensive report in opposition to Senate approval.
In the cases of
the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-
Range Missiles (INF), the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
Treaty (CFE), the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Stra-
tegic Offensive Arms (START), and the Open Skies Treaty, the
Armed Services and Intelligence Committees reported their find-
ings to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during that com-
mittees consideration of the treaties, and the other committees
recommendations were included in the reports of the Committee on
Foreign Relations.
More recently, the Armed Services Committee
received testimony in 1995 on the national security implications of
U.S. ratification of the START II Treaty before the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee reported that treaty to the Senate. Similarly, the
Armed Services Committee received testimony on several occasions
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Legislative Calendar, 104th Cong.,
S. Prt. 10474, p. 66; U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Legislative Cal-
endar, 105th Cong., S. Prt. 10592, pp. 6768.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration. Authority and Rules of
Senate Committees, 19992000. Sen. Doc. 1066. 106th Cong., 1st Sess., 1999; p. 99.
in 1997 and 1998 on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
expansion, both before and after the Foreign Relations Committee
completed action on a treaty on that subject.
Other Senate and House committees have occasionally prepared
reports on treaties of particular concern to them. Sometimes the
Foreign Relations Committee has invited members of other com-
mittees to participate in its hearings relating to treaties, such as
the SALT II Treaty, of obvious interest to such committees.
B. F
Once referred to the Foreign Relations Committee, each treaty is
placed on the committee calendar, in a separate treaty section and
arranged chronologically in order of referral date. Committee Rule
9 governs the committees consideration of treaties. It states:
(a) The Committee is the only committee of the Senate with
jurisdiction to review and report to the Senate on treaties sub-
mitted by the President for Senate advice and consent. Because
the House of Representatives has no role in the approval of
treaties, the Committee is therefore the only congressional
committee with responsibility for treaties.
(b) Once submitted by the President for advice and consent,
each treaty is referred to the Committee and remains on its
calendar from Congress to Congress until the Committee takes
action to report it to the Senate or recommend its return to the
President, or until the Committee is discharged of the treaty
by the Senate.
(c) In accordance with Senate Rule XXX.2, treaties which
have been reported to the Senate but not acted on before the
end of a Congress ‘‘shall be resumed at the commencement of
the next Congress as if no proceedings had previously been had
(d) Insofar as possible, the Committee should conduct a pub-
lic hearing on each treaty as soon as possible after its submis-
sion by the President. Except in extraordinary circumstances,
treaties reported to the Senate shall be accompanied by a writ-
ten report.
The decision to hold hearings or take other action on particular
treaties ordinarily is made by the committee chairman, in consulta-
tion with the ranking minority member. The chairmans decisions
in this regard are influenced to an important degree by the pref-
erences of the executive branch. At the beginning of each Congress,
the committee routinely requests from the Department of State a
written ranking of its treaty priorities, which is normally conveyed
in several general groupings. Although such requests have no for-
mal status or procedural consequences, the committee usually gives
great weight to them in planning its schedule. Such decisions also
are affected by the overall priorities and time constraints of the
chairman and other committee members.
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Committee hearings on treaties principally involve executive
branch, usually State Department, witnesses. Since most treaties
are noncontroversial, the objective is to develop a record explaining
the purposes, provisions, and significance of the agreement. When
a treaty is controversial or complicated, however, the hearing proc-
ess can be extensive, involving many witnesses and days of ques-
tioning and deliberations. Extensive hearings in recent years have
included those in 19771978 on the Panama Canal Treaties, in
1979 on the SALT II Treaty, in 1988 on the INF Treaty, and in
19911992 on the START Treaty. More recently, the committee
held hearings on the Chemical Weapons Convention on a total of
14 days.
The chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee generally de-
cides on the timing for committee markup of treaties, which nor-
mally comes soon after the completion of hearings. The predomi-
nant tendency is for the committee to recommend Senate advice
and consent without numerous conditions, and the committee usu-
ally votes on treaties without extended debate or discussion. In the
case of a controversial treaty, however, or when it is clear that par-
ticular problems must be resolved to assure Senate approval, the
chairman may initiate proposals for conditions or other specific lan-
guage to address those problems. The types of conditions available
are discussed in the following section. Whether or not the commit-
tee does decide to recommend Senate conditions, when it reports
out the treaty the committee also proposes a ‘‘resolution of ratifica-
tion,’’ usually in the following form:
Resolved, (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring,
therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification
of [or accession to] the [official treaty title].
Generally, treaties are considered within a year of their trans-
mission, after allowing sufficient time for public notice and com-
ment. From time to time, however, the press of other business has
resulted in backlogs of unreported treaties. Particular treaties may
languish on the committees calendar, not necessarily because of se-
rious opposition but for want of interested advocates with the time
to do justice to them. In other cases, treaties have been shepherded
through with dispatch, owing to their importance and timeliness or
to the interest of the chairman or particular members of the com-
mittee. Groups of similar treaties frequently have been considered
en bloc, both in committee and on the Senate floor, thereby facili-
tating comparison and reducing the demands on Senators time.
If the chairman does expect opposition or difficulty in gaining
Senate approval of a particular treaty, his decision on the nature
and timing of committee action becomes more problematic. Fur-
thermore, unless the President is clearly in support of ratification
(and a successor President may not always support all treaties sub-
mitted prior to his taking office), Senate action may be pointless,
since the President can simply decline to ratify a treaty even after
Senate approval.
All treaties remain on the committees calendar until the commit-
tee takes action on them. In accordance with Senate Rule XXX,
paragraph 2, all treaties reported by the committee that are not
thereafter disposed of by the Senate (either by favorable advice and
consent or by formal return to the President) rest on the Executive
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See Appendix 8 for a list of all treaties to which the Senate gave its advice and consent
to ratification during the 100th106th Congresses. During this period, the chairmen of the com-
mittee have been Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island (100th103d Congresses) and Jesse Helms of
North Carolina (104th106th Congresses).
See American Law Institute, Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the
United States. American Law Institute Publishers, 1987, Vol. I, §314, pp. 186189. During Sen-
ate consideration of SALT II, the Foreign Relations Committee gave considerable attention to
the nature and legal effect of Senate conditions and discussed the matter extensively in its re-
port on the treaty. See S. Exec. Rept. 9614, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (Nov. 19, 1979). An earlier
discussion of these issues with several useful illustrations appears in U.S. Congress. Senate. The
Role of the Senate in Treaty Ratification, A Staff Memorandum to the Committee on Foreign
Relations. Committee Print. 95th Cong., 1st Sess., November 1977, pp. 313.
Calendar and then, at the end of the Congress, automatically are
returned, or re-referred, to the committee. The committee must
then report those treaties again during a subsequent Congress if
they are to be considered on the Senate floor.
As a consequence, the calendar of the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee contains some treaties that were transmitted years earlier and
never finally disposed of by the Senate. The Genocide Convention,
for instance, remained on the committee calendar from 1949 until
1986, when the Senate finally gave its advice and consent to ratifi-
cation; by that time the committee had reported the convention fa-
vorably five times. In 1996 the committee reported the Chemical
Weapons Convention that had been referred to it in 1993. The Sen-
ate debated but did not take final action on the convention in 1996,
so it was re-referred to the committee at the end of the 104th Con-
gress. During the following year, the committee held additional
hearings on the convention. The Senate then considered it again,
after discharging the committee from its further consideration, and
ultimately consented to its ratification.
The workload of the committee and the Senate regarding treaties
varies from Congress to Congress. In the past four Congresses, for
example, the number of treaties to which the Senate gave its ad-
vice and consent grew from 27 in the 103d Congress (19931994)
to 37 in the 104th (19951996) to 52 in each of the 105th (1997
1998) and 106th (19992000) Congresses.
C. C
The Foreign Relations Committee may recommend that the Sen-
ate approve treaties conditionally, granting its advice and consent
only subject to certain stipulations that the President must accept
before proceeding to ratification.
The President, of course, also
may propose, at the time of a treatys transmission to the Senate
or during the Senates consideration of it, that the Senate attach
certain conditions or stipulations in the course of giving its advice
and consent.
Conditions traditionally have been categorized as amendments,
reservations, understandings, declarations, and provisos. Whatever
they are called, however, conditions generally are binding on the
President, and the President cannot proceed to ratify a treaty with-
out giving them effect. Because not all conditions necessarily affect
the substance of a treaty, not all are necessarily communicated to
the other party or parties to an agreement. But whatever name the
Senate gives to a condition, if the President considers that it alters
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The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which the U.S. has not ratified but which
is viewed as codifying customary international law in most respects, defines ‘‘reservation’’ as fol-
‘‘[R]eservation’’ means a unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State,
when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to
exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to
that State. Vienna Convention, Article 2.
See, for example, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Exec.
Rept. 10255 to accompany Treaty Doc. 10238. October 1, 1992, p. 15; and the Protocol on En-
vironmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, Exec. Rept. 10254, to accompany Treaty Doc.
10222. September 22, 1992. More recently, the Senate has begun to incorporate such state-
ments in its resolutions of ratification as well as in its reports on treaties containing ‘‘no-res-
ervations’’ clauses. See, for example, the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation
in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, Exec. Rept. 10614 to accompany Treaty Doc. 10551. April
27, 2000, p. 11; and 146 Congressional Record, September 20, 2000, p. S8867 (daily ed.). For
further discussion of this point, see infra Chapter IX.
an international obligation under a treaty, he is expected to trans-
mit it to the other party or parties. The result may be further nego-
tiations or even abandonment of the treaty.
Both amendments and reservations are proposed revisions in the
obligations undertaken by the United States pursuant to a treaty.
Amendments are proposed changes in the actual text of the treaty;
reservations are specific qualifications or stipulations that modify
U.S. obligations without necessarily changing treaty language.
Both types of revisions amount, therefore, to Senate counter offers
that alter the original deal agreed to by the United States and the
other country or countries involved. In the case of treaties that rep-
resent significant trade-offs and compromises, such conditions nor-
mally require the re-opening of negotiations, assuming the other
parties are willing to do so. In less delicate circumstances, or on
secondary issues, such conditions may be accepted without ex-
tended delay, although that prospect is not always easy to evaluate
during Senate committee or floor deliberations.
In the case of large, multilateral agreements, amendments sel-
dom are realistic; the difficulties in reconvening negotiations mean
that significant amendments are normally taken by the other par-
ties as tantamount to rejection of the treaty itself. Reservations on
important provisions of the treaty can have the same result.
The Foreign Relations Committee has repeatedly expressed con-
cern with the inclusion of a provision in some multilateral treaties
stating that no reservations may be made. In the committees view,
such a provision has the effect of preventing the Senate from exer-
cising its constitutional duty to give advice and consent to a treaty,
and the committee has asserted that its approval of a treaty con-
taining such a provision should not be construed as a precedent.
In the case of bilateral treaties, there is little substantive dif-
ference between amendments and reservations, although there may
be a significant diplomatic difference. (As discussed below, there
also is a procedural difference in the Senates consideration of
amendments and reservations under Senate Rule XXX.) While it
may be politically easier for the other country involved to accept a
reservation rather than a change in the actual language of the
treaty text, the legal effect is substantively the same: either form
of condition amounts to a counter offer.
Understandings, by contrast, are interpretive statements that
clarify or elaborate, rather than change, the provisions of an agree-
ment and that are deemed to be consistent with the obligations im-
posed by the agreement. The actual effect of any particular pro-
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In the case of the 1976 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with Spain, the State Depart-
ment decided that it was inappropriate to include the text of a lengthy Senate declaration in
the instruments of ratification, because the declaration related in part to the encouragement of
‘‘free institutions’’ in a ‘‘democratic Spain’’ and was certain to be offensive to Spain. The Depart-
ment defended its position on this point in a memorandum that appears in the 1976 Digest of
United States Practice in International Law. Eleanor C. McDowell ed., State Department pub.
8908, November 1977, pp. 215217. A number of Senators protested however; and ultimately
the declaration was included as a separate ‘‘annex’’ to the U.S. instrument of ratification.
See, for example, the resolution of ratification on the ‘‘Inter-American Convention on Serv-
ing Criminal Sentences Abroad,’’ 146 Congressional Record, October 18, 2000, p. S10658 (daily
Treaty Doc. 10020. See 136 Congressional Record, October 27, 1990, p. S17492 (daily ed.).
The committees concern had been stimulated in part by the administrations refusal in
1976 to include a Senate declaration in the instruments of ratification of a Treaty of Friendship
and Cooperation with Spain. See n. 22. In addition, during hearings on the SALT II Treaty,
former Yale Law School Dean Eugene V. Rostow had expressed the view that reservations did
not have the same legal effect as amendments to the treaty itself. A reservation, he argued, ‘‘has
the same effect as a letter from my mother.’’ Testimony of Eugene Rostow, chairman, Executive
Committee, Committee on the Present Danger, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
July 19, 1979, in the SALT II Treaty, Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S.
Senate, 96th Cong., 1st Sess., Part 2, p. 393, and subsequently repeated on September 6, 1979,
Part 4, p. 13.
posed understanding may, of course, be debatable. What may seem
to the Senate to be a reasonable interpretation, and therefore an
understanding, might appear to the other country or countries in-
volved to be an important modification, and therefore a reservation,
particularly if it concerns an aspect of the agreement that is con-
sidered fundamental. If that is the conclusion of another party to
a treaty, the mere characterization of a condition as an under-
standing rather than a reservation will do little to change that con-
clusion. True understandings are commonly used in the ratification
of both multilateral and bilateral treaties as a means of clarifica-
tion and reassurance rather than revision.
Declarations are statements of purpose, policy, or position related
to matters raised by the treaty in question but not altering or lim-
iting any of its provisions. The President has on occasion inter-
preted such declarations as falling outside of the formal provisions
to be incorporated in the instruments used in the ratification proc-
and the Senate itself has at times so directed.
As a con-
sequence, such statements are often placed in a separate section of
the Senates resolution of ratification. The term ‘‘declaration’’ some-
times is used interchangeably with the term ‘‘proviso.’’
Provisos often include conditions relating to the process of imple-
menting a treaty within the United States. Among the conditions
attached to the Senates resolution of ratification of the Convention
Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treat-
ment or Punishment, for example, was a proviso, specifically not to
be included in the instrument of ratification, that the President of
the United States would not deposit the instrument of ratification
until such time as he had notified all parties that nothing in the
convention required or authorized legislation, or other action, by
the United States prohibited by the Constitution as interpreted by
the United States.
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations gave considerable
attention to the types of conditions added to treaties and to their
legal effect during its consideration of the SALT II Treaty in
The committee included a number of declarations, under-
standings, and reservations in the resolution of ratification it rec-
ommended to the Senate. But, concerned that the traditional labels
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. SALT II Treaty. S. Exec. Rept. 96
14, November 19, 1979.
Id., at 2932 (exchange of letters between the committee and the Secretary of State).
left some ambiguity regarding the legal effect of the proposed con-
ditions, it grouped them into the following three categories:
(I) conditions that did not need to be formally communicated
to, or accepted by, the Soviet Union;
(II) conditions that did need to be formally communicated to,
but not necessarily accepted by, the Soviet Union; and
(III) conditions that required the explicit agreement of the
Soviet Union.
In addition, the committee obtained the prior agreement of the
administration to this format. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance gave
assurances to the committee that
(1) all conditions would be deemed equally binding on the
President regardless of the category in which they were placed;
(2) category II conditions would be conveyed to the Soviet
Union by formal diplomatic note prior to the exchange of the
instruments of ratification, thus assuring that the Soviet
Union understood the U.S. position in advance of the treatys
entry into force, yet not requiring explicit Soviet approval as
in the case of a condition conveyed in the instrument of ratifi-
cation; and
(3) the executive branch would follow a procedure for secur-
ing Soviet agreement to the provisions in category III that
would leave no doubt as to the explicit agreement of the Soviet
Union. This would probably be done, the Secretary said, by se-
curing explicit Soviet agreement in the ‘‘Protocol of Exchange
of Instruments of Ratification’’ that is signed by both parties.
Because of the Soviet Unions intervention in Afghanistan, the
Senate never voted on the SALT II Resolution of Ratification. But
it subsequently used these categories in its Resolution of Ratifica-
tion on the INF Treaty. As noted, these categories, when used,
have supplemented, not replaced, the traditional typology.
The Committee on Foreign Relations re-emphasized its view re-
garding conditions in its 1985 report on the Genocide Convention,
asserting that all conditions placed by the Senate on its advice and
consent were to be included in the instrument of ratification unless
the Senate expressly stated otherwise. The report said:
Unless there is an express statement by the Senate to the
contrary, it is the Committees firm view that all conditions
adopted by the Senate are to be included in the instrument of
ratification and therefore furnished to all other parties to the
treaty. Not only does the Committee believe this to be the law,
but it believes it to be essential for practical reasons as well.
The Senates conditions, together with the treaty and its ac-
companying documents, describe in full the obligation under-
taken by the United States in ratifying the treaty. To insure
an identity of expectations by all parties concerning the rights
and obligations imposed by the treaty, each party should be ac-
corded formal notice of the Senates conditions. Notification by
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00140 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Genocide Convention. S. Exec.
Rept. 992, July 18, 1985. p. 15.
See, for example, the 33 resolutions of ratification to which the Senate gave its advice and
consent on October 18, 2000. 146 Congressional Record, October 18, 2000, pp. S10658S10667
(daily ed.).
For exposition of the administrations legal justifications, see Sofaer, Abraham, ‘‘The ABM
Treaty and the Strategic Defense Initiative,’’ 99 Harvard Law Review 1972 (1986) and the testi-
monies of Abraham Sofaer, Legal Adviser to the State Department, and Richard Perle, Assistant
Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, Joint Hearings on the ABM Treaty and
the Constitution Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the Senate Committee
on the Judiciary (1987), at 119170 and 351375.
Under an access agreement concluded in February, 1988, the State Department supplied
the documents, and the Senate created an Arms Control Treaty Review Support Office to house
and provide a system for using the documents. After extended study, Senator Nunn, in detailed
commentaries on the Senate floor, asserted that this record as well as the Senates ratification
hearings and debates and the subsequent practices of the parties belied the administrations
claim. See 133 Congressional Record 52965302 (March 11, 1987), 55825587 (March 12, 1987),
56885690 (March 13, 1987), and 1314313163 (May 20, 1987).
any method other than inclusion in the instrument of ratifica-
tion simply increases the possibility of misunderstanding.
More recently, the committee has adopted the practice of specify-
ing which conditions are to be included in the instrument of ratifi-
cation and which should not be included. It also has specified that
particular declarations in its resolutions of ratification are binding
on the President.
In the mid-1980s a controversy erupted that has resulted in the
inclusion of a condition regarding treaty interpretation in every
resolution of ratification adopted by the Senate. In the early 1980s
the Reagan Administration initiated a ‘‘Strategic Defense Initia-
tive’’ (SDI) to develop new means, including mobile- and space-
based means, of protecting the United States against missile at-
tack. Critics immediately charged that SDI would violate the 1972
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, which barred the United
States and the Soviet Union from deploying ABM systems (except
for one fixed site to protect either the nations capital or an offen-
sive missile complex) and from developing, testing, or deploying
‘‘ABM systems which are sea-based, air-based, space-based, or mo-
bile land-based.’’ The administration responded that a broader in-
terpretation of the treaty allowed the development and testing of
ABM systems based on different physical principles than those that
existed in 1972. It said that the text of the treaty was ‘‘ambiguous’’
in this respect, that the negotiating record of the treaty supported
the broader interpretation, that the subsequent practice of the par-
ties was consistent with the broader interpretation, and that as a
consequence the President was justified in reinterpreting the treaty
to more accurately reflect what the negotiating record said it
Usually when the Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate
consider a treaty, they do not have access to the full negotiating
record, including all the instructions, transcripts, correspondence,
and other often voluminous material relating to it. Instead, they
rely on the testimony and other formal communications from the
executive branch to ascertain a treatys meaning. But in response
to the administrations claims regarding the ABM Treaty, the Sen-
ate, at the initiative of Senators Nunn and Levin, sought and
gained access to the negotiating record of the ABM Treaty.
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Joint Hearings on the ABM Treaty and the Constitution Before the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary (1987).
S. Res. 167, 100th Cong., 1st Sess. (1987), the ‘‘ABM Treaty Interpretation Resolution,’’ and
S. Rept. 100164, 100th Cong., 1st Sess. (1987).
Because of the administrations claims that the negotiating record of the ABM Treaty gave
a more accurate indication of its meaning than administration testimony to the Senate, the Sen-
ate also sought and gained access to the negotiating record of the INF Treaty. But in its report
on the INF Treaty, the Foreign Relations Committee took the position that Senate review of
negotiating records should not become an institutionalized procedure, although reference to the
record on a case-by-case basis sometimes might be useful. In the committees view, ‘‘a systematic
expectation of Senate perusal of every key treatys negotiating record’’ might inhibit candor dur-
ing future negotiations and impose on the Senate ‘‘a considerable task with no clear purpose.’’
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. The INF Treaty. Report. S. Exec. Rept.
10015, 100th Cong., 2d Sess., April 14, 1988, p. 100.
Id., p. 97. See also the discussion of the Byrd-Biden condition in Chapter VIII.
The Senate approved the modified Byrd-Biden condition by a vote of 7227 and the resolu-
tion of ratification by a vote of 935. 134 Congressional Record 12655 (May 26, 1988) and 12849
(May 27, 1988), respectively.
Foreign Relations Committee and the Judiciary Committee held ex-
tensive hearings
; and Senator Biden submitted, and the Foreign
Relations Committee reported, a resolution to constrain the admin-
istrations ability to reinterpret the ABM Treaty.
These actions served as precursors to a condition regarding trea-
ty interpretation that was added in 1988 to the resolution of ratifi-
cation on the INF Treaty.
That condition articulated what it said
were the constitutional principles that would govern the future in-
terpretation of the treaty. The Foreign Relations Committee ex-
Both domestic and international law give primacy in treaty
interpretation to the text of the treaty. International law re-
quires that a treaty be interpreted in accordance with the ordi-
nary meaning to be given the treatys terms in light of their
context and in light of the treatys object and purpose. Domes-
tic law does not differ, and is also premised on the assumption
that the Executive and the Senate, as co-makers of the treaty
for the United States, will share a common understanding of
a treatys text. As a matter of record, that common understand-
ing of the text will be reflected in the Executives formal pres-
entation of the treaty to the Senate: in formal presentation
documents, in prepared testimony, and in verbal and written
intercourse regarding the treatys meaning and effect.
The ‘‘Biden condition,’’ as subsequently modified on the Senate
floor by amendments by Senators Byrd and Cohen and approved by
the Senate on May 26, 1988,
became the first condition to the
INF Treaty and stated as follows:
Provided that the Senates advice and consent to ratification
of the INF Treaty is subject to the condition, based on the trea-
ty clauses of the Constitution, that:
(1) the United States shall interpret the Treaty in ac-
cordance with the common understanding of the Treaty
shared by the President and the Senate at the time the
Senate gave advice and consent to ratification;
(2) such common understanding is based on:
(i) first, the text of the Treaty and the provisions of
this resolution of ratification; and
(ii) second, the authoritative representations that
were provided by the President, and his representa-
tives to the Senate and its Committees, in seeking
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134 Congressional Record 12849 (May 27, 1988).
Id. 14261 (June 13, 1988) (Message from the PresidentComments with Respect to Senate
Positions on the INF Treaty). It might be noted that both the Bush and Clinton Administrations
subsequently expressed their acceptance of the principles stated in the Byrd-Biden condition.
See START Treaty, S. Hrg. 102607, Pt. 1, pp. 506507; Open Skies Treaty, Exec. Rept. 103
5, p. 18.
CFE Treaty. Exec. Rept. 10222, p. 81; START Treaty. Exec. Rept. 10253, pp. 96, 101
102; Open Skies Treaty, Exec. Rept. 1035, p. 16; START II, Exec. Rept. 10410, p. 46; Chemical
Weapons Convention, 143 Congressional Record, April 24, 1997, p. S3656 (daily ed.); and Flank
Document Agreement, Exec. Rept. 1051, pp. 2224.
Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Justice, ‘‘Validity of Congressional-Executive Agree-
ments That Substantially Modify the United States Obligations Under an Existing Treaty’’ (No-
vember 25, 1996). The memorandum stated in part:
Finally, in its Resolution of Advice and Consent of 27 May 1988 to the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Treaty
on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty), the
Senate adopted the ‘‘Biden condition,’’ which provides that ‘‘the United States shall interpret the
Treaty in accordance with the common understanding of the Treaty shared by the President and
the Senate at the time the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification,’’ and that ‘‘the
United States shall not agree to or adopt an interpretation different from that common under-
standing except pursuant to Senate advice and consent to a subsequent treaty or protocol, or
the enactment of a statute.’’ 134 Congressional Record 12,849 (1988) (emphasis added). The Sen-
ate affirmed ‘‘the applicability to all treaties of the constitutionally-based principles’’ in this con-
dition. Resolution of Advice and Consent of 25 November 1991 to the Treaty on Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty), 137 Congressional Record, November 23, 1991, pp.
S17,845, S17,846 (daily ed.), adopted id. at S18,038 (daily ed. Nov. 25, 1991). Because the Sen-
ate took the view that such ‘‘common understandings’’ of a treaty had the same binding effect
as express provisions of the treaty for purposes of U.S. law, the Biden condition logically sup-
Senate consent to ratification, insofar as such rep-
resentations were directed to the meaning and legal
effect of the text of the Treaty; and
(3) the United States shall not agree to or adopt an in-
terpretation different from that common understanding ex-
cept pursuant to Senate advice and consent to a subse-
quent treaty or protocol, or the enactment of a statute; and
(4) if, subsequent to ratification of the Treaty, a question
arises as to the interpretation of a provision of the Treaty
on which no common understanding was reached in ac-
cordance with paragraph (2), that provision shall be inter-
preted in accordance with applicable United States law.
President Reagan protested the inclusion of this condition in the
Senates resolution of ratification but, nonetheless, proceeded to
complete the ratification of the INF Treaty.
In the following decade, the Senate incorporated the Byrd-Biden
condition to the INF Treaty by reference in its resolutions of ratifi-
cation on all of the major arms control agreements: the CFE Treaty
in 1991, START I in 1992, the Open Skies Treaties in 1993, the
START II Treaty in 1996, and the Chemical Weapons Convention
and the Flank Document Agreement to the CFE Treaty in 1997.
In each instance, however, it broadened the condition by affirming
its applicability not just to the treaty under consideration, as it had
with the INF Treaty, but to all treaties.
The Senate added another dimension to the Byrd-Biden condition
when it gave its advice and consent to the Flank Document Agree-
ment to the CFE Treaty in 1997. The Clinton Administration had
initially wanted to submit the Flank Document to both the House
and the Senate and to have it approved by majority vote in both
bodies as a congressionally-authorized executive agreement. A legal
memorandum from the Justice Department had concluded that
method of approving an amendment to a treaty was lawful, and its
argument was based in part on subsection (1)(C) of the Byrd-Biden
The Senate insisted on its prerogatives, however, and
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ports the proposition that the President may be authorized to accept changes in treaty obliga-
tions either by further Senate advice and consent or by statutory enactment.
143 Congressional Record, May 14, 1997, p. S4477 (daily ed.).
the administration eventually submitted the Flank Document to
the Senate for its advice and consent. But to forestall any similar
construction of the Byrd-Biden condition in the future, the Senate,
upon the recommendation of the Foreign Relations Committee,
added the following language to the condition in its resolution of
ratification on the Flank Document:
(8) Nothing in condition (1) of the resolution of ratification
of the INF Treaty, approved by the Senate on May 27, 1988,
shall be construed as authorizing the President to obtain legis-
lative approval for modifications or amendments to treaties
through majority approval of both Houses.
Subsequent to that dispute, the Senate has included the Byrd-
Biden condition, as modified, as a declaration not only in its resolu-
tions of ratification on arms control agreements but also those on
every other treaty it has considered, regardless of its subject mat-
ter. The condition now is commonly worded as follows:
DECLARATION.The Senates advice and consent is sub-
ject to the following declaration, which shall be binding upon
the President:
TREATY INTERPRETATION.The Senate affirms the
applicability to all treaties of the constitutionally based
principles of treaty interpretation set forth in Condition (1)
of the resolution of ratification of the INF Treaty, approved
by the Senate on May 27, 1988, and Condition (8) of the
resolution of ratification of the Document Agreed Among
the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe, approved by the Senate on May 14,
Since the beginning of the 105th Congress in 1997, the Senate
has routinely included a second condition as well in all of its reso-
lutions of ratification. That condition, commonly in the form of a
proviso, states as follows:
Treaty requires or authorizes legislation or other action by the
United States of America that is prohibited by the Constitution
of the United States as interpreted by the United States.
This condition was first included in the Senates resolution of ratifi-
cation on the Genocide Convention in 1986. In subsequent Con-
gresses the Senate gradually extended its use of the condition, first
to other human rights treaties and then to treaties on narcotics,
mutual legal assistance, and extradition. In its current form, the
proviso sometimes states that it is ‘‘binding on the President,’’ and
sometimes that it is ‘‘not [to] be included in the instrument of rati-
fication to be signed by the President.’’ Sometimes the proviso in-
cludes both phrases, and sometimes it includes neither.
Both the merits and the form of the condition have been matters
of controversy in the Senate. On May 21, 1985, the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee approved the condition for the first time, 98, as
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S. Exec. Rept. 992, 99th Cong., 1st Sess. (July 18, 1985), at 4.
Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 (1957).
S. Exec. Rept. 992, supra, at 20.
Id. at 21.
Id. at 2831.
one of several conditions proposed by Senators Helms and Lugar to
the Genocide Convention.
The committees report explained that
the condition, at that time in the form of a reservation to the con-
vention, was desirable as a matter of prudence because of ambigu-
ities in some of the provisions of the Genocide Convention. It noted
that the Supreme Court had held the Constitution to be supreme
over treaties as a matter of domestic law
; but, it said, inter-
national law did not allow ‘‘internal law’’ to justify a failure to per-
form the obligations imposed by a treaty. Thus, the committee stat-
ed, ‘‘[if] a conflict were to arise between the requirements of the
Constitution and those of the Convention, the United States might
be found to be in default of its international obligation.’’
Two am-
biguities in the convention were of particular concern, it said. First,
it stated, it was not clear whether the language directing parties
to enact legislation to implement the convention ‘‘in accordance
with their respective Constitutions’’ was solely procedural or ap-
plied to the substance of the legislation as well. Second, the com-
mittee report commented that there was a possible conflict between
the free speech clause of the first amendment and the conventions
requirement that ‘‘direct and public incitement to commit genocide’’
be punished. The committee concluded:
The Committee reservation may never be invoked. Article V
may be interpreted to apply to substance as well as form. The
other articles may never be construed in a way inconsistent
with the U.S. Constitution. Nonetheless, the Committee be-
lieves that prudence, as well as due regard for the obligations
imposed by international law, recommends the reservation.
Eight Senators filed ‘‘additional views’’ criticizing the inclusion of
this reservation, however.
First, they asserted, ‘‘36 years of de-
tailed legal analysis’’ of the convention had produced no ‘‘credible
contention’’ that it was, or could be, in conflict with the Constitu-
tion. Second, they noted that the Supreme Court had repeatedly
held the Constitution to be supreme over a treaty. Third, they said,
it created a lack of certitude about the intent of the United States
to fulfil its obligations under the convention and was ‘‘disturbing to
our allies who have undertaken an unqualified acceptance of the
treatys obligations.’’ Fourth, they stated that the self-serving na-
ture of the reservation suggested that the United States ‘‘was not
ratifying the *** Convention in good faith.’’ Fifth, they claimed, it
invited other nations ‘‘that can easily change their constitutions’’ to
adopt a similar reservation and thus could create major problems
in enforcing the treatys obligations. The eight Senators concluded:
This reservation *** will seriously compromise the political
and moral prestige the United States can otherwise attain in
the world community by unqualified ratification of the Geno-
cide Convention. It will hand our adversaries a propaganda
tool to use against the United States and invite other nations
to attach similar self-judging reservations that could be used
to undermine treaty commitments.
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The treaties were with Great Britain (with respect to the Cayman Islands), Mexico, Canada,
Belgium, the Bahamas, and Thailand See Treaty Docs. 1008 (Aug. 4, 1987), 10013 (Feb. 16,
1988), 10014 (Feb. 22, 1988), 10016 (March 29, 1988), 10017 (April 13, 1988), 10018 (April
25, 1988), respectively.
See S. Exec. Repts. 1019, 10110, 10111, 10112,10113, and 1018, respectively, all re-
ported on July 31, 1989. (The committee also had reported the treaties late in the second session
of the 100th Congress and had, similarly, rejected Senator Helms proposal at that time. See
S. Exec. Rept. 10026 (Sept. 30, 1988).) In each report the majority asserted that the reservation
was ‘‘unnecessary’’ both because the Supreme Court had repeatedly held the Constitution to be
supreme over treaties and because none of the MLATs authorized or required legislation or
other action prohibited by the Constitution; that such a reservation might lead some ‘‘treaty
partners’’ to reject the treaties or to insist on a reciprocal reservation that could ‘‘limit the use-
fulness of the treaty’’; that it would invite defendants and targets of investigation ‘‘to interpose
specious challenges to MLAT requests’’ by claiming that their governments investigative meth-
ods did not comport with our constitutional requirements; that a decade of experience under sev-
eral existing MLATs had not exposed any conflicts with our Constitution; and that, unlike the
Genocide Convention, the MLATs addressed only procedural matters and not the substance of
crimes for which U.S. citizens might be tried. In ‘‘Additional Views’’ in each report, Senator
Helms argued in response that ‘‘the essential reason for such a proviso is the still unanswered
question of whether the Constitution supersedes a treaty or whether a treaty can be held to
be of equal force to the Constitution with respect to its provisions.’’ Court decisions concerning
the supremacy of the Constitution over treaties, he contended, remained ambiguous and incon-
clusive. Senator Helms also asserted that without the reservation the MLATS would allow for-
eign governments, ‘‘some of which are corrupt,’’ to obtain evidence on U.S. citizens in the U.S.
without necessarily abiding by the constitutional requirements that apply to U.S. investigations
and ‘‘to seek U.S. evidence relating to persons in their own countries just to see how much we
know’’; that the administrations arguments to the contrary lacked cogency; and that the MLATs
without the reservation threatened ‘‘a full scale assault against American liberties.’’
135 Congressional Record 25633 and 25637 (October 24, 1989).
Treaty Doc. 1014 (May 20, 1989).
Nonetheless, the reservation remained part of the resolution of
ratification as approved by the Senate, 8311, on February 19,
In the 101st Congress the Senate attached the condition not only
to its resolution of ratification on another human rights treaty but
also to six mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) as well as a
narcotics convention. The merits of the condition continued to be
debated, but a consensus gradually developed around its form.
Initially, the Committee on Foreign Relations rejected, by votes
of 215, Senator Helms proposal to include a constitutional su-
premacy condition as a reservation in the resolutions of ratification
on six mutual legal assistance treaties.
The committee majority
and Senator Helms articulated their conflicting views on the merits
of the condition in the committees reports on the treaties.
But on
the floor the Senate agreed to a compromise. The compromise de-
leted the words ‘‘as interpreted by the United States’’ and provided
that the condition would be included in the instruments of ratifica-
tion on each treaty as an understanding rather than as a reserva-
tion. This meant that the other parties to the treaties would not
have to expressly accept the condition in their own ratification
processes. As modified, the Senate approved the condition by voice
vote and then, after one other modification, approved the resolu-
tions of ratification on the six treaties by votes of 990.
In the following month, the Foreign Relations Committee re-
ported, and the Senate approved, a resolution of ratification on the
United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances.
One article of the convention obli-
gated the parties to provide mutual legal assistance with respect
to certain narcotics offenses. Senator Helms, as a consequence, pro-
posed that the same understanding be added as was added to the
previously adopted MLATs. But his proposal altered the form of
the condition in one respect; it specified that the understanding not
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00146 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
S. Exec. Rept. 10115 (Nov. 14, 1989), pp. 1011 and 115.
135 Congressional Record 31383 (Nov. 21, 1989).
Tr. Doc. 10020, 100th Cong., 2d Sess. (May 23, 1988).
S. Exec. Rept. 10130, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. (Aug. 30, 1990), pp. 45. Most of the majoritys
arguments reiterated the concerns that had been expressed previously. But the report also as-
serted that the inclusion of the condition in the instruments of ratification on the Genocide Con-
vention and the six MLATs had proven ‘‘problematic.’’ Twelve Western European nations, it
said, had filed written objections to the reservation on the Genocide Convention, and four of the
six states with which the MLATs had been negotiated, it stated, had ‘‘voiced strong concerns
about the proviso and/or have taken similar reciprocal provisos.’’
136 Congressional Record 36196 and 36198 (October 27, 1990).
Ex. E, 952, 95th Cong., 2d Sess. (Feb. 23, 1978).
be included in the instruments of ratification on the convention.
The committee adopted his proposal, along with two other under-
; and the Senate approved the resolution of ratification
on November 21, 1989.
Finally, the Senate in the 101st Congress further modified the
form of the constitutional supremacy condition in its resolution of
ratification on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
The condition
was not formally offered during the deliberations of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations, because the minority members
were all absent. Nonetheless, the committee report articulated the
majoritys objections to such a condition, while the minority mem-
bers vigorously protested their exclusion from the committees de-
Once again, however, a compromise was developed
that forestalled a contentious floor debate. Although still objecting
to the condition as unnecessary, the Bush Administration, the chair
of the committee, Senator Pell, and Senator Helms agreed to add
four conditions to the resolution of ratification. In this compromise
the constitutional supremacy condition was stated to be a ‘‘proviso,
which shall not be included in the instrument of ratification to be
deposited by the President’’ but which would be notified to the
other parties. It was worded as follows:
The President of the United States shall not deposit the in-
strument of ratification until such time as he has notified all
present and prospective ratifying parties to this Convention
that nothing in this Convention requires or authorizes legisla-
tion, or other action, by the United States of America prohib-
ited by the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by
the United States.
During the floor debate Senator Pell observed that the condition
was not a reservation and, thus, neither altered the obligations of
the United States under the convention nor allowed other parties
to invoke it on a reciprocal basis as a means of limiting their own
obligations. Senator Helms, terming the condition a ‘‘sovereignty
proviso,’’ reiterated his concern that ‘‘other countries be put on no-
tice that our Constitution is the supreme law of the land, a law
which can never be invalidated or modified in any degree by an
international obligation.’’ Although several other Senators ex-
pressed objections to the proviso, the Senate approved the package
of conditions and the convention by division votes.
In the 102d Congress the proviso gained its current form. During
the Senate Foreign Relations Committees consideration of another
human rights treaty, the International Covenant on Civil and Polit-
ical Rights,
Senator Helms proposed that the constitutional su-
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Id. at 5.
138 Congressional Record 8071 (April 2, 1992).
The MLATs were with Jamaica, Argentina, Uruguay, and Spain. See Treaty Docs. 10216
(Oct. 25, 1991), 10218 (Oct. 31, 1991), 10219 (Nov. 13, 1991), and 10221 (Jan. 22, 1992), re-
spectively. The committees reports on these MLATs stated, incorrectly, that the proviso was
‘‘identical to understandings approved by the Senate’’ with respect to the MLATs with the Baha-
mas, Belgium, Canada, and Mexico in 1989. See Exec. Repts. 10232 (May 21, 1992), at 4; 102
33 (May 21, 1992), at 34; 10234 (May 21, 1992), at 4; and 10235 (May 21, 1992), at 34.
138 Congressional Record 1796465 (July 2, 1992).
Exec. C, 952, 95th Cong., 2d Sess. (Feb. 23, 1978). In its report the committee reiterated
the comment it had made previously with respect to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights: ‘‘The substantive language of the proviso reflects the Administrations position
on the relationship between treaties and the U.S. Constitution. Since this relationship is a mat-
ter of domestic U.S. law, the proviso will not be included in the instrument of ratification. The
Committee agrees with the Administration that this approach eliminates the potential for confu-
sion at the international level about the nature of the U.S. ratification.’’ See S. Exec. Rept. 103
29, 103d Cong., 2d Sess. (June 2, 1994), at 4.
140 Congressional Record, June 24, 1994, p. S7634 (daily ed.).
The MLATs were with Panama, Austria, Hungary, the Philippines, Great Britain, and
Korea. See Treaty Docs. 10215 (Oct. 24, 1991), 10421 (Sept. 7, 1995), 10420 (Sept. 6, 1995),
10418 (Sept. 5, 1995), 1042 (July 30, 1996), and 10422 (July 30, 1996), respectively.
The extradition treaties were with Malaysia, Bolivia, the Philippines, Switzerland, Belgium
(both a treaty and a supplemental treaty), and Hungary. See Treaty Docs. 10426 (May 17,
1996), 10422 (Oct. 10, 1995), 10416 (Sept. 5, 1995), 1049 (June 12, 1995), 1047 and 104
8 (July 12, 1995), and 1045, respectively.
The reports on the MLATS were, respectively, for Panama, S. Exec. Rept. 1043 (May 5,
1995); for Austria, S. Exec. Rept. 10424 (July 30, 1996); for Hungary, S. Exec. Rept. 10425
premacy condition be included as a proviso to the resolution of rati-
fication and that it state that it ‘‘shall not be included in the in-
strument of ratification to be deposited by the President.’’ The com-
mittee adopted the proposal by voice vote and explained the proviso
in its report as follows:
The substantive language of the proviso reflects the Admin-
istrations position on the relationship between treaties and the
Constitution. Since this relationship is a matter of domestic
U.S. law, the proviso is not included in the instrument of ratifi-
cation. This approach eliminates the potential for confusion at
the international level about the nature of the U.S. ratifica-
The proviso elicited no comment in the brief Senate floor debate,
and the Senate approved the resolution of ratification on the cov-
enant by division vote on April 2, 1992.
At Senator Helms initiative, the committee also approved the
addition of the same proviso to the resolutions of ratification on
four mutual legal assistance treaties during the 102d Congress
and the Senate, without comment on the proviso, approved the res-
In the 103d Congress the committee accepted the same
proviso as part of the resolution of ratification on another human
rights treaty, the International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination
; and the Senate, on June 24,
1994, again concurred.
In the 104th Congress, the Senate in-
cluded the proviso in its resolutions of ratification on six additional
and also extended its use by applying it to seven resolu-
tions relating to extradition treaties.
With party control of the
Senate having changed, the proviso was included in the resolutions
of ratification recommended by the Foreign Relations Committee
without the necessity of amendment, either in committee or on the
floor. Neither the committees reports or the brief floor debates on
either the MLATs or the extradition treaties offered any novel com-
ments on, or objections to, the proviso.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00148 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
(July 30, 1996); for the Philippines, S. Exec. Rept. 10426 (July 30, 1996); for Great Britain,
S. Exec. Rept. 10423 (July 30, 1996) and for Korea, S. Exec. Rept. 10422 (July 30, 1996). The
reports on the extradition treaties, all of which were issued on July 30, 1996, were, for Malaysia,
S. Exec. Rept. 10430; for Bolivia, S. Exec. Rept. 10431; for the Philippines, S. Exec. Rept. 104
29; for Switzerland, S. Exec. Rept. 10432; for Belgium, S. Exec. Rept. 10428; and for Hungary,
S. Exec. Rept. 10427. The Senate approved the Panama MLAT on May 16, 1995 (141 Congres-
sional Record S 6764) and the rest of the MLATs and all of the extradition treaties as a package
on August 2, 1996 (142 Congressional Record S 966162) by division votes, without substantive
debate. With the exception of the committees report on the MLAT with Panama, the reports
all stated: ‘‘Bilateral (MLATs/extradition treaties) rely on relationships between sovereign coun-
tries with unique legal systems. In as much as U.S. law is based on the Constitution, this treaty
may not require legislation prohibited by the Constitution.’’
The 105th and 106th Congresses approved a total of 104 treaties on such diverse subjects
as mutual legal assistance, extradition, child labor, taxes, copyright, airline liability, bribery,
trademarks, plant patents, maritime boundaries, migratory birds, arms control, conservation,
and adoption. The one treaty approved in the 106th Congress that did not include the proviso
was the Convention on Nuclear Safety. Treaty Doc. 1046 (May 11, 1995); S. Exec. Rept. 105
1 (March 24, 1999); 145 Congressional Record, March 25, 1999, pp. S3573S3577 (daily ed.).
As noted above, since the beginning of the 105th Congress, the
committee and the Senate have included the condition as a proviso
in its resolutions of ratification on virtually all treaties.
D. R
When the committee reports a treaty to the Senate, it does so
with a proposed resolution of ratification. Proposed conditions usu-
ally are incorporated as provisions of this resolution. By contrast,
any amendments to the text of the treaty, which seldom are pro-
posed, are reported as freestanding proposals for the Senate to con-
sider. Technically, neither the committee nor the Senate actually
amends the text of a treaty; rather, the Senate identifies those
amendments that would be necessary to gain its favorable advice
and consent. However, the committee initially and the Senate sub-
sequently can amend the resolution of ratification. A hypothetical
resolution of ratification containing each type of condition described
above would take the following form:
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring there-
in), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of
[official treaty title], subject to the following:
(1) reservation that ***
(2) understanding that ***
(3) declaration that ***
and provided that:
(a) ***
(b) ***
The conditions included in the last clause are those referred to as
E. S
Once a treaty is reported from the Foreign Relations Committee
and placed on the Senates Executive Calendar, it must lie over for
1 calendar day before second reading and Senate consideration, un-
less the Senate agrees by unanimous consent to waive this require-
ment. The Majority Leader may begin the process of consideration
by making a motion to go into executive session, as distinguished
from legislative session, to consider a particular treaty. This motion
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Confirmed in unpublished committee transcripts.
On February 22, 1978, by a vote of 6730, the Senate rejected a motion to reverse the order
of consideration of the Canal Treaty and the Neutrality Treaty.
takes precedence over most other motions; it is neither amendable
nor debatable, but it may be the subject of a roll call vote. How-
ever, the most common procedure in recent years is for the Major-
ity Leader to obtain in advance a unanimous consent agreement
providing for the Senate to begin consideration of a treaty in execu-
tive session at a particular day and time.
Until recently, the Senates procedures encouraged it to consider
treaties and nominations in the order in which they appeared on
the Executive Calendarthat is, the order in which they were re-
ported from committee. The Senate would agree to a motion that
provided only that the Senate go into executive session. Once in ex-
ecutive session, the Senate was required to take up the first item
on the Executive Calendar, whether it was a treaty or a nomina-
tion, unless it decided otherwise by unanimous consent or by mo-
tion. The motion to take up a treaty out of its order on the Execu-
tive Calendar was debatable in executive session, and therefore
was subject to being filibustered. This procedural hurdle to taking
up items of executive business out of their order on the calendar
occasionally had consequences for the fate of various agreements.
The Threshold Test Ban and Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaties,
for example, were ordered reported by the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee in 1977 but then were recalled, in part so as not to be
placed on the Executive Calendar ahead of the controversial Pan-
ama Canal Treaties.
In the following year, the Senate rejected an
effort to reverse the order in which the Senate would consider the
two Canal Treaties themselves.
Since that time, however, the Senate has established the prece-
dent that a non-debatable motion to go into executive session can
provide for the Senate to proceed directly to the consideration of
any particular item on the Executive Calendar. This precedent en-
ables the Senate to agree to a motion, most likely made by the Ma-
jority Leader, to take up a specific treaty that is on the Executive
Calendar and that has satisfied the layover requirement of Rule
Once the Senate agrees to take up a treaty, its consideration is
governed by Senate Rule XXX. The Senates usual practice, how-
ever, has been to waive some of the procedural requirements of this
rule, including the second reading of a treaty and consideration of
amendments to the treaty itself. Instead, the Senate proceeds di-
rectly to consideration of the resolution of ratification as reported
by the Foreign Relations Committee. To this end, the Majority
Leader may ask and obtain unanimous consent that the treaty be
considered as having passed through all the parliamentary stages
up to and including presentation of the resolution of ratification.
Alternatively, there first may be some debate on the treaty before
the Presiding Officer proposes that the Senate turn to the resolu-
tion of ratification. The procedure followed may resemble the fol-
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Riddick, Floyd M. and Alan S. Frumin. Riddicks Senate Procedure. Sen. Doc. 10128, 1992.
pp. 15571558.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Clerk will report the treaty
by title for the information of the Senate.
[After the Clerk reports the treaty by title, if no one seeks
recognition, or after the debate of the treaty has been con-
cluded, and if no one offers an amendment, the Chair takes the
initiative and makes the following statement:]
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The treaty will be considered as
having passed through its various parliamentary stages up to
and including the presentation of the resolution of ratification,
which the Clerk will report.
[After the Clerk reads the resolution, the Chair should prop-
erly state:]
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Reservations to the resolution
of ratification are now in order. If there be no reservations or
understandings to be offered to the resolution of ratification,
the question is on the adoption of the resolution of ratification.
[If the yeas and nays have been ordered, the Chair states:]
The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas and nays have been
ordered on this question and the Clerk will call the roll.
[After the roll call vote has been taken and the Clerk gives
the tabulation to the Presiding Officer, the Chair states:]
The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this vote the yeas arelll;
the nays arelll. Two-thirds of the Senators present (a
quorum being present) having voted in the affirmative, the res-
olution of ratification is agreed to.
On this vote the yeas arelll; the nays arelll. Two-
thirds of the Senators present (a quorum being present) not
having voted in the affirmative, the resolution of ratification is
not agreed to.
[After the Chair announces the results on the resolution of
ratification, the following action by unanimous consent usually
A SENATOR (usually the Majority Leader or someone acting
for him). Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the
President be immediately notified of the Senates consent (dis-
approval) to the resolution of ratification.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so or-
The opponents of a treaty may object to setting aside the proce-
dures of Rule XXX by unanimous consent and proceeding directly
to consideration of the resolution of ratification. In 1978, for exam-
ple, the late Senator James Allen, of Alabama, refused to agree to
abbreviating the Senates procedures for considering the Panama
Canal Treaties. The procedures of Rule XXX govern the Senate un-
less there is unanimous consent to modify them or set them aside.
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The Committee of the Whole is a parliamentary device by which the entire membership of
a legislative body sits as a single committee to consider a matter and then makes its rec-
ommendations to the body in the same way that a standing committee would.
Rule XXX was amended as part of S. Res. 28, 99th Cong., 2d Sess., February 27, 1986.
Riddick, Floyd M. and Alan S. Frumin, Riddicks Senate Procedure. Sen. Doc. 10128, 1992.
pp. 278, 280.
Congressional Record, March 29, 1988, p. S3204 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, May 18, 1988, p. S6084 (daily ed.).
Before 1986 these procedures were more complicated than they are
today because Rule XXX then required that the Senate first con-
sider treaties on the floor ‘‘as in Committee of the Whole.’’
1986, soon after approval of the Genocide Convention, Rule XXX
was amended to eliminate this requirement.
When the Senate begins considering a treaty under the current
Rule XXX procedure, the treaty is to be read for a second time.
This reading is to be in full and it can be waived only by unani-
mous consent. The text of the treaty itself then is open to amend-
ment, although the first hours or days of consideration may be de-
voted to speeches only, either by informal arrangement or by a for-
mal unanimous consent agreement. If the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee has recommended any amendments to the treaty, they are
the first amendments to be considered, and each committee amend-
ment is subject to second degree amendments while it is pending.
Reservations, understandings, and other such statements may not
be offered to the treaty, nor may they be offered to the resolution
of ratification while the treaty itself is before the Senate.
A motion to consider the treaty in secret (‘‘with closed doors’’)
may be made at any time by any Senator and requires only a sec-
ond. Once this motion is made and seconded, in accordance with
Senate Rule XXI, the Presiding Officer directs the galleries to be
cleared and the Senate continues its business behind closed doors.
‘‘A closed session, under Rule XXI, can be invoked simply by a mo-
tion and a second, and the question is not debatable. Once the Sen-
ate goes into closed session, it may then determine whether it stays
in closed session ***. When in closed session, a motion to return
to open session is in order and not debatable.’’
On March 29,
1988, for example, the Senate went into closed session to discuss
issues raised by the INF Treaty on the day before it was ordered
reported by the Foreign Relations Committee.
The INF Treaty is an example of a treaty considered under the
Rule XXX procedures since the rule was amended in 1986. In con-
sidering that treaty, Majority Leader Robert Byrd, on May 17,
1988, secured unanimous consent that the second reading proceed
through the signatures of the parties, at which time the Senate
would dispense with the reading temporarily. After debate, Senator
Jesse Helms asked unanimous consent that further reading of the
attached protocols be suspended, subject to the demand of any Sen-
ator that the reading of them be resumed. Later, further reading
was dispensed with.
The Senate then voted on and tabled (re-
jected) an amendment to the treaty itself that was offered by Sen-
ator Steve Symms; other proposed amendments to the treaty were
tabled or withdrawn. After the Senate proceeded to the consider-
ation of the resolution of ratification, it adopted various amend-
ments to the resolution as proposed by the Foreign Relations Com-
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mittee, and then agreed to the resolution, as amended, by the re-
quired two-thirds majority.
It is unusual today for Senators to propose amendments to the
text of a treaty. Instead, they typically formulate their proposals in
the form of conditions that they offer as amendments to the resolu-
tion of ratification. Under Rule XXX, after debate on the treaty
itself, the next step is for the Senate to consider this resolution. If
the Senate has agreed to any amendments to the text of the treaty,
they are incorporated in the resolution of ratification, not in the
treaty itself. The resolution states, in effect, that the Senate gives
its advice and consent to the ratification of the treaty on the condi-
tion that the parties to the treaty accept the amendments proposed
by the Senate and listed in the resolution. Once the resolution of
ratification is laid before the Senate, no further amendments to the
text of the treaty may be proposed, except by unanimous consent.
Under Rule XXX, the Senate is not to begin considering the reso-
lution of ratification on the same day it completes debate on the
treaty itself and disposes of any amendments to it, unless the Sen-
ate by unanimous consent determines otherwise. The resolution is
prepared by the Executive Clerk and, when presented to the Sen-
ate, includes any amendments to the text of the treaty that the
Senate has adopted as well as the texts of any conditions rec-
ommended by the Committee on Foreign Relations. As noted above,
the committee now routinely proposes at least two conditions, but
at times it also has recommended multiple conditions of different
types. In March 1999, for example, the committee reported proto-
cols to the 1980 Conventional Weapons Convention with 1 reserva-
tion, 9 understandings, and 13 conditions. In July 2000, it reported
the Inter-American Convention on Sea Turtles with three under-
standings, five declarations, and two provisos.
The conditions recommended by the Committee on Foreign Rela-
tions are the first to be considered when the Senate takes up the
resolution of ratification. Each condition that the committee has
proposed is debatable and amendable. After the Senate acts on the
committees recommended conditions, individual Senators can pro-
pose their own conditions, which are also debatable and amend-
The resolution of ratification, like a bill the Senate considers in
legislative session, is subject to amendment in two degrees. Each
condition that the committee recommends or that a Senator offers
is a first degree amendment to the resolution and is amendable in
the second degree, subject to the Senates established precedents
governing the amendment process on the floor. It also is in order
to offer an amendment in the nature of a substitute that proposes
to replace the entire text of the resolution. Such a complete sub-
stitute can propose that the Senate withhold its advice and con-
sent. During consideration of the resolution of ratification for the
second Panama Canal Treaty, for example, the Senate considered
and rejected a substitute proposing that the treaty be returned to
the President with the advice that negotiations be re-opened with
the Government of Panama. If the Senate had agreed to this sub-
stitute, it would have nullified the proposed amendments to the
treaty to which the Senate already had agreed.
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At any time that the resolution of ratification is before the Sen-
ate, a motion to recommit the resolution to committee may be of-
fered. As with any motion to recommit, the motion may be coupled
with instructions to the committee, and those instructions (such as
instructions directing the committee to hold additional hearings)
are amendable.
If the Senate agrees to any conditions, they are attached to the
resolution following any proposed amendments, to which the Sen-
ate had agreed earlier, to the text of the treaty. After action on any
proposed reservations, etc., the Senate finally votes on a resolution
of ratification that may contain both amendments proposed to the
treaty and amendments (in the form of conditions) to the resolution
itself. Approving the resolution, as it may have been amended, re-
quires a vote of at least two-thirds of the Senators present and vot-
The cloture provisions of Senate Rule XXII can be applied to the
consideration of treaties. In the absence of cloture, the treaty and
its resolution of ratification, and amendments to them, are debat-
able at length, and amendments need not be germane. At any time
during the Senates consideration of a treaty or resolution, a cloture
motion may be filed. To be successful, a cloture motion requires the
affirmative votes of at least ‘‘three-fifths of the Senators duly cho-
sen and sworn.’’ Cloture, if invoked, applies to floor action on both
the treaty and the resolution of ratification. The Senate does not
have to invoke cloture separately on the treaty and then on the res-
If cloture is invoked, there is then a total of 30 additional hours
permitted for consideration of the treaty and the resolution of rati-
fication, and all amendments to them. The time consumed by votes
and quorum calls as well as by debate in connection with the treaty
and the resolution all is included within the 30-hour limitation.
However, any time that the Senate devotes to considering legisla-
tive business or other executive business does not count against the
30 hours. During these 30 hours for post-cloture consideration,
each Senator is limited to 1 hour of speaking time, except that any
Senator who has not spoken for, or yielded, at least 10 minutes
during the 30-hour period is permitted up to 10 minutes for debate
after the 30 hours elapse. Under cloture, a germaneness rule gov-
erning amendments is in effect, and no Senator may call up more
than two amendments until every other Senator has had an oppor-
tunity to do likewise. After the 30 hours expire, Senators may not
offer additional amendments to either the treaty or the resolution
of ratification.
The Senate invoked cloture in 1992 during consideration of
START I and its related protocol. The Bush Administration wanted
to obtain the Senates advice and consent before the 102d Congress
adjourned in October of that year. Senate leaders feared a fili-
buster by opponents, or at least a lengthy debate that would delay
other business and adjournment. On September 26, 1992, Senate
Majority Leader George Mitchell submitted a cloture motion that
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Treaty Docs. 10220 and 10232. Congressional Record, September 26, 1992, p. S15336 and
September 29, 1992, p. S15504 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, May 27, 1988, p. S12785 (daily ed.).
See the account of this incident in Carl Marcy, A Note on Treaty Ratification. American
Political Science Review 47:4, December 1953, p. 1130.
Congressional Record, October 18, 2000, pp. S10658S10667 (daily ed.).
the Senate adopted on September 29 by a vote of 876, putting the
treaty under the 30-hour limitation for post-cloture consideration.
In some cases, filing cloture motions appears to have expedited
Senate consideration of treaties even though cloture was not in-
voked on them. After a week of debate on the INF Treaty, for ex-
ample, Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd submitted a cloture
motion on May 24, 1988, with a vote scheduled for May 26. With
debate on amendments moving expeditiously, the vote was deferred
on May 26, and on May 27 Senator Byrd received unanimous con-
sent to set a schedule of votes on pending amendments and to viti-
ate the cloture motion.
The final vote on agreeing to the resolution of ratification re-
quires a two-thirds majority of those present and voting for ap-
proval. Almost all other treaty-related questionsamendments and
procedural matters, for exampleare decided by simple majority
votes. (The one exception is a motion to postpone a treaty indefi-
nitely, a rarely offered motion, that also requires a two-thirds vote
for approval.) The Constitution does not require that any treaty-
related votes be decided by calling the roll. Nevertheless, the Sen-
ate frequently conducts final treaty votes by roll call at times con-
venient for most Senators, although it sometimes acts on non-
controversial treaties by division votes instead. Increased use of
roll call votes developed as a result of adverse publicity in the early
1950s when the Senate approved consular conventions with Ireland
and the United Kingdom with only two Senators present.
In recent years, with the proliferation of roll call votes and the
increasing number of treaties concluded by the United States, the
Senate frequently has approved two or more treaties en bloc, with
a single roll call vote covering all of them. As noted, on occasion
it also has used the alternative procedure of approving treaties by
division vote. In those instances the Presiding Officer asks the Sen-
ators present to indicate their position by standing to be counted,
and then announces his conclusion that at least two-thirds of those
present have voted in favor of the resolution of ratification. On Oc-
tober 18, 2000, for instance, the Senate approved 33 treaties on di-
verse subjects by division votes.
When time pressures are severe and the treaties to be considered
are non-controversial, the Senate may agree, by unanimous con-
sent, to consider multiple treaties en bloc and to dispense with all
the Senates regular procedures for considering them. On October
21, 1998, for example, during the closing minutes of the 105th Con-
gress, the Senate cast 1 division vote by which it gave its advice
and consent to the ratification of 30 treaties. The Senate acted
under the terms of the following unanimous consent agreement
propounded by Senator DeWine on behalf of the Majority Leader:
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Congressional Record, October 21, 1998, pp. S12972S12973 (daily ed.).
Resolutions of ratification, like bills, are subject to motions to reconsider. If the Senate votes
to reconsider the vote by which it agreed to a resolution of ratification, there could be another
vote on the same question in the same Congress. However, the Senate cannot reconsider its vote
on any matter unless it still has custody of it.
Mr. DE WINE. Mr. President, on behalf of the Majority
Leader of the Senate, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate
proceed to executive session to consider the following treaties
on todays Executive Calendar: Numbers 24 through 54.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so or-
Mr. DE WINE. Mr. President, I further ask unanimous con-
sent that the treaties be considered as having passed through
their various parliamentary stages up to and including the
presentation of the resolution of ratification, that all committee
provisos, reservations, understandings, and declarations be
considered agreed to.
I further ask unanimous consent that two technical amend-
ments that are at the desk to treaty documents 10534 and
10440 be considered as agreed to, that any statements be in-
serted in the Congressional Record as if read.
I further ask that there be one vote to count as individual
votes on each of the treaties, and further, when the resolutions
of ratification are voted upon, the motions to reconsider be laid
upon the table, that the President then be notified of the Sen-
ates action, and following the disposition of the treaties, the
Senate return to legislative session.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so or-
Once approved, the treaty, with the resolution of ratification as
agreed to by the Senate and signed by the Secretary of the Senate,
is transmitted by the Senates Executive Clerk to the White House.
The White House then sends it to the Department of State where
the instruments of ratification are prepared for the Presidents sig-
nature. Once a resolution of ratification has been transmitted to
the White House, the Senate is unable to reconsider its actions
with respect to the treaty unless the President should consent or
desire to resubmit the treaty for that purpose.
If a treaty fails to receive the two-thirds vote necessary for Sen-
ate advice and consent, the Executive Clerk normally prepares a
resolution for Senate approval reporting that fact to the President.
Unless the Senate acts affirmatively by resolution to return a re-
jected treaty to the President, however, that treaty is returned to
the Senates Executive Calendar. Then, in accordance with para-
graph 2 of Rule XXX, it automatically is referred back to the For-
eign Relations Committee at the conclusion of the Congress.
The last time that the Senate rejected a treaty and returned it
to the President was in 2000. The Montreal Protocol No. 3 would
have modified the liability limits of the Warsaw Convention for
personal injury and death resulting from airline accidents. Only
four other treaties were defeated and returned in the 20th century,
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U.S. Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Background Information on the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate (5th revised edition, June 9, 1982), Docu-
ment No. 9730, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., p. 11.
A summary of Senate action on this issue appears in Comment, Laws and Contemporary
Problems 46:2, p. 19.
Ex. B, 951, submitted January 14, 1977. Exec. Rept. 9745, December 16, 1981. Exec.
Rept. 981, February 10, 1983; Congressional Record, March 8, 1983, p. S2279 (daily ed.); Exec.
Rept. 10121, June 28, 1990; Exec. Rept. 1021, February 5, 1991; Congressional Record, June
28, 1991, p. S9216 (daily ed.); August 1, 1991, p. S11711; November 5, 1991, p. S15875; Exec.
Rept. 10520, August 25, 1998; Congressional Record, September 28, 1998, p. S11059 (daily ed.).
the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 being the most significant of
The Senate has considered some treaties without casting final
votes on giving its advice and consent to their ratification. In such
cases, the treaties ultimately are returned to the Committee on
Foreign Relations where they can remain indefinitely on the com-
mittees calendar. In 1972, for instance, the Senate debated an
international convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage.
However, the Senate did not reach a final vote on the convention,
so it was returned to the committee at the end of the Congress.
Similarly, in 1980, the committee reported and the Senate debated,
but did not vote on, separate maritime boundary agreements with
Mexico and Cuba. At the final adjournment of the Congress later
that year, both agreements were returned to the committee. The
committee took no further action on the agreement with Cuba. In
1997, however, the committee again reported, and the Senate gave
its approval to, the agreement with Mexico.
Some treaties have been voted on and failed to receive the re-
quired two-thirds majority, but then were returned to the Foreign
Relations Committee, leaving open the possibility that the commit-
tee and the Senate could vote on them again. In some cases, no fur-
ther action has been taken. The Optional Dispute Settlement Pro-
tocol to the Geneva Law of the Sea Treaties failed on May 26, 1960.
At the end of the Congress, the protocol was re-referred to the com-
mittee and placed on its calendar. (Ex. N, 861), where it remained
for more than 40 years.
In other cases, further action did take place. On March 8, 1983,
Ex. B, 951, Two Related Protocols to the Warsaw Convention on
Airline Liability, Concluded at Montreal, failed to receive the nec-
essary two-thirds vote and were returned to the Foreign Relations
Committee calendar. The committee reported both protocols again
in 1990 and then once again in 1991; but the Senate took no action.
In 1998, because of intervening actions resulting in the acceptance
by the airline industry of higher liability limits for personal injury
and death, the committee reported Montreal Protocol No. 4 favor-
ably but recommended that Montreal Protocol No. 3 be returned to
the President. Protocol No. 4 concerned liability limits for baggage
and cargo and had never been particularly controversial; it had
failed of adoption because it was linked with Protocol No. 3, which
concerned the controversial issue of liability for personal injury and
death. Once the political situation permitted the two protocols to
be separated, Montreal Protocol No. 4 was readily approved by the
Senate and Protocol No. 3 was returned to the President.
In at least one instance, the Senate has approved a treaty after
rejecting it and then agreeing to a motion to reconsider that deci-
sion. By a vote of 4932, the Senate rejected a tax convention with
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Ex. K, 942; Ex. Q, 942; Ex. J, 951.
The vehicle for returning these treaties was an executive resolution. Now, however, regular
Senate resolutions are employed for this purpose.
S. Exec. Res. 104, reported April 23, 1991, and agreed to June 11, 1991. The amendments
withdrawn were Treaty Docs. 9714 and 10012.
Treaty Doc. 1022, submitted March 19, 1991.
Congressional Record, March 9, 2000, pp. S1423S1424 (daily ed.).
Id., October 12, 2000, p. S10499 (daily ed.).
A Presidential message asking for the return of a treaty is transmitted by the Senate Par-
liamentarian to the Executive Clerk, who delivers it to the Foreign Relations Committee.
the United Kingdom on June 23, 1978. The Senate then agreed to
reconsider that vote and, 4 days later, approved the convention by
a vote of 825.
F. R
More often than being disapproved by Senate vote, treaties lack-
ing adequate support simply are not reported by the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee or, if reported, are never voted on by the Senate.
These treaties may remain pending on the calendar of the commit-
tee or they may be returned to the President.
The normal practice for returning treaties has been for the com-
mittee to report out, and for the Senate to adopt, a Senate resolu-
tion directing the Secretary of the Senate to return a particular
treaty or treaties to the President. This procedure was used several
times in 1981: once to return a pending fishing treaty with Canada
that lacked Senate support, and on two other occasions to return
obsolete tax treaties.
In 1991, the Senate adopted a resolution to
return 1979 and 1983 Amendments to the 1966 International Con-
vention on Load Lines.
President Bush had requested the return
of the amendments when he submitted the 1988 Protocols Relating
to the Safety of Life at Sea Convention and the Load Lines Conven-
tion, which replaced the earlier amendments.
Most recently, the
Foreign Relations Committee reported S. Res. 267 on March 9,
2000, proposing that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to re-
turn to the President a total of 18 treaties, including the Law of
the Sea Protocol, mentioned earlier, that the Senate had received
in September 1959, more than 40 years earlier.
On October 12,
2000, after deleting one treaty from the list, the Senate approved
the resolution.
The initiative for returning a treaty may come from the Foreign
Relations Committee itself or the Senate leadership, or it may take
the form of a request from the President.
The President does not
have the formal authority to withdraw a treaty from Senate consid-
eration without the Senates concurrence. In practice, however, a
President can render any pending treaty effectively moot, at least
for the duration of his time in office, simply by declaring his un-
willingness to ratify it, regardless of whatever action the Senate
might take. The decision to return one or more treaties usually re-
flects a mutual agreement between the Senate and the President,
and often is primarily a housecleaning decision to remove obsolete
or superseded treaties from the committee calendar. As discussed
earlier, the Senate also can approve a resolution, without prior ac-
tion on it by the Foreign Relations Committee, in order to return
to the President a treaty that failed to obtain the necessary two-
thirds vote of approval.
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Prepared by Raphael F. Perl, Specialist in International Affairs.
In some instances the Senate has also rejected a treaty. See Collier, E., U.S. Senate Rejec-
tion of Treaties, a Brief Survey of Past Instances. March 30, 1987, Congressional Research Serv-
ice Report 87305F. The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty is the most recent example.
Senate Treaty Doc. 10528.
See Whiteman, M., Digest of International Law, Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Print-
ing Office, 1970, v. 14, p. 61 and Crandall, Treaties, Their Making and Enforcement, pp. 98
101. (2d ed. 1916).
Presidential withdrawal of a treaty while that treaty is under consideration by the Senate
is discussed in Chapter VI.
cf. Whiteman, M., Digest of International Law, v. 14, pp. 4548.
Ibid., p. 50.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, S. Exec. Doc. L, Article 16. S. Exec. Doc. L, 92d
Cong., 1st Sess. (1971). See Appendix 5 (hereafter cited as Vienna Convention).
When a treaty to which the Senate has advised and consented
in either qualified or unqualified form is returned to the President,
a number of procedural options are available to him.
He may rat-
ify the treaty; resubmit the treaty for further consideration at a
later date; or simply decide not to ratify the treaty.
If he resub-
mits the treaty, he may do so in its original form, or he may do
so in a form which has been modified as a result of further negotia-
tions. If he decides not to ratify the treaty, he may so indicate in
a formal announcement, or he may do nothing. The President may
also request withdrawal of a treaty from Senate consideration.
This chapter discusses the options available to the President
when a treaty is returned to him together with the Senates resolu-
tion of advice and consent to ratification. It also briefly examines
options available to the President if other nations (after Senate
consideration) subsequently attach conditions to a treaty which
may affect its meaning.
A. R
When the Senate gives its advice on and consent to a treaty and
returns the treaty to the White House, the President is then free
to ratify the treaty if he so chooses. Ratification is a formal act on
the instrumental plane expressing the consent of a state to be
bound by a treaty.
There is no legal obligation for a nation to rat-
ify a treaty signed on its behalf.
A nation generally confirms its willingness to be bound in a for-
mal document. Such documents are generally referred to as instru-
ments of ratification. However, when the treaty so provides, they
may take the form of instruments of acceptance, instruments of ap-
proval, or instruments of accession.
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Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. (Jay Treaty with Great Britain) signed Novem-
ber 19, 1794. TS105; 12 Bevans 13. Ratification advised by the Senate with amendment, June
24, 1795.
Article 14 of the Vienna Convention discusses consent to be bound expressed by ratification,
but does not address the issue of whether ratification is required if an agreement is silent on
this topic. Modern treaties generally do not fail to address this matter. See Restatement (Third)
of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, sec. 312, Reporters Note 2.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 62.
Article 2 of the Vienna Convention defines ‘‘ratification,’’ ‘‘acceptance,’’ ‘‘approval,’’ and ‘‘ac-
cession’’ as ‘‘international acts whereby a state establishes on the international plane its consent
to be bound by a treaty.’’
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 62.
In the case of a bilateral executive agreement between the United States and another coun-
try, the law of the other country might require ratification there even though U.S. procedure
might not include ratification in such a case.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, pp. 4647.
The President may also include in the instrument a statement or understanding which re-
flects the Senates understanding of a treaty, even if the Senate did not choose to reduce its
interpretation to a formal reservation or understanding. In such instances the record would re-
flect that the Senate attached a particular meaning to the treaty.
A treaty may specifically provide that it is to be ratified by the
President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
ever, this full formulation is not required. A treaty may provide
language, in more general terms, to the effect that ‘‘consent ***
shall be expressed by means of ratification,’’ or that it is signed
‘‘subject to ratification,’’ or ‘‘subject to ratification by signatory
States in accordance with their respective constitutional proce-
The more neutral language is usually used to indicate
that a treaty is not binding.
Ratification itself is a national act.
In order for a nation to be
bound internationally, treaties generally require international ac-
tion such as the exchange or deposit of instruments of ratifica-
It is this international exchange or deposit of instruments
of ratification which is ordinarily associated with the entry into
force of a treaty.
Bilateral treaties commonly specify entry into
force upon exchange of instruments of ratification, or a certain time
after such an exchange; multilateral treaties sometimes require
that a certain number of instruments of ratification be deposited in
order for the treaty to enter into force, either upon deposit of the
requisite number or a certain time thereafter.
As ratification is a national process, it is determined by domestic
procedures and requirements that differ between nations. For ex-
ample, one states law may require approval by the national legis-
lature as a step in the ratification process while anothers may
In U.S. practice, after the Senate gives its advice and con-
sent to ratification of a treaty, the Secretary of the Senate attests
to the resolution of advice and consent, and transmits it together
with the treaty to the White House for transmittal to the Secretary
of State. The Secretary then prepares an instrument of ratification
for the Presidents signature.
The instrument of ratification includes the title of the treaty and
the date of signature. It also contains a summary of action taken
by the Senate together with conditions or amendments proposed by
the Senate.
The instrument will include a recitation of any res-
ervations by the Senate, and may also include understandings or
declarations contained in the Senates resolution of advice and con-
sent. Sometimes the Senate specifies or the Department of State
determines that a proviso or statement need not be included in the
instrument of ratification, particularly if its substance relates only
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U.S. Department of State, Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1974, p.
217. For an example of an instrument of ratification, see Appendix 9.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 62, and Digest of United States Practice
in International Law, 1976, p. 217. A detailed examination of exchange procedures may be found
in Volume 11 of the Department of States Foreign-Affairs Manual [Circular 175] at secs. 734
and 746, text reproduced in Appendix 4. International exchange or deposit of instruments of
ratification is not always necessary in order for an international agreement to enter into force.
For example, an executive agreement may provide that it comes into effect upon signature, or
that its entry into force is dependent on a specified event.
Panama Canal Treaty Between the United States of America and Panama, signed at Wash-
ington, September 7, 1977, TIAS 10030, Article II, Sec. 1. The treaty terminated by its terms
December 31, 1999.
Articles 8284.
Article II, Sec. 1.
to domestic affairs. The instrument of ratification is normally pre-
pared in duplicate: one original is deposited or exchanged, the
other is stored for the archival record along with the original treaty
or, in the case of a multilateral treaty, a certified copy provided by
the depositary.
Once prepared, the instrument of ratification, in duplicate, is
sent to the President for signature. The President signs both dupli-
cates of the instrument and returns both to the Secretary of State
who, in attestation of the Presidents ratification, countersigns
them and affixes to them the official Seal of the United States. At
this point, ratification is complete on the national level and the in-
strument of ratification is ready for international exchange or de-
Treaties generally require the parties to take international action
before an agreement formally enters into force. Thus, once a Presi-
dent has ratified a treaty, he would normally direct that the United
States take the action necessary to effect the treatys entry into
force. In the case of bilateral treaties this action most often in-
volves an exchange of instruments of ratification. Hence, a bilateral
treaty usually enters into force upon such exchange or at a time
after such an exchange, as provided in the treaty. In the case of
multilateral treaties, such agreements generally enter into force
after the deposit of a specified number of instruments of ratifica-
tion at a specified location. Exchange or deposit, therefore, has
been characterized as ‘‘the key to entry into force.’’
In the case of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), for ex-
ample, the Senates resolution of advice and consent required the
President to issue a certification before the U.S. instrument of rati-
fication could be deposited.
The Panama Canal Treaty
and the Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties
are illustrative of requirements for expressing
consent to be bound to bilateral and multilateral treaties, respec-
tively. The Panama Canal Treaty provided that:
This Treaty shall be subject to ratification in accordance
with the constitutional procedures of the two Parties. The in-
struments of ratification of this Treaty shall be exchanged at
Panama ***
Similarly, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties reads:
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Vienna Convention, Article 84.
1 U.S.C. §112(a). Slip or pamphlet treaty texts are published in the Treaties and Other
International Acts Series (TIAS). See 1 U.S.C. §113. See also Chapter X and section, Guide to
Resources on Treaties, in the annotated bibliography contained in Appendix 1.
Although Article 102 of the U.N. Charter specifies that a treaty must be registered before
it can be invoked before any organ of the United Nations, this provision has not always been
followed in practice.
The proclamation of a treaty is a national act by which the text of a ratified treaty is pub-
licized. Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 113. For an example of a proclamation,
see Appendix 9. There are no constitutional or statutory provisions in the United States which
require proclamation of a treaty as such. However, if a treaty changes tariffs, the tariffs must
be proclaimed. Most agreements do not specifically require proclamation, and because proclama-
tion is a national act, the absence of a proclamation does not affect the international obligation
of a treaty. Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 114.
For example, the Senate might be more receptive to unqualified advice and consent to a
multilateral treaty which is resubmitted after 100 other signatories have ratified it, instead of
just a few at the time it was originally submitted.
For example, the U.S.-U.K. Supplementary Treaty to the Extradition Treaty of June 8,
1972, with annex. TIAS 12050.
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thir-
tieth day following the date of deposit of the thirty-fifth instru-
ment of ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention
after the deposit of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or
accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth
day after the deposit by such State of its instrument of ratifica-
tion or accession.
When the necessary exchange or deposit of instruments of ratifi-
cation of a treaty has been completed and the treaty has entered
into force, the treaty text is prepared for publication by the Depart-
ment of State in United States Treaties and Other International
Acts Series,
and registration for publication with the U.N. Sec-
retariat pursuant to Article 102 of the U.N. Charter.
The United
States no longer has a practice of proclaiming treaties unless spe-
cific circumstances require proclamation.
B. R
The President may also resubmit a rejected or modified treaty to
the Senate for reconsideration at any time prior to its ratification
although the general practice is to submit a protocol or supple-
mental agreement setting out amendments. The option of resubmit-
ting the entire treaty permits the flexibility of delaying ratification
of a treaty if, for example, the President expects an imminent
change in the fundamental circumstances which gave rise to the
agreement. It also permits him, in instances in which the Senate
has rejected a treaty or attached reservations he opposed to a trea-
ty, to wait for more favorable circumstances and resubmit the trea-
The President may also resubmit a treaty in a renegotiated
form should a Senate understanding, declaration, or reservation
alter or restrict its meaning to such a degree that it was unaccept-
able to him or to the other party to the agreement.
Generally, renegotiation of a treaty will be achieved by negotia-
tion of a protocol or supplement to the original agreement.
common motive for such Presidential action is to enable the Senate
to give advice and consent to ratification without reservations, or
to avoid outright Senate rejection of a treaty. In such cir-
cumstances, the executive branch usually attempts to negotiate a
protocol or supplement to the treaty which eliminates objections
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Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 58.
Senate Treaty Doc. 10339, p. v.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 58.
Senate Treaty Doc. 10525, S. Exec. Rept. 10624.
raised or clarifies provisions questioned by the Senate.
Any such
instrument is then submitted to the Senate for consideration to-
gether with the original treaty. Such was the case, for example,
with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which
was done in 1982. The United States did not sign the convention
at that time because of flaws in the conventions seabed mining re-
gime. An Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was trans-
mitted to the Senate in 1994, along with the original convention.
The Letter of Submittal from the Secretary of State states that the
agreement ‘‘contains legally binding changes to that part of the
Convention dealing with the mining of the seabed *** and is to be
applied and interpreted together with the Convention as a single
The agreement itself deals principally with the re-
negotiated seabed mining provisions; by correcting those defects in
the chief convention, however, it ‘‘promotes universal adherence to
the Convention by removing obstacles to acceptance of the Conven-
tion by *** the United States.’’
However, in instances where a clarification is sought, the execu-
tive branch may be able to satisfy the Senate with assurances that
specified provisions of a treaty will be administered in a certain
way. In such instances, negotiation of a protocol would not be nec-
Another variant is presented by the 1974 Threshold Test Ban
and 1976 Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaties. It was not until pro-
tocols relating to verification of both treaties were concluded in
1990 that the Senate gave advice and consent to ratification of the
two treaties and their related protocols. The most recent example
of close linkage between a treaty and a protocol to it is the Inter-
American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters,
done in 1992, and its optional protocol, done in 1993, which were
transmitted and treated by the Senate as a single package; the
Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification of both instru-
ments on October 18, 2000.
A treaty may also be formally resubmitted to the Senate, after
full advice and consent have been granted, but before the treaty
has been ratified by the President or entered into force. Such in-
stances may occur when restrictive provisions added in order to ob-
tain the Senates advice and consent are not accepted by the other
signatory(s) to the treaty. With the passage of time, the Executive
may believe the Senate will be less inclined to impose restrictions,
or the other government may be more receptive to accepting the
wishes of the Senate.
An often cited historical example of such a situation involves a
naturalization convention between the United States and Turkey
concluded at Constantinople, August 11, 1874. The Senate, on Jan-
uary 22, 1875, granted advice and consent to this agreement with
amendments which were not fully accepted by the Turkish Govern-
ment, and the treaty was not ratified by the President. Fourteen
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Crandall, Treaties, Their Making and Enforcement, pp. 101102. However, once the Senate
has given advice and consent to a treaty, it does not appear that the President is under any
constitutional obligation to resubmit the treaty as was done in the above cited example. Ibid.,
p. 101.
Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, sec. 303, Comment
d and Reporters Note 3. This power, although not expressly given to the President by the Con-
stitution, has been characterized as a ‘‘power which inheres in the executive power conferred
upon him to conduct our foreign relations’’ See Statement of John C. Spooner before the U.S.
Senate of January 23, 1906. Congressional Record, 59th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 1419.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 50.
21 U.S.T. 2517, TIAS 6997, 330 UNTS 38.
Another more recent example is the treaty with Mexico on the Execution of Penal Sentences
[28 U.S.T. 7399, TIAS 8718]. The treaty was signed on November 25, 1976. Senate advice and
consent was given on July 21, 1977, and implementing legislation (Public Law 95144) was ap-
proved on October 28, 1977. Instruments of ratification were exchanged with Mexico 3 days later
on October 31, 1977. See also Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United
States, sec. 303, Reporters Note 3.
See Crandall, Treaties, Their Making and Enforcement. pp. 9799.
Ibid., p. 98. For a list of 38 treaties that were approved by the Senate with reservations,
but which did not enter into force as a result of the reservations, see Collier, E., U.S. Senate
Rejection of Treaties [Congressional Research Service Multilith 79149 F.] (July 16, 1979.) This
years later, the Turkish Government decided to accept the agree-
ment as amended, but because of the passage of time, President
Cleveland again gave the Senate the opportunity to act. The Sen-
ate, by a resolution dated February 28, 1889, advised the President
to ratify but added a new understanding as a condition. A new
agreement which incorporated all of the Senate amendments was
finally negotiated and signed by the President in 1908. This agree-
ment was then submitted to the Senate and subsequently rati-
C. I
U.S. law does not impose any legal obligation on the President
to ratify a treaty after the Senate has given its advice and con-
It is also generally conceded that international law does not re-
quire a state to ratify a treaty until it chooses to become a party
to the treaty by the means specified in the treaty.
The President
therefore, is free to ratify, or not to ratify a treaty as he sees fit.
As ratification requires an affirmative act on the part of a Presi-
dent, a failure of the President to ratify means that a treaty cannot
enter into force for the United States. In most cases, Presidential
delay of ratification is because implementing legislation for the
treaty has not yet been enacted by the Congress. Presidential inac-
tion is usually temporary, as was the case with ratification of the
1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforce-
ment of Foreign Arbitral Awards.
The Senate granted its advice
and consent to ratification of this convention in 1968, but imple-
menting legislation (Public Law 91360) was not approved until
July 1970. The President then ratified the convention in September
Numerous historical examples of Presidential non-ratification
have been cited by scholarly sources.
One was a treaty of amity,
commerce, and extradition with Venezuela signed July 10, 1856.
The Senate gave advice and consent to ratification of the treaty
with an amendment, but the President decided not to ratify the
treaty and instead renegotiated it in order to effect other changes.
The re-negotiated treaty was eventually signed, submitted to the
Senate, and ratified.
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list, however, does not distinguish treaties unratified because Senate reservations were unac-
ceptable to the President, from those not ratified because reservations were unacceptable to
other parties.
U.S. Department of State Bulletin, vol. 32, p. 822 (1955).
See Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution (1972), p. 394 n. 71.
113 Congressional Record 8332 (1967).
S. Exec. Rept. 926, 92d Cong., 1st Sess. (1971).
See Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1974, pp. 195198. For further
discussion of Senate action on the Vienna Convention, see Chapter III. For subsequent consider-
ation, see Nash (Leich), Cumulative Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1981
1988, pp. 12281239.
Whiteman, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 137.
Ibid. Cf. also Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Article 2(1)(d).
Non-ratification, after Senate advice and consent is given to a
treaty, serves as a final option for a President who does not want
to ratify a particular treaty. In practice, however, Presidential dis-
satisfaction will be expressed at earlier stages of the treatys con-
sideration, and as Presidents and their policies may differ, one
President may be reluctant to ratify a treaty signed under a pre-
vious administration.
For example, the Eisenhower Administration took the formal po-
sition that the ‘‘United States will not *** become a party to the
covenants on human rights, the convention on the political rights
of women and certain other proposed multilateral agreements.’’
Presumably, this statement included the Genocide Convention,
signed by a previous administration on December 11, 1948, but
which had been awaiting the advice and consent of the Senate
since 1949.
Eisenhowers policy was reversed by the Kennedy Ad-
ministration which sent to the Senate human rights conventions on
slavery, forced labor, and political rights of women,
and by the
Nixon Administration which renewed the earlier request for Senate
advice and consent to the Genocide Convention.
Another more recent example, albeit involving administration op-
position to ratification prior to a formal vote by the full Senate, is
found in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The For-
eign Relations Committee ordered reported out a resolution of ad-
vice and consent to the treaty on September 7, 1972, that contained
an understanding and interpretation which the executive branch
[through the Department of State] opposed. As a result of negotia-
tions between the executive branch and the Senate, the convention
was not voted upon by the full Senate and has since remained in
committee, thereby relieving the President of the possibility of
being presented with an ‘‘advised and consented’’ treaty in a form
not acceptable to him.
Unless prohibited by the agreement itself, a state may attach
conditions to an agreement only at signature or ratification. If such
expressions are attached to the treaty as formal statements which
limit or modify its substance, they are known as ‘‘reservations.’’
A reservation is a formal declaration by a state that excludes or
modifies the legal effect of certain treaty provisions as between
that state and other parties.
If a foreign state, or in the case of
the United States, a President, adds a reservation to a bilateral
treaty after the Senate has given advice and consent, the President
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Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution (1972), p. 379. However, in the case of multi-
lateral treaties this is generally not the practice followed. See discussion which follows.
A letter of March 1, 1966, on file in the Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State,
addressed U.S. practice in this regard over the preceding 20 years. The text of the letter is re-
produced in the American Journal of International Law, v. 60 (1966) p. 563.
Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, sec. 314, Comment
c. See also discussion of tacit amendment in section on amendments in Chapter IX.
Letter of March 1, 1966, American Journal of International Law, v. 60 (1966), p. 563.
The letter cites the 1954 Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring [TIAS 3879]
as an example of an agreement requiring majority approval of reservations. It has been sug-
gested that in such cases ** * ‘‘perhaps ** * the Executive concluded that, knowing the practice,
the Senate had waived the need for its consent. Or that he could accept these modifications on
his own authority.’’ Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the Constitution, p. 379, n. 21. Note that the
practice of attaching reservations to multilateral treaties which are not formally renegotiated,
is often a controversial one. It, in effect, permits a state to depart from the terms of the treaty
in contrast to the general agreement of the parties to be equally bound by the terms of the docu-
ment. Thus, the practice of permitting reservations to multilateral treaties has the effect of
making it attractive for states to express objections to a document, and at the same time, to
become parties to it. The end result, however, is often a less homogenous document.
must submit the new reservation to the Senate for its advice and
consent prior to his ratification of the treaty.
As a practical matter, however, reservations to multilateral trea-
ties made by other nations after Senate advice and consent are
generally not submitted to the Senate. This is often the case with
multilateral agreements where the executive branch has developed
a practice of dealing with new reservations of other states, after
Senate advice and consent to a multilateral treaty, without seeking
Senate advice and consent on the new reservation. This develop-
ment owes its origin in large part to the greatly accelerated pace
and increased volume of U.S. treatymaking that has been the rule
following the Second World War, and which has prompted the De-
partment of State, since then, not to refer to the Senate for advice
and consent new reservations made by other states to multilateral
treaties previously approved by the Senate.
The rationale for such State Department action has been charac-
terized by some sources as apparently being based on a doctrine of
implied or tacit consent by the Senate to such reservations,
a Department of State letter on this issue
maintains that the
‘‘reservations made during this period have been such that they
were not regarded as requiring Senate consideration.’’ The letter
cited a number of factors leading to this conclusion including the
existence of ‘‘reservations’’ which were not true reservations (that
is, reservations by title only and not by substance), repetition by
states of reservations identical to, or patterned on those of other
states to which the Senate had originally consented, and policies
unique to some multilateral agreements which permit reservations
without referral to other states, or which make them subject to ma-
jority approval by the other nationsa process to which the Senate
had originally given its advice and consent.
States may also issue clarifications or explanations which do not
substantively modify a treaty. Such statements may be titled ‘‘dec-
laration,’’ ‘‘understanding,’’ or any other descriptive term a party
desires. However, whether in fact a particular statement is a res-
ervation or merely a non-substantive addition to an agreement is
determined by its content and not by its title. This distinction be-
tween reservations and other non-substantive conditions is impor-
tant because non-substantive understandings, declarations, and
statements made by other states after Senate advice and consent
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Such statements may be regarded as nothing more than a clarifying statement. See White-
man, Digest of International Law, v. 14, p. 188.
See Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1978, pp. 729731. The U.S. Sen-
ate adopted a resolution of advice and consent to the treaty with amendments, reservations and
understandings earlier on March 16, 1978.
Ibid., p. 729. For a text of the lengthy Panamanian communique, see Congressional Record,
vol. 124, pt. 12 (June 4, 1978), pp. S16156S16163. It is interesting to note that a Panamanian
plebiscite, held in accordance with that countrys constitution, approved the treaty as formulated
prior to the issuance of this communique, just as the United States had.
Letter of June 14, 1979, from Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations Doug-
las J. Bennett, Jr., text partially reproduced in Digest of United States Practice in International
Law, 1978, p. 730.
Ibid., See also U.S. Department of State, Treaties in Force, p. 225 (2000). Note that the
day before ratification of the treaty, Panama inserted three new paragraphs in its ratification
provision and the issue of whether these were non-substantive statements was again raised. See
Congressional Record of June 15, 1978, v. 124, pt. 14. pp. 1779017793 for objections raised and
the administrations response.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings before the Subcommittee on
Separation of Powers. The Panama Canal TreatyConstitutional and Legal Aspects of the Rati-
fication Process, 98th Cong., 1st Sess., June 23, 1983.
to ratification of a treaty are considered by the Department of
State not to require new advice and consent.
The issue of whether or not a particular statement was indeed
a non-substantive statement, not a reservation, was raised in re-
gard to a communique issued by the Foreign Ministry of Panama
on April 25, 1978.
The communique in question concerned the
Senates reservations to the Panama Canal Treaty, and Senator
Jesse Helms, in a letter to President Carter, stated that the Pan-
amanian interpretation either rejected or repudiated ‘‘key’’ Senate
The response from the White House was that the com-
munique in question had no legal effect as it merely contained a
point-by-point description of items of Senate action together with a
commentary thereon. The response stressed the State Departments
view that the formal instruments of ratification of both the United
States and Panama would contain the full texts of the amend-
ments, conditions, reservations, and understandings which the Sen-
ate had approved along with the Panama Canal Treaties and that
these items would be contained in the formal protocol of exchange.
These were, it noted, the documents by which the parties would be
The White House position was, therefore, that because the Pan-
amanian communique did not constitute a reservation in the opin-
ion of the executive branch, the President was not required to sub-
mit it to the Senate for advice and consent. The Panama Canal
Treaty subsequently entered into force on October 1, 1979, without
Presidential submittal of the Panamanian communique to the Sen-
ate for its advice and consent.
The issue of whether or not certain statements of the Panama-
nian Government were reservations or not was again raised in
hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committees Subcommittee on
Separation of Powers in June 1983.
In the words of committee
witness Dr. Charles H. Breecher:
[The] Panama Canal treaties have notI repeat, not been
ratified in international law, and they therefore did not go into
effect on the 1st of October 1979, and are not in effect now.
The reason is very simple. In their respective instruments of
ratification, the United States and Panama did not agree to
the same text of the treaties. Instead, Panama first agreed to
the treaties as the President of the United States had ratified
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Ibid., pp. 45.
Ibid., pp. 102103.
them, pursuant to Senate advice and consent, and then added
in both its instruments of ratification, unilaterally, something
they called an understanding, on which Panama made its
agreement to the treaties contingent.
This Panamanian understandingin reality, a counter-res-
ervation to both treaties, three paragraphs longwould, had it
been accepted by the United States, have nullified the so-called
DeConcini reservation under which the United States has per-
manently *** the right to use independently *** without Pan-
amanian consent, or even against Panamanian opposition,
military force in Panama to keep the Canal open and operat-
ing. Since the United States has not accepted this Panamanian
so-called understanding, there are no treaties in international
As part of his response to these assertions, Robert E. Dalton, As-
sistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs at the Department of State,
expressed the following viewpoint:
It is indeed true that an amendment or reservation added to
a treaty after Senate ratification may require Senate approval.
This is based on the notion that the constitutional mandate of
Senate advice and consent to a treaty should not be undercut
by subsequent changes to the document which the Senate has
approved. However, the flaw in the application of these prin-
ciples to the three-paragraph Panamanian statement is that
the Panamanian statement is not an amendment or reserva-
tion either in form or substance.
In the present case, the first two Panamanian paragraphs
are quite clearly labeled ‘‘understandings,’’ and the third is a
‘‘declaration.’’ On their face, then, they are not statements that
would seem to require submission to the Senate. Of course, the
definition in the Vienna Convention says, quite rightly, that
the label is not necessarily controlling; it is the substance
which determines whether a statement is a true reservation.
An analysis of the three Panamanian paragraphs makes clear
that they are what they are labeled. None purports to exclude
or modify the DeConcini condition or any other provision of the
treaties, as advised and consented to by the Senate. None is a
true reservation.
It must be stressed, in conclusion, that the issue of seemingly
non-substantive statements raises an important question for the
Senate. U.S. practice is such that when a treaty has once been sent
to the Senate for advice and consent, it is the executive branch that
determines whether a subsequent statement is a substantive modi-
fication or not. It is therefore up to the executive branch, in exer-
cising its discretion not to submit such a statement to the Senate
for its advice and consent, to proceed in a manner that does not
trammel the Senates constitutional role in the treatymaking proc-
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Prepared by Jeanne J. Grimmett, Legislative Attorney.
Ex. N, 861, rejected May 27, 1960; motion to reconsider entered but not taken up. The Op-
tional Protocol was returned to the President by S. Res. 267, 106th Cong., 2d Sess., adopted
October 12, 2000. 146 Congressional Record, October 12, 2000, p. S10499 (daily ed.).
Once a treaty has entered into force, states may differ in the in-
terpretation of their obligations and disputes may arise. Most dis-
putes are settled by consultation or negotiation. However, when
these measures fail, states may resort to more formal dispute set-
tlement procedures. This chapter examines the formal procedural
options available to states that want to resolve treaty disputes
peacefully when negotiations have failed. The most frequently used
options are conciliation, arbitration, and judicial settlement. In the
past, the U.S. Senate has sometimes attached conditions to its ac-
ceptance of compulsory judicial settlement procedures of the Inter-
national Court of Justice in treaty disputes. As certain dispute set-
tlement procedures in the Vienna Convention are similar to those
previously approved with conditionsor in the case of the Law of
the Sea Treaty Optional Protocolrejected by the Senate
ticular attention is given to those procedures in the Vienna Con-
vention which mandate compulsory jurisdiction of the International
International law applies to disputes between nations. The rules
of international law on treaty interpretation as specified in the Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties parallel the traditional
international rules of treaty interpretation. However, the rules gov-
erning treaty interpretation set forth by the Vienna Convention dif-
fer in some important respects from the rules of treaty interpreta-
tion applied by U.S. courts in determining a treatys effect as do-
mestic law. This chapter examines briefly the criteria for a treaty
interpretation applied by these two systems. Finally, as disputes
generally arise out of questions relating to a partys implementa-
tion of a treaty, the question of the obligation of Congress to imple-
ment an international agreement is also discussed.
A. D
If a dispute arises between states concerning a treatys imple-
mentation, it may be possible for the parties involved to consult
and negotiate a mutually acceptable solution. If negotiation does
not resolve the dispute, the parties may resort to more formal rem-
edies such as conciliation, arbitration and judicial settlement.
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Or submitted to the International Court of Justice or to arbitration.
Vienna Convention, Annex, Secs. 1, 5. Note that conciliation is also accorded recognition in
article 33 of U.N. Charter to which the United States is a party.
Ibid., Sec. 2.
Vienna Convention, Arts. 6566.
Vienna Convention, Art. 66(a). For a discussion of jus cogens see Chapter III, Section D,
supra. Jus cogens refers to the existence of a superior law or peremptory norm of international
law which holds a special status internationally and which cannot be violated by a treaty. A
dispute relating to jus cogens would center on the issue of whether a particular international
rule is so universally accepted and exalted by the international community that no derogation
is permitted from it. Parties to a treaty would not be legally permitted, even by choice, to violate
such a rule. An example of such an agreement would be an aggression pact by two nations
against a third. Such an agreement would violate the U.N. Charter prohibition against the use
of force for the settlement of disputes, which is often cited as an example of jus cogens.
Entered into force July 1, 1975, 26 U.S.T. 1117, Treaties and Other International Acts
(TIAS) 8099.
The so-called ‘‘Bryan’’ Treaties and ‘‘Kellogg Conciliation Treaties.’’ See Whiteman, Marjorie,
Digest of International Law, v. 12, 1971, pp. 948950 (hereafter cited as Whiteman), for a list
Conciliation is a non-binding process whereby the parties to a
dispute submit to the efforts of an international body or commis-
sion of persons to bring about a friendly settlement of a dispute.
The Vienna Convention provides that in certain disputes, if not
otherwise settled
within 12 months, a party to the dispute may
request the Secretary General of the United Nations to set into mo-
tion an advisory conciliation procedure. Under this procedure, the
Secretary General shall maintain a list of conciliators consisting of
qualified jurists for prospective appointment to a commission which
‘‘*** shall hear the parties, examine the claims and objections, and
make proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable
settlement of the dispute.’’
The Commission is initially composed
of an even number of members. Each state party to the dispute has
60 days to designate one commission member from the list who is
not of its nationality, and one additional membernot necessarily
from the listof its own nationality. The four conciliators then
have an additional 60 days to choose a fifth conciliator as chair-
person, but if they cannot agree within that time, the Secretary
General chooses that person.
The commission may only hear a narrow range of disputes relat-
ing to validity, termination, withdrawal from or suspension of the
operation of a treaty.
It may not hear disputes relating to imple-
mentation, and it may not hear disputes relating to jus cogens (su-
perior law). Any party to the convention, however, may submit a
jus cogens dispute to the International Courts.
Numerous bilateral agreements also provide for the establish-
ment of conciliation commissions or boards. The Agreement Be-
tween the United States and Poland Regarding Fisheries in the
Western Region of the Middle Atlantic Ocean
is an example of a
bilateral agreement of this type. Article 10 of the agreement pro-
vides for the creation of a conciliation board composed of four mem-
bers, two appointed by each government. The governments under-
take to encourage settlement of claims in accordance with the
boards findings, but the parties involved are not bound to do so.
If one of the parties refuses to settle in accordance with the boards
findings, the board is to encourage the parties to submit to binding
During two periods, 19131915 and 19281930, the United
States entered into more than 40 bilateral conciliation treaties.
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of countries and citations. The United States also signed a conciliation treaty with Liberia on
August 21, 1939 (T.S. 968) and a multilateral Inter-American Convention on Conciliation in
1933 (T.S. 887).
See, for example, the Treaty with Bolivia of Jan. 22, 1914, 38 Stat. 1868, 5 Bevans 740.
Schwarzenberger, G. A Manual of International Law. 1967, p. 241 (hereafter cited as
Schwarzenberger). Arbitration is accorded special recognition by the Vienna Convention, which
provides that a dispute relating to a jus cogens (superior law) not otherwise settled within 12
months, may be submitted to arbitration by consent of the parties instead of to the International
Court of Justice. Vienna Convention, Art. 66(a).
A treaty provision which grants a tribunal automatic jurisdiction over disputes regarding
the application or interpretation of a treaty is known as a ‘‘compromissory clause.’’ Bishop, Wil-
liam W., Jr. International Law. 3d ed. 1971, pp. 6869. Under international law a state may
not be compelled to enter into third-party dispute settlement and must thus consent to its use.
A compromissory clause is a means of giving such consent. American Law Institute, Restate-
ment (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States. 1987, §902, Comment e (here-
after cited as Rest. 3d). For a discussion of U.S. treaty practice involving compromissory clauses,
see Noyes, John E. The Functions of Compromissory Clauses in U.S. Treaties. Virginia Journal
of International Law, v. 34, 1994, p. 831 (hereafter cited as Noyes).
Treaty of Peace with Italy, signed Feb. 10, 1947, Art. 83, Sec. 6, TIAS 1648, 4 Bevans 311.
Details of augmented Commission membership and procedures in the event the initial two mem-
bers are unable to agree have been omitted.
See, for example, the Arbitration Agreement with Norway of Feb. 20, 1929, 46 Stat. 2278,
10 Bevans 488. A list of 25 countries with citations to U.S. Arbitration treaties with them is
provided in Whiteman, v. 12, 1970, pp. 1044 and 1045.
The earlier of these treaties, the ‘‘Bryan’’ Treaties, provided for the
establishment of commissions of inquiry on a permanent basis. Re-
course to these commissions is binding, although the commissions
reports are not binding on the parties. Senate consent, in these in-
stances, was limited to the original treaties, the terms of which did
not require subsequent Senate consent to specific appointments to
the commission, or to the choice of its rules of procedure.
Arbitration is ‘‘the settlement of disputes between states by
judges of their own choice, and on the basis of respect for law.’’
Arbitration is procedurally similar to non-binding conciliation but
differs from conciliation in that parties to arbitral proceedings
agree to accept and to carry out the award of the tribunal in good
faith. Individual treaties frequently contain an arbitration clause
by which the parties agree to create special tribunals and to submit
to them any disputes regarding the treatys application or interpre-
Thus, the Treaty of Peace with Italy of February 10, 1947
provided that:
Any disputes which may arise in giving effect to *** the
present Treaty shall be referred to a Conciliation Commission
consisting of one representative of the Government of the
United Nation concerned and one representative of the Govern-
ment of Italy, having equal status.
[Provisions for appointment of a third member omitted]
*** The decision of the majority of the members of the Com-
mission *** shall be accepted by the parties as definitive and
During the period 19281930, the United States concluded a se-
ries of at least 25 bilateral arbitration treaties with foreign nations.
The text of these treaties generally specified that special agree-
ments would provide for the organization of special tribunals, de-
fine their powers, state questions at issue, and settle the terms of
reference, and that the special agreements would require the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate.
On the other hand, there have
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For a list of 39 such instances, see Willoughby, W. The Constitutional Law of the United
States. 2d ed. 1929, p. 543. Note also that the United States is a party to the Convention on
the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 21 U.S.T. 2517, TIAS 6997. The
Senate gave its advice and consent to this agreement with declarations on Oct. 4, 1968.
For a discussion of investment treaties, see Chapter XI.
North American Free Trade Agreement, entered into force Jan. 1, 1994, Arts. 11151138,
H.R. Doc. 103159, v. 1, 103d Cong., 1st Sess., 1993, pp. 11091121.
Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (Dispute Set-
tlement Understanding), entered into force Jan. 1, 1995, H.R. Doc. 103316, v. 1, 103d Cong.,
2d Sess., 1994, pp. 16541678. Congress approved the Dispute Settlement Understanding in sec.
101 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, Public Law 103365, 108 Stat. 4814.
All WTO Members must be a party to the Dispute Settlement Understanding and are under
an obligation ‘‘to have recourse to, and abide by, the rules and procedures’’ of the Understanding
when they seek redress of WTO violations and other nullification and impairment of benefits,
and not to take certain unilateral measures in WTO-related trade disputes. Dispute Settlement
Understanding, Arts. 1:1, 23. WTO Members ‘‘recognize that [the Understanding] ** * serves to
preserve the rights and obligations of Members under the covered agreements, and to clarify
the existing provisions of those agreements in accordance with customary rules of interpretation
of public international law.’’ Ibid., Art. 3:2. See generally Noyes, at 883890.
A panel is to issue a report on the disputed measure, which is subject to appeal by a disput-
ing party to a standing Appellate Body. Once the panel, and any Appellate Body report is adopt-
ed by the WTO Members, the losing party must present a compliance plan to the WTO and
is expected to comply with its obligations within a reasonable period of time; if the losing party
does not do so, it is required to enter into negotiations over compensation with the prevailing
party, if the latter so requests, or it may be subject to retaliation. The Understanding contains
a negative consensus rule for certain decisions made by the WTO during a dispute proceeding
aimed at strengthening the process and facilitating compliance with WTO obligations. The rule
applies to the establishment of panels, the adoption of panel and Appellate Body Reports, and
where compliance with adopted reports is not forthcoming and, if requested by the prevailing
party in the dispute, authorization for that party to retaliate (that is, withdraw a WTO-covered
trade concession or obligation owed the defending party). Under the rule, the WTO will take
the proposed action unless all WTO Members present the meeting at which it is being consid-
ered vote not to do so. Ibid., Arts. 6, 12, 1617, 2122.
been numerous instances in which the Senate has approved trea-
ties providing for submission of specific matters to arbitration and
has left it to the President to manage appointment of the arbitra-
tors and to determine the scope and form of the arbitration.
In addition, a recent program of bilateral investment treaties has
included an investor-state disputes mechanism that gives U.S. in-
vestors the right to binding arbitration against a host state without
involvement of the U.S. Government, through the International
Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes.
investor-state arbitration is also provided for in the investment
chapter of the trilateral North American Free Trade Agreement
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Understanding on Rules
and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes,
which pro-
vides for the resolution of disputes arising under WTO agree-
and operates through a system of ad hoc panels,
porates binding arbitration at two points in the dispute process. In
the understanding, WTO Members agree to submit to binding arbi-
tration in the following situations: (1) to determine the length of
time within which a Member must comply with an adopted panel
(and any Appellate Body) report, in the event the time period pro-
posed by the Member is unacceptable and the disputing parties
cannot otherwise agree on a deadline, and (2) to determine the
level of trade retaliation, in the event a defending party has not
complied with its obligations with the agreed-upon compliance pe-
riod, the WTO has authorized the prevailing party to retaliate, and
the defending party objects to the level of suspension of trade con-
cessions or obligations proposed by the prevailing party or claims
that certain principles and procedures in the Dispute Settlement
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Ibid., Arts. 21:3(c), 22:6.
Ibid., Art. 25.
Schwarzenberger, p. 241.
United States-Canada Maritime Boundary; Dispute Settlement Treaty with Agreements,
signed March 29, 1979, 33 U.S.T. 2797, TIAS 10204.
Vienna Convention, Art. 66(a).
U.N. Charter, Art. 94.
Ibid., Arts. 3952.
Ibid., Arts. 3952, 23, 27.
Understanding were not followed.
In the latter proceeding, the
arbitrator is to determine whether the level of the suspended WTO
concessions or other obligations is equivalent to the level of nul-
lification or impairment of WTO benefits. The Dispute Settlement
Understanding also allows WTO Members to submit a dispute to
arbitration upon mutual agreement of the disputing parties.
Judicial settlement, as a mechanism for settling treaty disputes,
differs from arbitration in the method of selecting the members of
the judicial organ involved. In arbitration proceedings, the panel of
judges is chosen by agreement of the parties, while ‘‘judicial settle-
ment presupposes the existence of a standing tribunal with its own
bench of judges and its own rules of procedure which parties to a
dispute must accept.’’
An example of a U.S. decision to submit a dispute to binding ju-
dicial settlement is found in the 1979 United States-Canadian Mar-
itime Boundary Dispute Settlement Agreement.
Under the terms
of this treaty, the parties agreed to submit their boundary dispute
over delimitation of the Gulf of Maine Area to a chamber of the
International Court of Justice pursuant to Article 40 of the Statute
of the Court. The Senate granted its advice and consent to this
agreement with amendments, and the treaty was proclaimed by
President Reagan on February 15, 1982. The dispute was then sub-
mitted, and the chamber rendered a decision on October 12, 1984.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides for re-
course to judicial settlement in treaty disputes relating to whether
or not a particular norm of international law is superior or peremp-
tory in character (jus cogens). If resolution of such disputes is not
reached within 12 months after formal notification of the dispute
to the other party, any party may invoke the jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice unless the parties agree to submit to
If the Court subsequently reaches a decision, the par-
ties are required by the U.N. Charter
to comply with it. How-
ever, the ability of the Court to have its decisions enforced is lim-
ited to enforcement by the Security Council.
The U.N. Charter
leaves enforcement of the Courts decisions in such instances to a
political decision of the council, which is subject to veto by any of
the five permanent members, including the United States.
Nations may also agree to submit disputes relating to treaty in-
terpretation to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice
before specific disputes actually arise. The Statute of the Inter-
national Court (to which the United States became a party ipso
facto when it became a member of the United Nations) provides
that states may at any time declare, under Article 36(2) of the
Statute, that they recognize the compulsory jurisdiction of the court
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Examples include the 1969 Consular Convention with Belgium (Art. 46), 25 U.S.T. 41, TIAS
7775, and the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances (Art. 31), which entered into force
for the United States on July 15, 1980. TIAS 9725. As of April 8, 1992, the Senate had approved
42 multilateral treaties containing provisions for submission of disputes to the International
Court of Justice. U.S. Senate. Consular Conventions, Extradition Treaties, and Treaties Relating
to Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLATS), April 8, 1992, S. Hrg. 102674, p.
17. In some cases, the Senate has added a condition concerning submissions of disputes to the
International Court. As noted by one commentator, however, the United States ‘‘is party to very
few treaties entering into force for the United States since 1980 that contain compromissory
clauses referring disputes to the ICJ.’’ Noyes, p. 869, n. 170.
The United States withdrew its declaration accepting the Courts compulsory jurisdiction on
October 7, 1985, in response to the Courts decision to adjudicate Nicaraguas suit against the
United States. Letter from Secretary of State George P. Shultz to U.N. Secretary, October 7,
1985. International Legal Materials, v. 24, 1985, p. 1742.
The Connally amendment is a condition of ratification to U.S. acceptance of the Inter-
national Courts compulsory jurisdiction. It is contained in the Senates resolution of advice and
consent on the U.S. declaration of adherence to the Courts jurisdiction. See S. Res. 196, 79th
Cong., 2d Sess., Congressional Record, v. 92, Aug. 12, 1946, pp. 10621, 10692, 1070510706,
for the text of S. Res. 196 as finally adopted. For the text of the Presidential declaration incor-
porating S. Res. 196, of Aug. 2, 1946, see 61 Stat. 1218, TIAS No. 1598 (1946). S. Res. 196 was
agreed to by a vote of 60 yeas, 2 nays and 34 not voting.
S. Res. 196, supra note 30. This is referred to as the ‘‘Vandenberg amendment,’’ but it is
generally included when the term ‘‘Connally amendment’’ is used.
in legal disputes in a variety of areas including ‘‘the interpretation
of a treaty.’’ In practice, numerous treaties to which the United
States is a party and to which the Senate has consented contain
provisions for submission of disputes to the International Court of
In addition, prior to 1985, when the United States termi-
nated its Article 36(2)(b) declaration,
the United States sub-
scribed to the Courts compulsory jurisdiction subject to a Senate
reservation known as the ‘‘Connally amendment.’’ The Connally
amendment exempted from the Courts compulsory jurisdiction any
matter ‘‘essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the United
States of America as determined by the United States of Amer-
The Connally amendment further qualified U.S. acceptance of
the Courts compulsory jurisdiction in certain instances when dis-
putes involving multilateral treaties were involved. Under the pro-
visions of the amendment, U.S. unqualified acceptance of the
Courts compulsory jurisdiction did not apply to:
(c) Disputes arising under a multilateral treaty, unless, (1)
all Parties to the treaty, affected by the decision are also par-
ties to the case before the Court, or (2) the United States of
America specifically agrees to jurisdiction.
This Senate condition of ratification may be important in relation
to the Vienna Convention because the convention provides that dis-
putes involving peremptory norms of international law be submit-
ted to the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court. In
contrast, the Connally amendment specifically reserved for the
United States the option of not submitting treaty interpretation
disputes to the International Court insofar as such disputes might
involve matters essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of the
United States as determined by the United States.
The Vienna Convention has not yet been ratified by the United
States and remains pending before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. But should the Senate give its advice and consent, un-
qualified Senate approval of its dispute settlement mechanisms
would thus appear to broaden significantly U.S. acceptance of the
Courts jurisdiction. Some might consider this to be contrary to the
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The Connally amendment has been the subject of much controversy. On May 20, 1974, the
Senate passed a sense of the Senate resolution which bears on the Connally amendment. The
resolution, advisory in nature, expressed the sense of the Senate that the President should un-
dertake negotiations with other countries that have qualified their acceptance of the compulsory
jurisdiction of the International Court to have each party agree to accept the Courts jurisdiction
without reservation. See Rague, M. The Reservation of Power and the Connally Amendment.
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, v. 11, 1978, pp. 350355. The
executive branch position on the Connally Reservation has been that ‘‘[t]he Department of State
is on record that the Reservation does not provide the United States with any substantial bene-
fit, and every Administration since that of President Eisenhower has urged its repeal.’’ U.S. De-
partment of State. Reform and Restructuring of the U.N. System, Selected Documents No. 8,
1978, pp. 1316, and U.S. Department of State. Digest of United States Practice in International
Law 1978. 1980, p. 1567.
Congressional Record, v. 132, Feb. 19, 1986, p. 2349.
Note that the issue of whether or not to submit to foreign law, as well as to foreign judges,
was one of the main issues in contentions against repeal of the Connally amendment. See
Stromberg, Ruth, and Zafren, Daniel Hill. The Connally Amendment: The United States Self-
Judging Reservation to the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. Li-
brary of Congress, Legislative Reference Service, Oct. 31, 1968, p. 8.
Vienna Convention, Arts. 3132.
Rest. 3d, §325, Comment g.
Rosenne, Shabtai. Interpretation of Treaties in the Restatement and the International Law
Commissions Draft Articles: A Comparison. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, v. 5, 1966,
p. 221.
Rest. 3d, §325, Comment g and Reporters Note 1.
spirit of the Connally Reservation which specifically attempted to
preserve for the United States the option of disputes concerning
‘‘the interpretation of a treaty’’ insofar involve ‘‘matters which are
essentially within the domestic jurisdiction in any further consider-
ation of the Vienna Convention.
In giving its advice and consent to the Genocide Convention pro-
viding for the submission of disputes to the International Court of
Justice, the Senate added a condition requiring the specific consent
of the United States. The condition specified:
(1) That with reference to Article IX of the Convention, be-
fore any dispute to which the United States is a party may be
submitted to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Jus-
tice under this article, the specific consent of the United States
is required in each case.
B. R
The dispute settlement procedures established by the Vienna
Convention also raise another issue of importance to the Senate,
namely, that the Vienna Convention provides rules for treaty inter-
pretation which differ from those traditionally applied by the U.S.
courts. This may be important to the extent that the Connally Res-
ervation may have been intended not only to qualify compulsory
U.S. submission to an international tribunal (that is, to foreign
judges), but also to avoid compulsory submission to that tribunals
The Vienna Convention codifies existing international rules of
treaty interpretation,
which differ from the rules of treaty inter-
pretation as applied by U.S. courts.
In essence, the convention
stresses ‘‘the dominant position of the text itself in the interpreta-
tive process,’’
whereas U.S. courts are more apt to permit supple-
mentary means of interpretation if necessary.
The Vienna Convention provides that a treaty be ‘‘interpreted in
good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to
the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object
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Vienna Convention, Art. 31.
Ibid., Art. 32.
See Kearney, Richard D. and Dalton, Robert E. The Treaty on Treaties. American Journal
of International Law, v. 64, 1970, p. 520.
Rest. 3d, §325, Reporters Note 1.
Ibid., Sec. 325, Comments and Reporters Notes.
For example, the legislative history of a Senate reservation to a treaty might be considered
in ascertaining its intent.
Rest. 3d, §326(2).
Ibid., Sec. 326(2), Reporters Note 4.
Factor v. Laubenheimer, 290 U.S. 276, 294295 (1933).
Kolovrat v. Oregon, 336 U.S. 187 (1961). For recent examples of judicial treaty interpreta-
tion, see El Al Israel Airlines, Ltd. v. Tsui Yuan Tseng, 525 U.S. 155, 167174 (1999); Zicherman
v. Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd., 516 U.S. 217, 226228 (1996), Sale v. Haitian Centers Council,
Inc., 509 U.S. 155, 177188 (1993), Itel Containers International Corp. v. Huddleston, 507 U.S.
60, 6469 (1993), and United States v. Stuart, 489 U.S. 353 (1989).
and purpose.’’
The context of the treaty for interpretation pur-
poses is generally limited to preambles, annexes, agreements relat-
ing to the agreement, and subsequent agreements which relate to
the interpretation of the treaty, or subsequent practice which es-
tablishes agreement of the parties regarding interpretations.
plementary means of interpretation (such as the preparatory work
of the treaty) are not allowed under the convention unless applica-
tion of the earlier rule would lead to a manifestly absurd or unrea-
sonable result.
Thus, except for unusual circumstances, the con-
vention would exclude as aids to interpretation such items as the
preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclu-
In contrast, current U.S. application of international law in trea-
ty interpretation aims at ascertaining the meaning intended by the
parties in the light of all relevant factors. Consequently, U.S.
courts have not been hesitant to react to travaux preparatoires.
Relevant factors may include the ordinary meaning of words in
context, the title of the agreement and statements of purpose, the
circumstances of negotiation, negotiating history, unilateral state-
ments of understanding, subsequent practice, change of cir-
cumstances, compatibility with international law and general prin-
ciples of law, and differences between languages.
Furthermore, when interpreting a treaty under domestic law,
U.S. courts include as relevant matters indications of U.S. intent
in making the agreement,
as well as the executive branchs inter-
pretation of the agreements meaning.
U.S. courts generally as-
sign ‘‘great weight’’ to such executive branch interpretation of an
international agreement.
Thus, for example, in 1933, the U.S. Su-
preme Court in deciding whether a particular offense was extra-
ditable under the Extradition Convention with Great Britain of
1899, noted the treatys construction by the executive branch as a
factor to be considered in reaching its decision to extradite the ap-
The U.S. Supreme Court noted, similarly, in 1961 that
‘‘while courts interpret treaties for themselves, the meaning given
them by the departments of government particularly charged with
their negotiation and enforcement is given great weight.’’
The issue of treaty re-interpretation by the executive branch
after Senate advice and consent and subsequent ratification by the
parties has been an item of recent interest to the Senate. The Anti-
ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty between the United States and the
former Soviet Union was approved by the Senate in 1972 and sub-
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The Clinton Administration announced in 1993 that it had returned to the traditional inter-
pretation that the ABM Treaty prohibits the development, testing, and deployment of sea-based,
space-based, and mobile land-based ABM systems and components without regard for tech-
nology utilized. Letter of July 13, 1993, from Thomas Graham, Jr., Acting Director of the U.S.
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, to Senator Pell. See Appendix 10.
See U.S. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. The ABM Interpretation Resolution. S.
Rept. 100164, 100th Cong., 1st Sess., 1987.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, Treaty Doc. 10011.
sequently ratified. The treaty restricted the parties use of ABM
systems. Subsequently, in 1985, the Reagan Administration sought
to ‘‘reinterpret’’ the treaty to permit the development of mobile
space-based antiballistic systems.
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee responded by proposing S. Res. 167, the ABM Treaty
Interpretation Resolution.
Although never acted on by the Sen-
ate, the resolution focused attention on the problem of reinterpreta-
tion. In effect, it concluded that the only interpretation of a treaty
that is valid and constitutional is that understood by the Senate at
the time of its formal approval. Specifically, Section (2) of the Reso-
lution provided as follows:
(2) Under the United States Constitution
(A) a treaty is properly interpreted in good faith in ac-
cordance with the ordinary meaning to be given its terms
in light of their context and in light of its object and pur-
(B) the meaning is to be determined in light of what the
Senate understands the treaty to mean when it gives its
advice and consent;
(C) the understanding of the Senate is manifested by
any formal expression of understanding by the Senate, as
well as by other evidence of what the Senate understood
the treaty to mean, including Senate approval or accept-
ance of, or Senate acquiescence in, interpretations of the
treaty by the Executive branch communicated to the Sen-
(D) the Senates understanding of a treaty cannot be in-
formed by other matters of which it is not aware, such as
private statements made during the negotiations that were
not communicated to the Senate; and
(E) any subsequent practice between the Parties in the
application of the treaty is to be taken into account in in-
terpreting the treaty.
Subsequently, in a 1988 move designed to preempt any future
administration reinterpretation of the INF Treaty,
the Senate at-
tached conditions to the resolution of ratification designed to bind
the President to the interpretation understood by the Senate of the
provisions of the treaty at the time of its consent. The text of the
relevant condition stated:
(1) Provided, that the Senates advice and consent to ratifica-
tion of the INF Treaty is subject to the condition, based on the
Treaty Clauses of the Constitution, that
(A) the United States shall interpret the Treaty in ac-
cordance with the common understanding of the Treaty
shared by the President and the Senate at the time the
Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification;
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Congressional Record, v. 134, May 27, 1988, p. 12849. See also discussion of treaty interpre-
tation in Chapter VI.
CFE Treaty, Exec. Rept. 10222, p. 81; START I Treaty, Exec. Rept. 10253, pp. 96, 101
102; Open Skies Treaty, Exec. Rept. 1035, p. 16; START II Treaty, Exec. Rept. 10410, p. 46;
Chemical Weapons Convention, 143 Congressional Record, April 24, 1997, p. S3656 (daily ed.);
and Flank Document Agreement, Exec Rept. 1051, pp. 2224.
For further discussion, see Chapter VI, under ‘‘Condition Regarding Treaty Interpretation.’’
Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution provides that ‘‘no money shall be drawn from
the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.’’
(B) such common understanding is based on:
(i) first, the text of the Treaty and the provisions of
this resolution of ratification, and
(ii) second, the authoritative representations which
were provided by the President and his representa-
tives to the Senate and its Committees, in seeking
Senate consent to ratification, insofar as such rep-
resentations were directed to the meaning and legal
effect of the text of the Treaty; and
(C) the United States shall not agree to or adopt an in-
terpretation different from that common understanding ex-
cept pursuant to Senate advice and consent to a subse-
quent treaty or protocol, or the enactment of a statute; and
(D) if, subsequent to ratification of the Treaty, a ques-
tion arises as to the interpretation of a provision of the
Treaty on which no common understanding was reached in
accordance with paragraph (2), that provision shall be in-
terpreted in accordance with applicable United States
The Senate affirmed ‘‘the applicability to all treaties of the
constitutionally-based principles of treaty interpretation set forth
in condition (1) in the resolution of ratification approved by the
Senate on May 27, 1988, with respect to the INF Treaty’’ in dec-
larations in the Resolutions of Ratification of the Treaty on Con-
ventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) in 1991, the START I
Treaty in 1992, the Open Skies Treaty in 1993, the Start II Treaty
in 1996, and the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Flank
Document Agreement to the CFE Treaty in 1997.
Since 1997, the
Senate has added a modified version of this condition to its resolu-
tion of ratification on all treaties that have come before it.
C. O
Disputes involving treaties commonly center on questions relat-
ing to a partys implementation of its obligations. A question that
may be raised under U.S. law is whether or not Congress has a
duty to implement a treaty which is in force internationally, but
which requires additional legislation or implementation or an ap-
propriation of funds to give effect to obligations assumed inter-
nationally by the United States.
When implementation of a treaty requires domestic legislation or
an appropriation of funds, only the Congress can provide them.
The issue of the extent of the obligation of Congress to appropriate
money arose with debate on the Jay Treaty, the first treaty con-
cluded under the Constitution. In the 1796 debates on appropria-
tions for the treaty, Treasury Secretary Hamilton argued that as
treaties are the law of the land, Congress was obligated to appro-
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Byrd, Elbert M. Jr. Treaties and Executive Agreements in the United States: Their Sepa-
rate Roles and Limitations. 1960, pp. 3539.
U.S. Congress. House. Constitution, Jeffersons Manual, and Rules of the House of Rep-
resentatives of the United States. H.R. Doc. 104272, §596, 104th Cong., 2d Sess.
See generally Bite, Vita. U.S. Withholding and Arrearages to the United Nations Regular
Budget: Issues for Congress. Congressional Research Service Report 91515F, June 19, 1991;
and Bite, Vita. U.N. System Funding: Congressional Issues. Congressional Research Service
Issue Brief for Congress IB86116 (updated December 14, 2000).
Henkin, Louis. Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution. 2d ed. 1996, p. 205
(hereafter cited as Henkin). However, failure to implement an internationally perfected treaty
would constitute a violation of obligations assumed by the United States under international
law. See Memorandum of April 12, 1976, by Monroe Leigh, Legal Adviser, Department of State,
as quoted in U.S. Department of State. Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law 1976. 1977,
p. 221.
Henkin, pp. 205206.
Public Law 102266, signed April 2, 1992. For a table and breakdown of the cuts see San-
ford, Jonathan E. U.S. Foreign Policy and Multilateral Development Banks. 1982, pp. 126129
(hereafter cited as Sanford 1982).
See Sanford, Jonathan E. Multilateral Development Banks: U.S. Contributions FY 1990
2001. CRS Report for Congress RS 20792.
priate the money to implement them. Members of Congress, nota-
bly James Madison, maintained that the House was free to decide
whether or not to approve appropriations regardless of any treaty
obligations. The House eventually approved the request for funds,
but appended to its approval a stipulation that it was free not to
approve such requests in the future.
The House manual notes
subsequent occasions when the House maintained the position that
a treaty must depend on a law for its execution of stipulations that
relate to subjects constitutionally entrusted to Congress.
Although the Congress has usually insisted on the right of choice
not to appropriate funds to implement a perfected treaty, histori-
cally the funds have generally been forthcoming. Exceptions do
exist, however, notably past congressional reluctance to appropriate
the full amounts of money assessed for U.S. contributions to the
United Nations.
The extent of congressional obligation to implement a treaty
under U.S. law has not been resolved in principle.
According to
an often-cited authority, Congress has generally responded ‘‘to a
sense of duty to carry out what the treaty-makers promised, to a
reluctance to defy and confront the President (especially after he
can no longer retreat), to an unwillingness to make the U.S. system
appear undependable, even ludicrous. But the independence of the
legislative power (subject only to the Presidential veto as provided
in the constitution) has given Congress opportunities to interpret
the need for implementation and to shape and limit it in important
details; Congress has not always given the President exactly the
laws he asked for or as much money as he said a treaty re-
With regard to funding U.S. international obligations, Congress,
since 1971, has made a number of cuts in appropriations for the
multilateral development banks. In 1971, the administration re-
quested $912.85 million and received only $455 million. Although
the level of such cuts has varied, they have occurred consistently
on an annual basis. For fiscal year 1993, the administration re-
quested $1,785.5 million, the Congress appropriated only $1,583.5
This included contributions which were less than the ad-
ministration had requested for some multilateral programs and
more than the administration had requested for others.
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For a discussion of the commitment issue generally, see Sanford 1982, pp. 152179.
Sanford 1982, p. 171. For the text of the Appropriations Committee letter, see U.S. Senate.
Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Bill, 1976. S. Rept. 94704, 94th Cong.,
2d Sess., 1976, pp. 165167.
U.S. Congress, House, Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, 1976,
H. Rept. 94857, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., 1976, pp. 5051. The last portion of the $55 million was
ultimately restored in fiscal year 1981, well after the schedule provided for in the original com-
Public Law 105118, Sec. 560(a), 111 Stat. 2425, 22 U.S.C. §284s note (Supp. IV 1999). In
1999, however, Congress, without using the appropriations condition employed in earlier years,
authorized the Secretary of the Treasury, in order ‘‘to fulfill commitments of the United States
** * [to] contribute on behalf of the United States ** * to the twelfth replenishment of the Inter-
national Development Association’’; at the same time, Congress authorized an appropriation of
$2.41 billion for this purpose. Public Law 106113, Appendix BH.R. 3422, Sec. 594, 113 Stat.
1501A122. In 1998, Congress added an appropriations condition to authority granted to the
United States Governor of the International Monetary Fund to consent to an increase in the
U.S. quota in the Fund equivalent to 10,622,500,000 Special Drawing Rights. 22 U.S.C. §286e
1m (Supp. IV 1999), as added by Public Law 105277, Div. A, §101(d) [title VI, § 608], 112 Stat.
Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the United States and Spain, signed Jan.
24, 1976, entered into force Sept. 21, 1976, 27 U.S.T. 3005, TIAS 8360.
U.S. Congress, Senate, Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with Spain, S. Exec. Rept. 94
25, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., p. 7. The language in this report specified that the committee intends
‘‘to make it clear that funds will be made available to carry out the Treaty from year to year
through the normal appropriations process, including prior authorizations procedures’’ and ** *
‘‘intends to deal with funding of the Treaty commitments for foreign assistance and military
Among other things, these events may be seen as evidence of the
Congress desire to make clear its right and power to specify com-
mitment levels and to make appropriations cuts even after approv-
ing international agreements.
For example, in 1974 Congress en-
acted legislation authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury ‘‘to
pledge on behalf of the United States to pay’’ $1.5 billion in four
equal annual installments, as the U.S. share of the fourth replen-
ishment to the International Development Association. In a letter
to Treasury Secretary William Simon, however, the Senate Appro-
priations Committee stressed that Congress ‘‘was not committed to
any given funding level until that figure is actually appropriated.’’
After the administration nonetheless filed papers with the World
Bank formally committing the United States to an agreement to
pay this amount,
Congress responded by cutting by $55 million
the first U.S. payment to the International Development Associa-
tion in what reportedly was an attempt by Congress to make clear
its dissatisfaction over the commitment issue.
Beginning in 1977,
Congress had stipulated in its authorization acts that the U.S. Gov-
ernment could not make any formal commitment until the nec-
essary appropriations legislation was enacted. As a recent example,
Congress in 1997 required the Secretary of the Treasury to obtain
the appropriation prior to making final commitment for the con-
tribution to the financial institution for its eleventh replenishment
on behalf of the United States.
The Senate may also use its advice and consent to a treaty as
an opportunity to make clear that appropriation of funds will be
made subject to the appropriations process on a year-to-year sched-
ule. In the case of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation Be-
tween the United States and Spain,
the President had promised
security assistance to Spain over a 5-year period in exchange for
U.S. base rights. The Senate, however, conditioned its advice and
consent to the treaty on a declaration intended to emphasize that
appropriation of the promised funds could only be done by statu-
tory authorization and not by treaty alone.
The pertinent lan-
guage of the Senate declaration involved reads:
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sales in the regular foreign assistance authorization and appropriation and legislation.’’ Excerpts
from the committee report are also found in U.S. Department of State. Digest of United States
Practice in International Law 1976. 1977, pp. 232233.
See S. Exec. Rept. 9425, and Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1976.
1977, p. 232.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 1975.
S. Rept. 9439, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., 1975, pp. 151155 and U.S. Congress. Senate, Foreign
Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 1976. S. Rept. 94704, 94th Cong., 2d
Sess. 1976, pp. 161162. See also Sanford, Jonathan. U.S. Policy toward the Multilateral Devel-
opment Banks: The Role of Congress. George Washington Journal of International Law and Eco-
nomics, v. 22, 1988, pp. 4957.
The Department of State, Justice and Commerce, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Ap-
propriations Act, 1979, Public Law 95431, 92 Stat. 1021.
For the text of the Presidents statements, see U.S. Department of State. Digest of United
States Practice in International Law 1978. pp. 136137.
See Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1978, Public Law 95148,
91 Stat. 1238, for the sense of the Senate on future U.S. contributions to the international finan-
cial institutions. (22 U.S.C. 262c note). See Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropria-
tions Act, 1979, Public Law 95481, 92 Stat. 1591, for the sense of the Congress on such fund-
ing. Note that it is not unusual for the executive branch to negotiate and sign agreements ‘‘sub-
ject to the availability of funds.’’
the sums referred to in *** the Treaty, shall be made avail-
able for obligation through the normal procedures of the Con-
gress, including the process of prior authorization, and annual
appropriations shall be provided to Spain in accordance with
the provisions of foreign assistance and related legislation.
Congress, in the exercise of its appropriation power, can also ear-
mark funds for a specific purpose, thereby preventing their use for
other purposes. The record suggests, however, that this has often
been held impermissible under the rules of multilateral agencies.
One example involving funds to implement a treaty is found in the
1975 fiscal year appropriations for the Inter-American Develop-
ment Bank. In that year, Congress earmarked $50 million of the
banks concessional aid specifically for loans to cooperative institu-
tions. The bank, however, refused to accept the funds on the
ground that its charter prohibits acceptance of conditional contribu-
tions to its regular loan accounts. Congress subsequently rescinded
the earmarking requirements in its 1976 fiscal year appropriations
In another instance, legislation in October 1978 pro-
hibited the use of U.S. assessed contributions to the United Na-
tions for financing of technical assistance to other countries.
President Carter, when signing the bill into law, voiced a strong
opposition to those restrictions saying that ‘‘if allowed to stand, this
[congressional] action would cause the United States to violate its
treaty obligations to support the organizations of the United Na-
tions system.’’
Another method by which Congress has attempted to use the ap-
propriations power to influence treaty implementation is through
sense of the Congress resolutions. Congress has used such resolu-
tions to indicate its views about reasonable funding required to
give effect to a treaty. In 1977 and 1978, Congress passed legisla-
tion specifying the U.S. share in future multilateral development
bank funding plans.
In such instances, by specifying in advance
the limits of its intent to commit funds, the Congress hoped to re-
duce the possibility of future congressional-executive branch fric-
tion over the issue.
More recently, Congress has called for legislative-executive con-
sultation prior to and during international negotiations leading up
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22 U.S.C. 262g3. International Financial Institutions Act, Public Law 95118, as amended.
Title XII was added by sec. 1361(b) of Public Law 9735.
Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1993,
Public Law 102391.
to agreements involving funds. In 1981, Congress added Title XII
to the International Financial Institutions Act, which states:
Title XIICongressional Consultations
Sec. 1201. The Secretary of the Treasury or his designee shall
consult with the Chairman and the Ranking Minority Member
(1) the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Af-
fairs of the House of Representatives, the Committee on
Appropriations of the House of Representatives, and the
appropriate subcommittee of each such committee, and
(2) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate,
the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, and the
appropriate subcommittee of each such committee, for the
purpose of discussing the position of the executive branch
and the views of the Congress with respect to any inter-
national negotiations being held to consider future replen-
ishments or capital expansions of any multilateral develop-
ment bank which may involve an increased contribution or
subscription by the United States. Such consultation shall
be made (A) not later than 30 days before the initiation of
such international negotiations, (B) during the period in
which such negotiations are being held, in a frequent and
timely manner, and (C) before a session of such negotia-
tions is held at which the United States representatives
may agree to such a replenishment or capital expansion.
Similarly, the Foreign Operations Appropriation Act for Fiscal
Year 1993 called for consultation prior to negotiations of agree-
ments on funding multilateral financial institutions, stating the fol-
Prior Consultations on IFI Replenishments
Sec. 537. Prior to entering into formal negotiations on any
replenishment for any international financial institution or
multilateral development bank, the Secretary of the Treasury
shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations and ap-
propriate authorizing committees on the United States position
entering those negotiations.
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Prepared by David M. Ackerman, Legislative Attorney.
In determining the legal framework governing the subjects of this chapter, considerable reli-
ance has been placed on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the American Law
Institutes Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States (1987). Some
use has also been made of the edition of the Restatement published in 1965 and, on occasion,
a tentative draft Restatement which contained the ALIs study drafts leading up to the revisions
that appear in the Restatement (Third). Other major sources of information have been the var-
ious editions of the Department of States Digest of International Law, notably the Hackworth,
Whiteman, and Nash (Leich) editions, supplemented by the annual volumes that appeared from
19731980 and the post-1988 notes on the ‘‘Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating
to International Law’’ that appear in the quarterly American Journal of International Law. Ref-
erence has also been made to such treatises as Butler, Charles Henry. The Treaty-Making
Power of the United States Senate. New York. The Banks Law Publishing Company, 1902;
Crandall, Samuel B. Treaties: Their Making and Enforcement. Washington, D.C., John Byrne
& Company, 1916; and Henkin, Louis. Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution (2d
ed.). Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1996. The Senate Foreign Relations Committees biennial reports
of its legislative activities have in recent years also provided helpful information with respect
to legislative, principally Senate, developments. For summaries of the committees activities in
the 101st, 102d, 103d, and 104th Congresses, see S. Rept. 10230 (1991); S. Rept. 10335 (1993);
S. Rept. 10421 (1995); and S. Rept. 1058 (1997), respectively.
International law does not distinguish between agreements designated as treaties and other
international agreements; all such agreements are denominated as treaties. In domestic law,
however, the word ‘‘treaty’’ means an international agreement made by the President with the
advice and consent of the Senate, two-thirds of the Senators present concurring. Other inter-
national agreements, also from a purely domestic perspective, include executive agreements pur-
suant to treaty, congressionally-authorized executive agreements, and sole executive agreements
or executive agreements more or less exclusively based on Presidential powers. See Chapters
III and IV.
Article II, sec. 2, Clause 2.
Article VI, sec. 2.
Article I, sec. 10, Clause 1.
For example, a treaty may not appropriate funds. Turner v. American Baptist Missionary
Union, 24 F. Cas. 344 (No. 14, 251) (C.C. Mich. 1852). A treaty may not enact criminal law.
Compare United States v. Hudson & Goodwin, 7 Cranch (11 U.S.) 32 (1812); United States v.
Coolidge, 1 Wheat. (14 U.S.) 415 (1816); cf. The Estrella, 4 Wheat. (17 U.S.) 298 (1819).
A. I
The Constitution in clear and unmistakable terms settles only
three matters with respect to treaties:
it establishes the treaty
power and identifies the treatymaking principals;
it provides that
self-executing treaties together with the Constitution and Federal
laws constitute the supreme law of the land;
and it withholds
from the several states of the United States authority to enter into
any treaty.
On a whole range of concerns affecting the subject of
treaties, including amendment or modification, extension, suspen-
sion, and termination, the Constitution is silent. More than 200
years of practice and judicial decisions have filled some of the men-
tioned and other gaps,
but a number of treaty-related issues per-
sist without definitive resolution.
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See, generally, Farrand, Max. The Records of Convention of 1787 (4 vols.), Yale University
Press (1966).
See, generally, Elliot, Jonathan. The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adop-
tion of the Federal Constitution (5 vols.), Burt Franklin, New York (1888 ed.)
Henkin, Louis. Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution (2d ed.), Clarendon Press
(1996), p. 212 (hereafter cited as Henkin).
See Chapters III and IV.
American Law Institute, Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United
States, vol. 1, American Law Institute Publishers (1987), §1 (hereafter cited as Restatement
(Third) or Rest. 3d).
United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304, 318 (1936) (emphasis added).
Neither the records of the Proceedings at the Constitutional Con-
nor those of the ratifying conventions in the states
cate the reasons for these glaring omissions. It may be, as one com-
mentator has suggested in discussing treaty termination, that ‘‘per-
haps the Framers were concerned only to check the President in
entangling the United States; disentangling is less risky and may
have to be done quickly, and is often done piecemeal, or ad hoc, by
various means and acts.’’
The constitutional treatment of other kinds of international
agreements, designated executive agreements, is even more sparse
than that of treaties. The Constitution does not expressly authorize
the making of international agreements other than treaties, but ex-
ecutive agreements on a variety of subjects and of varying degrees
of importance have been common from the earliest of times under
the Constitution.
Although these domestic legal matters are of more than passing
interest, they have not prevented the United States from amending
or modifying, extending, suspending, and terminating international
agreements. As a state in the international community of states,
the United States is subject to international law, the law that gov-
erns relations between states.
Accordingly, the United States,
constitutional silence notwithstanding, is invested with powers
which belong to all independent nations. In a celebrated passage
from a landmark Supreme Court decision, this idea was expressed
as follows:
It results that the investment of the Federal government
with the powers of external sovereignty did not depend upon
the affirmative grants of the Constitution. The powers to de-
clare and wage war, to conclude peace, to make treaties, to
maintain diplomatic relations with other sovereignties, if they
had never been mentioned in the Constitution, would have
vested in the Federal government as necessary concomitants of
nationality. *** As a member of the family of nations, the
right and power of the United States in that field are equal to
the right and power of other members of the international fam-
ily. Otherwise, the United States is not completely sovereign.
The power to acquire territory by discovery and occupa-
tion ***, the power to expel undesirable aliens ***, the power
to make such international agreements as do not constitute
treaties in the constitutional sense ***, none of which is ex-
pressly affirmed by the Constitution, nevertheless exist as in-
herently inseparable from the conception of nationality. This
the court recognized, and *** found the warrant for its conclu-
sions not in the provisions of the Constitution, but in the law
of nations.
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Pacta sunt servanda or ‘‘agreements must be kept’’ is a fundamental rule of international
law. Article 26 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Senate. Ex. L, 92d Cong., 1st
Sess. (April 24, 1970), states the rule as follows: ‘‘Every treaty in force is binding upon the par-
ties to it and must be performed by them in good faith.’’
With regard to internal law and the observance of treaties, Article 27 of the Vienna Conven-
tion on the Law of Treaties provides, in part, as follows: ‘‘A party may not invoke the provisions
of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.’’ However, an exception is
allowed under Article 46 of the Convention in one specific circumstance, namely, where the vio-
lation of internal law ‘‘was manifest and concerned a rule of ** * internal law of fundamental
Whiteman, Marjorie. Digest of International Law, 1970. v. 14, 460 (hereafter cited as 14
Whiteman). Compare S. Rept. 97, 34th Cong., 1st Sess. See, generally, U.S. Congress. Senate.
Committee on Foreign Relations. Termination of Treaties: The Constitutional Allocation of
Power. Committee Print. 95th Cong., 2d Sess. (1978).
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. International Agreements: An
Analysis of Executive Regulations and Practices. Committee Print. 95th Cong., 1st Sess., 10, n.
16 (1977).
Rest. 3d, supra, note 12, §303, Comment e, p. 161: ‘‘The prevailing view is that the
Congressional-Executive agreement can be used as an alternative to the treaty method in every
Ibid., §339, Reporters Note 2.
As a general rule, international law and domestic law regarding
the amendment or modification, extension, suspension, and termi-
nation of treaties and other international agreements are in sub-
stantial harmony. International law recognizes the power to accom-
plish each of these ends in the proper circumstances and allows
and accommodates adherence to domestic legal procedures relating
to the manner of their execution. However, as the fundamental rule
of treaties is that they are to be observed,
provisions of internal
law are generally not available as a justification for the failure of
a party to carry out a treaty.
It can be argued that amendment or modification, extension, sus-
pension, and termination of a treaty are essentially the forging of
new agreements and that, therefore, each is subject to the same
rules as apply to the making of a treaty, that is, conjoint action by
the President and the Senate. However, that conclusion is not es-
tablished by an unbroken line of consistent practice. By and large
the participation of the Senate with respect to amendment or modi-
fication and extension of treaties seems fairly well established; sus-
pension seems largely left to Presidential determination; termi-
nation has happened in such a variety of ways that it has been
said that ‘‘[n]o settled rule or procedure has been followed.’’
even the supposed iron-clad domestic rule that the amendment or
modification of a treaty has to be accomplished by an instrument
of equal dignity which is subject to Senate approval has been de-
parted from on at least a pair of notable occasions. ‘‘For example,
both the Italian and Japanese peace treaties have been altered by
executive agreements not subject to Senate approval.’’
to the extent that congressionally-authorized executive agreements
have become the legal equivalent of treaties,
it can be contended
that the amendment or modification and extension of a treaty could
be accomplished by such an executive agreement, although this
does not appear to have happened in practice.
Judged as a purely domestic legal matter, the amendment or
modification, extension, suspension, and termination of an execu-
tive agreement concluded by the President can be accomplished by
the President alone.
This conclusion seems to be invariably true
in the case of executive agreements concluded by virtue of exclusive
Presidential authority and frequently but not always true with re-
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‘‘No one has questioned the Presidents authority to terminate sole executive agreements.
Where the Constitution lodges the power to terminate ** * a congressional-executive agreement
has been an issue at various times in the history of the United States. Practice has varied, the
President sometimes terminating an agreement on his own authority, sometimes when re-
quested to do so by Congress or by the Senate alone.’’ Ibid. See also Hackworth, Green Haywood.
Digest of International Law, 1927. v. V, p. 429 (hereafter cited as V Hackworth).
‘‘Congress could impose such a condition in authorizing the President to conclude an agree-
ment that depended on Congressional authority.’’ Restatement of the Law: Foreign Relations
Law of the United States (Revised) (Tentative Draft No. 1, 1980), p. 193 (hereafter cited as Draft
Head Money Cases, 112 U.S. 580 (1884); Whitney v. Robertson, 124 U.S. 581 (1888); The
Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U.S. 581 (1889). The fact that this results in a violation of inter-
national law by the United States does not appear to be of any constitutional significance.
Henkin, supra, note 2, p. 485, note 130.
Wildhaber, Luzius. Treaty-Making Power and the Constitution. Basel and Stattgart,
Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1971, p. 67.
spect to executive agreements authorized by statute or treaty.
the two last mentioned circumstances, the authorizing statute or
treaty may conceivably condition amendment or modification, ex-
tension, suspension, and termination on senatorial or congressional
Finally, treaties and executive agreements generally may both be
superseded by an act of Congress in so far as their domestic con-
sequences are concerned.
However, legislation alone does not af-
fect the international obligation of the United States under a treaty
or executive agreement.
Several post-World War II developments have impacted the Sen-
ates role with respect to international agreements. One of these
developments has been the shift to executive agreements and away
from treaties, a subject documented elsewhere in this volume. That
shift, arguably, has diminished the role of the Senate and given
greater prominence to Presidential initiative and, in the case of
congressionally-authorized executive agreements, to the House of
Representatives. As previously noted, executive agreements have
been used in at least two instances to modify treaties.
The emergence and growth in multiparty or multilateral inter-
national agreements seems also to have had a decided impact on
Senate consideration of amendments and modifications. For in-
stance, in discussing other countries reservations to treaties with
the United States at a time when bilateral treaties were the norm,
the Solicitor of the Department of State wrote some years ago that
‘‘[i]f after the ratification of an international treaty, by the United
States, this Government should be asked to agree to reservations
on the part of some other nation, I think that the Executive could
not give such agreement without the consent of the Senate.’’
that does not appear to be the case with respect to reservations to
multilateral agreements. ‘‘[I]n 1966, the Office of the Legal Adviser
to the Department of State asserted flatly that since 1946 not a
single reservation to a multilateral treaty had been submitted to
the Senate for approval.’’
The Restatement (Third) similarly ob-
If another party formulates a reservation to a treaty to
which the United States is a party, the reservation cannot be-
come effective as to the United States, through acceptance or
failure to object, unless the Senate has given its consent. In
multilateral agreements, however, the Executive Branch has
developed the practice of accepting or acquiescing in reserva-
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Rest. 3d, supra, note 12, §314, Comment c.
See, for example, Article 24 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, TIAS ll (1994); Article 24 of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Ant-
arctic Treaty, TIAS ll (1998); Article 25 of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change, FCCC/CP/L.7/Add.1 (1997) (not yet submitted to the Sen-
ate); Article 18 of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, TIAS 11097
(1988); Article 309 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Tr. Doc. 10339
(submitted to the Senate on October 7, 1994); Article 10 of the South Pacific Regional Environ-
ment Programme Agreement, Tr. Doc. 10532 (November 7, 1997); United Nations Convention
To Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Drought, Particularly in Africa, With An-
nexes, Tr. Doc. 10429 (approved by the Senate on October 18, 2000); and Article 23 of the
Inter-American Convention on Sea Turtles, Tr. Doc. 10548 (approved by the Senate on Septem-
ber 20, 2000).
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has generally voiced its objection to no-
reservations clauses in its reports on the treaties which contain them. Typical is its report rec-
ommending Senate advice and consent to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Ant-
arctic Treaty, which stated as follows: ‘‘** * [T]he Senates approval of these treaties should not
be construed as a precedent for such clauses in future agreements with other nations requiring
the Senates advice and consent ** *. The Presidents agreement to such a prohibition can not
constrain the Senates advice and consent to a treaty subject to any reservation it might deter-
mine is required by the national interest.’’ S. Exec. Rept. 10254 (September 22, 1992), at 7.
More recently, however, the committee has expressed its objection in the form of declarations
included in the Senates resolutions of ratification. A declaration in the resolution of ratification
on the Inter-American Convention on Sea Turtles, which was approved by the Senate on Sep-
tember 20, 2000, stated as follows: ‘‘** * [I]t is the sense of the Senate that this no reservations
provision has the effect of inhibiting the Senate in its exercise of its constitutional duty to give
advice and consent to ratification of a treaty, and the Senates approval of these treaties should
not be construed as a precedent for acquiescence to future treaties containing such provisions.’’
S. Exec. Rept. 10618 (September 5, 2000), at 5.
The Senate had previously included a similar declaration in its resolution of ratification on
the United Nations Convention Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling
Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks when it gave its advice and consent to the con-
vention on June 27, 1996. See 142 Congressional Record, June 27, 1996, p. S7210 (daily ed.).
The Senate also included a sense of the Senate declaration in its resolution of ratification on
the CWC, approved on April 24, 1997, which stated as follows: ‘‘SENSE OF THE SENATE.
It is the sense of the Senate that(i) the advice and consent given by the Senate in the past
to ratification of treaties containing provisions which prohibit amendments or reservations
should not be construed as a precedent for such provisions in future treaties; (ii) United States
negotiators to a treaty should not agree to any provision that has the effect of inhibiting the
Senate from attaching reservations or offering amendments to the treaty; and (iii) the Senate
should not consent in the future to any article or other provision of any treaty that would pro-
hibit the Senate from giving its advice and consent to ratification of the treaty subject to amend-
ment or reservation.’’ 143 Congressional Record, April 24, 1997, p. S3656 (daily ed.).
tions by another state, entered after United States adherence
to the treaty, without seeking Senate consent ***.
This practice is due, perhaps, to the large number of signatories
frequently involved in multilateral agreements and the sometimes
technical and complex nature of their subject matter.
A related practice that has begun to occur with increasing fre-
quency is the inclusion in some multilateral agreements of provi-
sions barring reservations.
The Senate Committee on Foreign Re-
lations has protested that no-reservations clauses intrude on the
Senates constitutional prerogatives but, nonetheless, has given its
advice and consent to a number of such treaties.
Another development that has had implications for the Senates
role with respect to multilateral agreements is the evolving practice
of tacit amendment. The practice takes various formsPresidential
acquiescence, nonsubmission of reservations by other parties, im-
plementing bodies with the authority to make changes, and amend-
ment by fewer than all of the partiesand has not escaped the
Senate Foreign Relations Committees attention. The committee
has at times sought to establish some rough ground rules to ensure
committee oversight of such practices (as distinguished from formal
Senate approval by two-thirds vote) while not unduly delaying the
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S. Exec. Rept. 9636, 96th Cong., 2d Sess. (1980), p. 2. See also discussion of tacit accept-
ance of reservations in Chapter VII.
S. Rept. 96119, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (1979), p. 5.
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 635 (1952) (Jackson, J., concurring).
Dames & Moore v. Regan, 453 U.S. 654, 660 (1981).
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties uses the word ‘‘amendment’’ to denote
changes in an international agreement applicable to all of the parties and the word ‘‘modifica-
tion’’ to refer to changes in an international agreement applicable to only some of the parties.
Arts. 40 and 41. The distinction has implications only with respect to multilateral agreements,
not bilateral ones.
amending process.
But the practice developed under these ground
rules and committee experience associated with them apparently
have not been rigorously analyzed.
Thus, theory and past practice regarding the necessity for con-
joint action by the President and the Senate on treaty-related mat-
ters are not always clear or consistent. As the Senate Committee
on Foreign Relations indicated in 1979, these developments are
largely the result of expediency and the press of time and cir-
They also illustrate once again that
The actual art of governing under our Constitution does not
and cannot conform to *** definitions *** based on isolated
clauses or even single Articles torn from context.
*** [I]t is
doubtless both futile and perhaps dangerous to find any epi-
grammatical explanation of how this country has been gov-
B. A
The amendment of a binding international agreement may be ac-
complished in a variety of ways including, among others, in accord-
ance with provisions included for that purpose in the agreement,
by the consent of the parties, and by entry into force of a new, sub-
sequent agreement on the same subject involving the same parties.
The inclusion in international agreements of provisions for their
modification is a fairly common practice. It reflects the common-
sense view that the conditions which prevail at the time the parties
negotiate an agreement may change and that a procedure to adjust
to new conditions is the height of prudence and wisdom.
Amendment or modification of an international agreement by
consent of the parties is recognition of the fact that consent is the
foundation of international agreements. Accordingly, the parties
are at liberty to change an international agreement regardless of
its terms. For similar reasons a later agreement on the same sub-
ject involving the same parties that expressly or by implication
modifies an earlier agreement will be regarded as effecting the re-
sulting change.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties embraces these
broad principles in Article 39 of Part IV, captioned ‘‘General rule
regarding the amendment of treaties.’’ It provides that
[a] treaty may be amended by agreement between the par-
ties. The rules laid down in Part II [relating, among other
things, to the conclusion of treaties] apply to such an agree-
ment except in so far as the treaty may otherwise provide.
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Article 40 references Article 30(4)(b), which provides that in instances when one state is
a party to both an original treaty and a subsequent treaty that alters the first and another state
is a party only to the first treaty, their mutual rights and obligations are governed by the treaty
to which they both are parties.
This general principle applies to the amendment of bilateral and
multilateral treaties alike.
Article 40, in turn, sets out both procedural and substantive
rules for the amendment of a multilateral treaty in the strict Vi-
enna Convention sense of a revision that applies to all of the par-
ties. Article 40 provides that, unless the treaty in question provides
otherwise, the following four considerations apply to an amend-
(1) Notice of any proposal to amend a multilateral treaty as
between all the parties has to be communicated to every party,
and each party has the right to take part in the decision as to
the action in regard to the proposal and to take part in the ne-
gotiation and conclusion of any agreement to amend the treaty.
(2) Every state entitled to become a party to the treaty is
also entitled to become a party to the treaty as amended.
(3) An amending agreement does not bind a party to the
treaty which does not become a party to the amending agree-
ment; the unamended treaty continues to govern the mutual
rights and obligations as between parties one of which is not
and one of which is bound by the amending agreement.
(4) In the absence of an expression to the contrary, a state
which becomes a party after the amending agreement has
come into force is to be considered as (a) a party to the treaty
as amended and (b) a party also to the unamended treaty in
its relations with any party which is not bound by the amend-
ing agreement.
Finally, Article 41 deals with the modification of a multilateral
treaty in the strict Vienna Convention sense of a change that is in-
tended to apply to fewer than all of the parties to an international
agreement. It provides that two or more parties to a multilateral
treaty inter se may modify it and bind themselves if the treaty al-
lows such a modification. If the treaty does not specifically allow
such a modification but does not prohibit it, Article 41 states that
a modification of this nature is still permitted provided that the
modification does not affect the enjoyment of the rights or the per-
formance of obligations of the other parties to the treaty and does
not relate to a provision derogation from which is incompatible
with the effective execution of the object and purpose of the treaty
as a whole. Unless the inter se agreement is one provided for by
the treaty, the parties to it must notify the other parties of their
intention to conclude the agreement and of the modifications for
which it provides.
The Restatement (Third) states a rule for the conduct of the
United States with respect to amendment or modification of an
international agreement that is generally in conformity with the
just described international law on the subject. Section 334, thus,
provides that:
(1) An international agreement may be amended by agree-
ment between the parties.
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Rest. 3d, supra, §334.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 333.
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 441.
Ibid., pp. 5960.
(2) Unless it provides otherwise, a multilateral agreement
may be amended, with effect as between those states that be-
come parties to the amending agreement, if all the contracting
states were given an opportunity to take part in the negotia-
tions and to become parties to the agreement as amended.
(3) Two or more of the parties to a multilateral agreement
may agree to modify the agreement as between themselves
alone if such modification is provided for by the agreement or
it is not prohibited by it and would not be incompatible with
the rights of the other parties to the agreement or with its ob-
ject and purpose.
As previously indicated, amendments or modifications to a treaty
or international agreement generally have entailed the same proce-
dure as the original agreement unless otherwise specified in the
original agreement. Thus, the Hackworth edition of the Digest of
International Law states that ‘‘the modification of [an] existing
treaty *** involves the conjoint action of the treatymaking powers
in a variety of circumstances,’’
and the Whiteman edition reiter-
ates that ‘‘it is a general rule that a treaty cannot be modified ex-
cept by an instrument brought into force through the treaty proc-
Consequently, the advice and consent of the Senate has
generally been sought for amendments to treaties. The Whiteman
edition of the Digest of International Law describes one such in-
stance, as follows:
*** At the 29th session of the General Conference of the
International Labor Organization (ILO), Montreal, October 9,
1946, there were adopted an instrument for the amendment of
the ILO Constitution *** and a Final Articles Revision Con-
vention, 1946 *** In transmitting to the Congress a draft of
a joint resolution providing for acceptance of the United States
of the revised Constitution, the following statement was made
in a document accompanying the letter from the Secretary of
‘‘The Final Articles Revision Convention, which is print-
ed in the same document, is to be discussed in a separate
memorandum. It is intended that this convention will be
submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent inas-
much as its intended effect is to change the language of
conventions which have been ratified with the advice and
consent of the Senate or are pending before that body.’’
Similarly, the Senate on October 1, 1992, without fanfare or pro-
tracted debate, gave its advice and consent to Presidential ratifica-
tion of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) along with an
amending protocol. START, a product of 10 years of frequently dif-
ficult negotiations between the United States and the former Soviet
Union, reduced rather than simply placed a cap on weapons sys-
tems possessed by the rival Cold War superpowers. Signed July 31,
1991, by President Bush and then-Soviet President Mikhail S.
Gorbachev, the treaty became caught up in the events that led to
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The protocol was submitted to the Senate on June 23, 1992. See Senate Treaty Doc. 102
32, 102d Cong., 2d Sess. (1992).
See Letter from William C. Danvers, Special Assistant to the President, to Al Gore, Presi-
dent of the United States Senate transmitting the ‘‘Report on the Livingston ABM Amendment’’
(November 29, 1996), reported as filed in the Senate at 143 Congressional Record, January 7,
1997, p. S87 (daily ed.) (No. EC 175). The Livingston amendment, §406 of the Department of
State and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal 1997, required the President to report
to Congress on whether the MOUS and the Agreed Statement on Demarcation (ASD) con-
stituted ‘‘substantive changes’’ to the ABM Treaty and whether they ‘‘require the advice and
consent of the Senate.’’
TIAS ll (May 15, 1997).
the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the emergence of more than
a dozen new states on its territory. Accordingly, the Bush Adminis-
tration negotiated an amendatory protocol providing that four of
the new succeeding states which had strategic offensive weapons
within their borders (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan)
would assume the former Soviet Unions obligations under the trea-
ty as originally drafted. The administration submitted the protocol
to the Senate, and the Senate then approved both START and the
amendatory protocol at the same time.
More recently, the Senate has forcefully insisted on its right to
advise and consent on amendments to treaties. One of the treaty
issues that emerged in the aftermath of the dissolution of the So-
viet Union concerned the definition of what states were to be
deemed its successor states for purposes of allocating its rights and
obligations under the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. After
lengthy negotiations a Memorandum of Understanding on Succes-
sion (MOUS) was concluded in September 1997, which designated
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine as the successor parties
to the treaty and allocated to them specified rights and obligations.
The Clinton Administration had contended that the determination
of the successor states did not constitute an amendment to the
ABM Treaty but was an exercise of the Presidents constitutional
prerogatives to determine state succession issues for purposes of
treaty continuity.
But a number of Senators disagreed with that
perspective; and prior to the signing of the MOUS the Senate in-
cluded the following condition in its resolution of ratification on an
unrelated agreement, the Conventional Forces in Europe Flank
(A) ***
(B) CERTIFICATION REQUIRED.Prior to the deposit
of the United States instrument of ratification, the Presi-
dent shall certify to the Senate that he will submit for
Senate advice and consent to ratification any international
(i) that would add one or more countries as States
Parties to the ABM Treaty, or otherwise convert the
ABM Treaty from a bilateral treaty to a multilateral
treaty; or
(ii) that would change the geographic scope or cov-
erage of the ABM Treaty, or otherwise modify the
meaning of the term ‘‘national territory’’ as used in Ar-
ticle VI and Article IX of the ABM Treaty.
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For the text of the Senates resolution of ratification on the CFE Flank Document, see 143
Congressional Record, May 14, 1997, p. S4477 (daily ed.).
143 Congressional Record, May 15, 1997, pp. S4587S4588 (daily ed.) (Report on the CFE
Flank DocumentMessage from the President).
Treaty Doc. 1055, 105th Cong., 1st Sess. (April 7, 1997).
The texts of these agreements can be found on the State Departments Web site at
See letter from William C. Danvers, Special Assistant to the President, to Al Gore, Presi-
dent of the United States Senate, supra, n. 39, and Office of Legal Counsel, Department of Jus-
(C) ***.
President Clinton protested that this condition invaded ‘‘a matter
reserved to the President under the Constitution’’ and was sub-
stantively unrelated to the CFE Flank Document but, nonetheless,
certified that he would submit ‘‘any agreement concluded on ABM
Treaty succession’’ to the Senate for its advice and consent.
The Senates advice and consent on the CFE Flank Document
was itself the result of Senate insistence on its prerogatives. The
1990 Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) was an arms
control agreement between the 22 nations of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact placing
alliancewide, regional, and national ceilings on specific major cat-
egories of conventional military equipment. The purpose of the pact
was to stabilize the military situation in Europe and to reduce ten-
sions. But the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the breakup of
the Soviet Union necessitated measures to adapt the provisions of
the CFE to the changed circumstances. One of the resulting agree-
ments was the CFE Flank Document, which allowed Russia to
maintain a higher level of certain categories of military equipment
in the Caucasus and Baltic regions of its territory than would oth-
erwise have been allowed. The Clinton Administration initially
sought to gain approval of the agreement by means of a statute to
be adopted by the House and the Senate. But the Senate rebuffed
that effort; and in negotiations on whether the Senate would take
up the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Senate leader-
ship obtained the administrations commitment to submit the CFE
Flank Document to the Senate for its advice and consent. The ad-
ministration did so;
and, as noted above, the Senate gave its ap-
proval on May 14, 1997.
The Clinton Administration had also sought to have another
agreement relating to the ABM Treaty approved by means of a
statute rather than by submission to the Senate for its advice and
consent. U.S. interest in developing a theater missile defense sys-
tem led the administration to pursue negotiations with several of
the successor states to the Soviet Union on a ‘‘clarification’’ of the
ABM Treaty to establish a demarcation line between ballistic mis-
sile defense systems restricted by the treaty and theater missile de-
fense systems that were allowable. Ultimately the negotiations suc-
ceeded in concluding an Agreed Statement Regarding Demarcation
(ASD) in June 1996, which was subsequently elaborated and signed
by the United States, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the
Ukraine in September 1997.
The administration agreed that the
ASD constituted a ‘‘substantive modification of the obligations we
would otherwise have under the Treaty,’’ but it contended that the
change could be approved by Congress by statute and that it did
not need to be submitted for the Senates advice and consent.
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tice, ‘‘Validity of Congressional-Executive Agreements That Substantially Modify the United
States Obligations Under an Existing Treaty’’ (November 25, 1996).
As of November 2000, however, neither the ASD nor the MOUS had yet been sent to the
Fotochrome Inc. v. Copal Company Ltd., 517 F. 2d 512 (2d Cir. 1975), note 4.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 338.
Ibid., at 341342.
Ibid., at 334.
Ibid., at 340.
Ibid., at 339341.
Nonetheless, bargaining over the Senates willingness to consider
the CWC caused the administration to agree to submit the ASD to
the Senate for its advice and consent.
Senate advice and consent may not be required, however, when
an agreement is effectively amended or modified by a later agree-
ment or when an act of Congress affects a treaty in some vital re-
gard. Thus, when the United States and another country were par-
ties to a bilateral treaty but then became parties to a multilateral
convention covering the same subject matter (in part), the conven-
tion was judicially declared to modify conflicting provisions in the
bilateral agreement and to control the proceeding.
when an earlier convention was merely suspended by the terms of
a later agreement on the same subject, the expiration of the latter
automatically caused the former to resume operation and effect
‘‘without further action of Congress.’’
Moreover, in an instance
when an act of Congress authorized the President to suspend the
exercise of judicial functions by American diplomatic and consular
officials in Egypt, the President was advised by the State Depart-
ment that he could give ‘‘practical effect’’ to a convention providing
for termination of extraterritorial rights in Egypt granted by pre-
vious treaties pending formal ratification of the convention by the
United States.
Likewise, when American consular officers were
authorized to exercise judicial functions by virtue both of an act of
Congress and a treaty, Secretary of State Lansing indicated that
‘‘the appropriate method under the American system of Govern-
ment of divesting the Consuls of this authority is either by a repeal
of the act or by conclusion of [another] treaty ***.’’
Senate advice and consent may also not be required if treaties
are amended by means of tacit agreement. While acknowledging
that ‘‘[t]he President is *** without authority, except by and with
the advice and consent of the Senate, to modify a treaty provision,’’
Hackworth states that there have been ‘‘instances in which he [the
President], acting through the Secretary of State, has tacitly acqui-
esced in actions by foreign Governments which had the effect of
modifying stipulations in our treaties.’’
Examples of change in
the strict terms of an international agreement by tacit acquiescence
documented by Hackworth involved multilateral arrangements ac-
cepted by all the parties and temporary departures during periods
of abnormal conditions such as war or pending action on a new
Moreover, as previously noted, notwithstanding the general rule
regarding the need for Senate approval, the Department of State
in the post-World War II period has not been sending to the Senate
reservations on the part of other nations to multilateral treaties
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See note 23 and accompanying text.
Rest. 3d, supra, §314, Comment c.
INF Treaty, TIAS ll, 27 ILM 84 (1988), Articles XI and XIII.
CFE Treaty, TIAS ll, 30 ILM 1 (1991), Article XVI.
START, TIAS ll (1994). For a description and critical discussion of the tacit amendment
processes in these and a number of other arms control agreements, see Koplow, David A. When
Is an Amendment Not an Amendment: Modification of Arms Control Agreements Without the
Senate. University of Chicago Law Review, v. 59, 1992, p. 981.
25 UST 3329 (1972).
TIAS ll (1987), Article 2(9).
32 UST 47 (1980), Article VIII.
ratified by the United States.
The Restatement (Third) takes note
of the practice and concludes with this observation:
Constitutionally, that practice must depend on an assump-
tion that the Senate, aware of Executive practice and acquiesc-
ing in it, in giving consent to the treaty also tacitly gives its
consent to later acceptance by the Executive of reservations by
other states.
The tacit amendment process may also occur pursuant to the ex-
plicit provisions of some treaties. Due, perhaps, to their complexity
and technical specificity, a number of arms control and environ-
mental agreements establish processes for their own modification
which do not require further Senate involvement. The modifica-
tions allowed typically are described as not rising to the level of an
amendment of the treaties; but, nonetheless, the processes permit
the treaty regime to evolve in some respects without reference to
the Senate. The INF Treaty, for instance, created a Special Ver-
ification Commission with the authority to modify the verification
procedures used under the treaty and, in the case of the Inspec-
tions Protocol, to ‘‘agree upon such measures as may be necessary
to improve the viability and effectiveness of this Protocol.’’
CFE Treaty, in turn, created a Joint Consultative Group with the
authority to agree to improvements of a technical or administrative
The START agreement includes a number of provisions
that allow the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission to
‘‘agree upon such additional measures as may be necessary to im-
prove the viability and effectiveness of the Treaty.’’
The United
States-Japan Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds al-
lows the parties to modify the list of birds protected by diplomatic
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer allows the parties to restrict the production and con-
sumption of substances specified in the annexes as depleting at-
mospheric ozone as well as the timetable by which such adjust-
ments must be made.
Some agreements explicitly permit modi-
fications to become effective for all parties even absent unanimous
agreement. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer, for instance, encourages consensus but as a last re-
sort allows decisions regarding the production and consumption of
ozone-depleting substances which are binding on all parties to be
made by a two-thirds majority vote.
The International Conven-
tion on Safety of Life at Sea permits amendments to enter into
force automatically after a specified time period has elapsed, ab-
sent objection by a quorum of parties.
The U.N. Charter, in Arti-
cle 108, provides that an amendment comes into force for all mem-
bers if it is approved by two-thirds of the members of the General
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26 UST 2403; TIAS 8165.
S. Exec. Rept. 9636, 96th Cong., 2d Sess. (1980), p. 2 (emphasis added).
See INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983) (one house veto held unconstitutional); Consumer
Union v. FTC, 691 F. 2d 575 (D.C. Cir. 1982), affd. sub nom, Process Gas Consumers Group
v. Consumer Energy Council, 463 U.S. 1216 (1983) (two house veto held unconstitutional); Amer-
ican Federation of Government Employees v. Pierce, 697 F. 2d 303 (D.C. Cir. 1982) (committee
veto held unconstitutional).
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 194. See Chapter IV.
The power of the President to make executive agreements has been recognized by the Su-
preme Court, United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304 (1936); United States
v. Pink, 315 U.S. 203 (1942). ‘‘A treaty signifies a compact made between two or more independ-
ent nations with a view to the public welfare. ** * But an international compact is not always
a treaty which requires the participation of the Senate. There are many such compacts, of which
a protocol, a modus vivendi, a postal convention, and agreements [assigning foreign assets] ** *
are illustrations.’’ United States v. Belmont, 301 U.S. at 330331.
Assembly and ratified by two-thirds of the member states including
all permanent members of the Security Council.
The Senate, in giving its advice and consent to the treaties which
contain these various processes for modification, presumably has
also given its consent in advance to the modifications adopted pur-
suant to those processes. Nonetheless, the tacit amendment process
has given the Senate some concern, and it has at times requested
or required the executive branch to advise the Senate of such
amendments prior to their entry into force. In its report rec-
ommending the approval of the Convention on the Prevention of
Maritime Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter as
modified by a 1978 protocol,
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee tried to balance the need to prevent undue delay with its
oversight responsibility. It said:
It should be noted that the 1973 parent convention contains
a provision (Article 16) which provides for a tacit amendment
process. The Committee recognizes the need for an expedited
process for highly technical treaties of this nature. However,
the Committee will approve this procedure only on a case-by-
case basis and only with respect to technical provisions. The
Committee expects the Administration to inform it of any pro-
posed amendments subject to this procedure prior to the time
for tacit acceptance. This will enable the Committee to voice an
objection to tacit acceptance in appropriate cases, before the
issue becomes moot.
While the reasons behind the committees attempt to bridge effi-
ciency and presumed constitutional requirements in this manner
are readily understood, the procedure raises various fundamental
questions. Notably, whether the committee, on its own motion, may
tacitly consent for two-thirds of the Senate or whether the Con-
gress by law or the Senate by rule could authorize the committee
to act in this manner are unresolved issues.
As ‘‘[t]he Constitution of the United States nowhere makes ex-
plicit provision for the President to conclude international agree-
ments other than treaties,’’
it follows that the Constitution offers
no guidance regarding the amendment of executive agreements.
Furthermore, authoritative texts and secondary writings to all ap-
pearances fail to shed any significant light on the actual practice
of amending executive agreements.
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See note 20. ‘‘** * the President, on his own authority, may make an international agree-
ment dealing with any matter that falls within his independent powers under the Constitution.’’
Rest. 3d, supra, §303(4).
‘‘** * (2) the President, with the authorization or approval of Congress, may make an inter-
national agreement dealing with any matter that falls within the powers of Congress and of the
President under the Constitution; (3) the President may make an international agreement as
authorized by treaty of the United States.’’ Ibid.
Ibid., at 223.
For example, Trade Act of 1974, 88 Stat. 1982 (1975); 19 U.S.C. 2112. Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Act of 1978, 92 Stat. 120 (1978); 42 U.S.C. 2153(d), 2155(b), 2157(b), and 2160(f).
‘‘The treaty of inter-American arbitration signed at Washington, on January 5, 1929, was
submitted to the Senate by President Coolidge on January 26, 1929. The Senate, on January
19, 1932, advised and consented to its ratification with reservations, which were regarded by
the Executive as highly objectionable. In 1934, President Roosevelt resubmitted the treaty to
the Senate, and, in 1935, it gave its advice and consent to ratification, without certain of the
reservations previously insisted upon, although it did so with the understanding that the special
agreements to arbitrate should, in each instance, be subject to approval by the Senate. The
President ratified the treaty with this understanding, and the ratification was deposited on
April 16, 1935.’’ V Hackworth, supra, p. 93.
‘‘The Senate often has given its consent subject to conditions ** * The Senate may ** * give
its consent on conditions that do not require change in the treaty but relate to domestic applica-
tion, e.g., ** * that agreements ** * made in implementation of the treaty shall require the Sen-
ates advice and consent.’’ Rest. 3d, supra, §303, Comment d.
For example, Section 33 of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act, 75 Stat. 634 (1961);
22 U.S.C. 2573, provides that no ‘‘action’’ shall be taken that obligates the United States to dis-
arm or reduce or limit the Armed Forces of the United States unless pursuant to treaty or un-
less authorized by legislation.
As previously noted, the general rule is that the amendment or
modification of an international agreement to which the United
States is a party is subject to the same rules as apply to the mak-
ing of an agreement. Accordingly, since agreements of this nature
concluded by the President are not submitted to the Senate or Con-
gress for approval, amendments to such agreements ordinarily do
not require Senate or congressional approval. It seems clear that
in the case of an executive agreement based on the sole authority
of the President, modifications to such an agreement are a matter
of Presidential discretion.
As a general matter, the same conclu-
sion applies to modifications of executive agreements pursuant to
either a treaty or an act of Congress.
It would appear that so long
as the amendment of an executive agreement is consonant with the
underlying treaty or law which authorized the agreement in the
first instance, that is, the agreement carries out their purposes, the
President would be within his rights to make such an amendment.
However, Congress may impose limitations on agreements it au-
thorizes to be made.
Notably in the fields of international trade
and nuclear energy Congress has authorized the President to con-
clude international agreements but has required him to submit
them for congressional scrutiny and possible disapproval.
over, the Senate may condition approval of a treaty which author-
izes the conclusion of an agreement upon submission of the agree-
ment for approval by the Senate or Congress.
Similarly, an act
of Congress or treaty could require Senate or congressional ap-
proval of amendments or modifications to international agreements
that they authorize the President to conclude.
C. E
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties deals implicitly
rather than explicitly with the subject of treaty extension. Exten-
sion of an international agreement to all intents and purposes is
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V Hackworth, supra, p. 334.
Ibid., p. 335.
Ibid., p. 336.
Treaty Doc. 979, p. v (1981); S. Exec. Rept. 10010, 100th Cong., 1st Sess. (1987), p. 12.
The 1986 agreement provided for 2-year extensions on the basis of the mutual consent of the
participating countries without resort to formal ratification procedures. Ibid., p. 20.
the execution of a new agreement (or re-execution) and, therefore,
is subject to the conventions overall requirements for treaties, in-
cluding conclusion, amendment and modification, suspension, and
As an agreement to extend a treaty for many, if not most, pur-
poses is considered a treaty modification, general U.S. practice is
to submit an extension to the Senate for its advice and consent. Ac-
cordingly, when France gave 6-months notice of termination as
provided in Article VII of the Commercial Convention of 1822 but
requested tacit extension for 3-month periods after the termination
date until it was replaced by a new treaty, the Department of State
*** [T]he Government of the United States is not in a posi-
tion to agree to the proposals ***. The suggestion of the
French government amounts *** in my opinion to a proposal
to modify the terms of the treaty, a proposal which is not sus-
ceptible of execution on the part of the Government in the
manner suggested.
Instead, the Department proposed a new treaty modifying Article
VII to allow for termination upon 3-months notice as the best
means of complying with the French request. The latter accepted
this suggestion and after the new agreement went into effect, the
United States and France, in an exchange of notes, agreed that the
new treaty amounted to a withdrawal of the French notice of termi-
Similar replies were given to requests for postponement
of termination of treaties made by Norway, Spain, and Greece.
Similarly, when Italy proposed that commissioners acting under
a treaty serve indefinite terms rather than the 5-year term estab-
lished in the treaty, the Department of State replied that this
change could not be made by an exchange of notes but would re-
quire a new treaty.
In like manner, when the United States and
Canada agreed to depart from a 1909 treaty concerning the diver-
sion of boundary waters in the Niagara River to permit an addi-
tional diversion for power purposes, the exchange of notes stated
that the agreement would be effective ‘‘when approved by the Sen-
‘‘The Senate of the United States advised ratification on
June 2, 1941, and the President approved the arrangement on
June 13.’’
The extension of commodity agreementsagreements establish-
ing the framework for international cooperation in wheat, coffee,
tin, and sugarare routinely submitted to the Senate. The Inter-
national Wheat Agreement of 1971, which was replaced in 1988 by
a 1986 successor, was extended on more than half a dozen occa-
In 1981 the Senate gave its advice and consent to an 8-
month extension of the rights, duties, and obligations of the parties
under the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation of January 24,
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Treaty Doc. 9720, 97th Cong., 1st Sess. (1981), p. 1.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 337.
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 100, quoting S. Exec. Rept. 8, 81st Cong., 1st Sess. (1949), p. 18.
1976, between the United States and Spain. The temporary exten-
sion, among other things, preserved in force U.S. access to and use
of military facilities in Spain pending negotiation of a successor
agreement to the 1976 treaty and Spains accession to the North
Atlantic Treaty.
However, the extension of times for the organization of commis-
sions called for by various treaties was in one instance accom-
plished by an exchange of notes and in another by agreement of the
members of the commission.
The role of the Senate with respect to the extension or enlarge-
ment of a treaty in terms of geographic scope and parties eligible
to adhere seems to depend on the nature of the treaty. In the case
of treaties providing for regional or collective self defense arrange-
ments, the Senate has been insistent that its approval is required
for the addition of new members. Whiteman provides the following
relevant illustrations:
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, in its report of
June 6, 1949, recommending advice and consent to ratification
of the [North Atlantic] Treaty commented:
Inasmuch as the admission of new members might radi-
cally alter our obligations under the pact, the committee
examined article 10 very carefully. The question arose
whether an United States decision respecting new mem-
bers would be based solely on Presidential action or would
require Senate approval. Consequently, the committee was
fully satisfied by the commitment of the President, deliv-
ered by the Secretary of State, that he would consider the
admission of a new member to the pact as the conclusion
of a new treaty with that member and would seek the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate to each such admission. The
committee considers this is an obligation binding upon the
Presidential office.
The report of the Foreign Relations Committee recommend-
ing ratification of the [Southeast Asia Collective Defense] Trea-
ty stated:
Provision is made in three articles of the treaty for modi-
fication of its terms by unanimous agreement. Thus, arti-
cle IV, paragraph 1, as well as article VII, contemplates
that the treaty area may be extended by the parties to any
state or territory which the parties by unanimous agree-
ment may hereafter designate. Article VII refers to the ac-
cession of additional states by unanimous agreement of
the parties. To avoid the possibility of any misunderstand-
ing on the significance of this clause, the President in-
formed the Senate *** that the provisions with respect to
designation of new territories and membership are to be
construed as requiring the Senates advice and consent. In
other words, it is not enough that the executive branch
should acquiesce in the addition of new members or in the
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Ibid., p. 101, quoting S. Exec. Rept. 11, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. (1957), pp. 1112.
U.N. Charter, Article 4; 59 Stat. 1031; 3 Bevans 1153.
See S. Exec. Rept. F, 79th Cong., 1st Sess. (1945).
16 U.S.C. 1822(c); Public Law 94265, Title II, §202 (April 13, 1976); 90 Stat. 331, 340.
See, for example, Public Law 98364, Title I, §106 (July 17, 1984) (approving the extension
of the Governing International Fishery Agreement with the European Economic Community)
and Public Law 10066, § 1 (July 10, 1987) (approving the extension of the Governing Inter-
national Fishery Agreement with South Korea).
‘‘Suspension is distinguished from termination ** * principally in that suspension can be re-
voked or terminated informally and no new agreement is necessary to restore the agreement
to full effect. Unilateral suspension can be revoked and the agreement reactivated unilaterally
by the suspending party; suspension by agreement of the parties can be ended and the agree-
ment restored by agreement of the parties informally.’’ Rest. 3d, supra, §333, Comment a. ‘‘Sus-
pension of an agreement is relatively rare.’’ Ibid., Reporters Note 3.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 57.
modification of the treaty area, but these matters must
also be brought before the Senate.
In contrast, the Senate has generally not sought or reserved to
itself any role with respect to state participation in most other mul-
tilateral conventions, including those establishing international or-
ganizations. The admission of new states to the United Nations, for
instance, is effected by decision of the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council.
No review or approval
by the Senate is required.
In the case of an international agreement in the form of an exec-
utive agreement, extension does not involve the Senate or Congress
if the agreement is based on the Presidents exclusive constitu-
tional authority. But if the executive agreement is pursuant to
treaty or congressional authorization, the Senates consent to the
treaty or Congress authorization may specify conditions on its ex-
tension and reserve a role for the Senate or Congress. In the Mag-
nuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, for in-
stance, Congress directed the Secretary of State to negotiate ‘‘gov-
erning international fishery agreements’’ (other than treaties),
specified the conditions that they had to meet, and directed that no
such agreements be ‘‘renewed, extended, or amended’’ unless they
met the specified conditions.
Subsequently, Congress by statute
approved the extension of several such agreements.
D. S
The provisions in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
regarding the suspension of the operation of a treaty parallel the
provisions of the convention relating to the termination of a treaty.
Briefly, the operation of a treaty as to all of the parties or as to
a particular party may be suspended in conformity with its provi-
sions or by consent of all of the parties.
Two or more parties to a treaty may agree to suspend the oper-
ation of its provisions temporarily and as between themselves alone
in accordance with relevant treaty provisions. In the absence of rel-
evant provisions, parties in these circumstances may agree to sus-
pend the operation of treaty provisions under two conditions. The
first is that the suspension does not affect the enjoyment by other
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Ibid., Article 58.
Ibid., Article 59.
Ibid., Article 60.
Rest. 3d, supra, §333.
parties of their rights under the treaty or the performance of their
obligations. The second is that the suspension cannot be incompat-
ible with the object and purpose of the treaty. Unless suspension
is allowed by the treaty, the suspending parties are required to
give notice of their intention to suspend to the other parties.
Generally speaking, where parties, without expressly terminating
an earlier treaty, enter into another and incompatible treaty on the
same subject, the former is deemed terminated. However, a treaty
in these circumstances is not considered to have been terminated
if it appears from the later treaty or it is otherwise established that
the parties intended only to suspend its operation.
A material breach of a bilateral treaty by one party entitles the
other party to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the
treaty or suspending its operation, in whole or in part. In the case
of a material breach of a multilateral treaty by one of the parties,
the Vienna Convention distinguishes between the right of the other
parties to react jointly to the breach and the right of an individual
party specially affected by the breach to react alone. In the first
case, the other parties by unanimous agreement may suspend the
operation of the treaty or terminate it and they may do so either
in their relations with the defaulting state or as between all the
parties. In the second case any party specially affected by the
breach may invoke it as a ground for suspending the operation of
the treaty in whole or in part in the relations between itself and
the defaulting state. Where a material breach is of such a character
that it radically changes the position of every party with respect to
the performance of its obligations under the treaty, any other party
may invoke the breach to suspend the operation of the treaty in
whole or in part with respect to itself.
The Restatement (Third) follows a portion of the Vienna Conven-
tion in Section 333 as follows:
(1) The operation of an international agreement may be sus-
pended in conformity with its provisions or by consent of all
the parties.
(2) Two or more parties to a multilateral international agree-
ment may agree to suspend its operation as between them-
selves if
(a) the agreement provides for such suspension; or
(b) the agreement does not prohibit such suspension and
the suspension would not be incompatible with the rights
of the parties to the agreement or with its object and pur-
While acknowledging that the Constitution does not expressly
authorize the President to suspend an international agreement on
behalf of the United States, the Restatement (Third) concludes that
he may do so because he is empowered to conduct the foreign rela-
tions of the United States. The Restatements rules covering sus-
pension are formulated accordingly. Thus Section 339 provides
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Ibid. §339.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 339, citing 40 Op. Atty. Gen., no. 24 (1941). See 14 Whiteman,
supra, pp. 483485.
Under the law of the United States, the President has the
(a) to suspend *** an agreement in accordance with its
(b) to make the determination that would justify the
United States in *** suspending an agreement because of
its violation by another party or because of supervening
events, and to proceed to *** suspend the agreement on
behalf of the United States; or
(c) to elect in a particular case not to suspend or termi-
nate an agreement.
The Restatement rule is in line with a 1941 opinion by Acting
Attorney General Biddle who concluded that a treaty could be sus-
pended by the President without aid or intervention of the Senate
or Congress. With respect to the International Load Line Conven-
tion signed at London on July 5, 1930, which limited the amount
of cargo that ships could carry, he said:
The convention may be declared inoperative or suspended by
the President. A declaration by the President to that effect
would validly render the convention inoperative or suspended,
as the case may be. Attention to the observance of treaties is
an executive responsibility. Jefferson to Genet, 4 Moore, Digest
Int. L. 680682 (1906). It is not proposed that the United
States denounce the convention under article 25 (47 Stat.
2256), nor that it be otherwise abrogated. Consequently, action
by the Senate or by the Congress is not required. Cf. 1 Stat.
578, 5 Moore, Digest Int. El 356. The facts which bring into op-
eration the right to declare the convention inoperative or sus-
pended are within the knowledge of and can be promptly and
adequately appraised by the Executive Department; and it is
proper that the President, as ‘‘the sole organ of the Nation in
its external relations should speak for the Nation in announc-
ing action which international law clearly permits.’’ See United
States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation (1936) 299 U.S.
304, 319320. See also Charlton v. Kelly (1913) 229 U.S. 447,
472476. There is no question here of making or even of the
abrogation of a treaty. It is merely a question of a declaration
of inoperativeness of a treaty which is no longer binding be-
cause the conditions essential to its continued effectiveness no
longer pertain.
Accordingly, it is my opinion that the convention referred to
may be declared by you to be either inoperative or suspended;
and that upon such declaration it would become inoperative or
suspended as the case may be leaving the Secretary of Com-
merce free to set load lines pursuant to the act of March 2,
1929, c. 508 (45 Stat. 1492), as amended by the act of May 26,
1939, c. 151 (55 Stat. 783), without regard to the convention.
Fundamental to the Attorney Generals position was the assump-
tion that the convention presupposed peacetime conditions which
no longer prevailed. Accordingly, the President could recognize the
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Charlton v. Kelly, 229 US 447, 476 (1913). See also Terlinden v. Ames, 184 U.S. 270, 290
(1902), and Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186, 211212 (1962).
Nash, Cumulative Digest 19811988, supra, Book I, pp. 12791281.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 342.
Henkin, supra, at 489, note 138.
changed circumstances (rebus sic stantibus) and suspend the con-
vention during the pendency of the abnormal circumstances. With-
out taking sides as to whether the rule of changed circumstances
applies only when the change is essential or fundamental, the opin-
ion concluded that the more onerous circumstance was met in this
As previously indicated, a material breach of a bilateral inter-
national agreement by one of the parties entitles the other to sus-
pend it in whole or in part. Also, a material breach of a multilat-
eral agreement by one of the parties entitles the other parties by
unanimous agreement to suspend it either between themselves and
the defaulting state or as between all the parties. Under his au-
thority to conduct the foreign relations of the United States, the
President makes the determination that justifies suspending an
agreement because of a material breach by another party. Accord-
ingly, as a practical matter the President has the power to suspend
a treaty since the courts look to executive determinations for guid-
ance respecting the continued viability of a treaty.
Thus, in 1986
the United States gave notice that it was suspending the obliga-
tions of the ANZUS Security Treaty as it applied to New Zealand
because of that countrys prohibition on visits by nuclear-armed
and nuclear-powered warships and aircraft. At the same time it
gave notice to Australia, the other party to the ANZUS Treaty, that
the treaty remained in full effect between the United States and
Where an intervening act of Congress effectively grants the
President discretion to suspend a treaty provision in some material
regard, there is no need for Senate or congressional action when
the discretion is exercised. Accordingly, when an act of Congress
authorized the President to suspend the exercise of judicial func-
tions of American consular and diplomatic officials, the State De-
partment concluded that he could suspend the jurisdiction of the
consular and ministerial courts in Egypt and permit their jurisdic-
tion to be transferred to the mixed courts of that country notwith-
standing that ratification of a pertinent convention by the United
States was still pending.
Also, it has been observed that by virtue of his power to recog-
nize or not to recognize governments, the President can continue
or suspend treaty relations with the country in question.
In light of the tendency of domestic courts to be guided by execu-
tive actions regarding the continued effectiveness of a treaty, ac-
tions effectively waiving noncompliance by the other party do not
as a practical matter require Senate or congressional approval.
Thus, in upholding the extradition to Italy of an American national
notwithstanding Italys refusal earlier to surrender Italian nation-
alsa refusal which the United States regarded as a breach of the
extradition treatythe Supreme Court held in favor of the treaty
and extradition. It said:
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Charlton v. Kelly, 229 U.S. 447, 473, 474, 476 (1913).
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 477.
*** If the attitude of Italy was, as contended, a violation of
the obligation of the treaty, which, in international law, would
have justified the United States in denouncing the treaty as no
longer obligatory, it did not automatically have that effect. If
the United States elected not to declare its abrogation, or come
to a rupture, the treaty would remain in force. It was only
voidable, not void; and if the United States should prefer, it
might waive any breach which in its judgment had occurred
and conform to its own obligation as if there had been no such
breach ***
That the political branch of the Government recognizes the
treaty obligation as still existing is evidenced by its action in
this case.
The executive department having thus elected to waive any
right to free itself from the obligation to deliver up its own citi-
zens, it is the plain duty of this court to recognize the obliga-
tion to surrender the appellant as one imposed by the treaty
as the supreme law of the land and as affording authority for
the warrant of extradition.
In 1957 the Department of State indicated that while the Presi-
dent ‘‘as a practical matter’’ can waive the breach of a treaty,
the power ‘‘would be exercised only in light of the circumstances
of the particular case, including anticipated congressional reac-
tions ***.’’
Concerning the exercise of a Presidential waiver adversely affect-
ing the rights of American citizens under a treaty, the following
comment has been made:
Although it is a general rule that a treaty to which the
United States is a party cannot be modified except by the in-
strument brought into force through the treaty processes, the
effect of modification may be achieved in some instances by a
waiver of rights under a treaty or a failure to invoke the treaty
in circumstances where it could be invoked. To an inquiry from
Senator Jenner, Secretary of State Dulles replied:
In light of the fact that your letter *** specifically
raised the question whether the Department of State
under the present administration claims ‘‘authority to
modify treaties,’’ *** I am glad to assure you that it is my
view that the Executive may modify a treaty, or a provi-
sion thereof, only by the conclusion of another instrument
of equal formality, i.e., by another treaty entered into by
and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This is also
the view of my advisers, who are fully aware of my posi-
tion and fully share my views.
To summarize, there are certain instances in which
rights to which United States citizens are entitled under
treaties or other United States laws may, in the national
interest, legally be waived, lessened or extinguished by
acts, agreements or decisions of the Executive Branch of
the Government. You may be assured, however, that no
such decisions would be taken in any situation without
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Ibid., pp. 441442.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 54.
Ibid., Article 26.
Ibid., Article 56.
very careful consideration at a high level of the rights in-
volved and the national interest.
Unless qualified by an act of Congress or treaty authorizing the
agreement (that is, by the Senates conditioning its advice and con-
sent), the President may unilaterally suspend an executive agree-
E. T
Terms of treaty; unanimous consent
As indicated in connection with the discussion of suspension, the
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties sets forth the fundamen-
tal rule that a treaty may be terminated or that a party may with-
draw from a treaty in two ways: first, in conformity with the provi-
sions of the treaty; and second, at any time by consent of all the
Most commentaries on this aspect of treaty law agree
that the modern practice is to include in international agreements
provisions dealing with their termination. These provisions take
various forms, such as establishing the agreements duration, speci-
fying a date for their termination, identifying a condition or event
which lays the basis for their termination, or providing for the
right to denounce or withdraw from the treaty.
A fairly common formulation conditions the right to withdraw
upon notice to the other parties of the intention to withdraw and
the expiration of a fixed period of time. In the case of a bilateral
treaty the exercise of the right means termination; in the case of
a multilateral treaty, withdrawal may, but does not necessarily,
terminate the treaty with respect to the other parties. Of course,
as consent is the basis of all international agreements, the parties
may in most, if not all, circumstances put an end to a treaty by
unanimous consent.
Under international law a treaty which does not make any provi-
sion for its termination or for denunciation or withdrawal is not
subject to denunciation or withdrawal. This prohibition flows from
the fundamental principle of international law that treaties are to
be observed (pacta sunt servanda), that is, that treaty obligations
are binding and cannot be unilaterally waived.
However, the Vi-
enna Convention allows two exceptions to this rule. Denunciation
or withdrawal notwithstanding treaty silence on the subject is per-
mitted if ‘‘it is established that the parties intended to admit of the
possibility of denunciation or withdrawal’’ or, alternatively, if ‘‘a
right of denunciation or withdrawal may be implied by the nature
of the treaty.’’ In either of these circumstances, the Vienna Conven-
tion states that 12-months notice must be given of an intention to
denounce or withdraw from a treaty.
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Rest. 3d, supra, §332.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 59. The Restatement (Third) in-
dicates that the United States adheres to this view regarding the termination of an inter-
national agreement by conclusion of a later incompatible agreement. See Rest. 3d, supra, §332,
Comment e.
Ibid., Article 60.
The Restatement (Third) elucidates the U.S. position on the ter-
mination and denunciation of international agreements in a man-
ner that is generally in accord with Articles 54 and 56 of the Vi-
enna Convention. Thus, Section 332 provides that:
(1) The termination and denunciation of an international
agreement, or the withdrawal of a party from an agreement,
may take place only
(a) in conformity with the agreement or
(b) by consent of all the parties.
(2) An agreement that does not provide for termination or
denunciation or for the withdrawal of a party is not subject to
such action unless the right to take such action is implied by
the nature of the agreement or from other circumstances.
The termination of a treaty under international law is not con-
fined to circumstances where termination is the unanimous desire
of the parties or in conformity with treaty provisions for termi-
nation. A treaty may be effectively terminated when all of the par-
ties to it conclude a later treaty on the same subject if it appears
from the latter or it is otherwise established that the parties in-
tended that the matter should be governed by the second treaty.
A similar result obtains where the provisions of the later treaty are
so incompatible with the earlier one that the two of them cannot
effectively coexist.
Under Article 60 of the Vienna Convention, a material breach of
a bilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles the other to invoke
the breach as a ground for terminating the treaty in whole or in
part. In the case of a material breach of a multilateral treaty, the
other parties by unanimous agreement may terminate it either in
their relations with the defaulting state or all the other parties. A
material breach for this purpose consists of an unjustified repudi-
ation of the treaty or a violation of a provision essential to the ac-
complishment of any object or purpose of the treaty.
The Restatements treatment of a material breach of an inter-
national agreement as a ground for the agreements termination
follows closely in line with the corresponding provisions of the Vi-
enna Convention. Section 335 summarizes the U.S. position as fol-
(1) A material breach of a bilateral agreement by one of the
parties entitles the other to invoke the breach as a ground for
terminating the agreement or suspending its operation in
whole or in part.
(2) A material breach of a multilateral agreement by one of
the parties generally entitles
(a) the other parties by unanimous consent to suspend
the operation of the agreement in whole or in part or to
terminate it, either
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Rest. 3d, supra, §335.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 61.
Ibid., Article 62.
(i) in the relations between themselves and the de-
faulting state, or
(ii) as among all the parties;
(b) a party specially affected by the breach to invoke it
as a ground for suspending the operation of the agreement
in whole or in part in the relations between itself and the
defaulting state;
(c) any party other than the defaulting state to invoke
the breach as a ground for suspending the operation of the
agreement in whole or in part with respect to itself, if the
agreement is of such a character that a material breach of
its provisions by one party radically changes the position
of every party with respect to the further performance of
its obligations under the agreement.
Impossibility of performance
The termination of a treaty may result from a supervening im-
possibility of performance, a condition that arises from the perma-
nent disappearance or destruction of an object indispensable for the
execution of the treaty. The impossibility has to be permanent and
may not be the result of a breach by the invoking party either of
an obligation under the treaty or of any other international obliga-
tion owed to any other party to the treaty.
Rebus sic stantibus
A treaty may become inapplicable and, therefore, subject to being
terminated because of a fundamental change of circumstances that
has occurred since the conclusion of the treaty. This longstanding
principle of international law is commonly called the doctrine of
rebus sic stantibus. In order for the doctrine to apply, the change
in circumstances from those that prevailed at the time the treaty
was concluded must be both fundamental and not foreseen by the
parties. In addition, the existence of the original circumstances
must have constituted an essential basis of the consent of the par-
ties to be bound by the treaty, and the effect of the change must
be radically to transform the extent of the obligations still to be
performed under the treaty. According to the Vienna Convention,
the doctrine may not be invoked to terminate a treaty which estab-
lishes a boundary. Similarly, it is unavailable if the fundamental
change is the result of a breach by the party invoking it, a breach
either of an obligation owed under the treaty or of any other inter-
national obligation owed to any other party to the treaty.
The doctrine of changed circumstances or rebus sic stantibus is
described by the Restatement (Third) as follows:
A fundamental change of circumstances that has occurred
with regard to those existing at the time of the conclusion of
an international agreement, and which was not foreseen by the
parties, may generally be invoked as a ground for terminating
or withdrawing from the agreement but only if
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Rest. 3d, supra, §336.
Ibid., Comment a, at 218.
See V Hackworth, supra, pp. 353356 and 14 Whiteman, supra, at 483485. On December
21, 1945, President Truman revoked the proclamation suspending the convention.
Vienna Convention, supra, Article 64.
Rest. 3d, supra, §102, Comment k; and Brownlie, Ian. Principles of Public International
Law. Clarendon Press, 1990, p. 513.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 63.
(a) the existence of those circumstances constituted an
essential basis of the consent of the parties to be bound by
the agreement and
(b) the effect of the change is radically to transform the
extent of obligations still to be performed under the agree-
The Restatement (Third) emphasizes that the invocation of this
doctrine is ‘‘exceptional,’’
and Hackworth and Whiteman cite but
one instance of its use by the United States (and then to justify
suspension rather than termination of a treaty). In 1941 President
Roosevelt suspended the International Load Line Convention of
July 5, 1930 (47 Stat. 2228). A memo from Acting Attorney General
Biddle reasoned that the convention, which restricted the depth to
which ships could be loaded and thus the amount of cargo they
could carry, had been predicated on the existence of peace and the
normal flow of commerce among nations. He contended that be-
cause of the wars in Europe and Asia, those conditions no longer
existed; and as a consequence, he said, ‘‘there is no doubt in my
mind that the convention has ceased to be binding upon the United
States.’’ He concluded that ‘‘[s]uspension of the convention in such
circumstances is the unquestioned right of a state adversely af-
fected by such essential change.’’
Jus cogens
Treaties that conflict with a newly emergent norm of inter-
national law become void as of the date the new rule of jus cogens
is recognized or determined to exist by the international commu-
When a rule of international law falls into the category of
jus cogens, it admits of no derogation. Accordingly, it prevails over
and invalidates international agreements and other rules of inter-
national law in conflict with it. The condemnation of aggression in
the U.N. Charter and of genocide in the Convention on the Preven-
tion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide are asserted to have
the character of jus cogens.
Severance of diplomatic relations
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties provides that the
severance of diplomatic or consular relations generally does not af-
fect the legal relations of parties to a treaty. Legal relations estab-
lished by a treaty may be adversely affected, however, in cases
where diplomatic or consular relations are indispensable for the ap-
plication of the treaty.
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Ibid., Article 73. ‘‘The provisions of the present Convention shall not prejudge any question
that may arise in regard to a treaty ** * from the outbreak of hostilities between States.’’
Rest. 3d, supra, §336, Comment e.
Ibid., Reporters Note 4, p. 221, quoting Techt v. Hughes, 229 N.Y. 221, 241, 128 N.E. 185,
191, cert. den., 254 U.S. 643 (1920).
Ibid., Article 2, para. 1(b). ‘‘[S]uccession of States means the replacement of one state by
another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory.’’
Rest. 3d, supra, §208, Reporters Note 1.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, supra, Article 73, provides, in part, that ‘‘[t]he
provisions of the present Convention shall not prejudge any question ** * in regard to a treaty
from a succession of States ** *’’
U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 80/31 (August 22, 1978); 17 ILM 1788 (1978).
The United States has never signed the agreement.
The Vienna Convention expressly reserves questions with respect
to the effect of hostilities on treaty relations.
The older view
seems to have been that the outbreak of hostilities terminated trea-
ties between the warring parties or, at the very least, suspended
them. The U.N. Charters condemnation of aggression, however,
has introduced an element of uncertainty into the older views con-
ceptual underpinnings. Therefore, whether hostilities affect ad-
versely all or some of the warring parties treaty relationships is
The Restatement (Third) notes that court deci-
sions in the United States regarding the effect of war on treaties
have traditionally ‘‘dealt with them pragmatically, preserving or
annulling as the necessities of war exact.’’
State succession
In international law rights and obligations arising out of inter-
national agreements, as well as from other sources, belong to the
state, not to the government which represents it. Accordingly,
changes in government as a rule do not interrupt the rights and
obligations of successor governments. However, such may not be
the case when one state succeeds, that is, replaces, another in
terms of being responsible for the international relations of a given
State succession has happened for centuries. But the
breakup of the colonial empires of the European powers, the dis-
solution of the Soviet Union and of Yugoslavia, and the emergence
of numerous new states in recent decades has given particular ur-
gency to the question of whether treaties continue to remain in
force in such circumstances. International law and state practice on
the issue, however, have been described as ‘‘uncertain and con-
As it does with respect to the effect of war on treaties, the Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties makes no effort to resolve
questions concerning the implications of state succession for treaty
rights and obligations.
Instead, a subsequent agreement ap-
proved by a U.N. conference in 1978, the Vienna Convention on
Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, attempted to codify the
pertinent legal standards.
But that agreement has never ob-
tained sufficient ratifications to enter into effect.
Moreover, the
standards set forth in that convention differ in significant respects
from those articulated in the Restatement (Third), and both deviate
in some respects from what appears to be U.S. practice.
The standards set forth in the Vienna Convention on Succession
of States in Respect of Treaties and in the Restatement (Third)
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Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, supra, Article 15; Rest.
3d, supra, §210(1).
Ibid., Article 31 and §210(2) and Comment c.
Ibid., Article 16 and §210(3).
Ibid., Articles 3435 and §210(3).
Rest. 3d, supra, §210, Reporters Note 4.
Ibid., Article 11 and §210(4).
Williamson, Edwin D., and Osborne, John E., ‘‘A U.S. Perspective on Treaty Succession and
Related Issues in the Wake of the Breakup of the USSR and Yugoslavia,’’ 33 Virginia Journal
of International Law 261, 26364 (1993).
vary according to the nature of the succession that has occurred.
They set forth the following main categories:
(1) When part of the territory of an existing state becomes
part of another existing state, both the Convention and the Re-
statement (Third) provide that the treaties of the predecessor
state cease to have effect in that part and the treaties of the
successor state come into force.
(2) When two or more states unite, the Convention states
that the treaties of both continue in effect but only with re-
spect to the part of the territory of the new state to which the
treaties previously applied. The Restatement (Third) does not
disagree but stresses that ‘‘it is sometimes difficult to distin-
guish between an absorption of one state by another and the
merger of two or more states into a Federal union.’’ In the case
of absorption, the Restatement (Third) states that the treaties
of the absorbed state are terminated and those of the absorb-
ing state become applicable to the whole territory.
(3) When a former colony becomes a new state (termed a
‘‘newly independent State’’ by the Convention), both the Con-
vention and the Restatement (Third) provide that the new
state does not succeed to the treaty rights and obligations of
the colonial power, unless it expressly agrees to them or by
conduct is considered to have agreed to them. This rule is des-
ignated the ‘‘clean slate’’ rule.
(4) When a new state emerges from a condition other than
colonialism, e.g., as the result of secession or the dissolution of
the predecessor state, the Convention states a ‘‘continuity’’
rule, i.e., that the international agreements of the predecessor
state continue in force for every successor state. The Restate-
ment (Third), in contrast, does not differentiate these states
from former colonies and applies the clean slate rule to both.
The Conventions differentiation is based on the notion that a
colony had no voice in the making of the international agree-
ments of the colonial power, whereas states arising from seces-
sion or dissolution purportedly did. The Restatement (Third)
rejects that distinction, contending that ‘‘it does not reflect con-
sistent practice and would be difficult to apply.’’
Both the convention and the Restatement (Third) provide that
pre-existing boundary and other territorial agreements continue to
be binding on successor states.
State practice with respect to state succession and treaty obliga-
tions has not been consistent, however. A 1991 State Department
study of past state practice found that, historically, a spectrum of
‘‘divergent approaches’’ has been employed depending on the cir-
The Restatement (Third) notes that in practice even
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Rest. 3d, supra, §210, Reporters Note 3.
Williamson, supra, note 132, pp. 261272; Williams, Paul R., ‘‘The Treaty Obligations of
the Successor States of the Former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia: Do They Con-
tinue in Force?’’ 23 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 1 (1994); and Nash, Marian
(Leich), ‘‘Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law,’’ 87 Amer-
ican Journal of International Law 595 (1993).
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations early on took the position that ‘‘[t]he President
and Senate, acting together, [were competent] to terminate a treaty’’ but allowed that in certain
circumstances a treaty could be terminated by joint action of the President and Congress. S.
Rept. 97, 34th Cong., 1st Sess. (1857), p. 3. In 1979 the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
gave renewed consideration to the treaty termination issue in the context of President Carters
unilateral termination of the 1954 Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan. It said: ‘‘The Committee
has reviewed its actions over the last decade because it believes it important that the issue of
treaty termination be viewed in context. That context ** * is a history of efforts by the Commit-
tee and the Senate to ensure the constitutional prerogatives of the Congress and the special role
accorded the Senate by the treaty Clause are respected by the executive branch ** * The con-
stitutional role of the Congress has too often been short-circuited because it was viewed in the
executive branch and even by some Members of Congress as an impediment to the expeditious
adoption of substantive policies commanding the support of a majority. Thus, when in our recent
history the substance of those policies lost that support, the procedures once available as checks
had atrophied, and the Congress was forced to struggle to reclaim its powers. The lesson was
learned the hard way: procedural requirements prescribed by the Constitution must not be dis-
regarded in the name of efficiency, and the substance of a policy, however, attractive, can never
justify circumventing the procedure required by the Constitution for its adoption ** * The issue
of treaty termination, in the judgment of the Committee, must be viewed pursuant to this prin-
ciple. ** * [T]he Committee ** * cannot accept the notion advanced by administration witnesses
that the President possesses an implied power to terminate any treaty, with any country, under
any circumstances, irrespective of what action may have been taken by the Congress by law
or by the Senate in a reservation to that treaty. Such an argument in this context is at odds
with the most fundamental precepts underlying the separation of powers doctrine ** *.’’ S. Rept.
96119, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (1979), pp. 56.
A number of Members of Congress attempted to force a judicial resolution of the legality
of President Carters action by filing suit in Federal court. At trial a Federal district court ini-
tially held that ‘‘any decision of the United States to terminate [the Mutual Defense Treaty of
1954] must be made with the advice and consent of the Senate or the approval of both houses
of Congress. That decision cannot be made by the President alone.’’ Goldwater v. Carter, 481
F. Supp. 949, 965 (D.D.C. 1979). But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
reversed and held that ‘‘the President did not exceed his authority when he took action to with-
states emerging from colonial status ‘‘have found it inconvenient to
wipe out entirely the often complex network of agreements that
had been applicable to their territory.’’
U.S. practice, at least in
recent times, appears to have generally employed the continuity
principle while being open to negotiations on whether particular
treaties ought to continue to apply. That has been the case with
respect to the successor states of the former Soviet Union and the
former Yugoslavia, the breakup of Czechoslovakia, and the separa-
tion of Eritrea from Ethiopia.
F. U.S. L
The constitutional requirements that attend the termination of
treaties remain a matter of some controversy. The Senate Foreign
Relations Committee has from time to time contended that the ter-
mination of treaties requires conjoint action by the President and
the Senate (or Congress).
But in the most recent instance of
open conflict between the President and some Members of the Sen-
ate regarding the termination of a treatyPresident Carters ter-
mination of the Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan in 1979the
Federal trial and appellate courts reached contrary conclusions re-
garding the requirements of the Constitution for terminating a
treaty and the Supreme Court avoided resolving the constitutional
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draw from the ** * treaty, without the consent of the Senate or other legislative concurrences.’’
Goldwater v. Carter, 617 F. 2d 697, 709 (D.C. Cir. 1979). The Supreme Court then vacated that
decision and ordered the complaint dismissed. Goldwater v. Carter, 444 U.S. 996 (1979). In so
doing the court issued no majority opinion. Then-Justice Rehnquist, joined by Chief Justice
Burger and Justices Stewart and Stevens, opined that the issue was a political question inap-
propriate for judicial resolution. Justice Powell concurred in the courts judgment but disagreed
with the pluralitys reasoning. He said that the case should be dismissed on grounds of ripeness
but contended that the political question doctrine did not stand as an inevitable barrier to judi-
cial resolution of the constitutional question. Justice Marshall concurred in the result without
opinion. Justices Blackmun and White argued that the case should be scheduled for briefing and
oral argument. Justice Brennan dissented, arguing that the decision of the Court of Appeals
should be affirmed to the extent ‘‘it rests upon the Presidents well-established authority to rec-
ognize, and withdraw recognition from, foreign governments.’’ 444 U.S. at 1006. The direction
by the Supreme Court to dismiss the complaint vitiates any precedential value of the earlier
rulings and leaves the issue of Presidential authority to terminate a treaty effectively unre-
solved. However, it should be noted that subsequent decisions have made it difficult for Mem-
bers of Congress to bring suit on separation of powers issues. See, for example, Raines v. Byrd,
521 U.S. 811 (1997) (Members of Congress held to lack standing to challenge the constitutional-
ity of the ‘‘Line Item Veto Act’’) and Campbell v. Clinton, 203 F. 3d 19 (D.C. Cir.), cert. den.,
2000 U.S.LEXIS 4928 (2000) (Members of Congress held to lack standing to challenge the con-
stitutionality of U.S. participation in NATOs military actions against the former Yugoslavia).
Rest. 3d, supra, §339. Section 339, captioned ‘‘Authority to Suspend or Terminate Inter-
national Agreement: Law of the United States,’’ reads as follows: ‘‘Under the law of the United
States, the President has the power (a) to suspend or terminate an agreement in accordance
with its terms; (b) to make the determination that would justify the United States in terminat-
ing or suspending an agreement because of its violation by another party or because of
supervening events, and to proceed to terminate or suspend the agreement on behalf of the
United States; or (c) to elect in a particular case not to suspend or terminate an agreement.’’
‘‘The President is the sole organ of the Nation in its external relations, and its sole rep-
resentative with foreign nations.’’ United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. at 319,
quoting John Marshall in debate in the House of Representatives on March 7, 1800. ‘‘** * Con-
gress has no power to communicate directly with foreign powers.’’ Willoughby, Constitutional
Law of the United States, v. 1, 1929, p. 587 (hereafter cited as 1 Willoughby).
Charlton v. Kelly, 229 U.S. 447, 474 (1913).
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 461.
Henkin, supra, p. 211.
The Restatement (Third) subscribes to the view that the power
to terminate treaties is lodged in the President.
With regard to
international agreements that do not take the form of treaties, the
conclusion is generally true or, at least, has not been seriously
challenged in the past. However, as indicated at the outset, the as-
sertion of an exclusive Presidential power in the context of a treaty
is controversial and flies in the face of a substantial number of
precedents in which the Senate or Congress have been participants.
In so far as domestic law and practice are concerned, two non-
controversial observations may be made with respect to the termi-
nation of an international agreement. First, as the official spokes-
person with other governments, the President is the person who
communicates the notice of impending termination.
Second, the
termination of an international agreement is a political act, and,
accordingly, the courts do not terminate international agree-
However, whether a treaty to be legally as distinguished
from effectively terminated requires conjoint action of the political
branches remains, as previously indicated, a live issue which the
Supreme Court has sidestepped in the past.
‘‘The procedure by which, from the viewpoint of national law and
practice, treaties may be terminated involves questions to be re-
solved in accordance with constitutional and related procedures in
each country. The United States Constitution is silent with respect
to the power to terminate treaties. The matter was not discussed
in the debates of the Constitutional Convention in Philadel-
‘‘The Constitution tells us only who can make treaties for
the United States; it does not say who can unmake them.’’
a consequence of the Constitutions silence in this regard, ‘‘there
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1 Willoughby, supra, p. 581.
Schwartz, The Powers of Government, v. II (1963), p. 130.
See Bas v. Tingy, 4 Dall. (4 U.S.) 37 (1800); Wright, The Control of American Foreign Rela-
tions, p. 256; cf. 14 Whiteman, p. 290 et seq.
1 Willoughby, supra, p. 585.
Ibid., p. 587.
Senator Lodge, chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, 48 Congressional Record 587
has been some confusion of doctrine upon this point and a variety
in practice.’’
The doctrinal confusion stems in large measure from various
seemingly inconsistent or opposing concepts. As explained by one
noted legal scholar:
From the point of view of American law ***, the Constitu-
tion does not limit the authority to terminate treaties to the
possessors of the treatymaking power, i.e., the President and
Senate ***. Article VI [of the Constitution] vests treaties with
the same domestic status as Federal statutes, which means
that the courts must disregard treaty provisions insofar as
they are inconsistent with later acts of Congress. A Federal
statute inconsistent with the terms of an existing treaty con-
sequently operates to deprive such treaty of its force as law
within this country. Under Article VI the Congress can, in ef-
fect, terminate a treaty, so far as its effect in our domestic law
is concerned. Such congressional termination, the Supreme
Court has said, ‘‘must control in our courts as the later expres-
sion of our municipal law, even though it conflicted with the
provision of the treaty and the international obligation re-
mained unaffected.’’
At the same time, it is clear that, in such a case, the inter-
national obligation does remain unaffected ***. The repeal of
a treaty by a later statute is only a matter of American law.
Regardless of the abrogation of the municipal effect of a treaty
by an overriding statute, the treaty is not abrogated in the
international sense. ***
In addition to effectively terminating a treaty by legislatively ne-
gating its municipal consequences, the Congress may effect a ter-
mination in other ways, such as by a declaration of war
or, in
the case of non-self-executing treaties, by failing to approve nec-
essary implementing legislation.
All of the foregoing is true notwithstanding that ‘‘[i]n so far as
a treaty is regarded as an international compact, it seems almost
too clear for argument that Congress [as distinguished from the
Senate], not having been made by the Constitution a participant in
the treatymaking power, has no constitutional authority to exercise
that power either affirmatively or negatively, that is, by creating
or destroying international agreements.’’
Moreover, ‘‘[i]t may be
noted that Congress has no means whereby it may itself give notice
of termination of a treaty to the foreign government concerned
under the Constitution; Congress has no power to communicate di-
rectly with foreign Powers.’’
‘‘But it is well for the Senate and
for Congress also to remember that it does not lie in our hands
alone to give this notice to a foreign Government. We can not give
the notice.’’
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United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304, 320 (1936).
Senator Lodge, supra, note 146.
See Van der Weyde v. Ocean Transport Co., 297 U.S. 114, 117 (1936).
See Terlinden v. Ames, 184 U.S. 270, 290 (1902); Charlton v. Kelly, 229 U.S. 447, 474
476 (1913).
See Bas v. Tingy, 4 Dall. 37 (4 U.S.) (1800).
Henkin, supra, p. 211.
The Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U.S. 581, 602 (1889).
1 Willoughby, supra, note 115, p. 582; cf. 14 Whiteman, supra, note 8, pp. 468 et seq.
U.N. International Law Commission, 14 Whiteman, supra, note 8, p. 468.
The Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U.S. 581, 602603 (1889).
To the President is ascribed the role of being the ‘‘organ of for-
eign relations.’’ The Supreme Court has described this role as ‘‘the
very delicate, plenary and exclusive power of the President as the
sole organ of the Federal government in the field of international
Although the Congress can effectively terminate a
treatys domestic effect by passage of a superseding public law
(which requires the Presidents signature or the override of a veto),
the termination of the outstanding international obligation seems
to reside with the President since he alone is able to communicate
with foreign powers. ‘‘The only organ of this Government recog-
nized by foreign Governments is the Executivethe President of
the United States. If he does give the notice, it will be given.’’
Whether the President alone can terminate a treatys domestic
effect remains an open question.
As a practical matter, however,
the President may exercise this power since the courts have held
that they are conclusively bound by an executive determination
with regard to whether a treaty is still in effect.
The same result
may apply to a congressional termination, particularly if it is re-
garded as a declaration of war.
‘‘International law,’’ it has been observed, ‘‘*** recognizes the
powerthough not the rightof a state party to break a treaty
and pay damages or abide other international consequences.’’
That the U.S. Government has the constitutional power to termi-
nate treaties on behalf of the United States is clear.
It is a
power which inheres in sovereignty and is not negated by the su-
premacy clause or any other clause of the Constitution.
the other party to a broken agreement has a legitimate grievance,
its avenue of redress is ‘‘by the negotiation of a new agreement, or
failing peaceful modes of settlement, by more drastic means, should
the grievance be deemed a sufficiently serious one.’’
‘‘A violation
of a treaty obligation, as of any other obligation, may give rise to
a right in the other party to take non-forcible reprisals and these
reprisals may properly relate to the defaulting partys rights under
the treaty.’’
But ‘‘[t]he question whether our government is justi-
fied in disregarding its engagements with another Nation is not
one for the determination of the courts ***. This court is not a cen-
sor of the morals of other departments of the government ***.’’
The actual practice whereby treaties have been terminated dem-
onstrates considerable variation. ‘‘In some cases treaties have been
terminated by the President, in accordance with their terms pursu-
ant to action by Congress. In other cases action was taken by the
President pursuant to resolutions of the Senate alone. In still oth-
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14 Whiteman, supra, p. 460.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 319.
14 Whiteman, supra, p. 462.
1 Willoughby, supra, p. 583.
ers the initiative was taken by the President, in some cases inde-
pendently, and in others his action was later notified to one or both
Houses of Congress and approved by both Houses. No settled rule
or procedure has been followed.’’
Hackworth quoted the Solicitor
of the Department of State as saying ‘‘that the choice of method
would seem to depend either upon the importance of the inter-
national question or upon the preference of the Executive.’’
‘‘actual practice’’ has been summarized as follows:
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction
by the Congress;
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction
by the Senate;
Executive action without prior specific authorization or direc-
tion, but with subsequent approval by the Congress;
Executive action without prior specific authorization or direc-
tion, but with subsequent approval by the Senate;
Executive action without specific prior authorization or direc-
tion and without subsequent approval by either the Congress
or the Senate.
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction by the
The instances in which the Congress, by joint resolution, has au-
thorized or directed the President to terminate treaties ‘‘have been
considerable in number’’:
In some instances the congressional action for the denuncia-
tion of a treaty has empowered the President ‘‘at his discre-
tion’’ to give the necessary notice to the foreign Governments
concerned. In other instances, he has been directed, that is,
charged with the duty, of giving the notice. For example the
Joint Resolution of Congress of January 18, 1865, relative to
the Canadian Reciprocity Treaty, declared that notice of de-
nunciation should be given, and that ‘‘the President of the
United States is hereby charged with the communication of
such notice.’’ Of the same tenor was the Joint Resolution of
March 4, 1883, relative to the Treaty of Washington with
Great Britain. [This Resolution declared that articles of the
treaty ought to be terminated at the earliest time, and that to
this end, ‘‘the President be, and he hereby is, directed to give
notice to the government of His Britannic Majesty that the pro-
visions of *** the articles aforesaid will terminate and be of
no force on the expiration of two years next after the time of
giving such notice.’’]
In 1846, pursuant to a request from President Polk, a joint reso-
lution was enacted providing that ‘‘the President *** be, and he is
hereby, authorized, at his discretion, to give to the Government of
Great Britain the notice required by the second article of the said
convention of the 6th of August, 1827, for the abrogation of the
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9 Stat. 108 (1846).
38 Stat. 1164.
Van der Weyde v. Ocean Transport Co., 297 U.S. 114, 116 (1936).
Ibid., pp. 117118.
Public Law 99440, § 313 (October 2, 1987); 100 Stat. 3515; 22 U.S.C. 5063. The treaty
provided for termination upon 1 years notice.
That convention provided for the joint occupancy of cer-
tain parts of the Oregon Territory. Similarly, the Seamans Act of
March 4, 1915
requested and directed the President to give no-
tice of the termination of the treaty provisions in conflict with the
Act. Section 16 of the Act expressly provided that ‘‘the President
be *** requested and directed *** to give notice to the several
Governments, respectively, that so much as herein described of all
such treaties and conventions between the United States and for-
eign Governments will terminate on the expiration of such periods
after notices have been given as may be required in such treaties
and conventions.’’
A subsequent Supreme Court decision noted that ‘‘[i]t appears
that, in consequence, notice was given and that a large number of
treaties were terminated in whole or in part.’’
But in Van der
Weyde v. Ocean Transport Co., the court upheld the method of ter-
minating treaties used in the Seamens Act, stating: ‘‘From every
point of view, it was incumbent upon the President, charged with
the conduct of negotiations with foreign governments and also with
the duty to take care that the laws of the United States are faith-
fully executed, to reach a conclusion as to the inconsistency be-
tween the provisions of the treaty and the provisions of the new
law.’’ The court did not opine on whether the language of the stat-
ute was binding, but stated simply that the President was obli-
gated to distinguish between consistencies and inconsistencies in
foreign treaties and the law in question. Moreover, the court ex-
pressly stated that the question of the sufficiency of Presidential
power alone to terminate the treaties was not before it; ‘‘*** the
question as to the authority of the Executive in the absence of con-
gressional action, or of action by the treatymaking power, to de-
nounce a treaty of the United States is not here involved.’’
More recently, Congress mandated the termination of a treaty in
the Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986. Section 313 of that Act required
the Secretary of State to terminate immediately, in accordance
with its terms, the tax treaty and protocol with South Africa that
had been concluded on December 13, 1946.
The propriety of congressional action advising or directing the
President to notify foreign governments of the termination of trea-
ties between them and the United States has not gone unchal-
lenged. In 1879 President Hayes vetoed the Chinese Immigration
Bill of that year on the ground, inter alia, that it instructed him
to abrogate certain articles of the existing treaty with China. He
said: ‘‘As the power of modifying an existing treaty, whether by ad-
vising or striking out provisions, is a part of the treatymaking
power under the Constitution, its exercise is not competent for
Congress, nor would the assent of China to this partial abrogation
of the treaty make the action of Congress in thus procuring an
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1 Willoughby, supra, p. 584.
V Hackworth, supra, p. 323. A memorandum from the Solicitor for the State Department
buttressed this view as follows: ‘‘Congress may pass an act violative of a treaty. It may express
its sense that a treaty should be terminated. But it cannot in effect undertake legally to modify
a treaty no matter what methods it may employ. In doing that, it, in effect, attempts to conduct
diplomatic negotiations and to encroach on the treatymaking power composed of the President
and the Senate.’’
Ibid., p. 319.
Techt v. Hughes, 229 N.Y. 222, 243 (1920).
Congressional Globe, 33d Cong., 2d Sess. (1855), pp. 414415.
Ibid., 34th Cong., 1st Sess. (March 6, 1856), pp. 599607.
amendment of a treaty, a competent exercise of authority under the
Similarly, in 1920 President Wilson refused to carry out Section
34 of the Merchant Marine Act of that year. That section directed
the President to terminate any provisions of existing treaties that
restricted the right of the United States ‘‘to impose discriminating
customs duties on imports entering the United States and discrimi-
natory tonnage duties ***’’ A Department of State press release of
September 24, 1920, in part, stated:
The Department of State has been informed by the President
that he does not deem the direction, contained in Section 34
*** an exercise of any constitutional power possessed by the
Secretary Colby, commenting on the point made by the
President that Congress had exceeded its powers, called atten-
tion to the veto by President Hayes of an Act passed by Con-
gress in 1879. *** President Hayes declared that ‘‘the power
of making new treaties or of modifying existing treaties is not
lodged by the Constitution in Congress, but in the President,
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as shown
by the concurrence of two-thirds of that body.’’
Executive action pursuant to prior authorization or direction by the
The Department of State has taken the position that the prin-
cipals who can execute treaties can terminate them. ‘‘*** [T]he
power that makes the treaty can likewise revoke it; in other words,
that the President acting in conjunction with the Senate of the
United States would be authorized to terminate a treaty to which
the United States is a party.’’
This method has also received ju-
dicial recognition: ‘‘The President and Senate may denounce the
treaty and thus terminate its life.’’
This procedure was apparently first employed in the mid-1850s
and precipitated considerable controversy. On January 26, 1855,
the House passed a joint resolution authorizing the President to
give notice of the termination of the 1826 Treaty of Friendship,
Commerce, and Navigation between Denmark and the United
States according to its terms.
But on March 3, 1855, the Senate
adopted instead a simple resolution authorizing the President to do
so; and President Pierce on April 14 of that year gave the requisite
notice on the basis of the latter authority. Subsequently, at the ini-
tiative of Senator Sumner, the Senate directed the Committee on
Foreign Relations to examine the constitutionality of this procedure
and whether a statute was required to effect the termination.
The committee did so and concluded that the procedure was con-
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S. Rept. 97, 34th Cong., 1st Sess. (1856), p. 3.
Congressional Globe, 34th Cong., 1st Sess. (May 8, 1856), p. 826 (text of resolution) and
pp. 11461158 (debate).
See 61 Congressional Record 1794 (May 26, 1921) (letter of April 12, 1920, from D.F. Hous-
ton, Secretary of the Treasury, to the Secretary of State).
V Hackworth, supra, p. 322.
5 Moore, supra, p. 323.
37 Stat. 627 (1911); V Hackworth, pp. 319320; 1 Willoughby, p. 582.
stitutionally proper: ‘‘The Committees are clear in the opinion that
it is competent for the President and Senate, acting together, to
terminate in the manner prescribed by the eleventh article without
the aid or intervention of legislation by Congress, and that when
so terminated it is at an end to every intent both as a contract be-
tween the Governments and as a law of the land.’’
The Senate,
subsequently, had an extensive debate on the report and on a reso-
lution reported by the committee endorsing that view,
but the
resolution never came to a final vote.
This procedure has been used on subsequent occasions. In 1921,
for instance, President Wilson sought the Senates advice and con-
sent to the denunciation of the International Sanitary Convention
of 1903. That convention had been superseded by a 1912 conven-
tion but remained in force for those parties which had not ratified
the latter convention. The Public Health Service believed that situ-
ation to ‘‘prevent the enforcement of measures necessary for the
prevention of diseases from abroad’’ and said that it would be ‘‘infi-
nitely better to have no international sanitary convention than to
continue to abide by the terms of the Paris convention of 1903.’’
By a resolution adopted by a two-thirds majority on May 26, 1921,
the Senate gave its advice and consent to the denunciation of the
convention; and the Secretary of State communicated notice of the
denunciation to the conventions depositary.
Executive action without prior specific authorization or direction,
but with subsequent approval by the Congress
In 1864 the Secretary of State directed the U.S. Minister in Lon-
don to give the British Government the stipulated 6-months notice
of an intention to terminate the Great Lakes Agreement of 1817
regulating armaments on the Great Lakes. The minister did so,
and a few months later Congress by joint resolution ‘‘adopted and
ratified’’ the notice of termination.
In 1911, President Taft, with-
out congressional direction but after House passage of a strongly
worded joint resolution, gave notice to the Russian Government of
the termination of the commercial treaty of 1832 with that country.
Thereafter, he communicated his action to the Senate, ‘‘as a part
of the treatymaking power of this Government,’’ for its approval.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, however, reported a joint
resolution by which the notice of termination by the President was
‘‘adopted and ratified.’’ This joint resolution was passed by both
houses of Congress and was signed by the President on December
21, 1911.
Executive action without specific prior authorization or direction,
but with subsequent approval by the Senate
Although many authorities recognize this method and affirm its
use, supporting examples are rarely provided. It should be noted
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48 Congressional Record 455 (1911).
Ibid., p. 480.
V Hackworth, supra, pp. 330331.
Ibid., pp. 329332.
Henkin, supra, p. 212.
that President Taft in terminating the 1832 treaty with Russia,
discussed above, sought to employ this mode. Although his action
was subsequently approved by joint congressional action, it seems
likely that his initial approach was based on some precedent.
During the Senate debate on the resolution, Senator Lodge,
chairman, Foreign Relations Committee, endorsed the Presidents
use of this method. He said:
The President has entire authority to give that notice and to
ask for the approval of Congress or approval of the Senate. He
takes the view, which is held by many of the best judges that
the treatymaking power is entirely able to terminate a treaty
which carries with it no legislation and the President did noth-
ing unusual in this action.
The Senate and the President alone can end an existing trea-
ty by simply agreeing to a new one, they can do it without any
consultation with any other body, and certainly where no legis-
lation is involved it seems to me that those who represented
the high contracting party in the making of a treaty are capa-
ble of representing the high contracting party in its
Executive action without specific prior authorization or direction,
and without subsequent approval by either the Congress or the
There appears to be some uncertainty among the commentators
as to the first termination of a treaty by a President acting alone.
But one of the earliest appears to be the termination in 1899 of the
most-favored-nation clauses in a commercial treaty of 1850 with
France, as extended to Switzerland under a commercial agreement
entered into in 1898. A 1936 memorandum from the State Depart-
ment to President Roosevelt cited that instance in justification of
its conclusion that the President could also give notice of an intent
to terminate a treaty with Italy ‘‘without seeking the advice and
consent of the Senate or the approval of Congress to such ac-
Hackworth gives a number of other examples of the
‘‘President acting alone,’’ including the terminations of a 1926 con-
vention with Mexico for the prevention of smuggling in 1927; a
1927 convention for the abolition of import and export prohibition
and restriction in 1933; an 1871 Treaty of Commerce and Naviga-
tion with Italy in 1936; and a 1911 commercial treaty with Japan
in 1939.
Henkin adds to the list President Roosevelts termi-
nation of an extradition treaty with Greece in 1933 because Greece
had refused to extradite a particular fugitive (Mr. Insull).
dent Johnson in 1965 gave notice of the withdrawal of the United
States from the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Re-
lating to International Transportation by Air (the Warsaw Conven-
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49 Stat. 3000; TS 876; 2 Bevans 983.
See Senate Foreign Relations Committee Print, Termination of Treaties: The Constitu-
tional Allocation of Power (1978), pp. 397398, for additional examples given by the Department
of State Legal Adviser.
92 Stat. 730, 746 (1978).
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Congress and Foreign Policy, 1985
1986 (99th Cong.), p. 7.
Act of July 7, 1798; 1 Stat. 578.
S. Rept. 97, 34th Cong., 1st Sess., pp. 45.
4 Dall. (4 U.S.) 37 (1800).
Moore, John Bassett. A Digest of International Law, Vol 5. U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, 1906, pp. 608 et seq. A century later, Congress action was held to have effectively termi-
nated the treaties both municipally and internationally. See Hooper v. United States, 22 Ct. Cl.
408, 42526 (1887). Cf. Ship James Williams v. United States, 37 Ct. Cl. 303 (1902).
although he subsequently withdrew it 1 day before the de-
nunciation would have taken effect.
As already noted, President Carter, on December 15, 1978, gave
notice of termination of the Mutual Defense Treaty with Taiwan.
This action not only was taken without prior or subsequent author-
ization of Congress or of the Senate but in the face of an expression
of the sense of Congress ‘‘that there should be prior consultation
between the Congress and the executive branch on any proposed
policy changes affecting the continuation in force of the Mutual De-
fense Treaty of 1954.’’
President Reagan also unilaterally terminated a treaty with little
apparent protest that Congress was not involved. On May 1, 1985,
he ordered the imposition of economic sanctions against Nicaragua
under the general authority of the International Emergency Eco-
nomic Powers Act. These sanctions included notification of the in-
tent to terminate the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Naviga-
tion with Nicaragua. After the required waiting period of 1 year,
the treaty was terminated.
Finally, it should be noted that in one instance Congress adopted
a statute that purported to terminate treaties of its own force,
without the necessity of any notice by the President. On July 7,
1798, President Adams signed into law a measure providing ‘‘[t]hat
the United States are of right freed and exonerated from the stipu-
lations of the treaties, and of the consular convention, heretofore
concluded between the United States and France; and that the
same shall not henceforth be regarded as legally obligatory on the
government or citizens of the United States.’’
In the 1856 report
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee previously referred to,
this action by the Congress was viewed as being tantamount to a
declaration of war.
In fact, 2 days following its passage, the Con-
gress authorized hostilities against France, and in Bas v. Tingy the
Supreme Court regarded these acts as, in effect, declaring war.
It might be noted, however, that France refused to recognize the
abrogation of the treaties.
The arguments in support of the respective claims of the Presi-
dent and the Congress as regards the proper method of terminating
treaties turn on a number of factors. The Senates role in treaty
termination is said to derive from its participation in treatymaking.
With respect to the congressional role, much weight is given to a
treatys status as law pursuant to Article VI of the U.S. Constitu-
tion, that is, to the distinction between a treaty as an international
compact, and, under American law, as domestic law. Arguments on
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See Committee Print, supra, note 17, pp. 145 and 395 for elaboration of these views by
former Senator Barry Goldwater and State Department Legal Adviser Herbert J. Hansel.
Rest. 3d, supra, §339, Comment a (emphasis added).
Public Law 99440, supra, note 167, §306(b)(1). The agreement provided for termination
upon 1 years notice, and the Secretary of State gave the required notice. But the Act also di-
rected the Secretary of Transportation to revoke the permit of any air carrier designated by the
government of South Africa to provide service under the agreement 10 days after the Acts en-
actment. Upon suit challenging the Secretarys revocation of the permit of South African Air-
ways pursuant to this provision as a violation of the agreement, the revocation was upheld on
the grounds that a statute can supersede an international agreement. South African Airways
v. Dole, 817 F. 2d 119 (D.C. Cir.), cert. den., 484 U.S. 896 (1987).
behalf of Presidential claims focus prominently on his preeminent
position in foreign affairs.
As indicated at various points in the foregoing discussion, the
Presidents authority to terminate executive agreements, in par-
ticular sole executive agreements, has not been seriously ques-
tioned in the past. To the extent that the agreement in question
is authorized by statute or treaty, its mode of termination likely
could be regulated by appropriate language in the authorizing stat-
ute or treaty. Thus, the Restatement (Third) states: ‘‘If the United
States Senate, in giving consent to a treaty, declares that it does
so on condition that the President shall not terminate the treaty
without the consent of Congress or of the Senate, or that he shall
do so only in accordance with some other procedure, that condition
presumably would be binding on the President if he proceeded to
make the treaty. *** Congress could impose such a condition in
authorizing the President to conclude an executive agreement that
depended on Congressional authority.’’
In the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 Congress man-
dated the termination, in accordance with its provisions, of an exec-
utive agreement between the United States and South Africa,
namely, the Agreement Between the Government of the United
States of America and the Government of the Union of South Afri-
ca Relating to Air Services Between Their Respective Terri-
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Prepared by Marjorie Ann Browne, Specialist in International Relations and Lois B.
McHugh, Analyst in International Relations.
Public Law 92403, ‘‘An Act to require that international agreements other than treaties,
hereinafter entered into by the United States, be transmitted to the Congress within sixty days
after the execution thereof.’’ This law is often referred to as the Case-Zablocki Act, or the Case
Act for short.
A major problem for the legislative branch in the foreign policy
area has been the tendency of the executive branch to make impor-
tant international agreements by executive power alone, bypassing
the advice and consent role of the Senate in treaty approval and
sometimes failing to inform Congress of agreements with other
countries that are considered binding under international law. Two
objectives have predominated congressional perspectives on this
issue. The first has been to ensure that Congress is aware of all
important U.S. agreements. The second has been to provide a proc-
ess which will ensure that important U.S. commitments are made
with legislative approval.
The primary tools available to Congress for its oversight of inter-
national agreements, especially international agreements other
than treaties, start with the Case-Zablocki Act on transmittal of
international agreements other than treaties.
Other tools include
consultations on the form of agreements; legislation to implement
concluded agreements; legislation requiring congressional approval
of concluded agreements; required reports to Congress on some as-
pect of international agreements; consultation between Members or
congressional staff and appropriate executive branch officials; and
hearings. This chapter discusses these and other tools for congres-
sional oversight.
A. T
The fundamental thrust of the Case Act is that the executive
branch transmit to the Congress within 60 days after entry into
force, the text of all international agreements not submitted to the
Senate as treaties. All forms of agreements, whether written or
oral, classified or unclassified, negotiated by the State Department
or by other executive agencies, are included in the requirement.
The goal is to ensure congressional knowledge of commitments
made by the executive branch on behalf of the U.S. Government.
Passage of the legislation has its roots in a number of earlier con-
gressional efforts.
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52 Stat. 760. The full citation follows: Printing Act, Chapter 23, section 73 (28 Stat. 615),
approved January 12, 1895; amended by Public Law 657, 75th Cong., approved June 16, 1938,
52 Stat. 760.
Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Between the United
States and Other Powers. Volumes 1 and 2, covering 17761909, were compiled by William M.
Malloy; the third, covering 19101923, by C.F. Redmond; and the fourth volume, covering 1923
1937, was compiled by Edward J. Trenwith. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office,
Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America, 17761949.
Compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans. Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing
Office, 19681974 and 1976; 13 vols.
Provisions for publication
Congress historically tried to ensure that it receive copies of all
treaties and agreements entered into force on behalf of the United
States. The Public Printing Act of 1895 required the Secretary of
State, at the end of each Congress, to edit, print, bind, and distrib-
ute the Statutes at Large that would include not only ‘‘all laws,
joint and concurrent resolutions passed by Congress,’’ but ‘‘also all
conventions, treaties, proclamations, and agreements.’’ (28 Stat.
615) The language in this Act was further refined in 1938, to in-
all treaties to which the United States is a party that have
been proclaimed since the date of the adjournment of the regu-
lar session of Congress next preceding; all international agree-
ments other than treaties to which the United States is a party
that have been signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which
any other final formality has been executed, since that date;
In practice, a number of agreements escaped publication. In
1909, the Senate, in S. Res. 252, 60th Congress, authorized prepa-
ration, under the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, of a
‘‘compilation of treaties, conventions, important protocols, and
international acts to which the United States may have been a
party from 1778 to March 4, 1909, and such other material pertain-
ing to treaties as may be recommended for insertion *** by the
Secretary of State.’’ The resulting compilation eventually covered
1776 through 1937 and was the only official comprehensive collec-
tion of U.S. treaties and international agreements covering that pe-
In the interim period between 1938 and 1949, a hodgepodge
of published bits and pieces was developed. The State Department
issued as individual pamphlets the Executive Agreements Series
(EAS) and Treaty Series (TS) until 1945 when the Treaties and
Other International Acts Series (TIAS) replaced them as the form
for the texts of individual agreements. Until the collection compiled
under Charles Bevans was completed, no official consolidation of all
U.S. treaties and international agreements concluded between 1937
and 1950 had been published.
In 1950, when the function of publishing the U.S. Statutes at
Large was transferred from the Secretary of State to the Adminis-
trator of General Services, Congress required the Secretary to pub-
lish, starting January 1, 1950,
a compilation entitled ‘‘United States Treaties and Other Inter-
national Agreements,’’ which shall contain all treaties to which
the United States is a party that have been proclaimed during
each calendar year, and all international agreements other
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64 Stat. 980; 1 U.S.C. §112a.
89 Stat. 296.
Federal Register, October 23, 1995: 54319.
Section 138. ‘‘Publishing International Agreements.’’ listed ‘‘the following criteria: (1) such
agreements are not treaties ** * pursuant to section (2)(2) of Article II of the Constitution ** *;
(2) the public interest in such agreements is insufficient to justify their publication, because (A)
as of the date of enactment of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and
1995, the agreements are no longer in force, (B) the agreements do not create private rights
or duties, or establish standards intended to govern government action in the treatment of pri-
vate individuals; (C) in view of the limited or specialized nature of the public interest in such
agreements, such interest can adequately be satisfied by an alternative means; or (D) the public
disclosure of the text of the agreement would, in the opinion of the President, be prejudicial to
the national security of the United States; and (3) copies of such agreements ** * will be made
available by the Department of State upon request.’’
than treaties to which the United States is a party that have
been signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which any other
final formality has been executed, during each calendar year.
The 1895 Act had provided that a copy of the Statutes at Large
would be automatically provided to the office of each Member of the
House and Senate. The 1950 revision of section 112 and addition
of section 112a did not provide for distribution to offices in this
manner. Public Law 9459, in 1975, stipulated that copies of the
U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements series would not
be available to Senators and Representatives unless specifically re-
quested in writing.
The inability of the State Department to publish promptly inter-
national agreements that had entered into force, accompanied by a
near absence of public requests for copies of those agreements still
unpublished, led to Congressional amendment in 1994 of 1 U.S.C.
Section 138 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fis-
cal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public Law 103236) which authorized
the Secretary of State to determine that certain categories of inter-
national agreements do not require publication.
Based on the cri-
teria set forth in section 138, the Secretary of State issued a pro-
posed rule or determination in October 1995 that was published as
a final rule on February 26, 1996, listing the following categories
of agreements as not requiring publication:
(1) Bilateral agreements for the rescheduling of intergovern-
mental debt payments;
(2) Bilateral textile agreements concerning the importation
of products containing specified textile fibers done under the
Agricultural Act of 1956, as amended;
(3) Bilateral agreements between postal administrations gov-
erning technical arrangements;
(4) Bilateral agreements that apply to specified military ex-
(5) Bilateral military personnel exchange agreements;
(6) Bilateral judicial assistance agreements that apply only
to specified civil or criminal investigations or prosecutions;
(7) Bilateral mapping agreements;
(8) Tariff and other schedules under the General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade and under the Agreement of the World
Trade Organization;
(9) Agreements that have been given a national security clas-
sification pursuant to Executive Order No. 12958 or its succes-
sors; and (b) Agreements on the subjects listed in paragraphs
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See below, Impact and Assessments of the Case Act, for additional discussion of transmittal
(a)(1) through (9) of this section that had not been published
as of February 26, 1996.
While the laws cited above endeavored to ensure that Congress,
and the public, would have access to all treaties and international
agreements other than treaties, no provisions were made to ensure
that the Congress would, in some way, have access to international
agreements not in the public domain, that is, classified agreements.
In addition, experience had demonstrated that U.S. Government
agencies other than the State Department concluded agreements
with other governments and the texts of those agreements usually
were not sent to the State Department. These so-called agency-to-
agency agreements were another category of agreement not easily
accessible to the Congress.
The Bricker amendment and its legacy
In the 1950s, a number of concerns were expressed by some in
Congress and in other American forums, such as the American Bar
Association, that: (1) rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Con-
stitution might be altered by treaty; (2) that the President might
‘‘legislate’’ by international agreement or executive agreement with-
out Senate approval; (3) that the Federal government might ac-
quire through treaties the power to legislate in areas primarily
within the jurisdiction of the States; and (4) that treaties might ac-
quire Senate approval by a vote of only a small number of Mem-
bers present. These concerns grew out of the foreign policy activism
of the executive branch during and since World War II. Some Mem-
bers were concerned over secret agreements such as those made by
Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman with Stalin at
Yalta and Potsdam in 1945, and the extent to which those and
similar agreements might never be routinely shared with the Sen-
ate or with Congress. Others were concerned that active U.S. par-
ticipation in the United Nations and U.N.-affiliated agencies might
lead to U.S. adherence to treaties and agreements that would con-
travene or abrogate such U.S. constitutional principles as the re-
served powers of the States and the fundamental freedoms guaran-
teed and protected in the bill of rights.
Senator John W. Bricker in late 1951 introduced the first in a
series of resolutions to amend the Constitution with respect to trea-
ties and executive agreements. The Bricker amendment, as it was
reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 15, 1953,
would have given Congress the power to regulate all executive and
other agreements with any foreign power or international organiza-
tion. Additionally, the amendment would have made any provision
of a treaty invalid if it conflicted with the Constitution and an exec-
utive agreement effective in domestic law only through passage of
enacting legislation. Debate on the Senate floor in JanuaryFeb-
ruary 1954 centered around three versions of the Bricker legisla-
tion: the Judiciary Committee amendment; a series of amendments
proposed by Republican leaders, including William F. Knowland
and Homer Ferguson; and a substitute resolution sponsored by
Senator Walter F. George. On February 26, Senator Georges ver-
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For history and contextual discussion of the amendment, see the following: Tananbaum,
Duane A. The Bricker Amendment Controversy: Its Origins and Eisenhowers Role. Diplomatic
History, v. 9, Winter 1985: 7393; Grant, Philip A. The Bricker Amendment Controversy. Presi-
dential Studies Quarterly, Summer 1985: 572582; and Reichard, Gary W. Eisenhower and the
Bricker Amendment. Prologue, Summer 1974: 8899. For legislative history discussion, see Con-
gressional Quarterly Almanac for the year of interest.
U.S. Library of Congress. Legislative Reference Service. The Bricker Amendment and Simi-
lar Proposals for Amending the Treaty Provisions of the Constitution. By Hugh P. Price, Dec.
2, 1964.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Treaties and Executive Agreements.
Hearings before a subcommittee, 84th Cong., 1st Sess. on S.J. Res. 1, April and May 1955.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955.
For a more detailed description of the evolution of this condition, see the section in Chapter
VI on the ‘‘Condition Regarding Supremacy of the Constitution.’’
sion was agreed to as a substitute for the Republican leadership
amendment. The same day, the George version of the proposed con-
stitutional amendment failed to pass the Senate with the required
two-thirds majority by one vote.
Support in the Congress for this type of limitation faded through
the 87th Congress (19611962) and disappeared in the 89th Con-
gress (19651966).
Senator Bricker introduced a version of his
1953 resolution in the 84th Congress (19551956) and the Sub-
committee on Constitutional Amendments of the Senate Judiciary
Committee held hearings in April and May 1955 that generated a
1016-page record.
The full committee did not report the resolu-
tion until the following year, offering a substitute resolution, that
was never considered on the Senate floor. Brickers final proposal
was introduced during the 85th Congress (19571958) and while
hearings were held, the resolution was not reported from commit-
tee. After Bricker left the Senate, other Members of the Senate and
House introduced similar resolutions in the 87th and 88th (House
resolutions only) Congresses, but no action was taken on them.
In 1985 one of the fundamental issues of the Bricker amendment
debate was revivedthe question of the supremacy of the Constitu-
tion over treaties. At the initiative largely of Senator Helms, the
Senate included the following language as a reservation in its reso-
lution of ratification on the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
Nothing in this Convention requires or authorizes legislation
or other action by the United States of America prohibited by
the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the
United States.
In succeeding Congresses the Senate extended its use of the con-
dition not only to other human rights treaties but also to those con-
cerning mutual legal assistance and extradition. Beginning with
the 105th Congress, the Senate began including the condition in
the resolutions of ratification on virtually all treaties. As the result
of compromises achieved in the late 1980s and early 1990s, how-
ever, the condition is no longer in the form of a reservation (which
requires notice to, and agreement by, the other party or parties to
the treaty) but is now expressed as a proviso.
National commitments concerns
Congress became concerned in the late 1960s over the impact of
U.S. involvement in other countries, such as Vietnam, and how the
United States became heavily committed militarily in such coun-
tries. During August 1966 and February and March 1967, the Pre-
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Over a 22-month period, this subcommittee ‘‘held 37 days of hearings, with 48 witnesses
covering U.S. military forces, facilities and security programs in 13 countries, plus NATO.’’ See
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on United States Secu-
rity Agreements and Commitments Abroad. United States Security Agreements and Commit-
ments Abroad, Hearings, 91st Congress. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. 2
v., 2442 p. (Issued initially in 11 different parts; final publication in 2 volumes)
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on United States Se-
curity Agreements and Commitments Abroad. Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad;
report. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. (91st Cong., 2d Sess. Committee
Print.) p. 28.
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991, Section 1457, Public Law 101
510, approved November 5, 1990. The study shall include, (1) A description of (A) each security
paredness Investigating Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on
Armed Services held hearings on worldwide military commitments.
These were followed in August and September 1967 by hearings be-
fore the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on U.S. commitments
to foreign powers, focusing on S. Res. 151, a resolution on national
On January 23, 1969, the Foreign Relations Committee created
a Subcommittee on U.S. Security Agreements and Commitments
Abroad (known as the Symington Subcommittee after its chairman,
Senator Stuart Symington) for the duration of the 91st Congress.
This subcommittee uncovered significant information previously
unknown to Congress about various security arrangements with
other countries that had been made by executive agreement. The
information gathered by the subcommittee was instrumental in the
passage of other legislation in the area of executive agreements
and secret commitments.
Meanwhile, on June 25, 1969, the Senate passed a national com-
mitments resolution, S. Res. 85, expressing its sense that a U.S.
national commitment should result ‘‘only from affirmative action
taken by the executive and legislative branches of the United
States Government by means of a treaty, statute, or concurrent
resolution of both houses of Congress specifically providing for such
commitment.’’ The resolution was not legally binding on the Presi-
dent since it was not legislation, as was the War Powers Resolu-
tion. As a statement of Senate policy, however, the resolution es-
tablished a guidepost that might be used in tracking future presi-
dential actions.
In December 1970, the Symington Subcommittee concluded its
lengthy investigations with a report, ‘‘Security Agreements and
Commitments Abroad,’’ that included a number of observations and
recommendations over the use or failure to use treaties and execu-
tive agreements in the making of national commitments. The sub-
committee recommended that appropriate congressional committees
request and receive full information on all understandings and
agreements of a security nature which are undertaken between
the United States and foreign countries or their leaders. Where
appropriate, the proper committees should, in executive ses-
sion, be informed on the progress of negotiations to this end.
Congressional concerns over U.S. national commitments did not
diminish in the 1990s. In November 1990, Congress required the
President annually to report to the House and Senate Armed Serv-
ices Committees and to the House Foreign Affairs and Senate For-
eign Relations Committees on U.S. security arrangements with,
and commitments to, other nations.
The fundamental concern of
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arrangement with, or commitment to, other nations, whether based upon (i) a formal document
(including a mutual defense treaty, a pre-positioning arrangement or agreement, or an access
agreement), or (ii) an expressed policy; and (B) the historical origins of each such arrangement
or commitment. (2) An evaluation of the ability of the United States to meet its commitments
based on the projected reductions in the defense structure of the United States. (3) A plan for
meeting each of those commitments with the force structure projected for the future. (4) An as-
sessment of the need to continue, modify, or discontinue each of those arrangements and com-
mitments in view of the changing international security situation. See Chapter XI, for discussion
of the 1992 report.
Senate Report 101384, p. 238 (101st Cong., 2d Sess.).
Ibid., p. 28.
Ibid., p. 20.
Fulbright, James W. Spanish Bases. Congressional Record vol. 129, part 20, July 31, 1970:
this Senate-initiated provision was with the ‘‘ability of the United
States to meet worldwide commitments in the future,’’ taking into
account the ‘‘sizing down’’ of defense budgets and reduced force
structure. The Senate Armed Services Committee believed it appro-
priate that a review be done to determine whether or not these
commitments were ‘‘still necessary in the changing international
This report was transmitted to the required com-
mittees in 1991 and 1992.
Military base agreements (Spain, Portugal, Bahrain)
Another recommendation of the Symington Subcommittee urged
that Congress ‘‘take a realistic look at the authority of the Presi-
dent to station troops abroad and establish bases in foreign coun-
Referring to a practice of ‘‘creeping commitment,’’ the sub-
committee observed that
Overseas bases, the presence of elements of United States
armed forces, joint planning, joint exercises, or extensive mili-
tary assistance programs represent to host governments more
valid assurances of United States commitment than any treaty
or executive agreement.
This issue came to the fore in early August 1970, when the
Nixon Administration concluded an executive agreement with
Spain extending the original 1953 agreement governing American
use of bases in Spain (the agreement had already been extended
in 1963). A number of Senators expressed displeasure that the
agreement was not being negotiated as a treaty. Senator J. William
Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
argued that ‘‘This Spanish agreement is a classic example of how
to enlarge the commitments of this country by secret agreements
and executive agreements without the approval of Congress.’’
December 11, 1970, the Senate agreed to S. Res. 469 (91st Con-
gress), expressing the sense of the Senate that nothing in the exec-
utive agreement with Spain should be deemed to be a national
commitment by the United States. In 1976, a Treaty of Friendship
and Cooperation with Spain that included provisions on use of the
bases was finally concluded as a treaty and approved by the Sen-
ate. In 1981, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee agreed that
future base agreements with Spain could be concluded as executive
agreements after Spain became a member of NATO, a step final-
ized in May 1982.
In December 1971, the Nixon Administration concluded executive
agreements with Portugal and Bahrain, providing for continued
stationing of U.S. military personnel at a base in the Azores and
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Agreements with Portugal and
Bahrain. Report to Accompany S. Res. 214. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.
(92d Cong., 2d Sess. S. Rept. No. 92632) pp. 5, 8.
continued use of support facilities in Bahrain. In response to this
action, several members of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee introduced S. Res. 214, that any agreement with Portugal
‘‘should be submitted as a treaty to the Senate for advice and con-
sent.’’ In January 1972, Senator Clifford Case introduced an
amendment to the resolution, to the effect that the agreement with
Bahrain should also be submitted to the Senate as a treaty. In re-
porting favorably on S. Res. 214, the committee recalled that ‘‘no
lesson’’ had been learned from the experience with the Spanish
base agreement. These two agreements, the committee report con-
tinued, raised ‘‘important foreign policy questions’’ and the ‘‘sub-
mission of these agreements as treaties *** is the best and most
appropriate way’’ of scrutinizing these questions.
As passed by
the 92d Congress in March 1972, S. Res. 214 stated that ‘‘any
agreement with Portugal or Bahrain for military bases or foreign
assistance should be submitted as a treaty to the Senate for advice
and consent.’’ Neither of these resolutions had the force of law.
Over the following 2 years, unsuccessful attempts were made in
Congress to tie appropriation of funds to implement these agree-
ments to their being submitted as treaties.
Separation of Powers Subcommittee approach
In spring 1972, a few months before adoption of the Case Act,
another series of legislative proposals became the focus of hearings
and legislative debate. The overall thrust of the proposals, spear-
headed by Senator Sam Ervin, was a requirement that all inter-
national agreements other than treaties be transmitted to Congress
60 days before their entry into force. Congress would have the op-
portunity to adopt a resolution of disapproval before the expiration
of the 60-day waiting period. In the absence of a disapproval reso-
lution, the agreements would enter into force at the end of the 60-
day period. Ultimately, none of these proposals was enacted.
The original legislation (S. 3475, 92d Congress) was introduced
in April 1972, with 5 days of hearings concluding on May 19, 1972.
Senator Ervin, who chaired the Separation of Powers Subcommit-
tee of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reintroduced the legislation
in 1973 (S. 1472, 93d Congress) and, in 1974, in S. 3830 (93d Con-
gress), added a section that, in effect, removed from coverage most
executive agreements. Section 4 of S. 3830 provided that executive
agreements negotiated pursuant to a provision of the Constitution
or to prior authority in treaty or law would not come under the pro-
cedures set forth in S. 3830. In November 1974, the Senate passed
S. 3830, which was not considered in the House. While Senator
Ervins service in the Senate ended in 1974, his legislative proposal
was reintroduced in 1975, with the Separation of Powers Sub-
committee holding 4 days of hearings in May and July 1975 on S.
632 and S. 1251 (94th Congress). The House International Rela-
tions Committee (the House Foreign Affairs Committee), in 1976,
held 6 days of hearings on similar legislative proposals (H.R. 4438).
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More extensive discussion of the legislative proposals with citations to hearings and reports
may be found in the following publications: U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International
Relations. Congress and Foreign Policy1975. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office,
1976. See pp. 4548. Congressional Oversight of Executive Agreements; U.S. Congress. House.
Committee on International Relations. Congress and Foreign Policy1976. Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1977. See pp. 1118. Executive Agreements and Treaties.
In the 83d Congress, S. 3067 was introduced in March 1954 and reported to the Senate
in August 1954, but not passed by the Senate. In the 84th Congress, S. 147 was introduced in
January 1955, reported to the Senate in July 1956, and passed by the Senate in July 1956. In
the 85th Congress, S. 603 was introduced in January 1957, reported to the Senate in June 1957,
and passed by the Senate in June 1957.
Legislative history of Public Law 92403 follows: Feb. 4, 1971: S.596 introduced. Oct. 20
and 21, 1971: Public hearings, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Printed. Dec. 7, 1971: Or-
dered reported. Jan. 19, 1972: Reported to the Senate, S. Rept. 92591. Feb. 16, 1972: Passed
Senate, 810. Feb. 17, 1972: Referred to House Foreign Affairs Committee. June 19, 1972: Pub-
lic hearings by Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments. Printed.
Aug. 3, 1972: Passed full House committee, ordered reported, and reported to the House, H.
Rept. 921301. Aug. 14, 1972: Passed House. Voice vote. Aug. 22, 1972: Approved. Public Law
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Transmittal of Executive Agree-
ments to Congress. Report to accompany S. 596. S. Rept. 92591, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. Washing-
ton, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972, p. 5.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Transmittal of Executive Agreements
to Congress. Report to accompany S. 596. H. Rept. 921301, 92d Cong., 2d Sess. Washington,
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972, p. 2.
No further legislative action, beyond the hearings, was taken on
any of these proposals.
In response to the secret agreements uncovered during the Sy-
mington Subcommittee hearings, Senator Clifford P. Case in De-
cember 1970, introduced the legislation that became the Case-Za-
blocki Act. Senator Case recalled that an earlier version of the leg-
islation had been proposed in 1954, 1955, and 1957 by Senators
Homer Ferguson and William F. Knowland as an alternative to the
Bricker amendment. The earlier bills, which called for submission
of all executive agreements to the Senate within 60 days after
entry into force, were passed by the Senate in the 84th and 85th
Congresses but not acted on by the House.
Senator Case revised
the Ferguson-Knowland bills to include the House. He reintroduced
the legislation in February 1971 as S. 596, and it successfully pro-
ceeded through the legislative process to become Public Law 92
House companion bills had been introduced in April 1972 by
Representatives Clement Zablocki and Charles Whalen.
The Case Act requires the executive branch to keep Congress in-
formed of all international agreements concluded by the United
States, including those of a sensitive nature. The Senate Foreign
Relations Committee described the bill as ‘‘an effective means of
dealing with the prior question of secrecy and of asserting the obli-
gation of the executive to report its foreign commitments to Con-
The House Foreign Affairs Committee described S. 596 as
‘‘a step toward restoring a proper working relationship between the
Congress and the executive branch in the area of foreign affairs.
By establishing in law a formal procedure for the transmittal to
Congress of all executive agreements, the bill would eliminate one
potential source of friction.’’
The act was not retroactive and required transmittal only of
agreements made after the legislation took effect. The Senate re-
port noted that the committee expected the executive branch to
make all such previously enacted agreements available to the Con-
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Case, Clifford P. Cooperation of Department of State under Public Law 92403. Congres-
sional Record, vol. 119, part 16, June 18, 1973: 1974.
gress or its foreign affairs committees at their request and in ac-
cordance with the procedures defined in the bill.
As originally enacted, the law had two provisions. First, it re-
quired the Secretary of State to transmit to Congress the text of
any international agreement other than a treaty as soon as prac-
ticable but no later than 60 days after it entered into force. Second,
those agreements which the President determined should be classi-
fied would be transmitted not to Congress as a whole, but to the
House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee under an injunction of secrecy to be removed only upon
notice from the President.
, 19721976
Passage of the Case Act established the basic obligation for the
transmittal by the Secretary of State to Congress of any inter-
national agreement other than a treaty within 60 days after its
entry into force. Implementation of this obligation started imme-
diately and satisfactorily. However, Senator Case, concerned over
Administration inferences during Senate consideration of the legis-
lation that ‘‘certain kinds of agreements’’ might not be transmitted
under the Act, sought a clarification of this point from the State
Department. In response to the committees request for ‘‘a written
statement defining executive agreements and listing specifically
the kinds of agreements that will be submitted and whether there
are any categories of agreements that the Department believes are
not covered by the Case Act,’’ the State Departments Acting Legal
Adviser, Charles N. Brower, submitted the following:
The expression ‘‘executive agreement’’ is understood by the
Department of State to include any international agreement
brought into force with respect to the United States without
the advice and consent of the Senate under the provisions of
clause 2 of Section 2, Article II of the Constitution of the
United States. The words ‘‘all international agreements other
than treaties to which the United States is a party’’ in the act
of September 23, 1950 (paragraph 2, 64 Stat. 980; 1 U.S.C.
112a) and the words, ‘‘any international agreement, other than
a treaty, to which the United States is a party’’ in the Case Act
(86 Stat. 619; U.S.C. 112b) are considered as including all
international agreements covered by the expression ‘‘executive
Accordingly, the Department of State considers the Case Act
as covering ‘‘all international agreements other than treaties’’
specified in the act of September 23, 1950, and required by
that act to be published in the new compilation entitled ‘‘Trea-
ties and Other International Agreements of the United States:
(UST),’’ plus comparable agreements that are classified in the
interest of national security and not published in that compila-
On the question of the kinds of agreements that would be submit-
ted, the Legal Adviser reported that the ‘‘Department considers
that the Case Act is intended to include every international agree-
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ment, other than a treaty, brought into force with respect to the
United States after August 22, 1972, regardless of its form, name
or designation, or subject matter.’’
Senator Case noted his agreement with the ‘‘State Departments
interpretation’’ and for the record listed the following as among the
types of agreements the committees would regularly receive:
Intelligence agreements;
Nuclear basing agreements;
Presidential executive agreements;
Intergovernmental agreements between Cabinet or independ-
ent agencies in the United States and their foreign counter-
Nuclear technology sharing agreements;
International trade agreements;
Military and economic assistance agreements;
Agreements with foreign intelligence agencies; and
Contingency agreements with countries with which the
United States does not have security commitments by treaty.
Senator Case added that this list should not be considered all in-
clusive and did not preclude Congress receiving other types of
Finally, the Department of State also agreed to provide to Con-
gress certain material requested by the Chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee, Senator William Fulbright, concerning classi-
fied agreements. Senator Fulbright had requested that ‘‘each classi-
fied executive agreement transmitted to the committee be accom-
panied by an explanation of the agreement, background informa-
tion on its negotiations, and a statement of its effect.’’ The Congres-
sional Relations office of the Department of State indicated its will-
ingness to ‘‘provide the information *** requested,’’ concluding ‘‘we
are initiating immediately the steps necessary to insure that classi-
fied agreements transmitted *** under the Act will be accom-
panied by appropriate background information.’’
Earlier in 1973, the General Accounting Office (GAO) found that
executive branch agencies had concluded U.S. executive agree-
ments and arrangements to provide substantial assistance to seven
countries that contributed forces to Vietnam without notification of
these agreements to Congress. In view of the Case Act, the GAO
recommended that the Secretary of State,
Establish procedures to require that all agreements be
subject to his approval. This would include those subordinate
to or designed to implement basic government-to-government
agreements which commit the United States to specific per-
formance requiring expenditure of substantial amounts of
Require a central repository to be established within the
State Department for all such international agreements, ar-
rangements, and commitments, similar to the one now in exist-
ence for treaties.
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U.S. General Accounting Office. U.S. Agreements with and Assistance to Free World Forces
in Southeast Asia Show Need for Improved Reporting to the Congress. Report of the Comptroller
General. April 24, 1973. Washington, 1973. 5 p. (B159451) See pp. 1, 45. An unclassified di-
gest furnished in lieu of a report containing classified security information.
Rovine, Arthur W. Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1973. Washington,
D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974. pp. 187188. Text may be seen in its entirety in
U.S. General Accounting Office. U.S. Agreements with the Republic of Korea; Departments of
State and Defense. Report of the Comptroller General of the United States. February 20, 1976.
Washington, 1976. See Appendix III, pp. 2224.
Treaties and Other International Agreements; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. Federal Reg-
ister, v. 38, no. 157, August 15, 1973: 22084f.
Provide annually to the appropriate committees of the
Congress a list and description of all such agreements, together
with estimates of the future years costs that each agreement
This report highlighted the need to ensure that the State Depart-
ment had copies of all executive agreements concluded with other
countries by various agencies of the government. In response, on
September 6, 1973, Acting Secretary of State Kenneth Rush sent
a letter to all executive branch departments and agencies concern-
ing the State Departments obligation under the Case Act to trans-
mit all agreements to the Congress. In part, the letter read,
it seems clear that texts should be transmitted to the Depart-
ment of State of [all subordinate and implementing agreements
involving substantial amounts of U.S. funds or other tangible
assistance] and of any agreements of political significance, any
that involve a substantial grant of funds, any involving loans
by the United States or credits payable to the United States,
any that constitute a commitment of funds that extends be-
yond a fiscal year or would be a basis for requesting new ap-
propriations, and any that involve continuing or substantial co-
operation in the conduct of a particular program or activity,
such as scientific, technical, or other cooperation, including the
exchange or receipt of information and its treatment. In gen-
eral, the instruments transmitted to the Congress pursuant to
the Case Act, and those published (other than those classified
under E.O. 11652), should reflect the full extent of obligations
undertaken by the United States and of rights to which it is
entitled pursuant to instruments executed on its half.
The fact that an agency reports fully on its activities to a
given Committee or Committees of Congress, including a dis-
cussion of agreements it has entered into, does not exempt the
agreements concluded by such agency from transmission to the
Congress by the Department of State under the Case Act.
In August 1973, the Department of State initiated plans to revise
its Circular 175 procedures, issued in the Foreign Affairs Manual,
an internal instruction for State Department personnel. The pro-
posed revision, incorporating changes reflecting the Case Act obli-
gations, among other things, was published in the Federal Register
because of ‘‘the public interest in the manner in which treaties and
other international agreements are entered into by the United
Congressional concerns over gaps in the transmittal of agree-
ments and lack of clarity over what constituted an executive agree-
ment persisted in 1974 and 1975. In April 1975, Senator James
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00233 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
U.S. General Accounting Office. U.S. Agreements with the Republic of Korea, Departments
of State and Defense. Report of the Comptroller General of the United States. February 20,
1976. Washington, 1976. (ID7620; B110058)
Abourezk, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committees Sub-
committee on Separation of Powers, asked the General Accounting
Office to explore whether all agreements with Korea had been
transmitted under the Case Act and whether there were any oral
agreements that had not been reduced to writing. In February
1976, the GAO responded, identifying 34 agreements made since
1972 between the United States and South Korea which had not
been transmitted to Congress by the State Department since they
had never been sent to the State Department, as required by the
Rush letter.
In response, the Department of State circulated to
ALL DIPLOMATIC POSTS an airgram dated March 9, 1976, out-
lining ‘‘Case Act Procedures and Department of State Criteria for
Deciding What Constitutes an International Agreement.’’ A copy of
the Case Act and the Rush letter accompanied the Airgram. A simi-
lar letter, under the same title, was sent to Key Department Per-
sonnel on March 12, 1976.
One of the concerns expressed at the time the Case Act was en-
acted was the quantity of agreements to be transmitted. Initial dis-
cussions between the State Departments Legal Adviser and the
Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committees
dwelt on assurances that all agreements other than treaties would
be transmitted. In 1976, the focus of attention turned to consulta-
tions on agreements that might not be transmitted. The prolifera-
tion of transmitted agreements was especially large for those nego-
tiated by the Agency for International Development (AID). Accord-
ing to the Legal Adviser, many of the agreements were for rel-
atively small amounts of money and AID already reported regu-
larly to Congress on its activities and programs. In a letter to For-
eign Relations Committee Chairman John Sparkman dated May
27, 1976, Legal Adviser Monroe Leigh wrote:
Subject to your concurrence and that of Chairman Morgan of
the House Committee on International Relations, it has been
agreed that the Department of State will submit to the Con-
gress pursuant to the Case Act any international agreement or
amendment thereto entered into by the Agency for Inter-
national Development with a foreign government or inter-
national organization which provides that the United States
will contribute at least $1 million in support of the project or
projects set forth in the agreement.
This $1 million limitation will be subject to three exceptions.
First, it is understood that all AID agreements with foreign
governments or international organizations which have as a
principal purpose the establishment of an AID program will be
submitted ***.
Second, it is agreed that any other AID agreement or amend-
ment that is significant for reasons other than level of funding
will be submitted to the Congress pursuant to the Case Act,
even if it provides for less than $1 million ***.
Finally, it is agreed that any AID agreement with a foreign
country or international organization, without regard to dollar
amount, entered into pursuant to Section 607 of the Foreign
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00234 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Letter from Monroe Leigh, Legal Adviser, Department of State to Senator John J.
Sparkman, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dated May 27, 1976. 2 p. Senate
Foreign Relations Committee files. Section 607 of the Foreign Assistance Act authorizes the
President to furnish services and commodities on an advance-of-funds or reimbursable basis to
countries, international organizations, the American Red Cross, and voluntary nonprofit relief
Section 5, Public Law 9545, 91 Stat. 244, approved June 15, 1977. This amendment was
recommended by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in its report to the Senate on H.R.
5040, authorizing additional appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal year 1977 (S.
Rept. 9599). It was accepted by the Senate on May 11, 1977, and by the House on May 26,
Section 708, Public Law 95426, 92 Stat. 993, approved October 7, 1978.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Foreign Relations Authorization
Act, Fiscal Year 1979. Report on S. 3076. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978.
p. 45. (95th Cong., 2d Sess. S. Rept. 95842).
The actual language is ‘‘Not later than March 1, 1979, and at yearly intervals thereafter.’’
Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, will be submitted pursu-
ant to the Case Act ***.
The amount was subsequently raised from $1 million to $25 mil-
After nearly 5 years experience with the Case Act, some limita-
tions of the original Act became clear. The Case Act was amended
in both 1977 and 1978 to address these limitations. During 1977,
Congress modified the Case Act to require that
Any department or agency of the U.S. Government which en-
ters into any international agreement on behalf of the United
States shall transmit to the Department of State the text of
such agreement not later than 20 days after such agreement
has been signed.
The amendment was intended to ensure, by law, that the Depart-
ment of State would receive agreements made by other agencies in
a timely manner and thus be able to transmit them to the Con-
gress within the limits of the Case Act. A 1976 General Accounting
Office report had identified the Departments unsuccessful efforts
in acquiring the texts of agreements concluded by other agencies as
a major problem.
In 1978, Congress further amended the Case Act. A major intent
of those amendments was to consolidate, within the executive
branch, the role of the State Department as the central coordinator
for negotiations with other countries and international organiza-
tions and to set forth in U.S. statute the obligations of the execu-
tive branch relative to international agreements other than trea-
ties. They were added in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act,
Fiscal Year 1979.
The first amendment included ‘‘any oral inter-
national agreement’’ within the coverage of the Act, stipulating
that oral agreements must be ‘‘reduced to writing.’’ The Foreign Re-
lations Committee sought to eliminate ‘‘any possible incentive for
entering into certain agreements orally rather than in writing’’ and
specifically to ‘‘require the transmission of intelligence sharing and
intelligence liaison agreements, many of which are oral.’’
The rest of the amendments aimed at the problem of agreements
negotiated outside of the State Department although they apply
equally throughout the government. The second amendment re-
quired that the President send to Congress annually
a report on
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00235 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
The citation for the 1981 report is 97th Cong., 2d Sess., House Document No. 97148. 12
For text, see Appendix 3. U.S. Department of State. Regulation 108.809. 22 CFR, Part 181.
Coordination and Reporting of International Agreements. Final Rule. Federal Register, v. 46,
no. 133, July 13, 1981: 3591735921.
all agreements which ‘‘during the preceding year’’ were transmitted
to Congress after the 60-day period set forth in the Act. This ‘‘late
agreements report’’ was to describe ‘‘fully and completely the rea-
sons for the late transmittal.’’ The committee believed that a report
at the presidential level would bring such noncompliance with the
Act by whatever agency to the Presidents attention. This report
has been transmitted in typescript form to the Congress in late
February or early March annually. In 1985 and 1986, the transmit-
tals were in late March and early April, respectively. The report
covering 1981 was published as a House Document, thereby in-
creasing the availability of the information.
This was a one-time
The third amendment required that no agreement be signed or
concluded by any agency in the executive branch without prior con-
sultation with the Secretary of State. The purpose of this amend-
ment was to ensure that the Secretary of State was aware of agree-
ments or classes of agreements being made by other agencies of the
government and to maintain the Secretarys role as coordinator of
negotiations between the United States and other countries. It also
sought to ensure that the Congress would be consulted under the
State Departments Circular 175 procedures as to whether an
agreement should be an executive agreement or a treaty. The
fourth amendment specified the Secretary of State as the U.S. Gov-
ernment official with the authority within the executive branch to
determine whether an arrangement with a government constitutes
an international agreement under the Act.
The final amendment required the President to develop rules and
regulations implementing the Case Act and make them applicable
to all agencies. This was to ensure that the Case Act was applied
to the agreements made by any U.S. agencies. These regulations,
‘‘Coordination and Reporting of International Agreements,’’ were
published in final form in the Federal Register on July 13, 1981,
and apply to all agencies.
They outline the procedures to be fol-
lowed by all agencies in consulting with the Secretary of State be-
fore concluding an international agreement and the procedures to
be followed by the State Department in transmitting executive
agreements to Congress.
The regulation specifies the following criteria for determining
whether an agreement constitutes an executive agreement that
should be reported under the Case Act:
1. The parties must be states, the domestic agencies of a
state, or an international organization and must intend to be
legally bound by the agreement;
2. The agreement must be significant, a determination
based, in part, on application of four additional elements,
namely, that the agreement: have political significance, involve
substantial grants of funds or credits, constitute a substantial
commitment of funds extending beyond a fiscal year, and in-
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Information from Office of Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Department of State,
February 1993.
Information in this section was verified in interviews with committee staff in January 2001.
After 1994, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs was renamed the House Committee
on International Relations.
volve continuing and/or substantial cooperation in the conduct
of a program or activity;
3. The agreement must be specific enough in the undertak-
ing required of the parties as to be legally enforceable;
4. There must be at least two parties;
5. The agreement normally follows the customary form for
international agreements.
These same criteria apply to agency-level agreements, implement-
ing agreements, extensions and modifications of agreements, and
oral agreements.
The regulations also set forth the procedures for consultation
with the Department for a determination of the form of the agree-
ment (whether treaty or executive agreement); procedures for en-
suring that an agreement or class of agreements is consistent with
U.S. foreign policy objectives; adherence to the 20-day rule for con-
cluded agreements; and materials required to be transmitted to the
According to Department of State officials, the process of gather-
ing the background information desired by Congress and supplying
an official copy of the agreement often takes the full 60 days speci-
fied by the Case Act.
In 1994, Congress amended the publication section of 1 U.S.C.
112a, authorizing the State Department not to publish certain cat-
egories of agreements after February 26, 1996. See supra, this
chapter, first section.
Since the passage of the Case Act, the Senate Foreign Relations
and House International Relations Committees have developed pro-
cedures for consulting, receiving, and using the executive agree-
ments transmitted to Congress under the Case Act.
The letter of
transmittal to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House is noted in the Congressional Record. The agreements are
referred to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House
International Relations Committee. Classified executive agree-
ments are sent directly to the two committees.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee procedures
After being transmitted to the President of the Senate, the un-
classified agreements are informally referred to the Parliamen-
tarian for a referral determination and then to the ‘‘morning clerk’’
who gives the transmittal an executive communication number.
The package of agreements and materials is formally referred to
the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and cited in the Con-
gressional Record the next day. The transmission is listed in the
committee calendar, with the Executive Communication (EC) num-
ber cited. Each agreement is also listed, identifying the country
and subject, along with the EC number, in a Weekly Summary of
Committee Activity that is circulated to committee members and
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staff and is a main communication tool. The committees chief
counsel reviews each agreement for completeness and also serves
an alert function for members and staff as necessary. The commit-
tee information system office (1) maintains a data bank that facili-
tates retrieval of the agreements by country, subject matter, or
date and (2) provides for the microfilming of each unclassified
agreement. At the end of each Congress, the agreements are sent
to the committees official records in the National Archives.
Classified agreements are sent directly to the committee and
stored with other classified materials. A chronological listing of all
classified agreements received is maintained and appropriate com-
mittee staff are notified of their receipt for possible consultation
with Members. The Weekly Summary of Committee Activities also
includes a notification that classified agreements have been re-
ceived; information on the country and subject matter is not in-
cluded in this listing. The chief counsel also reviews each classified
agreement for completeness of transmission and the necessity for
briefings for Members and staff. The classified agreements are not
microfilmed but are kept in the committees custody for a longer
period of time.
House International Relations Committee procedures
In the House International Relations Committee, all unclassified
executive agreements transmitted to the Speaker and referred to
the committee are listed separately in the committee calendar by
country, with the subject of the agreements and its executive com-
munication number. Appropriate staff are notified of the receipt of
specific agreements, the texts of which are maintained in commit-
tee files for a single Congress. Thereafter, the agreements are sent
to the committees records at the National Archives.
Classified agreements are received directly by the committee. A
brief notice of their receipt is included in the committees Survey
of Activities which is circulated weekly to all committee staff and
members. A memorandum of notification that such agreements
have been received is sent to appropriate committee staff. Classi-
fied executive agreements are recorded in a log with other execu-
tive branch reports and are retrievable through the log. Classified
agreements can be sent to the committees records at the National
Archives at the end of each Congress.
The Case Act has been helpful in apprising Congress of executive
agreements as defined by the Act. Staff members of both the For-
eign Relations and the International Relations Committees indicate
their satisfaction that all agreements the State Department knows
of are transmitted, although notifications to the ‘‘Treaty Office’’ in
the State Department of agreements signed may still be unpredict-
able (see below on late agreements). Implementation of the Case
Act has contributed to improved relations between Congress and
the executive branch in the area of executive agreements. In addi-
tion, the Case Act has helped the Department of State gain control
of the agreements negotiated by other agencies.
Problems still remain with ensuring that Congress is informed
and consulted on all binding international agreements. Some prob-
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For comprehensive data on the conclusion of treaties and executive agreements, see Chapter
II above.
lems are due to difficulties in Congress in handling the executive
transmittals. Others are based on the continuing lack of clear and
agreed definitions of executive agreements.
Number of agreements transmitted
The language of the Case Act is general enough to encompass a
great variety and number of executive agreements. In an effort to
comply with the act, the Department of State initially interpreted
it broadly and sent to the Congress a large number of agreements.
The first and immediate impact of the Act, particularly as more
agreements negotiated by other executive branch agencies were
sent to the State Departments treaty office, was a dramatic in-
crease in the number of executive agreements reported as con-
cluded on behalf of the United States. See Table II2, in Chapter
II, especially the figures for 19761978.
This phenomenon
brought to both the committees and the State Department the
problems of processing such a large number of agreements. Con-
sultations among all involved resulted in a decision that certain
agreements made by the Agency for International Development
would not be transmitted (see discussion above).
An associated problem for the State Department was ensuring
that the agreements were published in a timely manner as part of
its TIAS series. Financial and personnel shortages have delayed
the publishing of the TIAS, and also of UST, by the Department
of State by at least 10 years.
The numbers of agreements transmitted remained high, at least
through 1990. The calendar year 1991 and 1992 figures of 280 and
296, respectively, probably reflect the 1990 redefinition and exclu-
sion of 60 to 80 Public Law 480, Title I agreements concluded an-
nually (see below, under Insufficient Transmittal of Agreements to
Congress). During the rest of the 1990s, the number of agreements
gradually fell until in 1998 and 1999, fewer than 200 agreements
were transmitted annually. See Table X1.
Table X1.Transmittal of Executive Agreements to Congress, 19781999
Total Late Late Agreements, Agency of Origin
Other Agencies
Posts Total
1978 520 132 25.4 45 (includes 1 classi-
? 87 (includes 3 classified)
1979 355 46 13 19 (includes 1 classi-
7 27 (includes 2 classified:
1980 320 43 13.4 24 (includes 2 classi-
9 19 (includes 1 classified:
1981 368 99 27 69 (includes 2 classi-
19 30 (includes 1 classified:
1982 372 84 23 44 (includes 1 classi-
13 40 (includes 6 classified:
DOD, 5; Treasury, 1)
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Table X1.Transmittal of Executive Agreements to Congress, 19781999
Total Late Late Agreements, Agency of Origin
Other Agencies
Posts Total
1983 335 71 21.2 39 (includes 1 classi-
21 32 (includes 0 classified)
1984 369 69 18.7 45 (includes 5 classi-
27 24 (includes 5 classified:
DOD, 1; USAF, 2;
Treasury, 2)
1985 343 88 25.7 39 (includes 2 classi-
25 49 (includes 8 classified:
DIA, 3; NRC, 2; DOD, 1;
USN, 2)
1986 383 65 17 32 (includes 1 classi-
25 33 (includes 3 classified:
DIA, 1; DOD, 1; Treas-
ury, 1)
1987 396 57 14.4 35 (includes 2 classi-
26 22 (includes 2 classi-
1988 412 79 19.2 39 (includes 2 classi-
26 40 (includes 7 classi-
1989 344 55 16 38 (includes 2 classi-
22 17 (includes 4 classi-
1990 364 51 14 23 (includes 1 classi-
18 28 (includes 10 classi-
1991 280 30 11 18 (includes 0 classi-
8 12 (includes 1 classi-
1992 296 56 18.9 38 (includes 0 classi-
19 18 (includes 8 classi-
1993 243 45 18.5 26 (includes 0 classi-
12 19 (includes 10 classi-
1994 313 27 8.6 15 (includes 1 classi-
10 12 (includes 0 classified)
1995 276 29 10.5 11 (includes 0 classi-
8 18 (includes 6 classified:
Treasury, 5; DIA, 1)
1996 225 41 18 28 (includes 3 classi-
11 13 (includes 5 classified:
DIA, 3; Navy, 2)
1997 212 29 13.6 18 (includes 0 classi-
7 11 (includes 1 classified:
1998 199 18 9 12 (includes 0 classi-
4 6 (includes 0 classified)
1999 166 31 18.6 18 (includes 3 classi-
9 13 (includes 4 classi-
1634 220 13.5 128 61 92
all years
7091 1245 17.5 675 (54.2% of total
326 570 (45.8% of total late)
Total includes those which are classified and/or late from posts.
Agencies not identified.
One tool for determining when transmitted agreements are sig-
nificantly more important than others is the background statement
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00240 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
See above, under Implementation, 19721976.
22 CFR 181.7, see Appendix, infra.
The report for 1978, the initial report, did not include an agency breakdown on the 87 un-
classified agreements received late from other agencies.
required to accompany the texts of each agreement. While the Case
Act did not require such a statement, correspondence between the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the State Department in-
cluded the requirement for a background statement for each classi-
fied agreement.
The regulation implementing the Act stipulates
that each agreement, classified or unclassified, be accompanied by
a background statement including ‘‘information explaining the
agreement, the negotiations, the effect of the agreement, and a pre-
cise citation of legal authority.’’
These statements can be useful
in setting a context for committee staff and members.
Late transmittal of Case Act agreements
The number of agreements which were not transmitted to Con-
gress within the 60-day time limit is still a source of concern al-
though the numbers are notably lower in recent years than in ear-
lier periods. Referring to Table X1, between 1978 and 1985, the
percent of late transmittals to total agreements transmitted was
often between 20 and 25 percent. Between 1985 and 1992, the per-
cent of late to total transmittals dropped below 20 percent, falling
to 11 percent in 1991 and 18.9 percent in 1992. Between 1993 and
1999, the percent of late to total transmittals fell to 13.5 percent.
Some agreements are still transmitted months or even a year or
two late. In some cases, it is only when an agreement is amended
that the original comes to light.
Table X1 also shows that during the period 19781992, 547
agreements transmitted after the 60-day date, or 53.4 percent,
originated from the State Department, including 265 agreements
arriving late from overseas posts into the Department. During the
same period, 478 agreements, or 46.7 percent of the total agree-
ments transmitted late, were transmitted late to the State Depart-
ment from other executive branch agencies. In comparison, for the
period 19931999, 128 or 58.2 percent of the 220 agreements trans-
mitted late originated within the Department of State, including 61
from overseas posts, while 92 agreements or 41.8 percent of all late
transmittals, originated from other agencies of the U.S. Govern-
Table X2 shows that over the 14-year period, from 1979 through
1992, a total of 29 agencies, other than the State Department, at
one time or another, submitted at least one executive agreement to
the State Department in such fashion that the State Department
could not transmit the agreement to the Congress within the re-
quired 60 days after entry into force.
This does not include classi-
fied agreements, about which information on the agency of origin
was absent in the reports covering 1987 through 1993 and for 1999.
In this initial 14-year period, the top four late reporting agencies
were the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Agency for
International Development (AID), the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion (NRC), and the Department of Defense (DOD), followed by the
U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). Practice over the 7 years since
1992 has improved, with 22 agencies (eight of them new to the list)
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00241 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
reported as submitting a total of 92 agreements late. The FAA,
DOD, and NRC have been joined by the U.S. Geological Survey.
The USTR and AID have probably fared better because of arrange-
ments that eliminated many of the classes of agreements initially
required for submittal.
Table X2.Agencies Submitting Agreements Late, 19791999
Name of Agency
Number of
Number of
Federal Aviation Administration ................................................. 23 15
Department of Defense ............................................................... 34 15
Nuclear Regulatory Commission ................................................. 59 13
U.S. Geological Survey ................................................................ 19 13
U.S. Trade Representative .......................................................... 47 12
Agency for International Development ........................................ 42 12
Department of Energy ................................................................. 21 10
Department of the Navy ............................................................. 22 8
Department of Agriculture
........................................................ 13 7
Department of the Air Force ....................................................... 8 7
U.S. Postal Service
................................................................... 12 6
National Science Foundation ...................................................... 11 5
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ....................... 14 5
Peace Corps ................................................................................ 5 5
Department of the Interior
....................................................... 4 4
Defense Mapping Agency
......................................................... 5 4
Department of Justice
.............................................................. 5 4
U.S. Information Agency ............................................................. 8 4
Department of the Treasury ........................................................ 13 4
Overseas Private Investment Corporation .................................. 7 4
Defense Intelligence Agency ....................................................... 5 4
Food and Drug Administration
................................................. 4 3
Department of Transportation
.................................................. 5 3
Department of the Army ............................................................. 3 3
Department of Commerce
......................................................... 2 2
Defense Security Assistance Agency .......................................... 2 2
U.S. Customs Service .................................................................. 3 2
Department of Health and Human Services
............................ 2 1
General Services Administration
.............................................. 1 1
National Bureau of Standards (NIST)
...................................... 1 1
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
...... 1 1
U.S. Coast Guard
...................................................................... 1 1
Department of Labor
................................................................ 1 1
Bureau of Mines ......................................................................... 1 1
Advanced Research Projects Agency .......................................... 1 1
National Institutes of Health ...................................................... 1 1
International Boundary Waters Commission .............................. 1 1
Totals: 37 Agencies .................................................. 423
Indicates agency has not been included in the late transmittal report after 1992.
The State Department uses the occasion of the late agreements
report to remind executive branch agencies and Department offices
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00242 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
See discussion of nonbinding agreements and functional equivalents in Chapter III above.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. International Terrorism: A Compila-
tion of Major Laws, Treaties, Agreements, and Executive Documents. Report Prepared by the
Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, July 1991. Washington, U.S. Government
and overseas posts of their responsibilities to submit to the Treaty
Office the texts of any agreements it concludes within 20 days after
signature. Copies of the regulation and/or Circular 175 are for-
warded to each office.
Generally, the ‘‘late agreements’’ report does not provide a very
detailed explanation for the lateness of transmittal. Instead, it lists
the agreements by origin: agreements received in the Department
of State from other agencies (the agency is identified for each
agreement); agreements received late from the action office in the
Department of State; agreements received late from posts abroad;
agreements transmitted late due to internal procedures; and agree-
ments, as appropriate, received late from the depositary govern-
ment or organization. The earlier reports, for 19781981, often in-
cluded a little more detail in an annotation for those agreements
originating in the State Department. The legislative requirement
for the late agreements report anticipated that the report would de-
scribe ‘‘fully and completely the reasons for the late transmittal.’’
Similarly, the background statements transmitted along with the
agreements do not include any explanation of the lateness of the
agreement. Another mechanism that might prove useful in obtain-
ing information on the reasons for late transmittal, irrespective of
the agency of origin, might be a consultation involving the two
committees, the State Department, and an appropriate White
House official. In this way, some of the possible difficulties in meet-
ing the deadlines for transmittal might be discussed, with some eq-
uitable resolution achieved.
Insufficient transmittal of agreements to Congress
One category of agreement that may contribute to confused ex-
pectations over what will be transmitted is so-called ‘‘gray area’’
agreements. These agreements, concluded in a non-binding form or
determined by the executive branch to be legally non-binding on
the United States, are not referred to Congress under the Case Act
procedures although the executive branch may voluntarily provide
information about them to Congress. Non-binding international
agreements have been used in several important areas in recent
They are viewed as involving political or moral obligations
but not legal obligations. A prominent example is the 1975 Final
Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
(CSCE), better known as the Helsinki Agreement.
Another example is the 1978 Bonn Declaration on International
Terrorism, which did not take the form of an international agree-
ment but was supported by assurances from the governments in-
volved that they would take steps to carry it out. This Declaration
was followed during successive years with additional statements or
declarations by the heads of state and government of the Economic
Summit countries. For example, the 1986 Tokyo Economic Summit
Conference Statement on International Terrorism, May 5, 1986,
listed six measures the Summit leaders were prepared to apply in
response to any state supporting terrorism.
Later statements en-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00243 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Printing Office, 1991. (102d Cong., 1st Sess., Committee Print) Carries the texts of the Economic
Summit statements and declarations on international terrorism, 19781990, pp. 290301. A July
2000 update of this compilation by the same title for the House. Committee on International
Relations, carries Economic Summit texts starting in 1986.
U.S. Department of State. Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. Patterns of Global
Terrorism: 1991. Washington, 1992. pp. 711, 1415.
The information on this subject area is taken from U.S. Congress. House. Committee on
Foreign Affairs. Nonproliferation Regimes: Policies to Control the Spread of Nuclear, Chemical,
and Biological Weapons and Missiles. Committee Print, 103d Cong., 1st Sess., March 1993.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993. Hereafter cited as Davis, Nonproliferation.
See also Department of State Web site,, under Arms Control, Nonprolifera-
In the nuclear supplier area, two arrangements exist. The first, the Nuclear Exporters Com-
mittee (known as the Zangger Committee), was formed in the early 1970s by seven nations to
‘‘reinforce and assist in the implementation of the restrictions on nuclear trade included in Arti-
cle III of the NPT’’ (the 1970 Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons). The Zangger
Committee, in 1974, drew up a ‘‘list of nuclear export items that could be potentially useful for
military applications of nuclear technology. The nuclear suppliers agreed that the transfer of
items on the list would trigger application of IAEA safeguards to assure that the items were
not used for the development of nuclear explosives.’’ (Davis, Nonproliferation, pp. 2021) The
Zangger Committee meets twice a year. The second arrangement is the Nuclear Suppliers Group
(the London Group), that met for the first time in 1975 to develop a set of nuclear export guide-
lines. In 1978, the group ‘‘announced a common policy regarding nuclear exports,’’ including
some ‘‘dual-use’’ items on its list. The 1992 meeting of the NSG agreed on new guidelines and
sought to coordinate its list with the Zangger Committee list. (Davis, Nonproliferation, pp. 20
21, 52) Another arrangement, the Australian Group, developed in 1984 in response to an Aus-
tralian initiative, under which member nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) ‘‘joined together to establish voluntary export controls on certain
chemicals.’’ This is ‘‘an informal organization open to any nation seeking to stem CW [chemical
weapons] proliferation’’ and has 20 members. (Davis, Nonproliferation, pp. 3536, 54) A final
arrangement, the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), was set up among the seven Eco-
nomic Summit nations in April 1987 to ‘‘limit the proliferation of missiles capable of delivering
nuclear weapons.’’ Twenty-two nations are now ‘‘partners’’ in the MTCR. (Davis, Nonprolifera-
tion, pp. 4546, 4951)
dorsed the Bonn Declaration and Tokyo Statement and referred
generally to the cooperative efforts under way by the Summit coun-
tries. Illustrative of the coordination and cooperation that devel-
oped under this framework were the actions by many West Euro-
pean countries to expel diplomats and staff of Iraqi Embassies and
other Iraqi offices and other potential saboteurs and terrorists dur-
ing the Persian Gulf war.
The collaboration initiated in response
to the Bonn and Tokyo documents might be said to have contrib-
uted to the success in preventing massive and significant acts of
terrorism in coalition countries.
Another subject area where nonbinding agreements or arrange-
ments play a significant role is multilateral nonproliferation re-
In these instances, a number of supplier nations have de-
cided to meet on a more or less regular basis to draft and approve
guidelines under which the participating nations will limit or re-
strict their export of agreed upon materials. No formal and publicly
accessible documentation appears to be available, either on the es-
tablishment of these arrangements or on the actions or decisions
taken at the meetings. The whole activity is voluntary and any
agreements concluded are viewed as political in nature rather than
having legal standing.
The participating countries, however, often
behave as though a real commitment exists. Since the Case Act re-
quires that all agreements other than treaties be transmitted and
that oral agreements be put into writing, and establishes a proce-
dure for the transmittal of classified agreements, and in the light
of increased multilateral activity in these areas in the post-Cold
War era, some believe these kinds of arrangements could represent
a large loophole.
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See section 1512 of Public Law 101624, Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act
of 1990, approved November 28, 1990; often referred to as ‘‘the 1990 farm act.’’
7 U.S.C. 1701 (b)
This information is based on discussions with the Office of Assistant Legal Adviser for Trea-
ty Affairs and with CRS specialists covering Public Law 480 aid.
See discussion of AID agreements above under Implementation, 19721976.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Transmittal of Executive Agree-
ments to Congress. Report to accompany S. 596. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office,
1972, p. 4 (92d Cong., 2d Sess. S. Rept. 92591.)
Another group of agreements that are not transmitted under the
Case Act are those the State Department views as contracts; they
are usually commercial in nature, involving sales or loans. In 1990,
a class of agreements previously transmitted under the Case Act
was removed from the definition of agreements as a result of a
State Department interpretation of language in the 1990 congres-
sional reform of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assist-
ance Act of 1954, Title I of Public Law 480.
The reinterpretation
was based on language changes in the 1990 farm act that author-
ized the Secretary of Agriculture rather than the President to ‘‘ne-
gotiate and execute agreements *** to finance the sale and expor-
tation of agricultural commodities ***.’’
As a result of this and
other changes affecting Public Law 480, Title I, the agreements
concluded under this section were interpreted as contracts, rather
than as agreements. This represented an average of 60 to 80 agree-
ments formerly transmitted under the Act annually and lowered
the number of agreements transmitted in 1991 (see Table X1
The thrust of the Case Act, however, was to ensure that
the Congress was aware of potentially significant commitments
made by executive agreement. Fiscal year 1991 values for Public
Law 480, Title I agreements concluded by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture ranged from $2 million to the Congo to $165 million to
Egypt. Any new trend increasing the value of agreements made or
increasing the number of agreements signed with any one country
might signal a qualitative change in U.S. policy direction toward a
country or bring into question the potential for misuse of the cred-
its provided. The two committees may decide to initiate consulta-
tions on a formal State Department interpretation and a change in
procedures that would ensure that the Secretary of Agriculture
would submit to the Department for Case Act transmittal Public
Law 480, Title I agreements under certain specified cir-
Pre-Case Act executive agreements
During consideration of the Case Act in 1972 the Senate report
clearly outlined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee intent
that although the Case Act did not include past executive agree-
ments, they were also to be provided if requested in the same man-
ner as Case Act agreements.
The only instance remembered by
International Relations and Foreign Relations committee staff in
which a Member of Congress had asked for pre-Case Act agree-
ments was Senator Jesse Helms request for the texts of all ex-
changes between the United States and the Soviet Union during
the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. While some written exchanges were
declassified and published in 1972, Senator Helms maintained that
oral agreements made at the time and in the years since have
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00245 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Helms, Jesse. The Kennedy-Khrushchev AccordsDo They Exist? Congressional Record,
vol. 129, part 20, October 20, 1983: 28791.
Telephone conversation with Department of State, Office of the Legal Adviser, Dec. 12,
1983. Updated by phone conversation with the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty
Affairs, March 4, 1993.
Department Releases Kennedy-Khrushchev Correspondence on Cuban Missile Crisis. State-
ment, January 6, 1992. U.S. Department of State Dispatch, January 13, 1992: 29. The full ex-
change of correspondence was published in Problems of Communism, Special Edition, v. 41,
Spring 1992 (A bimonthly publication of the United States Information Agency.)
changed the original understandings and that these have not been
made available to the committee.
The State Department has denied the existence of an agreement
between the United States and the Soviet Union about Cuba, and
no such agreement is listed in the State Departments annual U.S.
Treaties in Force. The letters between the two countries are de-
scribed as an understanding by each country of the intentions of
the other country toward Cuba, but not an agreement on conduct
of either.
Since 1962, U.S. and Soviet representatives met several
times and agreed that they would abide by the intentions ex-
pressed in the 1962 letters, but the two countries were not agreed
on what behavior constituted abiding by the letters. In January
1992, the State Department declassified and released an additional
12 letters from the October through December 1962 period.
additional letters were not transmitted to Senator Helms since they
were not viewed as agreements under international law.
B. C
A second major problem for Congress has been to ensure that the
most important international agreements have the status of trea-
ties or are authorized by the entire Congress. The Senate particu-
larly was concerned that the executive branch may use executive
agreements as a substitute for treaties to avoid submitting them to
the Senate for advice and consent. The Foreign Relations Commit-
tee in 1976 and 1978 considered a measure, referred to as the
Treaty Powers Act, by which the Senate, through passage of a sim-
ple (one-House) resolution requiring the submission of a particular
international agreement as a treaty, could prevent funding to exe-
cute that agreement until it was submitted as a treaty. In lieu of
this measure, the Senate passed S. Res. 536 on September 8, 1978,
stating the sense of the Senate that,
in determining whether a particular international agreement
should be submitted as a treaty, the President should have the
timely advice of the Committee on Foreign Relations through
agreed procedures established with the Secretary of State.
This resolution formalized a procedure which was negotiated by the
committee with the State Department earlier that year.
Under these procedures the House International Relations and
Senate Foreign Relations Committees would receive a periodic list
of significant international agreements which have been cleared for
negotiation, a citation of the legal authority for the agreement, and
the expected form the agreement would take (treaty or executive
agreement). Each committee would then have the opportunity of
consulting with the administration over the proposed form of the
agreement. Under the negotiated agreement, the State Department
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00246 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. International Agreements Con-
sultation Resolution. Report to Accompany S. Res. 536. Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1978, pp. 23. (S. Rept. 951171, 95th Cong., 2d Sess.)
These guidelines are generally referred to as the Circular 175 procedures of December 13,
1955. The text can be found in Appendix 4.
wrote to then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee John Sparkman:
If agreeable to you, we propose to send you periodically a
confidential list of significant international agreements which
have been authorized for negotiation pursuant to the Circular
175 procedure. The list would briefly discuss the subject matter
of the agreements listed and indicate their anticipated form.
In his reply, Senator Sparkman indicated that he hoped the con-
sultation would take place concerning agreements negotiated by
the Department of State as well as those negotiated by other de-
partments and agencies.
In current practice, the list of agreements is selective, chosen by
the administration based on its perception of the interests of Con-
gress. In making the selection, the State Department takes into ac-
count the agreements importance to Congress in the view of the
agency negotiating the agreement, the significance of the agree-
ment, and the political importance of the country. In addition, on
occasion the Treaty Office has consulted informally with Inter-
national Relations or Foreign Relations Committee staff on the ap-
propriate form of an agreement. In these instances, a formal
record, such as a memorandum of conversation, may not exist. In
the committees, the formal negotiations lists are circulated and
filed in a manner similar to the classified agreements submitted
under the Case Act.
The Department of State or another agency may consult with
other Members or congressional committees on the substance of an
agreement either before or after sending the confidential list letter.
Prior consultation on the substance of an agreement is not used as
a basis for excluding the agreement from the negotiations list sent
to the Foreign Relations and International Relations Committees.
Another requirement under which Congress is to be consulted
over the form that an agreement might take, although this does
not substitute for the formal procedure described above, is con-
tained in Circular 175 procedures (Section 721.4). These are the
Departments internal procedures for negotiating and signing trea-
ties and executive agreements, contained in Chapter 700, volume
11 of the Department of States Foreign Affairs Manual, most re-
cently revised in 1985.
Among its objectives, the 1985 revision in-
cluded ‘‘timely and appropriate consultation’’ with Congress on
treaties and other international agreements, and compliance with
the Case Act.
Circular 175 states that a request for authorization to negotiate
and/or sign a treaty or other international agreement should take
the form of a written ‘‘action memorandum.’’ This memorandum
may request (1) authority to negotiate, (2) authority to sign, or (3)
authority to negotiate and sign an international agreement. It
should indicate what arrangements for congressional consultation
and public comment have been planned. The action memorandum
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A search of the computerized U.S. Code to identify laws with some combination of ‘‘inter-
national agreement,’’ ‘‘submit,’’ ‘‘transmit’’ and ‘‘report’’ within 25 words of ‘‘Congress’’ resulted
in 2,085 citations. Raymond J. Celada, Senior Specialist in American Public Law, CRS, reviewed
the texts of those citations, and identified 20 that were relevant. This author further reviewed
the texts of 19 of those 20 (one was the Case Act, discussed in the first part of this chapter)
in the U.S. Code Annotated (USCA) and its 1992 pocket parts, narrowing the provisions to ten.
A review of the most recent USCA and its 2000 pocket parts for the ten provisions in Table
X3 resulted in few substantive changes.
should be accompanied by any texts to be negotiated or signed, and
a memorandum of law discussing thoroughly the bases for the type
of agreement recommended. This justification should include con-
sideration of the following eight factors:
1. The extent to which the agreement involves commitments
or risks affecting the nation as a whole;
2. Whether the agreement is intended to affect State laws;
3. Whether the agreement can be given effect without the en-
actment of subsequent legislation by the Congress;
4. Past U.S. practice as to similar agreements;
5. The preference of Congress as to a particular type of
6. The degree of formality desired for an agreement;
7. The proposed duration of the agreement, the need for
prompt conclusion of an agreement, and the desirability of con-
cluding a routine or short-term agreement; and
8. The general international practice as to similar agree-
When there is a question whether an international agreement
should be concluded as a treaty or executive agreement, Circular
175 calls for consultation with congressional leaders and commit-
tees as may be appropriate. In addition, Section 723.1e states that
the office or official responsible for the negotiation should, with the
assistance of the Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Re-
lations, advise the appropriate congressional committees and lead-
ers of the intention to negotiate significant new international
agreements, consult them concerning the agreements, and keep
them informed of negotiating developments affecting Congress, es-
pecially the need for implementing legislation. Where any espe-
cially important treaty or international agreement is contemplated,
the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations is
to be informed as early as possible by the office responsible for the
Circular 175, however, does not refer in any way to the nego-
tiated procedure under which the two foreign affairs committees
are to be consulted over the appropriate form for proposed agree-
C. C
Congress has sometimes established an oversight role by requir-
ing in legislation that certain categories of agreements be transmit-
ted to it. Table X3 describes the statutory provisions of this na-
ture. This list is not comprehensive, but represents the main provi-
sions in the U.S. Code requiring agreements to be sent to the Con-
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Table X3.Statutory Requirements for Transmittal of Agreements to Congress
Title of Act and Public Law Citation [U.S.C.] Subject of Agreement
Transmittal Be-
fore or After Entry
into Force?
Approval Re-
quired for Entry
into Force? How?
Disapproval Pro-
visions? How?
Specified Recipi-
ents of Agree-
Are Congressional
Procedures Set
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
(P.L. 83703); Sections 123 & 130
(g),(h) & (i) [42 U.S.C. 2153 & 2159 (g),
(h), & (i)].
Nuclear Cooperation
Before; 30-day
waiting pe-
Yes; Joint Reso-
Yes; Joint Reso-
... Yes, general
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended
(P.L. 83703); Sections 91c, 144 b or c;
and Sections 123 & 130 (g), (h), & (i)
[42 U.S.C. 2153 & 2159 (g), (h) & (i)].
Nuclear Cooperation
Agreements relating
to defense materials
or military uses.
Before; 60-day
waiting pe-
Yes; Joint Reso-
Yes; Joint Reso-
Yes, general
Fishery Conservation and Management Act
of 1976, as amended (P.L. 94265) Sec-
tion 203 [16 U.S.C. 1823].
International Fisheries
Agreements (GIFAs).
Before; 60-day
waiting pe-
No; will enter
into force if
No action
within 60
Yes; Joint Reso-
House & Sen-
ate; HMM&F,
Yes, detailed
Taiwan Relations Act (P.L. 968), Section
12 [22 U.S.C. 3311].
Agreements made by
the American Insti-
tute in Taiwan.
After ................ No .................... No .................... Congress ......... No
Social Security Amendments of 1977 (P.L.
95216), Section 317 [42 U.S.C. 433].
Social security agree-
ments between U.S.
and foreign social
security systems.
Before; 60-day
waiting pe-
No; will enter
into force if
No action
within 60
Yes; resolution
of either
Congress ......... No
International Development and Food Assist-
ance Act of 1978, as amended (P.L. 95
424), Section 603 (a)(2) [22 U.S.C.
2395a (2)].
International agree-
ments concerning
debt relief 30 days.
Before .............. No .................... No .................... SFRC, HFAC, H
& S Appro-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00249 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Enterprise for the Americas Initiative Act of
1992 (P.L. 102532), Section 2 [7 U.S.C.
Any agreement with any
foreign government
resulting in any debt
relief under Title VI
of the Agricultural
Trade Development &
Assistance Act of
1954, as amended.
30 days before No .................... No .................... HFAC, SFRC, H
& S Agri-
Trade Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93
618), Section 405 [19 U.S.C. 2435].
Agreements on trade
relations with non-
Before; Section
151 process.
Yes; Joint Reso-
No .................... Congress ......... Yes
OTCA of 1988, as amended
(P.L. 100
418), Sections 1102 (b) & 1103 (a) and
Trade Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93
618), Section 151 [19 U.S.C. 2191].
Agreements on elimi-
nation of non-tariff
Before; Section
151 process.
Yes; Joint Reso-
No .................... House; Senate Yes; detailed
OTCA of 1988, as amended (P.L. 100418),
Sections 1102 (c) & 1103 (a) [19 U.S.C.
2903] Trade Act of 1974, as amended
(P.L. 93618), Section 151 [19 U.S.C.
Bilateral agreements
regarding tariff and
nontariff barriers.
Before; Section
151 process.
Yes; Joint Reso-
No .................... House; Senate Yes; detailed
Guide to abbreviations of committee names: SFRCSenate Committee on Foreign Relations; HFACHouse Committee on Foreign Affairs, now House Committee on International
Relations; HASCHouse Armed Services Committee; SASCSenate Armed Services Committee; HMM&FHouse Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, now House Committee on
Resources; S CommerceSenate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; S AgricultureSenate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
Many GIFAs have been approved by Congress and entered into force before the end of the 60-day period.
OTCA is the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100418.
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462 U.S. 919 (1983).
This figure is based on a count of foreign affairs related reporting requirements enacted by
the Congress and in force as of the end of the 102d Congress in 1992.
Almost all of the provisions require transmittal of the agreement
to Congress prior to its entry into force. In only one of the ten
cases, the Taiwan Relations Act, is the requirement similar to the
Case Act requirement for transmittal after entry into force, and it
differs by not having a deadline for transmittal. In that instance,
the goal of the provision appears to be informational. Most of the
legislation provides for congressional approval or disapproval of the
agreement. An exception is the International Development and
Food Assistance Act of 1978, as amended, which requires that
agreements concerning debt relief be transmitted 30 days before
they take effect, but does not provide for congressional action re-
garding the agreements. This would theoretically permit a congres-
sional effort to halt the agreement, but there are no explicit proce-
dures for this.
The Social Security Amendments of 1977 provision allowing dis-
approval of social security agreements by a simple resolution of ei-
ther house, a form of ‘‘legislative veto,’’ would seem a likely can-
didate for revision in light of the constitutional problems raised by
the 1983 Supreme Court Decision of INS v. Chadha.
In the re-
maining seven cases, such a legislative veto provision has been re-
placed by a requirement for a joint resolution of approval or dis-
approval. Provisions permitting Congress to reject or approve a
proposed agreement by bill or joint resolution would not be affected
by the Chadha decision. A joint resolution of approval would in all
likelihood be signed by the President, but a joint resolution of dis-
approval would be subject to a veto by the President and thus re-
quire a two-thirds majority to override the President.
The Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1977, as
amended, provides that the governing international fisheries agree-
ments would enter into force at the end of a 60-day waiting period,
unless Congress adopted a joint resolution of disapproval. The prac-
tice has been, however, that Congress has often, by legislation, ap-
proved the agreements, bringing them into force before the end of
the 60-day period. The three trade agreement provisions all require
affirmative approval by Congress to bring the agreement into force.
D. R
A requirement that the executive branch report to Congress on
some matter is an often used technique for maintaining oversight
in the foreign affairs area. Some estimates of the number of report-
ing requirements in this field reach as high as 820.
The reports may be required at regular intervals or upon the oc-
currence of a certain event. A much smaller number relate directly
to oversight of international agreements. Table X4 provides a rep-
resentative listing of such reports and their statutory basis. The re-
porting requirement process gives the Members and committees of
Congress and their staff an informational tool for exploring further
both past and future negotiations on a wide variety of issues.
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Table X4.Required Reports Related to International Agreements
Agreement Requirement/Citation to Law From Whom Frequency
Bretton Woods
U.S. participation in international
financial institutions/P.L. 95
118, sec. 1701 & P.L. 101
240, sec. 541.
Treasury .......... Annual
U.N. Charter .... Report on U.S. Participation in the
United Nations/P.L. 79264,
sec. 4.
President ......... Annual
Various arms
Adherence and compliance with
arms control agreements/P.L.
87297, sec. 52, as amended.
President ......... Annual, by
Various trade
Operation of the Trade Agree-
ments Program/P.L. 93618,
sec. 163 (b).
U.S. Inter-
Trade Com-
Report on operation of agreement
and the International Coffee
Organization/P.L. 96599, sec.
5, amended.
President ......... Annual
Nuclear Non-
Review of government-wide activi-
ties to prevent proliferation/P.L.
95242, sec. 601, amended.
President ......... Annual, Jan-
U.N. Charter .... Special reports on Security Council
decisions to take enforcement
measures/P.L. 79264, sec. 4.
President ......... As occurs
In addition, the Senate, during its consideration of certain trea-
ties, has added reporting requirements as a condition to its resolu-
tion approving U.S. ratification. For example, the Senates ‘‘advice
and consent’’ resolution of November 25, 1991, to the 1990 Treaty
on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) included a one-
time requirement that the President certify to the Senate within 30
days of the resolution ‘‘whether or not the Soviet Union is in viola-
tion or probable violation of the terms of the CFE Treaty and proto-
cols thereto.’’ On October 1, 1992, the Senate, in its resolution ap-
proving ratification of the 1991 Treaty on the Reduction and Limi-
tation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START Treaty), required from
the President within 180 days of the Senate resolution a one-time
report on compliance with a number of arms control or reduction
treaties including the SALT I Interim Agreement, SALT II, ABM,
INF and START Treaties.
E. O
Among other tools Congress has used for oversight of inter-
national agreements are implementation legislation, recommenda-
tions in legislation, consultation requirements, and oversight hear-
ings. These are summarized briefly below. Further, section 136 of
the 1970 Legislative Reorganization Act (Public Law 91510), spe-
cifically required the committees of Congress to exercise oversight
of those programs within their jurisdiction. An alternative ap-
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See also section on Obligation to Implement in Chapter VIII above.
Public Law 87297, approved Sept. 26, 1961, as amended by Public Law 95108, August
17, 1977.
proach that Congress has used in one instance is to establish a
committee or commission, such as the [Helsinki] Commission on
Security and Cooperation in Europe. This Commission, set up by
Public Law 94304, approved June 3, 1976, as amended, monitors
the actions of the countries that signed the Final Act of the Con-
ference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), a non-
binding political agreement, especially those acts relating to human
rights and cooperation in humanitarian fields. The Commission has
21 members, 18 of whom are members of the Congress. Three are
from the executive branch. The President must report annually to
Congress on compliance with or violation of provisions of the Final
Implementation legislation can be an effective method for over-
seeing a treaty or other international agreement. Many treaties re-
quire legislation to ensure implementation on a national basis of
the international obligations established by the treaty. Congress
might include in that implementation legislation certain provisions
to ensure a congressional role in monitoring implementation of the
treaty. Implementation legislation of this sort is often one-time leg-
islation related to a treaty, but like other legislation it may be
amended. Some citations to treaty implementation legislation are
shown in Table X5, for illustrative purposes.
As Table X5 shows, the subjects for implementation legislation
are as varied as the subjects for the negotiation of treaties.
Another type of implementation legislation occurs when the exec-
utive branch requests the authorization and appropriation of funds
to carry out the terms of a treaty or international agreement other
than treaty. When an international agreement requires funding,
Congress is in a strong position to influence the extent to which
that agreement will be implemented. Sometimes the provision of
funds is a single legislative occurrence. Other agreements require
an annual authorization and appropriation of funds, such as is au-
thorized in the United Nations Participation Act, the implementing
legislation for the U.N. Charter. Section 8 of this law authorizes
annual appropriations for U.S. contributions to the United Nations.
The annual authorization and appropriations for the Department of
State are accompanied by hearings which give committees an op-
portunity to question the administration on U.S. participation in
the United Nations.
Another tool for Congress to affect international agreements is
legislation or resolutions asking the executive branch to initiate ne-
gotiations on an issue toward a specific goal or to ensure that an
agreement under negotiation include a specific item of congres-
sional interest. For example, in Section 37 of the Arms Control and
Disarmament Act, as amended,
Congress registered its sense
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‘‘that adequate verification of compliance should be an indispen-
sable part of any international arms control agreement.’’
Table X5.Legislation Implementing Treaties
Treaty Name
Citation to Implementation Leg-
1945 U.N. Charter ................................................................. P.L. 79264, December
20, 1945
1948 U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide.
P.L. 100606, November
5, 1988
1963 Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts
Committed on Board Aircraft, Tokyo.
P.L. 91449, October 14,
1969 International Convention Relating to Intervention on
the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, with
P.L. 93248, February 5,
1970 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure
of Aircraft, Hague.
P.L. 93366, August 5,
1971 Convention to Prevent and Punish Acts of Terrorism
Taking the Form of Crimes Against Internationally Pro-
tected Persons and Related Extortion That are of Inter-
national Significance, OAS.
P.L. 94467, October 8,
1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts
Against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Montreal.
P.L. 98473, October 12,
1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biologi-
cal) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.
P.L. 101298, May 12,
1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, in-
cluding Diplomatic Agents, New York (UN).
P.L. 94456, October 8,
1977 Panama Canal Treaty .................................................. P.L. 9670, September
27, 1979
1979 Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear
P.L. 97351, October 18,
1979 Convention Against the Taking of Hostages .............. P.L. 98473, October 12,
1990 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE
P.L. 102228, December
12, 1991
1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-
operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.
P.L. 106279, October 6,
In a second example, Congress, in 1990, adopted two laws on
Antarctica, expressing its concerns on the preservation of the Ant-
arctic environment. In the Antarctic Protection Act of 1990, Con-
gress stipulated that the Secretary of State negotiate an inter-
national agreement that would, among other things, ‘‘prohibit or
ban indefinitely Antarctic mineral resource activities by all parties
to the Antarctic Treaty.’’ Congress further determined that ‘‘any
treaty or other international agreement submitted by the President
to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification relating to
mineral resources or activities in Antarctica should be consistent
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Public Law 101594, approved November 16, 1990.
Public Law 101620, approved November 16, 1990.
A list of these resolutions may be found in the Legislative Review Activities Report of the
House Committee on International Relations and the Legislative Activities Report of the Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations, each of which covers an entire Congress. Other expressions
of position may be found in such omnibus pieces of legislation as the Foreign Relations Author-
ization Act and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as published in the multi-volume compila-
tion, Legislation on Foreign Relations, published annually as a joint committee print of the
House International Relations and Senate Foreign Relations Committees.
Section 1632, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100418, ap-
proved August 23, 1988.
with the purpose and provisions of this Act.’’
In a second law,
Protection of Antarctica as a Global Ecological Commons, Congress
stated that ‘‘pending negotiation and entry into force of *** new
agreements’’ regarding environmental protection, the 1988 ‘‘Con-
vention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities
should not be presented to the Senate for advice and consent to
As a result of these provisions, the executive branch
went back into negotiations, working out a Protocol on Environ-
mental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty that was adopted in Oc-
tober 1991, submitted to the Senate in February 1992, and ap-
proved by the Senate in October 1992 for U.S. ratification. The Pro-
tocol, with its annexes, establishes a comprehensive, legally bind-
ing environmental protection regime for Antarctica and prohibits
all Antarctic mineral resource activities, except for scientific re-
search. This prohibition may not be reviewed until at least 50
years following entry into force of the Protocol.
The House and the Senate, acting separately in simple resolu-
tions, or jointly, in concurrent or joint resolutions, have over the
years expressed their views on a variety of circumstances, includ-
ing those calling on the President or other officials of the executive
branch to negotiate an agreement on a particular issue or to take
a particular position on a set of negotiations or vis-a-vis another
Another method of keeping track of administration actions on
international agreements is to provide in legislation for consulta-
tion with Congress prior to or during negotiations that would result
in a treaty or executive agreement. The Omnibus Trade and Com-
petitiveness Act includes mechanisms for consultation on negotia-
tions including the selection of five members of the House Ways
and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee as congres-
sional advisers for trade policy and negotiations who would be ac-
credited by the U.S. Trade Representative as official advisers to
U.S. delegations to international conferences, meetings, and nego-
tiating sessions when trade agreements are involved.
This section
also provides for regular consultations with the appropriate com-
mittees on U.S. trade policy and direction.
Congress has also sought consultation on the termination of a
treaty. The International Security Assistance Act of 1978 contained
the following clause regarding the Mutual Defense Treaty with the
Republic of China: ‘‘It is the sense of the Congress that there
should be prior consultation between Congress and the executive
branch on any proposed changes affecting the continuation in force
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00255 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Section 26, Public Law 95384, approved September 26, 1978. On December 23, 1978, the
State Department delivered notice, effective January 1, 1979, that the United States was termi-
nating the treaty. Under Article X, the treaty remained in force until January 1, 1980.
U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Executive-Legislative Consultation on
China Policy, 19781979. By Robert G. Sutter. Committee Print, June 1980.
For discussion see Chapter VIII.
of the Mutual Defense Treaty of 1954.’’
It might be noted that
the treaty was terminated by the President with almost no real
consultation with Congress.
In another example, U.S. withdrawal
of its declaration accepting the compulsory jurisdiction of the World
Court, a concurrent resolution deploring the U.S. notification was
introduced and hearings held, but Congress did not approve the
In keeping with the overall obligation of committees to maintain
oversight of executive branch programs within their jurisdiction,
international agreements in their various stages have been mon-
itored in Congress. This has included hearings on the need for and
purpose of negotiations, the status and direction of negotiations,
the agreements resulting from negotiations and their impact and
implementation requirements, and after they come into force, the
nature and effect of compliance with the provisions of the agree-
For example, at different times between 1983 and 1992, various
committees in Congress have held hearings on the 1982 U.N. Con-
vention on the Law of the Sea, which was negotiated, with constant
congressional review, over a previous 8- to 11-year period. The
focus of occasional hearings during the 1980s was the extent to
which U.S. interests were served by remaining outside the treaty
and legislative and other steps that might be required to best pro-
tect U.S. law of the sea interests. On other issues, the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee during 1991 and 1992, held hearings on
possible nuclear proliferation issues in North Korea, conducted reg-
ular hearings on developments regarding chemical weapons pro-
liferation and efforts to negotiate a treaty in this area, and held a
series of hearings in 1991 on ‘‘issues related to a bilateral Free
Trade Agreement with Mexico,’’ to name only a few examples.
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Prepared by Richard F. Grimmett, Specialist in National Defense and the following CRS ana-
lysts and attorneys who made specialized contributions to various sections: Amy Wolff, Jonathan
Medalia, Jeanne J. Grimmett, Robert Burdette, Susan Fletcher, Charles Doyle, Larry Eig, Vita
Bite and Lois McHugh.
For example, after getting the Spanish Bases Agreement submitted to the Senate as a treaty
in 1975, the Senate agreed that a successor base agreement could be concluded as an executive
agreement when Spain became a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
in keeping with agreements with other NATO countries. Agreement Extending for Eight Months
Provisions of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with Spain (Treaty Doc. 9720, Septem-
ber 4, 1981, approved by Senate November 18, 1981), Exec. Rept. 9724, November 9, 1981.
The subject matter of treaties is varied and reflects changing cir-
cumstances that affect U.S. foreign policy interests. In the first dec-
ade after World War II, from 1945 through 1955, treaties estab-
lished a network of political and security alliances that provided a
framework that endured throughout the Cold War. Later, the focus
of political-security treaties shifted to arms control. The end of the
Cold War brought new or revised agreements with a number of
Eastern European nations and the independent states formed from
the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia. A security
treaty framework to reflect the new international environment in
the post-Cold War era is still emerging.
New policy concerns have led to a growing importance of treaties
outside the traditional political-security field. Economic treaties, in-
cluding consular, investment, and tax agreements, have become the
main component of such treaties submitted to the Senate. To deal
with international narcotics trafficking and other crimes, the
United States has embarked on a new series of treaties for legal
cooperation, such as extradition and mutual legal assistance trea-
ties (MLATs). Treaties for conservation of certain species of wildlife
and regulation of fisheries have been supplemented with broad
treaties for environmental cooperation.
The number of treaties submitted to Congress reflects the
legislative-executive balance of power and views regarding which
international agreements must be submitted to the Senate. After
the immediate post-World War II period, few significant political
and military commitments, except in arms control, were made by
treaty. For the rest of the Cold War, the Senate acquiesced when
Presidents expanded the post-World War II treaty framework with
executive agreements.
In the case of the Treaty on the Final Set-
tlement with Respect to Germany, discussed below, the Senate in-
sisted it be submitted as a treaty.
A principal concern of Presidents about treaties has been that a
minority in the Senate could use the advice and consent power to
block executive branch plans or even the will of the majority in the
Senate. In practice the Senate has rejected few treaties either di-
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Fulbright, J. William. The Crippled Giant: American Foreign Policy and Its Domestic Con-
sequences. New York, Random House, 1972. p. 217.
rectly or indirectly and, except for the Versailles Treaty providing
for membership in the League of Nations, the rejection of treaties
by the Senate has seldom affected foreign policy in a major way.
The Senate has continued in its long-established pattern of approv-
ing most treaties without crippling conditions. At the same time,
the Senate has added conditions on the substance of treaties when
it deemed conditions essential, as in certain arms control, tax, and
human rights treaties.
A statutory agreement, that is a congressionally approved or au-
thorized executive agreement, has historically provided an alter-
native. Such an alternative allows congressional involvement in
international agreements and provides for majority control. But it
does not call for the extraordinary majority and greater recognition
of the interests of 50 individual states provided by the two-thirds
Senate majority specified in the Constitution. In some areas, espe-
cially trade agreements, Congress has chosen this option. In other
areas, such as arms control, the Senate has insisted that inter-
national agreements be concluded as treaties.
The Senate has also demonstrated in other ways an intention to
maintain the significance of the treaty power. For example, it has
added provisions or expressed concerns that treaties be interpreted
in accordance with the common understanding shared by the Sen-
ate at the time it gave its advice and consent, and that they not
be reinterpreted without the advice and consent of the Senate, as
indicated in the section on arms control below. Similarly, the Sen-
ate has protested when the executive branch signed multilateral
treaties with a provision prohibiting nations from ratifying with
reservations, as indicated in the section on environmental treaties
This chapter discusses trends in five broad categories of treaties:
political and security, economic, environmental, legal cooperation,
and human rights. The focus is on the period from 1983 through
late 2000, but the study sometimes discusses earlier periods for
comparative purposes. Similarly, the chapter sometimes discusses
international agreements other than treaties for illustrative pur-
A. P
At the end of World War II, treaties played an important part
in shaping post-war U.S. foreign policy, especially in the political
and security field. Peace treaties were concluded with Italy, Roma-
nia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Japan. The Charters of the United
Nations and the Organization of American States provided a
framework for international cooperation.
After that time, a decline in the significance of treaties submitted
to the Senate in the political-security field became apparent. In
1972, Senator J. William Fulbright, chairman of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, wrote there had been a ‘‘steady attrition of the
status and significance of treaties submitted to the Senate.’’
compared the importance of numerous agreements not submitted to
the Senate, such as a 1968 executive agreement to return the
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Act of the International Conference on Vietnam, March 2, 1973. 24 UST 485; TIAS 7568;
935 UNTS 405; Afghanistan Settlement Agreement of April 14, 1988, State Department Docu-
ment Number 88163; Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia
Conflict, October 23, 1991, State Department Document Number 91240; and Agreement Con-
cerning the Sovereignty, Independence, Territorial Integrity and Inviolability, Neutrality and
National Unity of Cambodia, October 31, 1991, State Department Document Number 91243.
A Charter for American-Russian Partnership and Friendship, June 17, 1992. Department of
State Dispatch, June 22, 1992. vol. 3, p. 490.
Vienna Document 1992 of the Negotiations on Confidence and Security-Building Measures,
March 4, 1992. Department of State Dispatch Supplement, July 1992.
S. Res. 85, 91st Cong., 1st Sess., adopted June 25, 1969.
Bonin Islands to Japan, with the less significant nature of some
agreements that were submitted, such as a protocol with Mexico
modifying an agreement on radio broadcasting.
In more recent years, with the exception of the Panama Canal
Treaties of 1977 and arms control agreements, few important polit-
ical or defense agreements have been concluded as treaties. The
United States has entered several major agreements in the
political-security field, but for various reasons Presidents have not
submitted them to the Senate as treaties. Several have been con-
cluded as executive agreements, including the 1973 Paris agree-
ment on the end of the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan settlement
agreement of April 1988, and the political settlement of the Cam-
bodia conflict of October 1991.
Others have been considered politi-
cal statements or politically but not legally binding agreements,
such as the U.S.-Russian Charter
or agreements that have been
concluded in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
In 1969, the Senate adopted the National Commitments Resolu-
tion, which defined a national commitment as ‘‘the use of Armed
Forces of the United States on foreign territory, or a promise to as-
sist a foreign country, government, or people by the use of Armed
Forces or financial resources of the United States, either imme-
diately or upon the happening of certain events.’’ The resolution ex-
pressed the sense ‘‘that a national commitment by the United
States results only from affirmative action taken by the executive
and legislative branches of the United States Government by
means of a treaty, statute, or concurrent resolution of both Houses
of Congress specifically providing for such commitment.’’
Since the
initial post-World War II security treaties, however, security com-
mitments have been made almost entirely by means other than
The framework for the current U.S. network of mutual security
treaties was built between 1947 and 1954, with the North Atlantic
Treaty, the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, the
Southeast Asian Treaty, the ANZUS Pact with Australia and New
Zealand, and bilateral security treaties with the Philippines, South
Korea, Japan, and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Since that time,
no new mutual security commitments have been made by treaty,
with the possible exception of an additional commitment, embodied
in the Panama Canal Treaties of 1979, to protect the Panama
Canal until December 31, 1999, and to maintain permanently its
regime of neutrality. The only defense agreement submitted as a
treaty in the 1980s, the Treaty Between the United States and Ice-
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Exec. Rept. 997, October 8, 1986. Treaty Doc. 9931. Signed September 24, 1984. Approved
by the Senate October 8, 1986.
A Report on United States Security Arrangements and Commitments with Other Nations,
Submitted to the Congress in accordance with Section 1457 of Public Law 101510, the National
Defense Authorization Act of 1991, August 17, 1992.
Section 311, Public Law 99239, signed January 14, 1986.
U.S. President. A Report on United States Security Arrangements.
Memoranda of Agreement (concerning Assurances, Consultations, and United States Policy
on Matters Related to Middle East Peace, concluded on September 1, 1975, with Egypt (32 UST
2150; TIAS 9828) and Israel (32 UST 2150; TIAS 9828) and an updated memorandum dated
March 26, 1979, following the Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty, 32 UST 214 1; TIAS 9825.
Agreement of Cooperation with Pakistan, March 5, 1969, 10 UST 317; TIAS 4190; UNTS 285.
Agreement of Cooperation with Liberia, July 8, 1959, 10 UST 1598; TIAS 4303; 357 UNTS
Identical letters of August 3, 1981, from Secretary of State Haig to Egyptian Deputy Prime
Minister/Foreign Minister and Israeli Foreign Minister, August 3, 1981, TIAS 10556 and 10557;
Congress authorized participation in the Multinational Force and Observers Participation Reso-
lution, Public Law 97132, signed December 29, 1981.
land to Facilitate their Defense Relationship, had a primarily eco-
nomic purpose: superseding U.S. cargo preference laws and equi-
tably sharing trade.
In 1992, at the request of Congress, President Bush submitted to
Congress a list of current U.S. security commitments, defined by
the administration as ‘‘an obligation, binding under international
law, of the United States to act in the common defense in the event
of an armed attack on that country.’’
The President listed only one
U.S. security commitment in addition to those concluded from 1947
to 1954 mentioned above. This was to the Freely Associated States,
embodied in the Compacts of Free Association with the Republic of
the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. Ap-
proved by Congress, the compacts give the United States ‘‘full au-
thority and responsibility for security and defense matters, in or re-
lating to’’ those states, including the obligation to defend them and
their peoples from attacks or threats thereof, ‘‘as the United States
and its citizens are defended.’’
The President also listed a number of U.S. ‘‘security arrange-
ments,’’ defined as a pledge by the United States to some action in
the event of a threat to that countrys security. According to the
President, ‘‘security arrangements typically oblige the United
States to consult with a country in the event of a threat to its secu-
rity. They may appear in legally binding agreements, such as trea-
ties or executive agreements, or in political documents, such as pol-
icy declarations by the President, Secretary of State or Secretary
of Defense.’’
Most of the legally binding security arrangements listed in the
Presidents report were prior to the 1980s, and would be considered
sole executive agreements, namely agreements with Israel, Egypt,
Pakistan, and Liberia.
One could be considered a statutory agree-
ment: in 1981, executive agreements committed the United States
to the establishment of the Multinational Force and Observers
(MFO) in the Sinai, subject to congressional authorization and ap-
propriations, and Congress subsequently authorized the MFO in
The President listed as security arrangements in political docu-
ments executive branch declarations of support for Israel, the
Carter Doctrine on the Persian Gulf of January 23, 1980, and the
Declaration on the Air Defense of India of July 22, 1963. He also
included two policies embodied in the Eisenhower Doctrine on
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00261 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Agreement extending agreements of May 24 and June 5, 1965, relating to the construction
or military facilities in Saudi Arabia, February 14, 1989, State Department Document Number
Kuwait to Pay $215 Million for U S. Presence. Defense News, June 15, 1992. p. 26. Kuwait
Journal: The Runaway Army is Back But Standing at Ease. New York Times, January 14, 1992,
p. A4.
All four were approved by the Senate on June 21, 1993: Treaty of Friendship with Tuvalu
(Ex. W, 961, signed September 20, 1979); Friendship Treaty with Kiribati (Ex. A, 962, signed
September 20, 1979); Friendship and Maritime Boundary Treaty with the Cook Islands (Ex. P.
962, signed September 3, 1980); Treaty with New Zealand on the Delimitation of the Maritime
Boundary between the United States and Tokelau (Treaty Doc. 975, signed December 2, 1980).
Constitution of the United Nations International Development Organization (Treaty Doc.
9719, adopted April 8, 1979, approved by the Senate, with understandings, June 21, 1983).
Amendment to the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency, increasing the board
members from nine to ten (Treaty Doc. 997, approved by IAEA September 27, 1984). Approved
by the Senate September 7, 1988. Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Acces-
sion of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic (Treaty Doc. 10536, Exec. Rept. 10514, re-
ported with seven declarations and four conditions on March 6, 1998. Advice and consent given
on April 30, 1998).
International Communism and the Middle East, and the Taiwan
Relations Act of 1979.
Finally, the President reported that a large number of defense
agreements, including those on training and pre-positioning of
equipment, establish conditions under which the United States
may undertake activities with or in other countries. He said these
could not be considered security commitments or arrangements be-
cause they did not obligate the United States to act in defense of
another country.
A survey of lists submitted under the Case Act indicates that the
United States has concluded large numbers of executive agree-
ments concerning defense. Many of these involve routine military
cooperation and assistance. Often these have been with partners in
a security treaty such as Japan, Korea, or the NATO countries, and
could be considered executive agreements pursuant to treaty. Some
have been with non-treaty states, such as Saudi Arabia.
In addition, some defense agreements are not made public. Since
these are transmitted to Congress on a classified basis, they have
not been analyzed for this report. An example would be a bilateral
defense agreement concluded with Kuwait after Operation Desert
Storm. According to press reports, on September 19, 1991, the
United States agreed to pre-position equipment in Kuwait that
could help defend Kuwait, and Kuwait would contribute funds to
help pay the cost and allow U.S. access to Kuwaiti facilities.
agreement also provided for arms sales, training, and joint military
Since the early 1980s, with the exception of arms control treaties,
only a few treaties approved by the Senate fell into the political or
security category. These included treaties that dealt with bound-
aries between South Pacific Islands,
the Constitution of the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization,
an Amend-
ment to the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency,
and approval of the Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty on the
Accession of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.
Two other very important treaties of the early 1990s in all likeli-
hood would have been concluded as executive agreements except
for close Senate oversight. Senate action to obtain submission of
these two treaties, the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
and the Maritime Boundary Agreement with the Soviet Union, is
discussed below.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00262 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Treaty Doc. 10120. Signed by the Four Powers from the Second World War (United States,
France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union) and the two Germanys (the Federal Repub-
lic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic) in Moscow.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legal Issues Relating to Future
Status of Germany. Hearing. July 12, 1990. S. Hrg. 101899, Statement of Michael K. Young,
Deputy Legal Advisor, pp. 211.
Congressional Record, September 18, 1990, p. S13292 (daily ed.).
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Treaty on the Final Settlement
with Respect to Germany. Hearing. September 28, 1990. S. Hrg. 1011124, p. 38.
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany,
signed September 12, 1990,
one of the first major post-Cold War
treaties, was concluded after the Communist regime in Eastern
Germany collapsed at the end of 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and re-
unification of Germany appeared inevitable. Its purpose was to ter-
minate the remaining rights in Germany of the United States,
France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, which had
been established at the end of World War II. It also confirmed the
borders of a united Germany and reaffirmed Germanys renunci-
ation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
On July 23, 1990, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held
hearings to discuss the future status of Germany and the legal in-
struments that would embody the agreements being negotiated.
The State Department spokesman said the decision on whether the
agreement would be submitted to the Senate had not yet been
made, but indicated a leaning toward an executive agreement. He
held that the allied rights and other subjects that were being nego-
tiated were established in executive agreements, not treaties, and
were technical in nature; that the West German Government
wished to avoid a peace treaty that might make them appear as
a vanquished foe rather than a close ally; and that the treaty did
not constitute new obligations that involved commitments or risks
affecting the nation as a whole.
Private witnesses stressed the
importance of Senate advice and consent and therefore of a peace
treaty with Germany.
After the agreement was signed, Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell called on the administration to submit the treaty to the
Senate as soon as possible so the Senate could address it prior to
adjournment. Noting press reports that unidentified administration
officials believed the agreement might not require Senate approval,
Senator Mitchell said:
Such a view hardly merits serious consideration. It is an er-
roneous one. It is my judgment that this treaty bears on issues
of historic importance, of great significance for our national se-
curity as well as for our future political relations with all of
Europe, and treaties on such matters absolutely require the
participation of the Senate in its treatymaking role.
The President submitted the treaty to the Senate on September
26, 1990. Later, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman
Claiborne Pell said Secretary Baker had asked his views, and Sen-
ator Pell felt strongly it should be a treaty.
On October 5, 1990,
the Foreign Relations Committee reported the treaty without condi-
tion and the Senate approved it by a vote of 980 on October 9,
1990. Simultaneously, the committee also reported and the Senate
approved a companion measure, a simple resolution expressing the
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00263 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
S. Res. 334, approved by Senate October 9, 1990.
Signed June 1, 1990, and submitted to the Senate September 26, 1990. Treaty Doc. 101
Introduced by Senator Jesse Helms, July 20, 1989, as amendment to Foreign Relations Au-
thorization Act, FY 1990 and 1991. Adopted as Section 1007. See Exec. Rept. 10213.
Section 33, Public Law 87297, as amended, approved September 26, 1961.
sense of the Senate that U.S. ratification not be construed to di-
minish U.S. determination not to recognize the incorporation of the
Baltic States by the Soviet Union.
Maritime Boundary Agreement with the Soviet Union
The Agreement with the U.S.S.R. on the Maritime Boundary con-
cluded June 1, 1990,
resolved a dispute between the United
States and the Soviet Union which arose after 1977 when both na-
tions established 200-mile fishery and exclusive economic zones
(EEZs). The formation of these zones revealed conflicting interpre-
tations and measurements of the line established in the 1867 Con-
vention ceding Alaska.
During the negotiations, which lasted 9 years, some Senators be-
came concerned that the Department of State was considering con-
cluding the agreement as an executive agreement on grounds that
the 1867 line was a boundary line and the new line was just a vari-
ation. Senator Jesse Helms contended the 1867 line was merely a
line of demarcation but not a boundary under international law,
and that boundaries such as the new line had always been delim-
ited by treaty. Subsequently, in 1989 the Senate adopted legisla-
tion stating its sense that the Department of State should submit
to the Senate in treaty form all boundary agreements with the So-
viet Union. In the conference with the House, this was changed to
a sense of Congress statement ‘‘that all international agreements
pertaining to the international boundaries of the United States
should be submitted to the Congress for such consideration as is
appropriate pursuant to the respective constitutional responsibil-
ities of the Senate and the House of Representatives.’’
The agree-
ment was submitted to the Senate on September 26, 1990, and ap-
proved without reservation by a vote of 866 on September 16,
Arms control treaties are the only category of agreement in the
political-military field that have been concluded primarily in treaty
form, and have provided the major vehicle in recent years for spe-
cial Senate influence on foreign policy. This may be in part because
the congressional desire to pass judgment on arms control agree-
ments was clear. The Arms Control and Disarmament Act provided
that no action obligating the United States to reduce its arma-
ments could be taken except pursuant to the treatymaking power
or unless authorized by further affirmative legislation by Con-
The policy statement was buttressed by the power Con-
gress has in determining levels of armaments and armed forces
through defense authorizations and appropriations. Presidents
have submitted most arms control agreements to the Senate as
treaties. An exception is the SALT I Interim Agreement, signed
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Public Law 92448, signed September 30, 1972.
A list of the activities of the Senate Arms Control Observer Group is contained in the re-
marks of Senator Lugar in the Congressional Record, September 30, 1992, pp. S15715S15719.
This was accomplished through S. Res. 75 on March 25, 1999. Congressional Record, March
25, 1999, p. S3565.
Presidential Initiative on Nuclear Arms. Fact Sheet. The White House, Office of the Press
Secretary, September 27, 1991.
Text of Gorbachev Reply to Presidents Nuclear Initiative. U.S. Embassy, Moscow. October
5, 1991.
Ex. Y, 961. Submitted to the Senate June 25, 1979, Reported November 19, 1979, Exec.
Rept. 9614. Automatically re-referred at end of 96th Congress. Resolution to discharge commit-
tee submitted, July 15, 1986, S. Ex. Res. 445. Ordered returned to the President by S. Res. 267,
approved by the Senate on October 12, 2000.
May 26, 1972, which President Nixon submitted as a statutory
agreement and Congress approved by legislation.
Arms control treaties in recent years have generally been among
the most controversial treaties and those on which the Senate has
spent the most time. In addition to the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, the Armed Services, Intelligence, Governmental Affairs, and
Judiciary Committees have reviewed arms control agreements and
sometimes issued reports on them. The Senate also established a
bipartisan Senate Arms Control Observer Group in 1985 to observe
and monitor arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union. The
members served as consultants and advisers at negotiations and
had frequent meetings with executive branch and military offi-
During the 1990s, as the United States and Russia stopped
holding formal arms control negotiations while awaiting the ratifi-
cation and entry into force of existing agreements, the Arms Con-
trol Observer Group curtailed its activities. In 1999, in an effort to
reinvigorate the group and restore Senate involvement in the arms
control process, the Arms Control Observer Group was reconsti-
tuted as the Senate National Security Working Group. The mem-
bers of this new group were to act as observers at negotiations re-
lating to the ‘‘reduction, limitation, or control of conventional weap-
ons, weapons of mass destruction, or the means of delivery of any
such weapons,’’ at negotiations on missile defenses, and at negotia-
tions on export controls.
The United States and Russia have, in the past decade, taken
numerous steps to alter their nuclear forces without the formal
framework provided by treaties. Chief among these were the Presi-
dential Nuclear Initiatives of 1991. In late September, President
George Bush announced that he was withdrawing all U.S. non-
strategic nuclear weapons from naval vessels and overseas deploy-
ment, and stated that the United States would eliminate many of
these weapons.
He called on Soviet President Gorbachev to take
similar steps. President Gorbachev reciprocated in early October.
These initiatives led to significant reductions in deployed nuclear
forces. Although many Members of Congress praised these initia-
tives after they were announced, President Bush neither consulted
with nor informed the Senate of his intentions prior to announcing
the initiatives.
In several cases, the United States has chosen to abide by trea-
ties without gaining Senate advice and consent to ratification. This
occurred with the SALT II Treaty, which the United States and the
Soviet Union signed on June 18, 1979.
The Senate never voted
on the treaty although the Foreign Relations Committee reported
it favorably with 2 reservations and 18 statements and understand-
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Public Law 10585, Sec. 1302, as amended by Public Law 10665 Sec. 1501.
White House statement said, ‘‘President Bush also signed the Concluding Act of the Nego-
tiation on Personnel Strength of Conventional Armed Forces ion Europe, otherwise known as
the CFE1A agreement ** *. The CFE1A accord places politically binding limits on military
manpower in Europe.’’ CFE Treaty and CFE1A Agreement. U.S. Department of State Dispatch.
July 13, 1992, p. 560.
Public Law 102228. Signed on December 12, 1991. Congressional Record, November 25,
1991, p. S18003.
ings. In December 1979, after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,
President Carter asked that consideration be postponed, and Presi-
dents Reagan and Bush never asked for consideration. On May 30,
1982, President Reagan declared that the United States would re-
frain from actions that would undercut the SALT agreements as
long as the Soviet Union showed equal restraint. Congress played
a role in shaping this policy because many Members had urged
President Reagan to observe the limits in SALT II. A similar cir-
cumstance existed with respect to the 1974 Threshold Test Ban
Treaty, which limited the underground nuclear tests to 150 kilo-
tons. President Ford submitted the treaty to the Senate in 1976 but
the Senate did not approve ratification until 1990, after the United
States and the Soviet Union had negotiated new verification proto-
cols. In the interim, the United States did observe the treatys 150
kiloton limit on nuclear weapons tests.
In contrast, during the latter half of the 1990s, Congress prohib-
ited the United States from reducing its nuclear forces to the levels
mandated by the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START
II) until that treaty entered into force. Beginning in fiscal year
1998, it included a provision in the annual defense authorization
bills that precluded obligating or expending funds for ‘‘retiring or
dismantling, or for preparing to retire or dismantle’’ strategic nu-
clear weapons that the United States would have retained under
the START I Treaty but eliminated under START II.
The U.S.
Senate had consented to ratification of START II in January 1996,
but the Russian parliament did not approve this treaty until April
2000. Many in Congress and the Clinton Administration believed
that this legislation would provide an incentive for Russia to ap-
prove the treaty by indicating that the United States would not re-
duce its forces until START II entered into force.
The United States has also pursued arms control through agree-
ments other than treaties. Some ‘‘confidence-building measures,’’
such as an agreement of September 30, 1971, on measures to re-
duce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war by accident, have been
concluded as executive agreements. In other cases, particularly
under the CSCE, agreements have been labeled politically, rather
than legally, binding. At the 1992 Helsinki Review Conference,
NATO and former Warsaw Pact members signed a follow-up con-
ventional arms accord on regulating troop levels between the At-
lantic and the Urals.
Congress has closely monitored action in
the CSCE through a joint Commission on Security and Cooperation
in Europe. Congress also initiated an ‘‘arms control’’ program with
the Soviet Union and Russia through its passage of the Nunn-
Lugar amendment to the implementing act for the Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty.
This amendment created
the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program, which has pro-
vided U.S. assistance to Russia and other former Soviet states to
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For discussion, see Koplow, David A. When Is an Amendment Not an Amendment?: Modi-
fications of Arms Control Agreements Without the Senate. University of Chicago Law Review.
vol. 59, Summer 1992, pp. 9811072.
These included the Antarctic Treaty of December 1, 1959 (Ex. B, 862, approved August
10, 1960, by a vote of 6621); the Outer Space Treaty of January 27, 1967 (Ex. D, 902, ap-
proved April 25, 1967, by a vote of 880); the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of July 1, 1968
(Ex. H, 902, approved March 13, 1969, by a vote of 8115); the Seabed Arms Control Treaty
of February 11, 1971 (Ex. H, 921, approved February 15, 1972, by a vote of 8317); the Anti-
Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty (Ex. L, 922, approved August 3, 1972, by a vote of 8317); and
the Environmental Modification Treaty of May 28, 1977 (Ex. K, 951, approved November 28,
1979, by a vote of 980).
For a more detailed discussion of Senate conditions, see Chapter VI.
help with the safe and secure transportation, storage, and elimi-
nation of nuclear and other weapons and materials. The United
States has signed numerous Memorandums of Understanding with
the recipient nations to implement this program, but none has re-
quired Senate advice and consent. Nonetheless, Congress affects
policy and expenditures on this program through the annual au-
thorization and appropriations process.
The complexity and detail in arms control treaties has increased
significantly as a result of the desire of the legislative and execu-
tive branches to assure adequate verification. The detailed provi-
sions have often resulted in a need for modifications and the devel-
opment of mechanisms for informal amendments, usually nego-
tiated in compliance bodies established by the treaties, that are not
submitted to the Senate.
In addition, agreements on implementa-
tion issues often concluded as executive agreements that are not
submitted to the Senate.
As in other categories, the Senate has, since the end of World
War II, approved most arms control treaties without formally at-
taching conditions of any type.
Since the mid-1980s, however, the
Senate has attached significant conditions to the major arms con-
trol treaties presented to it, namely the Intermediate-Range Nu-
clear Forces (INF) Treaty, the Threshold Test Ban Treaty and Pro-
tocol, the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE),
the CFE Flank Agreement, the START I and START II Treaties,
the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), and the Open Skies
Treaty. Beginning with the INF Treaty, the Senate has added a
condition concerning reinterpretation of the treaty and a declara-
tion that future arms control agreements should be concluded as
treaties. In addition, the Senate has sometimes specified in the res-
olutions of ratification its intention that certain conditions were to
be transmitted to the other parties and that some were to be clear-
ly approved by the other parties, or that some conditions were
binding on the President and others declared the intention of the
In 1999, the Senate also rejected a treaty when it voted
against providing its advice and consent to the ratification of the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
INF Treaty
The U.S.-Soviet Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Trea-
ty, signed December 8, 1987, prohibited the two countries from pro-
ducing, flight-testing, or possessing ground-launched ballistic or
cruise missiles having a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers,
and required the destruction or removal of some missiles and
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Submitted to the Senate January 25, 1988, Treaty Doc. 10011. Reported by the Foreign
Relations Committee April 14, 1988, Exec. Rept. 10015. Approved by the Senate May 27, 1988,
by a vote of 935.
In 1993, the Clinton Administration made clear it had returned to the original interpreta-
tion. Letter of July 13, 1993, from Acting Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency Thomas Graham, Jr., to Senator Pell.
For text and discussion, see Chapter VI.
The Senate approved the INF Treaty on May 27, 1988,
with three ‘‘conditions,’’ two ‘‘declarations,’’ and three ‘‘declarations
and understandings.’’
The primary condition related to the treatymaking power and the
reinterpretation of treaties. This became an issue during consider-
ation of the INF Treaty because of concern that the Reagan Admin-
istration was reinterpreting the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
Treaty to permit development and testing of the Strategic Defense
Many Senators believed that the executive branch
could not alter the interpretation of a treaty without the advice and
consent of the Senate and wanted to prevent similar reinterpreta-
tions in the future. Consequently, the Senate attached a condition,
sponsored by Senators Byrd and Biden, stating that ‘‘the United
States shall interpret the Treaty in accordance with the common
understanding of the Treaty shared by the President and the Sen-
ate at the time the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratifica-
tion,’’ and that the United States would not agree to a different in-
terpretation except pursuant to Senate advice and consent or the
enactment of a statute. It also spelled out the bases for the com-
mon understanding as (1) the text of the treaty and the resolution
of ratification, and (2) the authoritative representations provided
by the administration to the Senate in seeking its consent.
A second condition made ratification subject to the Presidents
obtaining the agreement of the Soviet Union that certain agree-
ments on definitions and meanings of the treaty were of the same
force and effect as the treaty. A third condition required the Presi-
dent, prior to exchanging instruments of ratifications, to certify
that the United States and the Soviet Union had a specified com-
mon understanding concerning production of ground-launched bal-
listic missiles not covered by the treaty. The resolution of ratifica-
tion also specified that one declaration and two understandings not
relating to the subject matter of the treaty were to be commu-
nicated to the Soviet Union in connection with (and therefore not
necessarily in) the exchange of ratifications: (1) the declaration that
respect for human rights was an essential factor to ensure the de-
velopment of friendly relations; (2) the understanding that the
President should seek demonstrable progress by the Soviet Union
in its implementation of certain documents concerning human
rights; and (3) the understanding that the United States through
the Helsinki process would expect full compliance with Soviet com-
mitments in the field of human rights.
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Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
on the Limitation of Underground Weapons Tests, signed July 3, 1974 (Treaty Doc. 942) and
protocol signed July 1, 1990 (Treaty Doc. 10119).
Exec. Rept. 1001.
Exec. Rept. 10131.
Threshold Test Ban Treaty and Protocol
The United States and the Soviet Union signed the Threshold
Test Ban Treaty in 1974 limiting underground nuclear tests to a
yield of 150 kilotons.
President Ford submitted it to the Senate together with the
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty in 1976. The Senate Foreign
Relations Committee ordered the treaties reported in 1977, but did
not report them so that consideration of the Panama Canal treaties
could proceed. The Carter Administration did not promote the two
treaties because it was seeking a comprehensive ban of nuclear
In 1982 the Reagan Administration decided that additional ver-
ification provisions would be necessary before it would endorse the
treaties, but the Soviet Union wanted negotiations on additional
verification provisions to await ratification. In 1987 President
Reagan asked that the Senate consider the treaties, subject to the
condition that he would not ratify them until the new verification
protocols were negotiated and approved by the Senate. Some Sen-
ators objected to this dual ratification process. On February 27,
1987, the Foreign Relations Committee reported the treaties with
a reservation that the President not ratify them until he certified
that the Soviet Union had concluded specified additional agree-
ments, and with a declaration supporting negotiations for a com-
prehensive test ban.
The administration did not support the com-
mittees recommendations and the Senate did not vote on the trea-
ties at that time.
The United States and the Soviet Union signed the additional
verification protocols on June 1, 1990; President Bush submitted
them to the Senate on June 28, 1990. On September 14, 1990, the
Foreign Relations Committee reported the Threshold Test Ban
Treaty and Protocol subject to a declaration advocating five safe-
guards originally propounded by the Joint Chiefs of Staff but modi-
fied by the committee, and a declaration promoting continued ef-
forts to achieve a verifiable comprehensive test ban.
Future amendments to the agreements were an issue of concern
during the committees debate. In its report the Foreign Relations
Committee reviewed concerns that Article XI of the protocol, which
allows parties to amend the protocol through agreement in a Bilat-
eral Consultative Commission, should not permit substantive
changes without Senate approval. The committee obtained assur-
ances from the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament
Agency that any substantive change that would affect the basic
aims of the treaty would have to be made by means of an amend-
ment, and that the executive branch would notify the committee on
any changes prior to their becoming binding. The Senate approved
both treaties and the new protocols on September 25, 1990.
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Treaty Doc. 1028, submitted July 9, 1991. Reported November 19, 1991, with five condi-
tions, four declarations, Exec. Rept. 10222. Approved by Senate, with amendments to resolu-
tion of ratification, November 25, 1991, by vote of 904.
CFE Treaty
The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) was
signed on November 19, 1990, by 16 members of NATO and 6
members of the former Warsaw Pact including the Soviet Union.
CFE established equal ceilings for each group of states in certain
armaments categories and limited the forces of individual coun-
tries. The Senate approved the treaty on November 25, 1991, sub-
ject to six conditions and four declarations. The resolution of ratifi-
cation explicitly stated that the conditions ‘‘shall be binding upon
the Executive’’ and that the declarations ‘‘express the intent of the
One of the conditions dealt with new states that might be formed
from the Soviet Union. When the treaty was submitted to the Sen-
ate on July 9, 1991, the Soviet Union still existed. After a coup at-
tempt against Soviet President Gorbachev in August 1991, the So-
viet Union began to dissolve into a number of independent states.
During its consideration of the treaty, the Senate found the situa-
tion rapidly changing and obligations of successor states of the So-
viet Union became a major issue. The Senate added a condition to
the resolution of ratification stating that if, in the future, a new
state was formed in the area of application: (A) the President was
to consult with the Senate on the effect on the treaty; (B) if the
President determined that a new states holdings were of such mili-
tary significance as to constitute a changed circumstance and he
decided not to invoke the withdrawal right, he was to request a
conference to assess the viability of the treaty; and (C) if he made
such a decision, he was to submit for the Senates advice and con-
sent any major change in the obligations. If the states in such a
conference did not agree on a change in obligations, the President
was to seek a Senate resolution of support for continued adherence.
The Senate also added a declaration urging the President to seek
the accession of any new state that might be formed in the area.
In the CFE resolution of ratification, the Senate made two dec-
larations dealing with the treatymaking power. One affirmed ‘‘the
applicability to all treaties of the constitutionally based principles
of the treaty interpretation set forth’’ in the INF condition. Another
declared the Senate intent to approve international agreements ob-
ligating the United States to reduce or limit the armed forces in
a militarily significant manner only pursuant to the treaty power.
CFE Flank Agreement
As the 1995 deadline for CFE reductions approached, it became
evident that Russia would not meet the treatys requirements. The
outbreak of armed ethnic conflict in and around the Caucasus,
most notably in Chechnya, led Russia to claim it needed to deploy
equipment in excess of treaty limits in the ‘‘flank zones.’’ The par-
ties to the CFE Treaty signed a flank agreement on May 31, 1996.
This agreement removes several administrative districts from the
old ‘‘flank zone’’ and, thus, permits the equipment ceilings for the
flank zones to apply to a smaller area. To balance these adjust-
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Treaty Doc. 1055, submitted to the Senate April 7, 1997. Approved by the Senate May 14,
Congressional Record, May 14, 1997. p. S4475.
Treaty Doc. 10220, submitted to the Senate November 25, 1991. Protocol (Treaty Doc. 102
32) submitted June 19, 1992. Treaty Doc. 10220 reported September 18, 1992, with Treaty Doc.
10232. Exec. Rept. 10253. Approved by Senate October 1, 1992.
ments, reporting requirements were enhanced, inspection rights in
the zone increased, and district ceilings were placed on armored
combat vehicles to prevent their concentration.
The Clinton Administration initially did not plan to submit the
flank agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratifica-
tion because it did not consider it to be an amendment to the trea-
ty. However, after the Senate leadership pressured the administra-
tion and linked its submission to approval of the CWC, the admin-
istration submitted the CFE Flank Agreement to the Senate on
April 7, 1997.
The Foreign Relations Committee and the full Sen-
ate both approved the resolution of ratification by unanimous
The resolution of ratification contains 14 conditions. Two of these
conditions address monitoring and compliance issues; two state
that any further modifications to the treaty or the geographical
boundaries of the flank zones must be submitted to the Senate for
advice and consent. Several of the conditions demonstrate the Sen-
ates concerns regarding the continued stationing of Russian troops
on the territories of other newly independent states and with the
potential for political and economic coercion as a result of those
troop deployments. As with other resolutions approved since 1987,
this one also contains the Biden-Byrd condition on treaty interpre-
tation, which was initially included in the resolution of ratification
for the INF Treaty.
The resolution of ratification for the CFE Flank Agreement con-
tained one particularly contentious condition. In condition 9, the
Senate stated that the United States could not deposit the instru-
ments of ratification for the CFE Flank Agreement until the Presi-
dent certified to the Senate that he would submit the Memoran-
dum of Understanding on Succession (MOUS) to the 1972 ABM
Treaty to the Senate for its advice and consent. This agreement
named Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan as the succes-
sors to the Soviet Union for the ABM Treaty. The administration
claimed that this agreement was not an amendment to the treaty,
but many Senators disagreed, and some wanted to debate and de-
feat the MOUS as part of their effort to nullify the ABM Treaty.
The administration and many Democratic Senators objected to con-
dition 9, primarily because it was not germane to the CFE Flank
Agreement, but they realized that they did not have the votes to
remove it from the resolution of ratification.
START I Treaty
The first treaty between the United States of America and the
Soviet Union on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offen-
sive Arms (the START I Treaty) was signed by U.S. President Bush
and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev on July 31, 1991.
months later, the Soviet Union disintegrated into a number of inde-
pendent states. On May 23, 1992, the United States and Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine signed a protocol that named
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United States Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Military Implications of the START
I Treaty and the June 17, 1992 U.S.-Russian Joint Understanding on Further Reductions in
Strategic Offensive Arms. Report 102124. September 18, 1992. pp 1014.
Congressional Record. September 28, 1992, p. S15441.
those four nations, each of which had Soviet nuclear weapons on
its territory, as the successors to the Soviet Union for the START
I Treaty. The three non-Russian states also agreed to return the
nuclear warheads on their territories to Russia. The President sub-
mitted the protocol to the Senate on June 19, 1992, as an amend-
ment to and integral part of the START I Treaty. President Bush
said the protocol would ensure that only one state emerging from
the former Soviet Union would have nuclear weapons, and that all
the former states of the Soviet Union that have nuclear weapons
would be bound by the START I Treaty.
In the resolution of ratification, the Senate adopted eight condi-
tions designated as binding upon the President. The conditions in-
cluded that President Bush notify Belarus, Kazakhstan, and
Ukraine that letters obligating them to eliminate all nuclear weap-
ons and strategic offensive arms from their territory within 7 years
would be legally binding. The President was also directed to com-
municate to the three states that the United States would regard
as inconsistent with the START I Treaty any actions inconsistent
with their obligations to adhere to the Non-Proliferation Treaty in
the shortest possible time.
Concerning implementation arrangements, the Senate made it a
condition that failure to reach agreement would require the Presi-
dent to consult with the Senate. In the event Belarus, Kazakhstan,
and Ukraine did not eliminate nuclear weapons and strategic offen-
sive armaments in their territory within 7 years, it was a condition
that the President should consult with the Senate and submit any
change in obligations for advice and consent of the Senate or, if the
President decided not to invoke the withdrawal right, seek a Sen-
ate resolution of support. Another condition required the President
to submit a report on compliance with specified arms control trea-
ties within 180 days of advice and consent. A final condition,
known as the Biden condition, required that the President ‘‘seek an
appropriate arrangement, including the use of reciprocal measures,
to monitor (A) the numbers of nuclear stockpile weapons on the ter-
ritory of the parties to this treaty and (B) the location and inven-
tory of facilities on the territory of the parties to this treaty capable
of producing or processing significant quantities of fissile mate-
rials.’’ This condition reflected growing concern about the safety
and security of former Soviet nuclear weapons and materials. The
Senate Armed Services Committee, in its report on START I, ob-
jected to this condition, in part because it doubted the analysis sup-
porting it and in part because it feared that efforts to negotiate
such an arrangement could slow the negotiations on the new
START II Treaty. The committee recommended that the Biden con-
dition either be eliminated from the START I resolution of ratifica-
tion, or that it be cast as a non-binding ‘‘sense of the Senate’’ rec-
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee did not
accept this recommendation. However, it indicated, in its report,
that this requirement would not apply to the START II Treaty be-
cause such a requirement would likely delay negotiations.
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Treaty Doc. 1031, submitted to the Senate January 15, 1993. Reported by the Foreign Re-
lations Committee December 15, 1995, Exec. Rept. 10410. Approved by the Senate, January
26, 1996.
Congressional Record. January 26, 1996. pp. S461S463.
The resolution of ratification also included six declarations des-
ignated as expressing the intent of the Senate. Among these, one
affirmed the applicability to all treaties of the condition on treaty
interpretation in the INF Treaty. Another declared again the Sen-
ate position that it would consider for approval accords obligating
the United States to reduce or limit its arms in a militarily signifi-
cant manner ‘‘only pursuant to the treaty power set forth in Article
II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution.’’
The United States and Russia signed the second Strategic Arms
Reduction Treaty (START II), on January 3, 1993. START II limits
each of the parties to 3,500 warheads deployed on their strategic
offensive nuclear weapons. It bans all land-based missiles with
multiple warheads (MIRVed ICBMs) and limits the number of war-
heads that could be deployed on submarine-based ballistic missiles
(SLBMs). In its original form, the two nations were to reduce their
forces to the START II limits by January 1, 2003. However, in Sep-
tember 1997, the United States and Russia signed a protocol that
would extend this timeline until the end of 2007.
President Bush submitted the START II Treaty to the Senate on
January 12, 1993.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held
hearings on the treaty in 1993, but did not report it to the Senate
because the START I Treaty did not enter into force until Decem-
ber 1994. The committee held additional hearings in January, Feb-
ruary, and March 1995, after the Republican Party gained a major-
ity in the Senate. The committee delayed its vote on the resolution
of ratification for most of 1995, while Senator Helms, the chairman,
and the Clinton Administration sought to resolve a dispute over re-
organization of the State Department. The committee approved the
resolution of ratification, by a vote of 180 in December 1995 and
the full Senate offered its advice and consent to ratification, by a
vote of 874 on January 26, 1996. The resolution of ratification con-
tains 8 conditions and 12 declarations.
By 1995, the debate over START II had become enmeshed in the
debate over ballistic missile defenses and the ABM Treaty. This is
evident in the resolution of ratification. The second condition states
that U.S. ratification of the START II Treaty does not obligate the
United States to accept any modification, change in scope, or exten-
sion of the ABM Treaty. Also, the 10th declaration discusses the
nature of deterrence, noting that deterrence based on offensive re-
taliation has become outdated and that ballistic missile defense can
contribute to a stable deterrent relationship. The conditions and
declarations also address the Senates concerns about compliance
with START II and, in the eighth declaration, the resolution refers
to the ‘‘clear past pattern of Soviet noncompliance with arms con-
trol agreements and continued cases of noncompliance by the Rus-
sian Federation ***’’ The resolution also displays the Senates con-
cerns about the Clinton Administrations stewardship of U.S. nu-
clear forces. The seventh condition states that the treaty is not
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Treaty Doc. 10237, submitted to the Senate August 12, 1992. Reported by the Foreign Re-
lations Committee August 2, 1993, Exec. Rept. 1035. Approved by Senate, August 6, 1993.
Congressional Record, August 6, 1993, p. S10800 (daily ed.).
Treaty Doc. 10321, submitted to the Senate on November 23, 1993.
binding on the United States until it enters into force and that the
President must consult with the Senate if he wants to reduce U.S.
forces below START II levels. The 12th declaration states that the
United States is committed to maintaining its nuclear weapons in-
frastructure and that the United States reserves the right to re-
sume nuclear testing to address warhead design flaws or aging
problems. Finally, the resolution contains two declarations that
have become standard in arms controlone affirmed the applicabil-
ity to all treaties of the condition on treaty interpretation in the
INF Treaty. Another declared again the Senate position that it
would consider for approval accords obligating the United States to
reduce or limit its arms in a militarily significant manner ‘‘only
pursuant to the treaty power set forth in Article II, Section 2,
Clause 2 of the Constitution.’’
Open Skies Treaty
The Treaty on Open Skies was signed in Helsinki on March 24,
1992, by 25 nations originally including 16 members of NATO, 5
Eastern European members, and 4 former Soviet republics.
purpose was to enhance military openness by providing each party
the right to overfly the territory of other parties in unarmed obser-
vation aircraft. After hearings on the treaty and recommendations
from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and Committee
on Armed Services, the Foreign Relations Committee recommended
advice and consent with two conditions to be binding on the Presi-
dent. First, if a party sought agreement within the Open Skies
Consultative Commission for the introduction of additional cat-
egories or improvement of sensors, the President was to notify the
Senate and not agree to the improvement until at least 30 days
after the notification. Second, since the United States might not
need many overflights because of its observation satellite capabili-
ties, the President was to submit a report to the Senate, after the
treaty had been in force 1 year, assessing the number of observa-
tion flights necessary. In addition, the committee recommended a
declaration reaffirming the principles of treaty interpretation. The
Senate gave its advice and consent to the treaty on August 6,
Chemical Weapons Convention
The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) opened for signature
in January 1993.
Since then, 170 nations have signed it and 129
nations have ratified it. The convention entered into force on April
29, 1997. The CWC is designed to promote the global elimination
of chemical weapons. It bans the development, production, transfer,
stockpiling, and use of chemical and toxin weapons, mandates the
destruction of all chemical weapons production facilities, and seeks
to control the production and international transfer of the key
chemical compounds of these weapons.
The Senate Foreign Relations, Armed Services, Intelligence, and
Judiciary Committees held a total of 13 hearings on the CWC dur-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00274 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
S. Res. 75. Congressional Record, April 24, 1997. pp. S3651S3657.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty: Message from the Presi-
dent of the United States Transmitting Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. ** * 105th
ing the 103d, 104th, and 105th Congresses. Under a unanimous
consent agreement, the CWC resolution of ratification was to have
been brought to the Senate floor in mid-September 1996. However,
uncertain of sufficient votes to ensure passage, its supporters post-
poned its consideration until after the 1996 Presidential election.
President Clinton vowed to press for CWC ratification in early
1997, but Senator Jesse Helms, chair of the Foreign Relations
Committee, opposed the CWC and stated that it would not be a
high priority for his committee. Furthermore, Senator Helms and
the Senates leadership sought assurances that other arms control
agreements, such as the CFE Flank Agreement and the Agreed
Statements on Demarcation to the ABM Treaty, would be brought
before the Senate for its advice and consent. The administration
objected to this linkage, but agreed to submit the agreements so
that the Senate could address the CWC before it entered into force.
After extensive negotiations between the White House and key
Senators, and within the Senate itself, a unanimous consent agree-
ment was reached to bring the CWC resolution of ratification to the
Senate floor on April 23, 1997.
The resolution contained 33 condi-
tions, 5 of which were struck by roll call votes during floor debate.
The 28 remaining conditions address a number of concerns raised
during the debate over the CWC. These include the costs of treaty
implementation and the U.S. financial contribution to the CWCs
compliance organization, verification issues and the U.S. ability to
detect and respond to noncompliance, and measures to manage the
burden on U.S. industry as a result of CWC inspection and report-
ing requirements. The resolution of ratification also contains the
two conditions that have become standard in arms controlthe
Biden-Byrd condition on treaty interpretation from the INF Treaty
and the condition that reaffirms the Senates role in regarding
arms control treaties.
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) opened for signa-
ture at the United Nations on September 24, 1996. As of December
5, 2000, 160 nations have signed it and 69 have ratified it. The key
obligation in the CTBT is in Article I: ‘‘Each State Party under-
takes not to carry out any nuclear weapon test explosion or any
other nuclear explosion ***.’’ Much of the treaty establishes orga-
nizations and procedures for monitoring compliance with this obli-
gation. Entry into force requires ratification by 44 specified na-
tions, essentially those with a nuclear reactor. Of the 44, all have
signed but India, Pakistan, and North Korea, and 30 have ratified,
including Britain, France, and Russia. On October 13, 1999, the
Senate rejected the resolution of ratification, 51 against, 48 for, and
1 present, making the United States the only nation to have re-
jected the treaty.
The procedure by which the treaty came to a vote was unusual,
and influenced its consideration. President Clinton submitted the
treaty to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification on
September 22, 1997.
In October 1997, the Senate Governmental
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00275 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Cong., 1st Sess., Treaty Doc. 10528. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1997, 230
Letter dated January 21, 1998, reprinted in Senator Jesse Helms, ‘‘Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty,’’ U.S. Congress. Congressional Record. September 30, 1999, S11677S11678.
On September 8, Senator Byron Dorgan said, ‘‘If [Senator Lott] and others decide [the trea-
ty] will not come to the floor, I intend to plant myself on the floor like a potted plant and object
** * to other routine business of the Senate’’ until the treaty is brought to a debate and vote.
Congressional Record. September 8, 1999, S10541. Senator Joseph Biden, Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee ranking minority member, reportedly planned to offer a resolution proposing
hearings on the CTBT in 1999 and a vote by March 31, 2000. See Richard Lowry, ‘‘Test-Ban
Ban,’’ National Review, November 8, 1999, as reprinted in U.S. Congress. Congressional Record,
November 10, 1999, S14579
Ibid., S14578.
Congressional Record, September 30, 1999, S11666S11667.
Senator Robert Byrd, ‘‘The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,’’ in U.S. Congress. Congres-
sional Record, October 7, 1999, S12257.
Congressional Record, October 8, 1999, S12257.
Affairs Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee held
hearings on the U.S. ability to maintain nuclear weapons under a
CTBT. As the committee of jurisdiction, however, the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee had to report out the treaty or be dis-
charged from consideration. In his State of the Union Addresses of
1998 and 1999, President Clinton called for the Senate to approve
the treaty, but Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman
Jesse Helms demurred. He wrote to the President in January 1998
that ‘‘the CTBT is very low on the Committees list of priorities,’’
and stated that ‘‘I will be prepared to schedule Committee consider-
ation of the CTBT only after the Senate has had the opportunity
to consider and vote on the Kyoto Protocol and the amendments to
the ABM Treaty.’’
In 1998 and most of 1999, the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee did not hold hearings dedicated to the treaty
and did not report it out of committee.
Senate Democrats called repeatedly for the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee to consider the treaty and for the Senate to vote
on it. In the summer of 1999, they escalated their pressure by
threatening a filibuster and by planning to press for hearings and
a vote by March 31, 2000.
Meanwhile, Senators Kyl and Cover-
dell had arranged for briefings of other Republican Senators to
make the case against the treaty, and by September 30 had lined
up 42 votes against it.
On that day, Senator Lott responded to
demands to consider the treaty. He asked for unanimous consent
to discharge the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from further
consideration of the treaty on October 6, to begin consideration of
the treaty on that day, with a total of 10 hours of debate, and then
to vote on the resolution of ratification. Senator Daschle objected
to the request on grounds that it proposed to hold the vote too
quickly, did not allow enough time for debate, and assumed the
treaty would be defeated.
Under the final agreement, the Senate
began consideration of the treaty on October 8. Each leader was
permitted one amendment to the resolution of ratification, with 8
hours of debate permitted on the two amendments and 14 hours on
the resolution of ratification. The Senate would then proceed to a
The resolution of ratification proposed by the majority was sim-
ply ‘‘[t]hat the Senate advise and consent’’ to ratifying the treaty.
The minority resolution included a number of conditions binding
upon the President, such as on nuclear weapons stockpile steward-
ship, maintenance of nuclear weapons laboratories and nuclear
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00276 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Congressional Record, October 12, 1999, S12427.
U.S. White House. Office of the Press Secretary. ‘‘Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty Safeguards,’’ August 11, 1995, 1 p.
Congressional Record, October 13, 1999, S12548S12549.
Congressional Record, October 12, 1999, S12333.
Senator Jesse Helms, ‘‘Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty,’’ in U.S. Congress. Congressional
Record, September 30, 1999, S11670. This reference includes a list of the hearings.
Senator Daschle, colloquy on the CTBT, in U.S. Congress. Congressional Record, October
13, 1999, S12507.
Senator Byrd, colloquy on the CTBT, in U.S. Congress. Congressional Record, October 13,
1999, S12523S12524.
William Mann, ‘‘U.S. Will Honor Its Treaty Commitments, Albright Says,’’ Associated Press
(newswire), October 18, 1999.
testing capability, and withdrawal.
These were similar to the
‘‘safeguards’’ set forth by the President in August 1995.
By the time the debate began, all recognized that the treaty
would be defeated. Many Democrats feared that the defeat would
be harmful, and some from both parties were troubled by the hasty
consideration and vote. Accordingly, Senators Moynihan and War-
ner gathered 62 signatures24 Republicans and 38 Democrats
for a letter to Senators Lott and Daschle requesting that the vote
be deferred.
Similarly, President Clinton asked Senator Lott to
defer consideration.
But some objected to rescinding the agree-
ment, so the vote was held.
The Senate debated the CTBT on October 8, 12, and 13. Several
hearings were held the week before, by the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee on October 7, and by the Armed Services Committee on Oc-
tober 5, 6, and 7. During the debate, Senators debated whether the
treaty would advance nuclear nonproliferation objectives, whether
other nations could conduct clandestine tests of military signifi-
cance, and whether the United States could maintain its nuclear
deterrent without nuclear tests. Some also raised the question of
how the international community might react to U.S. rejection of
the treaty, and whether rejection would undermine the U.S. leader-
ship role in the world and lead to the unraveling of other arms con-
trol agreements.
The Senate debate also addressed the question of whether the
Senate had given the treaty adequate consideration in the form of
hearings and floor debate. Senator Helms stated that the CTBT
was ‘‘extensively discussed’’ in 14 Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee hearings in 1998 and 1999,
while Senator Daschle pre-
sented a list, ‘‘Senate Consideration of Major Arms Control and Se-
curity Treaties19721999,’’ showing, on average, that other such
agreements received much more consideration than did the
Senator Byrd stated that the process for considering this
treaty was inadequate. ‘‘To accept or reject this treaty on the basis
of such flimsy understanding of the details as most of us possess,’’
he said, ‘‘is a blot on the integrity of the Senate, and a disservice
to the Nation.’’ As a result, he declared he would vote ‘‘present’’ for
the first time in his 41 years as a Senator.
Regarding the status of the U.S. obligation in the wake of the
Senates rejection of the treaty, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright said in October 1999, that the United States will ‘‘live up
to the conditions of the treaty.’’
Senator Lott countered, ‘‘If the
Senate does not consent to ratification of a treaty *** it has no
status for the United States in international law. In fact, the Sen-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00277 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Bill Gertz, ‘‘Lott Hits Clintons Stance on Nuke Pact,’’ Washington Times, November 3,
1999: 1. The quotation is from a statement Senator Lott released to that newspaper.
Rule XXV. Standing Rules of the Senate, Revised to July 2, 1992. S. Doc. 10225, July 27,
1992. For additional information, see Grimmett, Jeanne J. Why Certain Trade Agreements are
Approved as Congressional-Executive Agreements Rather Than as Treaties. CRS Report 97896
A, updated October 8, 1999. Holliday, George D. Fast Track Implementation of Trade Agree-
ments: The Debate over Reauthorization, CRS Report RS20039, updated January 29, 1999.
Holliday, George D. The Changing Role of Congress in Trade Negotiations. CRS Report 92231
E, February 14, 1992. Sek, Lenore. Congressional Trade Negotiating Authority. In Congress and
Foreign Policy, 1991. House Foreign Affairs Committee Print, 1992. pp. 103117.
See generally Vandevelde, ‘‘The Bilateral Investment Treaty Program of the United States,’’
2 Cornell Intl L. J. 201, 207208 (1988).
Protocol to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Finland of February
13, 1934, as modified by the protocol of December 4, 1952, signed July 1, 1991. Submitted to
the Senate July 30, 1992. Treaty Doc. 10234. Reported August 6, 1992, Exec. Rept. 10249,
approved by Senate August 11, 1992. Protocol to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navi-
gation with Ireland of January 21, 1950, signed June 24, 1992. Submitted to the Senate July
ate vote serves to release the United States from any possible obli-
gations as a signatory of the negotiated text of the treaty.’’
B. E
Economic treaties and agreements have always been a major
component of U.S. relations with foreign countries, and the end of
the Cold War has increased their significance. This section dis-
cusses four categories of economic treaties: friendship, commerce,
and navigation (FCN); investment; consular; and tax treaties.
An important category, reciprocal trade agreements, is not dis-
cussed in detail here. Although they are legally binding treaties
under international law, these trade agreements are not treaties in
the U.S. terminology, that is, agreements submitted to the Senate
for its advice and consent. Instead, they have been concluded as
statutory or congressional-executive agreements. In accordance
with legislative directives, major trade agreements have been sub-
mitted to Congress for approval or enactment by legislation requir-
ing approval of both Chambers and providing for expedited or ‘‘fast
track’’ procedures. Others are concluded as executive agreements
that have been authorized by Congress. Within the Senate, while
all treaties are in the jurisdiction of the Foreign Relations Commit-
tee, reciprocal trade agreements are in the jurisdiction of the Fi-
nance Committee.
Friendship, commerce, and navigation (FCN) treaties were
among the earliest formal economic treaties and set the framework
for U.S. trade and investment relations with foreign countries.
Their importance for trade obligations decreased after 1948 when
the United States became a contracting party to the General Agree-
ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and U.S. trade relations began
to be set through multilateral trade agreements. The United States
entered into 21 FCN treaties between 1946 and 1966, however, fo-
cusing during this period on the protection of U.S. foreign invest-
ment, mainly in developed countries.
In recent years some of the older FCN treaties have been amend-
ed by protocols. Recent examples were the Protocols to the Treaties
of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Finland and Ire-
The protocols established the legal basis by which the
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00278 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
23, 1992. Treaty Doc. 10235. Reported August 6, 1992, Exec. Rept. 10250. Approved by Senate
August 11, 1992.
8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(E)(ii).
After several European countries had met success with bilateral investment agreements, in
1977 Senators Claiborne Pell and Frank Church wrote letters to the State Department urging
the United States to undertake a similar program, and during the Carter Administration efforts
began to develop a model treaty. Negotiations on treaties with specific countries began in 1982,
and as of August 1992 the United States had signed nineteen BITs. Statement of Kenneth J.
Vandevelde in: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Bilateral Investment
Treaties with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Peoples Republic of the Congo, the
Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia, and Two Protocols to Treaties with Finland and
Ireland. Hearing. August 4, 1992. S. Hrg. 102795, pp. 6667.
The U.S. Model Bilateral Investment Treaty, as of February 1992, and an explanation may
be found in: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Bilateral Investment Trea-
ties with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Peoples Republic of the Congo, the Rus-
sian Federation, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia, and Two Protocols to Treaties with Finland and Ire-
land. Hearing. August 4, 1992. S. Hrg. 102795, pp. 5666. A 1994 Model Bilateral Investment
Treaty has since been developed; the BIT with Georgia was the first treaty to be signed using
this model. Treaty Doc. 10413.
United States could issue investor visas to qualified nationals, a
benefit provided in most FCN treaties. The Immigration and Na-
tionality Act permits issuance of an investor visa only to a non-
immigrant who is ‘‘entitled to enter the United States under and
in pursuance of the provisions of a treaty of commerce and naviga-
tion between the United States and the foreign state of which he
is a national ***.’’
Investment treaties are a successor to the Friendship, Commerce,
and Navigation (FCN) Treaty Series. To improve investor protec-
tion, primarily in developing countries with which the United
States had not concluded FCN treaties, the United States nego-
tiated a series of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) under a pro-
gram begun in 1981.
Before beginning the negotiations, the State
Department developed a model treaty that has continued to evolve.
The general objectives of the program are to facilitate the free flow
of investment, prohibit practices that inhibit investment, and codify
rules on investment and dispute settlement.
The model treaty serves as a criterion against which the Senate
may judge specific investment treaties.
Specific objectives in-
1. The better of either national or most-favored-nation treat-
ment for each party, subject to specified exceptions;
2. Application of international law standards to the expro-
priation of investments, permitting expropriation only for a
public purpose and requiring the payment of prompt and fair
3. The free transfer of funds associated with an investment
into and out of the host country;
4. An investor-to-state dispute mechanism that allows U.S.
investors access to binding arbitration with the host state
without the involvement of the U.S. Government;
5. A prohibition on the imposition of performance require-
ments, i.e., commitments to use local products or to export
6. The right of companies to hire managers of their choice,
regardless of nationality.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00279 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Treaty Docs. 1021, 1026, 10225, 10231, and 10233. Congressional Record, August 11,
1992, p. 22861.
Investment Treaties with Romania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Moldova, and Ecuador. Treaty Docs. 10236, 1038, 1039, 10311, 10312, 10313, 10314,
10315. Reported September 15, 1993, S. Exec. Repts. 1037, 1032, 1033, 10310, 10311,
10312, 10313, and 10315. Congressional Record, September 15, 1993, p. 21603.
Congressional Record, October 21, 1993, p. 25853.
Congressional Record, November 17, 1993, p. 29688.
Investment Treaties with Jamaica, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Mongolia, Latvia, Georgia,
Trinidad and Tobago, Albania. Treaty Docs. 10335, 10336, 10337, 10338, 10410, 10412,
10413, 10414, and 10419. Reported June 20, 1996, S. Exec. Repts. 10411, 10412, 10413,
10414, 10415, 10416, 10417, 10418, and 10419. Congressional Record, June 20, 1996, p.
14807. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on these treaties in November
1995. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Bilateral Treaties Concerning the
Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment. Hearing. November 30, 1995. S. Hrg.
Congressional Record, June 26, 1996, pp. 1582815829.
Investment Treaties with Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador, Croatia,
Jordan, Mozambique, Lithuania, and Azerbaijan. Treaty Docs. 10425, 10625, 10626,10627,
10628, 10629, 10630, 10631,10642,and 10647. Reported October 4. 2000, S. Exec. Rept.
10623. Congressional Record, October 4, 2000, pp. S9855S9856 (daily ed.).
Protocol Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of
the Republic of Panama Amending the Treaty Concerning the Treatment and Protection of In-
vestments of October 27, 1982, Senate Treaty Doc. 10646. The protocol is intended to ensure
that binding international arbitration under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment
Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention) will be available
for disputes between investors and treaty parties, a result that the 1982 BIT precluded after
Panama acceded to the convention in 1996.
The United States concluded and the Senate approved approxi-
mately a dozen BITs in the late 1980s. With the emergence of new
governments in Eastern Europe and the independent states of the
former Soviet Union, the negotiation of such treaties increased. On
August 11, 1992, the Senate advised ratification of BITs with the
Peoples Republic of the Congo, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, the Czech and
Slovak Federal Republic, and the Russian Federation.
On Sep-
tember 15, 1993, the Foreign Relations Committee favorably re-
ported without reservations investment treaties with eight other
The Senate gave its advice and consent to one of these,
the investment treaty with Kazakhstan, on October 21, 1993.
Ratification of the remaining seven treaties was advised on Novem-
ber 17, 1993.
Nine BITs were favorably reported by the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee without reservations on June 20, 1996.
tion was advised by the Senate on June 27, 1996.
The treaty with
Belarus was reported and approved with a declaration that the
President was directed to communicate to the Republic of Belarus
when instruments of ratification were exchanged. The declaration
expressed the sense of the Senate that the United States ‘‘(a) sup-
ports the Belarusian Parliament and its essential role in the ratifi-
cation process of this treaty; (b) recognizes the progress made by
the Belarusian Parliament towards democracy during the past
year; (c) fully expects that the Republic of Belarus will remain an
independent state committed to democratic and economic reform;
and (d) believes that, in the event that the Republic of Belarus
should unite with any other state, the rights and obligations estab-
lished under this agreement will remain binding on the part of the
Successor State that formed the Republic of Belarus prior to the
Ten BITs
and one protocol to an earlier BIT
were favorably
reported by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on October 4,
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00280 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
S. Exec. Rept. 10623. Congressional Record, October 4, 2000, pp. S9855S9856 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, October 18, 2000, pp. S10660S10662 (daily ed.).
See, for example, resolution of ratification for Treaty with Uzbekistan. Congressional
Record, October 18, 2000, p. S10662 (daily ed.). Condition (1) of the resolution of ratification
for the INF Treaty, among other things, provides that ‘‘the United States shall interpret the
Treaty in accordance with the common understanding of the Treaty shared by the President and
the Senate at the time the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification,’’ lists the elements
on which this ‘‘common understanding’’ is based, and states that ‘‘the United States shall not
agree to or adopt an interpretation different from that common understanding except pursuant
to Senate advice and consent to a subsequent treaty or protocol, or the enactment of a statute.’’
Condition (8) of the Document Agreed Among the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional
Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Flank Agreement), among other things, reaffirms the principles
of treaty interpretation contained in resolution of ratification for the INF Treaty. For the text
of the cited interpretive provisions, see the Congressional Record, May 27, 1988, p. 12849, and
May 14, 1997, p. S4475 (daily ed.).
See, for example, resolution of ratification for Treaty with Uzbekistan. Congressional
Record, October 18, 2000, p. S10662 (daily ed.).
Investment Treaties with Senegal, Zaire, Morocco, Turkey, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Egypt,
and Grenada. Treaty Docs. 9915, 9917, 9919, 9922, 9923, 9924, and 9925. Reported Oc-
tober 4, 1988, S. Exec. Rept. 10032. Approved October 20, 1988.
S. Exec. Rept. 10032, October 4, 1988, p. 3.
The Senate advised ratification of these treaties on October
18, 2000.
For each BIT, the committee recommended and the
Senate approved the following declaration regarding treaty inter-
pretation, stated in each resolution of ratification to be binding on
the President:
The Senate affirms the applicability to all treaties of the con-
stitutionally based principles of treaty interpretation set forth
in condition (1) of the resolution of ratification of the INF Trea-
ty, approved by the Senate on May 27, 1988, and condition (8)
of the resolution of ratification of the Document Agreed Among
the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces
in Europe, approved by the Senate on May 14, 1997.
Each BIT was also approved with the following committee-
recommended proviso to the resolution of ratification: ‘‘Nothing in
this Treaty requires or authorizes legislation or other action by the
United States of America that is prohibited by the Constitution of
the United States as interpreted by the United States’’; the resolu-
tion further stated that the proviso was not to be included in the
instrument of ratification to be signed by the President.
The executive branch and the Senate have demonstrated interest
in maintaining an escape clause in BITs, similar to that contained
in FCN treaties. A standard provision in BITs based on the 1992
and earlier models states that the treaty ‘‘shall not preclude the ap-
plication by either Party of measures necessary for the mainte-
nance of public order, the fulfillment of its obligations with respect
to the maintenance or restoration of international peace or secu-
rity, or the protection of its own essential security interests.’’ In
1988, in approving several BITs, the Foreign Relations Committee
added an understanding to the resolutions of ratification stating
that under this article, ‘‘either Party may take all measures nec-
essary to deal with any unusual and extraordinary threat to its na-
tional security.’’
The report emphasized that ‘‘U.S. national secu-
rity interests, as determined by the President, should take prece-
dence over provisions of the treaties, should that become nec-
The committee did not add this understanding in 1992 when it
approved BITs with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the
Peoples Republic of the Congo, the Russian Federation, Sri Lanka,
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Article 8 of Protocol to Treaty with the Russian Federation Concerning the Encouragement
and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, Treaty Doc. 10233, July 28, 1992.
Investment treaties with Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Bolivia, Honduras, El Salvador, Croatia, Jor-
dan, Mozambique, and Azerbaijan; the BIT with Lithuania, which is based on the 1992 model,
contains the earlier version of the provision. See list of treaties at supra note 85.
These agreements were approved by Congress in the Uruguay Round Agreements Act
(URAA), Public Law 103465, Section 101(a). The URAA was considered under expedited legis-
lative procedures for multilateral trade agreements provided for in Title I of the Omnibus Trade
and Competitiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100418.
The NAFTA was approved by Congress in Section 101(a) of the North American Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act (NAFTA Act), Public Law 103182, under expedited legislative
procedures for free trade agreements provided for in Title I of the Omnibus Trade and Competi-
tiveness Act of 1988, Public Law 100418. The NAFTA Act was jointly reported by several Sen-
ate committees, including the Foreign Relations Committee, in S. Rept. 103189. It was referred
to the committee because of provisions related to U.S. participation in NAFTA supplemental
agreements on labor and the environment, the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission,
and the North American Development Bank. S. Rept. 103189, p. 129.
‘‘OECD Countries Kill MAI Talks But Say World Still Needs Rules,’’ 15 Intl Trade Rep.
2954 (BNA 1998). Some Senate committee discussion of MAI negotiations may be found in the
November 1995 Foreign Relations Committee hearing on pending BITs. U.S. Congress. Senate.
Committee on Foreign Relations. Bilateral Treaties Concerning the Encouragement and Recip-
rocal Protection of Investment. Hearing. November 30, 1995. S. Hrg. 104289. A House hearing
on the negotiations was held in March 1998. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International
Relations. Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade. Multilateral Agreement
on Investment: Win, Lose, or Draw for the U.S.? March 5, 1998.
and Tunisia. The administration took the view that the under-
standing could delay progress of the treaties and was not necessary
because a treaty article clearly encompassed U.S. economic emer-
gency powers. A protocol attached to the Russian bilateral invest-
ment treaty explicitly confirmed the mutual understanding of the
two parties ‘‘that whether a measure is undertaken by a Party to
protect its essential security interests is self-judging.’’
The provi-
sion in the 1994 prototype does not contain the earlier language re-
garding measures necessary for the maintenance of public order;
this shortened version is used in the treaties with Georgia, Trini-
dad and Tobago, Albania, and nine of the treaties approved in Oc-
tober 2000,
each of which is based on the 1994 model.
Investment obligations have begun to appear in multilateral
frameworks, for example, the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures and the WTO
General Agreement on Trade in Services, which contains rights and
obligations regarding the commercial presence of service providers
in the territory of WTO Member countries.
A trilateral invest-
ment agreement among the United States, Canada, and Mexico in-
corporating BIT principles is contained in Chapter 11 of the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
The negotiation of a
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) by member states of
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) was initiated in 1995, with a consolidated draft text issued
in February 1998. Negotiations were ended in December 1998 be-
cause of strong objections by labor and environmental groups and
various concerns over treaty provisions cited by negotiating coun-
Consular conventions provide for the establishment of consular
posts and appointments and immunities of consular officials. Con-
sular relations were traditionally government by customary inter-
national law and bilateral consular agreements. In 1963, a con-
ference sponsored by the United Nations adopted the Vienna Con-
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Signed April 18, 1961, 23 UST 3227, entered into force for the United States on December
13, 1972.
Public Law 95393, as amended.
Recent examples are Consular Conventions with the Republic of Tunisia, signed May 12,
1988 (Treaty Doc. 10112); Algeria, signed January 12, 1989 (Treaty Doc. 10113); and the Mon-
golian Peoples Republic, signed August 2, 1990 (Treaty Doc. 10114). The Consular Conventions
with Tunisia, Algeria, and Mongolia were approved by committee May 7, 1992, S. Exec. Rept.
10225, 25, and 27, respectively, and by the Senate on May 13, 1992. Hearings were held April
8, 1992. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Consular Conventions, Extra-
dition Treaties, and Treaties Relating to Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (MLATs).
Hearing. April 8, 1992. S. Hrg. 102674.
S. Exec. Rept. 10226, May 1, 1992.
vention on Consular Relations, which has since been ratified or ad-
hered to by more than 130 nations, including the United States.
The Diplomatic Relations Act of 1978 established the Vienna Con-
vention as U.S. law on diplomatic privileges and immunities with
respect to nonparties to the convention.
The Vienna Convention reduced the need for bilateral consular
conventions, but it did not invalidate previously existing bilateral
agreements or prevent future agreements to supplement or amplify
its provision. The United States has continued to negotiate bilat-
eral agreements on occasion, and by the end of 1991, there were
approximately 65 bilateral consular treaties.
In reporting consular conventions with Tunisia and Algeria in
1992, the Foreign Relations Committee agreed with the adminis-
trations view that the conventions would provide greater protec-
tion to U.S. citizens in the face of increased violations of human
rights in Tunisia and the suspension of elections in Algeria. The bi-
lateral conventions obligate the other country to notify the U.S.
consul without delay whenever a U.S. national is arrested, and to
allow U.S. access to the national provisions more specific than the
Vienna Convention. The committee stressed that approval did not
constitute an endorsement of policies of those countries and re-
peated Bush Administration assurances that, ‘‘treaties that en-
hance a countrys capacity to protect its nationals in other coun-
tries are not generally seen as representing an endorsement of the
policies of those countries.’’
Since January 1993, the ever-increasing globalization of economic
activity has assured continued interest by the United States in ne-
gotiating and renegotiating income tax treaties with numerous
other countries. Of the 53 income tax treaties presently in force be-
tween the United States and other countries, 22 new or renegoti-
ated treaties (that is, more than 40 percent of the total) have en-
tered into force during this period. Additional income tax treaties
signed during the period have not yet entered into force. The major
purpose of these treaties continues to be the avoidance of double
taxation: that is, the object is to avoid taxation by both jurisdic-
tions in instances where a resident of one earns income from
sources within the other. Another important purpose of the treaties
is to prevent evasion of income taxes through the exchange of rel-
evant tax information.
A special consideration in the negotiation of tax treaties is the
need to coordinate treaty provisions with relevant domestic legisla-
tion. Hence, procedures for the negotiation and ratification of tax
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The 75 percent ownership rule of the older model treaty has been changed to a 50 percent
ownership rule in the newer model treaty and thus coincides with all recently negotiated trea-
ties (including several negotiated before the period under review). Furthermore, the most recent
treaties include rules allowing a third-country resident to enjoy treaty benefits if a treaty be-
tween the United States and the third country has entered into force. In fact, there is even a
special provision in the treaty with Mexico that would accord treaty benefits to residents of any
other country which is a party to NAFTA.
treaties are somewhat different from those followed in the case of
other types of treaties. While most treaties are negotiated pri-
marily by the State Department, tax treaties are negotiated pri-
marily by the International Tax Counsel of the Treasury Depart-
ment with State Department assistance. While the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee has jurisdiction over review of all treaties,
both the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Fi-
nance Committee expect to be consulted in the case of tax treaties
because of their jurisdiction over congressional consideration of tax
legislation. Thus, after a tax treaty has been signed and submitted
to the Senate for ratification, the staff of the Joint Committee on
Taxation prepares an explanation of its provisions and submits
that explanation to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
The Joint Committee explanation summarizes the treatys provi-
sions, may examine specific issues raised by the treaty, presents an
overview of relevant U.S. tax law, and supplies article-by-article ex-
planations of each of the treatys provisions.
Senate consideration of a tax treaty is also facilitated by com-
parison with two model income tax treaties: the model published
in 1992 by the OECD and the U.S. model income tax treaty pub-
lished in 1996.
Some of the specific issues which have been presented by tax
treaties negotiated or renegotiated during the period under exam-
ination are described below.
Treaty shopping
Treaty shopping has been a concern for a number of years and
continued to be during the period under review. The expression is
used to describe the situation where a treaty between the United
States and some other country is relied on by a resident of some
third country to reduce U.S. tax liability even though the third
country concerned does not accord reciprocal benefits on U.S. resi-
dents earning income from sources within its territorial jurisdic-
tion. The anti-treaty shopping provision of the U.S. model treaty is
often used as a standard against which to compare the anti-treaty
shopping provisions of specific actual treaties. The 1996 model trea-
ty is more lenient in some respects than the prior model treaty
and more restrictive in other respects. All of the actual treaties
which went into force during the period under review include anti-
treaty shopping rules. However, there is no uniformity but indeed
there is wide variation among the treaties with respect to such
rules. Of course, continuing developments in the fashioning of com-
plex financial instruments and specialized contracts likely will as-
sure that future treaties will require more complex mechanisms for
preventing, or at least limiting, treaty shopping.
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The treaty with France very significantly restricts the ability of the United States to con-
duct audits in France. The treaty with Ireland only affords the United States limited access to
information in the case of criminal offenses and no information in the case of civil offenses. The
treaty with the Netherlands only affords the United States access to information relating to in-
come taxes.
This matter was cited by the Joint Committee as an issue presented by several treaties
negotiated or renegotiated during the period under review. In some instances, it was character-
ized as an issue of ‘‘transfer pricing’’ (that is, see the JCT explanations of the treaties with
France, Kazakhstan, and Sweden). In other instances, it was described as an issue involving
‘‘associated enterprises and permanent establishments’’ (that is, see the JCT explanations of the
treaties with the Czech Republic, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, and the Slo-
vak Republic).
The treaties in question are those concluded with France, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Mexico,
and the Netherlands.
Exchange of information
As noted above, preventing evasion of income tax is one of the
two chief aims the United States has in negotiating income tax
treaties. Treaty provisions regarding the exchange of fiscal infor-
mation further that aim. A few treaties negotiated or renegotiated
during the period under review assure the ability of the United
States to obtain tax information from the other country to a more
limited degree than either the model treaty or other recent trea-
Allocation of income of multinational business enterprises
Most U.S. income tax treaties include provisions which employ a
so-called arms-length standard to determine whether and to what
extent the income of a multinational business must be reallocated
in order to prevent evasion of tax in the United States or to clearly
reflect the income of related enterprises. The leading industrialized
countries use this same approach. Debate has occurred however
with respect to whether a better approach might exist. One such
approach used internally in the United States among the various
states is formulary apportionment of the worldwide income of a ju-
ridical person or an affiliated group of related persons among the
various jurisdictions claiming primary authority to tax portions of
the whole.
Taxation of equipment rentals
Although contrary to the general policy of the United States, cer-
tain treaties with developing countries allow a source country to
impose a gross-basis tax on income from the rental of equipment
in cases where the taxpayer does not maintain a permanent estab-
lishment in the source country. Three treaties negotiated during
the period under review (that is, those with the Czech Republic,
Kazakhstan, and the Slovak Republic) include provisions allowing
the same.
Arbitration of competent authority issues
Some treaties negotiated or renegotiated during the period under
follow a precedent established in the 1989 treaty with
Germany by including provisions allowing the competent authori-
ties of the treaty countries to resolve disputes with respect to inter-
pretation of the treaties in question through arbitration.
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Those treaties were the one with Barbados and the one with Bermuda.
See the treaties with France, Ireland, Mexico, and Sweden but cf. the treaty with the Neth-
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Treaties and
Other International Agreements on Fisheries, Oceanographic Resources, and Wildlife Involving
the United States. Prepared by the Congressional Research Service, October 31, 1977.
United States International Trade Commission. International Agreements to Protect the
Environment and Wildlife. Report to the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, on Inves-
tigation No. 332287 Under Section 332 of the Tariff Act of 1930. U.S. ITC Publication 2351,
January 1991. p. 11.
Insurance excise tax
The treaties between the United States and certain, but not all,
other countries contain provisions that make the U.S. excise tax on
insurance premiums paid to foreign insurers inapplicable to insur-
ers resident in the other treaty country. Congress has expressed
strong reservations about such treaty waivers of the insurance ex-
cise tax in the past on the ground that they may put U.S. insurers
at a relative competitive disadvantage if the other treaty country
does not impose any substantial tax burden on its insurers. In such
instances, the waiver does not further the policy objective of avoid-
ing double taxation but rather has the effect of eliminating tax-
ation of foreign insurers that compete against U.S. insurers in the
worldwide market. Two earlier treaties
in particular raised con-
gressional concern since in at least one of the countries con-
no tax whatever was imposed on resident insurers.
Treasury has included so-called ‘‘anti-conduit’’ clauses in most
the more recent treaties that include relevant waivers. Such
clauses provide that if an insurer resident in the other treaty coun-
try reinsures a relevant risk with a juridical person not entitled to
the benefits of the treaty or any other treaty allowing a relevant
waiver (for example, a person subject to an anti-treaty shopping
provision), then the tax is not waived.
C. E
The negotiation of environmental treaties to protect various as-
pects of the physical world and surrounding atmosphere is not new.
For decades, the United States has concluded bilateral and multi-
lateral agreements on such subjects as fisheries, ocean mammals,
conservation of wildlife, and prevention of pollution of the seas.
In recent years, especially since the U.N. Conference on the
Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972, international co-
operation to protect the global environment has been sought
through the conclusion of many more treaties, on broader subjects
and wider scale. The International Trade Commission estimated in
the early 1990s that two-thirds of 170 environmental agreements
of significance to the United States have been concluded since
1972. It divided the agreements into eight categories: (1) Marine
fishing and whaling; (2) Land animals (including birds) and plant
species; (3) Marine pollution; (4) Pollution of air, land, and inland
waters; (5) Boundary waters between the United States and Mexico
and Canada; (6) Maritime and coastal waters matters; (7) Nuclear
pollution; and (8) Other general agreements.
In June 1992, the U.N. Conference on Environment and Develop-
ment (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, and referred to as the Earth
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Summit, brought together the largest summit of world leaders to
date to conclude and plan for additional cooperation, including
international agreements, concerning major environmental issues.
Two conventions were presented for signature at the conference:
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC), and the Convention on Biological Diversity. In addi-
tion, nations agreed at UNCED on non-legally binding documents
that were expected to result in more international agreements in
the future. These included Agenda 21, a program of action for sus-
tainable economic development; the Rio Declaration on Environ-
ment and Development; and the Statement of Principles for a Glob-
al Consensus on the Management, Conservation, and Sustainable
Development of All Types of Forests.
In the period between the Stockholm Conference and the Earth
Summit, the Senate was generally supportive of environmental
treaties and encouraged their negotiation. In the period since the
mid-1990s the Senate has evidenced concerns about some of the
broader treaties, and confined approval to somewhat more limited
measures on migratory birds, plants and fisheries issues. In the
last few days of the 106th Congress, the Senate approved the Con-
vention to Combat Desertification, the negotiation of which had
emerged from the UNCED process. The Convention on Biological
Diversity has remained pending in the Senate Committee on For-
eign Relations since 1994. In 1997 the Senate passed a resolution,
S. Res. 98, during negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol to the Cli-
mate Change Convention, warning it would not approve a treaty
that did not meet certain conditions.
In approving three environmental treaties in the early 1990s
the Basel Convention, the Environmental Protocol to the Antarctic
Treaty, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Changethe Senate expressed its concern about articles limiting
reservations. The Foreign Relations Committee has cautioned the
administration that Senate consent in these cases should not be
construed as a precedent. In addressing this concern, the adminis-
tration transmitted the Convention on Biological Diversity to the
Senate in 1994 with an interpretive statement of its ‘‘understand-
ings’’ concerning the articles that it regarded as requiring clarifica-
In the case of the Basel Convention, the chairman of the Foreign
Relations Committee made a statement in the Senate regarding
reservations. In the other two treaties that were approved, the For-
eign Relations Committee expressed its concerns in its reports. Dis-
cussion of these actions follows.
The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Move-
ments of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal established a no-
tice and consent system to control imports and exports of hazard-
ous wastes. Article 26(1) provided:
1. No reservation or exception may be made to this Conven-
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article does not preclude a State or
political and/or economic integration organization, when sign-
ing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or ac-
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Treaty Doc. 1025. Done March 22, 1989; submitted to the Senate May 20, 1991; reported
May 28, 1992 (Exec. Rept. 10236).
Congressional Record, August 11, 1992, p. S12293. Chairman Pell pointed out the commit-
tee had made its position on this issue clear in the past, S. Exec. Rept. No. 3, 85th Cong., 1st
Sess., p. 17, 1957.
Article 24 of Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Treaty Doc.
10222), done October 4, 1991, and submitted to the Senate February 18, 1992. Ordered re-
ported June 11, 1992. Approved by Senate October 7, 1992.
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Treaty Doc. 10222). Hear-
ing, May 4, 1992. Responses of the State Department to Questions Asked by Senator Pell. Ap-
pendix, p. 37.
ceding to this Convention, from making declarations or state-
ments, however phrased or named, with a view, inter alia, to
the harmonization of its laws and regulations with the provi-
sions of this Convention, provided that such declarations or
statements do not purport to exclude or to modify the legal ef-
fects of the provisions of the Convention in their application to
that State.
On August 11, 1992, the Senate gave its advice and consent to
the Basel Convention with four understandings requested by the
administration. In presenting the treaty to the Senate, the chair-
man of the Foreign Relations Committee, Claiborne Pell, stated his
concern about including in treaties a provision which has the effect
of inhibiting the Senate from attaching reservations deemed nec-
essary or of preventing the Senate from exercising its right to give
its advice and consent to all treaty commitments before they can
have a binding effect. He said the Senates approval of these trea-
ties ‘‘should not be construed as a precedent for such clauses in fu-
ture agreements with other nations requiring the Senates advice
and consent.’’
The Basel Convention has not yet been ratified by
the United States, because of continuing debate in the Congress re-
garding the content of implementing legislation.
The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Trea-
ty committed parties to comprehensive protection of the Antarctic
environment and its associated and dependent ecosystems, and
designated Antarctica as a natural reserve. Article 24 stated, ‘‘Res-
ervations to this Protocol shall not be permitted.’’
It did not spe-
cifically permit understandings to harmonize the convention with
national laws, as did the Basel Convention. When asked why the
administration agreed to the provision, the Department of State re-
plied that it was prepared to accept all the commitments in the
protocol, subject to the adoption of appropriate implementing legis-
lation and regulations, and that therefore reservations were not re-
In reporting the protocol, the Foreign Relations Committee re-
corded its concern ‘‘of including in treaties a provision which has
the purported effect of inhibiting the Senate from attaching res-
ervations deemed necessary in the national interest or of prevent-
ing the Senate from exercising its constitutional duty to give its ad-
vice and consent to all treaty commitments before they can in any
way have a binding effect upon the United States.’’ It added:
Whatever justifications may have existed for inclusion of
such a prohibition in the Antarctic protocol *** or the Basel
Convention, in view of the peculiar circumstances there
present, the Senates approval of these treaties should not be
construed as a precedent for such clauses in future agreements
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Exec. Rept. 10254, September 22, 1992. p. 7.
Exec. Rept. 10255, October 1, 1992. p. 15.
Treaty Doc. 10238. Adopted May 9, 1992, and signed June 12, 1992. Submitted to the
Senate September 8, 1992. Approved by the Senate October 7, 1992.
Exec. Rept. 10255, p. 14.
with other nations requiring the Senates advice and consent.
The committee has made its position on this issue clear in the
past (S. Exec. Rept. No. 3, 85th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 17, 1957).
The Presidents agreement to such a prohibition can not con-
strain the Senates constitutional right and obligation to give
its advice and consent to a treaty subject to any reservation it
might determine is required by the national interest.
The committee repeated this statement in its report on the
UNFCCC, which had a similar no-reservations article.
This con-
vention had the objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentra-
tions in the atmosphere at the level that would prevent dangerous
interference with the climate system, and established a framework
for addressing relevant issues with different obligations for devel-
oped and developing countries.
On the Climate Change Convention, the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee also noted that decisions by the parties to adopt targets and
timetables for limiting emissions would have submitted to the Sen-
ate for advice and consent. It noted further:
that a decision by the executive branch to reinterpret the Con-
vention to apply legally binding targets and timetables for re-
ducing emissions of greenhouse gases to the United States
would alter the ‘‘shared understanding’’ of the Convention be-
tween the Senate and the executive branch and would there-
fore require the Senates advice and consent.
In 1997 the parties to the UNFCCC agreed at their third Con-
ference of the Parties to adopt the Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC,
which outlined legally binding reductions in greenhouse gas emis-
sions for all annex I parties (developed/industrialized countries), to
cumulatively total a 5-percent reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
sions below 1990 levels by these parties averaged over the period
20082012. In mid-1997, as these negotiations were underway, the
Senate passed S. Res. 98, which stated that the Senate would not
approve any agreement on binding reductions in greenhouse gases
that did not include commitments by developing countries as well
as developed/industrialized countries, or that would result in harm
to the U.S. economy. The administration has not transmitted the
Kyoto Protocol to the Senate because, among other reasons, devel-
oping countries have to date not been willing to consider making
binding commitments regarding their greenhouse gas emissions.
Fishery treaties allocate rights to fish in specified coastal and
ocean areas, limit the total allowable catch of various species to
prevent depletion of stocks, or set international standards for har-
vesting and managing fishery resources.
Bilateral treaties have long been important for regulating inter-
national fisheries and fishing by foreign nations in coastal waters.
One of the earliest U.S. fishery treaties was the 1818 Convention
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Convention Respecting Fisheries, Boundary, and the Restoration of Slaves, October 20,
1818, TS 112.
Treaty Doc. 10424, signed by the United States and 26 other nations on December 4,
1995. Submitted to the Senate for advice and consent on February 20, 1996; reported on June
26, 1996, Exec. Rept. 10420; and approved on June 27, 1996.
Exec. Rept. 10420, June 26, 1996.
Respecting Fisheries, Boundary, and the Restoration of Slaves, con-
cluded with Great Britain pertaining to Canada. It provided that
the inhabitants of the United States, in common with the British
subjects, ‘‘shall have forever *** the liberty to take fish of every
kind’’ in a specified area, and to dry and cure them, while the
United States renounced the liberty to take, dry, or cure fish with-
in 3 miles of the coasts not included in the specified area.
United States is now party to numerous bilateral treaties on fish-
eries, a recent example being the 1985 Treaty Between the Govern-
ment of the United States of America and the Government of Can-
ada Concerning Pacific Salmon.
Multilateral treaties on fisheries have largely developed since the
Second World War, especially after technological advances enabled
wideranging fishing fleets to increase their catch. These treaties
aim to protect identified species or fisheries in general in a specific
area, and establish a regime for regulating these fisheries and set-
tling disputes.
A recent fishery convention was the Agreement for the Imple-
mentation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conserva-
tion and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migra-
tory Fish Stocks, sometimes called the Straddling Stocks Conven-
This treaty authorizes the adoption, monitoring, and en-
forcement of specific management and conservation measures to
address problems of unregulated fishing, overcapitalization, exces-
sive fleet size, vessel reflagging to escape controls, insufficiently se-
lective gear, unreliable databases, and insufficient cooperation
among nations.
In reporting the treaty, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
stated that the agreement provides additional tools to increase the
compliance and enforcement mechanisms necessary for managing
fish stocks that migrate beyond a countrys sovereign jurisdiction.
The report noted the special significance of the agreements empha-
sis on the precautionary approach to fishery management, with a
description in an annex to the agreement outlining how this pre-
cautionary approach is to be applied. The committee expressed con-
cern that this agreement, in Article 42, contained a ‘‘no-reserva-
tions’’ clause that would impinge upon Senate prerogative, and re-
ported the agreement with the declaration that Senate approval of
this agreement not be construed as a precedent for acquiescence to
future treaties containing such a provision.
In recommending approval, Foreign Relations Committee Rank-
ing Minority Member Claiborne Pell noted that the convention con-
firms the U.S. approach to fisheries management and reflects the
acceptance by other nations of that approach, with the Magnuson-
Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act providing the
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00290 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Congressional Record, June 27, 1996, p. S7209 (daily ed.).
Public Law 94265, as amended. 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
The fishery conservation zone was modified by Presidential Executive Order No. 5030
(March 10, 1983) to become the EEZ.
H.R. 1653 (106th Congress) on approving a GIFA with the Russian Federation is an exam-
ple of recent legislation of this nature.
For a general discussion see: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Con-
sular Conventions, Extradition Treaties, and Treaties Relating to Mutual Legal Assistance in
Criminal Matters (MLATS). Hearing. April 8, 1992. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, 1992; and Worldwide Review of Status of U.S. Extradition Treaties and Mutual Legal As-
sistance Treaties. Hearing. October 29, 1987.
While extradition treaties cover both obtaining suspects for trial and obtaining previously
convicted individuals for punishment, they are most commonly used for the former purpose.
Valentine v. United States ex. rel. Neidecker, 299 U.S. 5, 89 (1936).
necessary legislative authority for the United States to carry out its
obligations under this convention.
International agreements concerning fisheries are done by both
treaties and statutory agreements. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of 1976, as amended,
acted exclusive fishery management by the United States within a
200 nautical mile fishery conservation zone extending seaward
from the coast.
It authorized foreign fishing within this zone
under Governing International Fishery Agreements (GIFAs) which
would not require submission to the Senate but would require
transmittal to Congress. These agreements would not become effec-
tive until after 60 calendar days of continuous session of Congress
following the transmittal. Congress thus gave itself an opportunity
to prevent GIFAs from entering into force.
The Act also called
for renegotiation of any treaty which pertained to fishing within
the EEZ, or for certain resources outside the zone.
D. L
Treaties providing for cooperation in bringing suspected crimi-
nals to trial have become increasingly important with the growth
of transborder criminal activity, including narcotics trafficking, ter-
rorism, money laundering, and export control violations. The two
chief types are extradition and mutual legal assistance treaties
With dramatic increases in transnational crime, personal mobil-
ity, and technological innovation, the United States has been ac-
tively seeking new treaty relationships to meet the challenges of
modern law enforcement. Renegotiation of existing extradition trea-
ties and the adoption of new extradition agreements are very much
part of this undertaking. The goal is to facilitate the transfer of fu-
gitives from a broader range of crimes, while still protecting na-
tional interests of the parties to them.
International extradition is the juridical process for the transfer
of individuals between sovereign states for criminal trial or punish-
Though extradition often is characterized as part law,
part diplomacy, the United States will not transfer an individual
abroad for trial or punishment unless the transfer is authorized by
treaty or statute.
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United States v. Alvarez-Machain, 504 U.S. 655 (1992) (upholding the Ker-Frisbie doctrine
by reiterating that U.S. courts may try an individual brought here after forcible abduction
18 U.S.C. §§3181 et seq.
See M. Abbell & B. Ristau, 4 International Judicial Assistance §1324(2) (1990).
U.S. courts do not require a similar legal predicate for trying or
punishing a person brought before them from abroad.
less, extradition remains the primary process for obtaining wanted
Extradition for a limited number of crimes is governed by multi-
lateral treaties, but extradition generally proceeds under bilateral
treaties, as implemented under Federal statute.
The United
States is now party to approximately 115 bilateral extradition
agreements. Of our current treaties, only about half came into
force, in whole or in part, after 1970. Treaties that pre-date 1945
still govern extradition with many of our treaty partners.
The substantive issues addressed in our bilateral extradition
treaties have remained substantially constant over time. Each trea-
ty establishes a mutual obligation of the parties to extradite in ac-
cordance with the treatys terms. Each treaty identifies the types
of criminal conduct to which the duty to extradite applies. Each
treaty includes various exceptions and modifications to the duty to
extradite. These commonly concern politically motivated offenses,
nationals of the requested state, and, more recently, capital crimes.
Prior proceedings against an individual in the requested state also
may affect whether he or she may be extradited. Under provisions
known as the rule of specialty, further limitations are placed on
what a party may do once an individual has been extradited to it.
For example, restrictions are placed on trying an extradited indi-
vidual for additional crimes and on transferring such an individual
to a third country.
Extradition agreements limit their application to the offenses
designated in them. The older agreements designate extraditable
offenses through inclusion of a list of covered crimes. Some, but not
all, of these agreements include an additional requirement that a
listed offense be considered a felony by both the requesting and the
requested states. The more recent extradition agreements either
supplement or supplant the list method with a general dual crimi-
nality test. Under this test, extradition may be had for any offense
that is punishable by imprisonment of at least 1 year by both the
requesting state and the requested state.
Limiting coverage to specifically listed offenses has lost favor be-
cause of its inflexibility. While the domestic criminal laws of most
countries expand their reach over timeto cover drug trafficking,
money laundering, computer crimes, and securities fraud, for exam-
pleextradition practice under a ‘‘listed offense’’ treaty can adjust
correspondingly only through renegotiation. Consequently, the
United States has sought over the past 20 years to negotiate agree-
ments that define covered offenses solely in terms of dual criminal-
ity without specific reference to the nature of the underlying con-
Also, U.S. extradition agreements concluded before 1960 typically
limit the obligation to extradite to crimes committed within the ‘‘ju-
risdiction’’ of the requesting state. ‘‘Jurisdiction’’ in the context of
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John Basset Moore cited the following letter in his 1906 Digest of International Law: ‘‘Nei-
ther the extradition clause in the treaty of 1794 nor in that of 1842 contains any reference to
immunity for political offenses or to the protection of asylum for political or religious refugees.
The public sentiment of both countries made it unnecessary. Between the United States and
Great Britain, it was not supposed, on either side, that guarantees were required of each other
against a thing inherently impossible ** *.’’ 4 J.B. Moore, A Digest of International Law 334
(1906) (Letter of May 22, 1876, from Mr. Fish to Mr. Hoffman). See also Lubet, Extradition Re-
form: Executive Discretion and Judicial Participation in the Extradition of Political Terrorists,
15 Am. Int. L.J. 247, 249 (1982).
See, for example, discussion of the exception in Quinn v. Robinson, 783 F. 2d 776, 793
803 (9th Cir. 1986).
these agreements is interpreted to mean territorial jurisdiction
only, not criminal jurisdiction. As U.S. criminal law increasingly
addresses extraterritorial acts, a disparity arises under older agree-
ments between the reach of U.S. law and our ability to bring sus-
pects to trial.
Over the past 25 years, the United States has sought to nego-
tiate extradition agreements that better accommodate the longer
reach of our criminal laws. With very limited exception, all recent
agreements make express provision for extraterritorial crimes.
Most commonly, the agreements either allow or mandate extra-
dition for extraterritorial acts if the criminal law of the requested
state would punish extraterritorial acts under similar cir-
cumstances. Some agreements further permit or require extradition
where the requesting state is basing its extraterritorial criminal ju-
risdiction on the nationality of the offender. A few newer agree-
ments state that the location of the crime is irrelevant so long as
the offense otherwise meets dual criminality requirements.
The political offense exception in international extradition prac-
tice protects an individual from being sent abroad to stand trial or
face punishment for an offense of a political nature. This exception
has been a fundamental component of U.S. extradition practice
from its inception. Indeed, even though all bilateral extradition
treaties to which the United States is a party now apparently con-
tain an express exception for political offenses, the United States
early recognized the exception even absent a political offense clause
in the pertinent treaty.
The existence of the political offense exception often has been
clearer than its bounds. Political offenses may fall within either of
two categories.
The first category is that of pure political of-
fenses, consisting of treason, espionage, sedition, and other acts di-
rected against the state as such and not against individuals. The
second category, that of relative political offenses, consists of com-
mon crimes that are so connected with political activity that the
entire offense is regarded as political. Determining the requisite
connection between a common crime and political activity often has
proved troublesome under this second category.
Even though U.S. extradition practice universally has barred ex-
tradition for political offenses, there has been a trend over the past
20 years toward narrowing the scope of the political offense excep-
tion, particularly with respect to relative political offenses. Newer
extradition treaties have excluded from consideration as political
offenses (either by specific listing or by general reference) certain
universally condemned crimes that are the subject of multilateral
agreements. Under these agreements, covering such crimes as hos-
tage taking, air hijacking, aircraft sabotage, and attacks on inter-
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Supplementary Extradition Treaty, June 25, 1985, U.S.-U.K., T.I.A.S. No. 12050.
An example of denying extradition on the basis of nationality in domestic lawtreaty obli-
gations, notwithstandingis Israels refusal to extradite Samuel Sheinbein, a Maryland resident
indicted in that state murder. Israel has subsequently modified its nationality restrictions.
The primary exceptions are some of our recent treaties with former British colonies in the
Caribbean, many of which authorize capital punishment under their criminal laws.
nationally protected persons, a party state must either prosecute a
person accused of a covered crime or extradite the person for trial
elsewhere. Flowing from an older tradition, attacks on a head of
state or the head of states family also are generally excluded from
political offenses.
The United States significantly departed from previous political
offense practice in 1986 with the adoption of a new supplementary
extradition treaty with the United Kingdom.
Under the supple-
mentary treaty, most serious violent crimes against individuals are
excluded from consideration as political offenses. The U.K. model
subsequently was used in some treaties concluded with democratic
allies (for example, Canada and Germany), but other recent trea-
ties with democratic allies (for example, Australia) have not nar-
rowed the political offense exception in line with the U.K. treaty.
The United States, like many common law countries, does not ob-
ject to extraditing its own nationals, and we have sought to nego-
tiate treaties without nationality restrictions. However, to the frus-
tration of U.S. law enforcement, many civil law countries, particu-
larly Latin American countries, still restrict extradition of their na-
tionals under their extradition agreements, their domestic law,
or both.
Most recent agreements continue to place some restrictions on
the extradition of nationals of the requested state, but these re-
strictions generally do not outright bar extradition. More com-
monly, the requested state has discretion to refuse extradition, but
the exercise of this discretion often is conditioned on the requested
state prosecuting the individual itself. In what may signal dimin-
ished insistence by our treaty partners on nationality restrictions,
none of the four most recent treaties considered by the Foreign Re-
lations Committeeincluding one with Paraguaycontains a na-
tionality clause.
Death penalty provisions have become standard in recent U.S.
extradition agreements.
Among their advantages, these provi-
sions permit states with capital punishment to obtain extradition
for serious crimes from states whose laws do not permit capital
punishment and who thereby might otherwise withhold surrender.
Most capital punishment provisions expressly authorize the re-
quested state to take the possibility of capital punishment in the
requesting state into account in determining whether to grant ex-
tradition. Of the approximately 30 capital punishment provisions,
none categorically bars extradition whenever the person being
sought might face capital punishment if extradited. Rather, the
capital punishment provisions generally authorize the requested
state to refuse extradition whenever the extraditable offense is
punishable by death in the requesting state, but not in the re-
quested state, unless the requesting state furnishes such assur-
ances as the requested state considers sufficient that the death
sentence will not be imposed and executed.
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Public Law 106113, App. H.R. 3427, §706, 113 Stat. 1537453.
Controversy over restricting the transfer of an extradited individ-
ual to a third party has arisen in the context of the International
Criminal Court (ICC). Beginning in 1998, the Senate has made its
advice and consent subject to an understanding on the application
of the rule of specialty provisions in the respective extradition trea-
ties it has approved. These understandings state that third-party
transfer restrictions shall preclude the resurrender of any person
from the United States to the ICC agreed to in Rome on July 17,
1998 without the consent of the United States and that the United
States is to withhold consent until the Senate gives its advice and
consent to the treaty that establishes the court. Of broader, though
more time limited, application are provisions in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2000
that bar the use of funds to extradite
a U.S. citizen to any country that does not confirm that it will not
transfer the person to the ICC. The Act further bars the use of
funds to consent to the extradition of a citizen to any country that
is under an obligation to surrender persons to the court unless the
requesting state assures that no such surrender will occur.
Mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) are a more recent type
of treaty designed to obtain evidence needed from other countries
for criminal cases and promote cooperation among law enforcement
authorities in different countries. They have proven particularly
useful in investigating and prosecuting multinational drug, money
laundering and organized crime cases.
The traditional procedure for obtaining evidence from foreign
countries has been by letters rogatory, a written request from a
court of one country to a court of another asking the court to pro-
vide evidence or some other assistance. U.S. officials have found
the letters rogatory time consuming and less satisfactory because
they were not compulsory and often produced evidence which was
inadmissible in the recipient countrys courts.
Although individual MLATs vary, they obligate each country to
provide evidence and other forms of assistance needed in criminal
cases and have certain other general characteristics. They include
procedures permitting the United States to obtain evidence in a
form admissible in U.S. courts, such as the opportunity for ade-
quate direct and cross-examination of witnesses in depositions
taken abroad, and state that the compelling of testimony and docu-
ments and the execution of the requests is to occur in accordance
with the laws of the responding state. The treaties are adminis-
tered by a central authority, the Justice Department in the case of
the United States, to be responsible for making and carrying out
requests under the treaties. They provide the means for tracking,
freezing and confiscating crime-tainted assets found beyond the
borders of the country which the crime occurred. Finally, they usu-
ally include an ‘‘escape clause,’’ under which a party may deny as-
sistance if the request does not conform to the treaty, relates to a
political or military offense not recognized by ordinary criminal
law, or if the provision of assistance would prejudice the security
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H. Rept. 101493 at 46 (1990).
22 U.S.C. 2291h(a)(2)(A).
Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty Concerning the Cayman Islands. S. Exec. Rept. 1018
Senate consideration of Treaty Docs. No. 1008 (Cayman Islands), 10013 (Mexico), 100
14 (Canada), 10016 (Belgium) and 10017 (Bahamas); 135 Cong. Rec. 2562925637 (1989). For
resolutions of ratification, see Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate, Vol. 131,
101st Cong., 1st Sess. (S. Pub. 10110) pp. 745747.
or essential public interests of the state to which the request was
Negotiations on the first MLAT began in 1972 because of increas-
ing evidence that Swiss banks were being used to launder and hide
organized crime money. The resulting MLAT entered into force in
1977. By September 1999, MLATs entered into force with Switzer-
land, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, Canada, the United Kingdom
concerning the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, Mexico, Argentina,
Thailand, Morocco, Spain, Uruguay, Jamaica, Panama, the United
Kingdom, the Philippines, Hungary, South Korea, Austria, Israel,
Antigua and Barbuda, Lithuania, St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
Grenada, and Poland.
The Foreign Relations Committee has concurred that MLATs add
an element of standardization and uniformity to criminal proce-
dures worldwide, and that the ability of criminals to hide the evi-
dence and fruits of their crimes would be diminished with the en-
hancement of international cooperation in the investigation and
prosecution of crimes. Congress has on occasion encouraged nego-
tiation of MLATs. For example, in a May 1990 conference report,
it recommended that a portion of Panamas fiscal year 19901991
assistance be withheld pending ‘‘significant progress toward con-
cluding an MLAT.’’
And it insists that the annual International
Narcotics Control Strategy Reports include a statement of the sta-
tus of MLAT negotiations for each country with whom we have no
such treaty.
The Senate has sometimes inserted conditions or provisos in the
resolutions of ratification. In the 1989 MLATs with Mexico, the Ba-
hamas, Canada, Belgium, Thailand, and the United Kingdom, the
Senate adopted an understanding proposed by Senator Helms
aimed at preventing the granting of assistance to foreign officials
who engage in, encourage, or facilitate the production or distribu-
tion of illegal drugs. Senator Helms expressed the view that the
treaties could require giving assistance to corrupt officials and thus
encourage narcotics trafficking. Executive branch officials com-
plained that this understanding delayed entry into force of the
treaties because other countries took it as an accusation that their
officials were engaged in the drug trade.
Senator Helms also proposed a reservation to the MLATs consid-
ered in 1989 asserting that nothing in the treaty required or au-
thorized legislation or action by the United States prohibited by the
Constitution as interpreted by the United States. The majority of
the committee rejected the reservation as unnecessary, holding that
the MLATs do not create new grounds for which U.S. citizens could
be tried.
In floor consideration on October 24, 1989, however, the
Senate adopted the statement as an understanding, but without
the phrase ‘‘as interpreted by the United States.’’
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Treaty Docs. Nos. 10216 (Jamaica), 10218 (Argentina), 10234 (Uruguay), and 10221
(Spain); Ex. Repts. 10218, 10219, and 10235. Advice and consent given on July 2, 1992. Con-
gressional Record (daily edition), May 21, 1992.
S. Exec. Rept. 10522, advice and consent of the Senate given on November 12, 1998, 144
Cong. Rec. S12985S12992 (daily ed. Nov. 12, 1998).
For example, Resolution of Ratification, U.S.-Hong Kong Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty,
reprinted in, S. Exec. Rept. 10522 at 367 (1998): ‘‘(a) UNDERSTANDING.The Senates advice
and consent is subject to the following understanding, which shall be included in the instrument
COURT.The United States shall exercise its rights to limit the use of assistance it provides
under the Treaty so that any assistance provided by the Government of the United States shall
not be transferred to or otherwise used to assist the International Criminal Court agreed to in
Rome, Italy, on July 17, 1998, unless the treaty establishing the court has entered into force
for the United States by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as required by Article
II, section 2 of the United States Constitution.
‘‘(b) DECLARATION.The Senates advice and consent is subject to the following declaration,
which shall be binding on the President: TREATY INTERPRETATION.The Senate affirms the
application of all treaties of the constitutionally based principles of treaty interpretation set
forth in Condition (1) of the resolution of ratification of the INF Treaty, approved by the Senate
on May 27, 1988, and Condition (8) of the resolution of ratification of the Document Agreed
Among the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, approved by
the Senate on May 14, 1997.’’
These interpretative principles hold that: ‘‘(A) the United States shall interpret a treaty in
accordance with the common understanding of the Treaty shared by the President and the Sen-
ate at the time the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification; (B) such common under-
standing is based on: (i) first, the text of the Treaty and the provisions of this resolution of rati-
fication; and (ii) second, the authoritative representations which were provided by the President
and his representatives to the Senate and its Committees, in seeking Senate consent to the rati-
fication, insofar as such representations were directed to the meaning and legal effect of the
text of the Treaty; (C) the United States shall not agree to or adopt an interpretation different
In approving MLATs with Jamaica, Argentina, Uruguay, and
Spain on May 21, 1992, the committee reported both the under-
standings discussed above, but including the phrase ‘‘as interpreted
by the United States,’’ as provisos in the resolution of ratification.
The provisos specified they were not to be included in the instru-
ment of ratification signed by the President. The two provisos stat-
Nothing in this treaty requires or authorizes legislation, or
other action, by the United States of America prohibited by the
Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the United
Pursuant to the rights of the United States under this treaty
to deny requests which prejudice its essential public policy or
interest, the United States shall deny a request for assistance
when the Central Authority, after consultation with all appro-
priate intelligence, anti-narcotic, and foreign policy agencies,
has specific information that a senior government official who
will have access to information to be provided under this treaty
is engaged in or facilitates the production or distribution of il-
legal drugs.
The two provisos, with the specification that they were not to be
included in the instrument of ratification, appear in the resolutions
of ratification for the MLATs approved by the committee on Octo-
ber 14, 1998 for Australia, Barbados, Brazil, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hong Kong, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Po-
land, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Dom-
inica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and
the Grenadines.
Each of the resolutions also featured a declara-
tion of interpretive principles and an understanding that treaty as-
sistance may not be transferred or used to assist the International
Criminal Code unless the Senate has given its advice and consent
to the treaty establishing the court.
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from that common understanding except pursuant to Senate advice and consent to a subsequent
treaty or protocol, or the enactment of a statute; and (D) if, subsequent to ratification of the
Treaty, a question arises as to the interpretation of a provision of the Treaty on which no com-
mon understanding was reached in accordance with paragraph [B], that provision shall be inter-
preted in accordance with applicable United States law.’’ Flank Document Agreement to the
CRE Treaty, S. Exec. Rept. 1051 at 23 (1997).
General Assembly Resolution 217 (III).
Some agreements on mutual legal assistance have been con-
cluded as executive agreements. The executive agreements have
frequently been limited to a particular investigation or to a particu-
lar type of crime and have often served as the first step toward a
more expansive MLAT. A drug information agreement with the
United Kingdom and Cayman Island authorities on access to evi-
dence needed in narcotics cases, signed July 26, 1984, contained a
section stating that if all parties were satisfied that the agreement
worked satisfactorily, the negotiation of a full mutual legal assist-
ance treaty would begin 9 months later. The treaty subsequently
concerning the Cayman Islands were extended by diplomatic notes,
constituting executive agreements, to the British Virgin Islands,
Anguilla, Turks and Caicos Islands, on November 9, 1990, and to
Montserrat on April 26, 1991.
E. H
Since the end of the Second World War, a growing number of
treaties have aimed at promoting human rights. On December 10,
1948, the U.N. General Assembly adopted the Universal Declara-
tion of Human Rights as a non-binding standard for all coun-
Later, nations negotiated human rights covenants, or trea-
ties, to make achievement of selected human rights a binding com-
Although the United States has been in the vanguard of observ-
ance of human rights, the issue of entering into legally binding
human rights treaties has been controversial. While sometimes
there is a difference on the nature of human rights to be guaran-
teed, often the controversy has extended to treaties guaranteeing
human rights on which there is wide agreement. Various adminis-
tration officials and Senators have contended that human rights
should remain a matter of domestic jurisdiction and have expressed
concern that internationally determined human rights could have
an impact on rights of American citizens under the U.S. Constitu-
tion. They feared that since in the United States treaties are the
law of the land, human rights treaties could supersede national
and state laws. Other administration officials and Senators empha-
sized the value of the conventions in promoting human rights in
other countries and believed that the United States should become
a party to maintain its leadership in the human rights fields. They
contended the United States usually had a higher standard of
human rights than called for in the treaties, and in any event no
international agreement could supersede rights guaranteed by the
Because of this controversy, the United States has not signed or
ratified many human rights treaties, and some human rights trea-
ties have been dormant in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
for many years. Of 50 multilateral treaties relating to human
rights concluded in organizations such as the United Nations, the
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For list and additional information, see The United States and International Human
Rights Treaties: A Summary of Provisions and Status in the Ratification Process, by Vita Bite.
CRS Report 95191 F, January 20, 1995.
Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Mar-
riages, adopted November 7, 1962, and signed December 10, 1962; Protocol Additional to the
Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Inter-
national Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), adopted June 10, 1977, and signed December 12, 1977;
and Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted November 20, 1989, and signed February
16, 1995.
International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Organization of
American States, the United States has ratified or acceded to 19.
The United States has not signed or taken any action toward rati-
fying another 20. Three have been signed but not yet submitted to
the Senate.
Table XI1 shows the seven human rights treaties
still pending on the Foreign Relations Committee calendars, six
pending for more than 10 years, and one of them the longest pend-
ing treaty on the calendar.
Table XI1.Human Rights Treaties Pending on the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee Calendar
Treaty No. Date Pending Treaty
8119 August 27,
ILO Convention No. 87 concerning freedom of association
and protection of the right to organize, adopted July
10, 1948
8916 June 2, 1966 ... ILO Employment Policy Convention, adopted July 9, 1964
9519 February 23,
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights, signed by the United States October 5, 1977
9521 February 23,
American Convention on Human Rights, signed by the
United States June 1, 1977
9653 November 12,
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimina-
tion Against Women, signed by the United States July
17, 1980
1002 January 29
Protocol II Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12
August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims
of Non-International Armed Conflicts, concluded June
10, 1977
10637 July 25, 2000 .. Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
signed by the United States on July 5, 2000
Many observers felt that the approval of the Genocide Conven-
tion on February 19, 1986, the Convention Against Torture on Oc-
tober 27, 1990, and the International Covenant on Civil and Politi-
cal Rights on April 2, 1992, signaled new progress in this area.
Senate approval of these and other human rights treaties was
achieved after negotiations among Senators and between the ad-
ministration and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the
types of conditions to be adopted.
U.S. ratification of human rights treaties, more often than most
other subject areas, has been subject to conditions, some added by
the Senate but many proposed by the executive branch. In areas
in which rights guaranteed in international conventions diverge
from U.S. law, administrations usually propose specific conditions
to clarify, and often limit, the obligation of the United States in
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Congressional Record, April 2, 1992, p. S4781 (daily ed.).
See also discussion of Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties, above.
these instances. While this usually facilitates Senate approval, and
sometimes the Senate adds additional conditions of this nature,
some observers in the human rights field contend that instead of
adding a limiting condition, U.S. law should be brought into con-
formance with the international standard in those areas in which
they believe the international standard is higher. For example, the
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits the imposition of
the death penalty for crimes committed by persons below the age
of 18, and Amnesty International protested a reservation made at
the request of the Bush Administration to permit capital punish-
ment of juveniles.
In addition to conditions specific to each human rights treaty,
general conditions have been adopted to alleviate the broader con-
cern of the effect of treaties on domestic law, sometimes in re-
sponse to administration request and sometimes on the initiative
of the Senate.
One general condition has often been added to deal with the
Federal-state structure of the United States. This makes clear that
the Federal Government will fulfill the U.S. obligation where it ex-
ercises jurisdiction and that it will take appropriate measures to
ensure that states and localities take steps to fulfill the provisions.
A second frequently added general condition is a declaration re-
garding the non-self-executing nature of the convention or parts of
the convention. In this the United States declares that certain pro-
visions are not self-executing, thus clarifying that the provisions of
the convention would not of themselves become effective as domes-
tic law.
A third general condition sometimes added is a declaration that
the United States will not deposit its instrument of ratification
until after the implementing legislation has been enacted.
Finally, the Senate has sometimes added a general condition
‘‘That nothing in the Convention requires or authorizes legislation
or other action by the United States of America prohibited by the
Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the United
States.’’ The ‘‘as interpreted by the United States’’ was intended to
assure that the reservation would not permit the International
Court of Justice or any other tribunal to determine what is per-
mitted by U.S. constitutional law. This was incorporated in the res-
olution of ratification for the Genocide Convention, and 12 Western
European nations filed written objections to the reservation.
the U.N. Convention Against Torture and the International Cov-
enant on Civil and Political Rights, the Senate added the same
statement as a proviso that was not to be included in the resolution
of ratification, rather than a reservation.
The Genocide Convention is an example of a treaty that encoun-
tered difficulty in obtaining Senate approval even though unanim-
ity existed that genocide was an abhorrent crime. Pending in the
Senate for 37 years, the Genocide Convention was approved on
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00300 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6601 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Congressional Record, February 19, 1986, pp. S1355S1381 (daily ed.). Ex. O, 81st Cong.,
1st Sess. Exec. Rept. 992, July 18, 1985. The convention was adopted by the U.N. General As-
sembly on December 9, 1948, and submitted to the Senate by President Truman on June 16,
Genocide Convention Implementation Act, Public Law 100602, signed November 4, 1988.
The resolution of advice and consent, instrument of ratification, and proclamation of the Geno-
cide Convention are reprinted in Appendix 9.
February 19, 1986.
The Foreign Relations Committee reported
the convention favorably with conditions in 1970, 1971, 1973, 1976,
and 1984. The Senate debated the convention on four occasions but
did not vote on it, and twice cloture motions to bring it to a vote
The logjam was broken in 1985 when the Foreign Relations Com-
mittee adopted four new conditions in addition to four that had
been previously recommended. The four previously recommended
conditions were understandings on the meaning of specific provi-
sions and a declaration that ratification would not be deposited
until implementing legislation bad been enacted. The new condi-
tions were:
(1) That with reference to Article IX of the Convention, be-
fore any dispute to which the United States is a party may be
submitted to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Jus-
tice under this article, the specific consent of the United States
is required in each case.
(2) That nothing in the Convention requires or authorizes
legislation or other action by the United States of America pro-
hibited by the Constitution of the United States as interpreted
by the United States.
[Understandings (1, 2, and 3 omitted)]
(4) That acts in the course of armed conflicts committed
without the specific intent required by Article II are not suffi-
cient to constitute genocide as defined in the convention.
(5) That with regard to the reference to an international
penal tribunal in Article VI of the Convention, the United
States declares that it reserves the right to effect its participa-
tion in any such tribunal only by a treaty entered into specifi-
cally for that purpose with the advice and consent of the Sen-
Upon approval, the Senate also adopted S. Res. 347 stating the
sense of the Senate that the President should seek to amend the
convention by obtaining agreement to include politically motivated
genocide. The resolution was adopted in lieu of adding this as a
condition in the resolution of ratification. Implementation legisla-
tion was enacted in 1988. The convention entered into force for the
United States on February 23, 1989.
The International Labor Organization (ILO), which was founded
in 1919 and is now a specialized agency of the United Nations, has
adopted more than 170 conventions. While some of these are tech-
nical and limited to a narrow sphere, many may be considered
human rights treaties because they have the broad purpose of pro-
moting the rights and welfare of labor.
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Treaty Doc. 9920, ILO Convention No. 144 concerning Tripartite Consultations to Pro-
mote the Implementation of International Labor Standards, adopted June 21, 1976. Submitted
April 11, 1986. Reported with a declaration December 17, 1987, Exec. Rept. 10011. Approved
February 1, 1988. Treaty Doc. 9921, ILO Convention No. 147 Concerning Minimum Standards
in Merchant Ships, adopted October 13, 1976. Submitted April 11, 1986. Reported with five un-
derstandings, 180, Exec. Rept. 10012. Approved February 1, 1988.
Ex. K, 881. ILO Convention No. 105 concerning the abolition of forced labor, adopted June
25, 1957. Reported May 7, 1991, with two understandings. Exec. Rept. 1027. Approved May
14, 1991.
The United States has ratified about a dozen of these conven-
tions, primarily maritime conventions. In 1980, President Carter
established a Federal Advisory Committee to guide U.S. participa-
tion in the ILO including ratification of ILO conventions. That ad-
visory committee established the Tripartite Advisory Panel on
International Labor Standards (TAPILS) to advise on any legal im-
pediments to U.S. ratification. In 1985 the advisory committee
adopted three rules to ‘‘ensure that ratification of ILO conventions
would not be used to change domestic labor law outside the normal
legislative process.’’ The rules provided:
(1) Each ILO Convention will be examined on its merits on
a tripartite (labor, business, and government) basis;
(2) Any differences between the convention and Federal law
and practice will be dealt with in the normal legislative proc-
(3) There is no intention to change State law and practice
through ratification of ILO conventions, and examination of
conventions will include possible conflicts between Federal and
State law caused by ratification.
Subsequently, the administration submitted and the Senate ap-
proved two ILO conventions, one with a declaration and one with
five understandings, the first time since February 1953 that the
full Senate had considered an ILO convention.
On May 14, 1991, the Senate approved the Convention Concern-
ing the Abolition of Forced Labor which had been adopted by the
International Labor Conference on June 25, 1957, and submitted to
the Senate by President Kennedy in July 1963.
Parties under-
take to suppress and not use any form of forced labor as a means
of political coercion, for economic development, for labor discipline,
as a punishment for participation in strikes, or as a means of racial
or religious discrimination. The Senate approved the convention
with two understandings recommended by the Bush Administra-
tion. One, to deal with concerns about prison labor, stated that
ratification was based on interpretations of the ILO Committee of
Experts prior to that time, and subsequent interpretations would
not be binding. The other, to deal with concern about strikes con-
sidered legal by the ILO but illegal under U.S. law, stated that the
convention did not limit the contempt powers of courts under Fed-
eral and state law.
On November 5, 1999, the Senate approved ILO Convention 182,
for elimination of the worst forms of child labor. The treaty had
been adopted by the ILO in June 1999 and submitted to the For-
eign Relations Committee in August. After a hearing in October,
the committee reported the convention on November 3. The speed
of consideration and approval by the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee and the Senate was unprecedented for ILO conventions.
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Treaty Doc. 10020. Signed by the United States on April 18, 1988; submitted to the Sen-
ate May 20, 1988. Reported August 30, 1990, Exec. Rept. 10130. Approved October 27, 1990.
During the hearing on the treaty, Chairman Helms gave credit to
the treatys negotiators who consulted regularly with members of
the committee and committee staff. This ensured, according to the
chairman, that the treaty was consistent with the U.S. Fair Labor
Standards Act. ILO Convention 182 was the second of the eight
‘‘core’’ ILO labor standards conventions ratified by the United
The Senate approved the Convention Against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on Octo-
ber 27, 1990.
The U.N. General Assembly adopted the conven-
tion on December 10, 1985. The convention requires parties to pre-
vent torture within their jurisdiction and make it a punishable of-
fense, and established a Committee Against Torture to investigate
complaints if a state has recognized its competence. The United
States had been active in its negotiation, and in 1984 Congress had
passed a joint resolution sponsored by Senators Pell and Percy sup-
porting U.S. participation in formulating international standards
and effective implementing mechanisms against torture.
President Reagan submitted the convention to the Senate on
May 20, 1988, with several proposed conditions. The Senate For-
eign Relations Committee considered that the number and sub-
stance of the conditions recommended created the impression that
the United States was not serious in its commitment to the conven-
tion, and on July 24, 1989, Chairman Pell expressed this concern.
In January 1990, President Bush submitted a revised and reduced
package that was a product of negotiations between the executive
branch, the committee, and interested private groups. The proposed
package consisted of three reservations, five understandings, and
two declarations.
The three reservations were a clause dealing with Federal-state
relations, a limitation of the meaning of ‘‘cruel, inhuman or degrad-
ing treatment or punishment’’ to punishment prohibited by the 5th,
8th, and/or 14th amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and a provi-
sion aimed at not accepting the compulsory jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice. The understandings dealt with spe-
cific obligations including that the United States did not under-
stand the treaty to prohibit the death penalty. One of the two
statements was that Articles 1 through 16 were not self-executing.
Prior to the Senate vote on the convention, Senators Pell and
Helms, the chairman and ranking minority member of the Foreign
Relations Committee, reached agreement on four amendments to
the resolution of ratification reported by the committee.
Two amendments dealt with Federal-state relations. One elimi-
nated the Federal-state reservation and another added the follow-
ing as an understanding:
(5) That the United States understands that this Convention
shall be implemented by, the United States Government to the
extent that it exercises legislative and judicial jurisdiction over
the matters covered by the Convention and otherwise by the
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Congressional Record, October 27, 1990, p. S17492 (daily ed.).
Ex. E, 952. The United Nations adopted the covenant on December 1, 1966, and the
United States signed it on October 5, 1977. President Carter transmitted it to the Senate on
February 23, 1978. Approved by the Senate September 8, 1992. When the Senate approved the
covenant, 103 nations had become parties.
state and local governments. Accordingly, in implementing Ar-
ticles 1014 and 16, the United States Government shall take
measures appropriate to the Federal system to the end that
the competent authorities of the constituent units of the
United States of America may take appropriate measures for
the fulfillment of the Convention.
In another floor amendment, the Senate added the constitutional
provision as a proviso, but not as a reservation. A reservation had
been opposed by the administration and many members of the com-
mittee. The proviso stated that the President ‘‘shall not deposit the
instrument of ratification until such time as he has notified all pro-
spective ratifying parties to this Convention that nothing in this
Convention requires or authorizes legislation, or other action, by
the United States of America prohibited by the Constitution of the
United States as interpreted by the United States.’’
Legislation implementing the convention was included in the
Foreign Relations Authorizations Act, fiscal years 1994 and 1995
(Public Law 103236) signed into law on April 30, 1994. The
United States ratified the convention on October 21, 1994, and it
entered into force for the United States on November 20, 1994. The
United States submitted its initial report on its compliance with
the Convention to the Committee Against Torture on October 15,
On April 2, 1992, the Senate gave its advice and consent to the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In the cov-
enant, parties undertake to respect and ensure rights including
life, freedom of thought and religion, and freedom of expression.
The covenant also establishes a Human Rights Committee to over-
see compliance with the covenants provisions and to receive and
consider complaints from one party that another party has failed
to fulfill its obligations.
When President Carter submitted the covenant to the Senate on
February 23, 1978, the administration recommended several state-
ments, understandings, and reservations. The Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee held hearings in 1979, but took no further action
at that time. In 1991, the Bush Administration proposed a new
package of five reservations, five understandings, and four declara-
tions similar in many respects to those suggested by the Carter Ad-
ministration. These were included by the Senate in its resolution
of ratification. To illustrate, the United States reserved the right,
in exceptional circumstances, to treat juveniles as adults in the
criminal justice system. Regarding Article 50, which stated that the
provisions of the covenant ‘‘shall extend to all parts of federal
States without any limitations or exceptions,’’ the United States ex-
pressed the following understanding:
The United States understands that this Covenant shall be
implemented by the Federal Government to the extent that it
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Treaty Doc. 95118. Signed by the United States on September 28, 1966; submitted to the
Senate on February 23, 1978. Reported May 25, 1994, S. Exec. Rept. 10329. Approved June
24, 1994.
exercises jurisdiction over the matters covered therein, and
otherwise by the State and local governments; to the extent
that State and local governments exercise jurisdiction over
such matters, the Federal Government shall take measures ap-
propriate to the Federal system to the end that the competent
authorities of the state or local governments may take appro-
priate measures for the fulfillment of the Covenant.
Among the declarations, the United States declared that the pro-
visions of Articles 1 through 27, dealing with rights guaranteed
and activities prohibited by the covenant, were not self-executing.
The Foreign Relations Committee, and later the Senate, also ac-
cepted the following proviso, offered by Senator Helms, with the ex-
plicit statement that it was not to be included in the instrument
of ratification deposited by the President:
Nothing in this Covenant requires or authorizes legislation,
or other action, by the United States of America prohibited by
the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the
United States.
The United States ratified the covenant on June 1, 1992, and it
entered into force for the United States on September 8, 1992. The
United States submitted its initial report to the Committee on
Human Rights on Compliance with the Covenant on July 29, 1994.
The Senate approved the International Convention on the Elimi-
nation of All Forms of Racial Discrimination on June 24, 1994.
The U.N. General Assembly adopted the convention on December
21, 1965. The convention requires parties to condemn and work to
eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms. The convention also
establishes a Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimina-
tion to review reports from parties about their implementation of
the conventions provisions and to examine complaints by one party
against another.
President Carters submission of the convention to the Senate on
February 23, 1978 recommended two reservations, one statement
and one understanding. The Senate Committee on Foreign Rela-
tions held hearings in 1979, but took no further action on this trea-
ty at that time. In 1994 the Clinton Administration proposed a new
package of three reservations, one understanding and one declara-
tion. On May 25, 1994, the committee favorably reported (S. Exec.
Rept. 10329) the convention with the conditions recommended by
the administration, and added a proviso offered by Senator Helms
which was to be included in the resolution of ratification, but not
in the instrument of ratification. On June 24, 1994, the Senate ap-
proved ratification subject to three reservations: on free speech, pri-
vate conduct, and the International Court of Justice; an under-
standing on Federal-state and local jurisdiction; a declaration that
the treaty is not self-executing; and a proviso on the U.S. Constitu-
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The protocols are open to signature by countries which have ratified or signed the Conven-
tion on the Rights of the Child.
Statement by the President regarding signature of the International Criminal Court Trea-
ty. The White House. Office of the Press Secretary (Camp David, Maryland). December 31, 2000.
This treaty requires ratifications (27 countries have ratified as of December 31, 2000) be-
fore it enters into force. Once established, the court will be empowered to investigate and try
individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. On July 17, 1998, at the
conclusion of negotiations to draft an agreement on the court, the United States voted against
adoption of the final text.
The United States ratified the convention on October 21, 1994,
and it entered into force for the United States on November 20,
1994. The United States submitted its initial report on U.S. imple-
mentation of the convention to the Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination on September 21, 2000.
The Clinton Administration signed the Convention on the Rights
of the Child on February 16, 1995, but withheld submission to the
Senate. Later the administration signed and submitted to the Sen-
ate two subsequently negotiated protocols to the Convention on the
Rights of the Child: Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Chil-
dren in Armed Conflict and Optional Protocol on the Sale of Chil-
dren, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography.
The Clinton Administration signed the Statute of the Inter-
national Criminal Court (ICC) on December 31, 2000, but did not
submit it to the Senate.
Congress has expressed its views on this
Section 705 of Public Law 106113 prohibits U.S. adher-
ence to the court except pursuant to a treaty, and also prohibits
funding for use by, or in support of the court without Senate advice
and consent to the treaty. Section 706 of this measure prohibits use
of funds to extradite any U.S. citizen to a foreign country or third
country that is under obligation to surrender individuals to the ICC
unless such country can assure the United States that it will not
transfer the individual to the court.
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Prepared by Sherry B. Shapiro, Information Resources Specialist of the Office of Information
Resources Management. Ann Eschete of the Office of Information Resources Management pro-
duced the bibliography in its present form.
A. I
This selective, annotated bibliography lists English language books, articles, Fed-
eral and international documents, and other publications on issues regarding the
making, implementation, and termination of treaties in light of U.S. and inter-
national law. With respect to international law, special attention is given to the Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties and debate over its provisions. Concerning
U.S. law, the emphasis is on executive-congressional relations in the making and
termination of treaties and international agreements. A section on treaties and trea-
ty collections focuses on resources useful in locating information on U.S. treaties
throughout the treatymaking process, although a few selected compilations inter-
national in scope are identified. Guides to treaty collections and treaty research,
which may be helpful in identifying additional resources, are also described.
B. I
a. General
Briggs, Herbert W. The travaux preparatoires of the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties. American journal of international law, v. 65, Oct. 1971: 705712.
Briggs discusses the importance of records pertaining to the Vienna Conven-
tion on the Law of Treaties and reviews Shabtai Rosennes book: The Law of
Treaties: A Guide to the Legislative History of the Vienna Convention. Briggs
also considers the extent to which travaux preparatoires, including records of
the International Law Commission, might be used in interpreting the provisions
of the Vienna Convention.
Charme, Joni S. The interim obligation of article 18 of the Vienna Convention on
the Law of Treaties: making sense of an enigma. George Washington journal
of international law and economics, v. 25, no. 1, 1991: 71114.
‘‘This article is an attempt to provide a constructive understanding of the pur-
pose, content and force of this enigmatic provision. More specifically, the article
first inquires into the binding quality of article 18. Next, the article explores
the operative motivations and intentions of the drafters of article 18.’’
Deutsch, Eberhard P. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Notre Dame law-
yer, v. 47, Dec. 1971: 297303.
In concluding this brief survey, Deutsch writes: ‘‘The foregoing brief outline
of the more important phases of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
and of a few of the interesting problems to which it may well give rise, should
suffice to indicate its overall vast scope and significance.’’
Elias, T.D. The modern law of treaties. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Ocean Publications, 1974.
272 p.
The author explains: Each chapter first examines the ‘‘evolution of the under-
lying juristice notions as adumbrated by publicists, then *** consider [s] any
relevant judicial or arbitral decisions, and finally *** summarize [s] the posi-
tion taken by the International Law Commission after a full and careful consid-
eration of the comments of Governments.’’
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Frankowska, Maria. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties before United
States courts. Virginia journal of international law, v. 28, winter 1988: 281391.
‘‘This Article addresses the national courts role in applying international law
***. The law of treaties plays a significant role on the domestic level ** *. It
is applied by national courts more often than any other rules of international
Kearney, Richard D. Dalton, Robert E. The treaty on treaties. American journal of
international law, v. 64, July 1970: 495561.
Ambassador Kearney, who led the United States delegation at the Vienna
Conference, and Dalton identify the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
as ‘‘the first essential element of infrastructure that has been worked out in the
enormous task of codifying international law pursuant to Article 13 of the
United Nations Charter.’’ They review the development, by the International
Legal Commission, of the 75 draft articles which served as the working text for
the Vienna Conference. Kearney and Dalton then examine consideration of the
draft by representatives at the conference. They analyze the provisions of the
Vienna Convention, tracing the development of specific articles by discussing
the debates which influenced their content and form, examining the purpose
and interpretation of those articles, and evaluating the achievements of the
Convention as a whole.
McNair, Arnold Duncan. The law of treaties. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1961. 789 p.
Partial contents.The conclusion of treaties.The scope and operation of
treaties.Interpretation and application of treaties.Termination of treaties.
Breach of treaty.State succession and other changes.Effects of war.
Menon, P.K. The law of treaties between states and international organizations.
Lewiston, N.Y., Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. 259 p.
Morgenstern, Felice. International legislation at the crossroads. British year book of
international law, v. 49, 1978: 101117.
Morgenstern discusses the scope of international legislation, as well as its ap-
propriateness and importance. The term international legislation ‘‘is used loose-
ly, to cover all international instruments susceptible of creating legal obliga-
tions by virtue of their adoption, signature or ratification (or accession thereto),
which establish uniform, harmonized or minimum principles or rules of conduct
rather than contractual mutuality between parties, and which are applicable or
potentially applicable to a plurality of States.’’ Morgenstern also considers
amendment, revision, consolidation and abrogation of international legislation,
means of avoiding conflict among international lawcreating instruments, and
problems of unilateral withdrawal from international obligations.
Rosenne, Shabtai. Bilateralism and community interest in the codified law of trea-
ties. In Transnational law in a changing society; essays in honor of Philip C.
Jessup. Edited by Wolfgang Friedman, Louis Henkin, and Olifver Lissitzyn.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1972. pp. 202227.
‘‘In this article, an attempt will be made to survey the codified law of treaties,
now embodied in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23,
1969, and to evaluate it in terms of the balance struck between the interrelation
inter se of the mutual interests of the parties to a treaty on the one hand, and
the community interest in that treaty, its object and purpose, its application,
and the resolution of differences arising out of it on the other hand.’’
———. Developments in the law of treaties, 19451986. New York, Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1989. 535 p. (Cambridge studies in international and comparative
law. New series)
———. The law of treaties; a guide to the legislative history of the Vienna Conven-
tion. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1970. 443 p.
Rosenne was Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Na-
tions, Chairman of the Delegation to the Conference on the Law of Treaties, and
a member of the International Law Commission. In the introduction to this
work, he discusses the codification of the law of treaties, considering ‘‘i) how the
topic ever came to be chosen in the first place; ii) its scope; iii) what kind of
problems confronted the political organs after the International Law Commis-
sion had finished its work; and iv) the organization and functioning of the Vi-
enna Conference.’’
Rosenne provides, in parallel columns, the final text of the International Law
Commissions 1966 draft articles on the Law of Treaties and the text of the arti-
cles of the Vienna Convention in English, French, and Spanish, so readers can
note changes introduced during the Vienna Conference and can compare dif-
ferent language versions. Rosenne also provides the legislative history of each
article of the Vienna Convention indicating the introduction of each theme, the
meetings at which it was discussed, and the outcome. ‘‘References are made ex-
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clusively to the meeting and paragraph numbers as these appear in the appro-
priate volumes of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, the Offi-
cial Records of the General Assembly, and the Official records of the Vienna
Conference on the Law of Treaties.’’
Sinclair, Ian McTaggart. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Dobbs
Ferry, N.Y., Ocean Publications, 1973. 150 p. (The Melland Schill lectures)
Contents.The scope of the Convention and its relationship to customary
law.The conclusion and entry into force of treaties.The application, interpre-
tation, amendment and modification of treaties.The invalidity, termination
and suspension of operation of treaties.Jus congens and the settlement of dis-
Stanford, J.S. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. University of Toronto
law journal, v. 20, no. 1, 1970: 1847.
This article ‘‘first discusses the major political issues confronted by the con-
ference, for it was upon the resolution of these issues that the success or failure
of the conference turned. The article then examines the Convention itself, with
particular reference to the changes made by the conference to the draft articles
proposed by the International Law Commission. While most of the time of the
conference was devoted to resolving the legal issues raised by the various draft
articles, two major political issues dominated the conference, particularly at the
second session, and came within a hairs breadth of bringing about its failure.
These issues were: first, universal participation in general multilateral treaties,
and second, the procedures for the peaceful settlement of disputes arising out
of the application of the articles in the Convention which establish grounds for
the invalidity, termination, suspension, or withdrawal from treaties.’’
United Nations. International Law Commission. Yearbook of the International Law
Commission. New York, The Commission, 1949.
United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, 2d Vienna, 1969.
Official records; summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meet-
ings of the Committee of the Whole. New York, United Nations, 1970. 350 p.
(United Nations. Document A/CONF.39/11Add.1) ‘‘United Nations publication.
Sales no.: E. 70. v. 6’’
U.S. President, 19691974 (Nixon). Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Mes-
sage from the President of the United States, transmitting the Vienna Conven-
tion on the Law of Treaties signed for the United States on April 24, 1970.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971. 40 p.
At head of title: 92d Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Executive L
Includes the report of the Secretary of State, Oct. 18, 1971, describing the
major provisions of the Vienna Convention, as well as a copy of the Convention.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: travaux preparatoiresDie Wiener
Vertragsrechtskonvention: Materilien zur Entstehung d. einzelnen Vorschr.
Hrsg., Inst. fur Internat. Angelegenheiten d. Univ. Hamburg; Inst. fur Internat.
Recht an d. Univ. Kiel; Inst. fur Volkerrecht d. Univ. Gottingen. Compiled by
Ralf Gunter Wetzel; edited and prefaced by Dietrich Rauschning. Frankfurt am
Main, Metzner, 1978. 543 p. (Dokumente-Institut fur Internationale
Angelegenheiten der Universitat Hamburg; Bd. 44)
‘‘The present documentation aims at providing those materials essential for
the theoretical study and practical use of the individual articles [of the Vienna
Convention]: in order to elucidate the history of the laborious development of
the Convention text, each article is followed by the full text of all previous ver-
sions since the Waldock Report. The general attitude of the individual States
during the ILC [International Law Commission] phase is documented in the
summaries of the second series of Waldock Reports. The ILC interpretation of
the contents of the Convention is found in the Commentary to the articles of
the Final Draft which the ILC itself adopted. Outlines, a synopsis and a bibliog-
raphy should facilitate the scholarly and practical use’’ of this documentation.
The text is in English, with German translations provided for some documents.
Villiger, Mark Eugen. Customary international law and treaties: a study of their
interactions and interrelations, with special consideration of the 1969 Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties. Boston, M. Nijoff; Hingham, Mass., Dis-
tributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic, 1985. 432 p. (Develop-
ments in international law)
Originally presented as the authors Habilitationschrift (University of Zurich).
Widdows, Kelvin. What is an agreement in international law? British year book of
international law, v. 50, 1979: 117149.
This article ‘‘is concerned with the term treaty in its broadest sense. It is
an enquiry into the elements comprising a binding international agreement.’’
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Wilson, Robert R. The international law standard in recent treaties and agreements
of the United States. American journal of international law, v. 66, July 1972:
‘‘The record of treaties and other international agreements which the United
States has concluded in the period of two decades ending in 1971 provides much
evidence of the specification of international law as a basic standard ***. For
the present purpose it is proposed to consider briefly 1) types of compromissory
clauses in agreements to which the United States is a party and in which there
are specific references to international law, 2) illustrative agreements in bilat-
eral form concerning the guaranty of foreign investments, 3) multilateral agree-
ments concerning the application of international law as a standard, without
statement as to what the law is, 4) bilateral agreements other than those relat-
ed to the guaranty of foreign investment, and 5) the possible relevance of such
agreement-making to the better understanding and development of inter-
national law.’’
Wozencraft, Frank M. United Nations arithmetic and the Vienna Conference on the
Law of Treaties. International lawyer, v. 6, Apr. 1972: 205218.
Wozencraft, a member of the U.S. delegation to the 1968 session of the Vi-
enna Conference on the Law of Treaties, reports on the negotiating and deci-
sionmaking process at the Vienna Conference and describes a day in the life of
a U.S. delegate to the Conference. He considers controversies which arise from
the U.N. principle that each sovereign nation has an equal vote, regardless of
size or importance. Wozencraft also reviews U.S. policymaking procedures and
assesses the importance of the Conference. This article is based on an address
Wozencraft gave on June 6, 1969 at the Institute on the Law of Treaties, co-
sponsored by the Division of International Law and Foreign Trade at the Law
Center of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and the American Society of
International Law.
b. Treaties and agreements involving international organizations
Agreements of international organizations and the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties. Edited by K. Zemanek, assisted by L.R. Behrmann. New York,
Springer-Verlag, 1971. 268 p.
Papers prepared as a result of research conducted at the 1969 session of the
Center for Studies and Research, Hague Academy of International Law.
Contents.Co-operation agreements and the law relating to agreements con-
cluded by international organizations, by D. McRae.The capacity of inter-
national organizations to conclude headquarter agreements, and some features
of these agreements, by L. Bota.Formal aspects of the technical assistance
agreements concluded by the UN family of organizations, by J. van Wouw.The
capacity of international organizations to conclude treaties, by G. Hartmann.
The concept and forms of treaties conclude by international organizations, by
C. Osakwe.Organs competent to conclude treaties for international organiza-
tions and the internal procedure leading to the decision to be bound by a treaty;
Negotiation and conclusion of treaties by international organizations, by H.
Reuter, Paul. First report on the question of treaties concluded between states and
international organizations or between two or more international organizations.
New York, United Nations, 1972. 61 p. (United Nations. Document A/CN.4/258)
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
United Nations. International Law Commission. The question of treaties concluded
between states and international organizations or between two or more inter-
national organizations. [New York] United Nations, 1970. 116 p. (United Na-
tions. Document A/CN.4/L.161)
Working paper submitted by the Secretary-General containing a short bibliog-
raphy, a historical survey of the question and a preliminary list of the relevant
treaties published in the United Nations treaty series.
United Nations. Secretariat. Question of treaties concluded between states and
international organizations or between two or more international organizations;
possibilities of participation by the United Nations in international agreements
on behalf of a territory. New York, United Nations, 1974. 56 p. (United Nations.
Document A/CN.4/281)
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
United Nations. Secretary-General, 19611971 (Thant). The question of treaties con-
cluded between states and international organizations or between two or more
international organizations. [New York] United Nations, 1971. 70 p. (United
Nations. Document A/CN.4/L.161/Add.1)
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‘‘Working paper submitted by the Secretary-General, containing a short bibli-
ography, a historical survey of the question and a preliminary list of the rel-
evant treaties published in the United Nations Treaty Series.’’
a. Negotiation and the treatymaking process
(1) General
Guzman, Andrew T. Why LDCs sign treaties that hurt them: explaining the popu-
larity of bilateral investment treaties. Virginia journal of international law, v.
47, summer 1998: 639688.
Says there has been little analysis of the impact of bilateral investment trea-
ties (BITs) ‘‘on the welfare of the countries that have signed them. This article
seeks to address this large gap in the literature and contribute to a more coher-
ent understanding of BITs, their impact on foreign investment, and their effect
on the welfare of nations.’’
Hassan, Tariq. Good faith in treaty formation. Virginia journal of international law,
v. 21, spring 1981: 443481.
In this article the author ‘‘examines the content and limitations of good faith
in international law as well as the developments leading up to its inclusion in
the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The article next analyzes
the application of this principle to the treaty formation process.’’
Kearney, Richard D. International legislation: the negotiation process. California
Western international law journal, v. 9, summer 1979: 504513.
‘‘The United States should view the development of world law as important
to our nations interests and take into account the necessity of preventing world
law from slipping into procedures and forms which may later prove to be intol-
erable to us. The negotiating process is one of the areas in which care must be
taken to ensure that the development of world law is not undermined for short-
range and dubious objectives.’’
Sanders, David. Changing role of parliament: international treaties to be examined
before ratification. Parliamentarian, v. 79, Oct. 1998: 385387.
‘‘The Clerk of the New Zealand Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Commit-
tee describes a new process whereby international treaties can now be scruti-
nized by Parliament before they are ratified, and highlights the problem of se-
crecy by international organizations when scrutiny is attempted.’’
The Treaty makers handbook. Hans Blix and Jirina H. Emerson, editors. Dobbs
Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1973. 355 p.
This is an expanded and revised edition of a compilation of passages from
treaties which exemplify several types of constitutional rules relating to formal
treaty provisions. The material was originally prepared for use at seminars on
the law of treaties. The seminars were arranged by the Dag Hammarskjold
Foundation and held in Uppsala in 1966 and 1967.
Partial contents.Constitutional provisions on the conclusion and application
of treaties.Full powers.Preambles.Consent to be bound.State succes-
sion.Entry into force.Participation clauses.Duration.Withdrawal, denun-
ciation and termination. Clauses on interpretation, application and settlement
of disputes.Clauses on enforcement, breach, suspension and expulsion.Terri-
torial application.Internal application.Reservations.Clauses on relation-
ship to other treaties.Amendment clauses.Revision clauses.Depositary
functions.Types of treaties and instruments resembling treaties.Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties.
(2) Multilateral treaties
Bourguignon, Henry J. The Beliolos case: new light on reservations to multilateral
treaties. Virginia journal of international law, v. 29, winter 1989: 347386.
‘‘This article first discusses the historical context of reservations in inter-
national law and its influence on the drafters of the European Convention on
Human Rights. It then discusses the Belilos Case, the arguments of the Swiss
government and the decision of the court. The article concludes with a discus-
sion of the effects this decision will have on future disputes on the status of
treaty reservations in international law.’’
Gamble, John King, Jr. Multilateral treaties: the significance of the name of the in-
strument. California Western international law journal, v. 10, winter 1980: 1
‘‘The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties *** addresses the law of
treaties and hence de-emphasizes state practice, which is an important aspect
of treaty-making ***. The focus here will be on all multilateral treaties enter-
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ing into force between 1919 and 1971, specifically those appearing in the
League of Nations Treaty Series and the United Nations Treaty Series. The
ability to look macroscopically at fifty years of multilateral treaty-making per-
mits certain questions to be addressed ***. One example of this macroscopic
perspective concerns the name of the instrument in the case of multilateral
Multilateral treaties: index and current status. Compiled and annotated within the
University of Nottingham Treaty Centre by M.J. Bowman and D.J. Harris. St.
Paul, Minn., Mason Pub. Co., 1984. 516 p.
United Nations. Secretary-General, 19721981 (Waldheim). Review of the multilat-
eral treaty-making process. [New York] United Nations, 1981. 66, 7, 2, 18, 4 p.
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
———. Review of the multilateral treaty-making process. [New York] United Na-
tions, 1980. 37, 41, 54 p. (United Nations. Document[s] A/35/312; A/35/312/
Add.1; A/35/312/Add.2)
World Peace Through Law Center. Multilateral treaties, conventions, protocols and
agreements of the United Nations and the specialized agencies. (List) prepared
to accompany the address of Earl Warren *** to the Geneva World Conference
on World Peace through Law, July 914, 1967. Geneva, World Peace through
Law Center, [1967] 44 p.
b. Amendments, interpretive declarations, and reservations
Adede, A.O. Amendment procedures for conventions with technical annexes: the
IMCO experience. Virginia journal of international law, v. 17, winter 1977: 201
This article examines the experience of the Intergovernmental Maritime Con-
sultative Organization with technical conventions in the maritime field which
‘‘led it to conclude that different procedures should be established to amend the
technical annexes or appendices to a convention than those used to amend the
basic provisions contained in the main articles of a convention.’’
Gamble, John King, Jr. Reservations to multilateral treaties: a macroscopic view of
state practice. American journal of international law, v. 74, Apr. 1980: 372394.
‘‘State practice in the area of reservations is surveyed, in very general terms,
for the period from 1919 to 1971. The post-World War II period (19471971) will
be examined in somewhat more detail in order to classify and categorize res-
ervations. Adopting a broad (rather than a narrow) view of all multilateral trea-
ties permits a more accurate overall assessment of the constructiveness of the
role played by reservations.’’
Gormley, W. Paul. The modification of multilateral conventions by means of ‘‘nego-
tiated reservations’’ and other ‘‘alternatives’’: a comparative study of the ILO
and Council of Europe. Fordham law review, v. 34, Oct. 1970: 5980; v. 39, Mar.
1971: 413446.
‘‘Although the special techniques developed within the ILO [International
Labour Organization] and Council of Europe will not be adopted by the world
community, it is possible that some help, or at least insight, may be gained from
an examination of the unique procedures used by these two organizations ***.
‘‘The specific purpose of this study is first, to examine the use of the flexibility
device as an alternative (to the typical reservation) originally developed by ILO
but later adopted by the Council; and secondly, to trace the evolution of the ne-
gotiated reservation subsequently emerging in the Council of Europe, which
grew out of earlier concepts.’’
Inter-American Juridical Committee. Reservation of theoretical adherence to multi-
lateral treaties. Report prepared in accordance with Resolution XI of the fourth
meeting of the Inter-American Council of Jurists. Washington, Pan American
Union, 1961. 5 p.
Koh, Jean Kyongun. Reservations to multilateral treaties: how international legal
doctrine reflects world vision. Harvard international law journal, v. 23, spring
1982: 71116.
‘‘By examining the evolution of the doctrine of reservations in this century,
this Comment *** [explores] how the successive versions of the doctrine reflect
the changing conception of multilateral conventions, and *** [illustrates] how
a tiny nugget of treaty law provides a battleground for the clash between two
basic opposing visions of the world: a world composed of autonomous states ver-
sus an integrated world order.’’
McRae, D.M. The legal effect of interpretative declarations. British year book of
international law, v. 49, 1978: 155173.
‘‘The issue, then, is whether an interpretative declaration, which by virtue of
Article 2(1)(d) of the Vienna Convention is not a reservation, has any legal sig-
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nificance. Should other parties to the treaty, faced with an interpretative dec-
laration attached to an instrument of ratification or accession, ignore it, or ac-
cept or reject it, depending on whether they agree or disagree with it? What is
the consequences of any of these actions?’’
Mendelson, M. H. Reservations to the constitutions of international organizations.
British year book of international law, v. 42, 1971: 137171.
‘‘It is the purpose of this article to explore the law and practice on reserva-
tions to the constitutions of the relatively homogeneous group of organizations:
the League of Nations, the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies of the
United Nations.’’
Sztucki, Jerzy. Some questions arising from reservations to the Vienna Convention
on the Law of Treaties. German yearbook of international law, v. 20, 1977: 277
‘‘Space limits compel the author to confine the present remarks to some se-
lected questions which either are specific for the Convention under consider-
ation or appear to have come into prominence in its context, namely: the ques-
tion of self-applicability of the Convention regime of reservations, questions
arising from reservations to Art. 66, and the question of separability of treaty
provisions in the process of concluding treaties.’’
c. Acceptance, depositary, registration and publication
(1) Acceptance
Ruda, Jose Maria. The final acceptance of international conventions. Muscatine,
Iowa, Stanley Foundation, 1976. 29 p.
The author, a Justice on the International Court of Justice, discusses the pace
accomplished in securing final acceptance of treaties. He writes, ‘‘States get ac-
tively engaged in the preparation of conferences or in long debates in inter-
national organizations drawing up multilateral conventions. They even sign the
documents without much hesitation; however the same States are reluctant or
slow in assuming international obligations by ratifying or acceding to the in-
struments, except in cases where a direct political interest of the State is at
stake.’’ Ruda reviews why there are delays in securing acceptance of treaties,
and he proposes actions on the international and national level which might fa-
cilitate treaty acceptance.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Wider acceptance of multilat-
eral treaties. New York, The Institute, 1969. 213 p.
‘‘This study ascertains empirically to what extent the extrinsic factors, such
as constitutional-parliamentary procedures, administrative mechanics, person-
nel requirements, translation facilities, final clauses, and others operate as im-
pediments to acceptance. It also describe to what extent lack of definitive suc-
cession has impaired the continued application of treaties extended by the pred-
ecessor Governments ***. The study analyzes and describes the range of na-
tional and international measures for the wider acceptance of treaties which in-
clude, among others, appeals and exhortation, provision of advisory services and
technical assistance, wider dissemination of information, revision of treaties and
special national administrative machinery for treaty work.’’
(2) Depositary
Rosenne, Shabtai. The depositary of international treaties. American journal of
international law, v. 61, Oct. 1967: 923945.
The ‘‘International Law Commissions Draft Articles on the Law of Treaties
contain three articlesarticles 71, 72, and 73dealing directly with the deposi-
tary of an international treaty; and throughout the Draft Articles are to be
found other provisions which directly or indirectly relate to the same institution
of contemporary international law and relations ***. This is of particular sig-
nificance in relation to the very important and practical matter of the time from
which a treaty enters into force or terminates, whether generally or in relation
to a particular state, or as from which other action relating to a treaty takes
legal effect in relation to the other parties to that treaty. Taken together, all
these provisions place into a sharper focus than previously the juridical charac-
teristics of the role and functions of the depositary in modern international law,
and the prolonged discussions in the International Law Commission, especially
on what is now Article 73, brought to light many difficult practical questions
requiring solution.’’
———. More on the depositary of international treaties. American journal of inter-
national law, v. 64, Oct. 1970: 838852.
‘‘The purpose of this article is to bring up to date *** The Depositary of
International Treaties *** in the light of the deliberations of the United Na-
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tions Conference on the Law of Treaties in 1968 and 1969 and the changes
there made in the texts. The relevant provisions now appear as Articles 76, 77,
and 78 of the so-called Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, correspond-
ing to Articles 71, 72 and 73 of the draft articles on the Law of Treaties of the
International Law Commission.’’
(3) Registration and publication
Tabory, Mala. Recent developments in United Nations treaty registration and publi-
cation practices. American journal of international law, v. 76, Apr. 1982: 350
‘‘The framework for the systemactic registration and publication of inter-
national agreements on an intergovernmental level was set *** in Article 102
of the United Nations Charter ***. The United Nations has devoted consider-
able effort to the implementation of Article 102 by developing a set of Regula-
tions to put into operation the registration and publication functions ***. The
Treaty Section of the Office of Legal Affairs in the UN Secretariat carries out
the functions of registration and publication of treaties and international agree-
Reiff, Henry. The proclaiming of treaties in the United States. American journal of
international law, v. 44, July 1940: 572576.
‘‘The present writer in an article in the journal in January, 1936, concluded
that the proclaiming of treaties is not essential to their validity as law of the
land; that treaties become effective domestically when they come into force
internationally; and that the Presidents proclamation serves to announce facts
with regard to the perfecting of the treaty internationally and to enjoin obedi-
ence. Dr. [Hunter] Miller concurred in those conclusions and not only supplied
additional historical data in support of them but also extended the discussion
of the central problem, examined in that article. The gist of these data and ob-
servations is given’’ in this article.
Rogoff, Martin A. The international legal obligations of signatories to an unratified
treaty. Maine law review, v. 32, no. 2, 1980: 263299.
‘‘It is the thesis of this Article that general international law imposes on the
signatories to a treaty the obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of that
treaty prior to its entry into force ***. After examining the existence and na-
ture of the obligation, the Article concludes with a discussion of the content of
the obligation and attempts to discern its contours and extent.’’
Rosenne, Shabtai. The temporal application of the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties. Cornell international law journal, v. 4, fall 1970: 124.
‘‘Any examination of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May
1969 must commence by recalling the obvious truism that this Convention is
never applied alone, but always in conjunction with another treaty for which
it may supply residual rules ***. Our major concern here is the temporal rel-
ativity of the Vienna Convention in relation to another treaty, the rules for the
temporal conflict of laws. An examination of this aspect will demonstrate that
it is insufficient to speak merely of the retroactivity or the non-retroactivity of
the Vienna Convention. In each case, one must establish the space of time with-
in which any one of the rules contained in the Convention controls another trea-
ty, whether absolutely, as a residual rule, or as a matter of procedure.
‘‘The foregoing leads to the conclusion that the Vienna Convention on the
whole speaks not ex tunc, from some unascertainable date in the future, but
from the date of its formulation. The nature, object and purpose of the Vienna
Convention, together with the specific terms of article 4, require minimizing
and not maximizing the negativing effect of that article, to the extent consonant
with good faith and the intention of the negotiating states.’’
Rubin, Alfred P. The international legal effects of unilateral declarations. American
journal of international law, v. 71, Jan. 1977: 130.
‘‘When the ICJ [International Court of Justice] formulates a rule of inter-
national law giving binding force to a unilateral declaration of a states future
intentions, statesmen may be expected to refer to that formulation for guidance
whenever they consider the possibility of issuing a declaration of future policy
‘‘The Court applied the asserted rule to a series of unilateral declarations by
France concerning the French intention to abstain from future atmospheric nu-
clear tests in the South Pacific area, holding that the Australian application,
asking the Court to adjudge that the carrying out of further atmospheric nu-
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clear weapons tests in the South Pacific Ocean is not consistent with applicable
rules of international law, and the New Zealand application asking the Court
to adjudge that the conduct by the French government of nuclear tests in the
South Pacific region that give rise to radioactive fallout constitutes a violation
of New Zealands rights under international law, each presented a claim ***
[that] no longer has any object.
‘‘This article will examine the asserted rule in some detail as a statement of
a purported norm of general international law and as applied to the facts in
the Nuclear Tests cases, and will conclude by pointing out some implications
of these cases for the future of the Court.’’
Schachter, Oscar. The twilight existence of nonbinding international agreements.
American journal of international law, v. 71, Apr. 1977: 296304.
This editorial comment urges recognition of the role that nonbinding agree-
ments, such as the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in
Europe, can play in the international legal order, since nonbinding agreements
are sometimes attainable when binding treaties are not.
Schmidt, Markus G. Individual human rights complaints procedures based on
United Nations treaties and the need for reform. International and comparative
law quarterly, v. 41, July 1992: 645659.
‘‘The right of individuals to complain about alleged violations of their human
rights to expert bodies established under United Nations human rights instru-
ments is one of the major achievements of UN efforts ***. Three expert com-
mittees currently implement treaty-based individual complaints procedures: the
Human Rights Committee, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Dis-
crimination *** and the Committee against Torture ** *. With some degree of
simplification, individual complaints registered under one of the above proce-
dures are considered in three stages.’’
Vazquez, Carlos Manuel. Treaty-based rights and remedies of individuals. Columbia
law review, v. 92, June 1992: 10821163.
‘‘This article examines what is meant by the statement that individuals do
not have rights under treaties as a matter of international law ***. Individuals
lack the power to set in motion the machinery of international law for enforcing
treaty obligations.’’
Vierdag, E. W. The law governing treaty relations between parties to the Vienna
Convention on the Law of Treaties and states not party to the Convention.
American journal of international law, v. 76, Oct. 1982: 779801.
‘‘The likelihood that numerous treaties will be concluded between states that
are not parties to the Convention poses the following question: if Article 4 is
not a general participation clause, then what law does govern such treaties? We
will attempt to answer this question by examining the meaning of article 4, and
to that end, by first tracing its origins. We will then consider the provision, hy-
pothetically, as a general participation clause and point out some of the con-
sequences of this interpretation. Next we will inquire whether Article 4 should
rather be understood as allowing the application of the convention to a treaty
as regards some parties inter se, even though other parties to the treaty would
not be bound by the convention, and their participation would thus be governed
by customary law. It must then be asked whether the provisions of the Conven-
tion and rules of customary treaty law are compatible. Finally, we will attempt
to indicate a possible solution to these problems.’’
Chang, I-ting. The interpretation of treaties by judicial tribunals. New York, AMS
Press [1968] 196 p. (Studies in history, economics, and public law, no. 389)
Series statement also appears as: Columbia University studies in the social
sciences, 389, reprint of the 1933 ed.
‘‘The interpretation of treaties is, perhaps, one of the most confused subjects
in international law. The author proposes in this study to treat the subject sci-
entifically by analyzing the decisions of international tribunals and also a few
instructive cases decided by national courts on interpretation of treaties, to see,
in each case, what issues were actually involved, how they were decided, and
what methods of approach were used by the tribunal in handling the case. The
author hopes that by this method he may be able to draw from judicial practices
accurate conclusions on the interpretation of treaties. Before examining the
cases, it is useful, as a preliminary, to study the nature of legal interpretation.’’
A bibliography of articles, books, and documents relating to the judicial inter-
pretation of treaties is provided.
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Friesen, Jeffrey L. The distribution of treaty-implementing powers in constitutional
federations: thoughts on the American and Canadian models. Columbia law re-
view, v. 94, May 1994: 14151450.
Comment ‘‘examines the United States treaty-implementation framework and
criticisms of it *** presents the Canadian scheme and its critics ** * suggests
how the comparison of the American and Canadian models may guide those
who seek to effect new or changing federations.’’
Germer, Peter. Interpretation of plurilingual treaties: a study of art. 33 of the Vi-
enna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Harvard international law journal, v.
11, 1970: 400427.
Germer discusses the drafting, meaning, and operation of Article 33 of the Vi-
enna Convention. ‘‘The Vienna Convention does not set forth a rigid formula for
the interpretation of plurilingual treaties, but adheres to the idea that whether
the obscurity is found in all texts or arises from the plurilingual form of the
treaty, the first rule for the interpreter is to look for the meaning intended by
the parties to be attached to the term by applying the standard rules for the
interpretation of treaties.’’
Halberstam, Malvina. A treaty is a treaty is a treaty. Virginia journal of inter-
national law, v. 33, fall 1992: 5168.
‘‘While questions concerning the ABM Treaty and the INF Treaty no longer
have the pressing immediacy they had at the time they arose, the question
whether a treaty can have different meanings domestically and internationally
has continuing importance far beyond the proper interpretation of the treaties
***. This article takes the position that a treaty cannot have different mean-
ings domestically and internationally.’’
Jacobs, Francis G. Varieties of approach to treaty interpretation with special ref-
erence to the draft convention on the law of treaties before the Vienna Diplo-
matic Conference. International and comparative law quarterly, v. 18, 1969:
‘‘There has been a continuing controversy over the principles of treaty inter-
pretation culminating in considerable criticism of the articles on interpretation
formulated by the International Law Commission in its Draft Convention.’’ ‘‘The
object of this paper is to analyse and assess the approach of the International
Law Commission in the light of this controversy ***. A detailed comparison
with rival approaches is necessary to appreciate the precise implications of the
articles in the Convention. But there is also room for argument about the prop-
er functions of roles of interpretation in international law. The paper ends,
therefore, with an attempt to clarify the relevant issues of policy.’’
Lipstein, Kurt. Some practical comparative law: the interpretation of multi-lingual
treaties with special regard to the EEC treaties. Tulane law review, v. 48, June
1974: 907915.
The author examines a ‘‘problem that requires both legal and linguistic tech-
niques derived from foreign law. This is the problem of interpreting bilingual
or multi-lingual treaties.’’
McDougal, Myres S. The International Law Commissions Draft Articles upon Inter-
pretation: textuality redivivus. American journal of international law, v. 61, Oct.
1967: 9921000.
‘‘The great defeat, and tragedy, in the International Law Commissions final
recommendations about the interpretation of treaties is in their insistent em-
phasis upon an impossible, conformity-imposing textuality. This unhappy em-
phasis makes an appearance in, and dominated, the goal for interpretation
which the Commission implicitly postulates but never critically examines; the
deprecatory appraisal which the commission offers of the potentialities that in-
here in the rational employment of principles of interpretation; and the content
and ordering of the particular principles which the Commission puts forward for
canonization as obligatory rules of law.’’ ‘‘In explicit rejection of a quest for the
intentions of the parties as subjective element distinct from the text, the Com-
mission adopts a basic approach which demands merely the ascription of a
meaning to a text.’’
Munday, R.J.C. The uniform interpretation of international conventions. Inter-
national and comparative law quarterly, v. 27, Apr. 1978: 450459.
‘‘The House of Lords denial in Buchanan [James Buchanan & Co. Ltd v.
Babeo Forwarding & Shipping (U.K.) Ltd. that there exists any initial presump-
tion in favour of adopting a liberal interpretation of international conventions
is calculated to assist in restricting the scope for national variations ***. The
more closely courts adhere to the ordinary and natural meaning of the words
of the agreed text, the less opportunity there will be for wide divergences in
their construction at home and abroad ***. In the absence of any supreme
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international jurisdiction capable of resolving differences between national
courts, the most effective approach for all states concerned is to pay serious
heed to one anothers case law.’’
Peace Palace (Hague, Netherlands). Library. Interpretation des traites a la lumiere
de la Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traites: bibliographieIn-
terpretation of treaties in the light of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the law
of treaties: bibliography. Preparee par la Bibliotheque du Palais de la paix. [La
Haye] Centre detude et de recherche de lAcademie de droit international de La
Haye, 1970. 26 leaves.
Contents.The law of treaties in general.The work of the International
Law Commission with regard to the law of treaties.The Vienna Conferences
on the Law of treaties.Interpretation of international law.Interpretation of
international treaties.Different methods of interpretation.Supplementary
means of interpretation.Interpretation of treaties in two or more languages.
Interpretation of treaties by international courts.Interpretation of treaties by
international arbitration.Interpretation of the European treaties.Interpreta-
tion of treaties by international organizations.Interpretation of treaties by na-
tional courts of justice.Interpretation of treaties in the Vienna Convention of
1969 on the Law of Treaties.
Pickert, Perry L. Draft articles for the expansion of authoritative interpretation of
United States treaties. Brooklyn journal of international law, v. 2, spring 1976:
‘‘This paper discusses the problems caused by the abuse of unilateral interpre-
tation of international law and of treaties and suggests draft articles for inclu-
sion in bilateral and multilateral treaties and in the constitutions of inter-
national organizations. The articles provide for compulsory settlement by the
International Court of disputes arising from the interpretation or application of
such treaties or constitutions.’’
Ris, Martin. Treaty interpretation and ICJ recourse to travaux preparatoires: to-
wards a proposed amendment of articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention
on the Law of Treaties. Boston College international and comparative law re-
view, v. 14, winter 1991: 111136.
‘‘Comment examines recourse to travaux preparatoires documents which pro-
ceed the final text of a treaty by the ICJ International Court Justice in the in-
terpretation of treaties. Part I introduces the standard doctrines of treaty inter-
pretation and their definition and proposed usage of travaux preparatoires. Part
II then examines recourse to travaux preparatoires in representative cases and
advisory opinions of the ICJ ***. This Comment proposed an amendment to ar-
ticles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention that could facilitate reliable ICJ re-
course to travaux preparatoires.’’
Rosenne, Shabtai. Interpretation of treaties in the Restatement and the ILCs draft
articles: a comparison. Columbia journal of transnational law, v. 5, no. 2, 1966:
‘‘In this article an attempt will be made briefly and in somewhat general
terms to compare those parts of the [American Law Institutes] Restatement [of
the Foreign Relations Law of the United States] which deal with the interpreta-
tion of treaties on the international level, i.e., sections 146, 147, 148, and 153
*** with the corresponding articles of the International Law commissions
draft, i.e., articles 27, 28 and 29 (matching sections 146, 147, and 148) and 59
(matching section 153).’’ In the notes, Roseanne presents a legislative history
of articles 27, 28, 29 and 59 of the International Law Commissions draft.
Schwarzenberger, George. Myths and realities of treaty interpretationsArticles
2729 of the Vienna Draft Convention on the Law of Treaties. Current legal
problems, v. 22, 1969: 205227.
Schreuer, C.H. The interpretation of treaties by domestic courts. British year book
of international law, v. 42, 1971: 255301.
Sharma, Surya P. The ILC draft and treaty interpretation with special reference to
preparatory works. Indian journal of international law, v. 8, 1968: 367398.
‘‘The above analysis seeks to demonstrate the inadequacy of the textualist ap-
proach. Articles 27 and 28 of the Draft Articles, now adopted by the Committee
of the Whole of the Vienna Conference, do not represent an established law of
interpretation. For clarity in thought and rationality in dispute-solving, all the
available sources of evidence, without any arbitrary weightage and hierarchical
distinction, must be open for the purposes of interpretation. Relegating the cir-
cumstances attending the conclusion of the treaty, including recourse to pre-
paratory work, to a secondary position will make the actual dispute-solving
more difficult, rather than easy, and to say the least it is not an established
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Stewart, George A. Interpreting the childs right to identify in the U.N. Convention
on the Rights of the Child. Family law quarterly, v. 26, fall 1992: 221233.
Discusses Article 8, the right to identity, under which a child has the right
to preserve his or her nationality, name and family relations as recognized by
law without unlawful interference.
Sutter, Bryan L. The nonproliferation treaty and the ‘‘New World Order.’’ Vander-
bilt journal of transnational law, v. 26, Apr. 1993: 181212.
‘‘The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT or Treaty)
faces either extinction or extension in 1995, when the NPT signatories will meet
to decide its fate ***. Many state have expressed reservations about extending
the Treaty. This Note considers the implications of those reservations as well
as arguments favoring extension and examines the Treatys strengths and
weaknesses. The author concludes that the Treaty should remain in force.’’
Tammelo, Ilmar. Treaty interpretation and practical reason; towards a general the-
ory of legal interpretation. Sydney, Melbourne, Law Book Co., 1967. 110 p.
(Studies in legal method series, no. 1)
Partial contents.Leading ideas and main problems of treaty interpreta-
tion.Views of international courts on treaty interpretation.Work of the Insti-
tute of International Law on treaty interpretation.Work of the International
Law Commission on treaty interpretation.Rhetoric as a foundation of treaty
interpretation.Treaty interpretation and practical reason.Annex A: Note on
the maxim interpretation cessat in claris.Annex B: Remarks on inter, prater,
and contra legem interpretation.Annex C: Remarks on the concept of mean-
ing.Annex D: Remarks on the concept of reason.Annex E: The Vattelian
Armoury and the logical status of its cannons.List of international cases rel-
evant to treaty interpretation.
Treaty interpretation: the proper role of an impartial tribunal. In American Society
of International Law. Proceedings *** 63d annual meeting held at Washington,
D.C., v. 63, 1969: 107140.
Leo Gross surveys various perspectives on the role of an international tribu-
nal in treaty interpretation. He reviews draft articles 27 and 28 of the Inter-
national Law Commission, which were adopted by the Committee of the Whole
of the U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties. Gross suggests ‘‘the Commis-
sions deliberate emphasis on the text as the starting point of interpretation is
not directed against the contextual interpretation, which in fact is specifically
included in Article 27 in some illustrative detail.’’
Gidon Gottlieb considers ‘‘what the proper role of an international tribunal is
when it interprets treaties on the basis of the Vienna Articles.’’ He reviews var-
ious viewpoints on the roles of texts and shared expectations in the interpreta-
tions of agreements. Gottlieb writes: ‘‘States now look to the interpretation of
the texts they adopt rather than to deference to their shared subjectivities of
expectations. This does not in any way mean that context, objects and purposes,
preparatory work and other relevant materials are out of place in the interpre-
tation of texts. What states want is that their texts, their agreements be inter-
preted, not their shared subjectivities ***. Under international law, texts were
always at least the starting point of interpretation. Judicious resort to the
travaux preparatoires and sensitivity to context must never permit the inter-
preter to lose sight of this textual starting point.’’
Following the papers are summaries of comments and related discussion by
Myres McDougal, Michael Barkun, Anthony DAmato, Zaim Imam, Oscal
Schachter, Burns Weston, Louis Henkin, Thomas Franck, W. Michael Reisman,
Stanley Metzger, Kenneth Carlston, John Wolff and George Wells.
Wippman, David. Treaty-based intervention: who can say no? University of Chicago
law review, v. 62, spring 1995: 607687.
‘‘Can a state by treaty lawfully authorize forcible external intervention in its
internal affairs? ***. Given the variety of treatiesextant or proposedthat
would permit forcible intervention in states internal affairs *** it is time for
a fresh look at the arguments for and against their validity under international
Wirth, David A. Multilingual treaty interpretation and the case of SALT II. Yale
studies in world public order, v. 6, spring 1980: 429470.
‘‘Evaluates proposed solutions to the difficulties of multilingual treaty inter-
pretation as applied to a concrete problem, the Common Understanding to Para-
graph 8 of Article IV of SALT II. First, the precise meaning of the English and
Russian texts is examined *** Then, ** * various doctrines prescribing resolu-
tion discrepancies *** are applied to, and evaluated in the context of this provi-
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Yambrusic, Edward Slavko. Treaty interpretation: theory and reality. Lanham, Md.,
University Press of America, 1987. 298 p.
Yu, Tsune-Chi. The interpretation of treaties. New York, AMS Press [1968] 288 p.
a. Overview
Beilenson, Laurence W. The treaty trap; a history of the performance of political
treaties by the United States and European nations. By Laurence W. Beilenson,
assisted by Bernard M. Dain. Washington, Public Affairs Press [1969] 344 p.
Beilenson examines political treaties negotiated by European nations and the
United States from 16611965, analyzing why certain treaties were broken or
honored, and whether the objectives of specific treaties were met. He considers
whether there are any consistent patterns in the types of treaties which were
abrogated. Beilenson also evaluates the wisdom of relying on treaties and sug-
gests when to rely on existing treaties and when to make new treaties. He pro-
vides an extensive bibliography and a chronological index of the treaties cited.
Bilder, Richard B. Managing the risks of international agreement. Madison, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin Press [1981] 302 p.
‘‘This book discusses a variety of techniques by which nations can manage the
risks of their international agreements and other cooperative arrangements
***. Chapter 1 is a general discussion of the nature and importance of inter-
national agreements, the problems of risk, the options open to nations in at-
tempting to deal with these problems, and some caveats to this study. Chapter
2 is a survey of very general risk-management techniques, designed to give a
nation broad protection against the risk that it may later decide, for any reason,
that it no longer wishes to participate in the agreement, and to give it flexibility
to limit or escape from its obligations if it subsequently changes its mind. Chap-
ter 3 is a survey of techniques designed specifically to protect a nation against
the risk that the intrinsic value of the agreement to it may decline. Chapter
4 is a survey of techniques designed specifically to protect a nation against the
risk that its potential treaty partner or partners may not perform the obliga-
tions promised, or may do so inadequately. Chapter 5 discusses some general
limitations on the use of the specific risk-management techniques dealt with in
the study; the relevance of alternative risk-management approaches, particu-
larly attitudes of trust; and some things that might be done to make risk man-
agement more effective.’’
Briggs, Herbert W. Procedures for establishing the invalidity of termination of trea-
ties under the International Law Commissions 1966 Draft Articles on the Law
of Treaties. American journal of international law, v. 61, Oct. 1967: 976989.
The author ‘‘served as a member of the International Law Commission from
1962 to 1966 and was chairman of the Commissions Drafting Committee during
the session in which the Draft Articles were finally adopted.’’
In introductory comments, Briggs writes: ‘‘Without underestimating the many
positive contributions which the International Law Commissions Draft Articles
make to the codification and progressive development of the law of treaties, one
should nevertheless note the heavy concentration of articles on nullity, invalid-
ity, denunciation, withdrawal, suspension, or termination of treaty obligations.
It is in these articles, which do less to reinforce the obligation to observe trea-
ties than to provide lawful grounds for invoking their invalidity or denunciation,
that some of the boldest innovations are proposed with regard to matters where
there is little state practice or where the rules proposed have not hitherto been
clearly established. The necessity for establishing procedural safeguards was
thus foreseen.’’
———. Unilateral denunciation of treaties: the Vienna Convention and the Inter-
national Court of Justice. American journal of international law, v. 68, 1974:
‘‘It is noteworthy that the articles of the Vienna Convention on which the
Court has made explicit observations have all concerned claims to terminate
treaties unilaterally on grounds such as breach, coercion, or changed conditions,
and it is to these aspects of the cases to be examined that our attention will
be largely confined ***.
‘‘One may conclude that, with the exception of its Namibia aberration, the
Courts consideration of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties has been
helpful in furthering the consolidation of the law against unilateral denuncia-
tion of international agreements without accountability therefor.’’
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Chinkin, Christine M. Crisis and the performance of international agreements: the
outbreak of war in perspective. Yale journal of world public order, v. 7, spring
1981: 177208.
The author views the impact of international crisis on international agree-
ments, focusing ‘‘on the criteria parties should use to make and evaluate claims
relating to international agreements in times of crisis and the criteria the world
community should use to evaluate those claims.’’
———. Nonperformance of international agreements. Texas international law jour-
nal, v. 17, summer 1982: 387432.
The article concentrates ‘‘on the problem of breach, or nonperformance, of an
international agreement and *** consider[s] when the behavior relating to the
performance of an agreement deviates so far from the expectations of both the
parties and the world community that the agreement is in a state of breach or
David, Arie E. The strategy of treaty termination: lawful breaches and retaliations.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1975. 324 p.
‘‘The problem of treaty termination in a decentralized arena necessarily in-
volves examination of a large number of interrelated subjects. It concerns the
empirical and conceptual analysis of both legitimacy and bargaining power, and
the simultaneous feedback of international rules, claims, proposals, warnings,
threats, and promises, including their gradual fulfillment. The following discus-
sions, therefore, revolve around fundamental notions such as the conclusion of
new agreements in a context of mutual mistrust, treaty breaches, deterrence,
reprisal and retaliations, and reciprocal efforts to avoidor at least to re-
strainthe damage from such activities to the economies of the parties and in-
terested third parties. Appraisal and recommendation for conflict behavior
under such conditions, of course, must also include inquiry of the longer range
goals and policies of the emerging global community ***. In terms of the cases
chosen, and the range of problems and factors discussed, the study is intended
to be merely selective ***. The first part deals with the history of coping with
problems of treaty termination ***. The purpose of part 2 is an increased un-
derstanding of the peculiar nature of the termination conflict and how it may
be resolved by negotiation and new agreement ***. [In part 3] the discussion
centers on the idea that in international relations governments communicate by
deeds, not only by words, and that therefore the timing of procedural submis-
sion and of substantive argumentation, as well as their content and style, are
of the utmost policy and tactical importance.’’
Koeck, Heribert Franz. The ‘‘changed circumstances’’ clause after the United Na-
tions Conference on the Law of Treaties. Georgia journal of international &
comparative law, v. 4, 1974: 93115.
Koeck was a member of the Austrian Delegation to the second session of the
U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties in 1969.
In introductory remarks he writes: ‘‘The obligation of a state to perform under
a treaty, after a substantial change of circumstance has occurred, is a question
which has provided material for generations of legal scholars ***.
‘‘The present brief study aims at examining the question of how far the
Changed Circumstances clause of the Vienna Convention of the Law of Trea-
ties is in line with traditional approaches to the problem.’’
In concluding, Koeck writes: ‘‘If the article [62] as it stands leave[s] still some
doubts about the workability of the principle of changed circumstances in con-
temporary international law, this is due, not so much to any theoretical defect
for which the drafters could be held responsible, but only to the inability or un-
willingness of the conference to provide the procedural safeguards that alone
would have made the article a useful instrument in the field of treaty law ***.
The principle of changed circumstances must today, therefore, be regarded as
a device for political pressure rather than as a legal means of peaceful change.’’
Lissitzyn, Oliver James. Treaties and changed circumstances (rebus sis stantibus).
American journal of international law, v. 61, 1967: 895992.
‘‘In some degree, the I.L.C. [International Law Commission] Draft [Articles on
the Law of Treaties] reflects both approaches to the problem of the role of
changes of circumstances in treaty relationshipsthe expectations-of-parties ap-
proach and the intolerable-burden approach. The relevant articles of the Draft,
however, fail to clarify or fully mesh the policies underlying the two approaches.
The resulting formulations are open to differing interpretations and applica-
Another version of this article, Stability and Change: Unilateral Denunciation
or Suspension of Treaties by Reason of Changed Circumstances, appears in
‘‘Some Contemporary Problems of Treaty Law Suggested by the Draft Articles
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on the Law of Treaties of the International Law Commission,’’ in Proceedings
of the American Society of International Law, v. 61, 1967, on pp. 186193, with
panel discussion of the paper on pp. 204209.
Nahlik, S.E. The grounds of invalidity and termination of treaties. American journal
of international law, v.65, Oct. 1971: 736756.
‘‘Among the important topics which before, at and after the Vienna Conven-
tion gave rise to much discussion and numerous controversies in the Invalidity,
Termination and Suspension of the Operation of Treaties under Part V of the
convention ***. Although only one among seven parts of the draft convention
submitted to the General Assembly by the International Law Commission, the
number of articles it contained was exactly 40 percent of the total amount of
all articles, thirty out of seventy-five. This fact alone caused some anxiety: so
many articles to restrict the binding force of treaties by making it possible ei-
ther to impeach their validity, or to terminate them, or, at the very least, to
suspend their operation? Besides, are there not in those articles provision pro-
claimed as pertaining to the progressive development of international law,
which bring into international law some essential new elements? *** In order
to provide a general answer to these questions, it seems necessary to con-
centrate upon two issues; 1) Are there truly so many, even too many, grounds
of invalidity, termination, or suspension of the operations of treaties? 2) Is there
much, among those grounds, that should be regarded as essentially new?’’
Reismann, W. M. Procedures for controlling unilateral treaty termination. American
journal of international law, v. 63, 1969: 544547.
‘‘The absence of institutionalized procedures for resolving disputes about con-
tinuing treaty regimes has produced a number of practical problems for inter-
national lawyers ***.
‘‘The International Law Commissions draft Convention on the Law of Trea-
ties, which was reviewed by the Vienna Conference, has encountered the prob-
lem of dispute-resolution in exacerbated form. Due to the strong diplomatic
pressure from certain quarters, the prescriptions for invalidating, terminating
and suspending the operation of treaties, have been spelled out in greater detail
than usual. As a consequence, the need for establishing procedures for dispute-
resolution has become ever more urgent. Articles 62 and 63 of the draft intro-
duce only the most minimal procedures; notification and, in case of disagree-
ment, reference to the modalities spelled out in Article 22 of the Charter. An
alternative approach, Article 62 bis, establishes a series of compulsory sequen-
tial procedures, most of them institutionalized, which alone will authorize in-
validation, termination or suspension of operation.
‘‘Past state practice suggests that compulsory procedures will either be re-
jected by the Conference or, if accepted, be subjected to unilateral reservations
at the later stage of ratification. As a result, treaty-making states will be re-
quired to devise their own procedure for dealing with the increased problem of
invalidity, termination and suspension in a rapidly changing international con-
Rosenne, Shabtai. Breach of treaty. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] Grotius, 1985,
1984. 142 p.
Schwelb, Egon. Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty as a con-
sequence of its break. Indian journal of international law, v. 7, 1967: 309334.
‘‘The present paper is devoted to the analysis of that provision of the [Inter-
national Law Commissions] draft articles (draft article 57) which deals with the
consequences of a breach of a treaty.’’
Egon Schwelb provides a legislative history of Article 57 and compares it with
the American Law Institutes provisions in its Restatement of the Foreign Rela-
tions Law of the United States, 1962, as revised in 1964 and 1965. Schwelb dis-
cusses the concept of a ‘‘material breach,’’ problems arising from interdependent
and multilateral treaties, the separability of treaties and the rights of parties
affected by the breach to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the
treaty or suspending its operation.
Some contemporary problems in treaty law suggested by the Draft Articles of the
Law of Treaties of the International Law Commission. American Society of
International Law. Proceedings *** 61st annual meeting held at Washington,
D.C., v. 61, 1967: 186209.
Oliver Lissitzyn examines whether a state has ‘‘the right to terminate or sus-
pend its obligations under a treaty on the ground that there has been a change
in conditions or circumstances since the treaty was concluded if the treaty itself
does not expressly provide for such a right.’’ He surveys and analyzes the rel-
evant International Law Commissions draft articles. [Another version of
Lissitzyns paper, Treaties and Changed Circumstances (Rebus sis Stantibus)
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appears in the American journal of international law, v. 61, 1967, on pp. 895
992. It is cited above.]
Richard Bilder explores how foreign office (such as State Department) officials
view treaties and issues concerning breach of treaties. He then considers the
implications of their approaches for international law.
Following the papers are summaries of comments and discussion by Myres
McDougal, Egon Schwelb, Anthony DAmato, Denys Myers, Wasswa Balimunsi,
Leon Lipson, Vishwanath More, Hans Aufricht, Quincy Wright, and John Fried.
Tobin, Harold James. The termination of multipartite treaties. New York, AMS
Press, 1967. 321 p. (Studies in history, economics, and public law, no. 388) Re-
print of the 1933 ed., which was issued also as a thesis, Columbia University.
The author examines the effect of war on multipartite treaties. He also con-
siders termination of treaties by unilateral denunciation and termination by
agreement of the parties, through the conclusion of a new and superseding trea-
ty. Tobin discusses related questions as well, including the separability of treaty
provisions. ‘‘This study is based primarily on treaty texts, protocols of con-
ferences, diplomatic correspondence and court decisions concerning treaties.
This material has been supplemented by legal and historical interpretations of
the events bearing directly on these treaties.’’ A bibliography of works contribut-
ing to the study is included.
Wright, Quincy. The termination and suspension of treaties. American journal of
international law, v. 61, 1967: 10001005.
Quincy Wright examines provisions of the Draft Convention of Treaty Law by
the United Nations International Law Commission which addresses treaty ter-
mination resulting from violation of the agreement by one party. He also consid-
ers how the Draft Convention would apply to the Vietnam Ceasefire Agreement.
‘‘The issue whether another party to a treaty has violated a provision, wheth-
er the violation constitutes a material breach, and whether the breached provi-
sion is separable, are generally controversial, and the freedom of one party to
decide unilaterally on these questions is likely to lead to abuses. On the other
hand, it would seem unjust if one party were obliged to continue observance of
a treaty, when convinced that the other party is grossly violating it, for at least
three months, and perhaps longer, while negotiations proceed by the means sug-
gested in Article 33 of this Charter ***. Unilateral suspension of the operation
of a treaty, in whole or in part, might be made permissible on notice charging
violation, but with the requirement that the treaty obligation cannot be termi-
nated or withdrawn from until agreement has been reached or the International
Court of Justice has supported the claim to terminate or to suspend for a longer
period.’’ Wright recommends that this solution be considered by the Vienna
b. Questions of treaty validity
Malawer, Stuart S. Imposed treaties and international law. California Western
international law journal, v. 7, winter 1977: 1178.
‘‘This article discusses and analyzes the rule of international law which de-
clares invalid any treaty which is imposed by the threat or use of aggressive
military force against a contracting state. The twentieth century development
of the rule is examined by surveying the doctrine, state practice, international
legislation and jurisprudence of the inter-war and post-World War II periods.’’
Meron, Theodor. Applicability of multilateral conventions to occupied territories.
American journal of international law, v. 72, July 1978: 542557.
‘‘The object of this article is to consider whether an occupying power has the
right or the duty under international law to apply multilateral treaties to which
it is a party in the territories which it occupies. Focusing on the case of the ter-
ritory west of the Jordan River, which is commonly known as the West Bank
*** this study will deal the relevant ILO conventions, the Chicago Convention,
the law of belligerent occupation, and the interaction between these bodies of
Paul, Vladimir. The legal consequences of conflict between a treaty and an impera-
tive norm of general international law (jus cogens). Osterreichische Zeitschrift
fur offentliches Recht, v. 21, Apr. 1971: 1949.
The author, who is from Prague, examines the history of the concept of jus
cogens, in light of court opinions and State and international practices. He re-
views writings on jus cogens and analyzes the International Law Commissions
(ILC) conception of jus cogens in Article 61 of the Draft Articles on the Law of
Treaties, Paul considers the relations of jus cogens to international morality and
public policy, and he discusses the separability of treaty provisions. He also re-
views ILC draft procedures for dealing with international disputes regarding
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the invalidity of international treaties which conflict with a peremptory norm
of international law.
Rozakis, Christos L. The concept of jus cogens in the law of treaties. Amsterdam;
New York, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1976. 206 p.
‘‘The present study is aimed at exposing in a systematic way the hiatus exist-
ing between the substantive provisions of the Convention which lay down the
function of the jus cogens concept and the provisions implementing that func-
tion. In effect, the substantive provisions, as such, introduce in the international
legal system the concept of jus cogens duly empowered with the sanction of in-
validity to be applied to all treaties which conflict with the content of norms
having that imperative character; but the articles which are assigned to deal
with the materialization of that sanction and which constitute the only legal
tool through which the parties to the Convention may contest the legality of a
treaty, are quite often unable to fulfill the intended function of the substantive
Contents.The function of the jus cogens norms.The identification of the
jus cogens norms.The modification of the jus cogens norms.The sanctioning
power of the jus cogens norms.The settlement of disputes.
Schwelb, Egon. Some aspects of international jus cogens as formulated by the Inter-
national Law Commission. American journal of international law, v. 61, Oct.
1967: 946975.
‘‘The [International Law] Commissions proposals relating to international jus
cogens [in the Commissions draft articles on the law of treaties] have engen-
dered a considerable amount of debate among governments and among pub-
licists. In the present article, an attempt will be made to deal from a practical
point of view with some of the many problems which the *** draft articles
raise. The article will not reproduce and analyze the views of writers, but lay
emphasis on such state practices as there exist and upon currently advancing
views of governments. References to the views of publicists will be made only
where this is necessary to illustrate the scope and the potentialities, but also
the vagueness, the elasticity, and the dangers of the concept of international jus
cogens as formulated in the draft.’’
Scott, Gary L. Carr, Craig L. The International Court of Justice and the treaty/cus-
tom dichotomy. Texas international law journal, v. 16, summer 1981: 347359.
‘‘This Article addresses the treaty/custom problem in three distinct ways.
First, it briefly reviews some of the recent literature on the subject, with revela-
tory rather than exegetic intent. Second, it traces the impact of the treaty/cus-
tom debate on the opinions of the International Court of Justice; it is there that
the crosscurrents of international law experience their ebb and flow. Third, it
exposes some preconceptions about law which have led students of international
law to place such importance on the treaty/custom issue, and it offers a prole-
gomenon to an alternate theoretical framework for analyzing the functions of
the International Court of Justice which avoids appeal to the treaty/custom di-
Sztucki, Jerzy. Jus cogens and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: a crit-
ical appraisal. Wien, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1974. 204 p. (Osterreichische
Zeitschrift fur offentliches Recht. Supplementum 3)
‘‘The primary purpose of this study is to analyze critically the conventional
concept of jus cogens as it developed and as it standswithout avoiding theo-
retical considerations but also without attempting to present any new theory of
the legality of treaties in the present day international law ***. In the last part
an attempt is made at presenting in summarized form the question of legality
of treaties as it appears to stand now.’’
The author includes a bibliography listing recent works on the law of treaties,
writings devoted to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and works
addressing the question of jus cogens in international law.
Zotiades, George B. Intervention by treaty right: its legality in present day inter-
national law. [Nicosia, Cyprus, Geka Press] 1965. 41 p. (Jus gentium, series of
publications on international law; v. 6)
‘‘What this paper deals with is the legality of unilateralnot collectiveinter-
vention expressis verbis stipulated in bilateral treaties. The validity of this
group of treaties is questioned.’’
Partial contents.Statements of the problem.The definition of interven-
tion.Treaties of guarantee stipulating a right of intervention.The principle
of non-intervention in international law.Critical analysis of the arguments ad-
vanced in support of the legality of intervention by treaty right.Intervention
by treaty right as a violation of present day international law.
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Adede, A.O. A survey of treaty provisions on the rule of exhaustion of local rem-
edies. Harvard international law journal, v. 18, winter 1977: 119.
‘‘The treaty-law analysis undertaken here will address two basic questions.
The first question asks which local remedies are to be exhausted as a pre-con-
dition to the initiation of international proceedings. The primary issue here is
whether local remedies to be exhausted include nonjudicial forms of redress.
The second question involves the scope of the rule. The main problem is wheth-
er the local remedies rule must be applied in every case or whether certain con-
ditions exist under which it need not be applied. The answer to the second ques-
tion will enable us to decide whether the rule of exhaustion of local remedies
is a rule of substances or rule of procedure. The answers to both questions will
provide the basis for conclusions relating to the proper function and rationale
of the rule.’’
Coll, Richard J. United States enforcement of arbitral awards against sovereign
states: implications of the ICSID convention. Harvard international law journal,
v. 17, spring 1976: 401415.
‘‘This Comment examines the relevant provisions of the ICSID [International
Centre for Settlement of Disputes] Convention to determine its impact upon the
traditional bars to enforcement of arbitral awards against states by private par-
ties. To facilitate analysis, the specific question addressed is whether an Amer-
ican investor who has prevailed in ICSID arbitration can secure enforcement of
the award in the United States should the foreign state against which the
award was rendered refuse to comply with it.’’
Cosca, Cecilia E. Zimmerer, Joseph J. Judicial interpretations of foreign arbitral
awards under the U.N. convention. Law and policy in international business,
v. 8, no. 3, 1976: 737762.
Comment reviews U.S. case law, indicating ‘‘a receptiveness to enforcement
of international arbitration agreements and awards based on both the Conven-
tion and an independent base of public policy.’’
Foreign judgments based on foreign arbitral awards: the applicability of res judi-
cata. University of Pennsylvania law review, v. 124, Nov. 1975: 223249.
In the context of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of For-
eign Arbitral Awards, comment considers whether the doctrine of merger, an
element of res judicata, is applicable to arbitral awards and foreign judgments
based thereon.
Kennedy, Lionel. Enforcing international commercial arbitration agreements and
awards not subject to the New York Convention. Virginia journal of inter-
national law, v. 23, fall 1982: 75101.
Comment discusses ways of enforcing an international arbitration agreement
or award that is not covered by the United Nations Convention on the Recogni-
tion and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (known as the New Conven-
McClendon, J. Stewart. Enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the United States.
Northwestern journal of international law and business, v. 4, spring 1982: 58
Examines both the New York Convention and the United States Arbitration
Act. Describes the requirements and procedures for enforcing foreign arbitral
awards in the United States. Considers the substantive and procedural defenses
to enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, and reviews the relevant U.S. case
Mirabito, A. Jason. The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforce-
ment of Foreign Arbitral Awards: the first four years. Georgia journal of inter-
national & comparative law, v. 5, summer 1975: 471501.
‘‘The purpose of this paper is to examine the various legal regimes in force
that facilitate this enforcement [of foreign arbitral awards] and especially to
consider the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards, recently adopted by the United States, and its effects
upon the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards.’’ Mirabito concludes: ‘‘Although
the Convention is not a panacea for all the problems which enforcement of for-
eign award entails, and although it does not go as far as some desire in creating
an international arbitration tribunal, it is at least a practical, realistic system
that can operate in todays world.’’
Mosler, Hermann. Supra-national judicial decisions and national courts. Hastings
international and comparative law review, v. 4, spring 1981: 425472.
‘‘Justice Mosler of the International Court of Justice discusses at length the
various supra-national courts of universal, regional, and specialized jurisdiction.
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The Article continues with an analysis of the relationship between national and
supra-national courts, forms of supra-national judgments, and the effect of these
judgments on the national judiciary of the states party to the action and on non-
party states. Finally, the relevance of multilateral treaty systems to the enforce-
ment of international judgments is examined.’’
Sohn, Louis B. The role of arbitration in recent international multilateral treaties.
Virginia journal of international law, v. 23, winter 1983: 171189.
This article ‘‘considers the various dispute resolution procedures traditionally
found in multilateral treaties. It then *** turns to a more specific discussion
of the use of arbitration as a settlement technique, including an overview of the
current status of efforts aimed at the codification of international arbitral rules.
Finally, this Article *** focus[es] on the dispute resolution provisions of the
1982 Law of the Sea Convention in an attempt to evaluate the role played by
arbitration in recent multilateral agreements.
Symposium-enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards. Virginia journal
of international law, v. 17, spring 1977: 359493.
Contents.Enforceability of settlements of foreign investment disputes, by P.
Gilbert.The challenge to the enforcement of socialist arbitral awards, by F.
Orban, III.Enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitral awards in West
Germany, by H. Bertram-Nothnagel.Enforcement of foreign judgments in the
United States, by R. von Mehren.The Common Market Convention on Juris-
diction and the Enforcement of Judgments: an interim update, by P. Herzog.
The proposed United States-United Kingdom convention on recognition and en-
forcement of judgments: a prototype for the future? By H. Smit.Foreign arbi-
tral awards and the 1958 New York convention: experience to date in the U.S.
courts, by P. Trooboff and C. Goldstein.
Lavalle, Roberto. Dispute settlement under the Vienna Convention of Succession of
States in Respect of Treaties. American journal of international law, v. 73, July
1979: 407425.
Provides a critical review of the provisions of part VI of the Convention
which, according to the author ‘‘suffers from certain technical shortcomings and
raises problems of interpretation.’’
Maloney, Matthew G. Succession of States in respect of treaties: the Vienna Conven-
tion of 1978. Virginia journal of international law, v. 19, summer 1979: 885
Explores ‘‘historical and practical background of the law of State succession,
describe[s] and analyze[s] the new Vienna Convention and consider[s] the appli-
cability of the Convention to future problems of State succession.’’
Rhinelander, John B. Bunn, George. Whos bound by the former Soviet Unions arms
control treaties? Arms control today, v. 21, Dec. 1991: 37.
‘‘As the Soviet government transforms or collapses, which of the resulting en-
tities will be bound by the treaties the Soviet Union entered into?’’
Rogge, O. John. State succession. New York law forum, v. 16, no. 2, 1970: 378391.
Examines the problem of the effect on U.S. extradition relations when a state
or territory covered by a such a treaty changes its form of government or be-
comes part of a nation other than that with which we have the formerly appli-
cable treaty.
Stewart, James B. The International Law Commission, 26th session. Draft Articles
on the Succession of States in respect of Treaties: the pragmatic development
of international law. Harvard international law journal, v. 16, summer 1975:
‘‘The Articles on the Succession of States in respect of Treaties are designed
to resolve disputes over treaty obligations concluded by a predecessor State
when a new State makes its appearance. They do not cover situations arising
from a change of governments within a State.’’
Succession of states in respect of bilateral treaties. [New York] United Nations,
1971. 103 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/CN.4/243/Add.1)
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
Succession of states in respect of bilateral treaties; studies prepared by the Secretar-
iat. [New York] United Nations, 1970. 63 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
Describes extradition treaties.
Succession of states in respect of treaties; report. [New York] United Nations, 1975.
26 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/10198)
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At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
Includes comments and observations of member states on the draft articles
on succession of states in respect of treaties.
Third report on succession in respect of treaties. Prepared by Sir Humphrey
Waldock. [New York] United Nations, 1970. 70 p.
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
Udokang, Okon. Succession of new states to international treaties. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1972. 525 p.
‘‘The international law of State succession must not be studied in isolation,
but rather in the wider context of international politics.’’
Partial contents.The concept and theory of State succession.Succession to
treaties in new States.Succession to multilaterial treaties.Succession to
membership in international institutions.Succession to ‘‘localized’’ or ‘‘disposi-
tive’’ treaties.Succession to bilateral treaties and economic concession.
The author includes an extensive bibliography of books, U.N. publications, ar-
ticles, and other sources.
Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect to Treaties; official docu-
ments. American journal of international law, v. 72, Oct. 1978: 971988.
C. I
U.S. L
American Law Institute. Restatement of the law, the foreign relations law of the
United States. Rev. and enl. St. Paul, Minn., American Law Institute Publish-
ers, 1987. 2 v. Restatement of the law, third, the foreign relations law of the
United States. ‘‘As adopted and promulgated by the American Law Institute at
Washington, D.C., May 14, 1986.’’
‘‘This volume is the American Law Institutes Official Draft of Restatement
Third, Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States.’’
Bradley, Curtis A. The treaty power and American federalism. Michigan law review,
v. 97, Nov. 1998: 390461.
Article ‘‘describes why the relationship between the treaty power and Amer-
ican federalism is particularly significant today, in light of recent changes in the
nature of treaty-making, as well as the recent federalism jurisprudence of the
Supreme Court.’’
The Constitution of the United States of America: analysis and interpretation; anno-
tations of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 29,
1992. Prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1992. (Document, Senate, 103d Congress, 1st Sess., no.
This edition includes annotations of U.S. Supreme Court decisions interpret-
ing the provisions of the Constitution through June 29, 1992. An index with
subheadings under terms such as treaties, war, executive agreements, powers,
and Congress provides access to specific topics. With 1996, 1998, and 2000 sup-
plements. Available on the Web:
Cowles, Willard Bunce. Treaties and constitutional law: property interferences and
due process of law. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1975. 315 p. Reprint of
the 1941 ed. published by American Council on Public Affairs, Washington.
‘‘Our first inquiry will be to ascertain whether or not it was the original in-
tention that the due process and just compensation clauses were to be para-
mount law in respect of the domestic, legal operation of treaties. Part One of
the study will deal with this. Thereafter (in Part Two) we shall develop the
legal and congressional thought and decisions where the courts or Congress
have had before them the question of the supremacy of those clauses in relation
to treaty stipulations. If, in some cases, the courts have held a treaty provision
to be binding upon them, we shall inquire whether they have regarded the
United States as, or have held it to be, duty bound under the Fifth Amendment
to assure the property owner of just compensation. Subsequent action of Con-
gress in such cases will be set forth.’’
Crandall, Samuel Benjamin. Treaties: their making and enforcement. 2d ed. Wash-
ington, J. Byrne and Co., 1916. 663 p.
Partial contents.Prior to the Articles of Confederation.Under the Articles
of Confederation.The Federal Convention.Discussion preceding the adoption
of the Constitution.The advice and consent of the Senate.Powers of the
President.Agreements reached by the executive without the advice and con-
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sent of the Senate.Agreements by the executive in virtue of acts of Con-
gress.Treaties involving an appropriation.
A table of cases precedes chapter 1, and a digest of decisions of American
courts construing treaties, arranged by countries and treaties, forms the first
The 1904 edition of this work was reprinted in 1968 by AMS Press, N.Y., as
part of the Columbia University Studies in Social Sciences series; no. 54.
Dalton, Robert E. International agreements in the revised restatement. Virginia
journal of international law, v. 25, fall 1984: 152168.
‘‘On April 1, 1980, the American Law Institute published Tentative Draft No.
1 of the Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of the United States (Revised)
(Revised Restatement). This Article addresses the provisions of the draft that
deal with international agreements. The reporters have made a significant con-
tribution, although several areas, especially concerning the interplay of execu-
tive, congressional, and customary authority, still raise important questions.’’
Dearborn, Charles H., III. The domestic legal effect of declarations that treaty provi-
sions are not self-executing. Texas law review, v. 57, Jan. 1979: 233251.
‘‘On February 23, 1978, President Carter transmitted four human rights trea-
ties to the Senate for its advice and consent. The President also recommended
a number of reservations, understandings, and declarations, ostensibly de-
signed to conform the treaties to United States law and thereby avoid constitu-
tional or other legal obstacles to *** ratification. The State Department and
the President also recommended that a declaration that certain provisions are
not self-executing accompany each treaty ***. This Note argues that the dec-
larations are of dubious validity, probably have no binding effect on United
States courts, and should not be used as aids in construing the treaties.’’
The Federalist. Edited with introduction and notes by Jacob E. Cooke. Middletown,
Conn., Wesleyan University Press [1961] 672 p.
Professor Arthur Bestor contends that ‘‘by general agreement the most signifi-
cant of the contemporaneous explanations of how the Constitution was intended
to work was the series of papers entitled The Federalist.’’ These essays were
written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay in 1788, in re-
sponse to objections made by New Yorkers to the Constitution which had been
proposed on September 17, 1787, at the Philadelphia Convention. The essays
defend the Constitution and explain its provisions. An index, with entries in-
cluding Congress of the United States, executive, foreign affairs, President, Sen-
ate, treaty power, and war, provides subject access to the essays.
Foundation for Study of Treaty Law. Treaty law manual. Washington, Foundation
for Study of Treaty Law [1954?] 61 p.
‘‘A determination of whether the American people should amend their con-
stitution to limit the treaty power of the Federal Government is a question of
balancing risks. Opponents of the proposal say that it might, in some now
unforseen future circumstances, prevent a President of the United States from
entering into a treaty or executive agreement vital to the public interest. They
urge that the President must necessarily have broad powers to fully serve the
‘‘The proponents of the amendment, on the other hand, say that granting
broad powers to the executive over the internal domestic affairs of the people
may ultimately result in the loss of our liberty. They recall that our forefathers
refused to adopt the present constitution until the Bill of Rights had been added
to protect individual liberties. The guarantees of individual liberty included in
that Bill of Rights may now, the proponents of the amendment urge, be taken
from the people by international treaty.’’
Haskell, Donald M. The Warsaw system and the U.S. Constitution revisited. Jour-
nal of air law and commerce, v. 39, autumn 1973: 483517.
‘‘The Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Interim Agreement provide effec-
tive limits on recovery for wrongful death in international flights. In this article
Mr. Donald M. Haskell argues for the validity of these international agreements
under the United States Constitution. His analysis included an examination of
the supremacy clause and the treaty-making power of the federal government,
the separation of powers and political question doctrines of judicial abstention,
and the application of due process and equal protection principles to claims aris-
ing from international air tragedies.’’
Hendry, James McLeod. Treaties and Federal constitutions. Westport, Conn., Green-
wood Press, 1975, 1955. 186 p. Reprint of the ed. published by Public Affairs
Press, Washington.
‘‘This study has two objectives. The first is to make an exhaustive analysis
of constitutional limitations of four Federal states [Canada, Australia, the
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United States, and Switzerland], compare their effect, and determine their real
and supposed validity restricting the participation of these states in inter-
national affairs. The second is to ascertain what scope there is for international
law to assist the states in better international collaboration by the development,
change or institution of international legal rules for international agreements.’’
Contents.The problem.Historical and constitutional considerations on the
treaty processes of Federal states.The treaty-making powers of Federal execu-
tives.Governmental participation in the treaty-making powers of Federal ex-
ecutive.Treaty performance and fundamental laws.Treaty performance and
the legislative powers of the component states.Constitutional limitations and
international law.Constitutional limitations and fundamental laws.
Henkin, Louis. Foreign affairs and the United States Constitution. Oxford,
Clarendon Press; New York, Oxford University Press, 1996. 582 p.
The author ‘‘attempts to illuminate the constitutional provisions that deal
with foreign relations and the special significance for foreign relations of other
constitutional clauses ***. This volume is an essay in law, not in legal history,
and it concentrates on where we are going, rather than on where we were or
even how we got here.’’ Henkin examines ‘‘insufficiencies in the constitutional
blueprint,’’ the distribution of Federal political power in foreign affairs, and the
constitutional law governing international agreements and cooperation. He re-
views use of the treaty power to promote international human rights.’’
———. The treaty makers and the law makers: the Niagara Reservation. Columbia
law review, v. 56, Dec. 1956: 11511182.
Henkin reviews the background and provisions of the 1950 Treaty with Can-
ada Concerning Uses of the Waters of the Niagara River. He examines the Sen-
ate reservation in its resolution of August 9, 1950, that ‘‘The United States on
its part expressly reserves the right to provide by Act of Congress for redevelop-
ment, for the public use and benefit, of the United States share of the Niagara
River made available by the provisions of the Treaty, and no project for redevel-
opment of the United States share of such waters shall be undertaken until it
is specifically authorized by Act of Congress.’’ Henkin explores the reasons moti-
vating that reservation, as revealed in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Report (S. Exec. Rept. 11, 86th Cong., 2d Sess., 1950). He also considers devel-
opments subsequent to the treaty, from 1950 to 1956.
Henkin critiques assumptions underlying the New York Power Authoritys
claim that the reservation does not fall within the treaty power of the Constitu-
tion. He considers the contractual natures of the reservation and examines leg-
islative aspects of the treaty in relation to the legislative power of Congress.
Henkin contends that Article VI of the Constitution ‘‘establishes that the
power includes an important power to legislate domestically within a limited
area’’ including ‘‘The power to enact provisions in or relating to a treaty like
the provision in the Niagara reservation.’’ He reviews reservations to earlier
treaties which might serve as precedents and examines other grounds for ques-
tioning the claim that the reservation is invalid. He argues: ‘‘Even if the provi-
sion contains no element of international obligation, it is a provision like one
in other United States treaties which relates to the subject and purposes of the
treaty and to its implementation. The provision is another instance of the exer-
cise of an accepted power of the President and Senate to invite Congressional
cooperation in the treaty function ***. This was a recognition, yet another time
in our history, that the legislative power of Congress intersects and supple-
ments the treaty powers and that a specific instance may call for cooperation
between these powers rather than isolated operation of each.’’
Institute on the Law of Treaties and the State-Federal Relationship, University of
Missouri, 1969. Proceedings. Edited by Frederick W. Hess. [Kansas City] Uni-
versity of Missouri-Kansas City [1970] 74 p. Sponsored by the Law Center of
the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and the American Society of Inter-
national Law. Held June 6, 1969.
‘‘That the subject matter of international agreements has grown over the last
150 years into areas previously not amenable to treaty regulation is obvious to
anyone studying cultural, commercial, administrative and scientific topics which
have been thus regulated in recent decades. The question may arise: What fac-
tors bring about this development, what are its limitations, and to what extent
has international regulation made inroads into areas once reserved to domestic
The second aspect of the treaty problem affects the United States. Here, faced
with our constitutional framework, we may ask ourselves to what extent our no-
tions of the Federal treaty power have remained in harmony with those of other
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countries, and whether international agreements may today settle matters once
thought to be exclusively in the constitutional province of the states ***.
‘‘In examining the issue, prominent consideration was given to the United Na-
tions Convention on the Law of Treaties.’’
Jefferson, Thomas. ‘‘Sec. LIITreaties,’’ of Jeffersons manual of parliamentary
practice. In U.S. Congress. House. Constitution, Jeffersons manual and rules of
the House of Representatives of the United States, One Hundred Sixth Con-
gress. Compiled by Charles W. Johnson, Parliamentarian. Washington, U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1999. pp. 300303. (105th Cong., 2d Sess. House.
Document no. 105358)
Kearney, Richard D. Internal limitations on external commitments.Article 46 of
the Treaties Convention. International lawyer, v. 4, Oct. 1969: 121.
Richard Kearney discusses Article 46 of the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties. The article deals with ‘‘the conflict between constitutional limita-
tions upon the authority to commit the state internationally and the necessity
of international reliance upon apparent authority to commit the State inter-
Kuchenbecker, David J. Agency-level executive agreements: a new era in U.S. treaty
practice. Columbia journal of transnational law, v. 18, no. 1, 1979: 177.
‘‘This Article examines in detail the employment of agency-level executive
agreements as an instrument of U.S. treaty practice. It focuses not only on the
legal instrument itself but upon what its use reflects about the changes within
the government as virtually every nondiplomatic agency enters into inter-
national agreements on behalf of the United States ***. Examines the legal au-
thority for, and consequences of, the agency-level device, noting the similarities
and contrasts with executive agreements generally and the recent developments
in U.S. treaty practice that have affected its negotiation ***. Provides a brief
description of the State Departments current relationship with other executive
branch agencies regarding the negotiation process ***. Assesses the current
state of the agencies agreement practice, identifying the strengths and weak-
nesses thereof, examples of intra-agency disputes involving the State Depart-
ment, and congressional action, in the form of newly enacted legislation, to rem-
edy some of the weaknesses.’’
Law of Treaties. In Research in international law; under the auspices of the faculty
of Harvard Law School. Supplement (to the) American journal of international
law, v. 29, 1935. pp. 6551240.
‘‘Drafts of conventions prepared for the codification of international law.’’
‘‘Part III [law of treaties] with Index bound in this volume.’’ Pagination for vol-
ume begins with p. 655.
Meron, Theodor. Article 46 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (ultra
vires treaties): some recent cases. British year book of international law, v. 49,
1978: 175199.
‘‘Article 46 of the Vienna Convention was invoked in the Senate of the United
States with regard to the Sinai II Agreements of 1975 and with regard to the
Panama Canal Treaties of 1972. In both cases, it was in the legislative branch
rather than in the executive branch, that it was argued that constitutional pro-
visions regarding competence to conclude treaties were violated and that certain
agreements were ultra vires under such constitutional provisions.’’
Paust, Jordan J. Self-executing treaties. American journal of international law, v.
82, Oct. 1988: 760783.
‘‘The distinction found in certain cases between self-executing and non-self-
executing treaties is a judicially invented notion ***. When did the judicially
created distinction first occur? How has it actually been used in the Supreme
Courts history? Should the distinction be retained?’’
Tolley, Howard B. The domestic applicability of international treaties in the United
States. Lawyer of the Americas, v. 15, spring 1983: 7188.
‘‘Following over a century of precedent, United States courts refused to en-
force the provisions of treaties which conflict with later Congressional acts.
Case law and commentary uniformly support the last-in-line doctrine virtually
without exception. This paper examines the origin, evolution and application of
the last-in-line rule. After identifying points of agreement with prevailing au-
thority, the text affirms a principle of treaty priority which challenges five key
elements of the last-in-line rule.’’
U.S. Constitutional Convention, 1787. The debates in the Federal Convention of
1787, which framed the Constitution of the United States of America. Reported
by James Madison. International ed., Gaillard Hunt and James Brown Scott,
editors. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press [1970] 731 p.
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The treaty ratification process is discussed on pp. 532534. An extremely de-
tailed index, with House and Senate listed under Legislative and the President
listed under Executive, provides access to coverage of other issues.
U.S. ratification of the human rights treaties with or without reservations? Edited
for the International Human Rights Law Group by Richard B. Lillich. Char-
lottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1981. 203 p.
U.S. ratification of the international covenants on human rights. Edited by Hurst
Hannum and Dana D. Fischer. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y., Transnational Publi-
cations, 1993. 343 p.
At head of title: The American Society of International Law.
Weinfeld, Abraham C. What did the framers of the Federal Constitution mean by
‘‘agreements or compacts?’’ University of Chicago law review, v. 3, Apr., 1936:
In this comment, Weinfeld examines the Articles of Confederation, the drafts
that preceded them, and the Federal Convention of 1787 to determine the dif-
ference between a ‘‘treaty’’ and an ‘‘agreement or compact,’’ since ‘‘a state, may
not enter into a treaty but it may enter into an agreement or compact with con-
sent of Congress.’’
Weinfeld contends that the words ‘‘agreements’’ or ‘‘compacts,’’ in contrast to
‘‘treaties,’’ were used as technical terms and carried a definite meaning. He ex-
amines the literature on international law known in this country in 1787 to de-
termine that meaning. Weinfeld concludes: ‘‘To summarize agreements or com-
pacts as intended by the framers of the Constitution included 1) settlements
of boundary lines with attending cession or exchange of strips of land, 2) regula-
tion of matters connected with boundaries as for instance regulation of jurisdic-
tion of offenses committed on boundary waters of fisheries or of navigation.’’
Whiteman, Marjorie M. Treaties and other international agreements. In The Digest
of international law. Vol. 14. Washington, Department of State, U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office, 1970. pp. 1510.
The Assistant Legal Adviser of the Department of State reviews the making
and enforcement of treaties and international agreements. She quotes from and
cites published and unpublished documents issued by the International Law
Commission, U.S. Presidents, and the U.S. Department of State. She also cites
the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties, the U.S. Constitution, and con-
gressional documents and debates.
Contents.Meaning of terms.Capacity to make.Negotiation and conclu-
sion.Ratification.Adherence or accession.Acceptance or approval.Proce-
dure after ratification.Reservations.Executive agreements.Validity.En-
forcement.Interpretation.Termination or suspension.
Wildhaber, Luzius. Treaty-making power and constitution: an international and
comparative study. Basel, Stuttgart, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1971. 412 p.
‘‘This book presents a comparative study of the treaty-making power in a se-
ries of countries. The first part describes and evaluates the distribution of pow-
ers between legislative, executive, courts and populace with respect to the
agreement-making process. The second part deals with the distribution of pow-
ers between the federal government and the member units in federal states.
The third part inquiries into the limitations upon the treaty-making power
which results from constitutional prohibitions, particularly into judicial review
of treaties and the feasibility of transferring state competencies to international
organizations ***.’’
‘‘I shall discuss the interplay between legislature and executive with respect
to international agreements in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, the United
States, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Federal Republic of Germany,
Australia, and Switzerland.’’
Wright, Quincy. The control of American foreign relations. New York, Macmillan,
1922. 412 p.
‘‘This essay seeks to draw particular attention to a difficulty in the control
of foreign relations found in every government, but especially in a government
with powers defined in a judicially enforced written constitution. This is the dif-
ficulty which arises from the fact that the organs conducting foreign relations.
have their responsibilities defined by international law, which their powers are
defined by constitutional law. Since the sources of these two bodies of law are
different, a lack of coordination between the powers and the responsibilities of
these organs is to be expected. To avoid confusion the writer has considered the
subject from the international point of view and from the [U.S.] constitutional
point of view in separate parts of the book.’’
———. Treaties and the constitutional separation of powers in the United States.
American journal of international law, v. 12, Jan. 1915: 6495.
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Wright examines the treaty power in relation to legislative and juridical pow-
ers. He concludes: ‘‘It appears that the principle of separation of powers imposes
no limitation upon the treaty-making power. If the subject is appropriate for
treaty negotiation, consonant with the purposes of the Constitution, and in vio-
lation of none of its specific prohibitions, the treaty, if ratified, is valid, and all
other departments of governmentthe legislative, executive and judiciaryare
bound by their allegiance to the Constitution to perform the acts necessary to
give it effect. Considering the practical working of the government, this capacity
of the treaty power to impose obligations upon the other independent depart-
ments is not remarkable. Practically every valid act of one department does the
same ***.
‘‘Where the cooperation of another department is required it would always be
appropriate for the treaty power itself to consider the opinion of the depart-
ments concerned, especially if the prerogatives of Congress are involved, before
ratifying the treaty, but such action would seem to be dictated by courtesy or
expediency rather than legal necessity.’’
Berger, Raoul. The presidential monopoly of foreign relations. Michigan law review,
v. 71, Nov. 1972: 158.
Berger discusses ‘‘presidential executive agreements, and whether the Senate
may be excluded from knowledge of, and participation in, negotiations with for-
eign nations as a part of the treaty-making process.’’
Bestor, Arthur. Respective roles of Senate and President in the making and abroga-
tion of treatiesthe original intent of the framers of the Constitution histori-
cally examined. Washington law review, v. 55, no. 1, 19791980: 4135.
This study ‘‘seeks to determine the original intent of the framers of the Amer-
ican Constitution as evidenced by the documents dating from the period during
which the Constitution and its predecessor, the Articles of Confederation, were
drawn up and adoptedroughly the period from 1776 through 1789.’’
Biden, Joseph R., Jr. Ritch, John B., III. The Treaty power: upholding a constitu-
tional partnership. University of Pennsylvania law review, v. 137, May 1989:
A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Deputy Staff
Director of the same committee ‘‘recount significant events leading to the Sen-
ates repudiation or the Sofaer Doctrine and offers a rationale for the necessity
of the Senates action.’’
Borchard, Edwin. Shall the executive agreement replace the treaty? Yale law jour-
nal, v. 53, Sept. 1944: 664683.
Examines the basis of proposals to substitute executive agreements for trea-
ties, reviews historical distinctions between treaties and agreements, and de-
scribes types of executive agreements. Contends that ‘‘in the few instances
where the President has used his power to make executive agreements in a field
important enough to warrant a treaty *** explanation can be found in the ap-
parent Senate acquiescence in the particular assumption of executive power.’’
Reviews objections to the use of executive agreements as a substitute for trea-
ties, contending that it is an evasion of the Constitution, and that executive
agreements are of limited utility because their durability is precarious. Consid-
ers the impact of Supreme Court opinions on executive agreements. Concludes
‘‘Proponents of a constitutional amendment do not take into account the new
troubles they would encounter if the President did not belong to the same party
as the majority of one or both of the two Houses. They also fail to realize that
it might be easier to get a two-thirds vote of approval in the Senate, if a given
treaty warrants support, than a majority in a hostile House or Senate, for the
nature of the proposed change is such that it might make the congressional
veto more political than it has been in the past.’’
Briggs, Herbert, W. The Leaders agreement at Yalta. American journal of inter-
national law. v. 40, Apr. 1946: 376383.
In this commentary, Briggs contends: ‘‘There are sufficient precedents to jus-
tify the conclusion that the President has the Constitutional competence to con-
clude internationally binding military agreements without the advice and con-
sent of the Senate ***. At the same time, the price exacted by Marshal Stalin
made the agreement much more than a military agreement. Its provisions that
the claims of the Soviet Union should be unquestionably fulfilled after Japan
has been defeated refer to the transfer of Japanese territory and the shackling
of Chinese territory and contain commitments of such uncertain meaning and
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doubtful duration as to raise serious doubts as to the Presidents constitutional
competence to commit the United States by executive agreement.
‘‘There is no reason *** why all executive agreements should be regarded as
of equal validity; more especially there is no reason in lawnational or inter-
nationalwhy a succeeding administration should not treat an executive agree-
ment made outside his competence by a preceding Executive as merely his per-
sonal pledge never binding under international law in the United States.’’
Buechler, Gary Michael. Constitutional limits on the Presidents power to interpret
treaties, the Sofaer Doctrine, the Biden Condition, and the Doctrine of Binding
Authoritative Representations. Georgetown law journal, v. 78, Aug. 1990: 1983
‘‘This note argues that neither the Biden Condition on or the Sofaer Doctrine
[which attempt to define the scope of the Presidents authority to interpret trea-
ties within the constitutional allocation of the treaty-making power] strikes the
proper constitutional balance of treaty-making power between the Executive
and the Senate. It proposes a new formulation, the Doctrine of Binding Authori-
tative Representations (DBAR), to govern the use of implicit conditions binding
the Executive to its representations and thus restricting its power to interpret
Byrd, Elbert M., Jr. Treaties and executive agreements in the United States: their
separate roles and limitations. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1960. 276 p.
Byrd examines the roles and limitations of treaties and executive agreements,
drawing upon the Constitution, the intentions of the framers of the Constitu-
tion, Supreme Court opinions, and the use of international agreements by the
U.S. throughout its history. He considers executive agreements necessary for
the national security of the United States ‘‘in a dangerous world, in which con-
ditions are subject to swift change,’’ and contends that treaties should only be
used for agreements which affect the powers reserved for the States.
Byrd, Robert C. Treaties. In his The Senate, 17891989: addresses on the history
of the United States Senate. Vol. 2. Bicentennial ed. Edited by Wendy Wolff.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991. (Document, Senate, 100th
Cong., 1st Sess., no. 10020) (Senate Bicentennial publication) pp. 123. Origi-
nally delivered in the Senate on Apr. 10 and Apr. 29, 1987, and updated June
Cohen, Richard. Self-executing executive agreements: a separation of powers prob-
lem. Buffalo law review, v. 24, fall 1974: 137158.
In this comment, the author argues that ‘‘as a matter of domestic law, the
President may make international agreements other than treaties.’’ He evalu-
ates ‘‘the various approaches which have been used to ascertain the origin and
nature of the qualifications limiting presidential power to make self-executing
executive agreements.’’
Colegrove, Kenneth Wallace. The American Senate and world peace. New York,
Vanguard Press [1944] 209 p.
The author contends that the U.S. treatymaking process is inadequate and
undemocratic. He draws on examples of Senate involvement in the treaty-mak-
ing process, especially the defeat of the Covenant of the League of Nations in
the Senate. Colegrove also describes instances in which the President has relied
upon executive agreements, rather than treaties. He suggests that abolition of
the two-thirds rule and of the Senate monopoly in ratification of treaties would
lead to greater cooperation between the Congress and the President regarding
foreign policy, and he discusses the problem of constitutional reform of the
treatymaking process. Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Making foreign policy.
Washington, Congressional Quarterly, 1988. 119 p.
Contents.Making foreign policy.National Security Council.Treaty ratifi-
cation.Defending Europe.Euromissile negotiations.The military build-
down in the 1990s.Persian Gulf oil.Dollar diplomacy. Reports originally ap-
peared in Editorial research reports.
Damrosch, Lori Fisler. The role of the United States Senate concerning self-
executing and non-self-executing treaties. Chicago-Kent law review, no. 3, v.
67, 1991: 515532.
Examines ‘‘the usage of non-self-executing declarations in recent U.S. prac-
tice, with examples drawn from human rights treaties and economic agreements
***. Considers and criticizes the several rationales that might be proffered in
justification of the use of non-self-executing declarations, and contends the de-
vice should be confined to the limited class of cases when the House of Rep-
resentatives is expected to become actively engaged in implementing the trea-
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Dangerfield, Royden J. In defense of the Senate: a study in treaty-making. Norman,
University of Oklahoma, 1933. 365 p.
The author ‘‘attempts a systematic analysis of the effect of the Senates par-
ticipation in the ratification of treaties. An effort is made to measure quan-
titatively the effect of the Senates actions in dealing with 832 treaties, includ-
ing all treaties signed on behalf of the United States during the period from
February 6, 1778 to February 6, 1928.’’ ‘‘The factors influencing Senate action
are isolated for more detailed study by the application of the statistical method.
The effects of the present organizations and institutions are weighed. The inter-
play of personalities is placed in the setting of legislative-executive conflict.’’
Executive-congressional relations and the treaty ratification process; conference re-
port, Jan. 1719, 1991. Washington, Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars, the Henry L. Stimson Center, 1991. 20 p.
Partial contents.Case studies of successful treaty ratification efforts.Case
studies of failed treaty ratification efforts.Legal and constitutional issues.
The joint chiefs and ratification.Executive-congressional relations.
Fitzgerald, Peter L. Executive agreements and the intent behind the treaty power.
Hastings constitutional law quarterly, v. 2, summer 1975: 757771.
This note examines ‘‘the use of executive agreements in United States foreign
policy, as a means of concluding international compacts ***. The author exam-
ines the effect this trend has on the formal treaty process and the balance of
power between the executive and legislative branches.’’
Fleming, Denna Frank. The treaty veto of the American Senate. New York, G.P.
Putnams Sons, 1930. 325 p.
Fleming contends that ‘‘the failure of treaties for the advancement of peace
in the administration of every President since Benjamin Harrison left office, in
1893, creates a situation which calls for study and appraisal.’’
Contents.The origins of the Senates power over treaties.The relation of
the Senate to the negotiation of treaties.The Senates assertion of a right to
amend treaties.Treaties rejected by the Senate.The action of the Senate on
arbitration treaties.The earlier treaties of peace in the Senate [from the Jay
Treaty of 1794 through the Treaty of Paris of 1898].The struggle over the
League of Nations.The Senate reservations to the Treaty of Versailles.The
attempt to enter the Permanent Court of International Justice.The results of
the World Court reservations.Interpretations of the Paris Peace Pact.Some
conclusions on the legislative control of treaties.
Forkosch, Morris D. The United States Constitution and international relations:
some powers and limitations explored. California Western international law
journal, v. 5, winter 1975: 219270.
This article analyzes the way in which the foreign relations of the United
States may be subject to the restrictions imposed by some constitutional
clauses. Concludes that constitutional powers and limitations in foreign rela-
tions abound ‘‘but there is no definitive understanding of their meaning. The
executive and judicial interpretations have conflicted, the legislative conflict
with the executive over power and jurisdiction has flourished, and there comes
through a hopeless feeling that no concrete resolution will ever occur.’’
Friedlander, Robert A. Should the U.S. Constitutions treaty-making power be used
as the basis for enactment of domestic legislation? Implications of the Senate
approved genocide convention. Case Western Reserve journal of international
law, v. 18, spring 1986: 267282.
Fryer, Keith E. Levengood, J. Michael. Arms control: SALT IIexecutive agreement
or treaty? Georgia journal of international & comparative law, v. 9, winter 1979:
The article examines the question of ‘‘whether there exist constitutional as
well as political restraints upon executive discretion to classify agreements.’’
Furlong, William L. Scranton, Margaret E. The dynamics of foreign policymaking:
the President, the Congress, and the Panama Canal treaties. Boulder, CO,
Westview Press, 1984. 263 p.
Contents.Introduction and analysis.From conception and construction to
the new treaties.Why change Panama Canal policy?Assessing executive im-
pact: Presidents, their administrations, and the treaties.Congress and the
treaties.Implementation legislation and impacts.Explanations, costs, and
Garrett, Stephen A. Foreign policy and the American Constitution; the Bricker
Amendment in contemporary perspective. International studies quarterly, v. 16,
June 1972: 187220.
Garrett relates the controversy in 1954 over the Bricker amendment, which
sought to establish congressional control over treaties and executive agree-
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ments, to the senatorial campaign for greater influence over U.S. policy in Viet-
nam during the late 1960s and early 1970s. He examines the general problem
of executive-congressional conflict regarding foreign policy and the roles Con-
gress can and should have in foreign policy decisionmaking.
Gilbert, Amy M. Executive agreements and treaties, 19461973; framework of the
foreign policy of the period. Endicott, N.Y., Thomas-Newell, 1973. 213 p.
The author reviews the types of executive agreements and traces ‘‘the chan-
neling of foreign affairs through international agreements.’’ since World War II.
Chapter 6 covers the assessment of international agreements by the Bricker
movement in the 1950s, and principal versions of the Bricker amendment are
reprinted in Appendix A.
Glennon, Michael J. Constitutional diplomacy. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University
Press, 1990. 353 p.
———. The Senate role in treaty ratification. American journal of international law,
v. 77, Apr. 1983: 257280.
‘‘A nation with more than one governmental hand at the foreign policy helm
can incur costs in credibility. The hand that signs is not the hand that delivers;
what looks like a good bargain to diplomats at the negotiating table may look
altogether different to legislatures in the cold light of constituents mail. The
domestic value of pluralistic governmental decisionmaking thus competes with
the international value of reciprocal expectations. The tension between these
values is particularly evident in the making of the foreign policy of the United
States ***. Generated principally by Watergate and Vietnam, the reassertion
by Congress of its foreign policy prerogatives has raised new questions concern-
ing the respective scope of legislative and executive powers in the making of
international agreements. This article analyzes several newly arisen issues that
reflect the heightened value tension described above, and it suggests resolu-
tions consistent with the vindication of both values.’’
Hardwick, Deborah Godich. The Iranian Hostage Agreement cases: the evolving
Presidential claims settlement power. Southwestern law journal, v. 35, Feb.
1982: 10551077.
‘‘This Comment traces the Presidents role in international affairs and the
Presidential power to enter into executive agreements from the earliest days of
the nation to the present. Particular emphasis is placed on the evolution of the
Presidents power to settle claims of United States citizens by executive agree-
ment. In addition, this Comment examines several recent cases arising out of
the Iranian Hostage Agreement, and the impact of Dames & Moore v. Regan,
the Supreme Courts initial response to the Iranian Hostage Agreement.’’
Hayden, Joseph Ralston. The Senate and treaties, 17891817; the development of
the treaty-making functions of the United States Senate during their formative
period. New York, Da Capo Press, 1970 [ 1920] 237 p.
The author surveys the treatymaking functions of the Senate from 1789
through 1817 in an attempt ‘‘to discover the conception of the place of the Sen-
ate in treaty-making then held by the various departments of the government,
to trace the development of the procedure of the Senate in the transaction of
treaty business, to ascertain the relations between the Senate and the executive
in this field, and to investigate the effect of the position of the Senate in our
constitutional system upon the relations between the United States and other
Henkin, Louis. Foreign affairs and the Constitution. Foreign affairs, v. 66, winter
198788: 284310.
‘‘After 200 years the difficult constitutional issues of foreign affairs arise from
the so-called separation of powers and the various checks and balances between
Congress and the president ***. The constitutional blueprint has proved to be
unclear and incomplete as regards foreign affairs, and there is no agreed guid-
ing principle to help make its provisions clear, or to fill the lacunae. National
experience has provided some answers, but Congress and president continue to
tug for more of the foreign policy blanket.’’
Holt, William Stull. Treaties defeated by the Senate; a study of the struggle between
President and Senate over the conduct of foreign relations, Gloucester, Mass.,
P. Smith, 1964 [ 1933] 328 p.
Holt examines ‘‘the circumstances attending the defeat of every treaty [from
1789 to 1920] that failed of completion through the action of the Senate, in the
hope of ascertaining which were lost either because of domestic politics or be-
cause of the const between President and Senate.’’
Hyman, Sharon G. Executive agreements: beyond constitutional limits? Hofstra law
review, v. 11, winter 1983: 805844.
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‘‘This note analyzes the international agreement-making powers of the Presi-
dent by examining the various categories of international agreements, the
claimed authority for each, and the problems associated with each type of agree-
ment. Relevant court decisions dealing with the parameters of presidential pow-
ers in foreign affairs are discussed and controversial agreements and the result-
ing tension between Congress and the Executive are examined. The difficult
issue of executive discretion in choosing the particular mode of agreement is ex-
plored, as are congressional attempts to exert control over the Executive in this
area. Finally, the need for a system of greater consultation between the legisla-
tive and executive branches is discussed and a concluding proposal is sug-
Jackson, John H. Status of treaties in domestic legal systems: a policy analysis.
American journal of international law, v. 86, Apr. 1992: 310340.
‘‘This article explores some of the policy considerations relating to the effect
of an international treaty in domestic law.’’
Johnson, Loch K. The making of international agreements: Congress confronts the
executive. New York, New York University Press, 1984. 206 p.
This work explores the ‘‘disagreements among policymakers and scholars con-
cerning the proper executive-legislative balance in the making of international
agreements.’’ Chapter one of this book discusses the procedures of agreement-
making. Chapter two examines the targets of American overseas commitments.
Agreement-making within the area of military policy is examined in chapter
three. Chapters four and five examine the operations of the Congress. Chapter
six summarized the theme of the volume, that foreign policy should be con-
ducted on the basis of a partnership between the executive and legislative
branches, and outlines some *** prescriptions toward this end with respect of
Johnson, Loch. McCormick, James M. The democratic control of international com-
mitments. Presidential studies quarterly, v. 8, summer 1978: 275283.
‘‘This paper assesses the extent to which democratic controls have operated
in the making of American commitments abroad in the postwar period. First,
we survey the volume and content of agreements made by the United States
from 1946 to 1972. Secondly, we analyze the form that these agreements have
takentreaty, statutory agreement and executive agreement. While the prepon-
derance of agreements have taken forms involving both the Congress and the
Executive, *** a small, but significant, group of commitments have not.’’
Kaufman, Natalie Hevener. Whiteman, David. Opposition to human rights treaties
in the United States Senate: the legacy of the Bricker Amendment. Human
rights quarterly, v. 10, Aug. 1988: 309227.
‘‘Thirty years after the defeat of the Bricker Amendment, the covenants and
most other major human rights treaties have yet to receive Senate approval.
During the same period, these covenants have been ratified by eighty-five other
nations, including fifteen Western democracies. The question which deserves
our attention is why the United States has not ratified these treaties as well.’’
Koh, Harold Hongju. The President versus the Senate in treaty interpretation:
whats all the fuss about? Yale journal of international law, v. 15, summer 1990:
‘‘Article II of the Constitution mandates that the Senate and President act as
partners in the treaty process, with each institution fulfilling a constitutional
role ***. Even when particular issues prove contentious, as recently occurred
during the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) ***. the two branches simply need one
another too much to allow political stalemate and acrimony to persist indefi-
Koplow, David A. When is an amendment not an amendment?: modification of arms
control agreements without the Senate. University of Chicago law review, v. 59,
summer 1992: 9811072.
‘‘Several recent international agreements limiting nuclear or other advanced
weaponry purport to authorize the parties to modify some of their negotiated
terms through informal mechanisms other than the traditional treaty amend-
ment, thereby cutting the United States Congress out of the revision process
***. This Article dissects the legal and policy issues raised by this proposed av-
enue for creating new treaty terms. It offers a critique of the practice and some
recommendations for constraining the danger before a constitutional crisis fully
Kuchenbecker, David J. Agency-level executive agreements: a new era in U.S. treaty
practice. Columbia journal of transnational law, v. 18, no. 1, 1979: 177.
‘‘This article examines in detail the employment of agency-level executive
agreements as an instrument of U.S. treaty practice ***. Section 3 assesses the
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current state of the agencies agreement practice, identifying the strengths and
weaknesses thereof, examples of intra-agency disputes involving the State De-
partment, and congressional action, in the form of newly enacted legislation, to
remedy some of the weaknesses.’’ The ‘‘weaknesses’’ include lack of cooperation
by agencies with the State Department in meeting the requirements of the Case
Act, that executive agreements be transmitted to Congress within 60 days of
their execution.
Leary, Margaret A. International executive agreements: a guide to the legal issues
and research sources. Law library journal, v. 72, winter 1979: 111.
‘‘This article outlines the legal issues, both current and historical, raised by
the use of executive agreements in international matters and cites the most use-
ful sources for further research.’’
Lippa, Alison V. The legality, efficacy, and future use of international executive
agreements: an analysis of agreements in criminal matters. American criminal
law review, v. 29, summer 1992: 13011348.
‘‘The first half of the [comment] discusses the general constitutional back-
ground of executive agreements and focuses on their impact on the separation
of powers doctrine. The second half of the [comment] deals more specifically
with sole executive agreements which facilitate the exchange of information be-
tween nations in investigations of criminal matters. The [comment] con-
centrates on case-specific and issue-specific agreements and analyzes the utility
of such agreements in light of alternative ways of obtaining mutual assistance
for the sharing and transferring of information and evidence in criminal inves-
tigations and prosecutions.’’
Loeb, Benjamin S. Amend the Constitutions treaty clause. Bulletin of the atomic
scientists, v. 43, Oct. 1987: 3841.
‘‘The Constitutions two-hundredth anniversary presents an ideal occasion,
says the author, to reexamine the outmoded requirement that treaties be rati-
fied by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.’’
Majak, R. Roger. International agreements, an analysis of executive regulations and
practices. Prepared for the use of Committee on Foreign Relations, United
States Senate by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress,
19741975. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. 73 p.
This ‘‘study attempts to describe the procedures and practices by which inter-
national agreements are formulated and entered into by the United States, and
to assess those procedures and practices in terms of possible improvements in
congressional oversight and involvement.’’ The study is based on primary docu-
ments and interviews with officials involved in making international agree-
ments on behalf of the United States. A chart, consisting of 22 folded leaves,
is included in the pocket. It compares successive State Department procedures
regarding treaties and international agreements of the U.S. under the Original
Circular 25 of May 15, 1953; Circular 175 of December 13, 1955; Circular 175
of June 6, 1969; proposed revision of Circular 175 of August 15, 1973; and the
final revised Circular 175 of October 25, 1974. ‘‘96th Congress, 1st session.
Committee print.’’
Mathews, Craig. The constitutional power of the President to conclude international
agreements. Yale law journal, v. 64, Jan. 1955: 345389.
Examines the scope of the Presidents power to conclude international agree-
ments when he acts without the authorization of Congress or the Senate. Also
considers to what extent Congress can constitutionally limit the President in
the exercise of this power.
McClure, Wallace M. International executive agreements; democratic procedure
under the Constitution of the United States. New York, Columbia University
Press, 1941. 449 p.
McClure surveys the use of executive agreements and treaties, contends that
treaties and executive agreements have been used interchangeably in the past,
and examines the constitutional powers of the President and Congress regard-
ing international agreements. He argues that to require assent of two-thirds of
the Senate for treaty ratification is to promote a form of minority rule. McClure
contends: ‘‘There is nothing that can be done by treaty that cannot be done by
Congressconfirmed executive agreement, which, viewed as an instrument of
national policy, is simply a democratic treatya treaty enacted through demo-
cratic processes.’’
McDougal, Myres S. Lans, Asher. Treaties and congressional-executive or Presi-
dential agreements: interchangeable instruments of national policy. Yale law
journal, v. 54, Mar. 1945: 181351; June 1945: 534615.
The authors refute the suggestions that executive agreements must be con-
fined to unimportant matters, in light of the broad constitutional powers of the
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Congress and the President. They describe how congressional-executive and
Presidential agreements have become interchangeable with treaties in U.S. dip-
lomatic practice. McDougal and Lans compare the legal consequences which
courts and other governmental officials attach to congressional-executive and
presidential agreements and treaties, contending that there are no important
differences. They examine the reasons ‘‘that are alleged to have motivated the
original adoption of the treaty-making procedure,’’ appraise their contemporary
relevance and consider how congressional-executive and Presidential agree-
ments may be used to meet urgent problems in the post-war world ‘‘if the mi-
nority controlled treaty making procedure should for any reason become inad-
equate to meet the responsibilities of that world.’’ Edwin Borchard, in Treaties
and Executive AgreementsA Reply, which immediately follows the second
part of the McDougal-Lans article (pp. 616664), contends that there are signifi-
cant differences between treaties and executive agreements. He critiques the
proposals by McDougal and Lans for using congressional-executive agreements
in place of treaties.
Merin, Kenneth D. The treaty power and congressional power in conflict: cession of
United States property in the Canal Zone to Panama. Seton Hall law review,
v. 8, no. 3, 1977: 434459.
‘‘After discussing the status of American sovereignty in the Canal Zone, as
well as the general scope of the treaty power, this Article *** examine[s] the
grounds on which the Executive branch has based its claim to concurrent power
over the disposal of United States territory and property.’’
Michelson, Melissa R. Explorations in public opinionpresidential power linkages:
congressional action on unpopular foreign agreements. Political communication,
v. 15, Jan./Mar. 1998: 6382.
‘‘This article explores the effect of public opinion on congressional action on
foreign agreements, focusing on the Panama Canal treaties of 1977 and the
North American Free Trade Agreement of 1993. The two agreements are highly
suited to comparison, and provide an excellent test of how shifts in public opin-
ion influence shifts in congressional support. Two types of opinion are included:
(1) the general rating of the Presidents job performance, and (2) opinion on the
foreign agreement being debated in Congress.’’
Murphy, John F. Treaties and international agreements other than treaties: con-
stitutional allocation of power and responsibility among the President, the
House of Representatives, and the Senate. Kansas law review, v. 23, winter
1975: 221248.
This ‘‘Article examines such issues as the scope of the Presidents independent
authority to conclude international agreements, the authority of the President
and Congress to combine their powers and conclude so-called congressional-ex-
ecutive agreements in place of treaties and the extent to which such agreements
are interchangeable with treaties in domestic and international legal effect, and
past and present efforts to resolve these problems in the form of legislation and
other, more informal procedures. Finally, the Article attempts an appraisal, in
light of constitutional law and policy, of the present international agreement-
making roles of the President and the two Houses of Congress, and sets forth
proposals for possible reforms in this areas.’’
Ohly, D. Christopher. Advice and consent: international executive claims settlement
agreements. California Western international law journal, v. 5, winter 1975:
In this article, Ohly considers the constitutional power of Congress to check
the Presidential use of executive agreements in settling international claims by
nationals of the United States against foreign governments.
Paige, Joseph. The law nobody knows: enlargement of the Constitutiontreaties
and executive agreements. New York, Vantage Press, 1977. 209 p.
Partial contents.The constitutional authority for treaty making.The sta-
tus of treaty-implementing acts.Ratification by joint resolution.Executive
agreements.Judicial development of treaty law.Suggestions, plans and opin-
Pan, Stephen C. Legal aspects of the Yalta Agreement. American journal of inter-
national law, v. 46, Jan. 1952: 4059.
In a survey of various legal questions regarding the Yalta Agreement, Pan re-
views actions and statements by President Roosevelt ‘‘which implied that the
Yalta Agreement might not be exempt from congressional or Senatorial ap-
proval.’’ He discusses whether executive agreements are binding on subsequent
Administrations since ‘‘an executive agreement is signed by the Chief Executive
and not solemnly entered into in the name of the United States of America in
the form of international treaties.’’
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Rague, Margaret A. The reservation power and the Connally Amendment. New York
University journal of international law and politics, v. 11, fall 1978: 323358.
‘‘This note examines the Connally Amendment in the context of the history
and present use of the United States Senate reservation power. The Note fur-
ther measures the Connally Amendment against the yet unfolding international
rules with regard to use of the reservation power. The Note also reviews domes-
tic criticism and support of the Amendment and efforts to repeal the Amend-
ment, and examines the future of the Amendment as an instrument of U.S. for-
eign policy.’’
Randall, Kenneth C. The Treaty power. Ohio State law journal, v. 51, no. 5, 1990:
‘‘This Articles thesis is straightforward: Where article II of the Constitution
empowers the executive to govern exclusively over a particular topic, the Presi-
dent may unilaterally make, reinterpret, and terminate executive agreements
without any senatorial consent ***. This article will examine executive agree-
ments, the interpretation of international agreements, and the termination of
international agreements.’’
Reisman, W. Michael. Necessary and proper: executive competence to interpret trea-
ties. Yale journal of international law, v. 15, summer 1990: 316330.
‘‘The complex of separate branches with some overlapping and sequential
functions and checks and balances has achieved effectiveness and control in the
area of treaty-making and performance.’’
Reter, Ronald F. President Theodore Roosevelt and the Senates ‘‘advice and con-
sent’’ to treaties. Historian (New Mexico), v. 44, Aug. 1982: 483504.
‘‘The present era of senatorial aggressiveness questions the development of
the modern presidency. T.R.s alleged success in circumventing the Senate is a
key element in this development. The constitutional effect and significance of
Rooseveltian executive agreements are suspect ***. A crucial aspect of further
investigations must be the separation of reputation from the actual successful
exercise of power.’’
Rovine, Arthur W. Separation of powers and international executive agreements. In-
diana law journal, v. 52, winter 1977: 397431.
The author establishes criteria for identifying international agreements and
examines criticisms of executive branch practices regarding international agree-
ments, including lack of consultation with Congress. Rovine considers the inten-
tion of the framers of the Constitution and the authority of the President to
enter into executive agreements based on his constitutional powers. Rovine re-
views State Department guidelines listing the variables examined in determin-
ing whether a particular agreement should be a treaty or an executive agree-
ment. He suggests that ‘‘if detailed regulation over specific areas proves insuffi-
cient for the Congress, then the current conflict between the two branches over
international agreements will be resolved not so much by arriving at definitive
legal solutions to complex separation of powers issues, but rather through an
improved political process that entails an ongoing and cooperative system of
consultation on issues of significance.’’
Skoblow, David V. The Panama Canal treaties and the property disposal clause: do
the treaties propose an unconstitutional giveaway? Georgetown law review, v.
66, Feb. 1978: 871897.
‘‘This Comment examines the constitutional and legal issues raised by the
proposed transfer by treaty of sovereignty and property in the Canal Zone, and
attempts to determine what rights the United States would relinquish, if the
treaties become effective.’’
Slonim, Solomon. Congressional executive agreements. Columbia journal of
transnational law, v. 14, no. 3, 1975: 434450.
‘‘If indeed the protection of small States and sectional interests was a crucial
factor, if not the crucial factor, in the formulation of the treaty-making provi-
sion, it appears highly unlikely that a majority vote in both Houses of Congress
would represent a superior title to a two-thirds vote in the Senate alone, for
the safeguards originally built into the latter provision would be obliterated.
Yet, while the attempt to equate congressional-executive agreements with trea-
ties on the basis of the Framers intentions is shaky at best, the same cannot
be said of validation of congressional-executive agreements by reference to sub-
sequent constitutional practice ***. There still remain various categories of
international agreements which do not fall within the scope of congressional
powers, whether enumerated or implied. If the intentions of the Founding Fa-
thers were adhered to, these matters would require the advice and consent of
two-thirds of the Senate. But, as noted, practice, by and large, has modified the
assumption of the Founding Fathers.’’
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Stevens, Charles J. The use and control of executive agreements: recent congres-
sional initiatives. Orbis, v. 20, winter 1977: 905931.
The author examines the use of executive agreements and reviews congres-
sional initiatives to insure legislative involvement in the development of U.S.
commitments abroad. Stevens recounts the debate in the 1950s over the Bricker
amendment and other proposals to assure legislative control over the effects of
treaties and executive agreements. He reviews the findings and recommenda-
tions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on
United States Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad (the Symington
Subcommittee), in 1970. Stevens also describes U.S. military base negotiations
with Spain and the use of a treaty of friendship and cooperation in 1976, to re-
place previous executive agreements with Spain. He discusses the Case Act
which requires the Secretary of State to ‘‘transmit to the Congress the text of
any international agreement, other than a treaty, to which the United States
is a party’’ within 60 days of its entry into force. Stevens considers congres-
sional requests that military base agreements with Portugal and Bahrain, con-
cluded in 1971, be submitted for approval as treaties, and subsequent efforts
to nullify the effect of the agreements by refusing to appropriate funds for their
implementation. He also surveys efforts to revive legislation that would permit
a congressional veto of executive agreements.
Strong, Robert A. Jimmy Carter and the Panama Canal treaties. Presidential stud-
ies quarterly, v. 21, spring 1991: 269286. Symposium on Parliamentary Par-
ticipation in the making and operation of treaties. Edited by Stefan A.
Riesenfeld and Frederick M. Abbott. Chicago-Kent law review, v. 67, no. 2,
1991: 293704.
Partial contents.The participation of parliament in the elaboration and ap-
plication of treaties, by Francois Lichaire.The Role of the United States Sen-
ate concerning ‘‘self-executing’’ and ‘‘non-self-executing’’ treaties, by Lori Fisler
Damrosch.The Constitutional power of the United States Senate to condition
its consent to treaties, by Michael J. Glennon.The scope of U.S. Senate control
over the conclusion and operation of treaties, by Stefan A. Riesenfeld and Fred-
erick M. Abbott.The Role of the President, the Senate and Congress with re-
spect to arms control treaties concluded by the United States, by Phillip R.
Trimble, and Jack S. Weise.
Tananbaum, Duane A. The Bricker amendment controversy: its origins and Eisen-
howers role. Diplomatic history, v. 9, winter 1985: 7393.
Examines the controversy during the 83d Congress over the constitutional
amendment proposed by Senator Bricker of Ohio that would have limited the
effect of treaties and executive agreements within the United States.
Tomain, Joseph P. Executive agreements and the bypassing of Congress. Journal of
international law and economics, v. 8, June 1973: 129139.
In this comment Tomain discusses how the executive branch has significantly
increased its power in foreign policy by using executive agreements. He also
considers the implications of the Transmittal Act of 1972.
Treaty ratification. Washington, Congressional Quarterly, 1988. 3851 p. (Editorial
research reports, 1988, v. 1, no. 4)
Partial contents.INF treaty moves on to the next phase in the ratification
process.Prospects for INF ratification; memories of 1979 SALT II treaty.
After the Senate vote: waiting for president and Soviets to respond.
The Transfer of destroyers to Great Britain. American journal of international law,
v. 34, Oct. 1940: 569587, 680697, 728736.
In comments, Quincy Wright (pp. 680689) and Edwin Borchard (pp. 690
697) examine the constitutional authority of President Roosevelt to agree, with-
out congressional consultation, to provide Great Britain with 50 over-age de-
stroyers in exchange for 99-year leases on naval bases in the Caribbean. Both
critique Attorney General Robert H. Jacksons Opinion on the exchange, which
is reprinted on pp. 728736. Regarding executive-congressional relations and
use of an executive agreement instead of a treaty, Wright contends: ‘‘If the aid
of Congress is necessary for fulfillment, the President should, before finally ap-
proving the instrument, either get the advice and consent of the Senate, thus
making it a treaty in the constitutional sense, or he should get an authorizing
act from Congress making appropriations or enacting legislation to fulfill such
obligations. Since the present agreement imposed no such obligation requiring
Congressional action, neither of these procedures was necessary.’’
Borchard urges ‘‘that the transaction be regularized so far as and as soon as
possible by act or resolution of Congress.’’ He argues: ‘‘It has been the usual
practice, aside from executive agreements in minor matters or under congres-
sional authority, to submit important matters to Congress or the Senate for ap-
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proval.’’ Apart from subordination of Presidential power to the ‘‘applicable provi-
sions of the Constitution,’’ ‘‘there are constitutional understandings which re-
quire that agreements of great importance, particularly involving the question
of war and peace, shall not be concluded by Executive authority alone.’’
He critiques the relevance of precedents cited by the Attorney General, re-
futes arguments justifying use of an executive agreement instead of a treaty,
and also raises questions of international law.
Herbert Briggs (pp. 569587) provides historical and legal observations on the
transfer of naval vessels from a neutral navy to a belligerent navy.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on
International Security and Scientific Affairs. Congressional review of inter-
national agreements. Hearings, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., June 22July 22, 1976.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976. 416 p.
The subcommittee considers legislation providing for congressional review of
international executive agreements. Discussion is included on: the Senates trea-
ty powers, the Presidents authority to conclude agreements based on his con-
stitutional powers, the power of Congress to demand transmission of agree-
ments and to suspend the entering into force of executive agreements, and the
intention of the framers of the Constitution. Individual cases discussed include
the Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 with Great Britain limiting naval forces on
the Great Lakes. Professor Arthur Bestor suggests that one clear precedent
which emerges from the handing of the Rush-Bagot Agreement is ‘‘that it is not
a prerogative of the President to decide whether an international agreement
should be submitted for approval as a treaty. The power to decide belongs to
the Senate.’’ The subcommittee also considers whether treaties and executive
agreements are inter-changeable, as well as the constitutional problems posed
by concurrent resolutions and legislative vetoes, the evolution of executive
branch use of executive agreements instead of treaties, and the importance of
prior consultation and cooperation between the executive and legislative
branches in the making of international agreements. Executive branch perspec-
tives on constitutional and practical problems posed by the proposed legislation
are also included. Appended to the hearings are texts of bills regarding congres-
sional review of executive agreements, relevant journal articles, executive and
congressional documents, and summaries of the hearings, with selected bibliog-
raphies on topics addressed.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. International agreements
consultation resolution; report to accompany S. Res. 536. Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1978. 4 p. (95th Cong., 2d Sess., S. Rept. 951171)
The Committee on Foreign Relations reports favorably on S. Res. 536 and rec-
ommends that the resolution pass. ‘‘The resolution expresses the sense of the
Senate that, in determining whether a particular international agreement
should be submitted as a treaty, the President should have the timely advice
of the Committee on Foreign Relations through agreed procedures established
through the Secretary of State. This provision is similar to consultation provi-
sions contained in Senate Resolutions 424 and 486 in the 95th Congress as well
as Senate Resolution 24 in the 95th congress, all sponsored by Senator Clark.
The latter resolution was incorporated in the Foreign Relations Authorization
Act, Fiscal Year 1979 (S. 3076) as section 502, as reported by the committee.
This section was stricken on the Senate floor, with the exception of the con-
sultation provision on which the Senate receded in conference.’’ This resolution
is similar to that provision.’’
———. The role of the Senate in treaty ratification. Washington, U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1977. 78 p.
At head of title: 95th Congress, 1st session. Committee Print.
Partial contents of staff memorandum prepared by M. Hansen.Receipt and
committee action.Amendments, reservations, understanding, interpretations,
etc.Floor action.
Partial contents of the appendices.Senate procedure, S. Doc. 9321, ex-
cerpt.the meaning of ‘‘advice and consent of the Senate: in the treaty-making
process, by E. Collier, CRS.Treaties returned to the President on the initiative
of the Senate, by L. Wu, CRS.Precedents for U.S. abrogation of treaties, by
V. Bite, CRS.
———. Treaty powers resolution. Hearings, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., on S. Res. 468,
July 21 and 28, 1976. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1977. 127
The committee considers Senate Resolution 486, which ‘‘expresses the sense
of the Senate that foreign international agreements involving significant politi-
cal, military, or economic commitments to foreign countries properly constitute
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treaties which should be submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent.’’
Professor Arthur Bestor reviews the intent of the framers of the Constitution
and use of international agreements in the early years of the Republic, consider-
ing especially the Rush-Bagot Agreement of 18171818, which provided tor the
naval demilitarization of the Great Lakes. Professor Richard Falk discusses
problems in deciding which commitments should be treaties. Monroe Leigh,
Legal Advisor for the Department of State, suggests that the resolution would
‘‘seriously diminish the role of the House of Representatives in authorizing or
approving many international agreements *** would interfere with the Presi-
dents role as the nations negotiator of international agreements *** and would
raise questions with respect to the requirements concerning adoption of legisla-
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on United
States Security Agreements and Commitments Abroad. Security agreements
and commitments abroad; report. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office,
1970. 28 p.
At head of title: 91st Congress, 2d Session. Committee Print.
This report highlights specific findings of the subcommittee during its 22-
month study of U.S. commitments abroad. Many of the commitments had been
unknown to the Congress prior to the study. The report concludes with rec-
ommendations that ‘‘both Congress and the Executive Branch should place more
emphasis on new arrangements for continuing, objective review of all aspects
of military and military-related programs and activities overseas.’’
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Separation of
Powers. Congressional oversight of executive agreements. Hearing, 92d Cong.,
2d Sess., on S. 3475. Apr. 24 *** May 19, 1972. Washington, U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1972. 668 p.
In its consideration of S. 3475, a bill providing for congressional review of ex-
ecutive agreements, the committee examines the constitutional issues and sepa-
ration of powers problems presented by the increasing use of executive agree-
ments. Statements by Senators, scholars, and executive branch officials are sup-
plemented by relevant government documents, academic publications, and arti-
cles from the press.
———. Congressional oversight of executive agreements1975. Hearings, 94th
Cong., 1st Sess., on S. 632 and S. 1251. May 13 *** July 25, 1975. Washington,
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. 505 p.
‘‘The purpose of this inquiry is to examine closely the use of executive agree-
ments, and to explore those remedial measures which might be employed to re-
dress the usurpation of power by the executive branch which has occurred in
this area of foreign policy.’’ The appendix contains articles, executive docu-
ments, and congressional publications concerning the use of executive agree-
ments and treaties in general and in specific instances, including unreported
agreements with the Republic of Korea, unreported intelligence agreements, De-
fense Department agreements, agreements regarding the early warning system
in the Sinai, and correspondence regarding U.S. assistance to South Vietnam
in the post-settlement period.
———. Treaty ratification process and separation of powers. Hearing, 97th Cong.,
2d Sess., on S.J. Res. 212. July 30, 1982. Washington, U.S. Government Print-
ing Office, 1982. 201 p. ‘‘Serial no. J97128’’ Item 1042A, 1042B (microfiche)
U.S. Department of State. The law of treaties and other international agreements.
In its Digest of United States practice in international law, 1974, by Arthur W.
Rovine. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. pp. 195239.
Contents.Section 1.Conclusion and entry into force.Definition of inter-
national agreement.Procedures.Ratification.Depository functions.Sec-
tion 2.Observance, application and interpretation.Section 3.Amendment
and modification.
United States foreign relations law: documents and sources. Edited by Michael J.
Glennon [and] Thomas M. Franck. London; New York, Oceana Publications,
1980+ v. 1, 2.
‘‘The materials contained in these volumes deal with the foreign relations
power of the federal government. For the most part they consist of documents
presenting the views of the executive and legislative branchesor components
thereofconcerning the scope of their authority.’’
Contents.Vol. 1.What constitutes an international agreement?The
power to enter into executive agreements and the role of Congress.Treaty or
executive agreement: choice of instruments.Congressional controls over execu-
tive agreements: recent proposals.Vol. 2The role of the Senate in treaty
ratification.Legal consequences of conditions attached to ratification of trea-
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ties.Role of the House of Representatives in the making of international trea-
ties.Termination of treaties.
Vartian, Armen R. Approval of SALT agreements by joint resolution of Congress.
Harvard international law journal, v. 21, summer 1980: 421466.
‘‘This Comment will examine the constitutional concerns implicated by the
decisionto approve SALT agreements by joint resolution of Congress. It will be
argued not only that such agreements are constitutionally valid, but that there
should exist a presumption toward use of the joint resolution for SALT agree-
ments. The argument will demonstrate that the three commonly offered tests
for determining which international agreements require the treaty form are
useless in the context of SALT agreements.’’
Webb, Richard E. Treaty-making and the Presidents obligation to seek the advice
and consent of the Senate with special reference to the Vietnam peace negotia-
tion. Ohio State law journal, v. 31, summer 1970: 490515.
After reviewing E.S. Corwins judgments on the treatymaking clause, Webb
contends that the President does not have the constitutional power to negotiate
a peace treaty with North and South Vietnam without the formal advice and
consent of the Senate.
Wendel, Gary C. Constitutional authority for executive agreements pertaining to the
Armed Forces. Air Force law review, v. 20, 1978: 7186.
‘‘Of serious concern to the Senate, however, are those international agree-
ments made by the president without congressional action or senatorial concur-
rence. This discussion concerns only those agreements made solely on the basis
of the Presidents constitutional authority.’’
Wright, Quincy. The United States and international agreements. American journal
of international law, v. 38, July 1944: 341355.
Wright examines four perspectives on the constitutional law governing the
making of international agreements: 1) that exclusive power to make inter-
national commitments is vested in the President acting with advice and consent
of two-thirds of the Senate; 2) that the constitutional authority to make inter-
national agreements depends on the subject matter of the agreements; 3) that
Congress is the sovereign authority in the central government and therefore has
authority to determine how international agreements should be made ‘‘apart
from explicit constitutional grants to other bodies,’’ and 4) ‘‘that the making of
international agreements is by nature an executive function,’’ and the President
can make international agreements on any subject. Wright discusses the as-
sumptions and arguments underlying these perspectives, reviews constitutional
history, and surveys the Senate record in treatymaking. He writes: ‘‘The conclu-
sion may be drawn that in the making of international agreements, particularly
those concerned with the conclusion of peace and establishment of institutions
for perpetuating it, the matter rests in a very real sense in the hands of the
President and the people. The President has ample legal power to negotiate, on
these subjects, and ample political power if he can command a majority in both
Houses of Congress ***. There has never been any Constitutional bar to con-
cluding international agreements within the scope of Congressional power if de-
sired by the President and a majority of both Houses.’’
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Transmittal of executive
agreements to Congress; reports to accompany S. 596. [Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office] 1972. 4 p. (92d Cong., 2d Sess., House. Report no. 92
These reports include consideration of the meaning and background of bill S.
596, requiring that international agreements other than treaties be transmitted
to the Congress within 60 days after they go into effect. The reports also contain
discussion of comments by the Committee of Foreign Affairs regarding the bill.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on National Se-
curity Policy and Scientific Developments. International executive agreements.
Hearing, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., on S. 596, H.R. 14365, and H.R. 14647. June 19,
1972. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. 29 p.
Testimony of Senator Clifford Case and Carl F. Salans, Deputy Advisor, De-
partment of State.
These hearings were held to consider ‘‘legislation which would require that
the texts of all future executive agreements concluded by the President with for-
eign states must be transmitted to Congress within 60 days after their execu-
tion.’’ Discussion is included on the meaning of the legislation, why it is needed,
and its security implications.
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U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Foreign Relations Author-
ization Act, fiscal year 1979; report together with additional views on S. 3076.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978. pp. 4556. (95th Cong., 2d
Sess., Senate. Report. No. 95842)
The cited section of this report addresses problems in the reporting of inter-
national agreements by executive branch agencies to Congress and discusses
Title V. of S. 3076, which would amend the Case-Zablocki Act to 1) require
transmittal of oral agreements, reduced to writing, 2) require the President to
report to Congress annually, explaining why any agreement of the previous year
was transmitted late, 3) require that no agreement be concluded or submitted
without prior approval of te Secretary of State or the President, 4) place the
Secretary of State in the position of determining whether an arrangement con-
stitutes an international agreement within the meaning of the Case Act and 5)
authorize the President to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry
out the Act.
In the final version of the act approved by the President, the word ‘‘inter-
national’’ was inserted between oral and agreements, and point 3 was changed
to specify that no agreement be concluded or submitted without prior consulta-
tion with the President or Secretary of State.
———. Transmittal of executive agreements to Congress. Hearings, 92d Cong., 1st
Sess., on S. 596. Oct. 20 and 21, 1971. Washington U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1971. 97 p.
These hearings on the Case Bill, which would require the transmittal of all
executive agreements to Congress within 60 days of their execution, include
statements by Senator Case on the bill, its legislative history, and Senate rela-
tions with the executive branch. They also include statements by Professor Ruhl
J. Bartlett on the increasing use of executive agreements and on constitutional
issues regarding their use. Professor Alexander Bickel considers the need for
congressional review of U.S. military deployments abroad, the constitutionality
of the Case Bill, and the possibility that Presidents might invoke executive
privilege regarding specific agreements. John R. Stevenson, Legal Adviser, De-
partment of State, and Charles I. Bevans, Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty
Affairs, provide State Department perspectives on the Case Bill, describe proce-
dures followed in entering into agreements, review Presidential powers, propose
alternatives and amendments to the bill, and discuss problems concerning secu-
rity, classified information, and intelligence operations.
———. Transmittal of executive agreements to Congress; report to accompany S.
596. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972. 5 p. (92d Cong., 2d
Sess., Senate. Report no. 92591)
Provides background on bill S. 596, requiring that international agreements
other than treaties be transmitted to the Congress within 60 days after they
go into effect, and includes comments by the Committee on Foreign Relations
regarding the bill.
U.S. Department of State. Memo of March 12, 1976, from Monroe Leigh, Legal Ad-
viser, Department of State, to all key Department personnel. In its Digest of
United States practice in international law, 1976. [Washington, 1976] pp. 263
Specified the criteria the State Departments Legal Adviser applies in decid-
ing what constitutes an international agreement, for ‘‘purposes of implementing
legal requirements with respect to publication of international agreements and
transmittal of international agreements to Congress.’’
U.S. Department of State. Office of the Secretary. Coordination and reporting of
international agreements. Federal register, v. 46, July 13, 1981: 3591735921.
The text of Department of State departmental regulations 108.809, 22 CFR
Part 181, is provided, with summary and supplemental information. ‘‘The regu-
lations outline the criteria applied by the Department of State in deciding what
constitutes an international agreement, and provides that determinations of
such questions are made by the Legal Adviser of the Department of State, usu-
ally acting through the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs. The regula-
tions spell out procedures to be followed in consulting with the Secretary of
State or his designee before signing or otherwise concluding an international
agreement, and detail the procedures to be followed by the Department of State
in transmitting concluded agreements to the Congress.’’
U.S. General Accounting Office. Reporting of U.S. international agreements by exec-
utive agencies has improved; report to the Congress by the Comptroller General
of the United States. Washington, G.A.O., 1978. 53 p.
‘‘ID7857, Oct. 31, 1978’’ ‘‘The Case-Zablocki Act requires the Secretary of
State to report international agreements concluded by all executive agencies to
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Congress within 60 days after they become effective ***. Federal agencies have
become more aware of their Act responsibilities, reporting requirements have
been clarified and controls have been improved since GAOs 1976 report on this
———. U.S. agreements with the Republic of Korea, Department of State and De-
fense; report of the Comptroller General of the United States. Washington,
G.A.O., 1976. 25 p.
‘‘ID7620, Feb. 20, 1976’’ ‘‘* * * certain agencies have not been submitting to
the State Department or the Congress all agency-level agreements they have
concluded. Some agencies have apparently interpreted agreements which are
concluded by agency personnel or which are of a subordinate or implementing
character to be outside the reporting requirements of the Case Act. Congres-
sional and State Department clarification of the reporting requirements and im-
proved controls over the reporting of agreements are needed.’’
Adler, David Gray. The Framers and treaty termination: a matter of symmetry. Ari-
zona State law journal, v. 1981, no. 4, 1981: 891923.
Article reviews the debates over the treaty-making power in the 1787 Con-
stitutional Convention and the state ratifying conventions, concluding that ‘‘the
Supreme Courts failure in Goldwater v. Carter to uphold the right of the Sen-
ate to a voice in the termination of the [Taiwan-U.S.] Mutual Defense Treaty,
is a repudiation of the Framers concerns, and the crucial compromises that had
to be reached in order for the states to agree to confederate.’’
Emerson, J. Terry. The legislative role in treaty abrogation. Journal of legislation,
v. 5, 1978: 4680.
‘‘It is the premise of this article that Congress as a corporate entity, or at
least the Senate, should reaffirm its long-standing role in the treaty termination
process at least by declaring its understanding of the method which the Con-
stitution requires for the abrogation of treaties and calling upon the Executive
for prompt information of each Presidential action purporting to remove our na-
tion from a treaty obligation.’’
———. Treaty termination revisited. Woodrow Wilson journal of law, v. 4, summer
1982: 125.
‘‘The United States Supreme Court has indicated it will step aside should the
Executive Branch attempt the unilateral dismantlement of the post World War
II arrangement of security treaties that has been a protective umbrella over the
free world for nearly four decades. Neither the Court, nor the Constitution, is
a bar to presidential abrogation of formal treaties without any implied or active
participation of the legislative department. Congress must find and use its own
resources to thwart such action, if it is disposed to challenge presidential con-
duct. These are the lessons of Courts decision in Goldwater v. Carter an-
nounced on December 13, 1979.’’
Goldwater, Barry M. Treaty termination is a shared power. Policy review, no. 8,
spring 1979: 115124.
Senator Goldwater challenges ‘‘the validity of the Presidents attempted ter-
mination of the treaty without any supporting legislative authority.’’
Goldwater v. Carter: symposium. Yale studies in world public order, v. 6, fall 1979:
Contents.Goldwater v. Carter: crisis in American constitutional arrange-
ments for the conduct of international relations, by C. Oliver.The abuse of his-
tory: a refutation of the State Department analysis of alleged instances of inde-
pendent Presidential treaty termination, by J. Thomas.Goldwater v. Carter:
the constitutional allocation of power in treaty termination, by E. Gaffney, Jr.
The constitutional power to terminate treaties: who, when, and why, by A.
Guttenborg, David A. Treaty termination and the separation of powers: the constitu-
tional controversy continues in Goldwater v. Carter, 100 S. Ct. 533 (1979)
(Mem.) Denver journal of international law and policy, v. 9, summer 1980: 239
‘‘The United States Supreme Court recently rejected the contention of a num-
ber of Members of Congress that President Carter improperly terminated the
Mutual Defense Treaty of 1954 with the Republic of China (Taiwan). This Case
Note analyzes the history, constitutional interpretations, and legal theories on
which the Supreme Courts decision was based and discusses its effect on cur-
rent and future treaties. The author concludes that because the termination ac-
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companied the derecognition of the Republic of China, its precedential effect is
Henkin, Louis. Litigating the Presidents power to terminate treaties. American
journal of international law, v. 73, Oct. 1979: 647654.
Louis Henkin discusses the obstacles facing Members of Congress who seek
to litigate Presidential power in foreign affairs. He examines arguments sup-
porting and opposing the contention that the President has the power to termi-
nate treaties.
Henkin suggests, ‘‘As a general proposition, there may be serious, if hypo-
thetical, reason for concern that a President might unilaterally pull us out of,
say, NATO or SALT ***. There, as perhaps elsewhere, it is plausible to urge
that the President should not act to terminate an important treaty without at
least meaningful consultation with Congress, congressional committees, con-
gressional leaders ***.
‘‘A different constitutional issue is whether the Senate can require, as a condi-
tion of its consent to a particular treaty, a presidential undertaking to termi-
nate that treaty only in accordance with prescribed procedure.’’
Lawson, Karin Lee. The constitutional twilight zone of treaty termination: Gold-
water v. Carter. Virginia journal of international law, v. 20, fall 1979: 147169.
‘‘Goldwater v. Carter raised an issue never before litigated in U.S. courts: does
the U.S. Constitution, because of its silence with regard to the termination proc-
ess, implicitly give that power to the President? *** The Supreme Courts order
to vacate the court of appeals opinion and dismiss the complaint solved the
question of termination of the Mutual Defense Treaty, but left unanswered the
presidential power issue.’’
Martin, Serge G. The Presidents power to terminate treaties: the unanswered ques-
tion of Goldwater v. Carter. Journal of international law and economics, v. 14,
no. 2, 1980: 301319.
‘‘This note examines the constitutionality of presidential actions effecting the
termination of treaties in the absence of any prior congressional consent ***.
Prior to the recent case of Goldwater v. Carter, this issue had never been di-
rectly presented to any court.’’
Murray, Nancy J. Treaty termination by the President without Senate or congres-
sional approval: the case of the Taiwan treaty. Southwestern law journal, v. 33,
June 1979: 729761.
‘‘This comment discusses the nature of treaties, the treaty-making process,
and the history of treaty-termination practices. Special emphasis is given to
issues that arise in Goldwater v. Carter, including who has standing to chal-
lenge the Presidents independent termination of a treaty and, more impor-
tantly, whether such a challenge presents a justifiable controversy.’’
The Question of Presidential power to terminate treaties. Congressional digest, v.
58, JuneJuly 1979: 161192.
Contents.The question of Presidential power to terminate treaties.The
foreword.Evolution of the mutual security treaties.Recent action in the Con-
gress.The Taiwan Treaty lawsuit: Senator Goldwater.The Taiwan Treaty
lawsuit: President Carter.Should the Byrd proposal concerning the termi-
nation of mutual defense treaties be adopted?
Resolving treaty termination disputes. University of Pennsylvania law review, v.
129, May 1981: 11891229.
‘‘This comment has addressed the question whether the termination of a trea-
ty requires legislative participation, or, rather, only executive action. Observing
that the United States is party to a wide variety of treaties, it suggests that
different treaty terminations will implicate different congressional and presi-
dential interests in controlling the termination decision. Depending on the in-
terest implicated, unilateral presidential treaty termination will be permissible
in some cases, while in others, legislative participation will be required. A bal-
ancing test, looking to the various governmental interests at stake in treaty ter-
minations, was proposed for determining the appropriate manner of making a
particular treaty termination decision. The Comment concluded by arguing that,
whatever test may be adopted, an established procedure for deciding who is to
participate in treaty terminations would be desirable.’’
Rubin, Alfred P. Constitutional confusion: treaty denunciation. Fletcher forum, v. 4,
winter 1980: 8893.
Examines some of Judge Gaschs reasoning ‘‘in the case of Senator Barry
Goldwater, et al. v. James Earl Carter, et al., that President Carters notice of
termination of the 1954 Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and
the Republic of China must receive the approval of two-thirds of the United
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States Senate or a majority of both houses of Congress for that notice to be ef-
Scheffer, David J. The law of treaty termination as applied to the United States
derecognition of the Republic of China. Harvard international law, v. 19, fall
1978: 9311009.
‘‘The first part of this Comment reviews, in their legal context, the recent
events which have culminated in normalization of relations between the United
States and the PRC ***. The second part of this Comment examines the weak-
nesses of the lapse theory in light of the recent events discrediting its rel-
evance ***. The third part analyzes, in the context of normalization, the more
general issue of how treaties should be abrogated by the United States govern-
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Termination of treaties: the
constitutional allocation of power. Washington, U.S. U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1979. 423 p.
At head of title: 95th Congress, 2d Session. Committee Print.
This compilation of materials on the termination of treaties includes State
Department lists of withdrawals from bilateral and multilateral treaties as well
as academic publication, articles from the press, and executive and congres-
sional publications.
———. Treaty termination. Hearings, 96th Cong., 1st Sess., Apr. 911, 1979, on S.
Res. 15, Resolution concerning mutual defense treaties. Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1979. 589 p.
The committee considers Senate Resolution 15: ‘‘Resolved, that it is the sense
of the Senate that approval of the United States Senate is required to terminate
any mutual defense treaty between the United States and another nation.’’ The
committee also reviews ‘‘the role of the Senate, in approving treatiesspecifi-
cally, which agreements require Senate approval, how the Senates advice func-
tion is most properly performed, and whether the Senates internal procedures
for consenting to the ratification of treaties should be modernized.’’
———. Treaty termination resolution; report together with additional views on S.
Res. 15. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979. 47 p. (96th Cong.,
1st Sess., Senate. Report no. 96119)
This report includes a summary of Senate action since 1969 regarding the
treaty power. The committee proposes a substitute resolution as an amendment
to the original version of Senate Resolution 15. ‘‘The substitute resolution pre-
sents general guidelines for the termination of any treaty to which the United
States is a party.
‘‘It also sets forth two methods by which the Senate or the Congress as a
whole can specify procedures for the termination of treaties on a case-by-case
basis: either 1) by including a condition in the resolution of consent to ratifica-
tion of a particular treaty, or 2) by enacting a joint resolution concerning a par-
ticular treaty.’’
In its discussion of the resolution, the committee considers the Administra-
tions position, relevant Supreme Court decisions, and precedents for specifying
termination procedures. Additional views of Senator Claiborne Pell and Senator
Jesse Helmes, opposing the action taken by the committee, are included.
Watson, Geoffrey R. The death of treaty. Ohio State law journal, v. 55, 1994: 781
‘‘Article explores the decline and fall of Treaty. Part I of the Article traces the
origins and development of treaties. It argues that Treaty reached its political
and doctrinal zenith in the nineteenth century ***. Part II explores the subse-
quent doctrinal disintegration of Treaty.’’
D. G
This section is designed to assist the reader in locating information about treaties
and international agreements.
List of treaty collectionsListe de recueils de traitesLista de colecciones de
tratados. United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs, Codification Division.
Moorestown, N.J., Symposia Press; Holmes Beach, Fla., Exclusive distribution
by W. W. Gaunt, 1981. 174 p. Reprint. Originally published: New York, United
Nations, 1956 (United Nations. [Document] ST/LEG/5)
The list of treaty collections is ‘‘limited in principle, to collections published
in and after the last two decades of the 18th century.’’ The first part identifies
general collections, including indices, chronologies, bibliographies, and hand-
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books. The second lists collections by subject; the third, by country. Titles are
given in their original language. Accompanying comments are in English, except
for collections which are predominantly in French; then the commentary is in
Kavass, Igor I. Hood, Howard A. Computerized legal databases: an international
survey. International journal of legal information, v. 11, no. 3 & 4, 1983: 115
Kramer, Mary. How to find U.S. treaties in the Library of Congress. Washington,
Library of Congress, General Reading Rooms Division, 1981. 11 p.
‘‘This brief guide to U.S. treaty research consists of a selected and annotated
bibliography of important treaty collections and indexes.’’ It also includes a glos-
Parry, Clive. Where to look for your treaties. International journal of law libraries,
v. 8, 1980: 818.
Pilschke, Elmer. Treaties and agreements. In his U.S. foreign relations: a guide to
information sources. Detroit, Gale Research, 1980. pp. 571587. (American
government and history information guide series, v. 6)
‘‘This section contains the principal documents and compilations relevant to
the treaties and agreements published by Congress and the Department of
State, general multinational treaty series (including those of the League of Na-
tions, and the United Nations) together with related indexes of research signifi-
cance, and selected unofficial compilations of and commentaries on treaties and
agreements, including several functional treaty lists.’’
Renoux, Yvette. Glossary of international treaties. In French, English, Spanish,
Italian, Dutch, German and Russian. Compiled and arranged with the collabo-
ration of Janine Yates. Amsterdam, New York, Elsevier Publishing Co., 1970.
212 p. (Glossaria interprtum, no. 14)
Research sources on international law: bibliographic notes. Journal of international
law and economics, v. 13, no. 3, 1979: 717746. Part Idictionaries and encyclo-
‘‘This column presents nearly one hundred current and historical dictionaries
and encyclopedias to which the practitioner or student can turn for quick ref-
erence to the definitions, origins, and usage of international legal terms and
concepts.’’ Part IITreaties. ‘‘The portion of this column devoted to researching
treaties is organized as follows.Sources of information on treaty research.
Indexes to treaties and collections.Non-collection treaty sources.Collections
of treaties.Status of treaties.United States treaty system.’’
Sprudzs, Adolf. Treaty sources in legal and political research; tools, techniques, and
problems, the conventional and the new. Tucson, University of Arizona Press
[1971] 63 p. (The Institute of Government Research. International studies, no.
Sprudzs surveys the practice of selected states and the United Nations in
making treaty information a matter of public record. He reviews guides and in-
dexes to treaty collections, charts indicating the status of specific treaties, and
other sources. Sprudzs also discusses computerized data bases, including the
United Nations Treaty Series Project, and the U.S. Department of Defense
International Agreements Project, part of the U.S. Air Force Project FLITE.
Zwirn, Jerrold. United States treaties. In his Congressional publications: a research
guide to legislation, budgets, and treaties. Littleton, CO, Libraries Unlimited,
1983. pp. 150165.
‘‘This chapter presents a detailed description of the treatymaking process as
reflected in the roles of the President and the Senate. Though treaties are a
form of domestic law, their international aspect affords greater latitude for offi-
cial discretion than does the legislative process ***. The absence of prescribed
time limits and unsettled standing of governmental precedents significantly af-
fect treaty publications. The impact of these factors is noted at various points
throughout the discussion and is more thoroughly treated in reference to
sources that can be consulted to determine the status of treaties.’’
Since the emphasis of this bibliography is on U.S. treaties and treatymaking, only
a few selected treaty compilations and indices which are international in scope are
listed in this section. For discussions on researching foreign treaties, please see the
guides listed in Section A, above, especially ‘‘Research Sources on International
Law: Bibliographic Notes’’ in the Journal of International Law and Economics, v.
13, no. 3, 1979, pp. 717746.
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International Legal Materials, published bimonthly by the American Society of
International Law, provides current information on treaties and includes the texts
of treaties and other international documents before they may be available in com-
Complex current issues may require the expertise of international legal special-
ists, such as those in the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs,
U.S. Department of State, or the international legal specialists on the staff of the
Library of Congress Law Library.
In this section of the bibliography, independent works are listed alphabetically by
title or by the corporate body issuing them, if the name of the corporate body re-
flects the scope of the treaty activity covered. The citations for indices or other sup-
plemental works immediately follow, preceded by a series of dashes to indicate their
relationship with the independent works under which they are listed. For example,
the Index Guide to Treaties, prepared by Irwin, immediately follows the Consoli-
dated Treaty Series, on which it is based. The development of online information
retrieval systems is dynamic, so a librarian or information broker should be con-
sulted for current information on database access to specific treaty issues.
The Consolidated treaty series. Edited and annotated by Clive Parry. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1981, v. 1231.
‘‘The present series *** is proposed ** * to make a beginning with the year
1648 *** and, for the period between that year and the date of commencement
of the League series (approximately 191820), to reproduce such prints of trea-
ties in their original languages as can be found in whatsoever collection along
with such translations into English or French as again *** can be found.’’ The
treaties are arranged chronologically; the title of each volume specifies the year
it covers. Each entry indicates parties to the treaty, when the treaty came into
force, whether it is still in effect, and if applicable, how it has been superseded
or terminated.
———. Index-guide to treaties: based on the Consolidated treaty series, edited and
annotated by Clive Parry, LL.D., and all other series therein utilised. Dobbs
Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1979+
Contents: [pt. 1] v. 1. Irwin, P. General chronological list 16481809 i.e.,
16481808]v. 2. Hill, Brian H.W. General chronological list 16481809 supple-
ment, 18091851.v. 3. Hill, Brian H.W. General chronological list, 1852
1885.v. 4. Hill, Brian H.W. General chronological list, 18861903.v. 5. Hill,
Brian H.W. General chronological list, 19041919.[pt. 2] Meyer, Michael A.
Special chronological list, 16481920 (2 v.).[pt. 3] Hill, Brian H.W. Party
index. v. 1, Afghanistan-Finlandv. 2, France-German states.v. 3, Great Brit-
ain-Italy.v. 4, Japan-South Rhodesia.v. 5, Spain-Zanzibar.
Index to multilateral treaties; a chronological list of multi-party international agree-
ments from the sixteenth century through 1963, with citations to their text.
Edited by Vaclav Mostecky and Francis R. Doyle. Cambridge, Mass., distributed
by Oceana Publications, for the Harvard University Law School Library, 1965,
and supplements, 19661968.
This work lists multilateral international agreements from 1596 to 1963, indi-
cating date and, where important, place of signature; language of treaty; and
signatories, if there were five or fewer. Citations are provided to official and un-
official sources for the complete texts of treaties. Treaties are arranged chrono-
logically with indices by subject and region.
International organization and integration: annotated basic documents and descrip-
tive directory of international organizations and arrangements. 2d, completely
rev. ed. The Hague, Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Hingam, Mass.,
Kluwer Boston, distributors for the U.S. and Canada, 1981+ v. 1A, 2A.
Contents (Incomplete).v. 1A. The United Nations organizationv. 2 A. Eu-
ropean Communities.
Key treaties for the great powers, 18141914. Selected and edited by Michael Hurst.
New York, St. Martins Press [1972] 2 v. (948 p.)
Contents.v. 1. 18141870.v. 2. 18711914.
The Major international treaties, 19141973; a history and guide with texts. [By]
J.A.S. Grenville. New York, Stein and Day [1974] 575 p.
Provides a history and analysis of major treaties and agreements, and in-
cludes the texts of the most important.
Treaties and alliances of the world. Compiled and written by Henry W. Degenhardt;
general editor, Alan J. Day. 3d ed. Harlow, Essex, Longman; Detroit, Distrib-
uted by Gale Research, 1981. 409 p.
Provides brief descriptions of treaties and international agreements, indicat-
ing significant dates, signatories, and major provisions. Also describes organiza-
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tions established by treaties or international agreements. Length and depth of
coverage varies with the topic.
Contents.Early international agreements and their later expansion.World
War II: treaties and agreements on territorial changes, frontiers and other mat-
ters arising out of the War.the United Nations.Nuclear and conventional
disarmament.Agreements on scientific, space, and environmental coopera-
tion.International economic co-operation.Commodity and raw material pro-
ducers organizations and agreements.West European groupings, treaties and
agreements.Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD).North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).The Communist
World.East-West treaties of 19701980.The Commonwealth.The French
Community (‘‘Communaute’’) and other Francophone co-operation.The Ameri-
cas.The Middle East and Islamic states.Africa.South-East Asia and the
Pacific Area.The ‘‘Third World’’: attempts at achieving cohesion.
United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs. United Nations treaty series: treaties and
international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat
of the United Nations. New York, United Nations, 1946+
Treaties appear chronologically by date of registration with the Secretariat.
Each volume includes a list of notifications of ratifications, accessions, succes-
sions, and extensions of published treaties.
Cumulative indices were originally published for each 100 volumes; they are
now published for each fifty. Chronological indices list treaties in order of their
date of signature. Other indices list them by country and by subject, using
broad subject headings.
———. Cumulative list and index of treaties and international agreements reg-
istered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations, Decem-
ber 1969December 1974. By Joseph T. Vambery and Rose V. Vambery. Dobbs
Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1977. 2 v.
Provides and index to treaties and international agreements published in the
United Nations Treaty Series from December 1969 to 1975.
———. Multilateral treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General performs de-
positary functions; list of signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc. as of 31 De-
cember 1970. New York, United Nations, 1971. 439 p. (United Nations. Docu-
ment ST/LEG/SER.D/4)
This annual publication list conventions as well as treaties chronologically by
date of signature. Information on each treaty includes date of entry into force,
list of signatories with date of receipt by the United Nations of their instru-
ments of accession, citation to the text in the United Nations Treaty Series, and
the text of accompanying declarations or reservations.
———. Statement of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and
recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations. New York, United Nations,
1974+ (United Nations. [Document] ST/LEG/ser.A.)
This monthly publication supplements the annual volumes of the Multilateral
Treaties List and contains information on treaty matters. Both this publication
and the list are dependent on signatory states for information and thus may be
incomplete. Publication is running at least 1 year behind.
———. Status of multilateral conventions of which the Secretary-General acts as de-
pository. Revised edition. New York, United Nations, 1959+ 1 v. (looseleaf)
(United Nations. [Document] ST/LEG/3, rev. 1)
World treaty index. By Peter H. Rohn. 2d ed. Santa Barbara, Calif., ABC-Clio Infor-
mation Services, 1983 1984. 5 v.
This index, generated from a data base on machine-readable tape, provides
access to the League of Nations Treaty Series, the United Nations Treaty Se-
ries, and other treaties from more than 40 national treaty collections. For each
treaty, in includes date of signature, list of parties, and citations to sources for
the full text.
Contents.v. 1. Reference volume.v. 2. Main entry section, pt 1, 1900
1959.v. 3. Main entry section, pt. 2, 19601980.v. 4. Party index.v. 5. Key-
word index.
———. Treaty profiles. Santa Barbara, Calif., Clio Books, 1976. 256 p.
This quantitative analysis of the bilateral treatymaking behavior of countries
and international organizations, indicating leading treaty partners, registration
frequency, and other information, is derived from a subset of the database used
to generate the World Treaty Indexes, listed above.
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This section is divided into four subsections: a) Sources for information on treaties
throughout the treatymaking process; b) Official treaty series; c) Indices and retro-
spective compilations; and d) Sources primarily concerned with the status of treaties
(although they may supply additional information and although other sources may
include information on treaty status, as indicated in annotations.) Table A11 is
provided to facilitate identification of sources providing information and various
stages of the treatymaking process. Sources listed in the table are described in
greater detail in the relevant subsections. Online database systems which can be
used to access sources are indicated in the ‘‘notes’’ column in the table and in anno-
tations in the text. Development of online systems is dynamic, so a librarian or in-
formation broker should be consulted for complete, current information on database
access for specific treaty issues.
Although the purpose of this section is to identify prominent resources on U.S.
treaties through the current U.S. treatymaking process, it is by no means definitive.
Please consult the guides to resources on treaties in section A, above, for discussions
of the complexities of locating information on U.S. treaties and treatymaking. A
number of the sources complement each other. For example, in Congressional Publi-
cations: a Research Guide to Legislation, Budgets and Treaties, Jerrold Zwirn dis-
cusses U.S. treaty publications by reviewing how they are generated during the cur-
rent treatymaking process. In U.S. Foreign Relations: A Guide to Information
Sources, Elmer Plishke organized the documents and compilations by issuing agen-
cy. He includes information on sources useful for historical research on U.S.
treatymaking. Mary Kramer provides guidance on doing research in the Library of
Congress on current and historical U.S. treaties in How to find U.S. Treaties in the
Library of Congress.
For ongoing, current information on treaty developments, see the Department of
State Dispatch and the American Journal of International Law, published by the
American Society of International Law. Specific, complex questions may require the
expertise of legal specialists, such as those in the U.S. State Department Office of
the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, or legal specialists in the Library of
Congress Law Library or Congressional Research Service.
a. Sources for treaty information throughout the treatymaking process
CIS/index to publications of the United States Congress. Washington, Congressional
Information Service, 1970+
CIS indexes and abstracts congressional publications other than the Congres-
sional Record. Issues appear monthly, with quarterly, annual and multiyear cu-
mulations. Abstracts are arranged by committee and then by form of publica-
tion. The section on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee includes sub-
sections for Senate Executive Reports and Senate Treaty Documents. Subject
indexes provide entries under the term ‘‘Treaties and conventions,’’ as well as
under topical headings. The Legislative Calendar for the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee can be located under the index term ‘‘Congressional Committee
Calendar.’’ Abstracts provide bibliographic information, which can be used to lo-
cate the publication in a library or to obtain it from the issuing source. Alter-
natively, the index may be used in conjunction with the CIS microfiche collec-
tion, which includes the texts of most items indexed. CIS/index is available on-
line through DIALOG.
Congressional Index
Congressional index. Chicago, Commerce Clearing House, 1937+
This weekly loose-leaf service provides information on the contents and status
of bills and resolutions pending in Congress. The ‘‘Treaty Section’’ is especially
useful for determining recent developments regarding the status of treaties
pending approval. Treaties not yet approved are arranged chronologically by the
session of Congress in which they were introduced.
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Table A11.Publications Providing Information on U.S. Treaties Throughout the Treatymaking Process
Stage/Form/Information Sources Notes
Statements by Presi-
dent or Secretary of
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
State Department Dispatch .............................
Available on NEXIS
Foreign Policy Bulletin ..................................... Privately published
Course of proceedings Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
State Department Dispatch .............................
Foreign Policy Bulletin .....................................
Available on NEXIS
First printing of treaty
with outline of his-
Department of State Dispatch .........................
Department of State Press Releases.
Transmittal to Senate
Notification of receipt
by Senate, Presi-
dents message.
Congressional Record ....................................... Available online in many
places, including DIA-
LOG, Legislate, NEXIS,
Treaty text and trans-
mittal documentation.
Executive Journal of the Senate ......................
Senate Treaty Document, 98th Congress on;
formerly, Senate Executive Document.
CIS/index; GPO Monthly
Citation for Senate Ex-
ecutive or Treaty
Executive Journal of the Senate ......................
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
Available on NEXIS
CIS/Index .......................................................... Available on DIALOG
Foreign Relations Committee
Legislative history ........ Senate Foreign Relations Committee calendar Indexed by CIS/index
Senate Executive Reports ................................. Indexed by CIS/index
Legislative Activity Reports .............................. Issued at end of each Con-
Citation for executive
Daily Digest, in Congressional Record ............ DIALOG
Executive Journal of the Senate ......................
Citation to printed
hearings and com-
mittee reports.
Monthly Catalog ...............................................
CIS/index ..........................................................
Senate action
Amendments, reserva-
tions, understand-
ings, resolutions of
Congressional Record .......................................
Executive Journal of the Senate ......................
List of treaties pending Congressional Index .........................................
Executive Journal of the Senate.
Legislative history ...... Senate Foreign Relations Committee calendar CIS/index
Notice regarding .......... Congressional Record and its Daily Digest .....
Executive Journal of the Senate ......................
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Available on NEXIS
Notice regarding .......... Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
U.S. Department of State Press Releases .......
Available on NEXIS
Ratification Department of State Dispatch .........................
Foreign Policy Bulletin.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Available on NEXIS
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Table A11.Publications Providing Information on U.S. Treaties Throughout the Treatymaking
Stage/Form/Information Sources Notes
Exchange or deposit of ratifi-
Department of State Dispatch .........................
Foreign Policy Bulletin.
Proclamation by President
Notice regarding .......... Department of State Bulletin ........................... May include Senate condi-
tions and qualifications
Proclamation text;
treaty text, related
documents, and ci-
tation to UST.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents May include Senate condi-
tions and qualifications
Statutes at Large ............................................. May include Senate condi-
tions and qualifications
Modification, termination, re-
Shepherds United States CitationsStatutes
Online on LEXIS and
Executive branch action Department of State Bulletin.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Available on NEXIS FEDREG;
text on NEXIS
Federal Register ............................................... Available on DIALOG,
Legislative activity ..... Senate Foreign Relations Committee Legisla-
tive Activities Report.
In Serial Set indexed by
Monthly Catalog. CIS/
Entry into force
Publication of treaty,
once in force.
Treaties and Other International Acts Series
Unbound pamphlet; listed
in Monthly Catalog; Cur-
rent Treaty Index
Before 1946 ................ Treaty Series ..................................................... Included international
agreements until 1929
Executive Agreement Series (19291946).
Annual cumulations
19501951 ................... United States Treaties and Other International
Agreements (UST).
Statutes at Large .............................................
Indexed by UST cumulative
Retrospective cumulations
and indexes
17761949 ................... United States Treaties and Other International
Agreements Cumulative Index.
Based on Bevans, Malloy,
Miller, Statutes at Large,
and other sources
Treaties and Other International Agreements
between the United States of America,
17761949 (Bevans).
13 v. Multilateral listed
chronologically; bilateral,
by country
17761937 ................... Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Pro-
tocols, and Agreements between the United
States and Other Powers, 19201938
v. 12 17761909
v. 3 19201923
v. 4 19231937
17761863 ................... Treaties and Other International Acts of the
United States of America (Miller).
Treaties in force ........... Treaties in force 1956 .....................................
Guide to U.S. Treaties in Force, 1982.
Unperfected .................. Unperfected Treaties of the United States of
v. 1 covers 17761855; 5
volumes anticipated
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Congressional Record
U.S. Congress. Congressional record: proceedings and debates of the Congress.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office. 1873+ Issued in daily, biweekly
(green bound), and permanent (red bound) editions.
The text of the daily edition is revised and rearranged in the permanent edi-
tion. A ‘‘Daily Digest’’ section has been included since 1947.
Indexes to the Congressional Record are issued biweekly and for each session.
Discussions and actions regarding treaties are listed under the subject heading
‘‘treaties,’’ and may be listed under the subjects of specific treaties, as well.
The Congressional Record was preceded by the Debates and Proceedings in
the Congress of the United States, 1st18th Cong., 1st Sess.; the Register of De-
bates in Congress, 18th Cong., 2d Sess.25th Cong., 1st Sess.; and the Congres-
sional Globe, 23d42d Congress.
Executive Journal of the Senate
U.S. Congress. Senate. Executive journal of the Senate. Journal of the Executive
proceedings of the Senate of the United States. Washington, U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1828+
This publication provides accounts of executive sessions of the Senate, includ-
ing actions on treaties, and contains the resolutions of ratification. When execu-
tive sessions are open, proceedings and debates appear in the Congressional
Senate executive reports
A report by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on each treaty is issued
as a Senate executive report. Each report is assigned a numeric designation. The
reports are indexed in CIS/index and the Monthly Catalog. Both CIS and the
Monthly Catalog are available online through DIALOG.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee calendar
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislative calendar.
[Washington, D.C.] U.S. Government Printing Office.
Provides information on Senate action regarding treaties; can be used to trace
the legislative history of treaties. Indexed by CRS/index, which is available on-
line through DIALOG.
Senate treaty documents
A Senate treaty document provides the text of the treaty as transmitted to the
Senate from the executive branch, with letters of transmittal from the President and
Secretary of State and accompanying background documentation. Beginning with
the 97th Congress, treaties have been issued in the Treaty Document Series. Each
treaty is identified by the number of the Congress and an acquisition number, based
on the number of treaties previously transmitted during the Congress. For example,
Treaty Document 984 would be the fourth treaty transmitted to the 98th Congress.
Prior to the 97th Congress, treaties were issued in the Senate Executive Documents
Series. Each document was given an alphabetical designation and was cited by that
letter and by the number of the Congress and the session in which it was transmit-
ted to the Senate. Most Senate treaty and executive documents are identified in the
Monthly Catalog and CIS/index (both of which are available via the U.S. Govern-
ment Printing Office Web site:
Department of State Dispatch
U.S. Department of State. Department of State dispatch. [Washington] Office of
Communication, Bureau of Public Affairs; for sale by the Superintendent of Doc-
uments, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990+
This weekly journal provides a compilation of major speeches, congressional
testimony, policy statements, fact sheets and other foreign policy information.
A periodic list of treaty actions is included. Dispatch began publication in Janu-
ary 1990.
Dispatch is indexed in the Index to U.S. Government Periodicals and is part
of the NEXIS service.
Department of State Bulletin
U.S. Department of State. Department of State bulletin. [Washington] Office of Pub-
lic Communication, Bureau of Public Affairs; for sale by the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 19391989.
This, ‘‘the official monthly record of United states foreign policy,’’ contained
a section on treaties which provided information on the status of treaties, in-
cluding notification of U.S. and foreign ratification of treaties to which the
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United States is a party. Recent press releases, which may contain the texts of
treaties or information on executive branch action at various stages of the
treatymaking process, were also listed in the Department of State Bulletin.
This publication was issued weekly through December 27, 1977, and monthly
from January 1978, until it ceased publication in December 1989.
An index was issued periodically, and the Department of State Bulletin was
also indexed by the Index to U.S. Government Periodicals, and more selectively
by Public Affairs Information Service, and the Readers Guide to Periodical Lit-
Foreign Policy Bulletin
The Foreign Policy Bulletin began publication in July 1990. It is a privately pub-
lished journal, edited and published by Paul E. Auerswald, former editor of the
State Department Bulletin. The Foreign Policy Bulletin maintains a format similar
to that of the now defunct State Department Bulletin. Each issue includes a section
on treaties. Publication information may be obtained from the Foreign Policy Bul-
letin, 4802 Butterworth Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016.
Department of State press releases
Department of State press releases may contain information on executive branch
action regarding treaties during the treatymaking process. The text of a treaty may
appear for the first time in a Department of State press release, usually on the date
of signing. Press releases were listed in the Department of State bulletin.
Federal Register
Federal register. [Washington, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and
Records Service, General Services Administration; Superintendent of Docu-
ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, distributor] 1936+
The Federal Register may include information on executive branch action re-
garding the implementation of treaties. It is issued daily, except Saturday, Sun-
day, and official Federal holidays.
Monthly Catalog
Monthly catalog of United States Government publications. Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1895+
Senate executive documents and reports are listed under Senate; new treaties
are listed by their number in the Treaties and Other International Acts Series
under the State Department. The Monthly Catalog is available via the U.S.
Government Printing Office Web site:
Shepards United States CitationsStatutes Edition
Shepards United States citations: statutes. 6th edition. Colorado Springs, Shepards
Citations, 1968+
‘‘A compilation of citations to United States Constitution, United States stat-
utes at large, United States treaties and other international agreements, ***
[and other sources]. The citations appear in: United States Supreme Court re-
ports; Supreme court reporter; Federal reporter; Federal supplement; ***
United States statutes at large; United States treaties and other international
agreements’’ and other sources.
Includes information on modifications of treaties by legislation or changes in
the treaties. Treaties through 1949 are listed by date of signing. Since 1950, a
special section has been included which lists treaties by their citations in the
Treaties and Other International Acts Series.
This service is kept up to date by periodically issued unbound cumulative
supplements which are superseded from time to time by bound cumulative sup-
plements. Since 1979, the supplements have been published by Shepards, Inc.
of Colorado Springs.
Statutes at Large
United States. Laws, statutes, etc. United States statutes at large, containing the
laws and concurrent resolutions Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1937+
Contains the texts of public and private laws, constitutional amendments,
concurrent resolutions, and proclamations, including Presidential proclamations
regarding treaties.
Through 1951, a portion of part 2 or part 3 of the Statutes at Large included
separate lists of treaties and international agreements with their texts. Volume
64, part 3, contains a cumulative list of all treaties and international agree-
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ments contained in volumes 164, arranged alphabetically by country and then
by topic. Since 1951, the texts of treaties and international agreements have
been published separately by the State Department in the United States Trea-
ties and Other International Acts Series, listed below in the section on Official
Treaty Sources.
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
Weekly compilation of Presidential documents. Washington, Office of the Federal
Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administra-
tion; Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965+
Issued weekly, with quarterly, semiannual, and annual indexes. Contains
Presidential materials released by the White House, including statements, proc-
lamations, and executive orders. Available online through NEXIS.
b. Official treaty series
U.S. Department of State. Treaties and other international acts series (TIAS).
Washington, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1946+
This series provides dissemination of the official versions of new treaties, al-
though there may be a considerable time lag between the date a treaty enters
into force and the date it is published in the TIAS. Each treaty or agreement
is published in pamphlet form in the official languages of the original instru-
ment. Dates of signature, ratification, proclamation, and implementation are
also included.
TIAS continues the Treaty Series and the Executive Agreement Series. Num-
bering begins with 1501, since the numbering for the Treaty Series (994) and
the Executive Agreement Series (506) totaled 1500.
———. Treaty series (TS). Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office,
Included separately published pamphlets containing the official texts of U.S.
treaties and other international agreements until 1929; thereafter, included
only treaties. Numbering began in 1908, with number 489. For earlier periods,
up to number 376, the arrangement is alphabetical by country, then chrono-
logical. Multilateral agreements follow number 376. From number 390 on, the
sequence is chronological.
———. Executive agreement series (EAS). Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 19291946.
Pamphlet series for the official texts of U.S. international agreements from
1929 to 1946. In 1946, treaties and executive agreements were again combined
in the Treaties and Other International Acts series.
U.S. Treaties, etc. United States treaties and other international agreements. Wash-
ington, U.S. Dept of State, 1950+
Since 1950, this annual compilation of the Treaties and Other International
Acts Series (TIAS), cited above, has been the official publication for treaties and
other international agreements to which the United States is a party. Pre-
viously, the texts of treaties were included in the United States Statutes at
Large. Treaties and international agreements are arranged in the order in
which they were published in TIAS. Entries include the full text of the treaty
or agreement in each official language and a chronology. Each volume contains
indexes by subject and country, and a four volume cumulative index has been
issued, covering the years 19501970 (volumes 121).
c. Indexes and retrospective compilations
Entries in this section are chronological by the times period covered, with an
index to current treaties listed first. For coverage of treaties from 1776 to 1949, the
cumulative index is listed first, followed by the works on which it is based.
Current treaty index. Compiled by Igor I. Kavass and Adolf Sprudzs. Buffalo, N.Y.,
W.S. Hein, 1982+
Provides a cumulative index to the United Stages slip treaties and agree-
ments, published in the Treaties and Other International Acts Series.
‘‘The information on current treaties and agreements is arranged numerically,
chronologically, by country, and by subject ***. The information in the Current
Treaty Index will of course eventually be incorporated in the UST Cumulative
Indexing Service as the treaties and agreements are included in the bound UST
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00356 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
volumes.’’ A new edition of the Current Treaty Index will then be issued, listing
new treaties and agreements in slip form. ‘‘The editorial intention is to have
Current Treaty Index appear annually’’ or more frequently, if circumstances
‘‘The Current Treaty Index has many uses. Not only a quick reference for
treaties and agreements entered into by the United States *** during recent
years, it presents also an excellent birdseye view of recent commitments made
by the United States in different areas of international economics and foreign
relations (using the subject index) ***. Similarly, the chronological index [indi-
cates] the cyclical pattern of international agreements in different subject areas.
The close relationship between the United States and other countries may best
be seen through the country index.’’
UST cumulative index, 19501970: cumulative index to United States treaties and
other international agreements, 19501970: 1 UST21UST, TIAS nos. 2010
7034. Compiled by Igor I. Kavass and Adolf Sprudzs. Buffalo, N.Y., W.S. Hein,
1973. 4 v.
Contents.v. 1. UST list of documents in numerical order of TIAS num-
bers.v. 2. UST chronological index, 19501970.v. 3. UST country index,
19501970.v. 4. UST subject index, 19501970.
This index is kept up to date by annual looseleaf volumes, cumulated and re-
published every 5 years.
United States treaties and other international agreements cumulative index, 1776
1949, as published in Statutes at Large, Malloy, Miller, Bevans, and other rel-
evant sources. By Igor I. Kavass and Mark A. Michael. Buffalo, N.Y., W.S. Hein,
1975. 4 v.
Volume 1 lists in numerical order the treaties and agreements published in
the Treaty Series, the Executive Agreement Series, and the Treaties and Other
International Acts Series. Volumes 2, 3, and 4 provide chronological, country,
and subject indexes, respectively.
17761949 (Bevans)
U.S. Treaties, etc. Treaties and other international agreements of the United States
of America, 17761949. Compiled under the direction of Charles I. Bevans.
[Washington, Department of State, for sale by the Superintendent of Docu-
ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, 19681976] 13 v. (Department of State
publications 8407, 8441, 8484, 8521, 8543, 8549, 8566, 8590, 8615, 8642, 8728,
8761, 8830)
The texts of treaties are provided in English only, with some commentary.
Volumes 14 contain multilateral treaties arranged chronologically; volumes 5
12 contain bilateral treaties, arranged by country. volume 13 is the index.
Contents.v. 1. Multilateral, 17761917.v. 2. Multilateral, 19181930.v.
3. Multilateral, 19311945.v. 4. Multilateral, 19461949.v. 5 Afghanistan
Burma.v. 6. CanadaCzechoslovakia.v. 7. DenmarkFrance.v. 8. Ger-
manyIran.v. 9. IraqMuscat.v. 10. NepalPeru.v. 11. Philippines
United Arab Republic.v. 12. United KingdomZanzibar.v. 13. General
index. This work, cited as Bevans, superseded the works by Malloy and Miller,
which are listed below.
17761931 (Malloy)
U.S. Treaties, etc. Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols, and agree-
ments between the United States of America and other powers. Washington,
U.S. Government Printing Office, 19101938. 4 v.
Texts of the treaties and agreements are provided in English, with annota-
tions and index. Volumes 1 and 2 provide a single compilation, covering 1776
1909. Volumes 3 and 4 are supplements, covering 19101923 and 19231937,
respectively. Bilateral treaties and agreements are arranged alphabetically by
country, followed by multilateral treaties and agreements, which are arranged
chronologically. Volume 4 includes a list of treaties by date of proclamation,
with relevant citations to Statutes at Large. This work is sometimes cited as
Malloy, after the compiler of the first two volumes.
17761863 (Miller)
U.S. Treaties, etc. Treaties and other international acts of the United States of
America. Edited by Hunter Miller. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, 19311948. 8 v. in 7.
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Volume 1 provides the plan of the compilation; volumes 28 provide the texts
of treaties and agreements in the official languages for the period 17761863,
with commentary. Arrangement is chronological. Includes legislative history
and commentary.
d. Status of treaties
Treaties in Force
U.S. Department of State. Office of the Legal Adviser. Treaties in force: a list of
treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force. Wash-
ington, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents [as of the 1st of the year],
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956 +
This annual publication lists all U.S. treaties and international agreements
in force as of the beginning of the year. Bilateral agreements are arranged by
country and then subject. Multilateral agreements are listed alphabetically by
subject. Parties to each agreement or treaty are indicated. References are pro-
vided to the texts of treaties in Statutes at Large, UST, TIAS, Bevans, and
other U.S. official treaty collections.
———. A Guide to the United States treaties in force. By Igor K. Kavass and Adolf
Sprudzs. Buffalo, N.Y., W.S. Hein, 1982+
Unperfected Treaties
Unperfected treaties of the United States of America, 17761976. Edited and anno-
tated by Christian L. Wiktor. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1976
1994. 9 v.
Provides texts and annotations on treaties concluded by the United States
which did not go into force. Volume 1 covers the years 17761855.
Additional information
The Consolidated treaty series. Edited and annotated by Clive Parry. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., [Oceana Publications, 1969] (1981) v. 1231
‘‘The present series *** is proposed ** * to make a beginning with the year
1648 *** and, for the period between that year and the date of commencement
of the League series (approximately 191820), to reproduce such prints of trea-
ties in their original languages as can be found in whatsoever collection along
with such translations into English or French as again *** can be found.’’
‘‘Appendix of Dutch colonial agreements’’: v. 227231
Index-guide to treaties: based on the Consolidated treaty series, edited and anno-
tated by Clive Parry, LL.D., and all other series therein utilised. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., Oceana Publications, 19791986. 3 v. in 12 (Consolidated treaty series)
Contents.[pt. 1] v. 1. Irwin, P. General chronological list, 16481809 [i.e.,
16481808]v. 2. Hill, Brian H.W. General chronological list, 18861903.v. 5.
Hill, Brian H.W. General chronological list, 19041919.[pt. 2] Meyer, Michael
A. Special chronological lists, 16481920 (2 v.)[pt. 3] Hill, Brian H.W. Party
index. v. 1, Afghanistan-Finland.v. 2, France-German states.v. 3, Great
Britain-Italy.v. 4, Japan-South Rhodesia.v. 5, Spain-Zanzibar.
This series continues the earlier series of works on treaties, edited by Clive
Parry. It includes ‘‘newly concluded international agreements, both executive
agreements as well as formal treaties, which have been ratified. The Depart-
ment of State Dispatch provides notation of whether or not treaties have been
ratified. Because the treaties published in this work are relatively recent, TIAS
(United States Treaties and Other International Agreement) numbers have not
yet been assigned. Executive agreements included are assigned a number begin-
ning with the last two digits of the year. A complete index is included.
United Nations. Secretary General. Multilateral treaties deposited with the Sec-
retary-General; status as of 31 December 1991. New York, 1992. 951 p. (ST/
LEG/SER.E/10) This publication continues the publication entitled, Multilateral
Treaties in respect of which the Secretary-General Performs Depositary Func-
tions. The last issue of that publication appeared in 1980 (ST/LEG/SER.D/13)
with data up to December 31, 1979. The 1992 volume of this publication is the
tenth in the series ST/LEG/SER.E.
This publication covers ‘‘all multilateral treaties the original of which is de-
posited with the Secretary-General; the Charter of the United Nations, in re-
spect of which certain depository functions have been conferred upon the Sec-
retary-General ***; multilateral treaties formerly deposited with the Secretary
General of the League of Nations ***; certain pre-United Nations treaties.’’
U.S. Department of State. Catalog of Treaties: 18141918. Washington, U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1919; reprinted by Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., 1964. 716 p.
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‘‘This Catalog of Treaties, originally started as a card catalogue *** The trea-
ties from 1814 to 1918 are arranged in a chronological list, with information as
to the time and place of signature and of ratification, the signatory powers, the
treaty collections where the text may be found with the language of the text,
as well as cross-references to later treaties which abrogate, modify, or supersede
the treaty in question ***. The appendix contains a few of the most important
treaties before 1814, as well as early treaties referred to in the main list.’’ The
index contains a country index as well as an index to agreements of general
international character. A list of inter-American agreements is also included.
Oceana also offers the treaties and International Agreements Researchers Ar-
chive on CDROM. This set is searchable by such elements as signatories, date
signed, date in force, expiration, TIAS and CTIA number.
a. Diplomatic and national security issues
Elliott, Jonathan. The American diplomatic code, embracing a collection of treaties
and conventions between the United States and foreign powers from 1778 to
1834; also, a concise diplomatic manual containing a summary of the law of na-
tions from the works of Wicquefort, Martens, Kent, Vattel, Waqrd, Story. New
York, B. Franklin [1970] 2 v. (Burt Franklin research and source works series,
605) Texts of treaties in English and Dutch, French, Italian, or Spanish. Re-
print of the 1834 ed.
Extradition laws and treaties, United States. Compiled by I. I. Kavass and A.
Sprudzs. Buffalo, N.Y., W.S. Hein, 1979. 2 v. (Loose-leaf) Texts of treaties were
taken from the Treaties and other international agreements of the United
States of America. 17761949, edited by Charles I. Bevans, and United States
treaties and other international agreements (TIAS advance sheets).’’ ‘‘For extra-
dition laws of the 1800s, see The Law of Extradition, International and Inter-
state, by Samuel T. Spear. Littleton, Colo., F.B. Rothman, 1984 [c1884] 766 p.
Spears work has as a subtitle: ‘‘With an appendix, containing the extradition
treaties and laws of the United States, the extradition laws of the states, sev-
eral sections of the English Extradition Act of 1870, and the opinion of Governor
Cullom.’’ The Rothman publication is a reprint of the third edition, originally
published in Albany, by Wedd, Parsons in 1885.
Friedman, Leon. The Law of war, a documentary history. New York, Random
House, 1972. 2 v. Inter-American relations: a collection of documents, legisla-
tion, descriptions of inter-American organizations, and other material pertain-
ing to inter-American affairs; report prepared for the use of the Committee on
Foreign Relations, United States Senate and Committee on Foreign Affairs,
U.S. House of Representatives by the Congressional Research Service, Library
of Congress. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989. 999 p. (Print,
Senate, 100th Cong., 2d Sess., joint committee print, S. Prt. 100168)
Partial contents.Major inter-American treaties and agreements.Summary
of major inter-American conferences, meetings, or events, 18261988.General
U.S. legislation related to Latin America and the Caribbean.Major U.S. legis-
lation and agreements related to specific sub-regions and countries.Selected
Presidential speeches.
The laws of armed conflicts. A collection of conventions, resolutions and other docu-
ments. Edited by Dietrich Schindler and Jiri Toman. Leiden, Sijthoff; Geneva,
Henry Dunant Institute, 1973. 795 p. (Scientific collection of the Henry Dunant
Major peace treaties of modern history, 16481967. Compiled by Fred L. Israel.
Commentaries by Emanuel Chill, with an introductory essay by Arnold Toyn-
bee. New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 196780. 5 v. v. 5 has title: Major
peace treaties of modern history, 19671979.
United Nations. Secretariat. A comprehensive study of the scope originally proposed
or aimed at in draft multilateral disarmament treaties of a universal character
concluded under U.N. auspices and the scope finally fixed in those treaties, in-
cluding the contemplated measures for expanding that scope; working paper.
[New York] 1977. 54 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/AC.187/68).
At head of title: United Nations General Assembly.
This document covers six multilateral disarmament treaties: Treaty Banning
Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water;
Treaty on Principles governing the activities of States in the Exploration and
Use of Outer space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies; Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Treaty on the Prohibition of the Em-
placement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the
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Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof; Convention on the
Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological
(Biological) and Toxic Weapons and on Their Destruction; Convention on the
Prohibition of Military of Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification
United States. International terrorism: a compilation of major laws, treaties, agree-
ments, and executive documents: report prepared for the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, by the Congressional Research Service,
Library of Congress. Washington, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,
Congressional Sales Office, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991. 1397 p.
At head of title: 102d Congress, 1st Session. Committee Print.
This compilation comprises major laws, treaties and agreements, and execu-
tive documents relating to U.S. and international efforts to combat terrorism.
The legislation is subdivided into sections relating to foreign assistance, the De-
partment of State, trade and financial issues, treaty implementation, and other
It also includes a selection of significant executive orders, proclamations, mes-
sages to Congress, Presidential determinations, and economic summit con-
ference statements. Bilateral agreements on aviation security and extradition,
as well as relevant multilateral treaties, are included. In addition, the compila-
tion includes a number of reports to the President and to Congress and impor-
tant regulations and documents on such topics as hostage relief and air secu-
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Arms control and disarmament agree-
ments: texts and histories of negotiations. 1990 ed. Washington, U.S. Arms Con-
trol and Disarmament Agency, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990. 459 p. (U.S. Arms Control and Disar-
mament Agency publication 105)
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Legislation on foreign rela-
tions through 1992. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993. 4 v.
(Print, Senate, 103d Congress, 1st Sess., S. Prt. 10323)
‘‘Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations and Foreign Af-
fairs of the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively.’’
These volumes of legislation and related material are part of a five volume
set of laws and related material frequently referred to by the Committees on
Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and Foreign Relations of the
Senate amended to date and annotated to show pertinent history or cross ref-
erences. Volumes I, II, III, and IV contain legislation and related material and
are republished with amendments and additions at the end of each annual ses-
sion of Congress. Volume V which contains treaties and related material will
not be revised every year, but only as necessary.
b. Economic and commercial issues
Air and aviation treaties of the world. Edited by S. Houston Lay. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.,
Oceana Publications, 1979+
Air and aviation treaties of the world. Edited by S. Houston Lay. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.,
Oceana Publications, 1984v. 13 (loose-leaf)
Contents (Incomplete): pt. 1. Multilateral treaties v. 13. The work is num-
bered in terms of parts, binders, and booklets; statement of holdings reflects
Commercial treaty index. [Chicago] American Bar Association Committee on Com-
mercial Treaties, 1973+ 1 v. (loose-leaf)
This is a subject index of ‘‘certain segments of the United States nontariff
commercial treaty series.’’
American Bar Association. Committee on Commercial Treaties. Commercial treaty
index. 2d ed. [Chicago] Section of International Law, American Bar Association,
19741 v. Loose-leaf for updating.
Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization. Status on 30 September
1971 of multilateral acts in respect of which the Inter-Governmental Maritime
Consultative Organization acts as depositary. London, 1972? 63 p.
International tax treaties of all nations: containing English language texts of all tax
treaties between two or more nations in force on July 1, 1975. Edited by Walter
H. Diamond, and Dorothy B. Diamond. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications,
International tax treaties of all nations, series B: containing tax treaties not yet
published by the United Nations, printed in English, and in many instances,
languages of the signatories. Edited by Walter H. Diamond and Dorothy B. Dia-
mond. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 19781982. v. 112, Includes
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00360 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
unnumbered indexes which also index the International Tax Treaties of All Na-
Wallenstein, Gerd D. International telecommunication agreements. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1977 3 v.
Provides the texts of international telecommunication treaties and agree-
ments which are in force.
c. International environmental issues and management of common areas
Christol, Carl Quimby. The modern international law of outer space. New York,
Pergamon Press, 1982. 932 p. (Pergamon policy studies on international poli-
tics) Appendixes (pp. 849915) contain 12 international agreements.
Index to marine treaties. Compiled by John King Gamble, Jr. Seattle, Division of
Marine Resources, University of Washington, 1972. 438 p.
Includes all marine treaties found in v. 1643 of the United Nations treaty
series (UNTS); in the Canadian treaty series (CTS) 194667; and in the United
States Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS) 195070. A Wash-
ington sea grant publication; WSG 722 On cover: Washington Sea Grant Pro-
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
Space law and related documents: international space law documents, U.S.
space law documents. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990. 605
p. (Print, Senate, 101st Cong., 2d Sess., committee print S. Print 10188)
This document consists of two parts: ‘‘Part 1 on international space law, and
Part 2 on domestic space law.’’
U.S. International Trade Commission. International agreements to protect the envi-
ronment and wildlife. Washington, The Commission, 1991. ca. 217 p. in various
pagings. (U.S. ITC publication 2351)
Categorizes 170 multilateral and bilateral agreements of significance to U.S.
interests into 8 groups: marine pollution; pollution of air, land, and inland wa-
ters; boundary waters between the United States and Mexico and Canada; ar-
chaeological, cultural, historical or natural heritage; maritime and coastal wa-
ters matters; nuclear pollution. ‘‘Summary information on all these agreements
(when available) includes objectives and obligations, dates signed, literature ci-
tations, enforcement and dispute-settlement provisions, information-exchange
provisions, current issues, and a listing of parties.’’
International protection of the environment: treaties and related documents com-
piled and edited by Bernd Ruster & Bruno Simma. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana
Publications, 19751982. 30 v. Vols. 1830 compiled and edited by Bernd
Ruster, Bruno Simma, and Michael Bock.
U.S. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service. Treaties and other inter-
national agreements on fisheries, oceanographic resources, and wildlife to which
the United States is party. Prepared at the request of Honorable Warren G.
Magnuson, Chairman, for the use of the Committee on Commerce, U.S. Senate.
Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974 [i.e. 1975] 968 p.
At head of title: 93d Congress, 2d Session. Committee Print.
———. Treaties and other international agreements on fisheries, oceanographic re-
sources, and wildlife involving the United States. Prepared at the request of
Warren G. Magnuson for the use of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation, United States Senate. Washington, U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1977. 1201 p.
U.S. Marine Mammal Commission. The Marine Mammal Commission compendium
of selected treaties, international agreements, and other relevant documents on
marine resources, wildlife and the environment. Compiled by Richard L. Wal-
lace. [Washington] The Commission. [1994] 3 v.
This work presents both multilateral and bilateral agreements.
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Source: U.S. Congress. House Committee on International Relations and Senate Committee
on Foreign Relations, Joint Committee Print. Legislation on Foreign Relations Through 1999,
vol. II.
Title VIII of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1976 (Public Law 9459; 89 Stat.
296; 44 U.S.C. 1317 note), however, provided the following:
‘‘Hereafter, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, appropriations for the automatic dis-
tribution to Senators and Representatives (including Delegates to Congress and the Resident
Commissioner from Puerto Rico) of copies of the Foreign Relations of the United States, the
United States Treaties and other International Agreements, the District of Columbia Code and
Supplements, and more than one bound set of the United States Code and Supplements shall
not be available with respect to any Senator or Representative unless such Senator or Rep-
resentative specifically, in writing, requests that he receive copies of such documents.’’.
See also Department of State regulations (22 CFR Part 181) for the coordination and reporting
of international agreements.
Sec. 138(1) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public
Law 103236; 108 Stat. 397), added subsec. designation ‘‘(a)’’.
Sec. 138(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public
Law 103236; 108 Stat. 397), added Subsections (b) and (c).
The Secretary of State delegated functions authorized under Subsection (b) to the Legal Advi-
sor (Department of State Public Notice 2086; sec. 13 of Delegation of Authority No. 214; 59 F.R.
Sections 112a and 112b, Title 1, United States Code; as added by act of Sep-
tember 23, 1950, 64 Stat. 980; and added by Public Law 92403
[Case-Zablocki Act, S. 596], 86 Stat. 619, approved August 22,
1972; as amended by Public Law 9545 [Department of State
Appropriation Authorization; H.R. 5040] 91 Stat. 221, approved
June 15, 1977; Public Law 95426 [Foreign Relations Author-
ization Act, Fiscal Year 1979; H.R. 12598], 92 Stat. 963, ap-
proved October 7, 1978; and by Public Law 103437 [H.R. 4777],
108 Stat. 4581, approved November 2, 1994
United States treaties and other international agreements; con-
tents; admissibility in evidence
The Secretary of State shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and pub-
lished, beginning as of January 1, 1950, a compilation entitled ‘‘United States Trea-
ties and Other International Agreements,’’ which shall contain all treaties to which
the United States is a party that have been proclaimed during each calendar year,
and all international agreements other than treaties to which the United States is
a party that have been signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which any other
final formality has been executed, during each calendar year. The said United
States Treaties and Other International Agreements shall be legal evidence of the
treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the
President of such treaties and agreements, therein contained, in all the courts of
the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions
of the United States.
The Secretary of State may determine that publication of certain categories
of agreements is not required, if the following criteria are met:
(1) such agreements are not treaties which have been brought into force for the
United States after having received Senate advice and consent pursuant to section
2(2) of Article II of the Constitution of the United States;
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Popularly referred to as the Case-Zablocki Act.
Sec. 708 of Public Law 95426 (92 Stat. 993) inserted the subsection designation ‘‘(a)’’ and
added subsections (b) through (e).
Sec. 708 of Public Law 95426 (92 Stat. 993) added the parenthetical phrase.
Sec. 139 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 (Public Law
100204; 101 Stat. 1347) required that if the 60-day period specified in this sentence was not
honored, no funds authorized to be appropriated would be available after the end of the 60-day
period to implement any agreement required to be transmitted until the text of such agreement
was so transmitted. This restriction on use of funds was made effective 60 days after the enact-
ment of Public Law 100204 and made applicable during fiscal years 1988 and 1989.
Sec. 1 of Public Law 103437 (108 Stat. 4581) struck out ‘‘Committee on International Rela-
tions’’ and inserted in lieu thereof ‘‘Committee on Foreign Affairs’’. Sec. 1(a)(5) of Public Law
10414 (109 Stat. 186) subsequently provided that references to the Committee on Foreign Af-
fairs of the House of Representatives shall be treated as referring to the Committee on Inter-
national Relations of the House of Representatives (but did not amend the law).
This sentence was added by sec. 5(a) of Public Law 9545 (91 Stat. 224).
(2) the public interest in such agreements is insufficient to justify their publica-
tion, because (A) as of the date of enactment of the Foreign Relations Authoriza-
tion Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995, the agreements are no longer in force, (B)
the agreements do not create private rights or duties, or establish standards in-
tended to govern government action in the treatment of private individuals; (C)
in view of the limited or specialized nature of the public interest in such agree-
ments, such interest can adequately be satisfied by an alternative means; or (D)
the public disclosure of the text of the agreement would, in the opinion of the
President, be prejudicial to the national security of the United States; and
(3) copies of such agreements (other than those in paragraph (2) (D)), including
certified copies where necessary for litigation or similar purposes, will be made
available by the Department of State upon request.
Any determination pursuant to subsection (b) shall be published in the Fed-
eral Register.
United States international agreements; transmission to Congress
The Secretary of State shall transmit to the Congress the text of any inter-
national agreement (including the text of any oral international agreement, which
agreement shall be reduced to writing)
other than a treaty, to which the United
States is a party as soon as practicable after such agreement has entered into force
with respect to the United States but in no event later than sixty days thereafter.
However, any such agreement the immediate public disclosure of which would, in
the opinion of the President, be prejudicial to the national security of the United
States shall not be so transmitted to the Congress but shall be transmitted to the
Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Af-
of the House of Representatives under an appropriate injunction of secrecy
to be removed only upon due notice from the President. Any department or agency
of the United States Government which enters into any international agreement on
behalf of the United States shall transmit to the Department of State the text of
such agreement not later than twenty days after such agreement has been signed.
Not later than March 1, 1979, and at yearly intervals thereafter, the Presi-
dent shall, under his own signature, transmit to the Speaker of the House of Rep-
resentatives and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate
a report with respect to each international agreement which, during the preceding
year, was transmitted to the Congress after the expiration of the 60-day period re-
ferred to in the first sentence of subsection (a), describing fully and completely the
reasons for the late transmittal.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an international agreement may
not be signed or otherwise concluded on behalf of the United States without prior
consultation with the Secretary of State. Such consultation may encompass a class
of agreements rather than a particular agreement.
The Secretary of State shall determine for and within the executive branch
whether an arrangement constitutes an international agreement within the mean-
ing of this section.
The President shall, through the Secretary of State, promulgate such rules
and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section.
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Sources: 22 CFR Part 181 (April 1, 2000 edition); U.S. Congress. House Committee on Inter-
national Relations, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Joint Committee Print. Legislation
on Foreign Relations Through 1999, volume II.
Sec. 181.8 was added at 61 F.R. 7071, February 16, 1996.
The first sentence of sec. 181.1 was amended at 61 F.R. 7071, February 16, 1996. It formerly
read as follows: ‘‘The purpose of this part is to implement the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 112b, popu-
larly known as the Case-Zablocki Act (hereafter referred to as ‘‘the Act’’), on the reporting to
Congress and coordination with the Secretary of State of international agreements of the United
Regulations of the Secretary of State, 22 CFR Part 181, July 13, 1981, 46
F.R. 35918; amended at 61 F.R. 7071, February 26, 1996
181.1 Purpose and application.
181.2 Criteria.
181.3 Determinations.
181.4 Consultations with the Secretary of State.
181.5 Twenty-day rule for concluded agreements.
181.6 Documentation and certification.
181.7 Transmittal to the Congress.
181.8 Publication.
: 1 U.S.C. 112a, 112b; and 22 U.S.C. 2651a.
§181.1 Purpose and application.
(a) The purpose of this part is to implement the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 112a and
112b, popularly known as the Case-Zablocki Act (hereafter referred to as ‘‘the Act’’),
on the reporting to Congress, coordination with the Secretary of State and publica-
tion of international agreements.
This part applies to all agencies of the U.S. Gov-
ernment whose responsibilities include the negotiation and conclusion of inter-
national agreements. This part does not, however, constitute a delegation by the
Secretary of State of the authority to engage in such activities. Further, it does not
affect any additional requirements of law governing the relationship between par-
ticular agencies and the Secretary of State in connection with international negotia-
tions and agreements, or any other requirements of law concerning the relationship
between particular agencies and the Congress. The term ‘‘agency’’ as used in this
part means each authority of the United States Government, whether or not it is
within or subject to review by another agency.
(b) Pursuant to the key legal requirements of the Actfull and timely disclosure
to the Congress of all concluded agreements and consultation by agencies with the
Secretary of State with respect to proposed agreementsevery agency of the Gov-
ernment is required to comply with each of the provisions set out in this part in
implementation of the Act. Nevertheless, this part is intended as a framework of
measures and procedures which, it is recognized, cannot anticipate all circumstances
or situations that may arise. Deviation or derogation from the provisions of this part
will not affect the legal validity, under United States law or under international
law, of agreements concluded, will not give rise to a cause of action, and will not
affect any public or private rights established by such agreements.
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§181.2 Criteria.
(a) General.The following criteria are to be applied in deciding whether any un-
dertaking, oral agreement, document, or set of documents, including an exchange of
notes or of correspondence, constitutes an international agreement within the mean-
ing of the Act, as well as within the meaning of 1 U.S.C. 112a, requiring the publi-
cation of international agreements. Each of the criteria except those in paragraph
(a) (5) of this section must be met in order for any given undertaking of the United
States to constitute an international agreement.
(1) Identity and intention of the parties.A party to an international agreement
must be a state, a state agency, or an intergovernmental organization. The parties
must intend their undertaking to be legally binding, and not merely of political
or personal effect. Documents intended to have political or moral weight, but not
intended to be legally binding, are not international agreements. An example of
the latter is the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Cooperation and Security
in Europe. In addition, the parties must intend their undertaking to be governed
by international law, although this intent need not be manifested by a third-party
dispute settlement mechanism or any express reference to international law. In
the absence of any provision in the arrangement with respect to governing law,
it will be presumed to be governed by international law. This presumption may
be overcome by clear evidence, in the negotiating history of the agreement or oth-
erwise, that the parties intended the arrangement to be governed by another legal
system. Arrangements governed solely by the law of the United States, or one of
the states or jurisdictions thereof, or by the law of any foreign state, are not inter-
national agreements for these purposes. For example, a foreign military sales loan
agreement governed in its entirety by U.S. law is not an international agreement.
(2) Significance of the arrangement.Minor or trivial undertakings, even if
couched in legal language and form, are not considered international agreements
within the meaning of the Act or of 1 U.S.C. 112a. In deciding what level of sig-
nificance must be reached before a particular arrangement becomes an inter-
national agreement, the entire context of the transaction and the expectations and
intent of the parties must be taken into account. It is often a matter of degree.
For example, a promise to sell one map to a foreign nation is not an international
agreement; a promise to exchange all maps of a particular region to be produced
over a period of years may be an international agreement. It remains a matter
of judgment based on all of the circumstances of the transaction. Determinations
are made pursuant to §181.3. Examples of arrangements that may constitute
international agreements are agreements that: (a) are of political significance; (b)
involve substantial grants of funds or loans by the United States or credits pay-
able to the United States; (c) constitute a substantial commitment of funds that
extends beyond a fiscal year or would be a basis for requesting new appropria-
tions; (d) involve continuing and/or substantial cooperation in the conduct of a
particular program or activity, such as scientific, technical, or other cooperation,
including the exchange or receipt of information and its treatment, or the pooling
of data. However, individual research grants and contracts do not ordinarily con-
stitute international agreements.
(3) Specificity, including objective criteria for determining enforceability.Inter-
national agreements require precision and specificity in the language setting forth
the undertakings of the parties. Undertakings couched in vague or very general
terms containing no objective criteria for determining enforceability or perform-
ance are not normally international agreements. Most frequently such terms re-
flect an intent not to be bound. For example, a promise to ‘‘help develop a more
viable world economic system’’ lacks the specificity essential to constitute a legally
binding international agreement. However, the intent of the parties is the key fac-
tor. Undertakings as general as those of, for example, Articles 55 and 56 of the
United Nations Charter have been held to create internationally binding obliga-
tions intended as such by the parties.
(4) Necessity for two or more parties.While unilateral commitments on occa-
sion may be legally binding, they do not constitute international agreements. For
example, a statement by the President promising to send money to Country Y to
assist earthquake victims would not be an international agreement. It might be
an important undertaking, but not all undertakings in international relations are
in the form of international agreements. Care should be taken to examine wheth-
er a particular undertaking is truly unilateral in nature, or is part of a larger bi-
lateral or multilateral set of undertakings. Moreover, ‘‘consideration,’’ as that term
is used in domestic contract law, is not required for international agreements.
(5) Form.Form as such is not normally an important factor, but it does de-
serve consideration. Documents which do not follow the customary form for inter-
national agreements, as to matters such as style, final clauses, signatures, or
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entry into force dates, may or may not be international agreements. Failure to use
the customary form may constitute evidence of a lack of intent to be legally bound
by the arrangement. If, however, the general content and context reveal an inten-
tion to enter into a legally binding relationship, a departure from customary form
will not preclude the arrangement from being an international agreement. More-
over, the title of the agreement will not be determinative. Decisions will be made
on the basis of the substance of the arrangement, rather than on its denomination
as an international agreement, a memorandum of understanding, exchange of
notes, exchange of letters, technical arrangement, protocol, note verbale, aide-me-
moire, agreed minute, or any other name.
(b) Agency-level agreements.Agency-level agreements are international agree-
ments within the meaning of the Act and of 1 U.S.C. 112a if they satisfy the criteria
discussed in paragraph (a) of this section. The fact that an agreement is concluded
by and on behalf of a particular agency of the United States Government, rather
than the United States Government, does not mean that the agreement is not an
international agreement. Determinations are made on the basis of the substance of
the agency-level agreement in question.
(c) Implementing agreements.An implementing agreement, if it satisfies the cri-
teria discussed in paragraph (a) of this section, may be an international agreement,
depending upon how precisely it is anticipated and identified in the underlying
agreement it is designed to implement. If the terms of the implementing agreement
are closely anticipated and identified in the underlying agreement, only the underly-
ing agreement is considered an international agreement. For example, the underly-
ing agreement might call for the sale by the United States of 1000 tractors, and a
subsequent implementing agreement might require a first installment on this obli-
gation by the sale of 100 tractors of the brand X variety. In that case, the imple-
menting agreement is sufficiently identified in the underlying agreement, and would
not itself be considered an international agreement within the meaning of the Act
or of 1 U.S.C. 112a. Project annexes and other documents which provide technical
content for an umbrella agreement are not normally treated as international agree-
ments. However, if the underlying agreement is general in nature, and the imple-
menting agreement meets the specified criteria of paragraph (a) of this section, the
implementing agreement might well be an international agreement. For example,
if the underlying agreement calls for the conclusion of ‘‘agreements for agricultural
assistance,’’ but without further specificity, then a particular agricultural assistance
agreement subsequently concluded in ‘‘implementation’’ of that obligation, provided
it meets the criteria discussed in paragraph (a) of this section, would constitute an
international agreement independent of the underlying agreement.
(d) Extension and modifications of agreements.If an undertaking constitutes an
international agreement within the meaning of the Act and of 1 U.S.C. 112a, then
a subsequent extension or modification of such an agreement would itself constitute
an international agreement within the meaning of the Act of 1 U.S.C. 112a.
(e) Oral agreements.Any oral arrangement that meets the criteria discussed in
paragraphs (a) (1)(4) of this section is an international agreement and, pursuant
to section (a) of the Act, must be reduced to writing by the agency that concluded
the oral arrangement. In such written form, the arrangement is subject to all the
requirements of the Act and of this part. Whenever a question arises whether an
oral arrangement constitutes an international agreement, the arrangement shall be
reduced to writing and the decision made in accordance with §181.3.
§181.3 Determinations.
(a) Whether any undertaking, document, or set of documents constitutes or would
constitute an international agreement within the meaning of the Act or of 1 U.S.C.
112a shall be determined by the Legal Adviser of the Department of State, a Deputy
Legal adviser, or in most cases the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs. Such
determinations shall be made either on a case-by-case basis, or on periodic consulta-
tion, as appropriate.
(b) Agencies whose responsibilities include the negotiation and conclusion of inter-
national agreements are responsible for transmitting to the Assistant Legal Adviser
for Treaty Affairs, for decision pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the texts
of any document or set of documents that might constitute an international agree-
ment. The transmittal shall be made prior to or simultaneously with the request
for consultations with the Secretary of State required by subsection (c) of the Act
and § 181.4 of this part.
(c) Agencies whose responsibilities include the negotiation and conclusion of large
numbers of agency-level and implementing arrangements at overseas posts, only a
small number of which might constitute international agreements within the mean-
ing of the Act and of 1 U.S.C. 112a, are required to transmit prior to their entry
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into force only the texts of the more important of such arrangements for decision
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. The texts of all arrangements that might
constitute international agreements shall, however, be transmitted to the Office of
the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs as soon as possible, and in no event
to arrive at that office later than 20 days after their signing for decision pursuant
to paragraph (a) of this section.
(d) Agencies to which paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section apply shall consult
periodically with the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs in order to deter-
mine which categories of arrangements for which they are responsible are likely to
be international agreements within the meaning of the Act and of 1 U.S.C. 112a.
§181.4 Consultations with the Secretary of State.
(a) The Secretary of State is responsible, on behalf of the President, for ensuring
that all proposed international agreements of the United States are fully consistent
with United States foreign policy objectives. Except as provided in §181.3(c) of this
part, no agency of the U.S. Government may conclude an international agreement,
whether entered into in the name of the U.S. Government or in the name of the
agency, without prior consultation with the Secretary of State or his designee.
(b) The Secretary of State (or his designee) gives his approval for any proposed
agreement negotiated pursuant to his authorization, and his opinion on any pro-
posed agreement negotiated by an agency which has separate authority to negotiate
such agreement. The approval or opinion of the Secretary of State or his designee
with respect to any proposed international agreement will be given pursuant to De-
partment of State procedures set out in Volume 11, Foreign Affairs Manual, Chap-
ter 700 (Circular 175 procedure). Officers of the Department of State shall be re-
sponsible for the preparation of all documents required by the Circular 175 proce-
(c) Pursuant to the Circular 175 procedure, the approval of, or an opinion on a
proposed international agreement to be concluded in the name of the U.S. Govern-
ment will be given either by the Secretary of State or his designee. The approval
of, or opinion on a proposed international agreement to be concluded in the name
of a particular agency of the U.S. Government will be given by the interested assist-
ant secretary or secretaries of State, or their designees, unless such official(s) judge
that consultation with the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or an Under Secretary is
necessary. The approval of, or opinion on a proposed international agreement will
normally be given within 20 days of receipt of the request for consultation and of
the information as required by §181.4(d)(g).
(d) Any agency wishing to conclude an international agreement shall transmit to
the interested bureau or office in the Department of State, or to the Office of the
Legal Adviser, for consultation pursuant to this section, a draft text or summary of
the proposed agreement, a precise citation of the Constitutional, statutory, or treaty
authority for such agreement, and other background information as requested by
the Department of State. The transmittal of the draft text or summary and citation
of legal authority shall be made before negotiations are undertaken, or if that is not
feasible, as early as possible in the negotiating process. In any event such transmit-
tals must be made no later than 50 days prior to the anticipated date for concluding
the proposed agreement. If unusual circumstances prevent this 50-day requirement
from being met, the concerned agency shall use its best efforts to effect such trans-
mittal as early as possible prior to the anticipated date for concluding the proposed
(e) If a proposed agreement embodies a commitment to furnish funds, goods, or
services that are beyond or in addition to those authorized in an approved budget,
the agency proposing the agreement shall state what arrangements have been
planned or carried out concerning consultation with the Office of Management and
Budget for such commitment. The Department of State should receive confirmation
that the relevant budget approved by the President provides or requests funds ade-
quate to fulfill the proposed commitment, or that the President has made a deter-
mination to seek the required funds.
(f) Consultation may encompass a specific class of agreements rather than a par-
ticular agreement where a series of agreements of the same general type is con-
templated; that is, where a number of agreements are to be negotiated according
to a more or less standard formula, such as, for example, Public Law 480 Agricul-
tural Commodities Agreements. Any agency wishing to conclude a particular agree-
ment within a specific class of agreements about which consultations have pre-
viously been held pursuant to this section shall transmit a draft text of the proposed
agreement to the Office of the Legal Adviser as early as possible but in no event
later than 20 days prior to the anticipated date for concluding the agreement.
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(g) The consultation requirement shall be deemed to be satisfied with respect to
proposed international agreements of the United States about which the Secretary
of State (or his designee) has been consulted in his capacity as a member of an
interagency committee or council established for the purpose of approving such pro-
posed agreements. Designees of the Secretary of State serving on any such inter-
agency committee or council are to provide as soon as possible to the interested of-
fices or bureaus of the Department of State and to the Office of the Legal Adviser
copies of draft texts or summaries of such proposed agreements and other back-
ground information as requested.
(h) Before an agreement containing a foreign language text may be signed or oth-
erwise concluded, a signed memorandum must be obtained from a responsible lan-
guage officer of the Department of State or of the U.S. Government agency con-
cerned certifying that the foreign language text and the English language text are
in conformity with each other and that both texts have the same meaning in all sub-
stantive respects. The signed memorandum is to be made available to the Depart-
ment of State upon request.
§181.5 Twenty-day rule for concluded agreements.
(a) Any agency, including the Department of State, that concludes an inter-
national agreement within the meaning of the Act and of 1 U.S.C. 112a, whether
entered into in the name of the U.S. Government or in the name of the agency, must
transmit the text of the concluded agreement to the office of the Assistant Legal Ad-
viser for Treaty Affairs as soon as possible and in no event to arrive at that office
later than 20 days after the agreement has been signed. The 20-day limit, which
is required by the Act, is essential for purposes of permitting the Department of
State to meet its obligation under the Act to transmit concluded agreements to the
Congress no later than 60 days after their entry into force.
(b) In any case of transmittal after the 20-day limit, the agency or Department
of State office concerned may be asked to provide to the Assistant Legal Adviser for
Treaty Affairs a statement describing the reasons for the late transmittal. Any such
statements will be used, as necessary, in the preparation of the annual report on
late transmittals, to be signed by the President and transmitted to the Congress,
as required by subsection (b) of the Act.
§181.6 Documentation and certification.
(a) Transmittals of concluded agreements to the Assistant Legal Adviser for Trea-
ty Affairs pursuant to §181.5 must include the signed or initialed original texts, to-
gether with all accompanying papers, such as agreed minutes, exchanges of notes,
or side letters. The texts transmitted must be accurate, legible, and complete, and
must include the texts of all languages in which the agreement was signed or initi-
ated. Names and identities of the individuals signing or initialing the agreements,
for the foreign government as well as for the United States, must, unless clearly
evident in the texts transmitted, be separately provided.
(b) Agreements from overseas posts should be transmitted to the Department of
State by priority airgram, marked for the attention of the Assistant Legal Adviser
for Treaty Affairs, with the following notation below the enclosure line: FAIM:
Please send attached original agreement to L/T on arrival.
(c) Where the original texts of concluded agreements are not available, certified
copies must be transmitted in the same manner as original texts. A certified copy
must be an exact copy of the signed original.
(d) When an exchange of diplomatic notes between the United States and a for-
eign government constitutes an agreement or has the effect of extending, modifying,
or terminating an agreement to which the United States is a party, a properly cer-
tified copy of the note from the United States to the foreign government, and the
signed original of the note from the foreign government, must be transmitted. If,
in conjunction with the agreement signed, other notes related thereto are exchanged
(either at the same time, beforehand, or subsequently), properly certified copies of
the notes from the United States to the foreign government must be transmitted
with the signed originals of the notes from the foreign government.
(e) Copies may be certified either by a certification on the document itself, or by
a separate certification attached to the document. A certification on the document
itself is placed at the end of the document. It indicates, either typed or stamped,
that the document is a true copy of the original signed or initialed by (insert full
name of signing officer), and it is signed by the certifying officer. If a certification
is typed on a separate sheet of paper, it briefly describes the document certified and
states that it is a true copy of the original signed by (full name) and it is signed
by the certifying officer.
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Sec. 1(a) (5) of Public Law 10414 (109 Stat. 186) provided that references to the Committee
on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives shall be treated as referring to the Commit-
tee on International Relations of the House of Representatives.
In original. Should read Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Sec. 181.8 was added at 61 F.R. 7071, February 16, 1996.
§181.7 Transmittal to the Congress.
(a) International agreements other than treaties shall be transmitted by the As-
sistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs to the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House of Representatives as soon as practicable after the entry into
force of such agreements, but in no event later than 60 days thereafter.
(b) Classified agreements shall be transmitted by the Assistant Secretary of State
for Congressional Relations to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and to
the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
(c) The Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs shall also transmit to the Presi-
dent of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives background
information to accompany each agreement reported under the Act. Background
statements, while not expressly required by the Act, have been requested by the
Congress and have become an integral part of the reporting requirement. Each
background statement shall include information explaining the agreement, the nego-
tiations, the effect of the agreement, and a precise citation of legal authority. At the
request of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, each background state-
ment is to be prepared in time for transmittal with the agreement it accompanies
by the office most closely concerned with the agreement. Background statements for
classified agreements are to be transmitted by the Assistant Secretary of State for
Congressional Relations to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and to the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
(d) Pursuant to Section 12 of the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3311), any
agreement entered into between the American Institute in Taiwan and the govern-
ing authorities on Taiwan, or any agreement entered into between the Institute and
an agency of the United States Government, shall be transmitted by the Assistant
Secretary of State for Congressional Relations to the President of the Senate and
to the Speaker of the House of Representatives as soon as practicable after the entry
into force of such agreements, but in no event later than 60 days thereafter. Classi-
fied agreements entered into by the Institute shall be transmitted by the Assistant
Secretary for Congressional Relations to the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs.
§181.8 Publication.
(a) The following categories of international agreements will not be published in
United States Treaties and Other International Agreements:
(1) Bilateral agreements for the rescheduling of intergovernmental debt pay-
(2) Bilateral textile agreements concerning the importation of products contain-
ing specified textile fibers done under the Agricultural Act of 1956, as amended;
(3) Bilateral agreements between postal administrations governing technical ar-
(4) Bilateral agreements that apply to specified military exercises;
(5) Bilateral military personnel exchange agreements;
(6) Bilateral judicial assistance agreements that apply only to specified civil or
criminal investigations or prosecutions;
(7) Bilateral mapping agreements;
(8) Tariff and other schedules under the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade and under the Agreement of the World Trade Organization;
(9) Agreements that have been given a national security classification pursuant
to Executive Order No. 12958 or its successors; and
(b) Agreements on the subjects listed in paragraphs (a) (1) through (9) of this sec-
tion that had not been published as of February 26, 1996.
(c) Any international agreements in the possession of the Department of State,
other than those in paragraph (a) (9) of this section, but not published will be made
available upon request by the Department of State.
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Foreign Affairs Manual, 11 FAM 700, Treaties and Other International
Agreements, TL:POL36, Revised February 25, 1985
11 FAM 710
11 FAM 711 P
a. The purpose of this chapter is to facilitate the application of orderly and uni-
form measures and procedures for the negotiation, signature, publication, and reg-
istration of treaties and other international agreements of the United States. It is
also designed to facilitate the maintenance of complete and accurate records on trea-
ties and agreements and the publication of authoritative information regarding
b. The chapter is not a catalog of all the essential guidelines or information per-
taining to the making and application of international agreements. It is limited to
guidelines or information necessary for general guidance.
11 FAM 712 D
This chapter is intended solely as a general outline of measures and procedures
ordinarily followed which, it is recognized, cannot anticipate all circumstances or sit-
uations that may arise. Deviation or derogation from the provisions of this chapter
will not invalidate actions taken by officers nor affect the validity of negotiations
engaged in or of treaties or other agreements concluded.
11 FAM 713 T
719 U
11 FAM 720
11 FAM 720.1
This subchapter is a codification of the substance of Department Circular No. 175,
December 13, 1955, as amended, on the negotiation and signature of treaties and
other international agreements. It may be referred to for convenience and continuity
as the ‘‘Circular 175 Procedure.’’
11 FAM 720.2
The objectives are:
a. That the making of treaties and other international agreements for the United
States is carried out within constitutional and other appropriate limits;
b. That the objectives to be sought in the negotiation of particular treaties and
other international agreements are approved by the Secretary or an officer specifi-
cally authorized by him or her for that purpose;
c. That timely and appropriate consultation is had with congressional leaders and
committees on treaties and other international agreements;
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d. That where, in the opinion of the Secretary of State or a designee, the cir-
cumstances permit, the public be given an opportunity to comment on treaties and
other international agreements;
e. That firm positions departing from authorized positions are not undertaken
without the approval of the Legal Adviser and interested Assistant Secretaries or
their deputies;
f. That the final texts developed are approved by the Legal Adviser and the inter-
ested assistant secretaries or their deputies and, when required, brought a reason-
able time before signature to the attention of the Secretary or an officer specifically
designated by the Secretary for that purpose;
g. That authorization to sign the final text is obtained and appropriate arrange-
ments for signature are made; and
h. That there is compliance with the requirements of 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended,
on the transmission of the texts of international agreements other than treaties to
the Congress (see 11 FAM 724); the law on the publication of treaties and other
international agreements (see 11 FAM 725); and treaty provisions on registration
(see 11 FAM 750.33).
11 FAM 721 E
11 FAM 721.1
The following considerations will be taken into account along with other relevant
factors in determining whether an international agreement shall be dealt with by
the United States as a treaty to be brought into force with the advice and consent
of the Senate or as an agreement to be brought into force on some other constitu-
tional basis.
11 FAM 721.2
There are two procedures under the Constitution through which the United States
becomes a party to international agreement. Those procedures and the constitu-
tional parameters of each are:
a. Treaties
International agreements (regardless of their title, designation, or form) whose
entry into force with respect to the United States takes place only after the Senate
has given its advice and consent are ‘‘treaties.’’ The President, with the advice and
consent of two-thirds of the Senators present, may enter into an international agree-
ment on any subject genuinely of concern in foreign relations, so long as the agree-
ment does not contravene the United States Constitution; and
b. International Agreements Other Than Treaties
International agreements brought into force with respect to the United States on
a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of the Senate are
‘‘international agreements other than treaties.’’ (The term ‘‘executive agreement’’ is
appropriately reserved for agreements made solely on the basis of the constitutional
authority of the President.) There are three constitutional bases for international
agreements other than treaties as set forth below. An international agreement may
be concluded pursuant to one or more of these constitutional bases:
(1) Agreements Pursuant to Treaty.The President may conclude an inter-
national agreement pursuant to a treaty brought into force with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate, the provisions of which constitute authorization for the agree-
ment by the Executive without subsequent action by the Congress;
(2) Agreements Pursuant to Legislation.The President may conclude an
international agreement on the basis of existing legislation or subject to legislation
to be enacted by the Congress; and
(3) Agreements Pursuant to the Constitutional Authority of the Presi-
dent.The President may conclude an international agreement on any subject
within his constitutional authority so long as the agreement is not inconsistent with
legislation enacted by the Congress in the exercise of its constitutional authority.
The constitutional sources of authority for the President to conclude international
agreements include:
(a) The Presidents authority as Chief Executive to represent the nation in foreign
(b) The Presidents authority to receive ambassadors and other public ministers;
(c) The Presidents authority as ‘‘Commander-in-Chief’’; and
(d) The Presidents authority to ‘‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed.’’
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11 FAM 721.3
In determining a question as to the procedure which should be followed for any
particular international agreement, due consideration is given to the following fac-
tors along with those in 11 FAM 721.2:
a. The extent to which the agreement involves commitments or risks affecting the
nation as a whole;
b. Whether the agreement is intended to affect State laws;
c. Whether the agreement can be given effect without the enactment of subse-
quent legislation by the Congress;
d. Past U.S. practice as to similar agreements;
e. The preference of the Congress as to a particular type of agreement;
f. The degree of formality desired for an agreement;
g. The proposed duration of the agreement, the need for prompt conclusion of an
agreement, and the desirability of concluding a routine or short-term agreement;
h. The general international practice as to similar agreements.
In determining whether any international agreement should be brought into force
as a treaty or as an international agreement other than a treaty, the utmost care
is to be exercised to avoid any invasion or compromise of the constitutional powers
of the Senate, the Congress as a whole, or the President.
11 FAM 721.4
a. All legal memorandums accompanying Circular 175 requests (see 11 FAM
722.3, paragraph h) will discuss thoroughly the bases for the type of agreement rec-
b. When there is any question whether an international agreement should be con-
cluded as a treaty or as an international agreement other than a treaty, the matter
is brought to the attention of the Legal Adviser of the Department. If the Legal Ad-
viser considers the question to be a serious one that may warrant congressional con-
sultation, a memorandum will be transmitted to the Assistant Secretary for Legisla-
tive and Intergovernmental Affairs and other officers concerned. Upon receiving
their views on the subject, the Legal Adviser shall, if the matter has not been re-
solved, transmit a memorandum thereon to the Secretary for a decision. Every prac-
ticable effort will be made to identify such questions at the earliest possible date
so that consultations may be completed in sufficient time to avoid last-minute con-
c. Consultations on such questions will be held with congressional leaders and
committees as may be appropriate. Arrangements for such consultations shall be
made by the Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs and
shall be held with the assistance of the Office of the Legal Adviser and such other
offices as may be determined. Nothing in this section shall be taken as derogating
from the requirement of appropriate consultations with the Congress in accordance
with 11 FAM 723.1, paragraph e, in connection with the initiation of, and develop-
ments during negotiations for international agreements, particularly where the
agreements are of special interest to the Congress.
11 FAM 722 A
11 FAM 722.1
Negotiations of treaties, or other international agreements on matters of sub-
stance, or for their extension or revision, are not to be undertaken, nor any explor-
atory discussions undertaken with representatives of another government, until au-
thorized in writing by the Secretary or an officer specifically authorized by the Sec-
retary for that purpose. Notification of the termination of any treaty or other inter-
national agreement on matters of substance requires similar authorization.
11 FAM 722.2
Approval of a request for authorization to negotiate a treaty or other international
agreement does not constitute advance approval of the text nor authorization to
agree upon a date for signature or to sign the treaty or agreement. Authorization
to agree upon a given date for, and to proceed with, signature must be specifically
requested in writing, as provided in 11 FAM 722.3. This applies to treaties and
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other agreements to be signed abroad as well as those to be signed at Washington.
Special instructions may be required, because of the special circumstances involved,
for multilateral conventions or agreements to be signed at international conferences.
11 FAM 722.3
a. A request for authorization to negotiate and/or sign a treaty or other inter-
national agreement takes the form of an action memorandum addressed to the Sec-
retary or other principal to whom such authority has been delegated, as appropriate,
and cleared with the Office of the Legal Adviser (including the Assistant Legal Ad-
viser for Treaty Affairs), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislative and
Intergovernmental Affairs, other appropriate bureaus, and any other agency (such
as Defense, Commerce, etc.) which has primary responsibility or a substantial inter-
est in the subject matter. It is submitted through the Executive Secretariat.
b. The action memorandum may request one of the following: (1) authority to ne-
gotiate, (2) authority to sign, or (3) authority to negotiate and sign. The request in
each instance states that any substantive changes in the draft text will be cleared
with the Office of the Legal Adviser and other specified regional and/or functional
bureaus before definitive agreement is reached. Drafting offices should consult close-
ly with the Office of the Legal Adviser to insure that all legal requirements are met.
c. The action memorandum indicates what arrangements are planned as to: (1)
congressional consultation and (2) opportunity for public comment on the treaty or
agreement being negotiated, signed, or acceded to.
d. The action memorandum shall indicate: (1) whether a proposed treaty or agree-
ment embodies a commitment to furnish funds, goods, or services beyond or in addi-
tion to those authorized in an approved budget; and if so, (2) arrangements planned
or carried out concerning consultation with the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for such commitment.
e. The Department will not authorize such commitments without confirmation
that the relevant budget approved by the President requests or provides funds ade-
quate to fulfill the proposed commitment or that the President has made a deter-
mination to seek the required funds.
f. Where it appears that there may be obstacles to the immediate public disclosure
of the text upon its entry into force, the action memorandum shall include an expla-
nation thereof (see 11 FAM 723.2 and 11 FAM 723.3).
g. An action memorandum dealing with an agreement that has a potential for ad-
verse environmental impact should contain a statement indicating whether the
agreement will significantly affect the quality of the human environment.
h. The action memorandum is accompanied by: (1) the U.S. draft, if available, of
any agreement or other instrument intended to be negotiated; or (2) the text of any
agreement and related exchange of notes, agreed minutes, or other document to be
signed (with appropriate clearances, including the Assistant Legal Adviser for Trea-
ty affairs); and (3) a memorandum of law prepared in the Office of the Legal Ad-
i. These provisions shall apply whether a proposed international agreement is to
be concluded in the name of the U.S. Government or in the name of a particular
agency of the U.S. Government. However, in the latter case, the action memoran-
dum may be addressed to the interested Assistant Secretary or Secretaries of State,
or their designees in writing, unless such official(s) judge that consultation with the
Secretary, Deputy Secretary or an Under Secretary is necessary. (See 22 CFR
11 FAM 722.4
When authorization is sought for a particular treaty or other agreement, either
multilateral or bilateral, the action memorandum for this purpose outlines briefly
and clearly the principal features of the proposed treaty or other agreement, indi-
cates any special problems which may be encountered and, if possible, the con-
templated solutions of those problems.
11 FAM 722.5
In general, blanket authorizations are appropriate only in those instances where,
in carrying out or giving effect to provisions of law or policy decisions, a series of
agreements of the same general type is contemplated; that is, a number of agree-
ments to be negotiated according to a more or less standard formula (for example,
Pub. L. 480 Agricultural Commodities Agreements; Educational Exchange Agree-
ments; Investment Guaranty Agreements; Weather Station Agreements, etc.) or a
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number of treaties to be negotiated according to a more or less standard formula
(for example, consular conventions, extradition treaties, etc.). Each request for blan-
ket authorization shall specify the office or officers to whom the authority is to be
delegated. The basic precepts under 11 FAM 722.3 and 11 FAM 722.4 apply equally
to requests for blanket authorizations. The specific terms of any blanket authoriza-
tion, i.e., that the text of any particular agreement shall be cleared by the Office
of the Legal Adviser and other interested bureaus before signature, shall be ob-
served in all cases.
11 FAM 722.6
a. Before any treaty or other agreement containing a foreign language text is laid
before the Secretary (or any person authorized by the Secretary) for signature, ei-
ther in the Department or at a post, a signed memorandum must be obtained from
a responsible language officer of the Department certifying that the foreign lan-
guage text and the English language text are in conformity with each other and that
both texts have the same meaning in all substantive respects. A similar certification
must be obtained for exchanges of notes that set forth the terms of an agreement
in two languages.
b. In exceptional circumstances the Department can authorize the certification to
be made at a post.
11 FAM 722.7
The texts of treaties and other international agreements must be completed and
approved in writing by all responsible officers concerned sufficiently in advance to
give the Secretary, or the person to whom authority to approve the text has been
delegated, adequate time before the date of signing to examine the text and dispose
of any questions that arise. Posts must transmit the texts to the Department as ex-
peditiously as feasible to assure adequate time for such consideration. Except as
otherwise specifically authorized by the Secretary, a complete text of a treaty or
other international agreement must be delivered to the Secretary or other person
authorized to approve the text, before any such text is agreed upon as final or any
date is agreed upon for its signature.
11 FAM 723 R
11 FAM 723.1
The office or officer responsible for any negotiations keeps in mind:
a. That during the negotiations no position is communicated to a foreign govern-
ment or to an international organization as a U.S. position that goes beyond any
existing authorization or instructions;
b. That no proposal is made or position is agreed to beyond the original authoriza-
tion without appropriate clearance (see 11 FAM 722.3, paragraph a);
c. That all significant policy-determining memorandums and instructions to the
field on the subject of the negotiations have appropriate clearance (see 11 FAM
722.3, paragraph a);
d. That the Secretary or other principal, as appropriate, is kept informed in writ-
ing of important policy decisions and developments, including any particularly sig-
nificantly departures from substantially standard drafts that have been evolved;
e. That with the advice and assistance of the Assistant Secretary for Legislative
and Intergovernmental Affairs, the appropriate congressional leaders and commit-
tees are advised of the intention to negotiate significant new international agree-
ments, consulted concerning such agreements, and kept informed of developments
affecting them, including especially whether any legislation is considered necessary
or desirable for the implementation of the new treaty or agreement. Where the pro-
posal for any especially important treaty or other international agreement is con-
templated, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovern-
mental Affairs will be informed as early as possible by the office responsible for the
f. That the interest of the public be taken into account and, where in the opinion
of the Secretary of State or his or her designee the circumstances permit, the public
be given an opportunity to comment;
g. That in no case, after accord has been reached on the substance and wording
of the texts to be signed, do the negotiators sign an agreement or exchange notes
constituting an agreement until a request under 11 FAM 722.3 for authorization to
sign has been approved and, if at a post abroad, until finally Instructed by the De-
partment to do so as stated in 11 FAM 730.3. If an agreement is to be signed in
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two languages, each language text must be cleared in full with the Language Serv-
ices Division or, if at a post abroad, with the Department before signature, as stated
in 11 FAM 722.6;
h. That due consideration is given also to the provisions of 11 FAM 723.2 through
11 FAM 723.9, 11 FAM 730.3, and 11 FAM 731 of this chapter; and
i. That in any case where any other department or agency is to play a primary
or significant role or has a major interest in negotiation of an international agree-
ment, the appropriate official or officials in such department or agency are informed
of the provisions of this subchapter.
11 FAM 723.2
The necessity of avoiding any commitment incompatible with the law requiring
publication (1 U.S.C. 112a) and with the treaty provisions requiring registration (see
11 FAM 750.33) should be borne in mind by U.S. negotiators. Although negotia-
tions may be conducted on a confidential basis, every practicable effort must be
made to assure that any definitive agreement or commitment entered into will be
devoid of any aspect which would prevent the publication and registration of the
11 FAM 723.3
in any instance where it appears to the officer or office in the Department respon-
sible for the negotiations or to the U.S. representatives that the immediate public
disclosure upon its entry into force of an agreement under negotiations would be
prejudicial to the national security of the United States, the pertinent circumstances
shall be reported to the Secretary of State and his or her decision awaited before
any further action is taken. Where such circumstances are known before authoriza-
tion to negotiate or to sign is requested, they shall be included in the request for
authorization. All such reports and requests are to be cleared with the Office of the
Legal Adviser.
11 FAM 723.4
No public statement is to be made indicating that agreement on a text has been
reached, or that negotiations have been successfully completed, before authorization
is granted to sign the treaty or other agreement. If such authorization has been
granted subject to a condition that no substantive change in the proposed text is
made without appropriate clearance (see 11 FAM 722.3, paragraph a), no such pub-
lic statement is to be made until definitive agreement on the text has been reached
and such clearance has been received. Normally, such a public statement is made
only at the time a treaty or other agreement is actually signed, inasmuch as it re-
mains possible that last-minute changes will be made in the text. Any such state-
ment prior to that time must have the appropriate clearance, and the approval of
the Secretary or the Department principal who originally approved the action
memorandum request under ‘‘Circular 175 Procedure.’’
11 FAM 723.5
Negotiators will assure that every bilateral treaty or other international agree-
ment to be signed for the United States contains an English-language text. If the
language of the other country concerned is one other than English, the text is done
in English and, if desired by the other country, in the language of that country. A
U.S. note that constitutes part of an international agreement effected by exchange
of notes is always in the English language. If it quotes a foreign government note,
the quotation is to be rendered in English translation. A U.S. note is not in any
language in addition to English, unless specifically authorized (with the clearance
of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs). The note of the other government
concerned may be in whatever language that government desires.
11 FAM 723.6
a. The officer responsible for the negotiation of a treaty or other agreement at any
post is responsible for insuring the most expeditious transmission of the signed
original text, together with all accompanying papers such as agreed minutes, ex-
changes of notes, plans, etc. (indicating full names of persons who signed), to the
Department for the attention of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs; pro-
vided, that where originals are not available, accurate certified copies are obtained
and transmitted as in the case of the original. (See 11 FAM 723.7, 11 FAM 723.8,
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and 11 FAM 723.9.) The transmittal is by airgram, not by transmittal slip or oper-
ations memorandum.
b. Any officer in the Department having possession of or receiving from any source
a signed original or certified copy of a treaty or agreement or of a note or other doc-
ument constituting a part of a treaty or agreement must forward such documents
immediately to the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs.
11 FAM 723.7
When an exchange of diplomatic notes between the mission and a foreign govern-
ment constitutes an agreement or has the effect of extending, modifying, or termi-
nating an agreement to which the United States is a party, a properly certified copy
of the note from the mission to the foreign government, and the signed original of
the note from the foreign government are sent, as soon as practicable (indicating
full names of persons who signed) to the Department for attention of the Assistant
Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs. The transmittal is by airgram, not by transmittal
slip or operations memorandum.
Likewise, if, in addition to the treaty or other agreement signed, notes related
thereto are exchanged (either at the same time, beforehand, or thereafter), a prop-
erly certified copy (copies) of the note(s) from the mission to the foreign government
are transmitted with the signed original(s) of the note(s) from the foreign govern-
In each instance, the mission retains for its files certified copies of the note ex-
changed. The U.S. note is prepared in accordance with the rules prescribed in 5
FAH1, Correspondence Handbook. The note of the foreign government is prepared
in accordance with the style of the foreign ministry and usually in the language of
that country. Whenever practicable, arrangements are made for the notes to bear
the same date.
11 FAM 723.8
If a copy of a note is a part of an international agreement, such copy is certified
by a duly commissioned and qualified Foreign Service officer either (a) by a certifi-
cation on the document itself, or (b) by a separate certification attached to the docu-
ment. A certification on the document itself is placed at the end of the document.
It indicates, either typed or rubber stamped, that the document is a true copy of
the original signed (or initialed) by (INSERT FULL NAME OF OFFICER WHO
SIGNED DOCUMENT), and it is signed by the certifying officer. If a certification
is typed on a separate sheet of paper, it briefly describes the document certified and
states that it is a true copy of the original signed (or initialed) by (FULL NAME),
and it is signed and dated by the certifying officer. The certification may be stapled
to the copy of the note.
11 FAM 723.9
For purposes of accuracy of the Departments records and publication and reg-
istration, a certified copy must be an exact copy of the signed original. It must be
made either by typewriter (ribbon or carbon copy) or by facsimile reproduction on
white durable paper (not by the duplimat method) and must be CLEARLY LEG-
IBLE. In the case of notes, the copy shows the letterhead, the date and, if signed,
an indication of the signature or, if merely initialed, the initials which appear on
the original. It is suggested that, in the case of a note from the mission to the for-
eign government, the copy for certification and transmission to the Department be
made at the same time the original is prepared. If the copy is made at the same
time, the certificate prescribed in 11 FAM 723.8 may state that the document is a
true and correct copy of the signed original. If it is not possible to make a copy at
the same time the original is prepared, the certificate indicates that the document
is a true and correct copy of the copy on file in the mission. The word ‘‘(Copy)’’ is
not placed on the document which is being certified; the word ‘‘(Signed)’’ is not
placed before the indication of signatures. Moreover, a reference to the transmitting
airgram, such as ‘‘Enclosure 1 to Airgram No. 18 (ect.)’’, is not placed on the cer-
tified document. The identification of such a document as an enclosure to an
airgram may be typed on a separate slip of paper and attached to the document,
but in such a manner that it may be easily removed without defacing the document.
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11 FAM 724 T
: C
All officers will be especially diligent in cooperating to assure compliance with
Pub. L. 92403 ‘‘An Act to require that international agreements other than trea-
ties, hereafter entered into by the United States, be transmitted to the Congress
within sixty days after the execution thereof.’’ That Act, popularly known as the
Case-Zablocki Act, approved August 22, 1972 (86 Stat. 619; 1 U.S.C. 112b), provides
as follows:
The Secretary of State shall transmit to the Congress the text of any inter-
national agreement other than a treaty, to which the United States is a party
as soon as practicable after such agreement has entered into force with respect
to the United States but in no event later than sixty days thereafter. However,
any such agreement the immediate public disclosure of which would in the opin-
ion of the President, be prejudicial to the national security of the United States
shall not be so transmitted to the Congress but shall be transmitted to the
Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign
Affairs of the House of Representatives under an appropriate injunction of se-
crecy to be removed only upon due notice from the President.
11 FAM 725 P
The attention of all officers is directed to the requirements of the Act of Septem-
ber 23, 1950 (64 Stat. 979; 1 U.S.C. 112a), which provides as follows:
The Secretary of State shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and pub-
lished, beginning as of January 1,1950, a compilation entitled ‘‘United States
Treaties and Other International Agreements,’’ which shall contain all treaties
to which the United States is a party that have been proclaimed during each
calendar year, and all international agreements other than treaties to which the
United States is a party that have been signed, proclaimed, or with reference
to which any other final formality has been executed, during each calendar
year. The said United States Treaties and Other International Agreements shall
be legal evidence of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties,
and proclamations by the President of such treaties and agreements, therein
contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the
Territories and insular possessions of the United States.
11 FAM 726
11 FAM 730
11 FAM 730.1
An agreement may be concluded (entered into) by the process of bilateral negotia-
tions which result either in the signing of a single instrument in duplicate or in ex-
change of diplomatic notes, or by the process of multilateral negotiations, usually
at an international conference to which the governments concerned send official del-
egations for the purpose of formulating and signing an instrument of agreement.
11 FAM 730.2
11 FAM 730.21 Negotiation and Background Assistance
Whenever the negotiation of a new international agreement is under consider-
ation, the Department office or the post having primary responsibility informs the
Legal Adviser and may, if considered necessary, request background material and
advice regarding relevant provisions in existing treaties and agreements, the gen-
eral treaty relations of this Government with the government or governments con-
cerned, and other pertinent information.
11 FAM 730.22 Role of Office of the Legal Adviser
a. Legal Review of Draft Agreements.As soon as tentative provisions for an
agreement are considered or drafted, the Office of the Legal Adviser is requested
to make available the services of an attorney-adviser to insure that the agreement
is properly drafted and agreed policy is expressed clearly and fully. The Office of
the Legal Adviser prepares a draft in the first instance upon the request of another
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b. Legal Clearance Required.Any draft of a proposed treaty or agreement,
or any outgoing correspondence regarding the negotiation, signature, and ratifica-
tion or approval, as well as the existence, status, and application, of any inter-
national agreement to which the United States is or may become a party, is cleared
with the Office of the Legal Adviser and with other appropriate bureaus or offices
and, as appropriate, with any other agency concerned with the reply.
11 FAM 730.3
When an agreement is to be concluded at a foreign capital, the Department des-
ignates the United States negotiator or negotiators, and the negotiator or nego-
tiators are given appropriate instructions. If the agreement to be negotiated is a
treaty which will be referred to the Senate, the Secretary of State may at some time
prior to or during the negotiations issue or request the President to issue or request
the President to issue a ‘‘full power’’ (see 11 FAM 732) constituting formal author-
ization for the United States negotiators to sign the agreement. Such a ‘‘full power’’
is not customary with respect to an international agreement other than a treaty.
The receipt or possession of a ‘‘full power’’ is never to be considered as a final au-
thorization to sign. That authorization is given by the Department by a written or
telegraphic instruction, and no signature is affixed in the absence of such instruc-
tion. If the proposal for an agreement originates with the United States, the U.S.
negotiators as a rule furnish a tentative draft of the proposed agreement for submis-
sion to the other government for its consideration. The negotiators submit to the De-
partment any modification of the draft or any counterproposal made by the other
government and await instructions from the Department. If the original proposal
emanates from a foreign government, the mission forwards the proposal to the De-
partment and awaits its instructions.
11 FAM 730.4
If an agreement is to be signed at a post abroad as a single instrument (in dupli-
cate), the engrossing (preparation of the documents to be signed) is customarily done
in the foreign ministry on paper supplied by it, along with a binding and ribbons
to tie the pages in place. However, the mission may lend assistance if the foreign
ministry so desires. There is no universal standard as to the kind or size of paper
which must be used (each foreign ministry has its own ‘‘treaty paper’’), and the texts
may be engrossed either by typing or by printing. For every bilateral agreement
there must be two originals, one for each government. Each original must embody
the full text of the agreement in all the languages in which the agreement is to be
signed, and must be exactly the same as the other original subject only to the prin-
ciple of the ‘‘alternat.’’
In the case of an agreement effected by exchange of notes, the U.S. notes are pre-
pared in English and in accordance with 5 FAM 220 through 224 and the rules pre-
scribed in 5 FAH1, Correspondence Handbook. The note of the foreign government
is prepared in accordance with the style of the foreign ministry and usually in the
language of that country. Whenever practicable, arrangements are made for the
notes to bear the same date.
11 FAM 730.5
11 FAM 730.51 Arrangement of Texts
When English and a language other than English are both used, the texts in the
two languages are placed (a) in ‘‘tandem’’ fashion, that is, with one text following
the other (the tandem procedure is the most widely used as it is the most expedi-
tious), or (b) in parallel, vertical columns on the same page, the columns being ap-
proximately of equal width, or (c) on opposite facing pages of the document the en-
tire width of the type or printed space on the page.
If the two languages are placed ‘‘tandem’’ fashion, the English text is placed first
in the U.S. original, and conversely in the foreign governments original.
If parallel columns are used, the English text is placed in the left column of each
page in the original to be retained by the United States, and the foreign text ap-
pears in the right column. In the other original, to be retained by the foreign gov-
ernment, the foreign text appears in the left column, and the English text in the
right column.
If the two languages are placed on opposite facing pages of the document, the
English text occupies the left-hand page and the foreign text the right-hand page
in the U.S. original, and conversely in the foreign governments original. If either
the ‘‘tandem’’ or the ‘‘opposite facing page’’ style is used, the concluding part (usually
beginning ‘‘IN WITNESS WHEREOF,’’ ‘‘DONE,’’ etc.) should appear engrossed in
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parallel columns on the page on which the signatures will appear, so that only one
set of signatures is required for each separately bound document (see 11 FAM 730
Exhibit 730.51, page 1). If parallel signature columns are not feasible, the conclud-
ing paragraphs can be placed ‘‘tandem’’ fashion on the page on which the signatures
appear (see 11 FAM 730 Exhibit 730.51, page 2).
If an oriental text is one which, from the occidental viewpoint, reads from back
to front, it may be possible to join the two texts in a single binding so that the sig-
natures appear, roughly speaking, in the center of the document. If this is not fea-
sible, the negotiators should seek instructions from the Department.
11 FAM 730.52 Arrangement of Names and Signatures; Use of Titles
In the original to be retained by the United States, the United States is named
first in both the English and foreign texts, wherever the names of the countries
occur together conjunctively or disjunctively; and the signature of the pleni-
potentiary of the United States appears on the left and that of the foreign pleni-
potentiary on the right of the original to be retained by the United States. Con-
versely, throughout both of the language texts of the original to be retained by the
foreign government, that government is named first and its plenipotentiarys signa-
ture appears to the left of the signature of the U.S. plenipotentiary. The position
of full sentences, paragraphs, or subparagraphs in the text is never transposed in
the alternat procedure.
The general practice and preference of the Department of State is not to use titles
along with signatures, especially where the President or the Secretary of State
signs. However, if preferred by the other party or parties concerned, titles may be
typed BELOW where each will sign (with ample space allowed for the signature).
11 FAM 731 C
After the documents have been engrossed on the basis of agreed texts, and before
the signing of the agreement, the negotiators or other responsible officers on each
side make sure that the texts in both originals of the engrossed agreement are in
exact conformity with each other and with the texts in the drafts agreed to, and
especially that where a foreign language is included that text and the English text
are in conformity in all substantive respects. Prior to engrossing it should have been
determined that the foreign-language text is essentially (that is, as a matter of sub-
stance) in accord with the English text, and that it has received the clearance of
the Department as required in 11 FAM 722.6.
11 FAM 732 E
Each representative who is to sign a treaty is furnished a full power signed by
the head of state, head of government, or minister for foreign affairs. More than one
representative should be named in a single instrument of full power. On occasion,
formal full powers may be (but customarily are NOT in U.S. practice) issued for the
signing of certain agreements other than treaties. When issued, the full power is
formal evidence of the authority of the representative to sign on behalf of the rep-
resentatives government. It names the representative, with title, and gives a clear
indication of the particular instrument of agreement which the representative is en-
titled to sign. Full powers for representatives of the United States are prepared by
the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, and generally are signed
by the Secretary or Acting Secretary of State. On occasion, full powers are signed
by the President.
If the agreement itself requires the exchange of full powers, they are exchanged.
If not, they may be either exchanged or exhibited by the representatives on the occa-
sion of signing the agreement, as may be preferred by the foreign representative.
If a full power is required, the U.S. representative shall NOT proceed to sign the
treaty until the full power is in hand, or the Department specially instructs other-
wise. If exchanged, the original full power of the foreign representative is forwarded
to the Department with the U.S. original of the signed agreement. If the representa-
tives retain the original of the respective full powers, each representative should
supply the other representative with an offset copy or a certified copy of the full
11 FAM 733 S
When the engrossing of a treaty or other international agreement which is to be
signed as a single instrument has been completed, mutually convenient arrange-
ments for its signature are made by the host government. In the case of treaties,
the signatures of the representatives may be accompanied by their respective seals,
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ribbons being fastened in the seals and binding the documents. The same procedure
may be followed for other agreements signed as single instruments. It is not essen-
tial that seals be affixed, unless the agreement specifically so requires (the pref-
erence of the Department of State is NOT to use seals). The representatives per-
sonal seal, if available, is used when seals accompany the signatures, except that
if the other government concerned prefers official seals, the seal of the mission may
be used.
(NOTE. A personal seal may consist of a signet ring with initial(s) or family crest,
written initials, etc.)
11 FAM 734 E
11 FAM 734.1
It is customary for a treaty to contain a simple provision to the effect that the
instruments of ratification shall be exchanged as soon as possible at a designated
capital, and that the treaty shall enter into force on the date of such exchange or
at the expiration of a specified number of days or months following the date of ex-
change. (As all treaties signed on the part of the United States are subject to ratifi-
cation by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and as the time required
for action on any particular treaty cannot be foreseen, it is preferable that provision
is made in the treaty that the instruments of ratification are to be exchanged ‘‘as
soon as possible’’ rather than within a specified period.)
11 FAM 734.2
In exchanging instruments of ratification the representative of the United States
hands to the representative of the foreign government a duplicate original of the
Presidents instrument of ratification. In return, the representative of the foreign
government hands to the representative of the United States the instrument of rati-
fication executed by the head or the chief executive of the foreign government. A
protocol, sometimes called ‘‘Protocol of Exchange of Ratifications’’ or proce
attesting the exchange is signed by the two representatives when the exchange is
made. No full power is required for this purpose. The protocol of exchange is signed
in duplicate originals, one for each government, and the principle of the alternat is
observed as in the treaty. Before making the exchange and signing the proce
or protocol of exchange the diplomatic representative of the United States must be
satisfied that the ratification of the foreign government is an unqualified ratifica-
tion, or subject only to such reservations or understandings as have been agreed to
by the two governments.
11 FAM 734.3
In all cases, but particularly in those in which the treaty enters into force on the
day of the exchange, it is essential that the mission notify the Department by tele-
gram when arrangements have been completed for the exchange, and also when the
exchange actually takes place. By the first pouch after the exchange takes place, if
possible, the mission forwards to the Department the instrument of ratification of
the foreign government and the U.S. Governments original of the signed proce
verbal or protocol of exchange. The Department then will take such steps as may
be necessary to have the proclamation of the treaty executed by the President.
[11 FAM 730
11 FAM 735
11 FAM 740
11 FAM 740.1
The procedures for the making of multilateral agreements are in many respects
the same as those for the making of bilateral agreements; for example, the general
requirements in regard to full powers, ratification, proclamation, and publication.
This subchapter covers those procedures which are at variance with bilateral proce-
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11 FAM 740.2
11 FAM 740.21 Function of International Conference
The international conference is the device usually employed for the negotiation of
multilateral agreements. The greater the number of countries involved, the greater
the necessity for such a conference. If only three or four countries are involved, it
may be convenient to carry on the preliminary negotiations through correspondence
and have a joint meeting of plenipotentiaries to complete the negotiations and to
sign the document.
11 FAM 740.22 Invitation
Traditionally, the international conference was convened by one governments ex-
tending to other interested governments an invitation (acceptance usually assured
beforehand) to participate, the host government bearing most, if not all, of the ex-
pense incident to the physical aspects of the conference. This is still often the prac-
tice, but increasing numbers of conferences have been convened under the auspices,
and at the call of international organizations.
11 FAM 740.23 Statement of Purpose
When a call is made or invitations are extended for a conference for the formula-
tion of a multilateral agreement, it is customary for a precise statement of purpose
to accompany the call or the invitations. Sometimes, the invitation is also accom-
panied by a draft agreement to be used as a basis for negotiations. If the conference
is called under the auspices of an international organization, the precise statement
of purpose or the draft agreement may be prepared in preliminary sessions of the
organization or by the secretariat of the organization.
11 FAM 740.24 Instructions to Negotiators
The U.S. delegation to a conference may be comprised of one or more representa-
tives. As a rule, the U.S. delegation is furnished written instructions by the Depart-
ment prior to the conference in the form of a position paper for the U.S. delegation
cleared with the Secretary or an officer specifically authorized by him or her and
other appropriate Department officers for that purpose, under the procedures de-
scribed in 11 FAM 722.3. The Office of the Legal Adviser in all instances reviews
drafts of international conventions to be considered in meetings of an international
organization of which the United States is a member; when necessary, it also pro-
vides legal assistance at international conferences and meetings.
11 FAM 740.25 Final Acts of Conference
The ‘‘Final Act’’ of a conference must not contain international commitments. A
Final Act must be limited to such matters as a statement or summary of the pro-
ceedings of the conference, the names of the states that participated, the organiza-
tion of the conference and the committees established, resolutions adopted, the
drafts of international agreements formulated for consideration by governments con-
cerned, and the like. If an international agreement is to be opened for signature at
the close of the conference, a text thereof may be annexed to the Final Act but must
not be incorporated in the body thereof; the text to be signed must be prepared and
bound separately for that purpose. Where a Final Act appears to embody inter-
national commitments, the U.S. representative reports the same to the Department
and awaits specific instruments before taking any further action.
11 FAM 741 O
a. General Procedures
The working languages of the conference and the official languages of the con-
ference documents are determined by the conference. A conference does not nec-
essarily adopt all of the same languages for both purposes. It is customary and pref-
erable for all the officials languages in which the final document is prepared for
signature to be designated as having equal authenticity. It is possible, however, for
the conference to determine, because of special circumstances, that in the event of
dispute one of the languages is to prevail and to include in the text of the agreement
a provision to that effect. Before a U.S. delegation concurs in any such proposal, it
must request instructions from the Department.
b. English Language Text
Negotiators will use every practicable effort to assure that an English-language
text is part of the authentic text of any multilateral treaty negotiated for the United
States. Where any question exists on this subject, the negotiators should seek fur-
ther instructions.
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11 FAM 742 E
11 FAM 742.1
The multilateral agreement drawn up at an international conference is engrossed
for signature in the official language or language adopted by the conference. (See
11 FAM 741.) The engrossing ordinarily will be done by the conference secretariat.
11 FAM 742.2
The principle of the alternat (see 11 FAM 730.5) does not apply in the case of
a multilateral agreement, except in the remote case when an agreement between
three or four governments is prepared for signature in the language of all the sig-
natories and each of those governments is to receive a signed original of the agree-
ment. Customarily, a multilateral agreement is prepared for signature in a single
original, comprising all the official languages. That original is placed in the custody
of a depositary (either a government or an international organization) which fur-
nishes certified copies to all governments concerned.
11 FAM 742.21 Arrangement of Texts
The arrangement of multilateral agreement texts varies, depending largely on the
number of languages used. As in the case of bilateral agreements, however, the
basic alternatives in the case of multilateral agreements are ‘‘tandem,’’ parallel col-
umns, or facing pages, as follows:
a. Tandem
If an agreement is to be signed in two languages, and especially if signed in three
or more languages, the texts may be arranged in tandem style, that is, one complete
text following the other. This allows readily for any number of official texts; the tan-
dem style precedent of the Charter of the United Nations is followed for the prepa-
ration of agreements formulated under the auspices of the United Nations. It is de-
sirable, whenever practicable, that the concluding part of each text be placed with
the concluding part of each of the other texts in parallel columns on the page on
which the first of the signatures appears, although the tandem arrangement de-
scribed at the end of 11 FAM 742.21c (below) can be used.
b. Parallel Columns
If an agreement is to be signed in only two languages, the traditionally preferred
method of arrangement of the texts has been parallel, vertical columns. This method
may be used also if only three languages are used, but the three columns are nec-
essarily so narrow that the method has been rarely used in such cases. When there
are four official languages, however, it is possible to use the parallel column method
by placing two of the language texts on a left-hand page and the other two language
texts on the facing right-hand page; this method has been used often and to good
advantage in various inter-American agreements with English, Spanish, French,
and Portuguese. If any of the languages is oriental, the parallel column method may
be inexpedient and one of the other methods may be necessary.
c. Facing Pages
If an agreement is to be signed in only two languages, and circumstances make
it necessary or desirable, the facing page method may be used for engrossing the
texts for signature, so that one of the language texts will be on a left-hand page
and the other will be on the facing right-hand page. When this method is used, it
is desirable that at least the concluding part (usually beginning ‘‘IN WITNESS
WHEREOF,’’ ‘‘DONE,’’ etc.) be engrossed in parallel columns on the page at the end
of the texts in both languages so that only one set of signatures is required. If par-
allel columns are not feasible, the concluding paragraphs can be placed tandem
fashion (one language text after another) on the page at the end of the texts in both
11 FAM 742.22 Arrangement of Names and Signatures
The arrangement of names and signatures, although it may seem a minor matter,
sometimes presents difficulties in the case of multilateral agreements. There may
be variations of arrangements, depending on particular factors, but the arrangement
most generally used is alphabetical according to the names of the countries con-
cerned. An alphabetical listing, however, presents the further question, even when
there are only two languages, of what language is to be used in determining the
arrangement. It is a common practice to use the language of the host government
or for an agreement formulated under the auspices of an international organization,
to follow the precedents established by that organization. It is possible, in the event
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that agreement could not be reached regarding the arrangement of names of coun-
tries and signatures of plenipotentiaries, to have a drawing of lots, a device seldom
used. In any event, the question is one to be determined by the conference.
11 FAM 742.3
It is the primary responsibility of the delegations, acting in conference, to deter-
mine the conformity of the agreement texts which are to be signed. However, the
conference secretariat has a responsibility for checking the texts carefully to insure
that, when put in final form for signature, the texts are in essential conformity.
11 FAM 743 F
In the case of a multilateral agreement drawn up at an international conference,
this Government customarily (almost invariably, in the case of a treaty) issues to
one or more of its representatives at the conference an instrument of full power au-
thorizing signature of the agreement on behalf of the United States. In some in-
stances, issuance of the full power is deferred until it is relatively certain that the
agreement formulated is to be signed for the United States. (See 11 FAM 732.) Ordi-
narily, that full power is presented by the representatives to the secretary general
of the conference upon arrival of the delegation at the conference site. It may be
submitted in advance of arrival, but usually that is not necessary. When the con-
ference has formally convened, it usually appoints a credentials committee, to which
all full powers and other evidence of authorization are submitted for examination.
The full powers and related documents are retained by the credentials committee
or the secretary general until the close of the conference. At the close of the con-
ference, the full powers, related documents, and the signed original of the agree-
ment are turned over to the government or the international organization des-
ignated in the agreement as the depositary authority, to be placed in its archives.
11 FAM 744 S
See also 11 FAM 733.
11 FAM 744.1
Most multilateral agreements are signed. Some, however, are adopted by a con-
ference or organization after which governments become parties by adherence, ac-
cession, acceptance, or some other method not requiring signature (for example, con-
ventions drawn up and adopted at sessions of the International Labor Organiza-
tion). Procedures for the deposit of an instrument of adherence, accession, or accept-
ance are similar to procedures for the deposit of instruments of ratification. In some
cases, accession or approval can be accomplished by formal notice through diplo-
matic channels.
11 FAM 744.2
Multilateral treaties do not usually provide for the use of seals along with the sig-
natures of representatives. The large number of signatures would make the use of
seals difficult and cumbersome.
11 FAM 745 D
At the close of a conference, the remaining supply of working documents (for ex-
ample, records of committee meetings, verbatim minutes, etc.) usually is placed in
the custody of the host government or the organization which called the conference
for appropriate disposition. It is not proper for definitive commitments constituting
part of the agreement to be embodied in such working documents. Definitive com-
mitments must be incorporated only in a final document to be signed or adopted
as an international agreement. The final documents of the conference may include
a Final Act (see 11 FAM 740.25) and separately, the text(s) of agreement(s). The
practice of signing a Final Act is still followed in many cases. In any event, any
agreement formulated at the conference must be engrossed as a separate document
and signed or adopted. The signed or adopted originals of the final documents of
the conference are turned over to the government or international organization des-
ignated in such documents as depositary. If the conference is not held under the
auspices of an organization, it is customary for the host government to be des-
ignated depositary, but it might be appropriate, even in such case, to name an orga-
nization, such as the United Nations, as depositary. The decision is made by the
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conference, with the concurrence of the government or international organization
11 FAM 746 P
11 FAM 746.1
If it is necessary to inform other governments concerned, and perhaps obtain their
consent, with respect to an understanding, interpretation, or reservation included by
the Senate in its resolution of advice and consent, this Government communicates
with the depositary, which then carries on the necessary correspondence with the
other governments concerned.
11 FAM 746.2
When the depositary for a multilateral agreement is a foreign government or an
international organization, the U.S. instrument of ratification (or adherence, acces-
sion, acceptance, etc.) is sent by the Office of Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Af-
fairs to the appropriate Foreign Service mission or to the U.S. representative to the
organization if there is a permanent representative. The mission or the representa-
tive deposits it with the depositary authority in accordance with the terms of the
accompanying instruction from the Department concerning the time of deposit.
When this Government is depositary for a multilateral agreement, posts are not au-
thorized to accept instruments of ratification of foreign governments; that is, the for-
eign government cannot deposit its instrument with the post. If a post is requested
to transmit an instrument of ratification to the Department, it must make clear to
the foreign government that the post is acting only as a transmitting agent and that
the ratification cannot be considered as accepted for deposit until received and ex-
amined by the Department.
11 FAM 746.3
See also 11 FAM 750.33.
It is generally recognized that the depositary for a multilateral agreement has a
primary responsibility for its registration. Normally, the depositary has custody not
only of the original document of agreement but also of instruments of ratification
and other formal documents. Consequently, the depositary is the most authoritative
source of information and documentation.
11 FAM 747
11 FAM 750
11 FAM 750.1
Carrying out and providing advice and assistance respecting the provisions of this
chapter are the responsibility of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, who:
a. Reviews all drafts of international agreements, proposals by other governments
or international organizations, instructions and position papers, all Circular 175 re-
quests, and accompanying memorandums of law;
b. Makes all arrangements and/or supervises ceremonies at Washington for the
signature of treaties or other international agreements; and supervises the prepara-
tion of texts of treaties and other agreements to be signed at Washington;
c. Supervises preparation of the Secretary of States reports to the President, and
the Presidents messages to the Senate for transmission of treaties for advice and
consent to ratification;
d. Prepares full powers, protocols of exchange, instruments of ratification or ad-
herence, instruments or notifications of acceptance or approval, termination notices,
and proclamations with respect to treaties or other international agreements;
e. Makes arrangements for the exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification,
deposit of instruments of adherence, the receipt or deposit of instruments or notifi-
cations of acceptance or approval, and termination notices with respect to treaties
or other international agreements;
f. Prepares instructions to posts abroad and notes to foreign diplomatic missions
at Washington respecting matters stated in paragraph e; and
g. Takes all measures required for the transmission to the Congress of all inter-
national agreements other than treaties, as required by the Case-Zablocki Act, 1
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U.S.C. 112b (see 11 FAM 724), and the publication and registration of treaties and
other international agreements to which the United States is a party (see 11 FAM
725 and 11 FAM 750.33).
11 FAM 750.2
After the text of a treaty or other agreement is approved in writing in accordance
with 11 FAM 722.7, the document is normally engrossed at the capital at which it
is to be signed.
Adequate time (normally 7 business days) is allowed for the engrossing (typing
on treaty paper), comparing, etc., of the treaty or other agreement to be signed, in
order to assure sufficient time for the preparation of accurate texts in duplicate for
signature, including, in the case of documents to be signed in a foreign language,
sufficient time for the Language Services Division to prepare any translations re-
quired, check any existing foreign-language draft, and check the engrossed foreign-
language text. If any question arises as to the time necessary to complete engrossing
at Washington, the matter will be referred to the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty
11 FAM 750.3
11 FAM 750.31 Publication of Texts
After the necessary action has been taken to bring into force the treaty or other
international agreement concluded by the United States, it is published promptly
in the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued by the Department. After
publication in that series, the text of the treaty or other agreement is printed in
the annual volume(s) (which may consist of two or more bindings) of United States
Treaties and Other International Agreements, as required by law (see 11 FAM 725).
Treaties and other agreements concluded prior to January 1, 1950, were published
in the United States Statutes at Large and for easy reference were reprinted in
Bevans, Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of Amer-
ica, 17761949.
11 FAM 750.32 Responsibility for Other Treaty Publications
The Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs prepares and main-
tains the annual publication, Treaties in Force, an authoritative guide to the text
and status of treaties and other international agreements currently in force for the
United States. It also compiles and has published, in addition to the text referred
to in 11 FAM 750.31, other volumes containing texts of treaties and other agree-
ments as required or authorized by law. The ‘‘Treaty Information’’ section of the De-
partment of State Bulletin is compiled by that office.
11 FAM 750.33 Registration
Article 102 of the United Nations Charter requires that every treaty and every
international agreement entered into by a member of the United Nations be reg-
istered, as soon as possible, with the Secretariat and published by it. Article 83 of
the Chicago Aviation Convention of 1944 requires registration of aviation agree-
ments with the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
11 FAM 750.4
a. Inquiries from foreign diplomatic missions at Washington and from U.S. diplo-
matic missions abroad with respect to the preparation or deposit of instruments re-
lating to any multilateral agreement of which the United States is despositary are
referred to the Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs. That officer is to be noti-
fied immediately of the receipt of any such document anywhere in the Department,
inasmuch as a depositary is required to ascertain whether those documents are
properly executed before accepting them for deposit, to keep accurate records re-
garding them, and to inform other governments concerned of the order and date of
receipt of such documents.
b. Before any arrangements are proposed or agreed to for the United States to
serve as depositary for any international agreement, the views of the Assistant
Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs will be obtained.
11 FAM 750.5
a. The Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs compiles and maintains authori-
tative records regarding the negotiation, signature, transmission to the Senate, and
ratification or approval, as well as the existence, status, and application, of all inter-
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national agreements to which the United States is or may become a party and, so
far as information is available, of agreements between other countries to which the
United States is not a party. Inquiries on these subjects are addressed to, and out-
going communications cleared with, the Office of the Legal Adviser.
b. To insure that the records regarding the matters described in this section are
complete and up to date, it is important that all relevant papers be referred to the
Office of the Legal Adviser.
c. The Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs is responsible for the custody
of originals of bilateral agreements and certified copies of multilateral agreements
pending entry into force and completion of manuscripts for publication. Following
publication, such originals and certified copies are transferred to the National Ar-
chives. The Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs retains custody of signed
originals of multilateral agreements for which the United States is depositary, to-
gether with relevant instruments of ratification, adherence, acceptance, or approval,
as long as those agreements remain active.
11 FAM 751
11 FAM 760
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1st Session
ON APRIL 24, 1970
22, 1971.Convention was read the first time and, together
with the message and accompanying papers, was referred to
the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to
be printed for use of the Senate
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, November 22, 1971.
To the Senate of the United States:
I am transmitting herewith, for the advice and consent of the Senate to ratifica-
tion, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties signed for the United States
on April 24, 1970. The Convention is the outcome of many years of careful pre-
paratory work by the International Law Commission, followed by a two-session con-
ference of 110 nations convened under United Nations auspices in 1968 and 1969.
The conference was the sixth in a series called by the General Assembly of the
United Nations for the purpose of encouraging the progressive development and
codification of international law.
The growing importance of treaties in the orderly conduct of international rela-
tions had made increasingly evident the need for clear, well-defined, and readily as-
certainable rules of international law applicable to treaties. I believe that the codi-
fication of treaty law formulated by representatives of the international community
and embodied in the Vienna Convention meets this need.
The international community as a whole will surely benefit from the adoption of
uniform rules on such subjects as the conclusion and entry into force of treaties,
their interpretation and application, and other technical matters. Even more signifi-
cant, however, are the orderly procedures of the Convention for dealing with needed
adjustments and changes in treaties, along with its strong reaffirmation of the basic
principle pacta sunt servandathe rule that treaties are binding on the parties and
must be performed in good faith. The provisions on judicial settlement, arbitration
and conciliation, including the possibility that a dispute concerning a peremptory
norm of international law can be referred to the International Court of Justice,
should do much to enhance the stability of treaty relationships throughout the
I am enclosing the report of the Secretary of State, describing the provisions of
the Convention in detail.
The Vienna Convention can be an important tool in the development of inter-
national law. I am pleased to note that it has been endorsed by the House of Dele-
gates of the American Bar Association and I urge the Senate to give its advice and
consent to ratification.
(Enclosures: (1) Report of the Secretary of State. (2) Copy of the Convention.)
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Washington, October 18, 1971.
The P
The White House.
: I have the honor to submit to you the Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties, adopted on May 23, 1969 by the United Nations Conference on the
Law of Treaties, and signed for the United States on April 24, 1970. I recommend
that you transmit it to the Senate for advice and consent to ratification.
The Convention sets forth a generally agreed body of rules to govern all aspects
of treaty making and treaty observance. It is the product of two sessions of a 110
nation Conference on the Law of Treaties convened in Vienna under United Nations
auspices from March 21 to May 24, 1968 and from April 9 to May 23, 1969.
The Treaties Conference took as the basis of its work draft articles drawn up by
the International Law Commission in the course of eighteen years of work. At its
first session in 1949 the Commission had selected the law of treaties as a priority
topic for codification. Growing support for a written code of international treaty law
came not only from newly independent States that wished to participate in such an
endeavor, but from many older States that favored clarification and modernization
of the law of treaties. As a result the General Assembly of the United Nations in
1966 unanimously adopted resolution 2166 (XXI) convening the Law of Treaties
The Treaties Convention which emerged from the Vienna Conference is an
expertly designed formulation of contemporary treaty law and should contribute im-
portantly to the stability of treaty relationships. Although not yet in force, the Con-
vention is already generally recognized as the authoritative guide to current treaty
law and practice.
The Convention sets forth rules on such subjects as conclusion and entry into
force of treaties, the observance, application, and interpretation of treaties, and de-
positary procedures. More importantly, it contains impartial procedures for dealing
with disputes arising out of assertions of invalidity, termination and suspension of
the operation of treaties, thus realizing a basic United States objective. The conven-
tion consists of eight parts. Procedures for handling most important disputes are
contained in an Annex. The major provisions of the Convention are as follows:
The Convention applies to treaties between States (Article 1) but only to treaties
concluded after the entry into force of the Convention with regard to such States
(Article 4).
‘‘Treaty’’ is defined as an international agreement concluded between States in
written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single in-
strument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular des-
ignation (Article 2). Thus it applies not only to formal treaties but to agreements
in simplified form, such as exchanges of notes. Article 2 also defines other terms
used in the Convention, but specifies that the Conventions use of terms is ‘‘without
prejudice to the use of those terms or to the meanings which may be given to them
in the internal law of any State.’’
Although the Convention does not apply to unwritten agreements or to agree-
ments concluded by or with international organizations, it asserts that the legal
force of such other agreements or the application to them of any of the rules of
international law to which they are subject independently of the Convention is not
affected (Article 3).
The non-retroactivity feature (Article 4) is of substantial importance because it
avoids the possibility of reopening old international disputes. This is especially true
with regard to long-standing boundary disputes.
The rules in this part are primarily technical. Section 1 relates to such matters
as Full Powers or other evidence of authority; adoption and authentication of texts;
and the means of expressing consent to be bound by a treaty (Articles 717).
Article 18 sets forth rules governing the obligation of States not to defeat the ob-
ject and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force. That obligation is limited
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to (a) States that have signed a treaty or exchanged ad referendum instruments
constituting a treaty, until such times as they make clear their intention not to be-
come a party, and (b) States that have expressed consent to be bound, pending entry
into force and provided such entry into force is not unduly delayed. This rule is
widely recognized in customary international law.
Part 2 of Section II sets forth the rules on reservations to treaties (Articles 19
23). The articles reflect flexible current treaty practice with regard to multilateral
treaties as generally followed since World War II. The earlier traditional rule on res-
ervations had been that in order for a State to become party to a multilateral treaty
with a reservation the unanimous consent of the other parties was required. That
rule has given way in practice to a more flexible approach, particularly after the
International Court of Justice in 1951 handed down its Advisory Opinion on Res-
ervations to the Genocide Convention. The Courts opinion in the case stated, ‘‘The
reserving State can be regarded as being a party to the Convention if the reserva-
tion is compatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.’’ The compatibility
rule has been incorporated in Article 19 of the Convention. It applies in those cases
where the reservation is not expressly excluded by the terms of the treaty.
The right of other States to object to a reservation and to refuse treaty relations
with the reserving State is maintained in Article 20. That article also provides the
practical rule that a reservation is considered to have been accepted by a State that
fails to object either within twelve months after being notified thereof or by the date
on which it expresses its own consent to be bound, whichever is later.
Section 3 of Part II governs entry into force of treaties and provides for their pro-
visional application, pending entry into force, if such application has been agreed.
The articles in Section 1 relating to observance of treaties are of cardinal impor-
tance. The foundation upon which the treaty structure is based is the principle
pacta sunt servanda, expressed in Article 26 as follows:
‘‘Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed
by them in good faith.’’
The most significant action of the Law of Treaties Conference with respect to this
part was the defeat of an attempt by some States to weaken the article by use of
such expression as ‘‘Every valid treaty’’ or ‘‘Treaties which have been regularly con-
cluded.’’ Phrases such as these might have encouraged States to assert a right on
non-performance or termination before any claim of invalidity had been established.
The article was adopted in the twelfth plenary meeting without a dissenting vote.
Article 27 on internal law and observance of treaties restates the long-standing
principle of customary international law that a party may not invoke the provisions
of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty. The rule is con-
sistent with United States practice over many years in declining to accept provisions
of internal law as justifying nonperformance by a State of its treaty obligations to
the United States. At the same time the article does not change the way in which
the effect of a treaty within the framework of domestic law is determined. In ex-
plaining its vote in favor of Article 27, the U.S. Delegation observed:
‘‘There is a hierarchy of differing legal rules in the internal legislation of most
States. Constitutional provisions are very generally given primacy. Statutes,
resolutions, and administrative provisions, all of which may be authoritative,
may have different weights. Treaty provisions, when viewed as internal law,
necessarily have to be fitted into that hierarchy.
‘‘Each State is entitled to determine which legal formulation has greater in-
ternal authority in case of conflict among internal enactments. Article 27 in no
way abridges that right ...’’
The articles of Section 2 contain rules on the non-retroactivity of treaties, their
territorial scope and the difficult problem of application of successive treaties deal-
ing with the same subject matter. Article 30 lays down a set of principles to deter-
mine priorities among inconsistent obligations. In essence it provides that (a) if a
treaty states it is subject to another treaty, the other treaty governs; (b) as between
parties to one treaty who becomes parties to a second, the second governs on any
point where it is incompatible with the first; (c) if some parties to the first are not
parties to the second, and vice versa, the first governs between a party to both and
a party only to the first; the second governs between a party to both and a party
only to the second.
The articles of Section 3 on interpretation of treaties emphasize the importance
of the text in the interpretative process. Article 31 requires that a treaty ‘‘be inter-
preted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the
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terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of its object and purpose.’’ Con-
text is narrowly defined as comprising, ‘‘in addition to the text, including its pre-
amble and annexes’’, related agreements made by all the parties and instruments
made by less than all the parties but accepted by all as related to the treaty. Ele-
ments extrinsic to the text which are to be taken into account are limited to subse-
quent agreements between the parties, subsequent practice establishing agreement,
and relevant rules of international law.
Article 32 allows recourse to ‘‘supplementary means of interpretation, including
the preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion, in order
to confirm the meaning resulting from the application of Article 31, or to determine
the meaning when the interpretation according to Article 31: (a) leaves the meaning
ambiguous or obscure; or (b) leads to a result which is manifestly absurd or unrea-
Fice articles in Section 4 deals with treaties and third States. Article 34 sets forth
the traditional rule that a treaty does not create either obligations or rights for a
third State without its consent. Subsequent articles provide that a third State must
expressly consent to treaties creating obligations for it, whereas it would be as-
sumed to assent to a treaty giving it rights, unless the treaty otherwise provides.
Article 37 provides for revocation or modification of obligations or rights of third
States, and Article 38 prevents the preceding articles from barring a rule set forth
in a treaty from becoming binding on a third States as a customary rule of inter-
national law.
Articles 3941 lay down rules for amending and modifying treaties. Article 40 pro-
vides needed clarification in the case of multilateral treaties. It safeguards the
rights of parties to participate in the amending process by requiring notification to
all parties of any proposed amendment and by specifying their right to participate
in the decision to be taken on the proposal and in the negotiation and conclusion
of any amendment. The right to become party to the new agreement is also ex-
tended to every State entitled to become a party to the treaty.
Part V sets forth the grounds on which a claim may legitimately be made that
a treaty is invalid or subject to termination, denunciation, withdrawal, or suspen-
sion. It deals with such grounds as error, fraud, coercion, breach, impossibility of
performance, fundamental change of circumstances, and conflict with a peremptory
norm of international law (jus cogens).
At the same time it contains a variety of safeguards to protect the stability of the
treaty structure. Article 42 subjects all challenges of the continuing force of treaty
obligations to the rules of the Law of Treaties Convention. The termination of a
treaty, its denunciation or suspension, or the withdrawal of a party may take place
only as a result of the application of the provisions of that treaty or the Convention.
Article 43 specifies that a State that sheds a treaty obligation does not escape any
obligation to which it is subject under international law independently of the treaty.
Article 44 deals with separability with respect to certain grounds of invalidity
where the ground relates solely to particular clauses and where certain criteria as
to feasibility and equity are met. Included in such criteria, as a result of a United
States proposal, is the requirement that ‘‘continued performance of the remainder
of the treaty would not be unjust.’’
Article 45 is a rule of ‘‘good faith and fair dealing’’ that will protect against ill-
founded efforts to avoid meeting treaty obligations. A State may not claim that a
treaty is invalid if, after becoming aware of the facts, it expressly agrees that the
treaty is valid or is to remain in effect of if (and this would be the case arising most
often) it is considered to have acquiesced, by reason of its conduct, in the validity
of the treaty or its maintenance in force or effect.
In dealing with the invalidity articles in Section 2 of Part V (articles 4653), the
chief concern of the United States Delegation was to assure that the grounds of in-
validity were stated as precisely and objectively as possible and that there would
be procedural or institutional mechanisms to guard against spurious claims of treaty
The first of the grounds for invalidity, the effect of a limitation of internal law
upon the competence to conclude treaties, is stated in Article 46. It provides that
a State may not invoke, as invalidating its consent to be bound, the fact that its
consent has been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law regarding
competence to conclude treaties unless: (a) the violation was manifest, that is, ‘‘ob-
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jectively evident to any State conducting itself in the matter in accordance with nor-
mal practice and in good faith’’; and (b) it concerns a rule of the States internal
law of fundamental importance. At the plenary meeting at which the article was
adopted without negative vote, the United States Delegation emphasized that it had
supported the article on the basis that it deals solely with the conditions under
which a State may invoke internal law on the international plane to invalidate its
consent to be bound and that it in no way impinges on internal law regarding com-
petence to conclude treaties insofar as domestic consequences are concerned.
Article 52 states the principle that a treaty is void if its conclusion has been pro-
cured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law
embodied in the United Nations Charter. A proposal by 19 States that would have
amended the rule by defining force to include any ‘‘economic or political pressure’’
was withdrawn after strong opposition by the United States and other concerned
powers. Instead, a declaration condemning the threat or use of pressure in any form
by a State to coerce any other State to conclude a treaty was adopted by the Con-
ference and annexed to the Final Act.
Article 53 deals with treaties that conflict with a peremptory norm of inter-
national law, the jus cogens doctrine. In formulating this article, the International
Law Commission started from the principle that there are rules of such fundamen-
tal character that no State has the right to set them aside by a treaty. This prin-
ciple had previously been incorporated in Section 116 of the American Law Insti-
tutes Restatement of the Foreign Relations of the United States. Inclusion of the jus
cogens principle in the Vienna Convention was almost universally supported, but
there was considerable concern with the theoretical manner in which the norm was
formulated. Through efforts by the United States and several others, the article was
revised to include two important limitations. The first makes clear that in order for
a treaty to be void under the article the peremptory norm violated must have ex-
isted at the time of the conclusion of the treaty. The second clarification requires
a peremptory norm to be ‘‘a norm accepted and recognized by the international com-
munity of states as a whole ...’’. Inclusion of the latter requirement resulted in
broad acceptability of the article. Many delegations had expressed the view that a
norm which had not achieved recognition by substantially all States ought not to
serve as the basis for claiming a treaty is void. A related article (Article 64) provides
that if a new peremptory norm emerges, an existing treaty in conflict with the norm
becomes void and terminates.
Section 3 of Part V is entitled Termination and Suspension of the Operation of
Treaties. Articles 54, 55, 57, and 58 specify that various aspects of termination and
suspension must be dealt with in conformity with the treaty or with the consent of
all parties, or, if by agreement between certain of the parties, subject to the same
limitations expressed in Article 41 on modification.
Paragraph 1(b) of Article 56 permits denunciation of or withdrawal from a treaty
which has no provision on the subject if such right ‘‘may be implied by the nature
of the treaty’’. At the instance of the United States Delegation a clear legislative
history was established that the procedures for settlement of disputes in Section 4
(articles 6568) apply to notices of denunciation grounded upon Article 56.
Article 60 recognizes the long-standing doctrine that a material breach of a treaty
by one party may be invoked by the other party to terminate the treaty or to sus-
pend the performance of its own obligations under the treaty.
Article 61 on supervening impossibility of performance contains the reasonable
rule that a party may invoke impossibility of performance as a ground for terminat-
ing or withdrawing from a treaty if an object indispensable for the execution of the
treaty permanently disappears or is destroyed. A State may not, however, invoke
impossibility of performance if it is the result of a breach by that State of an inter-
national obligation.
Article 62, on fundamental change of circumstances, is a carefully phrased version
of the doctrine of rebus sic stantibus which has been widely recognized by jurists
as a ground which under certain conditions may be invoked for terminating or with-
drawing from a treaty. An important feature is paragraph 2(a) which precludes in-
vocation of the articles as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty.
An important feature is paragraph 2(a) which precludes invocation of the articles
as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty establishing a boundary.
Article 63 makes clear that the severance of diplomatic or consular relations be-
tween parties to a treaty does not affect the legal relations established by the treaty
except to the extent that the existence of diplomatic or consular relations is indis-
pensable to applying the treaty.
Section 4 of Part V contains articles on the procedure for invoking grounds for
invalidity or termination of treaties and for judicial settlement, arbitration and con-
ciliation. During the debates on the preceding articles on invalidity, suspension and
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termination one of the major concerns of the United States and certain other coun-
tries was the need to formulate adequate provisions for dealing with an assertion
of the invalidity of a treaty or a claim of a right to unilateral termination or suspen-
The International Law Commission had proposed a procedure for dealing with
such assertion that would have required a State to notify the other parties of its
claim, of the grounds therefor; and of the action to be taken. If no objection to the
proposed action were made within three months, it could then be carried out. If ob-
jection were made, a solution was to be sought under the means indicated in Article
33 of the United Nations Charter. In the final analysis Article 33 merely provides
that disputes should be settled by peaceful means of the parties own choice. The
proposed article thus left undecided the crucial question whether a party could go
ahead and terminate a treaty if it did not agree with the other parties on a peaceful
means of settlement or if the means selected failed to result in a settlement.
States, such as the United States, that were fighting for the stability of the treaty
structure made clear that the Convention would be unacceptable unless some form
of impartial disputes-settlement procedure was incorporated into it. The basis oppo-
sition to any meaningful form of disputes settlement was organized by the Com-
munist bloc. The issue became the overriding one of the Conference. In the closing
hours of the second session, the Conference succeeded in adopting a new article on
the settlement of disputes, which should adequately protect United States treaty re-
lations from unilateral claims of invalidity by our treaty partners and should con-
tribute to the stability of treaty obligations generally.
Under the new ArticleArticle 66 of the Conventionany party to a dispute aris-
ing under the jus cogens articles may invoke the jurisdiction of the International
Court of Justice unless the parties agree to submit the dispute to arbitration. In any
other dispute arising under Part Vsuch as claims of invalidity or termination
based on error, fraud, breach, or changed circumstancesany party to the dispute
may set in motion a conciliation procedure. That procedure, which is set forth in
the Annex to the Convention, includes establishment in each case of a conciliation
commission and submission by the commission of a report to the parties and to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations. The report may contain findings of fact
and conclusions of law, as well as recommendations to the parties for settlement of
the dispute, although it is not binding upon them. Paragraph 7 of the Annex pro-
vides that the expenses of the commission will be borne by the United Nations. The
General Assembly of the United Nations on December 8, 1969 adopted Resolution
2534 (XXIV) approving the provision and requested the Secretary-General to take
action accordingly.
The provisions for the settlement of disputes meet the requirements of the United
States. By contributing to the prompt resolution of disputes relating to validity of
treaties they should go far in helping to maintain the stability of treaty relation-
ships throughout the world. The provision for expenses is a desirable innovation and
worthwhile investment, since the concern of many newly independent and small
States with the cost of third-party settlement procedures had been a very real obsta-
cle to their general acceptability.
The Syrian Arab Republic, in depositing its accession to the Convention on Octo-
ber 2, 1970, made several reservations, the most serious of which was to reject the
Annex on conciliation procedures. The United States Representative to the United
Nations has notified the Secretary-General that the United States objects to that
reservation and intends, at such time as it may become a party to the Convention,
to reject treaty relations with the Syrian Arab Republic under all provisions in Part
V with regard to which that State has rejected the obligatory conciliation procedures
set forth in the Annex.
The final section of Part V, Consequences of the Invalidity, Termination, or Sus-
pension of the Operation of a Treaty, includes rules for the unwinding of treaties
the invalidity or termination of which has been established under the Convention.
Article 73 excludes from the applicability of the Convention questions arising from
State succession, State responsibility, or the outbreak of hostilities.
Article 74 provides that severance or absence of diplomatic or consular relations
between the States does not prevent the conclusion of treaties between them. The
rule accords with modern treaty practice.
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As the depositary of more international treaties than any other country, the
United States had a substantial interest in the depositary articles and was able to
achieve several worthwhile improvements in these technical articles. Article 76
makes clear the international character of the depositary function and the obligation
to perform it impartially. Article 77 is a comprehensive catalog of depositary func-
tions. Sensible rules for correction of errors are provided in Article 79.
Included in Articles 8185 are standard provisions on signature, ratification, ac-
cession, entry into force, and authentic texts. Entry into force requires deposit of
thirty-five instruments of ratifications or accession. This is a larger number than
required by many earlier treaties, but was considered appropriate because of the
fundamental importance of the Convention on the Law of Treaties.
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties is a major achievement in the de-
velopment and codification of international law. At the opening session of the con-
ference in March 1968, the Legal Counsel of the United Nations, Constantin
Stavropoulos, described it as the ‘‘most important ... and perhaps also the most dif-
ficult’’ of the series of codification conferences called by the United Nations. By
agreeing on uniform rules to govern State practice on a host of technical matters
related to the negotiation, adoption, and execution of treaties, the Conference
achieved one of its basic objectives. But the Convention on the Law of Treaties has
a much larger significance. By codifying the doctrines of jus cogens and rebus sic
stantibus, it provides a framework for necessary change. By reasserting the prin-
ciple of pacta sunt servanda, long recognized as the keystone of the treaty structure,
it strengthens the fabric of treaty relations. By requiring impartial procedures for
settlement of disputes, it provides an essential element in minimizing unfounded
claims that treaties should be terminated or suspended.
The United States Delegation to the Vienna Conference was led by Richard D.
Kearney, United States Member of the International Law Commission. Included on
the Delegation at one or both sessions were John R. Stevenson, now Legal Adviser
of the Department of State, and Charles I. Bevans, Assistant Legal Adviser for
Treaty Affairs; Herbert W. Briggs, Professor of International Law, Cornell Univer-
sity; Myres McDougal, Professor of Law, Yale University; Joseph M. Sweeney, Dean,
Law School, Tulane University; and Frank Wozencraft, former Assistant Attorney
General, Department of Justice. Others on the United States Delegation were Jared
Carter, Robert E. Dalton, Warren Hewitt, Bruce M. Lancaster, and Herbert K. Reis
from the Department of State and Ernest C. Grigg III and Robert B. Rosenstock
from the United States Mission to the United Nations.
In preparing for the Conference the United States Government worked closely
with the Study Group on the Law of Treaties established by the American Society
of International Law in 1965. With Professor Oliver Lissitzyn of Columbia Univer-
sity as chairman, this group of eminent international lawyers met regularly with
representatives of the Departments of States and Justice.
The Study Group also joined forces with the Special Committee on Treaty Law
of the Section of International and Comparative Law of the American Bar Associa-
tion, of which Eberhard Deutsch is chairman. The comprehensive knowledge, experi-
ence, and wisdom of the members of the academic and legal communities serving
in these two groups were of incalculable assistance to the Delegation in the formula-
tion of United States policy and planning for the Conference. The House of Dele-
gates of the American Bar Association in July 1971 approved a resolution rec-
ommending that the Convention be submitted to the Senate and that the Senate
advise and consent to its ratification without reservations.
I believe that the Convention on the Law of Treaties will be an important element
in promoting the stability of treaty relationships. I hope that the United States will
become a party in the near future.
Respectfully submitted.
P. R
(Enclosure: Copy of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.)
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The States Parties to the present Convention,
Considering the fundamental role of treaties in the history of international rela-
Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of treaties as a source of international
law and as a means of developing peaceful co-operation among nations, whatever
their constitutional and social systems,
Noting that the principles of free consent and of good faith and the pacta sunt
servanda rule are universally recognized,
Affirming that disputes concerning treaties, like other international disputes,
should be settled by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice
and international law,
Recalling the determination of the peoples of the United Nations to establish con-
ditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties can
be maintained,
Having in mind the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the
United Nations, such as the principles of the equal rights and self-determination of
peoples, of the sovereign equality and independence of all States, of non-interference
in the domestic affairs of States, of the prohibition of the threat or use of force and
of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms
for all,
Believing that the codification and progressive development of the law of treaties
achieved in the present Convention will promote the purposes of the United Nations
set forth in the Charter, namely, the maintenance of international peace and secu-
rity, the development of friendly relations and the achievement of co-operation
among nations,
Affirming that the rules of customary international law will continue to govern
questions not regulated by the provisions of the present Convention,
Have agreed as follows:
Scope of the present Convention
The present Convention applies to treaties between States.
Use of terms
1. For the purposes of the present Convention:
(a) ‘‘treaty’’ means an international agreement concluded between States in
written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single
instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its particular
(b) ‘‘ratification’’, ‘‘acceptance’’, ‘‘approval’’ and ‘‘accession’’ mean in each case
the international act so named whereby a State establishes on the international
plane its consent to be bound by a treaty;
(c) ‘‘full powers’’ means a document emanating from the competent authority
of a State designating a person or persons to represent the State for negotiat-
ing, adopting or authenticating the text of a treaty, for expressing the consent
of the State to be bound by a treaty, or for accomplishing any other act with
respect to a treaty;
(d) ‘‘reservation’’ means a unilateral statement, however phrased or named,
made by a State, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to
a treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain
provisions of the treaty in their application to that State;
(e) ‘‘negotiating State’’ means a State which took part in the drawing up and
adoption of the text of the treaty;
(f) ‘‘contracting State’’ means a State which has consented to be bound by the
treaty, whether or not the treaty has entered into force;
(g) ‘‘party’’ means a State which has consented to be bound by the treaty and
for which the treaty is in force;
(h) ‘‘third State’’ means a State not a party to the treaty;
(i) ‘‘international organization’’ means an intergovernmental organization.
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2. The provisions of paragraph 1 regarding the use of terms in the present Con-
vention are without prejudice to the use of those terms or to the meanings which
may be given to them in the internal law of any State.
International agreements not within the scope of the present Convention
The fact that the present Convention does not apply to international agreements
concluded between States and other subjects of international law or between such
other subjects of international law, or to international agreements not in written
form, shall not affect:
(a) the legal force of such agreements;
(b) the application to them of any of the rules set forth in the present Convention
to which they would be subject under international law independently of the Con-
(c) the application of the Convention to the relations of States as between them-
selves under international agreements to which other subjects of international law
are also parties.
Non-retroactivity of the present Convention
Without prejudice to the application of any rules set forth in the present Conven-
tion to which treaties would be subject under international law independently of the
Convention, the Convention applies only to treaties which are concluded by States
after the entry into force of the present Convention with regard to such States.
Treaties constituting international organizations and treaties adopted within an
international organization
The present Convention applies to any treaty which is the constituent instrument
of an international organization and to any treaty adopted within an international
organization without prejudice to any relevant rules of the organization.
1: C
Capacity of States to conclude treaties
Every State possesses capacity to conclude treaties.
Full powers
1. A person is considered as representing a State for the purpose of adopting or
authenticating the text of a treaty or for the purpose of expressing the consent of
the State to be bound by a treaty if:
(a) he produces appropriate full powers; or
(b) it appears from the practice of the States concerned or from other cir-
cumstances that their intention was to consider that person as representing the
State for such purposes and to dispense with full powers.
2. In virtue of their functions and without having to produce full powers, the fol-
lowing are considered as representing their State:
(a) Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs,
for the purpose of performing all acts relating to the conclusion of a treaty;
(b) heads of diplomatic missions, for the purpose of adopting the text of a
treaty between the accrediting State and the State to which they are accredited;
(c) representatives accredited by States to an international conference or to
an international organization or one of its organs, for the purpose of adopting
the text of a treaty in that conference, organization or organ.
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Subsequent confirmation of an act performed without authorization
An act relating to the conclusion of a treaty performed by a person who cannot
be considered under article 7 as authorized to represent a State for that purpose
is without legal effect unless afterwards confirmed by that State.
Adoption of the text
1. The adoption of the text of a treaty takes place by the consent of all the States
participating in its drawing up except as provided in paragraph 2.
2. The adoption of the text of a treaty at an international conference takes place
by the vote of two-thirds of the States present and voting, unless by the same major-
ity they shall decide to apply a different rule.
Authentication of the text
The text of a treaty is established as authentic and definitive:
(a) by such procedure as may be provided for in the text or agreed upon by
the States participating in its drawing up; or
(b) failing such procedure, by the signature, signature ad referendum or ini-
tialling by the representatives of those States of the text of the treaty or of the
Final Act of a conference incorporating the text.
Means of expressing consent to be bound by a treaty
The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty may be expressed by signature,
exchange of instruments constituting a treaty, ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession, or by any other means if so agreed.
Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by signature
1. The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty is expressed by the signature
of its representative when:
(a) the treaty provides that signature shall have that effect;
(b) it is otherwise established that the negotiating States were agreed that
signature should have that effect; or
(c) the intention of the State to give that effect to the signature appears from
the full powers of its representative or was expressed during the negotiation.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1:
(a) the initialling of a text constitutes a signature of the treaty when it is es-
tablished that the negotiating States so agreed;
(b) the signature ad referendum of a treaty by a representative, if confirmed
by his State, constitutes a full signature of the treaty.
Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by an exchange of instruments constituting
a treaty
The consent of States to be bound by a treaty constituted by instruments ex-
changed between them is expressed by that exchange when:
(a) the instruments provide that their exchange shall have that effect; or
(b) it is otherwise established that those States were agreed that the ex-
change of instruments should have that effect.
Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by ratification, acceptance or approval
1. The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty is expressed by ratification
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(a) the treaty provides for such consent to be expressed by means of ratifica-
(b) it is otherwise established that the negotiating States were agreed that
ratification should be required;
(c) the representative of the State has signed the treaty subject to ratification;
(d) the intention of the State to sign the treaty subject to ratification appears
from the full powers of its representative or was expressed during the negotia-
2. The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty is expressed by acceptance or
approval under conditions similar to those which apply to ratification.
Consent to be bound by a treaty expressed by accession
The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty is expressed by accession when:
(a) the treaty provides that such consent may be expressed by that State by
means of accession;
(b) it is otherwise established that the negotiating States were agreed that
such consent may be expressed by that State by means of accession; or
(c) all the parties have subsequently agreed that such consent may be ex-
pressed by that State by means of accession.
Exchange or deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
Unless the treaty otherwise provides, instruments of ratification, acceptance, ap-
proval or accession establish the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty upon:
(a) their exchange between the contracting States;
(b) their deposit with the depositary; or
(c) their notification to the contracting States or to the depositary, if so
Consent to be bound by part of a treaty and choice of differing provisions
1. Without prejudice to articles 19 to 23, the consent of a State to be bound by
part of a treaty is effective only if the treaty so permits or the other contracting
States so agree.
2. The consent of a State to be bound by a treaty which permits a choice between
differing provisions is effective only if it is made clear to which of the provisions
the consent relates.
Obligation not to defeat the object and purpose of a treaty prior to its entry into force
A State is obliged to refrain from acts which would defeat the object and purpose
of a treaty when:
(a) it has signed the treaty or has exchanged instruments constituting the
treaty subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, until it shall have made
its intention clear not to become a party to the treaty; or
(b) it has expressed its consent to be bound by the treaty, pending the entry
into force of the treaty and provided that such entry into force is not unduly
2: R
Formulation of reservations
A State may, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty,
formulate a reservation unless:
(a) the reservation is prohibited by the treaty;
(b) the treaty provides that only specified reservations, which do not include
the reservation in question, may be made; or
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(c) in cases not falling under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), the reservation is
incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.
Acceptance of and objection to reservations
1. A reservation expressly authorized by a treaty does not require any subsequent
acceptance by the other contracting States unless the treaty so provides.
2. When it appears from the limited number of the negotiating States and the ob-
ject and purpose of a treaty that the application of the treaty in its entirety between
all the parties is an essential condition of the consent of each one to be bound by
the treaty, a reservation requires acceptance by all the parties.
3. When a treaty is a constituent instrument of an international organization and
unless it otherwise provides, a reservation requires the acceptance of the competent
organ of that organization.
4. In cases not falling under the preceding paragraphs and unless the treaty oth-
erwise provides:
(a) acceptance by another contracting State of a reservation constitutes the
reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if or when
the treaty is in force for those States;
(b) an objection by another contracting State to a reservation does not pre-
clude the entry into force of the treaty as between the objecting and reserving
States unless a contrary intention is definitely expressed by the objecting State;
(c) an act expressing a States consent to be bound by the treaty and contain-
ing a reservation is effective as soon as at least one other contracting State has
accepted the reservation.
5. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 4 and unless the treaty otherwise pro-
vides, a reservation is considered to have been accepted by a State if it shall have
raised no objection to the reservation by the end of a period of twelve months after
it was notified of the reservation or by the date on which it expressed its consent
to be bound by the treaty, whichever is later.
Legal effects of reservations and of objections to reservations
1. A reservation established with regard to another party in accordance with arti-
cles 19, 20 and 23:
(a) modifies for the reserving State in its relations with that other party the
provisions of the treaty to which the reservation relates to the extent of the res-
ervation; and
(b) modifies those provisions to the same extent for that other party in its re-
lations with the reserving State.
2. The reservation does not modify the provisions of the treaty for the other par-
ties to the treaty inter se.
3. When a State objecting to a reservation has not opposed the entry into force
of the treaty between itself and the reserving State, the provisions to which the res-
ervation relates do not apply as between the two States to the extent of the reserva-
Withdrawal of reservations and of objections to reservations
1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a reservation may be withdrawn at any
time and the consent of a State which has accepted the reservation is not required
for its withdrawal.
2. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, an objection to a reservation may be with-
drawn at any time.
3. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, or it is otherwise agreed:
(a) the withdrawal of a reservation becomes operative in relation to another
contracting State only when notice of it has been received by that State;
(b) the withdrawal of an objection to a reservation becomes operative only
when notice of it has been received by the State which formulated the reserva-
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Procedure regarding reservations
1. A reservation, an express acceptance of a reservation and an objection to a res-
ervation must be formulated in writing and communicated to the contracting States
and other States entitled to become parties to the treaty.
2. If formulated when signing the treaty subject to ratification, acceptance or ap-
proval, a reservation must be formally confirmed by the reserving State when ex-
pressing its consent to be bound by the treaty. In such a case the reservation shall
be considered as having been made on the date of its confirmation.
3. An express acceptance of, or an objection to, a reservation made previously to
confirmation of the reservation does not itself require confirmation.
4. The withdrawal of a reservation or of an objection to a reservation must be for-
mulated in writing.
3: E
Entry into force
1. A treaty enters into force in such manner and upon such date as it may provide
or as the negotiating States may agree.
2. Failing any such provision or agreement, a treaty enters into force as soon as
consent to be bound by the treaty has been established for all the negotiating
3. When the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty is established on a date
after the treaty has come into force, the treaty enters into force for that State on
that date, unless the treaty otherwise provides.
4. The provisions of a treaty regulating the authentication of its text, the estab-
lishment of the consent of States to be bound by the treaty, the manner or date of
its entry into force, reservations, the functions of the depositary and other matters
arising necessarily before the entry into force of the treaty apply from the time of
the adoption of its text.
Provisional application
1. A treaty or a part of a treaty is applied provisionally pending its entry into
force if:
(a) the treaty itself so provides; or
(b) the negotiating States have in some other manner so agreed.
2. Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the negotiating States have otherwise
agreed, the provisional application of a treaty or a part of a treaty with respect to
a State shall be terminated if that State notifies the other States between which
the treaty is being applied provisionally of its intention not to become a party to
the treaty.
1: O
Pacta sunt servanda
Every treaty in force is binding upon the parties to it and must be performed by
them in good faith.
Internal law and observance of treaties
A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its
failure to perform a treaty. This rule is without prejudice to article 46.
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2: A
Non-retroactivity of treaties
Unless a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established,
its provisions do not bind a party in relation to any act or fact which took place
or any situation which ceased to exist before the date of the entry into force of the
treaty with respect to that party.
Territorial scope of treaties
Unless a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established,
a treaty is binding upon each party in respect of its entire territory.
Application of successive treaties relating to the same subject-matter
1. Subject to Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations, the rights and obli-
gations of States parties to successive treaties relating to the same subject-matter
shall be determined in accordance with the following paragraphs.
2. When a treaty specifies that it is subject to, or that it is not to be considered
as incompatible with, an earlier or later treaty, the provisions of that other treaty
3. When all the parties to the earlier treaty are parties also to the later treaty
but the earlier treaty is not terminated or suspended in operation under article 59,
the earlier treaty applies only to the extent that its provisions are compatible with
those of the latter treaty.
4. When the parties to the later treaty do not include all the parties to the earlier
(a) as between States parties to both treaties the same rule applies as in
paragraph 3;
(b) as between a State party to both treaties and a State party to only one
of the treaties, the treaty to which both States are parties governs their mutual
rights and obligations.
5. Paragraph 4 is without prejudice to article 41, or to any question of the termi-
nation or suspension of the operation of a treaty under article 60 or to any question
of responsibility which may arise for a State from the conclusion or application of
a treaty, the provisions of which are incompatible with its obligations towards an-
other State under another treaty.
3: I
General rule of interpretation
1. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary
meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context and in the light of
its object and purpose.
2. The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty shall comprise, in
addition to the text, including its preamble and annexes:
(a) any agreement relating to the treaty which was made between all the par-
ties in connexion with the conclusion of the treaty;
(b) any instrument which was made by one or more parties in connexion with
the conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the other parties as an instrument
related to the treaty.
3. There shall be taken into account, together with the context:
(a) any subsequent agreement between the parties regarding the interpreta-
tion of the treaty or the application of its provisions;
(b) any subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes
the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation;
(c) any relevant rules of international law applicable in the relations between
the parties.
4. A special meaning shall be given to a term if it is established that the parties
so intended.
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Supplementary means of interpretation
Recourse may be had to supplementary means of interpretation, including the
preparatory work of the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion, in order to
confirm the meaning resulting from the application of article 31, or to determine the
meaning when the interpretation according to article 31:
(a) leaves the meaning ambiguous or obscure; or
(b) leads to a result which is manifestly absurd or unreasonable.
Interpretation of treaties authenticated in two or more languages
1. When a treaty has been authenticated in two or more languages, the text is
equally authoritative in each language, unless the treaty provides or the parties
agree that, in case of divergence, a particular text shall prevail.
2. A version of the treaty in a language other than one of those in which the text
was authenticated shall be considered an authentic text only if the treaty so pro-
vides or the parties so agree.
3. The terms of the treaty are presumed to have the same meaning in each au-
thentic text.
4. Except where a particular text prevails in accordance with paragraph 1, when
a comparison of the authentic texts discloses a difference of meaning which the ap-
plication of articles 31 and 32 does not remove, the meaning which best reconciles
the texts, having regard to the object and purpose of the treaty, shall be adopted.
4: T
General rule regarding third States
A treaty does not create either obligations or rights for a third State without its
Treaties providing for obligations for third States
An obligation arises for a third State from a provision of a treaty if the parties
to the treaty intend the provision to be the means of establishing the obligation and
the third State expressly accepts that obligation in writing.
Treaties providing for rights for third States
1. A right arises for a third State from a provision of a treaty if the parties to
the treaty intend the provision to accord that right either to the third State, or to
a group of States to which it belongs, or to all States, and the third State assents
thereto. Its assent shall be presumed so long as the contrary is not indicated, unless
the treaty otherwise provides.
2. A State exercising a right in accordance with paragraph 1 shall comply with
the conditions for its exercise provided for in the treaty or established in conformity
with the treaty.
Revocation or modification of obligations or rights of third States
1. When an obligation has arisen for a third State in conformity with article 35,
the obligation may be revoked or modified only with the consent of the parties to
the treaty and of the third State, unless it is established that they had otherwise
2. When a right has arisen for a third State in conformity with article 36, the
right may not be revoked or modified by the parties if it is established that the right
was intended not to be revocable or subject to modification without the consent of
the third State.
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Rules in a treaty becoming binding on third States through international custom
Nothing in articles 34 to 37 precludes a rule set forth in a treaty from becoming
binding upon a third State as a customary rule of international law, recognized as
General rule regarding the amendment of treaties
A treaty may be amended by agreement between the parties. The rules laid down
in Part II apply to such an agreement except in so far as the treaty may otherwise
Amendment of multilateral treaties
1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, the amendment of multilateral treaties
shall be governed by the following paragraphs.
2. Any proposal to amend a multilateral treaty as between all the parties must
be notified to all the contracting States, each one of which shall have the right to
take part in:
(a) the decision as to the action to be taken in regard to such proposal;
(b) the negotiation and conclusion of any agreement for the amendment of the
3. Every State entitled to become a party to the treaty shall also be entitled to
become a party to the treaty as amended.
4. The amending agreement does not bind any State already a party to the treaty
which does not become a party to the amending agreement; article 30, paragraph
4(b), applies in relation to such State.
5. Any State which becomes a party to the treaty after the entry into force of the
amending agreement shall, failing an expression of a different intention by that
(a) be considered as a party to the treaty as amended; and
(b) be considered as a party to the unamended treaty in relation to any party
to the treaty not bound by the amending agreement.
Agreements to modify multilateral treaties between certain of the parties only
1. Two or more of the parties to a multilateral treaty may conclude an agreement
to modify the treaty as between themselves alone if:
(a) the possibility of such a modification is provided for by the treaty; or
(b) the modification in question is not prohibited by the treaty and:
(i) does not affect the enjoyment by the other parties of their rights under
the treaty or the performance of their obligations;
(ii) does not relate to a provision, derogation from which is incompatible
with the effective execution of the object and purpose of the treaty as a
2. Unless in a case falling under paragraph 1(a) the treaty otherwise provides, the
parties in question shall notify the other parties of their intention to conclude the
agreement and of the modification to the treaty for which it provides.
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1: G
Validity and continuance in force of treaties
1. The validity of a treaty or of the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty
may be impeached only through the application of the present Convention.
2. The termination of a treaty, its denunciation or the withdrawal of a party, may
take place only as a result of the application of the provisions of the treaty or of
the present Convention. The same rule applies to suspension of the operation of a
Obligations imposed by international law independently of a treaty
The invalidity, termination or denunciation of a treaty, the withdrawal of a party
from it, or the suspension of its operation, as a result of the application of the
present Convention or of the provisions of the treaty, shall not in any way impair
the duty of any State to fulfil any obligation embodied in the treaty to which it
would be subject under international law independently of the treaty.
Separability of treaty provisions
1. A right of a party, provided for in a treaty or arising under article 56, to de-
nounce, withdraw from or suspend the operation of the treaty may be exercised only
with respect to the whole treaty unless the treaty otherwise provides or the parties
otherwise agree.
2. A ground for invalidating, terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the op-
eration of a treaty recognized in the present Convention may be invoked only with
respect to the whole treaty except as provided in the following paragraphs or in arti-
cle 60.
3. If the ground relates solely to particular clauses, it may be invoked only with
respect to those clauses where:
(a) the said clauses are separable from the remainder of the treaty with re-
gard to their application;
(b) it appears from the treaty or is otherwise established that acceptance of
those clauses was not an essential basis of the consent of the other party or par-
ties to be bound by the treaty as a whole; and
(c) continued performance of the remainder of the treaty would not be unjust.
4. In cases falling under articles 49 and 50 the State entitled to invoke the fraud
or corruption may do so with respect either to the whole treaty or, subject to para-
graph 3, to the particular clauses alone.
5. In cases falling under articles 51, 52 and 53, no separation of the provisions
of the treaty is permitted.
Loss of a right to invoke a ground for invalidating, terminating, withdrawing from
or suspending the operation of a treaty
A State may no longer invoke a ground for invalidating, terminating, withdrawing
from or suspending the operation of a treaty under articles 46 to 50 or articles 60
and 62 if, after becoming aware of the facts:
(a) it shall have expressly agreed that the treaty is valid or remains in force
or continues in operation, as the case may be; or
(b) it must by reason of its conduct be considered as having acquiesced in the
validity of the treaty or in its maintenance in force or in operation, as the case
may be.
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2: I
Provisions of internal law regarding competence to conclude treaties
1. A State may not invoke the fact that its consent to be bound by a treaty has
been expressed in violation of a provision of its internal law regarding competence
to conclude treaties as invalidating its consent unless that violation was manifest
and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental importance.
2. A violation is manifest if it would be objectively evident to any State conducting
itself in the matter in accordance with normal practice and in good faith.
Specific restrictions on authority to express the consent of a State
If the authority of a representative to express the consent of a State to be bound
by a particular treaty has been made subject to a specific restriction, his omission
to observe that restriction may not be invoked as invalidating the consent expressed
by him unless the restriction was notified to the other negotiating States prior to
his expressing such consent.
1. A State may invoke an error in a treaty as invalidating its consent to be bound
by the treaty if the error relates to a fact or situation which was assumed by that
State to exist at the time when the treaty was concluded and formed an essential
basis of its consent to be bound by the treaty.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply if the State in question contributed by its own con-
duct to the error or if the circumstances were such as to put that State on notice
of a possible error.
3. An error relating only to the wording of the text of a treaty does not affect its
validity; article 79 then applies.
If a State has been induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of an-
other negotiating State, the State may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent
to be bound by the treaty.
Corruption of a representative of a State
If the expression of a States consent to be bound by a treaty has been procured
through the corruption of its representative directly or indirectly by another nego-
tiating State, the State may invoke such corruption as invalidating its consent to
be bound by the treaty.
Coercion of a representative of a State
The expression of a States consent to be bound by a treaty which has been pro-
cured by the coercion of its representative through acts or threats directed against
him shall be without any legal effect.
Coercion of a State by the threat or use of force
A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force
in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the
United Nations.
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Treaties conflicting with a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens)
A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory
norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present Convention, a
peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted and recognized by
the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no deroga-
tion is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general
international law having the same character.
3: T
Termination of or withdrawal from a treaty under its provisions or by consent of the
The termination of a treaty or the withdrawal of a party may take place:
(a) in conformity with the provisions of the treaty; or
(b) at any time by consent of all the parties after consultation with the other
contracting States.
Reduction of the parties to a multilateral treaty below the number necessary for its
entry into force
Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a multilateral treaty does not terminate by
reason only of the fact that the number of the parties falls below the number nec-
essary for its entry into force.
Denunciation of or withdrawal from a treaty containing no provision regarding
termination, denunciation or withdrawal
1. A treaty which contains no provision regarding its termination and which does
not provide for denunciation or withdrawal is not subject to denunciation or with-
drawal unless:
(a) it is established that the parties intended to admit the possibility of de-
nunciation or withdrawal; or
(b) a right of denunciation or withdrawal may be implied by the nature of the
2. A party shall give not less than twelve months notice of its intention to de-
nounce or withdraw from a treaty under paragraph 1.
Suspension of the operation of a treaty under its provisions or by consent of the
The operation of a treaty in regard to all the parties or to a particular party may
be suspended:
(a) in conformity with the provisions of the treaty; or
(b) at any time by consent of all the parties after consultation with the other
contracting States.
Suspension of the operation of a multilateral treaty by agreement between certain of
the parties only
1. Two or more parties to a multilateral treaty may conclude an agreement to sus-
pend the operation of provisions of the treaty, temporarily and as between them-
selves alone, if:
(a) the possibility of such a suspension is provided for by the treaty; or
(b) the suspension in question is not prohibited by the treaty and:
(i) does not affect the enjoyment by the other parties of their rights under
the treaty or the performance of their obligations;
(ii) is not incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty.
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2. Unless in a case falling under paragraph 1(a) the treaty otherwise provides, the
parties in question shall notify the other parties of their intention to conclude the
agreement and of those provisions of the treaty the operation of which they intend
to suspend.
Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty implied by conclusion of a
later treaty
1. A treaty shall be considered as terminated if all the parties to it conclude a
later treaty relating to the same subject-matter and:
(a) it appears from the later treaty or is otherwise established that the parties
intended that the matter should be governed by that treaty; or
(b) the provisions of the later treaty are so far incompatible with those of the
earlier one that the two treaties are not capable of being applied at the same
2. The earlier treaty shall be considered as only suspended in operation if it ap-
pears from the later treaty or is otherwise established that such was the intention
of the parties.
Termination or suspension of the operation of a treaty as a consequence of its breach
1. A material breach of a bilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles the other
to invoke the breach as a ground for terminating the treaty or suspending its oper-
ation in whole or in part.
2. A material breach of a multilateral treaty by one of the parties entitles:
(a) the other parties by unanimous agreement to suspend the operation of the
treaty in whole or in part or to terminate it either:
(i) in the relations between themselves and the defaulting State, or
(ii) as between all the parties;
(b) a party specially affected by the breach to invoke it as a ground for sus-
pending the operation of the treaty in whole or in part in the relations between
itself and the defaulting State;
(c) any party other than the defaulting State to invoke the breach as a ground
for suspending the operation of the treaty in whole or in part with respect to
itself if the treaty is of such a character that a material breach of its provisions
by one party radically changes the position of every party with respect to the
further performance of its obligations under the treaty.
3. A material breach of a treaty, for the purposes of this article, consists in:
(a) a repudiation of the treaty not sanctioned by the present Convention; or
(b) the violation of a provision essential to the accomplishment of the object
or purpose of the treaty.
4. The foregoing paragraphs are without prejudice to any provision in the treaty
applicable in the event of a breach.
5. Paragraphs 1 to 3 do not apply to provisions relating to the protection of the
human person contained in treaties of a humanitarian character, in particular to
provisions prohibiting any form of reprisals against persons protected by such trea-
Supervening impossibility of performance
1. A party may invoke the impossibility of performing a treaty as a ground for
terminating or withdrawing from it if the impossibility results from the permanent
disappearance or destruction of an object indispensable for the execution of the trea-
ty. If the impossibility is temporary, it may be invoked only as a ground for sus-
pending the operation of the treaty.
2. Impossibility of performance may not be invoked by a party as a ground for
terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a treaty if the impos-
sibility is the result of a breach by that party either of an obligation under the trea-
ty or of any other international obligation owed to any other party to the treaty.
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Fundamental change of circumstances
1. A fundamental change of circumstances which has occurred with regard to
those existing at the time of the conclusion of a treaty, and which was not foreseen
by the parties, may not be invoked as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from
the treaty unless:
(a) the existence of those circumstances constituted an essential basis of the
consent of the parties to be bound by the treaty; and
(b) the effect of the change is radically to transform the extent of obligations
still to be performed under the treaty.
2. A fundamental change of circumstances may not be invoked as a ground for
terminating or withdrawing from a treaty:
(a) if the treaty establishes a boundary; or
(b) if the fundamental change is the result of a breach by the party invoking
it either of an obligation under the treaty or of any other international obliga-
tion owed to any other party to the treaty.
3. If, under the foregoing paragraphs, a party may invoke a fundamental change
of circumstances as a ground for terminating or withdrawing from a treaty it may
also invoke the change as a ground for suspending the operation of the treaty.
Severance of diplomatic or consular relations
The severance of diplomatic or consular relations between parties to a treaty does
not affect the legal relations established between them by the treaty except in so
far as the existence of diplomatic or consular relations is indispensable for the appli-
cation of the treaty.
Emergence of a new peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens)
If a new peremptory norm of general international law emerges, any existing trea-
ty which is in conflict with that norm becomes void and terminates.
4: P
Procedure to be followed with respect to invalidity, termination, withdrawal from or
suspension of the operation of a treaty
1. A party which, under the provisions of the present Convention, invokes either
a defect in its consent to be bound by a treaty or a ground for impeaching the valid-
ity of a treaty, terminating it, withdrawing from it or suspending its operation, must
notify the other parties of its claim. The notification shall indicate the measure pro-
posed to be taken with respect to the treaty and the reasons therefor.
2. If, after the expiry of a period which, except in cases of special urgency, shall
not be less than three months after the receipt of the notification, no party has
raised any objection, the party making the notification may carry out in the manner
provided in article 67 the measure which it has proposed.
3. If, however, objection has been raised by any other party, the parties shall seek
a solution through the means indicated in article 33 of the Charter of the United
4. Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs shall affect the rights or obligations of the
parties under any provisions in force binding the parties with regard to the settle-
ment of disputes.
5. Without prejudice to article 45, the fact that a State has not previously made
the notification prescribed in paragraph 1 shall not prevent it from making such no-
tification in answer to another party claiming performance of the treaty or alleging
its violation.
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Procedures for judicial settlement, arbitration and conciliation
If, under paragraph 3 of article 65, no solution has been reached within a period
of 12 months following the date on which the objection was raised, the following pro-
cedures shall be followed:
(a) any one of the parties to a dispute concerning the application or the inter-
pretation of articles 53 or 64 may, by a written application, submit it to the
International Court of Justice for a decision unless the parties by common con-
sent agree to submit the dispute to arbitration;
(b) any one of the parties to a dispute concerning the application or the inter-
pretation of any of the other articles in Part V of the present Convention may
set in motion the procedure specified in the Annex to the Convention by submit-
ting a request to that effect to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Instruments for declaring invalid, terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the
operation of a treaty
1. The notification provided for under article 65 paragraph 1 must be made in
2. Any act declaring invalid, terminating, withdrawing from or suspending the op-
eration of a treaty pursuant to the provisions of the treaty or of paragraphs 2 or
3 of article 65 shall be carried out through an instrument communicated to the
other parties. If the instrument is not signed by the Head of State, Head of Govern-
ment or Minister for Foreign Affairs, the representative of the State communicating
it may be called upon to produce full powers.
Revocation of notifications and instruments provided for in articles 65 and 67
A notification or instrument provided for in articles 65 or 67 may be revoked at
any time before it takes effect.
5: C
, T
Consequences of the invalidity of a treaty
1. A treaty the invalidity of which is established under the present Convention
is void. The provisions of a void treaty have no legal force.
2. If acts have nevertheless been performed in reliance on such a treaty:
(a) each party may require any other party to establish as far as possible in
their mutual relations the position that would have existed if the acts had not
been performed;
(b) acts performed in good faith before the invalidity was invoked are not ren-
dered unlawful by reason only of the invalidity of the treaty.
3. In cases falling under articles 49, 50, 51 or 52, paragraph 2 does not apply with
respect to the party to which the fraud, the act of corruption or the coercion is im-
4. In the case of the invalidity of a particular States consent to be bound by a
multilateral treaty, the foregoing rules apply in the relations between that State
and the parties to the treaty.
Consequences of the termination of a treaty
1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the parties otherwise agree, the termi-
nation of a treaty under its provisions or in accordance with the present Convention:
(a) releases the parties from any obligation further to perform the treaty;
(b) does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties cre-
ated through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination.
2. If a State denounces or withdraws from a multilateral treaty, paragraph 1 ap-
plies in the relations between that State and each of the other parties to the treaty
from the date when such denunciation or withdrawal takes effect.
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Consequences of the invalidity of a treaty which conflicts with a peremptory norm
of general international law
1. In the case of a treaty which is void under article 53 the parties shall:
(a) eliminate as far as possible the consequences of any act performed in reli-
ance on any provision which conflicts with the peremptory norm of general
international law; and
(b) bring their mutual relations into conformity with the peremptory norm of
general international law.
2. In the case of a treaty which becomes void and terminates under article 64,
the termination of the treaty:
(a) releases the parties from any obligation further to perform the treaty;
(b) does not affect any right, obligation or legal situation of the parties cre-
ated through the execution of the treaty prior to its termination; provided that
those rights, obligations or situations may thereafter be maintained only to the
extent that their maintenance is not in itself in conflict with the new peremp-
tory norm of general international law.
Consequences of the suspension of the operation of a treaty
1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides or the parties otherwise agree, the suspen-
sion of the operation of a treaty under its provisions or in accordance with the
present Convention:
(a) releases the parties between which the operation of the treaty is sus-
pended from the obligation to perform the treaty in their mutual relations dur-
ing the period of the suspension;
(b) does not otherwise affect the legal relations between the parties estab-
lished by the treaty.
2. During the period of the suspension the parties shall refrain from acts tending
to obstruct the resumption of the operation of the treaty.
Cases of State succession, State responsibility and outbreak of hostilities
The provisions of the present Convention shall not prejudge any question that
may arise in regard to a treaty from a succession of States or from the international
responsibility of a State or from the outbreak of hostilities between States.
Diplomatic and consular relations and the conclusion of treaties
The severance or absence of diplomatic or consular relations between two or more
States does not prevent the conclusion of treaties between those States The conclu-
sion of a treaty does not in itself affect the situation in regard to diplomatic or con-
sular relations.
Case of an aggressor State
The provisions of the present Convention are without prejudice to any obligation
in relation to a treaty which may arise for an aggressor State in consequence of
measures taken in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations with reference
to that States aggression.
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Depositaries of treaties
1. The designation of the depositary of a treaty may be made by the negotiating
States, either in the treaty itself or in some other manner. The depositary may be
one or more States, an international organization or the chief administrative officer
of the organization.
2. The functions of the depositary of a treaty are international in character and
the depositary is under an obligation to act impartially in their performance. In par-
ticular, the fact that a treaty has not entered into force between certain of the par-
ties or that a difference has appeared between a State and a depositary with regard
to the performance of the latters functions shall not affect that obligation.
Functions of depositaries
1. The functions of a depositary, unless otherwise provided in the treaty or agreed
by the contracting States, comprise in particular:
(a) keeping custody of the original text of the treaty and of any full powers
delivered to the depositary;
(b) preparing certified copies of the original text and preparing any further
text of the treaty in such additional languages as may be required by the treaty
and transmitting them to the parties and to the States entitled to become par-
ties to the treaty;
(c) receiving any signatures to the treaty and receiving and keeping custody
of any instruments, notifications and communications relating to it;
(d) examining whether the signature or any instrument, notification or com-
munication relating to the treaty is in due and proper form and, if need be,
bringing the matter to the attention of the State in question;
(e) informing the parties and the States entitled to become parties to the trea-
ty of acts, notifications and communications relating to the treaty;
(f) informing the States entitled to become parties to the treaty when the
number of signatures or of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or
accession required for the entry into force of the treaty has been received or de-
(g) registering the treaty with the Secretariat of the United Nations;
(h) performing the functions specified in other provisions of the present Con-
2. In the event of any difference appearing between a State and the depositary
as to the performance of the latters functions, the depositary shall bring the ques-
tion to the attention of the signatory States and the contracting States or, where
appropriate, of the competent organ of the international organization concerned.
Notifications and communications
Except as the treaty or the present Convention otherwise provide, any notification
or communication to be made by any State under the present Convention shall:
(a) if there is no depositary, be transmitted direct to the States for which it
is intended, or if there is a depositary, to the latter;
(b) be considered as having been made by the State in question only upon its
receipt by the State to which it was transmitted or, as the case may be, upon
its receipt by the depositary;
(c) if transmitted to a depositary, be considered as received by the State for
which it was intended only when the latter State has been informed by the de-
positary in accordance with article 77, paragraph 1 (e).
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Correction of errors in texts or in certified copies of treaties
1. Where, after the authentication of the text of a treaty, the signatory States and
the contracting States are agreed that it contains an error, the error shall, unless
they decide upon some other means of correction, be corrected:
(a) by having the appropriate correction made in the text and causing the cor-
rection to be initialled by duly authorized representatives;
(b) by executing or exchanging an instrument or instruments setting out the
correction which it has been agreed to make; or
(c) by executing a corrected text of the whole treaty by the same procedure
as in the case of the original text.
2. Where the treaty is one for which there is a depositary, the latter shall notify
the signatory States and the contracting States of the error and of the proposal to
correct it and shall specify an appropriate time-limit within which objection to the
proposed correction may be raised. If, on the expiry of the time-limit:
(a) no objection has been raised, the depositary shall make and initial the cor-
rection in the text and shall execute a proce
s-verbal of the rectification of the
text and communicate a copy of it to the parties and to the States entitled to
become parties to the treaty;
(b) an objection has been raised, the depositary shall communicate the objec-
tion to the signatory States and to the contracting States.
3. The rules in paragraphs 1 and 2 apply also where the text has been authenti-
cated in two or more languages and it appears that there is a lack of concordance
which the signatory States and the contracting States agree should be corrected.
4. The corrected text replaces the defective text ab initio, unless the signatory
States and the contracting States otherwise decide.
5. The correction of the text of a treaty that has been registered shall be notified
to the Secretariat of the United Nations.
6. Where an error is discovered in a certified copy of a treaty, the depositary shall
execute a proce
s-verbal specifying the rectification and communicate a copy of it to
the signatory States and to the contracting Slates.
Registration and publication of treaties
1. Treaties shall, after their entry into force, be transmitted to the Secretariat of
the United Nations for registration or filing and recording, as the case may be, and
for publication.
2. The designation of a depositary shall constitute authorization for it to perform
the acts specified in the preceding paragraph.
The present Convention shall be open for signature by all States Members of the
United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic
Energy Agency or parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, and
by any other State invited by the General Assembly of the United Nations to be-
come a party to the Convention, as follows: until 30 November 1969, at the Federal
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria, and subsequently, until 30
April 1970, at United Nations Headquarters, New York.
The present Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification
shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
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The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State belonging
to any of the categories mentioned in article 81. The instruments of accession shall
be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the
date of deposit of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the
thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into
force on the thirtieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification
or accession.
Authentic texts
The original of the present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Sec-
retary-General of the United Nations.
the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.
at Vienna, this twenty-third day of May, one thousand nine hundred and
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Text of the declaration:
‘‘Afghanistans understanding of article 62 (fundamental change of circumstances) is as fol-
‘‘Sub-paragraph 2(a) of this article does not cover unequal and illegal treaties, or any treaties
which were contrary to the principle of self-determination. This view was also supported by the
Expert Consultant in his statement of 11 May 1968 in the Committee of the Whole and on 14
May 1969 (doc. A/CONF.39/L.40) to the Conference.’’
1. A list of conciliators consisting of qualified jurists shall be drawn up and main-
tained by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. To this end, every State
which is a Member of the United Nations or a party to the present Convention shall
be invited to nominate two conciliators, and the names of the persons so nominated
shall constitute the list. The term of a conciliator, including that of any conciliator
nominated to fill a casual vacancy, shall be five years and may be renewed. A concil-
iator whose term expires shall continue to fulfil any function for which he shall have
been chosen under the following paragraph.
2. When a request has been made to the Secretary-General under article 66, the
Secretary-General shall bring the dispute before a conciliation commission con-
stituted as follows:
The State or States constituting one of the parties to the dispute shall appoint:
(a) one conciliator of the nationality of that State or of one of those States,
who may or may not be chosen from the list referred to in paragraph 1; and
(b) one conciliator not of the nationality of that State or of any of those
States, who shall be chosen from the list.
The State or States constituting the other party to the dispute shall appoint two
conciliators in the same way. The four conciliators chosen by the parties shall be
appointed within sixty days following the date on which the Secretary- General re-
ceives the request.
The four conciliators shall, within sixty days following the date of the last of their
own appointments, appoint a fifth conciliator chosen from the list, who shall be
If the appointment of the chairman or of any of the other conciliators has not been
made within the period prescribed above for such appointment, it shall be made by
the Secretary-General within sixty days following the expiry of that period. The ap-
pointment of the chairman may be made by the Secretary-General either from the
list or from the membership of the International Law Commission. Any of the peri-
ods within which appointments must be made may be extended by agreement be-
tween the parties to the dispute.
Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.
3. The Conciliation Commission shall decide its own procedure. The Commission,
with the consent of the parties to the dispute, may invite any party to the treaty
to submit to it its views orally or in writing. Decisions and recommendations of the
Commission shall be made by a majority vote of the five members.
4. The Commission may draw the attention of the parties to the dispute to any
measures which might facilitate an amicable settlement.
5. The Commission shall hear the parties, examine the claims and objections, and
make proposals to the parties with a view to reaching an amicable settlement of the
6. The Commission shall report within twelve months of its constitution. Its re-
port shall be deposited with the Secretary-General and transmitted to the parties
to the dispute. The report of the Commission, including any conclusions stated
therein regarding the facts or questions of law, shall not be binding upon the parties
and it shall have no other character than that of recommendations submitted for
the consideration of the parties in order to facilitate an amicable settlement of the
7. The Secretary-General shall provide the Commission with such assistance and
facilities as it may require. The expenses of the Commission shall be borne by the
United Nations.
For Afghanistan:
H. T
Subject to the declaration attached
For Argentina:
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(Translation by the Secretariat:)
Subject to the attached declaration.
1. The shortcomings of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties are such as to postpone
the realization of the aspirations of mankind.
2. Nevertheless, the rules endorsed by the Convention do represent significant advances,
based on the principles of international justice which Bolivia has traditionally supported.
(Translation by the Secretariat:)
Subject to ratification by my country.
(Translation by the Secretariat:)
Ad referendum and subject to the attached reservations.
1. With regard to articles 11 and 12, the delegation of Costa Rica wishes to make a reserva-
tion to the effect that the Costa Rican system of constitutional law does not authorize any form
of consent which is not subject to ratification by the Legislative Assembly.
2. With regard to article 25, it wishes to make a reservation to the effect that the Political
Constitution of Costa Rica does not permit the provisional application of treaties, either.
3. With regard to article 27, it interprets this article as referring to secondary law and not
to the provisions of the Political Constitution.
4. With regard to article 38, its interpretation is that no customary rule of general inter-
national law shall take precedence over any rule of the Inter-American System to which, in its
view, this Convention is supplementary.
(Translation by the Secretariat:)
With the attached declaration:
In signing this Convention, Ecuador has not considered it necessary to make any reservation
in regard to article 4 of the Convention because it understands that the rules referred to in the
first part of article 4 include the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes, which is set
forth in Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations and which as jus cogens,
has universal and mandatory force.
Ecuador also considers that the first part of article 4 is applicable to existing treaties.
It wished to place on record, in this form, its view that the said article 4 incorporates this
indisputable principle that, in cases where the Convention codifies rules of lex lata, these rules,
as pre-existing rules, may be invoked and applied to treaties signed before the entry into force
of this Convention, which is the instrument codifying the rules.
For Barbados:
C. R. M
For Bolivia:
J. R
Sujeta a la declaracio
n anexa
For Brazil:
G. N
For Cambodia:
For Chile:
J. R
For China:
April 27, 1970
For Colombia:
J. J. C
For the Congo (Brazzaville):
S. B
Sous re
serve de ratification par mon pays
For Costa Rica:
J. L. R
Ad referendum y sujeto a las reservas anexas
For Denmark:
April 18, 1970
For Ecuador:
Con la declaracio
n que se anexa
For El Salvador:
R. G
16 de febrero de 1970
For Ethiopia:
30 April 1970
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(Translation by the Secretariat:)
Ad referendum and subject to the reservations contained in the attached document.
The delegation of Guatemala, in signing the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, wish-
es to make the following reservations:
I. Guatemala cannot accept any provision of this Convention which would prejudice its rights
and its claim to the Territory of Belice.
II. Guatemala will not apply articles 11, 12, 25 and 66 in so far as they are contrary to the
provisions of the Constitution of the Republic.
III. Guatemala will apply the provision contained in article 38 only in cases where it considers
that it is in the national interest to do so.
(Translation by the Secretariat:)
Subject to the attached declaration.
Text of the declaration:
1. Morocco interprets paragraph 2(a) of article 62 (Fundamental change of circumstances) as
not applying to unlawful or inequitable treaties, or to any treaty contrary to the principle of
self-determination. Moroccos views on paragraph 2(a) were supported by the Export Consultant
in his statements in the Committee of the Whole on 11 May 1968 and before the Conference
in plenary on 14 May 1969 (see Document A/CONF.39/L.40).
2. It shall be understood that Moroccos signature of this Convention does not in any way
imply that it recognized Israel. Furthermore, no treaty relationships will be established between
Morocco and Israel.
For the Federal Republic of Germany:
30th April 1970
For Finland:
For Ghana:
K. D
G. O. L
For Guatemala:
Ad referendum y sujeto a las reservas que constan en
documento anexo
For Guyana:
For the Holy See:
30 September 1969
For Honduras:
For Iran:
A. M
For Italy:
22 April 1970
For the Ivory Coast:
23 July 1969
For Jamaica:
L. B. F
K. R
For Kenya:
I. S. B
For Liberia:
For Luxembourg:
4 September 1969
For Madagascar:
B. R
Ad referendum
For Mexico:
For Morocco:
Sous re
serve de la de
claration ci-jointe
For Nepal:
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[Text of the declaration:)
‘‘In signing the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declare their understanding that nothing in ar-
ticle 66 of the Convention is intended to oust the jurisdiction of the International Court of Jus-
tice where such jurisdiction exists under any provisions in force binding the parties with regard
to the settlement of disputes. In particular, and in relation to States parties to the Vienna Con-
vention which accept as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the
Government of the United Kingdom declare that they will not regard the provisions of sub-para-
graph (b) of article 66 of the Vienna Convention as providing some other method of peaceful
settlement within the meaning of sub-paragraph (i) (a) of the Declaration of the Government
of the United Kingdom accepting as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice which was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the 1st of Jan-
uary, 1969.
‘‘The Government of the United Kingdom, while reserving their position for the time being
with regard to the other declarations and reservations made by various States on signing the
Convention, consider it necessary to state that the United Kingdom does not accept that Guate-
mala has any rights or any valid claim in respect of the territory of British Honduras.’’
For New Zealand:
V. S
29 April 1970
For Nigeria:
T. O. E
For Pakistan:
A. S
29 April 1970
For Peru:
For the Philippines:
For the Republic of Korea:
27 November 1969
For the Sudan:
For Sweden:
23 April 1970
For Trinidad and Tobago:
T. B
For the United States of America:
D. K
24 April 1970
R. S
24 April 1970
For Uruguay:
For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
20 April 1970
Subject to the declaration, the text of which is attached
For Yugoslavia:
For Zambia:
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United Nations Treaty Collection []
The United States is a signatory but as of December 2000 has not ratified the Convention,
so the Convention is not in force for the United States.
, R
11, 2000
23, 1969
Entry into force: January 27, 1980, in accordance with article 84.
Registration: January 27, 1980, No. 18232.
Text: United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1155, p. 331.
Note: The Convention was adopted on May 22, 1969, and opened for signature on
May 23, 1969, by the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties. The Con-
vention was convened pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 2166 (XXI) of De-
cember 5, 1966 and 2287 (XXII) of December 6, 1967. The Conference held two ses-
sions, both at Neue Hofburg in Vienna, the first session from March 26 to May 24,
1968, and the second session from April 9 to May 22, 1969. In addition to the Con-
vention, the Conference adopted the Final Act and certain declarations and resolu-
tions, which are annexed to that Act. By unanimous decision of the Conference, the
original of the Final Act was deposited in the archives of the Federal Ministry for
Foreign Affairs of Austria. The text of the Final Act is included in Document A/
Participant Signature
Accession (a)
Succession (s)
............................................................................... 23 May 1969.
2, 3
.................................................................................... ................................. 8 Nov 1988 a
2, 3
............................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 5 Dec 1972
Australia ...................................................................................... ................................. 13 Jun 1974 a
Austria ......................................................................................... ................................. 30 Apr 1979 a
Barbados ..................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 24 Jun 1971
...................................................................................... ................................. 1 May 1986 a
..................................................................................... ................................. 1 Sep 1992 a
....................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
Bosnia and Herzegovina ............................................................. ................................. 1 Sep 1993 s
Brazil ........................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
2, 3
................................................................................. ................................. 21 Apr 1987 a
Cambodia .................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
Cameroon .................................................................................... ................................. 23 Oct 1991 a
...................................................................................... ................................. 14 Oct 1970 a
Central African Republic ............................................................. ................................. 10 Dec 1971 a
2, 4
....................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 9 Apr 1981
China, Peoples Republic
2, 3
....................................................... ................................. 3 Sep 1997 a
................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 10 Apr 1985
Congo .......................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 12 Apr 1982
Congo, Democratic Republic of (former Zaire) .......................... ................................. 25 Jul 1977 a
Costa Rica
2, 3
............................................................................. 23 May 1969 .......... 22 Nov 1996
Cote DIvoire ................................................................................ 23 Jul 1969.
Croatia ......................................................................................... ................................. 12 Oct 1992 a
.......................................................................................... ................................. 9 Sep 1998 a
Cyprus ......................................................................................... ................................. 28 Dec 1976 a
Czech Republic ............................................................................ ................................. 22 Feb 1993 s
2, 5
....................................................................... ................................. 29 Jul 1987 a
.................................................................................... 18 Apr 1970 ........... 1 Jun 1976
..................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
......................................................................................... ................................. 11 Feb 1982 a
El Salvador .................................................................................. 16 Feb 1970.
Estonia ........................................................................................ ................................. 21 Oct 1991 a
Ethiopia ....................................................................................... 30 Apr 1970.
...................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 19 Aug 1977
3, 4
................................................................................. 30 Apr 1970 ........... 21 Jul 1987
Ghana .......................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
Greece .......................................................................................... ................................. 30 Oct 1974 a
................................................................................. 23 May 1969 .......... 21 Jul 1997
Guyana ........................................................................................ 23 May 1969.
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Participant Signature
Accession (a)
Succession (s)
Haiti ............................................................................................. ................................. 25 Aug 1980 a
Holy See ....................................................................................... 30 Sep 1969 ........... 25 Feb 1977
Honduras ..................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 20 Sep 1979
2, 6
.................................................................................. ................................. 19 Jun 1987 a
Iran (Islamic Republic of) ........................................................... 23 May 1969.
Italy ............................................................................................. 23 Apr 1970 ........... 25 Jul 1974
Jamaica ....................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 28 Jul 1970
1, 4
..................................................................................... ................................. 2 Jul 1981 a
Kazakhstan .................................................................................. ................................. 5 Jan 1994 a
Kenya ........................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
Korea, Republic of ....................................................................... 29 Nov 1969 ........... 27 Apr 1977 a
Kuwait ......................................................................................... ................................. 11 Nov 1975 a
Kyrgyzstan ................................................................................... ................................. 11 May 1999 a
Laos, Peoples Democratic Republic ........................................... ................................. 31 Mar 1998 a
Latvia .......................................................................................... ................................. 4 May 1993 a
Lesotho ........................................................................................ ................................. 3 Mar 1972 a
Liberia ......................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 29 Aug 1985
Liechtenstein ............................................................................... ................................. 8 Feb 1990 a
Lithuania ..................................................................................... ................................. 15 Jan 1992 a
Luxembourg ................................................................................. 4 Sep 1969.
Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of ................................... ................................. 8 Jul 1999 s
Madagascar ................................................................................. 23 May 1969.
Malawi ......................................................................................... ................................. 23 Aug 1983 a
Malaysia ...................................................................................... ................................. 27 Jul 1994 a
Mali ............................................................................................. ................................. 31 Aug 1998 a
Mauritius ..................................................................................... ................................. 18 Jan 1973 a
Mexico .......................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 25 Sep 1974
Moldova ....................................................................................... ................................. 26 Jan 1993 a
2, 3, 6
............................................................................. ................................. 16 May 1988 a
1, 3
.................................................................................. 23 May 1969 .......... 26 Sep 1972
Myanmar ...................................................................................... ................................. 16 Sep 1998 a
Nauru ........................................................................................... ................................. 5 May 1978 a
Nepal ........................................................................................... 23 May 1969.
............................................................................... ................................. 9 Apr 1985 a
New Zealand
............................................................................. 29 Apr 1970 ........... 4 Aug 1971
Niger ............................................................................................ ................................. 27 Oct 1971 a
Nigeria ......................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 31 Jul 1969
Oman ........................................................................................... ................................. 18 Oct 1990 a
Pakistan ...................................................................................... 29 Apr 1970.
Panama ....................................................................................... ................................. 28 Jul 1980 a
Paraguay ..................................................................................... ................................. 3 Feb 1972 a
........................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 14 Sep 2000
Philippines ................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 15 Nov 1972
Poland ......................................................................................... ................................. 2 Jul 1990 a
Russian Federation
2, 3
................................................................ ................................. 29 Apr 1986 a
Rwanda ....................................................................................... ................................. 3 Jan 1980 a
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ............................................. ................................. 27 Apr 1999 a
3, 4
.................................................................................. ................................. 11 Apr 1986 a
Slovakia ....................................................................................... ................................. 28 May 1993 s
Slovenia ....................................................................................... ................................. 6 Jul 1992 s
Solomon Islands .......................................................................... ................................. 9 Aug 1989 a
Spain ........................................................................................... ................................. 16 May 1972 a
Sudan .......................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 18 Apr 1990
Suriname ..................................................................................... ................................. 31 Jan 1991 a
...................................................................................... 23 Apr 1970 ........... 4 Feb 1975
Switzerland .................................................................................. ................................. 7 May 1990 a
Syrian Arab Republic
2, 7
............................................................. ................................. 2 Oct 1970 a
Tajikistan ..................................................................................... ................................. 6 May 1996 a
Togo ............................................................................................. ................................. 28 Dec 1979 a
Trinidad and Tobago ................................................................... 23 May 1969.
...................................................................................... ................................. 23 Jun 1971 a
Turkmenistan ............................................................................... ................................. 4 Jan 1996 a
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Participant Signature
Accession (a)
Succession (s)
Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic
2, 3
....................................... ................................. 14 May 1986 a
United Kingdom
........................................................................ 20 Apr 1970 ........... 25 Jun 1971
United Republic of Tanzania
.................................................... ................................. 12 Apr 1976 a
United States of America ............................................................ 24 Apr 1970.
Uruguay ....................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 5 Mar 1982
Uzbekistan ................................................................................... ................................. 12 Jul 1995 a
Yugoslavia ................................................................................... 23 May 1969 .......... 27 Aug 1970
Zambia ........................................................................................ 23 May 1969.
With a statement(s).
With a reservation(s).
with a declaration(s).
With an objection to a statement.
Reservation withdrawn on October 19, 1990.
Reservation withdrawn.
United States objected to Syrian reservation May 24, 1971; United Kingdom objected June 25, 1971; New
Zealand objected October 14, 1971; Canada objected 22, 1971; and others.
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The purpose of this glossary is to assist in the recognition of terms. It is not designed to
duplicate the more comprehensive treatment which may be given to these terms throughout the
text of this work.
Abrogation: The formal act by a state of terminating its consent to be bound by
an international agreement. Sometimes used interchangeably with ‘‘denunciation.’’
Acceptance: See ‘‘consent to be bound.’’
Accession: A process by which a nation that was not originally a party to a trea-
ty which has already been agreed upon by other states, becomes a party to the trea-
ty. A treaty must specifically provide for accession in order for states to accede to
it. Sometimes the terms ‘‘adherence’’ and ‘‘adhesion’’ are used interchangeably with
‘‘accession.’’ Also see ‘‘consent to be bound.’’
Accord: The equivalent of agreement.
Acte finale: See ‘‘final act.’’
Adherence: See ‘‘accession.’’
Adhesion: The act of a state announcing its intent to abide by the principles of
a treaty without formally becoming a party to it. See ‘‘accession.’’
Agreement pursuant to a treaty: A type of executive agreement which is con-
cluded by the President on the basis of prior authority contained in an existing trea-
Amendment: In the context of Senate conditions for approval of a treaty, amend-
ments are proposed Senate changes in the text of a treaty. See also ‘‘conditional ap-
Approval: See ‘‘consent to be bound.’’
Arbitration: A dispute settlement process whereby the parties agree to submit
their differences to judges of their own choice, and to abide by the decision of the
Bilateral treaty: An international agreement concluded between two states.
Case Act: Formally called the Case-Zablocki Act after the legislations sponsors
(Public Law 92403). A U.S. law requiring the President to transmit all inter-
national agreements other than treaties to the Congress within 60 days after their
effective date.
Circular 175: An internal Department of State circular the purpose of which is
to facilitate the application of orderly and uniform measures to the negotiation, sig-
nature, publication, and registration of U.S. treaties and international agreements,
and to facilitate the maintenance of complete and accurate records on such agree-
Conciliation: A non-binding dispute settling procedure by which a dispute is re-
ferred to a commission of persons who are empowered to examine the facts and
make recommendations for settlement.
Conclusion: The culmination of negotiations into a specific agreement, usually
marked by its signing or initialing.
Conditional approval: A term used to indicate Senate approval of a treaty sub-
ject to conditions such as amendments, reservations, understandings, declarations,
and provisos.
Congressional executive agreement: A type of executive agreement which is
concluded by the President with either prior or subsequent statutory authorization.
Connally amendment: This term refers to the reservation made by the Senate
in ratifying the optional clause under Article 36, paragraph 2 of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice. The reservation excludes from U.S. acceptance of the
courts compulsory jurisdiction disputes with regard to matters which are ‘‘essen-
tially within the domestic jurisdiction of the United States of America as determined
by the United States of America.’’
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Consent to be bound: A formal procedure by which a nation enters into an
international agreement by expressing its intent to be legally bound by the agree-
ment. Such consent to be bound may be expressed by ratification, acceptance or ap-
proval, accession, or by signature in the case of executive agreements. In U.S. prac-
tice, it is the President who ratifies a treaty after the Senate gives its advice and
Convention: A term which denotes an international agreement concluded at an
international conference. Often used interchangeably with ‘‘treaty.’’
Declaration: A formal statement, explanation or clarification made by the Senate
about its opinion or intentions on matters relating to issues raised by a treaty under
consideration. Such declarations are analogous to a ‘‘sense of the Senate resolution.’’
Other Senate statements which do not substantively modify a treaty may be entitled
‘‘declaration,’’ ‘‘understanding,’’ ‘‘statement,’’ or any other descriptive term desired.
See ‘‘conditional approval.’’ The term ‘‘declaration’’ may also be used to signify a uni-
lateral statement by a country. See ‘‘non-binding international agreement.’’
Denunciation: See ‘‘abrogation.’’
Deposit: Unless a multilateral treaty provides otherwise, it generally enters into
force after the deposit of a specified number of instruments of ratification at a spe-
cific location. See also ‘‘exchange of ratifications.’’
Entry into force: The moment at which an international agreement becomes
binding and formally enters into force. See also ‘‘exchange of ratifications’’ and ‘‘de-
Exchange of notes: An often-used means to conclude international agreements.
Under this procedure, diplomatic notes embodying an agreement are usually ex-
changed between a diplomatic representative of a state and the Minister of Foreign
Affairs (Secretary of State) of the country to which the diplomat is accredited.
Exchange of ratifications: Unless a treaty otherwise provides, bilateral treaties
enter into force upon, or at a specified period after, a formal exchange of the instru-
ments of ratification between the parties. See also ‘‘deposit.’’
Executive agreement: In the domestic law of the United States, an inter-
national agreement concluded by the President in accordance with a procedure other
than that which is specified in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution.
Final act: A formal statement or summary of the proceedings of a conference or
congress. Also called ‘‘acte finale.’’
Final vote: Refers to a final Senate vote on the resolution of ratification of a trea-
ty and the requirement for a two-thirds majority for approval.
Gentlemans agreement: See ‘‘non-binding international agreement.’’
Invalidation of a treaty: A process by which a state (or states) faced with an
option of maintaining a treaty in force or of invoking grounds which would permit
the state to terminate the treaty, chooses the latter option by invalidating the trea-
ty. Grounds for invalidation of treaty include: fraud, corruption, coercion, error, and
violation of a domestic law of fundamental importance. Violation of a peremptory
rule of international law (jus cogens) also constitutes grounds which make a treaty
Joint communique: See ‘‘non-binding international agreement.’’
Joint statement: See ‘‘non-binding international agreement.’’
Jus cogens: A concept accepted by many legal scholars and by the Vienna Con-
vention on the Law of Treaties that certain rules or norms of international law are
so fundamental that states are not permitted to violate them. An agreement by two
states to invade and colonize another is often cited as violating such a jus cogens
rule against the use of aggressive force.
Negotiation: The exchange and discussion of proposals by representatives of gov-
ernments for the purpose of reaching an agreement or understanding.
Non-binding international agreement: An international agreement (or state-
ment) which does not convey an intent by the party (or parties) to be legally bound.
Common forms include unilateral commitments and declarations of intent, joint
communiques and joint statements, final acts of international conferences, and so-
called ‘‘gentlemans agreements.’’
Pacta sunt servanda: A well-recognized international rule that ‘‘agreements
must be kept.’’
Presidential or sole executive agreement: A type of executive agreement
which is concluded by the President solely on the basis of his independent authority
under Article II of the Constitution.
Proclamation: A national act by which the terms of a treaty are ‘‘made public.’’
In the United States, the President generally proclaims treaties. The text of the
Presidents proclamation includes a word-by-word recitation of any understanding,
declaration, or reservation contained in the Senates resolution of advice and con-
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Protocol: A term used to denote an international agreement. A protocol is often
used to supplement, clarify, amend, or qualify a treaty and is sometimes of a less
formal nature than a treaty.
Provisional application: A term which refers to measures taken by nations to
carry out the provisions of a treaty prior to its formal entry into force.
Proviso: A condition on Senate approval of a treaty which relates to issues of
U.S. law and procedure and does not directly involve the other parties to a treaty.
See also ‘‘conditional approval.’’
Ratification: See ‘‘consent to be bound.’’
Rebus sic stantibus: A legal maxim which refers to a fundamental change of
circumstances affecting the performance of obligations under an agreement which
was not foreseen by those making the agreement at the time it was concluded and
which provides grounds for termination of a treaty.
Reservation: A formal statement or condition which limits or modifies the sub-
stance of a treaty. Such statements are traditionally formally presented at the time
of signature, ratification or accession of a treaty. In U.S. practice, reservations may
originate with the Senate as part of its resolution of advice and consent to a treaty.
See also ‘‘conditional approval.’’
Return: See ‘‘withdrawal.’’
Rule 25: The internal rule of the Senate which prescribes the jurisdiction of all
Senate committees and which gives the Senate Foreign Relations Committee exclu-
sive jurisdiction over treaties.
Rule 30: The internal rule of the Senate which governs the process of treaty con-
sideration in that body.
Senate rule: See ‘‘rule 25’’ and ‘‘rule 30.’’
Sole executive agreement: See ‘‘Presidential or sole executive agreement.’’
Statement: See ‘‘declaration.’’
Suspension: A process whereby a state unilaterally decides to hold in abeyance
its compliance with the provisions of an international agreement or with certain
parts thereof.
Termination of a treaty: A process by which a nation declares that it will no
longer adhere to a treaty which was valid and in force. Termination may be similar
to withdrawal, although withdrawal is frequently the act which effects termination.
Treaty: In the domestic law of the United States, an international agreement
concluded by the President with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the U.S.
Senate as specified in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution. Under
international law, any binding international agreement between states which ex-
presses an intent by the parties to be legally bound by international law to specified
Understanding: In the context of Senate consideration of a treaty, understand-
ings are interpretative statements designed to clarify or elaborate (rather than
change) the provisions of an agreement. See also ‘‘declaration,’’ and ‘‘conditional ap-
Unilateral declaration: See ‘‘non-binding international agreement.’’
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties: A multilateral treaty designed to
govern treaty relationships among member states. As of December 11, 2000, 86
countries have ratified, or acceded to, the Vienna Convention; 5 states have suc-
ceeded to it. The United States signed it on April 24, 1970. The Senate, however,
has not yet given its advice and consent to the convention.
Withdrawal: A means of terminating the obligations of an international agree-
ment with respect to a withdrawing party. See ‘‘termination of a treaty.’’ In the con-
text of Senate consideration of a pending treaty, ‘‘withdrawal’’ or ‘‘return’’ refers to
the return of a treaty from the Senate prior to the Senates giving its advice and
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Congressional Record, vol. 91, part 3, p. 3492.
OF CERTAIN RIVERS (Ex. A, 782, and Ex. H, 782)
On February 3, 1944, the Treaty was signed. It was transmitted to the Senate
on February 15, 1944 (Ex. A, 782). On November 14, 1944, the Supplementary Pro-
tocol was signed. It was transmitted to the Senate on November 24, 1944 (Ex. H,
On April 18, 1945, the Senate gave its advice and consent to both the Treaty and
the Protocol in a 7610 vote. The resolution of ratification read:
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Sen-
ate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive A, Seventy-eighth Con-
gress, second session, a treaty between the United States of America and the
United Mexican States, signed at Washington on February 3, 1944, relating to
the utilization of the waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio
Grande from Fort Quitman, Tex., to the Gulf of Mexico, and Executive H, Sev-
enty-eighth Congress, second session, a protocol, signed at Washington on No-
vember 14, 1944, supplementary to the treaty, subject to the following under-
standings, and that these understandings will be mentioned in the ratification
of this treaty as conveying the true meaning of the treaty, and will in effect
form a part of the treaty: *** [understanding omitted]
MENTARY PROTOCOL (S. Ex. A, 801 and S. Ex. G, 802)
On October 18, 1946, a Convention between France and the United States was
signed. It was transmitted to the Senate for advice and consent on January 10, 1947
(Ex. A, 801). On May 17, 1948, a Supplementary Protocol was signed. It was trans-
mitted to the Senate for advice and consent on May 19, 1948 (Ex. G, 802).
On June 2, 1948, the Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification of the Con-
vention and the Protocol. The resolution of ratification read:
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Sen-
ate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive A, Eightieth Congress,
first session, a convention between the United States of America and France,
signed at Paris on October 18, 1946 for the avoidance of double taxation and
the prevention of evasion in the case of taxes on estates and inheritances, and
for the purpose of modifying and supplementing certain provisions of the con-
vention between the two governments relating to income taxation signed at
Paris on July 25, 1939.
Resolved further (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That
the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of Executive G, Eightieth Con-
gress, second session, a supplementary protocol, signed at Washington on May
17, 1948, modifying in certain respects the convention between the United
States of America and France, signed at Paris on October 18, 1946, for the
avoidance of double taxation and in the case of evasion of taxes on estates and
inheritances, and for the purpose of modifying and supplementing certain provi-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00428 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Congressional Record, vol. 94, part 5, p. 6940.
Congressional Record, June 28, 1984, p. S8573 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, September 25, 1990, pp. S13767S13768 (daily ed.).
Congressional Record, September 25, 1990, p. S13768 (daily ed.).
sions of the convention between the two Governments relating to income tax-
ation signed at Paris on July 25, 1939.
2; Treaty Doc. 987; and Treaty Doc. 9822)
On September 26, 1980, the Tax Convention with Canada was signed. It was
transmitted to the Senate for advice and consent to ratification on November 12,
1980 (Ex. T, 962). On June 14, 1983, the first Protocol was signed. It was transmit-
ted to the Senate for advice and consent to ratification on September 21, 1983 (Trea-
ty Doc. 987). On March 28, 1984, the second Protocol was signed. It was transmit-
ted to the Senate for advice and consent on April 18, 1984 (Treaty Doc. 9822).
The Committee on Foreign Relations considered the Treaty and its two Protocols
together and ordered them reported on May 8, 1984. On June 26 and June 28, 1984,
the Senate considered the treaty and its two protocols and agreed to the resolution
of ratification. The resolution of ratification read:
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Sen-
ate advise and consent to the ratification of the Convention between the United
States of America and Canada with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital
(the Convention) together with a related exchange of notes, signed at Washing-
ton on September 26, 1980; the Protocol Amending the 1980 Convention (the
First Protocol), together with a related exchange of notes, signed at Ottawa on
June 14, 1983; and the Second Protocol Amending the 1980 Convention (as
amended by the First Protocol), signed at Washington on March 28, 1984.
TOCOLS (Ex. N, 942; and Treaty Doc. 10119)
The United States and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty on the Limitation of
Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests (Threshold Test Ban Treaty) on July 3, 1974,
and the Treaty on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes on May
28, 1976. The President submitted the treaties together to the Senate on July 29,
1976 (Ex. N, 942). The Foreign Relations Committee reported the treaties with res-
ervations and declarations on February 27, 1987 (Exec. Rept. 1001) but they were
not considered in the Senate and were automatically referred back to the committee
at the end of the 100th Congress. Protocols relating to verification of the treaties
were signed on June 1, 1990, and submitted to the Senate on June 28, 1990 (Treaty
Doc. 10119).
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported the treaties and protocols to-
gether on September 14, 1990 (Exec. Rept. 10131). On September 25, 1990, the
Senate considered the treaties en bloc and gave its advice and consent to the
Threshold Test Ban Treaty and its new protocol, subject to two declarations, and
the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty and its protocol. The resolution of ratifica-
tion read:
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Sen-
ate advise and consent to ratification of the Treaty Between the United States
of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Un-
derground Nuclear Weapon Tests, signed in Moscow on July 3, 1974, and the
Protocol thereto, signed in Washington on June 1, 1990, subject to *** [declara-
tions omitted].
Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Sen-
ate advise and consent to ratification of the Treaty Between the United States
of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Underground Nuclear
Explosions for Peaceful Purposes, signed in Washington and Moscow on May 28,
1976, and the Protocol thereto, signed in Washington on June 1, 1990, and an
Agreed Statement relating to paragraph 2(c) of Article III of the treaty, signed
on May 13, 1976.
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Based on legislative calendars of the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, various
years. Entry into force shows date treaty entered into force for the United States.
January 5, 1993 to October 18, 2000 (103d, 104th, 105th, and 106th
(in reverse chronological order, by date of Senate approval)
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Uzbekistan Concerning the Encouragement and Recip-
rocal Protection of Investment, with Annex, signed at Washington on December
16, 1994. T. Doc. 10425 reported on February 28, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10623 re-
ported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and con-
sent given on October 18, 2000.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experienc-
ing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa, with Annexes,
adopted at Paris, June 17, 1994, and signed by the United States on October
14, 1994. T. Doc. 10429 reported on August 2, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10625 re-
ported with five understandings, three declarations, and two provisos on Octo-
ber 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Inter-American Convention on Serving Criminal Sentences Abroad, done in Mana-
gua, Nicaragua, on June 9, 1993, signed on behalf of the United States at the
OAS Headquarters in Washington on January 10, 1995. T. Doc. 10435 re-
ported on September 30, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10621 reported with one reserva-
tion, one understanding, one declaration, and one proviso on September 29,
2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, adopted at
the twenty-second regular session of the Organization of American States (OAS)
General Assembly meeting in Nassau, The Bahamas, on May 23, 1992, and the
Optional Protocol Related to the Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assist-
ance in Criminal Matters, adopted at the twenty-third regular session of the
OAS General Assembly meeting in Managua, Nicaragua, on June 11, 1993.
Both instruments signed on behalf of the United States at OAS Headquarters
in Washington on January 10, 1995. T. Doc. 10425 reported on September 3,
1997. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with three understandings, one declaration,
and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Belize for the Return of Stolen Vehicles, with Annexes and Protocol,
signed at Belmopan on October 3, 1996. T. Doc. 10554 reported on June 23,
1998. Exec. Rept. 10622 reported with one declaration and one proviso. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Guatemala for the Return of Stolen, Robbed, Embezzled
or Appropriated Vehicles and Aircraft, with Annexes and a Related Exchange
of Notes, signed at Guatemala City on October 6, 1997. T. Doc. 10558 reported
on August 31, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10622 reported with one declaration and one
proviso. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, signed at Washington on Novem-
ber 9, 1998. T. Doc. 1064 reported on July 13, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10626 re-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00430 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
ported with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 4,
2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Dominican Republic for the Return of Stolen or Embezzled Vehicles,
with Annexes, signed at Santo Domingo on April 30, 1996. T. Doc. 1067 re-
ported on September 8, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10622 reported with one declaration
and one proviso on September 29, 2000. Advice and consent given on October
18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assist-
ance in Criminal Matters, with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998. T. Doc.
10616 reported on November 10, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with one
understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 4, 2000. Advice and
consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of France on
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Paris on December 10,
1998. T. Doc. 10617 reported on January 31, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 4, 2000.
Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Hellenic Republic on Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on May 26, 1999.
T. Doc. 10618 reported on February 1, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with
one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 4, 2000. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Arab Re-
public of Egypt on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at
Cairo on May 3, 1998, and a Related Exchange of Diplomatic Notes. T. Doc.
10619 reported on February 2, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with one un-
derstanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 4, 2000. Advice and
consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of Romania on
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on May 26,
1999. T. Doc. 10620 reported on February 3, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 4, 2000.
Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), adopted at the Conference of the
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations at Rome on No-
vember 17, 1997. T. Doc. 10623 reported on March 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
27 reported with three understandings, one declaration and two provisos on Oc-
tober 5, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of South Africa, signed at Washington on Sep-
tember 16, 1999. T. Doc. 10624 reported on May 18, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
26 reported with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October
4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the State of Bahrain Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal
Protection of Investment, with Annex, signed at Washington on September 29,
1999. T. Doc. 10625 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10623 reported
with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent
given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Bolivia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal
Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Santiago, Chile,
on April 17, 1998. T. Doc. 10626 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
23 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Honduras Concerning the Encouragement and Recip-
rocal Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Denver on
July 1, 1995. T. Doc. 10627 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10623 re-
ported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and con-
sent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of El Salvador Concerning the Encouragement and Recip-
rocal Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at San Salvador
on March 10, 1999. T. Doc. 10628 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
23 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00431 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Croatia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal
Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Zagreb on July 13,
1996. T. Doc. 10629 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10623 reported
with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent
given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Concerning the Encouragement and
Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Amman
on July 2, 1997. T. Doc. 10630 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
23 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Mozambique Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection
of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Washington on December 1,
1998. T. Doc. 10631 reported on May 23, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10623 reported
with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent
given on October 18, 2000.
Extradition Treaty with the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, signed at Wash-
ington on September 30, 1999. T. Doc. 10634 reported on June 27, 2000. Exec.
Rept. 10626 reported with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso
on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Cyprus on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Mat-
ters, signed at Nicosia on December 20, 1999. T. Doc. 10635 reported on July
13, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and two provisos on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of South Africa on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal
Matters, signed at Washington on September 16, 1999. T. Doc. 10636 reported
on July 13, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10624 reported with one understanding, one dec-
laration and two provisos on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on Octo-
ber 18, 2000.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of Belize, signed at Belize on March 30, 2000. T. Doc. 10638
reported on July 27, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10626 reported with one understanding,
one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given
on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the United Mexican States on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf
in the Western Gulf of Mexico beyond 200 nautical miles. T. Doc. 10639 re-
ported on July 27, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10619 reported with one declaration and
one proviso on September 29, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Costa Rica for the Return of Stolen, Embezzled, or Ap-
propriated Vehicles and Aircraft, with Annexes and a Related Exchange of
Notes, signed at San Jose on July 2, 1999. T. Doc. 10640 reported on Septem-
ber 5, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10622 reported with one declaration and one proviso
on September 29, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Lithuania for the Encouragement and Reciprocal Pro-
tection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Washington on Janu-
ary 14, 1998. T. Doc. 10642 reported on September 5, 2000. Exec. Rept. 106
23 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Advice
and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Protocol Amending the 1950 Consular Convention Between the United States of
America and Ireland, signed at Washington on June 16, 1998. T. Doc. 10643
reported on September 5, 2000. Exec. Rept. 10620 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on September 29, 2000. Advice and consent given on Octo-
ber 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Panama for the Return of Stolen, Robbed, or Converted Vehicles and Aircraft,
with Annexes, signed at Panama on June 6, 2000, and a Related Exchange of
Notes of July 25, 2000. T. Doc. 10644 reported on September 5, 2000. Exec.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00432 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Rept. 10622 reported with one declaration and one proviso on September 29,
2000. Advice and consent given on October 18, 2000.
Protocol Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Panama Amending the Treaty Concerning the Treat-
ment and Protection of Investments of October 27, 1982. Protocol was signed
at Panama City on June 1, 2000. T. Doc. 10646 reported on September 12,
2000. Exec. Rept. 10623 reported on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given
on October 18, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Azerbaijan Concerning the Encouragement and Recip-
rocal Protection of Investment, with Annex, signed at Washington on August 1,
1997, together with an Amendment to the Treaty Set Forth in an Exchange of
Diplomatic Notes dated August 8, 2000, and August 25, 2000. T. Doc. 10647
reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 4, 2000. Exec. Rept.
10623 reported on October 4, 2000. Advice and consent given on October 18,
Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles, with
Annexes, done at Caracas December 1, 1996 (the ‘‘Convention’’), which was
signed by the United States, subject to ratification, on December 13, 1996. T.
Doc. 10548 reported on May 22, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10618 reported with three
understandings, five declarations, and two provisos on September 5, 2000. Ad-
vice and consent given on September 20, 2000.
Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry
Adoption, adopted and opened for signature at the conclusion of the Seven-
teenth Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law on May
29, 1993. T. Doc. 10551 reported on June 11, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10614 re-
ported with six declarations. Advice and consent given on September 20, 2000.
Convention (No. 176) Concerning Safety and Health in Mines, adopted by the Inter-
national Labor Conference at its 82d Session in Geneva on June 22, 1995. T.
Doc. 1068 reported on September 9, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10616 reported with
two understandings, two declarations and two provisos on September 5, 2000.
Advice and consent given on September 20, 2000.
Food Aid Convention 1999, which was open for signature at the U.N. Headquarters,
New York, from May 1 through June 30, 1999. The Convention was signed by
the United States on June 16, 1999. T. Doc. 10614 reported on October 13,
1999. Exec. Rept. 10617 reported with three declarations and one proviso on
September 5, 2000. Advice and consent given on September 20, 2000.
Inter-American Convention against Corruption (‘‘the Convention’’), adopted and
opened for signature at the Specialized Conference of the Organization of Amer-
ican States (OAS) at Caracas, Venezuela, on March 29, 1996. The Convention
was signed by the United States on June 27, 1996, at the twenty-seventh regu-
lar session of the OAS General Assembly meeting in Panama City, Panama. T.
Doc. 10539 reported on April 1, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10615 reported with six un-
derstandings, one declaration, and three provisos on June 30, 2000. Advice and
consent given on July 27, 2000.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of Estonia for
the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income, signed at Washington on January 15, 1998. T. Doc.
10555 reported on June 26, 1998. Exec. Rept. 1063 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on Novem-
ber 5, 1999. Entered into force: December 30, 1999.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of Lithuania
for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with
Respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Washington on January 15, 1998. T. Doc.
10556 reported on June 26, 1998. Exec. Rept. 1064 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on Novem-
ber 5, 1999. Entered into force: December 30, 1999.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of Latvia for
the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income, signed at Washington on January 15, 1998. T. Doc.
10557 reported on June 26, 1998. Exec. Rept. 106-5 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on Novem-
ber 5, 1999. Entered into force: December 30, 1999.
The Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America
and the Government of the Republic of Korea, signed at Washington on June
9, 1998. T. Doc. 1062 reported on March 2, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10613 reported
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00433 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on November 3, 1999.
Advice and consent given on November 5, 1999. Entered into force: December
20, 1999.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Republic of Venezuela for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and
the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital,
together with a Protocol, signed at Caracas on January 25, 1999. T. Doc. 106
3 reported on June 29, 1999. Exec. Rept. 1066 reported with two understand-
ings, two declarations and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent
given on November 5, 1999. Entered into force: December 30, 1999.
Convention (No. 182) Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the
Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor, adopted by the International
Labor Conference at its 87th Session in Geneva on June 17, 1999. T. Doc. 106
5 reported on August 5, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10612 reported with two under-
standings, one declaration and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and
consent given on November 5, 1999.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia for
the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Ljubljana on June 21, 1999.
T. Doc. 1069 reported on September 13, 1999. Exec. Rept. 1067 reported with
one reservation, one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on Novem-
ber 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on November 5, 1999.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Italian Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Fraud or Fiscal Evasion, signed
at Washington on August 25, 1999, together with a Protocol. T. Doc. 10611 re-
ported on September 21, 1999. Exec. Rept. 1068 reported with one reservation,
one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Ad-
vice and consent given on November 5, 1999.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Kingdom of Denmark for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and
the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed at
Washington on August 19, 1999, together with a Protocol. Treaty Doc. 10612
reported on September 21, 1999. Exec. Rept. 1069 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on Novem-
ber 5, 1999. Entered into force: March 31, 2000.
Protocol Amending the Convention Between the United States of America and the
Federal Republic of Germany for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Re-
spect to Taxes on Estates, Inheritances, and Gifts, signed at Bonn on December
3, 1980, signed at Washington on December 14, 1998. T. Doc. 10613 reported
on September 21, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10610 reported with one declaration and
one proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on November 5,
Convention Amending the Convention Between the Government of the United
States of America and the Government of Ireland for the Avoidance of Double
Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
and Capital Gains, signed at Dublin on July 28, 1997. T. Doc. 10615 reported
on October 29, 1999. Exec. Rept. 10611 reported with one declaration and one
proviso on November 3, 1999. Advice and consent given on November 5, 1999.
Protocols to the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Cer-
tain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious
or to Have Indiscriminate Effects: (A) Amended Protocol on Prohibitions or Re-
strictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices (Protocol II or
the Amended Mines Protocol); (B) Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the
Use of Incendiary Weapons (Protocol III or the Incendiary Weapons Protocol);
and (C) Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons (Protocol IV). T. Doc. 1051 re-
ported on January 7, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10521 reported Protocol II with one
reservation, nine understandings and 14 conditions, with minority views, on Oc-
tober 10, 1998. Exec. Rept. 1062 reported Protocol II with one reservation, nine
understandings and 13 conditions. Advice and consent on Protocol II given on
May 20, 1999. Protocol IV entered into force: July 30, 1998.
Convention on Nuclear Safety, done at Vienna on September 20, 1994. T. Doc. 104
6 reported on May 11, 1995. Exec. Rept. 1061 reported with six conditions and
two understandings on March 24, 1999. Advice and consent given on March 25,
1999. Entered into force: July 10, 1999.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00434 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of Hong Kong on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, with
Annex, signed at Hong Kong on April 15, 1997. T. Doc. 1056 reported on May
6, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
1998. Entered into force: January 21, 2000.
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of Hong Kong for the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, signed at Hong
Kong on April 15, 1997. T. Doc. 1057 reported on May 6, 1997. Exec. Rept.
10524 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Ad-
vice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: April 21, 1999.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of
the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, signed at Washington on October 1, 1996. T.
Doc. 10510 reported on July 8, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one un-
derstanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and
consent given on October 21, 1998.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on Mutual Legal Assistance in Crimi-
nal Matters, signed at Washington on March 13, 1997, and a Related Exchange
of Notes. T. Doc. 10511 reported on July 8, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Poland on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washing-
ton on July 10, 1996. T. Doc. 10512 reported on July 8, 1997. Exec. Rept. 105
22 reported with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on Octo-
ber 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and France, signed at
Paris on April 23, 1996. T. Doc. 10513 reported on July 9, 1997. Exec. Rept.
10523 reported with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on
October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Po-
land, signed at Washington on July 10, 1996. T. Doc. 10514 reported on July
9, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
1998. Entered into force: September 17, 1999.
Third Supplementary Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and
the Kingdom of Spain, signed at Madrid on March 12, 1996. T. Doc. 10515 re-
ported on July 10, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one understanding,
one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given
on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: July 25, 1999.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, signed at Washington on June 17,
1996. T. Doc. 10516 reported on July 29, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: September
14, 1999.
World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and the World Intellec-
tual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty, done at Ge-
neva on December 20, 1996, and signed by the United States on April 12, 1997.
T. Doc. 10517 reported on July 29, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10525 reported with one
reservation, two declarations and three provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice
and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Argentine Repub-
lic, signed at Buenos Aires on June 10, 1997. T. Doc. 10518 reported on July
30, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
1998. Entered into force: June 15, 2000.
Extradition Treaties Between the Government of the United States of America and
the governments of six countries comprising the Organization of Eastern Carib-
bean States: Antigua and Barbuda, signed at St. Johns on June 3, 1996; Domi-
nica, signed at Roseau on October 10, 1996; Grenada, signed at St. Georges on
May 30, 1996; St. Lucia, signed at Castries on April 18, 1996; St. Kitts and
Nevis, signed at Basseterre on September 18, 1996; and St. Vincent and the
Grenadines, signed at Kingstown on August 15, 1996. T. Doc. 10519 reported
on July 30, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one understanding, one dec-
laration and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on Octo-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00435 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
ber 21, 1998. Entered into force with Antigua and Barbuda: July 1, 1999. En-
tered into force with St. Vincent and the Grenadines: September 8, 1999. En-
tered into force with Grenada: September 14, 1999. Entered into force with St.
Lucia: February 2, 2000. Entered into force with St. Kitts and Nevis: February
23, 2000. Entered into force with Dominica: May 25, 2000.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of Barbados, signed at Bridgetown on February 28, 1996. T.
Doc. 10520 reported on July 31, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported with one
understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998. Advice and
consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: March 3, 2000.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, signed at Port of Spain on March 4,
1996. T. Doc. 10521 reported on July 31, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: November 29,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Trinidad and Tobago on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters,
signed at Port of Spain on March 4, 1996. T. Doc. 10522 reported on Septem-
ber 3, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declara-
tion and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October
21, 1998. Entered into force: November 29, 1999.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Barbados on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at
Bridgetown on February 28, 1996. T. Doc. 10523 reported on September 3,
1997. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration and
two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
1998. Entered into force: March 3, 2000.
Treaties on Mutual Legal Assistance Between the Government of the United States
of America and the governments of four countries comprising the Organization
of Eastern Caribbean States: Antigua and Barbuda, signed at St. Johns on Oc-
tober 31, 1996; Dominica, signed at Roseau on October 10, 1996; Grenada,
signed at St. Georges on May 30, 1996; and St. Lucia, signed at Castries on
April 18, 1996. T. Doc. 10524 reported on September 3, 1997. Exec. Rept. 105
22 reported with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on Octo-
ber 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force
with Antigua and Barbuda: July 1, 1999. Entered into force with Grenada: Sep-
tember 14, 1999. Entered into force with St. Lucia: February 2, 2000. Entered
into force with Dominica: May 25, 2000.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Australia on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at
Washington on April 30, 1997. T. Doc. 10527 reported on September 18, 1997.
Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration and two
provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of India, signed at Washington on June 25,
1997. T. Doc. 10530 reported on September 23, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10523 re-
ported with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14,
1998. Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: July
21, 1999.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe signed at Harare on July 25,
1997. T. Doc. 10533 reported on January 28, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: April 26,
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Latvia on Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters signed at Washington on June 13, 1997.
T. Doc. 10534 reported on January 28, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with
one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Ad-
vice and consent (with Technical Amendment) given on October 21, 1998. En-
tered into force: September 17, 1999.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Venezuela on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Mat-
ters signed at Caracas on October 12, 1997. T. Doc. 10538 reported on March
27, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00436 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the State of Israel on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters,
signed at Tel Aviv on January 26, 1998, and a Related Exchange of Notes
signed the same date. T. Doc. 10540 reported on April 2, 1998. Exec. Rept.
10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on
October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given (with Technical Amendment) on Oc-
tober 21, 1998. Entered into force: May 25, 1999.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Lithuania on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Mat-
ters, signed at Washington on January 16, 1998. T. Doc. 10541 reported on
April 20, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one dec-
laration and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on Oc-
tober 21, 1998. Entered into force: August 26, 1999.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Federative Republic of Brazil on Mutual Legal Assistance in Crimi-
nal Matters, signed at Brasilia on October 14, 1997. T. Doc. 10542 reported
on April 28, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one
declaration and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on
October 21, 1998.
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on Mutual Legal Assistance in
Criminal Matters, and a related Protocol, signed at Kingstown on January 8,
1998. T. Doc. 10544 reported on May 13, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: September
8, 1999.
Protocol to the Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the
United Mexican States of May 4, 1978, signed at Washington on November 13,
1997. T. Doc. 10546 reported on May 21, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Czech Republic on Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on February 4,
1998. T. Doc. 10547 reported on May 22, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and two provisos on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of Austria, signed at Washington on January
8, 1998. T. Doc. 10550 reported on June 11, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10523 reported
with one understanding, one declaration and one proviso on October 14, 1998.
Advice and consent given on October 21, 1998. Entered into force: January 1,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Estonia on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Mat-
ters, signed at Washington on April 2, 1998. T. Doc. 10552 reported on June
19, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10522 reported with one understanding, one declaration
and two provisos on October 14, 1998. Advice and consent given on October 21,
Two Related Protocols, done at Montreal on September 25, 1975: Additional Protocol
No. 3 To Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating
to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on October 12, 1929, as
Amended by Protocols done at the Hague, September 28, 1955, and at Guate-
mala City, March 8, 1971; and Montreal Protocol No. 4 to Amend the same. Ex.
B, 951 (T. Doc. 952A and B) reported on January 14, 1977. Exec. Rept. 97
45 reported with conditions and recommendations on December 16, 1981. Exec.
Rept. 981 reported with three conditions on February 10, 1983. Exec. Rept.
10121 reported with three conditions and minority views on June 28, 1990.
Exec. Rept. 1021 reported with three conditions on February 5, 1991. Exec.
Rept. 10520 reported with one declaration and two provisos on August 25,
1998. Advice and consent given on Montreal Protocol No. 4 on September 28,
1998 (Protocol No. 3 returned to the President pursuant to resolution of ratifica-
tion). Entered into force: March 4, 1999.
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Busi-
ness Transactions (the ‘‘Convention’’), adopted at Paris on November 21, 1997,
by a conference held under the auspices of the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD). The Convention was signed at Paris on
December 17, 1997, by the United States and 32 other nations. T. Doc. 105
43 reported on May 4, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10519 reported with one understand-
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00437 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
ing, one declaration and three provisos on July 16, 1998. Advice and consent
given on July 31, 1998. Entered into force: February 15, 1999.
[Amendments to the] Convention on the International Maritime Organization. Origi-
nal Convention signed at Geneva, March 6, 1948 (IMO Convention). Amend-
ments reported in T. Doc. 10436, October 1, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10518 reported
with one declaration and one proviso on June 19, 1998. Advice and consent
given on June 26, 1998.
International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of December
2, 1961, as revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, on October 23, 1978, and
on March 19, 1991, and signed by the United States on October 25, 1991. T.
Doc. 10417 reported on September 5, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10515 reported with
one reservation, two declarations and one proviso, on June 19, 1998. Advice and
consent given on June 26, 1998.
Grains Trade Convention and Food Aid Convention Constituting the International
Grains Agreement, 1995, signed by the United States on June 26, 1995. T. Doc.
1054 reported on April 7, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10516 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso on June 19, 1998. Advice and consent given on June 26,
1998. [International Grains Agreement, 1995, entered into force July 1, 1995.]
Trademark Law Treaty, done at Geneva on October 27, 1994, with Regulations,
signed by the United States on October 28, 1994. T. Doc. 10535 reported on
January 29, 1998. Exec. Rept. 10517 reported with two declarations and one
proviso on June 19, 1998. Advice and consent given on June 26, 1998.
Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of Poland, Hungary,
and the Czech Republic, opened for signature at Brussels on December 16,
1997, and signed on behalf of the United States of America and other parties
to the North Atlantic Treaty. T. Doc. 10536 reported on February 11, 1998.
Exec. Rept. 10514 reported with seven declarations and four conditions on
March 6, 1998. Advice and consent given on April 30, 1998. Entered into force:
December 4, 1998.
Protocol Amending the Convention Between the United States of America and Can-
ada with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, signed at Washington on
September 26, 1980 as Amended by the Protocols signed on June 14, 1983,
March 28, 1984, and March 17, 1995, signed at Ottawa on July 29, 1997. T.
Doc. 10529 reported on September 23, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10512 reported with
one declaration and one proviso on October 30, 1997. Advice and consent given
on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: December 16, 1997.
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Republic of Turkey for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and
the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, together
with a Related Protocol, signed at Washington on March 28, 1996. T. Doc. 104
30 reported on September 3, 1996. Exec. Rept. 1056 reported with one declara-
tion and one proviso, on October 30, 1997. Advice and consent given on October
31, 1997. Entered into force: December 19, 1997.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Re-
public of Austria for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of
Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Washington on May
31, 1996. T. Doc. 10431 reported on September 3, 1996. Exec. Rept. 1057 re-
ported with one understanding, two declarations, and one proviso, on October
30, 1997. Advice and consent given on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: Feb-
ruary 1, 1998.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the Avoidance of Double Tax-
ation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
and Capital, signed at Luxembourg on April 3, 1996. T. Doc. 10433 reported
on September 4, 1996. Exec. Rept. 1058 reported with one reservation, two
declarations, and one proviso, on October 30, 1997. Advice and consent given
on October 31, 1997.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of the Kingdom of Thailand for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and
the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed at
Bangkok on November 26, 1996. T. Doc. 1052 reported on January 28, 1997.
Exec. Rept. 1059 reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 30,
1997. Advice and consent given on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: Decem-
ber 15, 1997.
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Swiss
Confederation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00438 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Income, signed at Washington on October 2, 1996, together with a Protocol to
the Convention. T. Doc. 1058 reported on June 25, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10510
reported with two declarations and one proviso on October 30, 1997. Advice and
consent given on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: December 19, 1997.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa
for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with
Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains, signed at Cape Town on Feb-
ruary 17, 1997. T. Doc. 1059 reported on June 26, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10511
reported with one declaration and one proviso on October 30, 1997. Advice and
consent given on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: December 28, 1997.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of Ireland
for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with
Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital Gains, signed at Dublin on July 28,
1997, together with a Protocol and Exchange of Notes done on the same date.
T. Doc. 10531 reported on September 24, 1997. Exec. Rept. 10513 reported
with one understanding, two declarations and one proviso on October 30, 1997.
Advice and consent given on October 31, 1997. Entered into force: December 17,
Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
with Annexes, signed at Geneva on December 22, 1992, and Amendments to the
Constitution and Convention, signed at Kyoto on October 14, 1994, together
with declarations and reservations by the United States as contained in the
Final Acts. T. Doc. 10434 reported on September 13, 1996. Exec. Rept. 105
3 reported with two understandings, two declarations, and one proviso, on Octo-
ber 20, 1997. Advice and consent given on October 23, 1997. Entered into force:
October 26, 1997.
Protocol Between the United States and Canada Amending the 1916 Convention for
the Protection of Migratory Birds in Canada and the United States, with a Re-
lated Exchange of Notes, signed at Washington on December 14, 1995. T. Doc.
10428 reported on August 2, 1996. Exec. Rept. 1055 reported with one under-
standing, one declaration, and one proviso, on October 22, 1997. Advice and con-
sent given on October 23, 1997. Entered into force: October 7, 1999.
Protocol Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of the United Mexican States Amending the Convention for the Protection
of Migratory Birds and Game Mammals, signed at Mexico City on May 5, 1997.
T. Doc. 10526 reported on September 15, 1997. Exec. Rept. 1055 reported
with one declaration, one understanding, and one proviso on October 22, 1997.
Advice and consent given on October 23, 1997. Entered into force: December 30,
Treaty on Maritime Boundaries Between the United States of America and the
United Mexican States, signed at Mexico City on May 4, 1978. Ex. F, 961 (T.
Doc. 966) reported on January 23, 1979. Exec. Rept. 9649 reported on August
5, 1980. Exec. Rept 1054 reported with one declaration and one proviso on Oc-
tober 22, 1997. Advice and consent given on October 23, 1997. Entered into
force: November 13, 1997.
Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Gov-
ernment of Hong Kong for the Surrender of Fugitive Offenders, signed at Hong
Kong on December 20, 1996. T. Doc. 1053 reported on March 3, 1997. Exec.
Rept. 1052 reported with two understandings, two declarations and one pro-
viso on August 19, 1997. Advice and consent given on October 23, 1997. Entered
into force: January 21, 1998.
Document Agreed Among the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed
Forces in Europe (CFE) of November 19, 1990, adopted at Vienna on May 31,
1996 (‘‘the Flank Document’’). Flank Document is Annex A of the Final Docu-
ment of the First CFE Review Conference. T. Doc. 1055 reported on April 7,
1997. Exec. Rept. 1051 reported with 14 conditions on May 9, 1997. Advice and
consent given on May 14, 1997. Entered into force: May 15, 1997.
Convention on Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of
Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. T. Doc. 10321 reported on No-
vember 23, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10433 reported with seven conditions and 11 dec-
larations on September 11, 1996. Advice and consent given, in the form of
amended resolution of ratification with 28 conditions, on April 24, 1997. En-
tered into force: April 29, 1997.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of the Re-
public of Kazakhstan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention
of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, together with
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00439 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
the Protocol and the Two Related Exchanges of Notes, signed at Almaty on Oc-
tober 24, 1993. T. Doc. 10333 reported on September 19, 1994. Exec. Rept.
10434 reported with a proviso on September 25, 1996. Advice and consent
given on September 28, 1996. Entered into force: December 30, 1996. [See also
T. Doc. 10415.]
Exchange of Notes dated at Washington July 10, 1995, relating to the Convention
Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of
Kazakhstan for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal
Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, together with Related
Protocol signed at Almaty on October 24, 1993. T. Doc. 10415 reported on Au-
gust 3, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10434 reported with a proviso on September 25,
1996. Advice and consent given on September 28, 1996. Entered into force: De-
cember 30, 1996. [See also T. Doc. 10434.]
Protocol Between the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands in Respect of the Netherlands Antilles Amending Article
VIII of the 1948 Convention with Respect to Taxes on Income and Certain
Other Taxes as Applicable to the Netherlands Antilles, signed at Washington
on October 10, 1995. T. Doc. 10423 reported on January 3, 1996. Exec. Rept.
10435 reported on September 25, 1996. Advice and consent given on Septem-
ber 28, 1996. Entered into force: December 30, 1996.
International Rubber Agreement, 1995, done at Geneva on February 17, 1995. T.
Doc. 10427 reported on June 19, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10421 reported with one
declaration on June 26, 1996. Advice and consent given on September 25, 1996.
Entered into force, provisionally: February 6, 1997. Entered into force, defini-
tively: February 14, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea on Mutual
Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on November 23,
1993, together with a Related Exchange of Notes. T. Doc. 1041 reported on
January 12, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10422 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and
consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: May 23, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Mutual Legal Assistance in
Criminal Matters, signed at Washington on January 6, 1994, together with a
Related Exchange of Notes. T. Doc. 1042 reported on January 23, 1995. Exec.
Rept. 10423 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given on August
2, 1996. Entered into force: December 2, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Hungary on Extradition, signed at Budapest on December 1, 1994. T. Doc.
1045 reported on May 8, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10427 reported on July 30, 1996.
Advice and consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: March 18,
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Bel-
gium signed at Brussels on April 27, 1987. T. Doc. 1047 reported on July 12,
1995. Exec. Rept. 10428 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given
on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: September 1, 1997.
Supplementary Treaty on Extradition Between the United States of America and
the Kingdom of Belgium To Promote the Repression of Terrorism, signed at
Brussels on April 27, 1987. T. Doc. 1048 reported on June 12, 1995. Exec.
Rept. 10428 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given on August
2, 1996.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of
the Swiss Confederation, signed at Washington on November 14, 1990. T. Doc.
1049 reported on June 12, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10432 reported on July 30, 1996.
Advice and consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: September 10,
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines, signed at Manila on November 13, 1994. T. Doc.
10416 reported on September 5, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10429 reported on July 30,
1996. Advice and consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: Novem-
ber 22, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of the Philippines on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at
Manila on November 13, 1994. T. Doc. 10418 reported on September 5, 1995.
Exec. Rept. 10426 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given on Au-
gust 2, 1996. Entered into force: November 22, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Hungary on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Buda-
pest on December 1, 1994. T. Doc. 10420 reported on September 6, 1995. Exec.
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00440 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
Rept. 10425 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given on August
2, 1996. Entered into force: March 18, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Austria on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, signed at Vienna
on February 23, 1995. T. Doc. 10421 reported on September 6, 1995. Exec.
Rept. 10424 reported on July 30, 1996. Advice and consent given on August
2, 1996. Entered into force: August 1, 1998.
Extradition Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of
the Republic of Bolivia, signed at La Paz on June 27, 1995. T. Doc. 10422 re-
ported on October 10, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10431 reported on July 30, 1996. Ad-
vice and consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: November 21,
Extradition Treaty with Malaysia, signed at Kuala Lumpur on August 3, 1995. T.
Doc. 10426 reported on May 17, 1996. Exec. Rept. 10430 reported on July 30,
1996. Advice and consent given on August 2, 1996. Entered into force: June 2,
Treaty Between the United States of America and Jamaica Concerning the Recip-
rocal Encouragement and Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol,
signed at Washington on February 4, 1994. T. Doc. 10335 reported on Septem-
ber 21, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10411 reported on June 20, 1996. Advice and consent
given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: March 7, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Belarus Concern-
ing the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Annex,
Protocol, and Related Exchange of Letters, signed at Minsk on January 15,
1994. T. Doc. 10336 reported on September 26, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10412 re-
ported on June 20, 1996. Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine Concerning the Encour-
agement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Annex and Related Ex-
change of Letters, done at Washington on March 4, 1994. T. Doc. 10337 re-
ported on September 27, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10413 reported on June 20, 1996.
Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: November 16,
Treaty Between the United States of America and Mongolia Concerning the Encour-
agement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Annex and Protocol,
signed at Washington on October 6, 1994. T. Doc. 10410 reported on June 26,
1995. Exec. Rept. 10415 reported on June 20, 1996. Advice and consent given
on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: January 1, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Latvia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Invest-
ment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Washington on January 13, 1995. T.
Doc. 10412 reported on July 10, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10416 reported on June
20, 1996. Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: De-
cember 26, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Georgia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Invest-
ment, with Annex, signed at Washington on March 7, 1994. T. Doc. 10413 re-
ported on July 10, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10417 reported on June 20, 1996. Advice
and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: August 17, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Trinidad and Tobago Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protec-
tion of Investment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Washington on Septem-
ber 26, 1994. T. Doc. 10414 reported on July 11, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10418 re-
ported on June 20, 1996. Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered
into force: December 26, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Estonia Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Invest-
ment, with Annex, done at Washington on April 19, 1994. T. Doc. 10338 re-
ported on September 27, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10414 reported on June 20, 1996.
Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force: February 16,
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Government of the Republic
of Albania Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Invest-
ment, with Annex and Protocol, signed at Washington on January 11, 1995. T.
Doc. 10419 reported on September 6, 1995. Exec. Rept. 10419 reported on
June 20, 1996. Advice and consent given on June 27, 1996. Entered into force:
January 4, 1998.
Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Conven-
tion on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00441 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks,
with Annexes, adopted on August 4, 1995, and signed by the United States on
December 4, 1995. T. Doc. 10424 reported on February 20, 1996. Exec. Rept.
10420 reported with one declaration on June 26, 1996. Advice and consent
given on June 27, 1996.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation of Fur-
ther Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (the START II Trea-
ty), signed at Moscow on January 3, 1993 (including Elimination and Conver-
sion Protocol. Exhibitions and Inspections Protocol; and Memorandum of Attri-
bution). T. Doc. 1031 reported on January 20, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10410 re-
ported with additional views on December 15, 1995. Advice and consent given
on January 26, 1996.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Portuguese Republic for
the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and Capital, together with a Related Protocol, signed
at Washington on September 6, 1994. T. Doc. 10334 reported on September 19,
1994. Exec. Rept. 1048 reported on August 10, 1995. Advice and consent given
on August 11, 1995. Entered into force: December 18, 1995.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of Sweden
for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with
Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Stockholm on September 1,
1994, together with a Related Exchange of Notes. T. Doc. 10329 reported on
September 14, 1994. Exec. Rept. 1044 reported on August 10, 1995. Advice and
consent given on August 11, 1995. Entered into force: October 26, 1995.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of Ukraine
for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with
Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, with Protocol, signed at Washington
on March 4, 1994. T. Doc. 10330 reported on September 14, 1994. Exec. Rept.
1045 reported on August 10, 1995. Advice and consent given on August 11,
1995. Entered into force: November 16, 1996. [See also T. Doc. 10411.]
Exchange of Notes dated at Washington May 26 and June 6, 1995, Relating to the
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of
Ukraine for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Eva-
sion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, with Protocol, signed at
Washington on March 4, 1994. T. Doc. 10411 reported on June 30, 1995. Exec.
Rept. 1045 reported on August 10, 1995. Advice and consent given on August
11, 1995. [See also T. Doc. 10330.]
Additional Protocol that Modifies the Convention Between the United States of
America and the Government of the United Mexican States for the Avoidance
of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes
on Income and Capital, signed at Washington on September 18, 1992. Addi-
tional Protocol signed at Mexico City on September 8, 1994. T. Doc. 10331 re-
ported on September 19, 1994. Exec. Rept. 1046 reported on August 10, 1995.
Advice and consent given on August 11, 1995. Entered into force: October 26,
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of the
French Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of
Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Paris
on August 31, 1994, together with Two Related Exchanges of Notes. T. Doc.
10332 reported on September 19, 1994. Exec. Rept. 1047 reported on August
10, 1995. Advice and consent given on August 11, 1995. Entered into force: De-
cember 30, 1995.
Revised Protocol Amending the Convention Between the United States and Canada
with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Washington on Septem-
ber 28, 1980, as Amended by the Protocols signed on June 14, 1983, and March
28, 1984. T. Doc. 1044 reported on April 24, 1995. Exec. Rept. 1049 reported
on August 10, 1995. Advice and consent given on August 11, 1995. Entered into
force: November 9, 1995.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama on Mu-
tual Assistance in Criminal Matters, with Annexes and Appendices, signed at
Panama on April 11, 1991. T. Doc. 10215 reported on October 24, 1991. Exec.
Rept. 1043 reported on May 5, 1995. Advice and consent given on May 16,
1995. Entered into force: September 6, 1995.
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, signed at Washington on
March 28, 1995. T. Doc. 1043 reported on April 24, 1995. Exec. Rept. 1042
VerDate 11-SEP-98 11:52 Mar 05, 2001 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00442 Fmt 6601 Sfmt 6621 C:\TREATIES\66922 CRS1 PsN: CRS1
reported on May 2, 1995. Advice and consent given on May 3, 1995. Entered
into force: July 29, 1995.
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional
Weapons Which May Be Deemed To Be Excessively Injurious or To Have Indis-
criminate Effects, and Two Accompanying Protocols on Non-Detectable Frag-
ments (Protocol I) and on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines,
Booby-Traps and Other Devices (Protocol II). T. Doc. 10325 reported on May
12, 1994. Exec. Rept. 1041 reported on March 22, 1995. Advice and consent
given on March 24, 1995. Entered into force: September 24, 1995.
Two Treaties Between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
both signed at London on November 5, 1993, on the Delimitation in the Carib-
bean of a Maritime Boundary Relating to: (A) the U.S. Virgin Islands and An-
guilla; and (B) Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands,
with Annex. T. Doc. 10323 reported on March 9, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10335 re-
ported on September 29, 1994. Advice and consent given on October 6, 1994.
Entered into force: June 1, 1995.
Headquarters Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America
and the Organization of American States, signed at Washington on May 14,
1992. T. Doc. 10240 reported on September 21, 1992. Exec. Rept. 10337 re-
ported on September 30, 1994. Advice and consent given on October 6, 1994.
Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Manage-
ment Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, Which Was Adopted at
Rome by Consensus by the Conference of the United Nations Food and Agri-
culture Organization on November 24, 1993. T. Doc. 10324 reported on April
26, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10332 reported on September 26, 1994. Advice and con-
sent given on October 6, 1994.
Certified Copy of the Convention (No. 150) Concerning Labor Administration; Role,
Functions and Organization, adopted by the International Labor Conference at
its 64th Session in Geneva on June 7, 1978. T. Doc. 10326 reported on August
2, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10333 reported on September 26, 1994. Advice and con-
sent given on October 6, 1994. Entered into force: March 3, 1996.
Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Cen-
tral Bering Sea, with Annex, done at Washington on June 16, 1994. T. Doc.
10327 reported on August 9, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10336 reported on September
29, 1994. Advice and consent given on October 6, 1994. Entered into force: De-
cember 8, 1995.
Second Protocol Amending the 1975 Convention Between the Government of the
United States of America and the Government of the State of Israel with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income (as Amended by the Protocol signed on May 30, 1980),
signed at Jerusalem on January 26, 1993. T. Doc. 10316 reported on October
19, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10321 reported with an understanding and declaration
on November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on September 22, 1994. En-
tered into force: December 30, 1994.
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
done at New York on December 21, 1965. Signed on behalf of the United States
on September 23, 1966. Ex. C 952 reported on February 23, 1978. Exec. Rept.
10329 reported on June 2, 1994. Advice and consent given on June 24, 1994.
Entered into force for the United States: November 20, 1994.
‘‘Protocol of Washington’’ Adopted on December 14, 1992, by the Sixteenth Special
Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS),
and signed by the United States on January 23, 1993, and the ‘‘Protocol of Ma-
nagua’’ Adopted by the Nineteenth Special Session of the OAS General Assem-
bly on June 10, 1993, and signed that day by the United States. T. Doc. 103
22 reported on January 26, 1994. Exec. Rept. 10328 reported on May 5, 1994.
Advice and consent given on May 17, 1994.
Protocol Amending the Convention Between the United States of America and Bar-
bados for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Eva-
sion with Respect to Taxes on Income Signed on December 31, 1983, Which Pro-
tocol was signed at Washington on December 18, 1991. T. Doc 10241 reported
on September 30, 1992. Exec. Rept. 10318 reported with a reservation on No-
vember 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20, 1993. Entered into
force: December 29, 1993.
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Convention Between the United States of America and the Czech Republic for the
Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Prague on September 16, 1993.
T. Doc. 10217 reported on October 21, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10322 reported on
November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20, 1993. Entered
into force: December 23, 1993.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Slovak Republic for the
Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Bratislava on October 8, 1993.
T. Doc. 10218 reported on October 21, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10323 reported on
November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20, 1993. Entered
into force: December 30, 1993.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Kingdom of the Nether-
lands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Eva-
sion with Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, signed at Washington on Oc-
tober 13, 1993. T. Doc. 10219 reported on October 25, 1993. Exec. Rept. 103
19 reported on November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20,
1993. Entered into force: December 1, 1993.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation for
the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Re-
spect to Taxes on Income and Capital, together with a Related Protocol, signed
at Washington on June 17, 1992. T. Doc. 10239 reported on September 8, 1992.
Exec. Rept. 10317 reported on November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given
on November 20, 1993. Entered into force: December 16, 1993.
Protocol Adopted June 5, 1992, by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the Con-
tracting Parties to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic
Tunas (ICCAT), signed by the United States on October 22, 1992, to Amend
Paragraph 2 of Article X of ICCAT. T. Doc. 1034 reported on April 20, 1993.
Exec. Rept. 10324 reported on November 19, 1993. Advice and consent given
on November 20, 1993. [Original convention entered into force March 21, 1969.]
Convention Between the United States of America and the Kingdom of the Nether-
lands for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Eva-
sion with Respect to Taxes on Income, signed at Washington on December 18,
1992. T. Doc. 1036 reported on May 12, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10319 reported on
November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20, 1993. Entered
into force: December 1, 1993.
Convention Between the United States of America and the Government of the
United Mexican States for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention
of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, together with a Related Pro-
tocol, signed at Washington on September 18, 1992. T. Doc. 1037 reported on
May 20, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10320 reported with an understanding and a res-
ervation on November 18, 1993. Advice and consent, with Executive Amend-
ment, given on November 20, 1993. Entered into force: December 28, 1993.
Convention on the Making of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, with
Technical Annex, done at Montreal on March 1, 1991. T. Doc. 1038 reported
on June 29, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10315 reported with a declaration on November
18, 1993. Advice and consent, with Executive Amendment, given on November
20, 1993.
Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer,
adopted at Copenhagen on November 2325, 1992, by the Fourth Meeting of the
Parties to the Montreal Protocol. T. Doc. 1039 reported on July 20, 1993. Exec.
Rept. 10325 reported on November 19, 1993. Advice and consent given on No-
vember 20, 1993. Entered into force: June 14, 1993.
Multilateral United Nations Convention on the Limitation Period in the Inter-
national Sale of Goods, done at New York on June 14, 1974, together with the
1980 Protocol Amending that Convention, done at Vienna on April 11, 1980. T.
Doc. 10310 reported on August 6, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10316 reported with a
declaration on November 18, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 20,
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern-
ment of Romania Concerning the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of
Investment, with Protocol and Related Exchanges of Letters, signed at Bucha-
rest on May 28, 1992. T. Doc. 10236 reported on August 3, 1992. Exec. Rept.
1037 reported on September 15, 1993. Advice and consent given on November
17, 1993. Entered into force: January 15, 1994.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Argentine Republic Concern-
ing the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investment with Protocol,
signed at Washington on November 14, 1991; and an Amendment to the Proto-
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col Effected by Exchange of Notes at Buenos Aires on August 24 and November
6, 1992. T. Doc. 1032 reported on January 21, 1993. Exec. Rept. 1038 re-
ported on September 15, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 17, 1993.
Entered into force: October 20, 1994.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Bulgaria Concern-
ing the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Protocol
and Related Exchange of Letters, signed at Washington on September 23, 1992.
T. Doc. 1033 reported on January 21, 1993. Exec. Rept. 1039 reported on Sep-
tember 15, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 17, 1993. Entered into
force: June 2, 1994.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Con-
cerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, signed at
Washington on January 19, 1993. T. Doc. 10313 reported on September 8,
1993. Exec. Rept. 10312 reported on September 15, 1993. Advice and consent
given on November 17, 1993. Entered into force: January 12, 1994.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Moldova Concern-
ing the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Protocol
and Related Exchange of Letters, signed at Washington on April 21, 1993. T.
Doc. 10314 reported on September 8, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10313 reported on
September 15, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 17, 1993. Entered
into force: November 25, 1994.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador Concern-
ing the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment, with Protocol
and Related Exchange of Letters, signed at Washington on August 27, 1993. T.
Doc. 10315 reported on September 10, 1993. Exec. Rept. 10314 reported on
September 15, 1993. Advice and consent given on November 17, 1993. Entered
into force: May 11, 1997.
Treaty Between the United States of America and the Republic of Kazakhstan Con-
cerning the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investment, signed at
Washington on May 19, 1992. T. Doc. 10312 reported on September 8, 1993.
Exec. Rept. 10311 reported on September 15, 1993. Advice and consent given
on October 21, 1993. Entered into force: January 12, 1994.
Treaty on Open Skies, with Twelve Annexes, signed at Helsinki on March 24, 1992.
T. Doc. 10237 reported on August 12, 1992. Exec. Rept. 1035 reported on Au-
gust 2, 1993. Advice and consent given on August 6, 1993.
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Based on legislative calendars of the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, various
January 5, 1993 to December 31, 2000 (103d, 104th, 105th, and 106th
(in reverse chronological order, by date of Senate action)
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, opened for signature and signed by the
United States at New York on September 24, 1996. Treaty includes two An-
nexes, a Protocol, and two Annexes to the Protocol. T. Doc. 10528 reported on
September 23, 1997. Senate rejected by a vote of 4851, 1 Present, on October
13, 1999. The Treaty reverted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the
end of the 106th Congress, where it remains pending.
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, DC,
July 13, 1993.
The H
. C
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations,
U.S. Senate, Washington, DC.
. C
: On May 18, 1993, during hearings you chaired concerned
START II, you asked whether it was the position of the Clinton administration that
the narrow interpretation is the proper and legally correct interpretation of the
ABM Treaty. I agreed to provide a response for the record. I am pleased to provide
that answer in an enclosure to this letter.
Because of the importance of this matter and your interest in it over the years,
and in the expectation that the committee may desire to handle it in a special way,
I want to draw your personal attention to this answer rather than simply transmit-
ting it through routine channels. I am also advising other interested Members of
Congress of the answer for the record. Please let me know if you have any further
questions on this matter.
, J
Acting Director.
Question: Would you please state, for the record, whether or not it is the position
of the Clinton administration that the narrow interpretation is the proper and le-
gally correct interpretation of the ABM Treaty?
Answer: It is the position of the Clinton administration that the ‘‘narrow’’ or ‘‘tra-
ditional’’ interpretation of the ABM Treaty is the correct interpretation and there-
fore that the ABM Treaty prohibits the development, testing, and deployment of
sea-based, air-based, space-based, and mobile land-based ABM systems and compo-
nents without regard to the technology utilized.
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