Allstate Insurance Company
Issued to:
Allstate Insurance Company
The Company Named in the Policy Declarations
A Stock Company----Home Office: Northbrook, Illinois 60062
Page 1
Tableof Contents
Definitions Used In This Policy..................................2
Insuring Agreement....................................................3
AgreementsWe Make With You...............................4
Conformity To State Statutes....................................4
Coverage Changes......................................................4
Policy Transfer............................................................4
Continued Coverage After Your Death.....................4
ConcealmentOr Fraud ...............................................5
Section I YourProperty
Coverage A
Dwelling Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage A ....................5
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage A.......5
Coverage B
Other Structures Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage B ....................5
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage B.......5
Coverage C
Personal Property Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage C ....................6
Limitations On Certain PersonalProperty...............6
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage C.......6
Losses We CoverUnder Coverages A, B and C.....7
Losses We Do Not Cover Under
Coverages A, B and C.............................................8
Additional Protection
Additional Living Expense..........................................9
Credit Card and Check Forgery...............................10
Debris Removal.........................................................10
Emergency RemovalOf Property...........................10
Fire DepartmentCharges.........................................10
Temporary Repairs After A Loss.............................10
Trees,Shrubs, Plants and Lawns...........................10
Temperature Change................................................11
Arson Reward............................................................11
Section IConditions
Insurable Interest and Our Liability.........................11
What You Must Do After A Loss.............................11
Our SettlementOptions............................................12
How We Pay For A Loss...........................................12
Our SettlementOf Loss ............................................14
Abandoned Property.................................................14
PermissionGranted To You.....................................14
Our Rights To Recover Payment.............................14
Our Rights To Obtain Salvage..................................14
Suit AgainstUs..........................................................15
Loss To A Pair OrSet................................................15
Glass Replacement....................................................15
No Benefit To Bailee..................................................15
Other Insurance.........................................................15
Property Insurance Adjustment..............................15
Section II Family Liability and
Guest Medical Protection
Coverage X
Family Liability Protection
Losses We CoverUnder Coverage X .....................16
Losses We Do Not Cover UnderCoverage X........16
Coverage Y
Guest Medical Protection
Losses We CoverUnder Coverage Y .....................18
Losses We Do Not Cover UnderCoverage Y........18
Additional Protection
Claim Expenses.........................................................19
Emergency First Aid..................................................20
Damage To Property Of Others ..............................20
Section II Conditions
What You Must Do After An AccidentalLoss........20
What An Injured Person Must Do Coverage Y
Guest Medical Protection.....................................20
Our Payment of Loss Coverage Y
Guest Medical Protection.....................................20
Our Limits Of Liability................................................21
Page 2
Our Rights To Recover Payment Coverage X
Family Liability Protection....................................21
Suit AgainstUs..........................................................21
Other Insurance Coverage X
Family Liability Protection....................................21
Section III Optional Protection
OptionalCoverages You May Buy
Coverage BC
Building Codes..........................................................21
Coverage DP
Increased Coverage On Electronic
Data Processing Equipment................................21
Coverage F
Fire DepartmentCharges.........................................21
Coverage G
Loss Assessments ...................................................22
Extended Coverage On Jewelry,Watches
and Furs.................................................................22
Coverage K
Incidental Office, Private SchoolOr Studio............23
Coverage LR
Lock Replacement....................................................23
Coverage M
Increased Coverage On Money...............................23
Coverage P
Business Pursuits.....................................................23
Coverage S
Increased Coverage On Securities..........................24
Coverage SD
Satellite Dish Antennas.............................................24
Coverage SE
Portable Cellular Communication Systems...........24
Coverage ST
Increased Coverage On Theft Of Silverware..........24
Definitions Used In This Policy
1. "You" or "your" meansthe person named on
the Policy Declarations as the insured and that
person’s resident spouse.
2. "Allstate, " "we," "us," or "our" means the
company namedon the Policy Declarations.
3. "Insuredperson(s) " means you and, if a
resident ofyour household:
a) any relative; and
b) any dependent person in your care.
Under Coverage X Family Liability Protection
and Coverage Y Guest Medical Protection,
"insuredperson" also means:
c) any person or organization legally
responsible for loss caused by animals or
watercraft covered by this policy which are
owned by an insured person. We do not
cover any person or organization using or
having custody of animals or watercraft in
any business, or without permissionof the
d) with respect to the use of anyvehicle
covered bythis policy, any person while
engaged inthe employmentof an insured
4. "Bodily injury" means physicalharm to the
body, including sickness or disease, and resulting
death,except that bodily injury does notinclude:
a) any venerealdisease;
b) Herpes;
c) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
d) AIDS Related Complex (ARC);
e) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV);
or any resulting symptom, effect, condition,
disease or illness related to (a) through (e) listed
Under Coverage Y Guest Medical Protection,
bodily injury means physical harm to the body,
including sickness or disease, exceptthat bodily
injury does not include:
a) any venerealdisease;
b) Herpes;
c) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
d) AIDS Related Complex (ARC);
e) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV);
or any resulting symptom, effect, condition,
disease or illness related to (a) through (e) listed
Page 3
5. "Building structure" means a structure with
wallsand a roof.
6. "Business" means:
a) any full or part-time activity of anykind
engaged infor economic gainincluding the
use ofany part of any premises for such
purposes. The providingof home day care
services toother than an insuredperson or
relative of an insured person for economic
gain is also a business. However, the mutual
exchange of home day care services is not
considered a business;
b) any property rented or held forrental by an
insured person. Rental of your residence
premises is not considered a business
1) it is rented occasionally for residential
2) a portion is rented to notmore than two
roomers or boarders; or
3) a portion is rented as a private garage.
7. "Residence premises" means the dwelling,
other structuresand landlocated atthe address
stated on the Policy Declarations.
8. "Insuredpremises" means:
a) the residencepremises; and
b) under Section II only:
1) the part of any other premises, other
structures and grounds used by you as
a residence. This includes premises,
structures and grounds you acquire for
your use as a private residence while
this policy is in effect;
2) any partof a premises not owned by an
insured person but where an insured
person is temporarily living;
3) cemetery plots or burial vaultsowned
by an insured person;
4) vacant land, other than farmland,
owned by or rented to an insured
5) land owned byor rented to an insured
person where a one, two, three or four
familydwelling is being built as that
person’s residence;
6) any premises used by an insured
person in connection with the
residence premises;
7) any partof a premises occasionally
rented to an insured person for other
than business purposes.
9. "Occurrence" means an accident, including
continuous orrepeated exposure to substantially
the same general harmful conditions, during the
policy period, resulting in bodily injury or
property damage.
10. "Property damage" meansphysical injury to
or destructionof tangible property, including loss
of itsuse resulting from such physical injury or
11. "Residence employee" means an employee of
an insured person while performing duties
arising outof and in the course of employment in
connection with the maintenance or use of your
residence premises. This includes similar duties
performed elsewhere for an insured person, not
in connection with the business of an insured
12. "Dwelling" meansa one, two,three or four
familybuilding, identified as the insured property
on the Policy Declarations, whereyou reside and
which is principally used as a private residence.
Insuring Agreement
In reliance on the information you have given us,
Allstate agrees to provide the coverages indicated on
the Policy Declarations. In return, you must pay the
premium when dueand comply with the policy terms
and conditions, and inform us of any change in title,
use oroccupancy of the residence premises.
Subject to the terms of this policy, the Policy
Declarationsshows the location of the residence
premises, applicable coverages,limits of liabilityand
premiums. The policy applies only to losses or
occurrences that take place during the policy period.
The policy period is shown on the Policy Declarations.
This policy is not complete withoutthe Policy
Page 4
The terms of this policy impose joint obligations on the
person named on the Policy Declarations as the
insured and on that person’sresident spouse. These
persons are defined as you or your. This means that
the responsibilities, acts and omissions of a person
defined as you or your will bebinding upon any other
person definedas you or your.
The terms of this policy impose joint obligations on
persons defined as an insured person.This means
that the responsibilities, acts and failures to act ofa
person definedas aninsured person willbe binding
upon anotherperson definedas an insured person.
Agreements We Make With You
We make the following agreements with you:
Conformity To State Statutes
When the policy provisions conflict with the statutes of
the state in which the residence premises is located,
the provisions are amended to conform to such
Coverage Changes
When Allstate broadens coverage during the
premium period without charge, you have the new
features if you have the coverageto which they apply.
Otherwise, the policy can be changed only by
The coverage provided and the premium for the policy
is based on information you have given us.You agree
to cooperate with us in determining if this information
is correct and complete. You agree that ifthis
information changes, is incorrector incomplete, we
may adjust your coverage and premium accordingly
during the policy period.
Any calculation of yourpremium orchanges in your
coverage will be made using the rules, rates and forms
on file, if required, for our use in your state.The rates
in effect at the beginning of your currentpremium
period will beused to calculate any change in your
Policy Transfer
You may not transfer this policy to another person
withoutour written consent.
Continued Coverage After Your Death
If you die, coverage will continue until the end ofthe
premium period for:
1) your legalrepresentative while acting as such, but
only with respectto theresidence premises and
property covered under this policy on the date of
your death;
2) an insured person,and any person having
proper temporary custodyof your property until a
legal representative is appointed and qualified.
Your Right to Cancel:
You may cancel this policy by notifying us ofthe future
date you wish to stop coverage.
Our Right to Cancel:
Allstate may cancel this policy by mailing notice to
you at the mailing address shown on thePolicy
Declarations. When this policy has been in effect for
less than 60 days, and it is not a renewal with us, we
may cancel this policy for any reason by giving you at
least 10days notice before the cancellation takes
When the policy has been in effect for 60 days or
more, orif itis a renewalwith us,we may cancel this
policy for one or more of the following reasons:
1) non-payment of premium;
2) the policy was obtained by misrepresentation,
fraud or concealmentof material facts;
3) materialmisrepresentation, fraud or concealment
of material facts in presenting a claim, or violation
of any of the policy terms;or
4) there has been a substantial change or increase in
hazard in the risk weoriginally accepted.
If the cancellation is for non-payment ofpremium, we
will give you at least 10 days notice. If thecancellation
is for any ofthe other reasons,wewillgive you at least
30 days notice.
Page 5
Our mailing the notice of cancellation to you will be
deemed proof ofnotice.Coverage under this policy
will terminate on the effective date and hour stated on
the cancellation notice. Your return premium,if any,
will be calculated on a pro rata basis and refunded at
the time of cancellation or as soon as possible.
However, refund ofunearned premium is not a
condition of cancellation.
Our Right Notto Renew or Continue:
Allstate has the right not to renew or continue the
policy beyondthe currentpremium period. If we do
not intend to continue or renew the policy, we will mail
you notice at least30 days before the end of the
premium period. Our mailing the notice of nonrenewal
to you will be deemed proofof notice.
Concealment Or Fraud
This policy is void if it was obtained by
misrepresentation, fraud or concealment of material
facts. If it is determined that this policy is void, all
premiums paid will be returned to yousince there has
been no coverage under this policy.
We do not cover any loss oroccurrence inwhich any
insured person has concealed or misrepresented any
materialfact orcircumstance.
SectionI YourProperty
Coverage A
Dwelling Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage A:
1. Your dwelling including attached structures.
Structures connected to your dwelling by only a
fence, utility line, or similarconnection arenot
considered attached structures.
2. Construction materials and supplies atthe
residence premises for use in connection with
your dwelling.
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage
1. Any structure including fences or other property
covered underCoverage B Other Structures
2. Land, except as specifically provided in Section I
AdditionalProtection under item 10, "Land. "
3. Satellite dish antennas and their systems,
whether or notattached to your dwelling.
Coverage B
Other Structures Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage B:
1. Structures at the address shown on the Policy
Declarationsseparated from your dwellingby
clear space.
2. Structures attached to yourdwelling by only a
fence, utility line, or similarconnection.
3. Construction materials and supplies atthe
address ofthe residencepremisesfor use in
connection with other structures.
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage
1. Structures used in whole or in part for business
2. Any structure or other property covered under
Coverage A Dwelling Protection.
3. Land, no matter where located,or the
replacement, rebuilding, restoration, stabilization
or value of any such land.
4. Construction materials and supplies atthe
address ofthe residencepremisesfor use in
connection with the dwelling.
5. Satellite dish antennas and their systems,
whether or notattached to building structures.
Page 6
Coverage C
Personal Property Protection
Property We Cover Under Coverage C:
1. Personal property owned or used by an insured
person anywhere in the world.Whenpersonal
property is located ata residence other than the
residence premises, coverage is limited to 10%
of Coverage C Personal Property Protection.
This limitation does not apply to personal
property in a newly acquired principal residence
for the 30 days immediately after you begin to
move property there or to personalproperty in
student dormitory, fraternity or sorority housing.
2. At your option, personal property owned by a
guest or residence employee while the property
is in a residence you areoccupying.
Limitations On Certain Personal Property:
Limitations apply to the following groupsof personal
property.If personalproperty can reasonably be
considered as part of two ormore of the groups listed
below, the lowestlimit will apply. These limitations do
not increase the amount ofinsurance under Coverage
C Personal Property Protection. The total amount
of coverage for each group in any one loss is as
1. $ 100 Money, bullion, bank notes, coins
and othernumismatic property.
2. $ 500 Accounts, bills, deeds, evidences
of debt, letters of credit, notes
other than bank notes,passports,
securities, tickets, and stamps,
including philatelic property.
3. $ 500 Watercraft, including their attached
or unattached trailers, furnishings,
equipment, parts and motors.
4. $ 500 Trailers not used with watercraft.
5. $ 500 Theft ofjewelry, watches, precious
and semi-precious stones, gold
other than goldware, silver other
than silverware, platinum and furs,
including any item containing fur
which represents its principal
6. $1,000 Theft ofsilverware,pewterware
and goldware.
7. $1,000 Trading cards, subjectto a
maximum amountof $250 per
8. $1,000 Theft offirearms.
9. $1,000 Manuscripts, including documents
stored on electronic media.
10. $ 500 Any motorized land vehicle parts,
equipmentor accessories not
attached to or located in orupon
any motorized land vehicle.
11. $ 3,000 Electronic data processing
equipmentand the recording or
storage media used with that
equipment. Recording orstorage
media will be covered only up to:
a) the retail value of the media,if
pre-programmed; or
b) the retail value of the media in
blank or unexposed form, if
blank or self-programmed.
12. $10,000 Theft ofrugs, including, but not
limited to any handwoven silk or
woolrug, carpet, tapestry, wall-
hanging or other similar article
whose principal valueis
determinedby its color,design,
quality of wool or silk, quality of
weaving, condition or age; subject
to a maximum amount of $2,500
per item.
Property We Do Not Cover Under Coverage
1. Personal property specifically described and
insured by this orany other insurance.
Page 7
2. Animals.
3. Motorized land vehicles,including, butnot limited
to any land vehicle poweredor assisted by a
motor or engine. We do not cover any motorized
land vehicle parts, equipment or accessories
attached to or located in orupon any motorized
land vehicle.We do cover motorized land vehicles
designed forassisting the handicapped or used
solely for the service of the insured premises and
not licensed for use on public roads.
4. Aircraft and aircraft parts. This does notinclude
model or hobby craft notdesigned to carry
people or cargo.
5. Property of roomers, boarders, tenants not
related to an insured person.
6. Property located away from the residence
premises and rented or held forrentalto others.
7. Business property whether at oraway from the
residence premises.
8. Property held as samples or for sale or delivery
after a sale.
9. Any device, cellular communication system,radar
signal reception system, accessory or antenna
designed forreproducing, detecting,receiving,
transmitting,recordingor playing back data,
sound orpicture which may be powered by
electricity from a motorized land vehicle or
watercraft and while in or upon a motorized land
vehicle orwatercraft.
10. Satellite dish antennas and their systems.
Losses We Cover Under Coverages A, B
and C:
We willcover sudden and accidentaldirect physical
loss to the property described in Coverage A
Dwelling Protection, Coverage B OtherStructures
Protection and Coverage C Personal Property
Protection except as limited orexcluded in this policy,
caused by:
1. Fire orLightning.
2. Windstorm or Hail.
We do not cover:
a) loss to the interiorof a building structure, or
covered property inside,caused by rain,
snow, sleet, sand or dust unless thewind or
hail firstdamages the roofor walls and the
wind forces rain, snow, sleet, sand or dust
through the damaged roof or wall;
b) loss to watercraft and their trailers,
furnishings, equipmentand motors unless
inside a fully enclosed building structure.
However, wedo cover canoes and rowboats
on the residence premises.
3. Explosion.
4. Riotor Civil Commotion, including pillage and
looting during, and at the site of, the riot or civil
5. Aircraft, including self-propelled missiles and
6. Vehicles.
7. Smoke.
We do not cover loss caused by smoke from the
manufacturingof controlledsubstances,
agricultural smudging or industrial operations.
8. Vandalism and Malicious Mischief.
We do not cover vandalism or malicious mischief
if yourdwelling has been vacant or unoccupied
for more than 30 consecutive days immediately
prior to the vandalism ormalicious mischief. A
dwelling under construction is not considered
vacant or unoccupied.
9. Theft, or attempted theft, including disappearance
of property from a known place when it is likely
that a theft has occurred. Any theft must be
promptly reported to the police.
We do not cover:
Page 8
a) theft or attempted theft committed by an
insured person;
b) theft inor from the residence premises
while under construction or ofmaterials and
supplies foruse in construction, untilthe
dwelling is completed and occupied;
c) theft of any property while at any other
residence owned,rented to or occupied by
an insured person unless the insured
person is temporarily residing there;
d) theft of trailers, campers, watercraft,
including furnishings, equipment and
outboard motors, away from the residence
e) theft from that part ofthe residence
premises rented by you to other than an
insured person.
10. Breakage of glass which is part of the covered
building structure. We pay a maximum of$50
for each occurrence.
We do not cover loss to glass if the covered
building structure has been vacant for more than
30 consecutive days priorto the loss.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Coverages
A, B and C:
We do not cover loss to the property described in
Coverage A Dwelling Protection, Coverage B
Other Structures Protection and Coverage C
Personal Property Protection caused by orconsisting
1. Flood, including, but notlimited to surface water,
waves, tidal wateror overflow ofany body of
water, orspray from any of these, whether or not
driven by wind.
2. Wateror any other substance that backsup
through sewers or drains.
3. Wateror any other substance that overflow from
a sump pump, sump pump well or other system
designed forthe removal ofsubsurface water
which is drainedfrom a foundation area ofa
4. Wateror any other substance on or below the
surface of the ground,regardless of its source.
This includes water or any other substance which
exerts pressure on,or flows,seeps orleaks
through any part ofthe residence premises.
We do cover sudden and accidental direct
physical loss caused by fire, explosion ortheft
resulting from items 1 through 4 listed above.
5. Earth movement of any type, including, but not
limited to earthquake, volcanic eruption, lava flow,
landslide, subsidence, mudflow, pressure,
sinkhole, erosion,or the sinking, rising, shifting,
creeping, expanding, bulging, cracking, settling or
contracting of the earth. This exclusion applies
whether or notthe earth movement is combined
with water.
We do cover sudden and accidental direct
physical loss caused by fire, explosion, theft or
breakage ofglass or safety glazing materials
resulting from earth movement.
6. Enforcement of any building codes, ordinances or
laws regulating the construction, reconstruction,
maintenance, repair, placement ordemolition of
any building structure, other structure or land at
the residencepremises.
We do cover sudden and accidental direct
physical loss to covered property caused by
actions ofcivil authority to prevent the spread of
7. The failure by any insured person to take all
reasonable steps to save and preserve property
when the property is endangered by a cause of
loss we cover.
8. Any substantial change orincrease inhazard, if
changed or increased byany means within the
control orknowledge of an insured person.
9. Intentional or criminalacts of or atthe direction of
any insuredperson, if the loss that occurs:
a) may be reasonably expected to result from
such acts; or
Page 9
b) is the intended result of such acts.
This exclusionapplies regardless of whether or
not the insured personis actually charged with or
convicted of a crime.
10. Nuclear action, meaning nuclear reaction,
discharge, radiation orradioactive contamination,
or any consequence ofany of these. Loss caused
by nuclear action is not considered loss byfire,
explosion or smoke.
We do cover sudden and accidental direct
physical loss by fire resulting from nuclear action.
11. Vapors, fumes, acids, toxic chemicals,toxic
gasses, toxic liquids, toxic solids, waste materials
or other irritants, contaminants or pollutants.
12. War or warlike acts, including, but not limited to
insurrection, rebellion orrevolution.
13. Weather Conditions thatcontribute in any way
with a cause of loss excluded in this section to
produce a loss.
14. Planning, Construction orMaintenance, meaning
faulty, inadequate or defective:
a) planning, zoning, development, surveying,
b) design, specifications, workmanship, repair,
construction, renovation, remodeling,
grading, compaction;
c) materials used in repair,construction,
renovation or remodeling; or
d) maintenance;
of property whether on or off the residence
premises by any person ororganization.
15. We do not cover loss to covered property
described in Coverage A Dwelling Protection,
Coverage B Other Structures Protection or
Coverage C PersonalProperty Protection
a) there are two or more causes of loss to the
covered property; and
b) the predominant cause(s) of loss is (are)
excluded under Losses We Do Not Cover,
items 1 through 14 above.
1. Additional Living Expense
a) We willpay the reasonable increase in living
expenses necessary to maintain your normal
standard ofliving when a direct physicalloss
we cover makes your residence premises
Payment for covered additional living
expense will belimited to the least ofthe
1) the time period required to repair or
replace the property we cover, using
due diligence and dispatch; or
2) if you permanently relocate, the
shortest time for your household to
settle elsewhere;
3) 12 months.
b) We willpay yourlost fair rental income
resulting from a covered loss, less charges
and expenses which do not continue,when
a loss wecover makes the part of the
residence premises you rent to others, or
hold forrental, uninhabitable.We will pay for
lost fair rental income for the shortesttime
required to repair orreplace the part rented
or held for rentalbut notto exceed 12
c) We willpay the reasonable andnecessary
increase inliving expensesand the lost fair
rental income for up to two weeks should
civilauthorities prohibit the use of the
residence premises due to a loss ata
neighboring premises caused by a peril we
insure against.
These periods of time are not limited by the
terminationof this policy.
We do not cover any lost income orexpense due
to the cancellation ofa lease or agreement.
No deductible applies to this protection.
Page 10
2. Credit Card and Check Forgery
We willpay for loss:
a) that an insured person is legally required to
pay for the unauthorized use of any credit
card issued to orregistered in the name of
an insured person;
b) caused by forgery oralteration ofa checkor
negotiable instrument made or drawn upon
an insured person’s account.
Our maximum limit of liability for any one loss is
$1,000.All loss due to forgery or unauthorized
use byor involvingany one person is considered
one loss.
We do not cover:
a) loss arising from any business of an insured
b) loss caused by or at thedirection of an
insured person or any other person who
has been entrusted with any credit card;
c) loss arising out of dishonesty ofan insured
When loss is discovered, the insured person
must give us immediate written notice. Ifthe loss
involves a credit card or charge plate the insured
person must also give immediate written notice
to the company or bankthat issued the card or
plate. Failure to comply withthe terms and
conditions of the card or plate voids this
We willpay only for loss occurring during the
policy period, including those losses discovered
and reported to us within one year after the policy
has terminated. We have the right to investigate
and settle any claim or suit as we deem
appropriate. Full payment of the amount of
insurance for any one loss ends our obligation
under each claim or suit arising from the loss.
We willdefend anysuit brought against an
insured person for the enforcementof payment
covered underparagraph 2(a)of this protection.
The defense will be at our expense, with counsel
of our choice.
We have the option to defend an insured person
or the insured person’s bank against a suit for
the enforcement ofpayment covered under
paragraph 2(b) of this protection. The defense will
be atour expense, with counsel of our choice.
No deductible applies to this protection.
3. Debris Removal
We willpay reasonable expenses you incur to
remove debris ofcovered propertydamaged by a
loss we cover. Ifthe loss to the covered property
and the cost of debris removal are more than the
limit of liability shown on the Policy Declarations
for the covered property, we will pay up to an
additional 5% ofthat limit fordebris removal.
4. Emergency Removal Of Property
We willpay for sudden and accidental direct
physical loss to covered property from anycause
while removed from a premises because of
danger from a loss we cover. Protection is limited
to a 30-day period from date ofremoval. This
protection does not increase the limit ofliability
that applies to the covered property.
5. Fire DepartmentCharges
We willpay upto $250 forservice charges made
by fire departments called to protect your
property from a loss we cover at the residence
premises. No deductible applies to this
6. Temporary Repairs After A Loss
We willreimburse you up to $5,000 for the
reasonable and necessary cost you incurfor
temporary repairs to protect covered property
from further imminent covered loss following a
loss we cover. This coverage does not increase
the limit ofliability applying to the property being
7. Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Lawns
We willpay upto an additional 5% of the limit of
liability shown on the Policy Declarations under
the Coverage A Dwelling Protection for loss
to trees,shrubs, plants and lawns atthe address
of the residence premises. We will not pay more
Page 11
than $250 for anyone tree, shrub, orplant
including expensesincurred for removing debris.
This coverage applies only to direct physical loss
caused by fire orlightning, explosion, riot orcivil
commotion, aircraft, vehicles notowned by an
occupant of the residence premises, vandalism
or malicious mischief or theft.
We do not cover trees, shrubs, plants,orlawns
grownfor business purposes.
8. Temperature Change
We willpay for loss to covered personal property
in a building structure at the residence premises
resulting from a change in temperature. The
change intemperaturemust result from a
covered loss to the building structure.
This coverage does not increase the limit of
liability applying to the damaged property.
9. Arson Reward
We willpay upto $5,000 for information leading
to an arson convictionin connection with a fire
loss to property covered under Section I of this
policy. The $5,000 limit applies regardless ofthe
number of persons providing information.
10. Land
If a sudden and accidental direct physical loss
results in both a covered loss to the dwelling,
other than the breakageof glass or safety glazing
material, and a loss of land stability,we willpay
up to $10,000 as an additional amount of
insurance for repair costs associated with the
land.This includes the costs required to replace,
rebuild, stabilize orotherwise restore the land
necessary to support thatpart of the dwelling
sustaining the covered loss.
The Section I Losses We Do Not Cover Under
Coverages A,B and C reference to earth
movement does not apply to the loss of land
stability providedunder this Additional Protection.
SectionI Conditions
1. Deductible
We willpay only when a covered loss exceeds the
deductible shown onthe Policy Declarations. We
will then pay only the excess amount, unless we
have indicated otherwise in this policy.
2. Insurable Interestand Our Liability
In the event of a covered loss, we willnot pay for
more than an insured person’s insurable interest
in the property covered, nor more than the
amountof coverageafforded by this policy.
3. WhatYou Must Do After A Loss
In the event of a loss to any property that may be
covered bythis policy, you must:
a) promptly give us or our agent notice. Report
any theftto thepolice as soon as possible. If
the loss involves a credit card or charge plate
give written notice to thecompanyor bank
that issued the card or plate.
b) protect the property from further loss. Make
any reasonable repairs necessary to protect
it. Keep an accurate record of any repair
c) separate damaged from undamaged
personal property. Give us a detailed list of
the damaged,destroyed or stolen property,
showing the quantity, cost, actualcash value
and the amount of loss claimed.
d) give us all accounting records,bills, invoices
and othervouchers, or certified copies,
which we may reasonably request to
examine and permit us to make copies.
e) produce receipts forany increased costs to
maintain your standard of living while you
reside elsewhere, and recordssupporting
any claim forloss of rental income.
f) as often as we reasonably require:
1) show us the damaged property.
2) at ourrequest, submit to examinations
under oath, separately and apart from
any other person defined as you or
insured person and sign a transcriptof
the same.
3) produce representatives,employees,
members of the insured’s household or
Page 12
others to the extentit is within the
insured person’s power to do so; and
g) within 60 days after the loss, give us a
signed, sworn proof ofthe loss.This
statement mustinclude thefollowing
1) the date, time, location and cause of
2) the interestinsured persons and others
have in the property, including any
3) the actual cash value and amount of
loss for each item damaged, destroyed
or stolen;
4) any other insurance that may cover the
5) any changes in title, use, occupancy or
possession ofthe property that have
occurred during the policy period;
6) at ourrequest, the specifications of any
damagedbuilding structure orother
7) evidence supporting any claim under
the Credit Card or Check Forgery
protection. State the cause and amount
of loss.
4. Our Settlement Options
In the event of a covered loss, we have theoption
a) repair, rebuild or replace allor any part ofthe
damaged, destroyed or stolen property with
property of like kind and quality within a
reasonable time; or
b) pay for all or any part of the damaged,
destroyed orstolen property as described in
Condition 5. "How We Pay For A Loss. "
Within 30 days after we receive your signed,
sworn proof of loss we will notify you ofthe
option or options we intend to exercise.
5. How We Pay For A Loss
Under Coverage A DwellingProtection,
Coverage B Other Structures Protection and
Coverage C PersonalProperty Protection,
paymentfor covered loss will be by one or more
of the following methods.
a) Special Payment. At our option, we may
make payment for a covered loss before you
repair, rebuild or replace the damaged,
destroyed orstolen property if:
1) the whole amount ofloss forproperty
covered underCoverage A
Dwelling Protection and Coverage B
Other Structures Protection, without
deduction for depreciation, is less than
$2,500 and if the property is not
excluded from the Building Structure
Reimbursementprovision, or;
2) the whole amount ofloss forproperty
covered underCoverage C
Personal Property Protection, without
deduction for depreciation, is less than
$2,500 and if your Policy Declarations
shows that the Personal Property
Reimbursementprovision applies,and
the property is notexcluded from the
Personal Property Reimbursement
b) Actual Cash Value.If youdo not repair or
replace the damaged, destroyed or stolen
property,payment will be onan actual cash
value basis. This means there may be a
deduction for depreciation. Paymentwillnot
exceed the limit of liability shown on the
Policy Declarations for the coverage that
applies to the damaged,destroyed or stolen
property,regardless of the number of items
involved in the loss.
You may make claim foradditional payment
as described in paragraph "c, " and
paragraph "d" below, ifapplicable,if you
repair or replace the damaged, destroyed or
stolen covered property within 180 days of
the actual cash value payment.
c) Building Structure Reimbursement.
Under Coverage A DwellingProtection
and Coverage B Other Structures
Protection, we will make additional payment
to reimburse you for cost in excess of actual
cash value if you repair,rebuild orreplace
damaged, destroyed or stolen covered
Page 13
property within 180days ofthe actual cash
value payment. This additional payment
includes thereasonable and necessary
expense fortreatment or removaland
disposal of contaminants, toxins or
pollutants as required tocomplete repair or
replacementof thatpart of a building
structure damaged by a covered loss.
Building Structure Reimbursement will not
exceed the smallestof the following
1) the replacement cost of the part(s) of
the building structure(s) with
equivalent construction for similar use
on the same premises;
2) the amount actually and necessarily
spent to repair or replace the damaged
building structure(s) with equivalent
construction for similar use on the
same residence premises; or
3) the limit ofliability applicable to the
building structure(s) as shown on the
Policy Declarations for Coverage A
Dwelling Protection or Coverage B
Other Structures Protection, regardless
of the numberof building structures
and structures other than building
structures involvedin the loss.
If you replace the damagedbuilding
structure(s) atan address other than shown
on the Policy Declarations through
construction of a new structureor purchase
of an existing structure,such replacement
will not increase the amount payable under
Building Structure Reimbursement
described above. The amount payable under
Building Structure Reimbursement
described above does not include thevalue
of any land associated with the replacement
Building Structure Reimbursement payment
will be limited tothe difference between any
actual cash value payment made for the
covered loss to building structures and the
smallest of 1), 2) or 3) above.
Building Structure Reimbursement will not
apply to:
1) property covered under Coverage C
Personal Property Protection;
2) property covered under Coverage B
Other Structures Protection that is not
a building structure;
3) land.
Payment under "a," "b, " or "c" above will not
include any increased cost due to the
enforcementof building codes, ordinances
or laws regulating the construction,
reconstruction, maintenance, repair,
relocation or demolition ofbuilding
structures orother structures.
d) Personal Property Reimbursement. When
the Policy Declarations show that the
Personal Property Reimbursement provision
applies underCoverage C Personal
Property Protection, we willmake additional
paymentto reimburse you for costin excess
of actualcash value if you repair, rebuild or
replace damaged, destroyed or stolen
covered personal property orwall-to-wall
carpeting within 180 days of the actual cash
value payment.
Personal Property Reimbursement payment
will not exceed the smallest ofthe following
1) the amount actually and necessarily
spent to repair or replace the property
with similar property of like kind and
2) the cost of repair or restoration; or
3) the limit ofliability shown on the Policy
Declarationsfor Coverage C
Personal Property Protection, orany
special limit of liability described in the
policy, regardless ofthe number of
items of personal property involved in
the loss.
Personal Property Reimbursement will be
limited to the difference between any actual
cash value paymentmade for the covered
Page 14
loss to personal property and the smallestof
1), 2), or 3) above.
Personal Property Reimbursement will not
apply to:
1) property insured under Coverage A
Dwelling Protection and Coverage
B OtherStructures Protection,
except wall-to-wallcarpeting;
2) antiques,fine arts, paintings, statuary
and similar articleswhich, by their
inherent nature, cannot be replaced;
3) articles whose age or history contribute
substantially to their value. This
includes but is notlimited to
memorabilia, souvenirs and collector’s
items; or
4) property that was obsolete orunusable
for the originally intended purpose
because of age or condition priorto the
6. Our Settlement Of Loss
We willsettle any covered loss with you unless
another payee is named in the policy. We will
settle within 60 days after the amount ofloss is
finally determined. This amount may be
determinedby an agreement between you and
us, an appraisal award or a court judgment.
7. Appraisal
If you and we fail to agree on the amountof loss,
either party may make written demand foran
appraisal. Upon such demand, each partymust
select a competent and impartial appraiser and
notify the other ofthe appraiser’s identity within
20 days after the demandis received. The
appraisers will selecta competent and impartial
umpire. If the appraisers are unable to agree upon
an umpire within 15 days,you or we can ask a
judge ofa court of record in the state where the
residence premises is located to select an
The appraisers shall then determine the amount
of loss, stating separately the actual cash value
and the amount of loss to each item. Ifthe
appraisers submit a written report ofan
agreementto you and to us, the amount agreed
upon shall be the amountof loss. If they cannot
agree,they will submit theirdifferences to the
umpire. A written award agreed upon by any two
will determine the amount ofloss.
Each party will pay the appraiser it chooses,and
equally bearexpenses for the umpire and all other
8. Abandoned Property
We are not obligated to accept any property or
responsibility for any property abandoned by an
insured person.
9. Permission Granted To You
a) The residence premises may be vacant or
unoccupied for any lengthof time, except
where a time limit is indicated inthis policy
for specific perils. A building structure under
construction is not considered vacant.
b) You may make alterations, additions or
repairs, and you may complete structures
under construction.
10. Our Rights To Recover Payment
When we pay for any loss, an insured person’s
right to recover from anyone else becomes ours
up to the amount we have paid. An insured
person must protect these rights and help us
enforce them. You may waive yourrights to
recover againstanother person for loss involving
the property covered by this policy. This waiver
must be in writing prior to the date of loss.
11. Our Rights To Obtain Salvage
We have the option to take all or anypart of the
damagedor destroyed covered property upon
replacementby us or payment ofthe agreed or
appraised value.
WeWe willnotify youyou of ourour intent to exercise this
option within 30 days after wewe receive youryour
signed sworn, proof ofloss.
When we settle any loss caused by theft or
disappearance, we have the right to obtain all or
part ofany property which may be recovered. An
insured person must protect this right and
Page 15
inform us of any property recovered.We will
inform you of our intent to exercise this right
within 10 days of your notice ofrecovery to us.
12. Suit Against Us
No suit or action may be brought againstus
unless there has been full compliance with all
policy terms. Any suitor action mustbe brought
within one yearafter the inception of loss or
13. Loss To A PairOr Set
If there is a covered loss to a pair or set,we may:
a) repair or replace any part ofthe pairorset to
restore itto its actual cash value before the
loss; or
b) pay the difference between the actual cash
value ofthe pair or set before and after the
14. Glass Replacement
Payment for loss to covered glass includes the
cost ofusing safety glazing materials when
required by law.
15. No Benefit To Bailee
This insurance willnot benefit any person or
organization who may be caring for or handling
your property for a fee.
16. Other Insurance
If both this insurance and other insurance apply
to a loss, we will pay the proportionate amount
that this insurance bearsto the total amount ofall
applicable insurance. However,in the event of a
loss by theft, this insurance shall beexcess over
any other insurance that covers loss by theft.
17. Property Insurance Adjustment
When the Policy Declarations indicates that the
Property Insurance Adjustment condition applies:
The limit ofliability shown on the Policy
Declarationsfor Coverage A Dwelling
Protection will be revised ateach policy
anniversary to reflect the rate ofchange in the
Index identified on the Policy Declarations.
The limit ofliability for Coverage A Dwelling
Protection forthe succeeding premium period
will be determined by changing the existing limit
in proportionto the change in the Index between
the time the existing limit was established and the
time the change is made. The resultingamount
will be roundedto the nearest $1,000.
Adjustment in the limit of liability forCoverage A
Dwelling Protection will result in an
adjustmentin the limit of liability for Coverage B
Other Structures Protection and Coverage C
Personal Property Protection in accordance
with the Allstate manual of Rules and Rates.
We willnot reduce the limit of liability shown on
the Policy Declarations without your consent.
Any adjustment in premium resulting from the
application ofthis condition will be made based
on premium rates in use by Allstate atthe time a
change inlimits is made.
Allstate has the right to change to anothercost
index or to withdraw this condition as ofa policy
anniversary date by giving you at least 30 days
notice. This applies only if the change or
withdrawal applies to allsimilar policies issuedby
Allstate in your state.
18. Mortgagee
A covered loss willbepayable to the mortgagees
named on the Policy Declarations, to the extent of
their interestand in the order of precedence. All
provisions ofSection I of this policy apply to
these mortgagees.
We will:
a) protect the mortgagee’s interestin a covered
building structure in the event ofan increase
in hazard, intentional or criminal acts of, or
directed by, an insured person, failure by
any insuredperson to take all reasonable
steps to save and preserve property after a
loss, a change in ownership,or foreclosure if
the mortgagee has no knowledge ofthese
conditions; and
b) give the mortgagee at least 10 days notice if
we cancel this policy.
Page 16
The mortgagee will:
a) furnish proofof loss within 60 days after
notice ofthe lossif an insured person fails
to do so;
b) pay upon demand any premium due ifan
insured person fails to do so;
c) notify us in writing ofany change of
ownership or occupancy or anyincrease in
hazard of which the mortgagee has
d) give us the mortgagee’s right ofrecovery
against any party liable for loss;and
e) after a loss, and atour option, permit us to
satisfy themortgage requirementsand
receive full transfer of the mortgage.
This mortgagee interest provision shallapply to
any trustee or loss payee or other secured party.
SectionII FamilyLiabilityand
Coverage X
Family Liability Protection
Losses We Cover Under Coverage X:
Subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of this
policy, Allstate will pay damages which an insured
person becomes legally obligated to pay because of
bodily injury or property damage arising from an
occurrence to which this policy applies,and covered
by this part ofthe policy.
We may investigate or settle anyclaim or suitfor
covered damages against an insured person. If an
insured person is sued for these damages, we will
provide a defense with counsel of our choice,even if
the allegations are groundless, false or fraudulent. We
are not obligated to pay any claim or judgment after
we have exhausted our limit of liability.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Coverage
1. We do not cover any bodily injury or property
damage intended by, orwhichmay reasonably
be expected to result from the intentional or
criminal acts oromissions of, any insured
person. This exclusion applies even if:
a) such insured person lacks the mental
capacity to govern his or her own conduct;
b) such bodily injury or property damage is of
a different kind or degree than intended or
reasonably expected; or
c) such bodily injury or property damage is
sustained by a differentperson than
intended or reasonably expected.
This exclusionapplies regardless of whether or
not such insured person is actually charged with,
or convicted of a crime.
2. We do not cover bodily injury toan insured
person or property damage to property owned
by an insured person whenever any benefitof
this coverage would accrue directly or indirectly
to an insured person.
3. We do not cover bodily injury toany person
eligible to receive benefits required to be provided
or voluntarily provided by an insuredperson
under anyworkers’ compensation, non-
occupational disability or occupational disease
4. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of the ownership,
maintenance, use, occupancy, renting, loaning,
entrusting, loading or unloading of aircraft.
5. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of the ownership,
maintenance, use, occupancy, renting, loaning,
entrusting, loading or unloading of any motor
vehicle ortrailer.However, this exclusiondoes
not apply to:
a) a motor vehicle in dead storage or used
exclusively onan insured premises;
b) any motor vehicle designed principally for
recreational use off publicroads, unless that
vehicle is owned by an insured person and
is being used away from an insured
c) a motorized wheel chair;
Page 17
d) a vehicle used to service an insured
premises which is not designed for use on
public roads and not subject to motor
vehicle registration;
e) a golfcart owned by an insured person
when used forgolfing purposes;
f) a trailer of theboat, camper, home orutility
type unlessit is being towed orcarried by a
motorized land vehicle;
g) lawn and gardenimplements under40
h) bodily injury to a residence employee.
6. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of the ownership,
maintenance, use, occupancy, renting, loaning,
entrusting, loading or unloading of watercraft
away from an insured premises if the watercraft:
a) has inboard or inboard-outboard motor
power of more than 50 horsepower;
b) is a sailing vessel26 feetor more in length;
c) is powered by one ormoreoutboard motors
with more than 25 total horsepower;
d) is designated as an airboat, air cushion, or
similar type ofwatercraft;or
e) is a personal watercraft, meaning a craft
propelled by a water jet pump engine and
designed to be operated by a person or
persons sitting, standing or kneeling on the
This exclusiondoes not apply to bodily injuryto
a residenceemployee.
7. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of:
a) the negligent supervision by an insured
person ofany person; or
b) any liability statutorily imposed on any
insured person
arising from the ownership, maintenance,
use,occupancy,renting, loaning, entrusting,
loading or unloading ofany aircraft,
watercraft, motor vehicle or trailer which is
not covered under Section II ofthis policy.
8. We do not cover any bodily injury which results
in any mannerfrom the discharge, dispersal,
release orescape ofvapors, fumes, acids,toxic
chemicals, toxic gasses,toxic liquids,toxic solids,
waste materials or other irritants,contaminantsor
We do cover bodily injurywhich results from
such discharge if thedischarge is sudden and
9. We do not cover any property damage
consisting of or caused by vapors, fumes, acids,
toxic chemicals,toxic gasses, toxic liquids,toxic
solids, waste materials or other irritants,
contaminants or pollutants.
10. We do not cover any bodily injury or property
damage arising out of any liability statutorily
imposed upon any insured personin any
manner, consisting of or caused by vapors,
fumes, acids,toxic chemicals, toxic gasses, toxic
liquids,toxic solids, waste materials orother
irritants,contaminants or pollutants.
11. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of the rendering of, or failure
to render, professional services by an insured
12. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of the past or present
business activities of an insured person.
We do cover the occasional or part-time
business activities of an insured personwho is a
student under21 years of age.
13. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage arising out of any premises,other than
an insured premises, owned, rented or
controlled byan insured person. This exclusion
does not apply to bodily injury to a residence
14. We do not cover property damage to property
rented to, occupied or used by,or in the care of,
an insured person.This exclusion does not apply
Page 18
if the property damage is caused by fire,
explosion or smoke.
15. We do not cover any liability an insured person
assumes arising out of any contract or
16. We do not cover bodily injury or property
damage caused by war orwarlike acts,including,
but notlimitedto insurrection, rebellion or
Coverage Y
Guest Medical Protection
Losses We Cover Under Coverage Y:
Allstate willpay the reasonable expenses incurredfor
necessary medical, surgical, x-ray and dental services;
ambulance, hospital, licensed nursing and funeral
services; and prosthetic devices, eye glasses, hearing
aids, and pharmaceuticals. These expenses mustbe
incurred and the services performed within three years
from the date of an occurrence causing bodily injury
to which this policy applies,and is covered by this part
of the policy.
Each person who sustains bodily injury is entitled to
this protection when that person is:
1. on the insured premises with the permission of
an insured person;or
2. off the insured premises,if the bodily injury:
a) arises out of a condition onthe insured
premises or immediately adjoining ways;
b) is caused by the activities ofan insured
person or a residence employee;
c) is caused by an animalowned by or in the
care of an insuredperson; or
d) is sustained by a residence employee.
Losses We Do Not Cover Under Coverage
1. We do not cover any bodily injury intended by,
or which may reasonably be expected to result
from the intentional or criminal actsor omissions
of, any insured person. This exclusion applies
even if:
a) such insured person lacks the mental
capacity to govern his or her own conduct;
b) such bodily injury is of a different kind or
degree than intended or reasonably
expected; or
c) such bodily injury is sustained by a different
person than intended or reasonably
This exclusionapplies regardless of whether or
not such insured person is actually charged with,
or convicted of a crime.
2. We do not cover bodily injury toany insured
person or regular residentof the insured
premises. However, this exclusion does not
apply to a residence employee.
3. We do not cover bodily injury toany person
eligible to receive anybenefits voluntarily
provided, or required to be provided, under any
workers’ compensation, non-occupational
disability or occupational disease law.
4. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofthe
ownership, maintenance, use, occupancy,
renting, loaning, entrusting,loading or unloading
of aircraft.
5. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofthe
ownership, maintenance, use, occupancy,
renting, loaning, entrusting,loading or unloading
of any motorvehicle ortrailer.However, this
exclusion does not apply to:
a) a motor vehicle in dead storage or used
exclusively onan insured premises;
b) any motor vehicle designed principally for
recreational use off publicroads, unless that
vehicle is owned by an insured person and
is being used away from an insured
c) a motorized wheel chair;
d) a vehicle used to service an insured
premises which is not designed for use on
public roads and not subject to motor
vehicle registration;
Page 19
e) a golfcart owned by an insured person
when used forgolfing purposes;
f) a trailer of theboat, camper, home orutility
type unlessit is being towed orcarried by a
motorized land vehicle;
g) lawn or garden implements under 40
h) bodily injury to a residence employee.
6. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofthe
ownership, maintenance, use, occupancy,
renting, loaning, entrusting,loading or unloading
of watercraft away from an insured premises if
the watercraft:
a) has inboard or inboard-outboard motor
power of more than 50 horsepower;
b) is a sailing vessel26 feetor more in length;
c) is powered by one ormoreoutboard motors
with more than 25 total horsepower;
d) is designated as an airboat, air cushion, or
similar type ofwatercraft;or
e) is a personal watercraft, meaning a craft
propelled by a water jet pump engine and
designed to be operated by a person or
persons sitting, standing or kneeling on the
This exclusiondoes not apply to bodily injuryto
a residenceemployee.
7. We do not cover bodily injury arising out of:
a) the negligent supervision by any insured
person ofany person; or
b) any liability statutorily imposed on any
insured person
arising from the ownership, maintenance,use,
occupancy, renting, loaning, entrusting, loading
or unloading of any aircraft, watercraft,motorized
land vehicle or trailer which is not covered under
Section II of this policy.
8. We do not cover any bodily injury which results
in any mannerfrom the discharge, dispersal,
release orescape ofvapors, fumes, acids,toxic
chemicals, toxic gasses,toxic liquids,toxic solids,
waste materials or other irritants,contaminantsor
We do cover bodily injurywhich results from
such discharge if thedischarge is sudden and
9. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofthe
rendering of, or failure to render professional
services by, an insured person.
10. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofthe
past or present business activities ofan insured
We do cover the occasional or part-time
business activities of an insured personwho is a
student under21 years of age.
11. We do not cover bodily injury toany person on
the insured premisesbecause ofa business
activity orprofessional service conducted there.
12. We do not cover bodily injury arising out ofany
premises, other than an insured premises,
owned, rented or controlled by an insured
person. This exclusion does notapply to bodily
injury to a residence employee.
13. We do not cover bodily injury caused by war or
warlike acts, including, but notlimited to
insurrection, rebellion, or revolution.
We willpay,in addition to the limits of liability:
1. Claim Expenses
We willpay:
a) all costs we incur in the settlement ofany
claim or the defense of any suit against an
insured person;
b) interest accruing on damages awarded until
such time as we have paid,formally offered,
or deposited in courtthe amount forwhich
we are liable under this policy;interest willbe
paid only on damages which do not exceed
our limits of liability;
c) premiums on bonds required in any suit we
defend; wewillnot pay bond premiums in
an amount that is more than our limit of
Page 20
liability; we have no obligation toapply for or
furnish bonds;
d) up to $100 per day for loss of wages and
salary, when we ask you to attend trials and
e) any other reasonable expenses incurred by
an insured person at our request.
2. Emergency First Aid
We willpay reasonable expenses incurred by an
insured person for first aid toother persons at
the time of an accidentinvolving bodily injury
covered underthis policy.
3. Damage ToProperty Of Others
At your request, we will pay up to $250 each time
an insured person causes property damage to
someoneelse’s property. At our option,we will
pay the cost to either repair or replace the
property damaged by an insured person, without
deduction for depreciation.
We willnot pay for property damage:
a) to propertycovered underSection I of this
b) to propertyintentionally damaged by an
insured person whohas attained the age of
c) to propertyowned by or rented toan
insured person, any tenant of an insured
person, or any resident in your household;
d) arising outof:
1) past or present business activities;
2) any act or omission in connection with
a premises, other than an insured
premises, owned, rented or controlled
by an insured person; or
3) the ownership or use of a motorized
land vehicle,trailer, aircraft or
1. WhatYou Must Do After An AccidentalLoss
In the event of bodily injury or property damage,
you must do the following:
a) Promptly notify us or our agent stating:
1) your name and policy number;
2) the date, theplace and the
circumstances of the loss;
3) the name and address of anyone who
mighthave a claim against an insured
4) the names and addresses ofany
b) Promptly send us any legal papers relating
to the accident.
c) At our request, an insured person will:
1) cooperate with us and assistus in any
matterconcerning a claim or suit;
2) help us enforce any right ofrecovery
against any person or organization who
may be liable to an insured person;
3) attend any hearing or trial.
d) Under the Damage To Property Of Others
protection, give us a sworn statement of the
loss. This must bemade within 60 days after
the date of loss. Also, an insured person
must be prepared to showus any damaged
property underthat person’s control.
Any insured person will notvoluntarily pay any
money, assume anyobligations or incur any
expense, other than for first aid to others atthe
time of the loss as provided forin this policy.
2. WhatAn Injured Person Must Do Coverage Y
Guest Medical Protection
If someone is injured,that person, orsomeone
acting for that person, must do the following:
a) Promptly give us written proof ofthe loss.If
we request,this must be done under oath.
b) Give us written authorization to obtain copies
of all medical records and reports.
c) Permit doctors we selectto examine the
injured person as often as we may
reasonably require.
3. Our PaymentOf Loss Coverage Y Guest
We may pay the injured person or theprovider of
the medical services. Payment under this
coverage is not an admission of liability by us or
an insured person.
Page 21
4. Our Limits Of Liability
Regardless of the number of insured persons,
injured persons, claims, claimantsor policies
involved, our total liability under Coverage X
Family Liability Protection for damages resulting
from one occurrence will not exceedthe limit
shown on the Policy Declarations. All bodily
injury and property damage resultingfrom
continuous orrepeated exposure to the same
general conditions is considered the resultof one
Our total liability under Coverage Y Guest
MedicalProtection for all medical expenses
payable for bodily injury, to any one person, shall
not exceed the "each person" limit shown on the
Policy Declarations.
5. Bankruptcy
We are not relieved ofany obligation under this
policy because of the bankruptcy or insolvency of
an insured person.
6. Our Rights To Recover Payment Coverage X
Family Liability Protection
When we pay any loss, an insuredperson’s right
to recoverfrom anyone else becomes ours up to
the amount we have paid. An insured person
must protect these rights andhelp us enforce
7. Suit Against Us
a) No suit or action canbe broughtagainst us
unless there has been full compliance with
all theterms of this policy.
b) No suit or action canbe broughtagainst us
under Coverage X Family Liability
Protection until the obligation of an insured
person to pay is finally determined either by
judgment against the insured person after
actual trial, orby written agreement ofthe
insured person, injured person, and us.
c) No one shall have any right to make us a
party to a suit to determine the liability ofan
insured person.
8. Other Insurance Coverage X Family
Liability Protection
This insurance is excess over any other validand
collectible insurance except insurance that is
written specifically as excess over the limits of
liability that apply to this policy.
SectionIII OptionalProtection
Optional Coverages You May Buy
The following Optional Coverages may supplement
coverages found in Section I or Section IIand apply
only when they are indicated on thePolicy
Declarations. The provisions ofthis policy apply to
each OptionalCoverage in this section unless modified
by the terms and conditions of the specific Optional
1. Coverage BC
Building Codes
We willpay upto 10% ofthe amount of
insurance onthe Policy Declarations under
Coverage A Dwelling Protection to comply
with local building codes after covered loss to
dwelling or when repair or replacement results in
increased cost due to the enforcement ofany
building codes, ordinances or laws regulating the
construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair
or demolition of the dwelling.
2. Coverage DP
Increased Coverage On Electronic Data
Processing Equipment
The $3,000 limitation on electronic data
processing equipment under Coverage C
Personal Property Protection, and the recording
or storage media used with that equipment, is
increased to the amount shown on the Policy
3. Coverage F
Fire DepartmentCharges
The $250 limit applying to the fire department
service charges under AdditionalProtection is
increased to the amount shown on the Policy
Page 22
4. Coverage G
Loss Assessments
If your residence premises includes a building
structure which is constructed in common with
one or more similar buildings, and youare a
member of, and subject to the rules of, an
association governing the areas held in common
by all building owners as members of the
association, the insured premisesmeans the
building structure occupied exclusively by your
household as a private residence,including the
grounds,related structures and private
approaches to them.
We willpay yourshare of any special
assessments charged againstall building owners
by the association up to the limit of liability shown
on the Policy Declarations, when the assessment
is made as a resultof:
a) sudden and accidentaldirect physical lossto
the property held in common by all building
ownerscaused by a loss we cover under
Section Iof this policy; or
b) bodily injury or property damage covered
under Section II of this policy.
Any reductionor elimination ofpayments for
losses because of any deductible applying to the
insurance coverage of the association ofbuilding
ownerscollectively is not covered under this
Allstate willpay only when the assessment levied
against the insured person, as a result of any one
loss, for bodily injury or property damage
exceeds $250and then only for the amount of
such excess. This coverage is not subject to any
deductible applying to Section I of this policy.
In the event of an assessment, this coverage is
subject toall the exclusions applicable to
Sections I and II of this policy and the Sections I
and II Conditions, except as otherwise noted.
This coverage is excess over any insurance
collectible under any policy or policies covering
the association of buildingowners.
5. Coverage J
Extended CoverageOn Jewelry, Watches and
Coverage C PersonalProperty Protectionis
extended to pay for sudden and accidental direct
physical damage to the following property,
subject tothe provisions in this coverage:
a) jewelry, watches,gems,precious and semi-
precious stones,gold, platinum; and
b) furs, including any item containing furwhich
represents its principal value.
The total amount of coverage and peritem limitis
shown on the Policy Declarations. This amount is
not in addition to the amount ofinsurance
applying toCoverage C Personal Property
Protection. However, in no event will coverage be
less than wouldhave applied in the absence of
Coverage J.
We do not cover loss caused by or consistingof:
a) intentional or criminal acts ofor at the
direction of any insuredperson,if the loss
that occurs:
1) may be reasonably expected to result
from such acts; or
2) is the intended result of such acts.
b) wear and tear, gradualdeterioration, inherent
vice, insects orvermin;
c) nuclear action, meaning nuclearreaction,
discharge, radiation orradioactive
contaminationor any consequence of any of
these. Loss caused by nuclear action is not
considered a loss by fire, explosion or
We do cover sudden and accidental direct
physical loss by fire resulting from nuclear
d) war or warlike acts, including, butnot limited
to insurrection, rebellion or revolution.
e) failure by any insured person to take all
reasonable steps to preserve property
during and after a loss orwhen the property
is endangered by a loss we cover.
Any deductible shown on the Policy
Declarationsapplicable to Coverage C
Personal Property Protection, also applies
to a loss underthis coverage.
Page 23
6. Coverage K
Incidental Office, Private School Or Studio
a) Coverage C PersonalProperty
Protection isextended to cover the
equipment, supplies and furnishings used in
a described office, private schoolor studio at
your residence premises. This does not
include electronic data processing
equipmentor the recording or storage media
used with thatequipment.
The Coverage K limits areshown on the Policy
Declarations. The first limit applies to propertyon
the residencepremises. The second limit applies
property while away from the residence
premises. This coverage doesnot include
property held for sample,sale or delivery after
b) Coverage X Family Liability Protection
and Coverage Y GuestMedical
Protection are extended to cover a described
office, private schoolor studio occupied by
an insured person.The occupancy of the
described propertyshall not be considered a
We do not cover bodily injury to:
a) any employee other than a residence
employee, or
b) any person arising out of corporal
punishment administered by or at the
direction of an insured person.
7. Coverage LR
Lock Replacement
Coverage A Dwelling Protection is extended
to include reasonable expensesyou incur to
replace or re-key exterior door locks at the
residence premises with locks or cylinders of
like kind and quality. Coverage is provided when a
key to a lock is stolen as part of a covered theft
loss. The limit ofliability under this coverage
following any one theft loss is $250.
8. Coverage M
Increased Coverage On Money
The $100 limitation on money, bullion, bank
notes,coins and other numismatic property
under Coverage C Personal Property
Protection isincreased to the amount shown on
the Policy Declarations.
9. Coverage P
Business Pursuits
Coverage X Family Liability Protection and
Coverage Y Guest Medical Protection are
extended to cover specified business pursuits of
an insured person.
We do not cover:
a) bodily injury or property damage arising
out ofthe business pursuits ofan insured
person when thebusiness is owned or
financially controlled by the insured person.
This also means a partnership or joint
venture of which an insured person is a
partner or member;
b) bodily injury or property damage arising
out ofthe rendering or failureto rendera
professional service of anynature, other
than teaching;
c) bodily injury to a fellow employee of an
insured person arising out of and in the
course ofemployment;
d) bodily injury or property damage when an
insured person is a member of a teaching
staff or faculty ofany school or college and
the bodily injury or property damage arises
out ofthe maintenance or use ofsaddle
animals, vehiclesused with saddle animals,
motorized land vehicles,aircraft or watercraft
when owned, hired oroperated by an
insured person or used for the purpose of
instruction; or
e) bodily injury to any person arising out of
corporal punishment administered by or at
the direction of an insured person when an
insured person is a member of the teaching
staff or faculty ofany school of instruction.
Page 24
10. Coverage S
Increased Coverage On Securities
The $500 limitation on accounts, bills,deeds,
evidences ofdebt, letters ofcredit, notes other
than bank notes,passports, securities, tickets, or
stamps,including philatelic property, covered
under Coverage C Personal Property
Protection, is increased to theamount shown on
the Policy Declarations.
11. Coverage SD
Satellite Dish Antennas
Coverage C PersonalProperty Protectionis
extended to pay for sudden and accidental direct
physical loss to satellite dish antennas and their
systemson your residence premises subject to
the provisions of Coverage C Personal
Property Protection.
The amount of coverage is shownon the Policy
12. Coverage SE
Portable Cellular Communication Systems
Coverage C PersonalProperty Protectionis
extended to portable cellular communications
systemsin or upon a motorized land vehicle or
watercraft. This coverage applies only to portable
systemsthat can be powered by electricity from a
motorized land vehicle or watercraft. Coverage
applies whether or not the portable cellular
communication system is used in a business.
The amount of coverage is shownon the Policy
13. Coverage ST
Increased Coverage On Theft Of Silverware
The $1,000 limitation on theft of silverware,
pewterware andgoldware under CoverageC
Personal Property Protection is increased to the
amountshown on the Policy Declarations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Allstate has caused this policy to besigned by its Secretary and its President atNorthbrook,
Illinois, and ifrequired by state law, this policy shall not be binding unless countersigned on the Policy Declarations by
an authorized agent ofAllstate.
Secretary President,
Allstate Personal Property & Casualty Company